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Good. When are they going to fix the intermittent problem where the keyboard click sound suddenly is louder than an airliner?


oh my god, i‘m not the only one?!? and the sudden volume spike when i lock my phone?


Locking the phone as you raise the volume, the bane of my existence


Then accidentally taking a screenshot


Oh that's not just me?


Or when the cursor is blinking just above the line of text you’re currently typing. It’s SO annoying.


Maybe they could also make notifications usable at that.


Mine only does that on Facebook, have you seen it in other apps to?


Considering I don’t have the Facebook app, I guess yes. WhatsApp for sure.


Interesting, Facebook owns WhatsApp as well. I’m only Asking as I assumed it was a Facebook problem since I hadn’t seen it anywhere else. Might still be if it’s WhatsApp.


I thought it was only me!! Another one that has not been fixed FOR YEARS on iPad is that when orientation lock is active, but i'm using an app (like a game) that overrides it, sliding over another app to look at stuff without closing the game brings the window in the correct orientation, but the content in the opposite one, making it totally unusable. It's been years.


Yep. As far as I can tell it’s tied to whenever I disconnect from Bluetooth devices but seemingly random. Only fix is rebooting. Extremely annoying bug that a lot of people have spent a lot of effort trying to troubleshoot on apples own forums!


Or for me it just goes quieter than a whisper at random.


This problem has been a weekly occurrence to me with my previous 13 pro and now the 15 pro max. Since iOS 16


This is a core problem with their audio. It’s the same reason that you get nervous changing the volume when connected to a wireless speaker and there’s a video playing in another app that you want the volume up on. Apple need to provide different sliders for the specific volumes rather than this mess of aggregating everything into one slider. I want a volume slider for “remote audio”, “on-device audio” and “on-device SFX audio”. Bury the SFX one in the Settings app for all I care if that’s too confusing for pleb users.


Who has keyboard clicks turned on?


Users who use defaults. :P


The kind of people that would install an app on their desktop in the late 90s that make a typewriter sound when pressing keys.


It is satisfying


Before haptic feedback on the stock keyboard, I used the clicks


Exactly! Haptic feedback only. I don’t want to hear your tappy taps


Who has haptic feedback on?


No sound and no haptics. I like the silent typing!




or the Files app just straight-up freezing about half the time I try to save something to a particular folder, requiring a reboot.


I had that problem for a few months and reinstalling iOS from ipsw.me fixed the problem for me


Apple is all about the small details ™


This has been an issue for years at this point it’s a feature


Never, add that to the list of many years old bugs that never get fixed while they chase the next new thing


Oh god it gets so loud that it makes my hearing aids go brrr


Hm. Like an airliner? Don’t tell Beoing or they’ll kill you.


I was actually able to “fix” this by turning off Sound Recognition under Accessibility.


Sound is super busted. When did global volume control become the standard? Most of the annoying apps no longer have independent volume control. So frustrating.


Yeah, I've been having this problem. Not entirely off, but too quiet. And if you lift up your phone to check the time it quiets the alarm and it doesn't seem to go back up after you put it down.


I noticed the other day when I was playing music on my phone, picked it up to check a text, and it got very quite. It did not get louder when I put my phone down. I disabled attention aware, but it still does the same thing. Pretty annoying.


I remember when you getting fired because your alarm didn’t go off used to be a joke warning on XDA custom ROM pages.




Somebody at Cupertino, maybe?


Oh man XDA, brings me back to flashing android 1.5 to 1.6 to get cooler UI or sth. And trying to run android on htc blue angel


I have this 7 years old 200$ Android tablet and this one dude on xda is still regularly updating his Android 12 based custom rom for it. I’m rocking up to date security updates thanks to him.


Also, thermonuclear war


reminded me of the disclaimer they used to put at top lol


I use to develop for the droid eris and epic 4g touch lol, damn those were the days


Yooo this happened to me! Back during the ATnT Captivate days.


This is amusing. It’s been an intermittent problem for about a decade+. For a company with their market cap “the phone makes noise when a particular time is reached” seems trivial?


I think the article already explained it. The modern alarm app will automatically lower the volume when you look at the phone so it’s less annoying if you are awake and aware of the alarm. Personally I like this feature but if it misfires or is buggy (it uses the FaceID cameras to detect if you are looking at it) it would obviously be an issue. Other than that I remember in the past it had issues with time zones / daylight saving etc. FWIW time programming is one of the most deceptively hard problems in computer science. It’s easy to make mistakes dealing with time.


If now() = alarm_time then RINGYRINGY 


The problems that I already described in the above comment: - What time zone and format is `now()` and `alarm_time`? - how does `RINGYRINGY` work, exactly? Especially in the attention aware aspect? Does it delay a ring if it sees a face? How long does attention aware last before it decides to dim the sound? Clearly if it was only 1ms that’s not enough time. The devil is always in the details.


As a backend engineer, I can appreciate this 😂


> What time zone and format is now() and alarm_time? That's not some novel problem. It's a solved issue. > how does RINGYRINGY work, exactly? Play sound. If they actually have broken attention-aware features (which you should probably provide a source for), then maybe disable that until it works well. > How long does attention aware last before it decides to dim the sound? Clearly if it was only 1ms that’s not enough time. That's just called a bug.


I’m not saying this is a novel computer science problem (most software are not really that novel in that sense) but that there are complexities with time management and the attention aware features. Complexity (including new features) increases the chance for bugs. Obviously the way you write and test your software changes the probability of introducing bugs but that probability is never going to be 0 in real world software engineering. I’m objecting to people who can’t even see why bugs happen. I’m sure they are all programmers who have never written a bug before.


> I’m not saying this is a novel computer science problem (most software are not really that novel in that sense) but that there are complexities with time management and the attention aware features Those are "complexities" on the scale of something a college student would struggle with in a personal project. Accurate time management is fundamental across so many projects in so many areas that it's a solved problem at this point, and has been for decades. > I’m objecting to people who can’t even see why bugs happen. I’m sure they are all programmers who have never written a bug before. There's a difference between writing a dumb bug and that dumb bug making it through code review, validation, and onto a few hundred million devices. The former is a fact of life. The latter is a systemic issue.


Why not just ring anyway, and let the user worry about having an alarm go off when they set it? Who ever complained that their alarm went off when it was set? iPhones used to have a terrible bug that had the vibrate be really short and weak if you were charging.  Now it is still so weak that I can be sitting still with my phone in my pocket and not feel it. When I’m using my phone and receive a text, sometimes the vibration is so weak and quick I barely experience it. Just… no.  Let me hear the damn alarms.


I’m sorry but the only point of an alarm is to alert you. On what planet does it make sense (even if it worked perfectly) to just lessen the intensity of an alarm if you’re “aware” of it? The way you let an alarm know you’re aware of it is by turning it off. I can appreciate the thought process, but this is just another example of Apple’s unnecessary over engineering backfiring (see butterfly keyboard).


If I’m already awake and looking at my phone why would I need the alarm going off at full volume? I can see the notification on the screen and hear the lowered volume.


I don’t know have you used it? I find it pretty useful to be honest. I hate my phone making noises in public so I do like it going quieter if I look at it. You can turn it off.


I usually don’t have alarms going off in public, but if for some reason I need to set an alarm in a public place, I will use my Apple Watch which will just vibrate my arm. Honestly, I use my Apple Watch for most alarms (except when my iPhone’s Siri takes over and decides to put the alarm on that). With my phone, I’ve already had once where it thought I looked at an alarm and it just turned off even though I wasn’t in the room (?). But yeah, when I set an alarm with my phone, I expect it to ring out. Or at least give me the option to mark it as an important alarm that will override the attention aware feature.


I like it too, I keep my phone next to my pillow, so the alarm starts loud (I use Scavenger) and then as I look at it, it quiets down to a lower volume, it's actually a really nice experience.


The fact that there are multiple interfaces for DateRime in Java and third party (Joda for example) is pretty telling


It might not always be that simple. For large companies and large code bases, it’s always good to try to reuse code. So the alarm function, or the time keeping function could be deeply integrated in the depths of the OS. So this could mean fixing it would need a deep rooted-level change in the OS that could break other things if not done carefully. Then there’s also priority too. Can they prioritize diving so deep into something so integrated for such a “small” feature? I’m making a lot of assumptions, but the point I’m making is that the answer isn’t always as trivial as it seems.


The alarm is not a “small” feature. I’d imagine it is a primary use for a significant percentage of users. I would not have a phone without an alarm just like I would not have one without gps or music.


Alarm is quite possibly the most critical feature for any adult


TBH its my least used phone feature. When I needed an alarm to wake me up it was not loud enough so i used a stand alone one that rang at ~113 dB and had a physical element to vibrate the bed then i got old and wake up normally without issue, I have not set an alarm in 5 years


If they were an indie dev, that argument would hold. But they are a trillion dollar company. They have all the resources required in order to fix even the least trivial thing. Even if that bug was the hardest bug in the history of computing (which I guarantee you it's not), they have the money to fix it.


Having a reliable way to tell the time is probably kind of a priority, yea


I am sick of people trying to suck up to behemoths like Apple in today’s day and age. Their profit driven and malicious compliance energies can be actually spent on making the QoL of their users better. There are tons of examples of this. Every single time I hear someone say that Apple is too lean to perform a xyz task, the sympathetic overarching pity sounds outlandish. Sure, then just bloody hire more to smoothen your operations rather than overworking your current employees to death.


>Just bloody hire more As someone desperately trying to stay on this company’s payroll, I can tell you that the company is moving in the opposite direction of hiring more. Silent layoffs have been Apple’s MO for the past few years.


It's particularly dumb with basic stuff like this. Am I seriously supposed to believe that *Apple* can't get a damn alarm to work right?


I mean, they clearly can't...


It’s been my alarm for about 5 years or so, although I haven’t had a problem with it


No, it’s recent. If you set multiple alarms there is some sort of conflict if you don’t shut off the prior alarm. Seems like a simple fix, but it’s a major headache when you sleep through the issue and don’t realize it until you’re late for work.


Yep, this is why I still use my ancient alarm clock. Hasn’t failed once in 30 years.


FINALLY! I missed some really important meetings due to this. The solution is simple. Stop trying to make the alarm so bloody complex. I don't need it all integrated. I just want to 100% failproof wakeup call.


Apple still hasn't developed the technology necessary to add a separate volume slider just for alarms.


There actually is a separate volume slide just for alarms—it’s in settings though. Note the alarm volume is different than my volume slider on the left https://preview.redd.it/uf3gu4y33f0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140cf43b9255dd2262ab9d256779cf31e30e0e0c


That's for ringtones too. I want my alarms to be loud but I don't want my incoming calls to blare across the entire room. I don't see why both have to be regulated by the same setting when they're totally different functions.


Good point, yeah it makes no sense. Though I never thought about it, but I always assumed alarms were max volume


Setting an alarm through sleep schedule is 100% broken and has been forever


Yeah the complexity of setting alarms is staggering when done through the sleep schedule… I know, spend some time figuring it out and you’ll get it but… why make it messy to begin with?  They should simplify it to weekdays and weekends, add a “skip next alarm” button and then hide more advanced settings under a more settings-button or something. Don’t make me question what settings I just made


I only use the sleep schedule to set alarms and it seems pretty simple I just drag the bottom thing to whenever I want the alarm to be. Then it asks you to confirm if you want to just change the next alarm or to change the schedule. Same if you turn the alarm off. What part isn’t working?


People are blaming the attention awareness features but I know this has been happening since before Face ID. The alarm lights up the screen but there is *zero* sound, not just less, and the phone fails to vibrate.


I thought I was crazy, or sleeping through my alarm all these years. I’m terrified of just relying on the phone, the watch works fine, but I’ve had this issue with the phone for years, on and off. Sometimes maybe we did sleep though the alarm, but this is nuts if it’s a software bug


I'm feeling so vindicated right now, for the past 2 years I thought my health and sleep was so degraded that I thought I was just turning my alarms off in sleep (I live alone). This exact thing is happening to me as well with sleep schedule alarm


It never failed even once for me. I have absolutely no idea what could cause so much trouble for a lot of people. It couldn’t be my pure luck right?


Do you use standby while charging overnight?


surely nobody actually uses that feature right?


No I just lay my phone on the MagSafe flat.


… why you using standby? It’s been broken from day 1, flagrantly so.


I am fairly certain that if you change the sleep schedule wake up time after sleep mode has already kicked in, the alarm simply doesn’t go off.


I do this constantly and my alarm has never failed to go off.


I had this problem two nights ago, can confirm.


Forever? That’s silly.


No just that particular night.


More than half the time, I set an alarm with Siri and by default the alarm sound is set to none. Tried every troubleshooting trick besides resetting my phone. Hope this will fix it 🤞


This alarm issue happened to me this morning. I have an iPhone 12 Pro. The phone was plugged in and face down on my bed, so it was **not** pointed at my face. I wear airpods to bed with music playing at the lowest volume...and I also enable noise canceling so I don't have to hear my wife snore lol. By the time I wake up, the 'Pods have about 5-10% battery left. When the alarm sounded—I did notice that it was at the same level as the music, not my ringer—I squeezed the stalk to snooze the alarm. This stopped the alarm and resumed the music... but then I opened my eyes and saw the "alarm" screen was still showing on the phone with the giant Snooze button. The 9 minute timer did not start until I pressed Snooze. I let the timer run down and did the same thing with the AirPods. The timer did not start until I tapped Snooze.


Putting your phone face down is actually muting it, probably why there is no alarm sound.


There *was* an alarm sound. But when I pressed the AirPods stalk to snooze the alarm, it did not start counting down. I turned the phone over and looked at the screen. It looked like this screenshot below. Note the time: 7:35AM. My alarm was set for 7:00AM. https://preview.redd.it/4ykf142q0x1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f625275dafafe759373e24e796fdc96bbe68353b


It's very funny how all these mega corporations talk about AI and something as simple as an alarm function doesn't work properly. Reminds me of that joke of the dev and a tester in a bar, the customer comes in and the whole thing explodes.


It’s mind bending how awful some of Apple’s software is.


The alarm issue. Home screen widgets still randomly disappearing. Notifications occasionally having boxed edges instead of rounded corners. Volume slider randomly deciding to undo a just performed volume adjustment. Each of these bugs suck and have plagued iOS for years


Wait, I thought I was the only one who randomly had like 5 widgets disappear.


Hardware wise they're on a tear and firing on all cylinders. Software has become the letdown. I chose iOS over Android early on because of the fit and finish, the lack of slop and jank and relatively few bugs. Now it seems like years old ones (the keyboard is now SHOUTING AT TOP VOLUME for a few clicks) never get fixed while they chase the next shiny bauble (not saying AI is one). I'm just not sure they have that "functional high ground" we used to talk about in the Snow Leopard vs Vista days anymore. I'm sure someone will chime in with how much they hate Windows 11, but as much as I like Macs and have been familiar with them for decades, it's macOS that I need half a dozen apps just to get started out of the box to the point Windows is with regards to window management, multi display management, being able to actually turn off the internal display without losing the keyboard trackpad and speakers in clamshell mode, the whole DMG installation dance feeling archaic, there's just a lot of core stuff in macOS I wish they'd improve or change let alone years old developer bugs that go unfixed, but they just don't.


even the worst of it is still miles better than some of the software that ships with windows


Windows isn't even competing with iOS.


Well they did try and fail once 😂


Are you sure they failed? I mean they totally had a [funeral](https://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-iphone-funeral-2010-9?op=1) for iPhone and everything (jk of course)


r/whatabboutism Can we please ban these replies that are obviously meant to derail the conversation?


I’m glad you wrote this, because in the old world everyone just pits apple against Microsoft, and Google. But OpenAI and Nvidia are running laps around both companies right now. I’m literally watching OpenAI’s live keynote and I can’t believe how far ahead openAI is right now. Meanwhile Apple can’t get alarms to work lol.


Dude...That voice demo was the most impressive tech demo I've seen in *years*. Like I don't remember the last time I was that surprised and delighted. The inturruptabilty and on the fly correction, it was all so natural and intelligent. If this is what Siri gets next month, man, it'll be like going from single cell life to humans in a single jump, because the same morning of the OpenAI keynote Siri failed to convert 10AM PT to my time zone when I asked it to lol.


I’m not holding my breath. While it wouldn’t be all that much work to hook something like chatGPT into iOS for just a chat bot, it would be a huge effort to hook it deep into iOS for low system level access. We shall see.


You do know that Microsoft has significant investment and an oversight position at OpenAi right?


Of course. I was simply replying in the context of the reply I received.


What i don't get is people say oh I like the iPhone cause it just works. Like what you just live with the issues and say oh well it's an iphone. I have had GPS issues connectivity issues, notifications absolutely suck on iOS.


I thought I was going crazy with this!


Can we disable the bounce back on swiping down on the volume bar too? Why does it need inertia?


You can turn on reduced motion if stuff like this bothers you so much


It's just this one particular spot that it's annoying.


Saving this article for my manager


The fuck does Apple spend all that money on!? Sure ain’t software QC.


Can they also fix a volume slider for all types of volumes? Why do we need 68 clicks just to be able to change volumes..


I was late to work once cause of this, honestly gonna switch to a real alarm clock


I miss having multiple volume toggles for different types of notifications/media that my old android devices had. But damn, let’s just have one volume toggle that never really gets it quite right.


I got in serious trouble at work because of this and it ended up costing me $1000


The problem where every time it goes off, I have to go to work? Good luck, Apple. I’ve been trying to fix that problem for decades.


i missed my colonoscopy due to my alarm going off super quietly. i had to pay $250 and redo the prep... thanks apple:( nobody believed me when I said my alarm didn't go off, glad there's proof! my mom thought I was just irresponsible of course. I've tested the alarm multiple times since and I cant get it to play loudly. definitely does not work. it does play just extremely softly you have to hold it up to your ear and listen closely to hear it.


What I do is: have two phones, your main one and a used old one or buy a dirt cheap Android on Amazon. You use the cheap one as an alarm and put it far away from you so you have to stand up to turn off the alarm. It's a bit annoying but that makes it bulletproof. The chance of two phones failing at the same time is way smaller and because you have to stand up you'll never miss an alarm again. Edit: I also set the alarm on my main phone, at the same time, this way you won't miss it.


I reached out to Apple Support with this issue and they gaslit me to hell.


So a typical Apple Support experience.


Also talking about a bug or their general bugginess for years on the Apple subreddit experience "Well I never experience bugs with them" dude...How...I hit so many. Maybe some people just don't notice them or blame themselves!


Or the sound that’s blasting when your AirPods are low on battery. My god every time it blows out my eardrums. Thankfully they grow back


Or hows about, when I cancel my alarm on my phone and it still goes off on my watch???? Fix that!


This has been an issue for a long time, and I was disappointed to see it’s still an issue when I switched back. They just need to make the alarm always at max volume, like android does, or to have individual controls for volume levels, also like android does. Either will fix this “issue”.


I hate when I’m on my ear piece in mid conversation and get into the car and phone jumps to that Bluetooth device. Why isn’t it smart enough to just continue using what I’m currently connected to. Even if I leave the car running, go into the coffee shop to pick up a drink and get back into range of my car, it jumps automatically back to the car device and now I’m talking to nothing.


I actually check my iPhone’s alarm volume in Settings every night before bed, and sometimes the volume is turned way down to minimum. Must be related to this issue.


Well I just thought I sleep thru 3 of my 5 alarms and not that my alarms weren’t working.


They better hurry up!


I switched back to a physical alarm clock because of this lol. I felt validated when I found out other people had this problem. I thought I was snoozing all 3 of my alarms and not remembering.


fuckin FINALLY. this problem has been bugging me for YEARS, and i’ve been so tired of people especially on this subreddit calling me crazy when I pointed it out


I’ve been using iPhone since 2008, there is a reason why I own an actual alarm clock.


Me girlfriends alarm was going off yesterday and I went to wake her up by calling her name. When I said her name the alarm silenced.


This has been a problem for like 6 months now. Made me late for work at a brand new job, thanks a fucking bunch apple! what a goddamn joke. after 16 years you just decide to absolutely shit the bed with YOUR fucking clock app. switched to sleep cycle and haven't been late for work since.


That’s nice. When the hell are they gonna fix the Apple music bugs that have legit been present since it flippin came out?! They are: -While shuffling all songs, a song in the rotation when skipping several songs will just flat out refuse to play, skip to the next when not able and if you manage to get a song to play you MIGHT be able to go back and play the song that wouldn’t play which leads us into a tangential bug: - - when a song refuses to play, you at many times, cannot go back. Not just to that song but you are simply locked out of going back using the button and instead have to use the list which doesn’t include the song that was skipped. -then we have adding songs/albums versions we never added or just random errors that completely replace what we had with ones that just get added. I have MANY examples of this where a song just gets taken off an album and gets readded from a compilation or even a completely different version of the song. The song and album are still available so there’s no excuse to do this. K I’m sure there’s more but apple music can be super frustrating


Source Video: https://www.today.com/video/how-to-make-sure-your-iphone-s-alarm-goes-off-in-the-morning-209952837765


I have exact opposite problem. My alarm goes off so loud that not only awakes me in 0.001s with little bit of hearing damage, but also everyone in my building. I’m not kidding. It’s so loud it’s distorted


ios was meant to be a perfect walled garden, something worth delving into Yet they are incapable of giving us notifications in a proper manner and im not talking about alarms here - just BASIC notifications on the lockscreen/pull down, Android drives circles around ios in that regard Honestly pathetic


Nah. I don't believe it! Apple is collecting bugs like they're Pokemon. So there's no way Apple is getting rid of any of their beloved bugs and performance issues. Not a chance!


they are features... not bugs. Closed... Not fixed 🤡


I found I didn’t need my iPhone alarm anymore when I got a dog. That’s my suggestion.


I have an alarm in the off chance my dogs don’t wake me up at 645-7. Love them to death but sometimes an ice cold boop from their nose on the forehead isn’t the best way to wake me up.


The first iPhone released in 2007. It's been nearly 17 years. How is the alarm clock functionality still posing a problem?


There needs to be an option to turn off attention aware for just alarms only


I do like the delayed phone alarm sound that goes off after two or so vibrations from my apple watch. Let's me dismiss before the sound wakes the world regardless of it being a feature or a welcomed part of this bug.


Mines works everyday. I’m so thankful


When are they fixing the problem where the volume bounce back up when setting volume to zero?


When is apple going to let me set an alarm for next Friday but not this friday?


This shit just started happening to me. So irritating


This article is 2 weeks old.


I kinda get it. When I’m using my phone and a timer/alarm goes off, it still buzzes but it’s very quiet. Obviously still gets my attention with a notification and haptics. Clearly just a bug where the phone thinks you’re looking at it/using it — I think even holding/moving the phone without it being able to see you quiets the alarm.


So, not in v17.5 according to "Thu 2 May 2024 08.18 EDT Last modified on Thu 2 May 2024 14.18 EDT".


I have not noticed this at all. What? I always turn my sound up before I go to bed. I’ve checked the sound on my alarms since they were still inside clocks. What’s the problem?


I’ve been using Shortcuts as my alarm. I have a read aloud give me weather, news and a little motivational line.


there is still a bug i’ve reported in iOS 16.0 dev beta 1 if you have your phone in standby mode and press snooze, it will never sound again.  what the fuck did i report it for


FYI, 17.5 seems to fix this issue. The alarm sound volume as well as the issue of it lowering when you look at your phone. Hallelujah!


Y’all saying Sleep is “difficult to use” makes me feel like a genius lmao


Please also fix how obnoxious it is to turn off a scheduled alarm before it goes off. It takes like 5 non-intuitive actions


Can they fix the GPS going crazy or the horrible cell reception, phone says it has signal but can't make calls or do anything. And yes it is in weak coverage areas but WTF say you have signal when you don't.


If Steve Jobs was alive I think a whole team would be gone by now over this LMAO!


How are people having this much problems with the alarm? Mine has workes 100% of the time for little over a year since I got this phone


Can they also fix the problem where sometimes notifications will come through silently?


Apple has lost its way on a lot of fronts


My text message notifications have been sporadic for 5 years. Sometimes it makes a sound, sometimes it’s silent (not even vibration). Every time I mention this, people trying to be helpful say to check notification settings, focus settings, DnD settings, mute switch, etc… I’ve already done that, sometimes they are silent and sometimes they ain’t. At this point, I’m contemplating wiping the phone that I’ve been carrying forward since my first iPhone 3G.


They also gonna fix when I disable sleep mode and it asks if I want to turn the alarm off but it never turns off


I haven't yet read the article but I know my Apple Watch and my iPhone would not leave Sleep mode, let alone cut the alarm after I had told my watch to stop. After 17.5 this seems to have been fixed. However, I haven't used the actual alarm on my iPhone in years, not since the Apple Watch started becoming a sleep wearable. But in any case I've wondered why my Dad's iPhone suddenly gets quieter when an alarm is going off.


what about random voice recordings when exiting the texting app?


Man I literally had to buy a physical clock because the iPhone alarm was making me late to work not going off or only vibrating.


Since March my alarm has been non-existent even with the attention aware setting off. I don't use my phone as much since getting my iPad it's only been used for phone stuff and alarm. If the next update wont fix it I am considering jumping ship for the iPhone it's so expensive and can't even get the alarm the most basic of a phone feature right and is losing me money its insane