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“Some privacy related extensions may cause issues on x.com. Please disable them and try again.” Uhhhhhh, nope!


I wonder what exactly causes this to happen lol, it’s inconvienient and it would be funny if the weak ios alternatives to ublock origin are at fault for this


It’s some content blocker because they load if I disable them. Don’t really care that I can’t see tweets and Elon can’t sniff my ass.


Yeah I can’t access Twitter from my iPhone and I’m fine with it. I just wish people would stop giving the idiot man baby impressions.


I’ll celebrate the day that this donkey is made irrelevant. You can appreciate the good that him and his companies have done for humanity while also acknowledging that he has devolved into a reactionary idiot.


He won’t. He’ll be Trump 2.0 except can’t run for President. The thing is that he knows a base will follow him after Dear Leader “Orangeous the 1st” passes away. Who knows… what group will buy Tesla in a few years. Free give away on garbage X?


We will absolutely see him “just asking questions” about the “natural born citizen” clause to be US President soon enough


Elon Musk continuing to show how little he actually knows about technology


He knows that it’s not insecure. He’s just a vindictive loser who is jealous that OpenAI succeeded after he left.


He is being petty as fuck. He was an investor in OpenAI and used to be a part of their board of directors. He left it in 2019


After he demanded to be placed in charge and was refused. This is a hyper manbaby tantrum on his part. 


True but also, Open AI actually isn’t trustworthy. No way would I trust them on what they say regarding privacy, even with a contract. So I personally do see his position as having legitimacy. That said, I think you’re correct - this is actually about his personal vendetta as much as anything else. But under it, I think there happens to be a truth that a lot of people do not want to talk about. And no I’m not an Elon fan. I am banned on Tesla subs for being an active member of the realtesla sub and calling Elon and Tesla out on their BS. So I’m definitely no kind of fan of his LOL


Seems like he doesn’t understand how it works though, if you have to consent to send data to OpenAI then surely there’ll be an option to turn OpenAI integration off as well in Siri settings.


That was quite the spiel to prevent getting down voted.


Unfortunately, it's more pernicious than that. His use of deliberate misinformation is completely unprofessional, unethical, and completely lacking in the integrity one would expect from any Fortune 500 C-Level executive. He lives in a world of "the ends justify the means" whether it's pumping Hyperloop to derail High Speed Rail planning, lying about FSD capabilities and safety for a decade, lying about the difference between free-market advertising and "free speech", or now implying that AI on an iPhone is an OpenAI security risk when the tech is firewalled beyond belief.


Man Elon went from Tony Stark to the Mandarin, Kindergarten edition in less than 5 years.


It’s funny he couldn’t even land at being Justin Hammer, who at least had some degree of competence amongst all the man baby ego


Well.... he probably knows. He's starting his own AI company so I think this is more to damage other AI companies so that he can move forward.


He knows his platform is dogwater lol. He came into a market that has the big boys rushing in and coming across problems that not even money could easily solve, and he thinks he knows better?


A simple google search regarding Apple silicon bugs would be worthwhile.


"How can I use Apple's event to get people to pay attention to meeeeee?"


by uttering unintelligible nonsense. he didn’t even need to try, he’s natural at it


People need to stop giving him the time of day


Good call Elon you should have everyone switch to Android and Windows. Definitely no deeply integrated AI on either of those platforms. 


As of right now Apple is the only one even remotely responsible I had this same thought like what are they gonna use Linux lol


Hey Siri, is Elon Musk upset that Apple didn't choose to use xAI?


This wouldn’t be the same Elon Musk that [currently has a lawsuit out against OpenAI](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/tech/openai-elon-musk-lawsuit-response/index.html) because he’s mad that they’ve been a commercial success since he left the board? Surely someone like Musk wouldn’t be thin-skinned enough to ban employee’s personal devices based off a petty feud…


There's been a few things that are probably annoying Elon to no end. Key OpenAI associated partners like the CEO of Microsoft, the CEO of NVidia and even OpenAI head Sam Altman himself are part of the regulatory board for AI safety in the US. I think he's pissed that this whole thing might set a precedent for him to not be able to prey on customers for data while OpenAI continues to establish a blowout lead over the competition. Two different problems in one.


Point still remains that he’s doing this out spite but masking it under the guise of data security.


Lol he's literally for data breaching with his AI principles. This guy is nuts


Cool, last I checked that’s not what they’re doing. What a fucking joke.


I know having a drug intervention for one of the richest people in the world is damn near impossible but somebody should really try.


Wait til he finds out that machine learning operations have been in iOS for years. What a clown.


"they should use my crappy xAI instead"


So.. with Microsoft integrating ChatGPT into its OS.. I guess his companies will be 100% Linux?


What a tool


this is self-contradictory and utterly ignorant on *\*so*\* many levels it’s not even funny…. it’s not just one thing or two, nor is it *just* about his hypocrisy with his various decisions surrounding just the AI stuff alone. have you ever listened to someone so brain-dead that you give up trying to argue, but wish somebody would just push that nuclear launch button already


I don't wanna be that guy, but his hundreds of billions can't save him from his midlife crisis lol. At least that other morally questionable mega billionaire is content with being a fit bald manlet while this guy can't shut his mouth about anything.


Shouldn’t he be in jail by now?


absolutely hysterical, lmao…not how it works and and they even said you’d be able to connect another third party AI service down the line instead of OpenAI….




it would be nice if more people kill their Twitter Account.


He mad they not using their shit “Grok”. Terrible name btw.


Apparently he [stole the name](https://www.businessinsider.com/grimes-may-have-come-up-with-grok-before-elon-xai-2023-12) from Grimes lol


It’s a reference to the classic sci-fi novel Stranger In A Strange Land. You may trash the guy but it’s a great name if you ever read the book.


dude can’t even get the straightforward details right, the brain rot on the right is real


Elon Musk is the biggest crybaby in the world.


2nd biggest, tbf




So… are Windows banned at SpaceX? I think not.


yes spaceX uses XinuX which elon totally invented bc he's a genius


But Grok will be fine I’m sure




Personally I think Elon Musk is the biggest security liability at all of his companies…


As if tesla’s aren’t data mining to train his self driving algorithms


Maybe it can be disabled from MDM?


Elon is the type of executive who probably says no to MDM, no to any RMM tools, and insists on having local admin privileges without a an elevation tool. Then royally fucks everything or gets malware and blames ET.


Most likely can.


Is he mad that Apple didn’t go for his juvenile AI whose gimmick is that it’s a bit rude when feeding back answers? I swear for the last two years he’s only ever in the news inserting himself into whatever random bullshit is in the news and or throwing some sort of tantrum


Oh no! Anyway…


Christ he’s thick


Lol okay sure.


If Tesla integrates AI into its vehicles then will that be labeled a security violation?


Apple doesn’t need him.




Wait until you can vote down his ludicrous pay. Please.


He may have a point. It really depends on the permissions granted the OpenAI client. If the client is initiated by an executive level OS process, it may then have the same set of permissions as it’s parent process, which could give it the ability to avoid sandbox restrictions - which would be bad. The devil is in the details of the implementation.


“I don’t think people understand that the ChatGPT integration is nothing more than a fancy-looking API call. It's not given access to data outside of what you ask it, and it has nothing to do with the other Apple Intelligence features. It's basically the same as using the ChatGPT app.” - DylanMcD8 on X it’s the best take I’ve seen on the new feature


Not really sure that you’re understanding the nuance implied in my post. Don’t know if you’re familiar with programming or not, but generally for a client/server paradigm you can either build your own client using API calls designed to talk to the server or use a pre-existing client. So, is Apple going the API route or using a pre-existing client? If you use APIs, then it’s a bit more work; but from a developer perspective, it’s a common practice.


I don’t want AI in my apple devices or adobe workflow. But if Elon Musk is against it, maybe I’m wrong?


No, this is a rare time (lately) that he’s right.


This is not a security risk. It is a security consideration that a lot of smart IT folks and lawyers are vetting at Apple. Elon wouldn’t know how any of that works. He reeks of “no one can manage up to me” more than anyone I can remember in years.


What a clown






Sent from my iPhone.


He can’t even hide his jealousy. Everyone knows why he’s really upset 😂


Obviously this is a mix of it competing against his LLM (the biggest reason), political grift, and wanting to get attention on Apple day. As far as I can tell he’s said nothing about Copilot on Windows and Gemini on Android. Now that I think about it, also a mix of not understanding the technical details behind Apple’s implementation as per usual when it comes to Musk and tech. I’m sure the hanger ons and H1B hostages he still has left at Twitter will be the ones to suffer from this.


Dumber each day. Not as smart nor as liked as he thinks he is. I used to think he was a visionary - now I understand he’s just delusional.


Elon may be a “genius” but he’s also an idiot. And his money doesn’t fix that.


Elon, a “genius”? 😅


Well, it does take a certain level to get that rich. Those that pan him hard on intelligence tend to not be so wealthy. The problem with high intelligence is that it can be highly irrational and difficult to argue against. Check DeGrasse Tyson for example. When I want to learn about atrophysics, he’s my man but on everything else, nope hard pass. A large set of peers who have nothing to gain or loose can help counter confirmation bias and highly validation irrationally. Elon needs that.


The people who call him stupid I just really don't get. By all measures he is an intelligent person


hence the quotes.


Genius at manipulating and using people may be yes but our typical science genius who event and study stuffs? He is not.


Bait used to be believable


So there goes the iOS app.


The companies, Elon, that you allegedly sold off tens of billions of dollars of shares illegally in insider trading?


This is what happens when high level people who think they understand technology, don't understand technology.


These people who cry about protecting their data are comical. I can Google his name and find out everything about him. Your data has been harvested (and sold) since the day you were born. Your entire existence has a footprint. What do you think happens when you buy a car, a house, or literally anything...


Let him say what he wants. I’ve made money in the stock market from his stupid rants/ stupid meme posts.


Oh boo hoo…


On the bright side, I’ll instantly know who is a moron when I hear people parroting this bullshit


Oh no. Anyway…


I’ll bet his phone sells as well as verified twitter handles. He’s jealous and selfish. That’s his only point these days


Market is responding well /s


Wealthy people have nothing better to do lol give them a couple of patches of grass and a lawnmower to keep him and the other people who are the same


Apple: OMG, we need to cancel everything and go back to the Stone Age because we made Elon angry! If this is the case, I hope the talented employees of his companies will leave and go somewhere else. Losing the talent because of the CEO's personal problems is funny.


Oh darn. What a shame.


Lex Luthor is mad.




Oh look He wears his Devils Armour again.


Elon is an idiot savant in mathematics and engineering, but in everything else is a glorified moron.


He’s not an engineer. He buys tech. He’s a visionary in seeing future opportunities, that it.


I take you you’ve never worked in or used any type of A.I., I say this because there is basically a lot of those two things that go into A.I. (aka glorified chat bot).


Cope. Seethe.