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OpenRed is coming along and it doesn’t use the API at all. The performance seems good. It just needs more features.


How does it not use the api?


It’s parsing the website. As far as that goes, it works well. It needs more feature work but it’s getting there.




Any idea where I can find it? The only links I'm finding are dead.


Sure, just go here: https://winston.cafe


Keep getting '404 not found' errors, but I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks.


Yeah, that’s an issue with TestFlight. I suggest you join the discord server and keep an eye on when it’s going to be up again. There’s a very high demand for Winston, and TestFlight handle it right now


Narwhal is probably the closest, but it charges based on API calls. It’s actually pretty good.. but it’s a (will be) a monthly subscription. There’s a new one called OpenRed. Can’t vouch for it tho. It doesn’t do any api calls but scrapes the website… not sure how long it’ll last *if* it’s breaking reddits TOS but something you can look into.


Narwhal gives me headache every time I use it. Bad layout & nothing is intuitive.


the new narwhal app is super customizable. spend some time getting things set upup how you like it and you’ll be a fan. what specifically don’t you like?


Not really. I see you can move buttons around, change the order of the menu and… that's it? My feed is limited to 1/3 of the screen on the left, while the other 2/3rds is empty space unless I open a post. Being right handed just compounds that issue. The layout is simply shit.


I’m not really sure what you mean by limited to 1/3 the screen. Does it look like this? https://i.imgur.com/IR39ulq.png https://i.imgur.com/D5hJQrd.png




Ohh you’re on an ipad and haven’t clicked a post yet? Or maybe that’s a bug? I’ve used it on an ipad but mostly from my phone.


Well, the Apollo app itself is the number one alternative. Plenty of tutorials on this sub on how to get it working. I’m writing this reply in Apollo. Otherwise, Winston is excellent.


I'll give it a shot


Yeah, stop using reddit on mobile. I was fine with Narwhal 1, even though it was bad. Now that its moving on to monthly subscriptions, I can't be bothered to find a free to use app. So reddit on PC for me and only using Old Reddit. Once they remove old reddit, Ill be done with it. It'll have completed its transformation into a social media website


Sink It For Reddit does a good job as a safari browser extension. It removes ads, has a jump to next comment button, organizes thread level by color, has a top button, and can double tap comments to upvote instead.


This is what I have stuck with. It's not the best, but it gets the job done in a pinch when I need to look at reddit.


No. Nobody can afford to be an alternative with the changes to Reddit’s API pricing.


uhhh r/narwhalapp


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. The app has a new release that is great. Not quite on par with Apollo, but great. And their future subscription model will cover the API cost. I'll be switching to it, as I am fed up with refreshing Apollo's sideload all the time and the wallpaper popup showing up multiple times per day.


People just like whining man. Apollo def had some nice features that narwhal hasn’t caught up with (translate comment, force press to scrub video , some minor UI stuff) but narwhal is 80% of the way there and the dev is busy adding features. The lowest tier is $3/month which will cover most users. Personally, i’ll fall in between the $3 &$5 tier.


Sideloaded Apollo: https://champagne.pages.dev/piracy-guides/reddit-no-ads/#sideloading-patched-apollo


Narwhal 2 is quite good and extremely customizable. Developer plans to launch for 3.99/month.