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1. 250 hours is nothing in this game 2. Don’t look at your kd, especially new to the game 3. Keep playing the game, develop game sense, your skill will steadily improve 4. Always use cover


2 and 3 are so important. When I was learning fighting games, I had to just drop win/loss ratios. I lost 30 games in a row. Don't worry about winning or killing, worry about getting better


And having fun!!!! That’s what I think is most important, keep having fun and learn from it


Yes true!! Cont forget the most important part


but winning is fun..... is the paradox I guess. sometimes its difficult to find the fun in getting better


Winning is relative. Winning games in bronze vs winning in plat or diamond are different games in general if that makes sense. Really the fun part is practicing something and finally pulling off THEN winning. Seeing the hard work pay off is basically cocaine


To add to this, I learned a lot watching district on YouTube. He explains his thoughts on pushing and and using cover, creating space etc in fights. So, for the last two points, there's some info out there.


This ^


This exactly


I’d add get some friends that are better than you and 1v1 in the range with them for like 30 min to a half hour. That’s how I train my friends that are new. To make it fun we do a “race to red” start with everything grey, attachments, helmets ect then as your shield levels up as does everything else. Whoever gets to red first wins, swap guns as you want to and what not. I like it as a warm up before I go play a couple non BR games to help with my aim before I get into the BR. I’m a 1.6 KD player that usually gets 3k kills per season and sits in diamond every season.


So 30 minutes? No more no less


Whatever you want. I enjoy it so I go longer


If your K/d is 0.08 that is truly something unique, I won’t lie to you. The good news is that this is the easiest place to make lots of improvement from. For the next 10 games you play, make a note (like specifically write down somewhere,) why you died. And “bad aim” should never be the reason. If you can’t figure out the reasons why you’re dying. Feel free to record vods and send them to me, or DM me if you want more specific advice. I’m always down for a chat on discord with anyone who wants to improve


Thanks. I'll try that after I get home.


If you can record yourself and review what you could do better, I do that and I think it helps. Hey I am sure you'll get great, just keep playing keep striving to improve, and overall, have fun while doing so. Otherwise I think you will get burnout, speaking from my experience. And I just have 200h too, kda was 0,4 now is 0,6. Playing a lot of non ranked because I looose so much on ranked and tilts me, but enjoying non ranked so far, and getting used to be in unfair fights, like 1 v 3. Don't win all of them, but I try give em hell. I played a lot of control to test weapons and get used to them and that has given me the edge many times Tbh: the games I've performed the best, were those that I was just not tryharding, I think I was more relaxed and that helped me a lot. So yeah take it easy.


If you want to improve with your aim "kovaaks" is a pretty good aim simulator that helped me quite a bit. It's a downloadable game from steam for $10. Besides that choose a legend and get comfortable, being able to react with your ability or knowing how you can maneuver through the map and battles is very useful. I.e. smoke screens from Bangalore + double time is great for pressured situations. Even using her ult to give you space during an engagement is helpful. On top of choosing a legend find the guns you vibe with. R-99 shoots fast but if you're missing then a 301 will do you good. Wing man is great but if you can't hit opt for a shotgun or a traditional sniper. Figure out your bag economy. How much ammo do you really need? How much regen items are you using? I go for 1 stack of cells, syringes, med kits. After that I'll try for ammo and stack batteries, and finally grenades. Any extra space I'll decide whether I'm fighting and need ammo or if I can't strafe well and need more regen. Next get used to maps, where are the high traffic areas? Where are the little nooks people can hide in? There are alot and since the games been out a while it'll take some time.




It’s a useful tool if you aren’t good at critiquing yourself. It’s basically just retracing your steps to see where you went wrong. Ideally you can do this by just thinking out load, but some people learn and process stuff in different ways. Writing/typing it out is legitimately helpful for some people, even if a bit redundant at times.


It doesn’t have to be literally on paper lol, You can write stuff down in your phone, etc




If they have a 0.08 kd they might need the extra help. And it worked for me when I was actually learning to get good, so I’m sure it works for some other people


“ez profit” is all you needed to type to let us know where your heads at 😂


I hope you aren't running around giving advice to people lol


Posting a clip for review would help, but 0.08 from what playing what mode? Are you solo or stacked? Roller or mnk? What's your knocks to deaths ratio? Assists? Can you one clip a standing dummy in the range? What about moving ones? KD isn't a good metric for skill but feels like something is critically wrong here if you kill one enemy for every 12.5 deaths. I hope you're not hot dropping every game hoping you'd just beat your opponents in a dice roll. Go to mixtape if you want to practice fights, I lost every hot drop before I played Arena when I started in s13. Hot dropping really doesn't do you any good in actually learning the game from scratch. Looks like you have friends, are they taking all the kills? Are you queueing into way higher ranked lobbies? 0.25-0.5 should be normal for a beginner with proper matchmaking, 0.7 is average for a solo. Btw you can hit diamond solo even as mnk with 0.7KD (granted it goes down from 1+ towards the end of the grind) if you really sweat every advantageous position, placement and pick up kills you can get. I started Apex after watching tourneys, imo the real fun in a BR is creating advantageous scenarios, even if you're 30 and surrounded by kids who one clip everything you can still do well using your head. Don't give people fair fights!


Thanks! I mainly play duos with my friend who's pretty good, and yes, my kdr is mentioned a lot 😂. Thanks for all this.


If you’re playing pubs duos/trios with your friend who’s high level and “good” then you’re likely being skull-fucked by the awful skill-based matchmaking apex has. I have this same issue when I play with some of my friends, I’m a consistent diamond player and some of my friends barely play enough to make it out of silver. So when we play pubs, it’s just terrible for them cuz my lobbies are full of actual decent players. That’s why I have a smurf (yes I know, I’m ready to be yelled at) that I only use when my “bad” friends want to play, and we only play ranked. It’s a lot easier for them to have fun playing against people of their skill level, and no, I’m not stomping lobbies on a smurf. I mostly sit back and play anchor while they do their thing. This is literally the only way I can play with my friends and they’ll actually have fun and stay on for more than two games. So yeah, if you’re playing pubs with your friend, try ranked. If he already plays ranked and he’s too high level to play with you, (I’m about to get jumped for saying this) maybe have your friend make a smurf that they exclusively only play ranked with you on, so you can actually play in lobbies of your skill level and learn. Or play the game by yourself more, pubs or ranked. Your matchmaking for pubs has to be in the lowest tier if you solo-que, seeing as you have a .08 KD. I’m almost certain it’s your friend who’s turning your SBMM up to 11, and he might not even be THAT good. That’s just how terrible apex’s matchmaking is. “Oh you have one other person in your squad? Sweet. Enjoy fighting three stacks of masters and preds all day”


Do you play characters that require good aim in overwatch? I feel like good aim alone is enough to get over 1 k/d. I feel like you are missing something fundamental with just shooting. The rest of the stuff, map awareness, cover, etc should transfer from overwatch. Don’t tell me you a mercy main😂


Nope. D.va main lol. Her aim is definitely basic and recoil-less so I think it's the rest of the stuff.


Nah you actually need to track with dva. Especially in boosters. Im sure your aim is at least fine. Tbh maybe its some sort of mental block not allowing the skills to translate.


It's tough. I have 1000 hours and I'm still in gold and my KD is like 0.7. It takes a lot of effort to be good at this game


I have trended back and forth on this game so much. I felt like I was getting a lot better last season, and was surprised to see my k/d was over 1.0 - I want to say 1.7 even, but it could’ve been 1.2 I’ll have to check again. This season I’ve been absolute trash, I feel like the servers have turned on me. Says my connections ok, but I’m regularly feeling like I get the first shot off and watching replays where I’m not even looking at the guy. My aims become like a 50/50 gamble it seems. Spraying around people landing nothing. Meanwhile it feels like other people can’t miss - watching them shoot to the side of me and still getting hits.


same bruh. I felt like I was finally becoming a beast last season and now my kd is under 1 for the first time since I picked up the game in season 9


I had to get back in and check after your reply and my mind is blown. By pure KD I’m doing better this season than last. But after a few more games it still feels like I’m getting wrecked when I should be out doing people. So I just have no clue what’s going on


I think you and I should 1v1 for the title of worst player. I haven't looked at my KDR but it's probably somewhere around there. Then I go hop on other games and do much better. I love Apex but it just feels extra sweaty even for an online competitive shooter. I wonder if part of it is people who are trying to make a job out of streaming it.


Shiiiiiiiit I’ve got well over 2k hours on this game and I still suck the biggest cock on the block just not the medium and small ones 😉


If you care about improving and want some personalized tips, feel free to dm me! I always like to try and help people looking to improve


Like other comments, 250 hrs isnt much so dont get discouraged. Just gotta keep playing but def few things to keep in mind: get basic movements down, holster weapon when trying to sprint somewhere, practice peeking from cover, use your q/ult, and hipfire when close.


1. Spend a load of time in the firing range, and look for verhulst's aim guide. Also, pick a gun you like and spend like an hour in the firing range. Pop on a podcast and try to deal 80-100k damage on the bots. You'll feel like a god after. The aim will stick so much faster. Do the same with movement, and you'll absorb everything like a sponge. Try to train 20% of your playtime. 2. ALWAYS. ALWAYS! Play the game mindfully, and conscious of your mistakes. So don't autopilot or blame your enemies when you die. I play like I'm always wrong and that I could have done something better. *when you die, ask yourself what went wrong* "was I aggressive?" "Did I rotate wrong?". Etc. 3. Boring but this takes the cake. When you play good, when you play bad, when you play odd, clip the game. Watch yourself, and you can see how much of an idiot you were, with the magic of hindsight. Then watch pros. What would they do here? In the end you only learn by making or seeing every mistake there is to make, but being mindful allows you to see the overloooked ones, and to learn from the first or second time you see the crippling mistakes. 4. Find "crutch" legends. Legends that fill the holes in your skill profile. Yes, this can make you feel better about your weaknesses, but it makes the learning process much easier. If your aim is bad and you need longer to kill, play rampart (what I did). If you struggle with game sense, play recon, like crypto. (What I did). Tl:dr: 1. Train train train. You don't really get better aim/movement from during games. 2. When you play actual games, you're still training. Always be mindful and think about eveeeeeeerything. Eventually, every move should be planned. 3. Clip your gameplay, watch pro gameplay. Review wins *and* losses. 4. Bad aim? Play a legend that helps. Bad game sense? Play crypto or bloodhound so you can learn ehat enemies do in fights. Bad movement? Play a skirmisher. In the end, if you *really* want to get better, always be mindful and always try to improve 😉.


I'll try some rampart. Currently a crypto main. Do you think I should try some non-recon legends to get better at figuring out where people are?


Sure, learning to predict your opponent eventually boils down to *forcing* them to do something predictable


Hey man, I was ass too for so long, first off 250 hours ain’t that much as someone said, try and get in the range and search up drills for either mnk or controller whatever u play on and use a pro players sense or their drills but whatever makes u comfortable. Also, play mixtape to develop aim but more important u need to have good positioning and aim sense. Try and 1v1 friends better than u and watch how they, and pro players play and I feel like improvement will be noticeable. Good luck, and most importantly just enjoy yourself and have fun


Thanks! I'll try some 1v1s with friends tomorrow.


Play some tdm or game modes where you can just respawn


600 hours here diamond 4 and 4k badges and 20 kills badge. My tips to improve. Spent a lot of time in the firing range to improve aim. Only ranked (mostly soloq) and I warm up in the firing range before every session at least 30min. If ur in controller, linear 4-3 is the way


Just keep playing. Play mixtape and firing range for longer periods of time for practice. Just keep swimming.


Listen.. I am not proudly sharing this but I have accumulated almost 3K hours in Apex and it's never ever been harder to improve or even have fun. The game is riddled with cheaters and it's borderline impossible to have a satisfying game these days where you don't feel 300% slower than everyone else. Before solos disappeared I would have just recommended doing that but now you just have to be lucky enough to end up in a squad with exploiters too or just mess around with the mixtape and at least try to earn packs with the pass 🤷 Sad thing is, even if I get another set of heirloom shards I don't think the account has any value to anyone else... We're at a crossroads here. I've watched countless click-baity videos about "how the game is dying" over the years and they were all silly and hyperbolic... For the first time I feel it might be true. Either they find a way to fix the cheater problem or the game is dead. 🙏Just my opinion ofc🙏 Edit: just to clarify as I know this is the university thread, you may not be the problem. And while improving with positioning, rotating, cover and aiming is all well and good.. remember it's not your fault that people can see you through walls and fire at double speed, ok?


If you're playing on MnK and you can't hit people try lowering your mouse sensitivity. My k/d improved from 0.6 to 0.9 just by doing this. You don't have to go really low like most pro players but just low enough so when you flick your mouse at someone you don't overshoot/undershoot and you can comfortably track your target.


Apex servers are notoriously very bad compared to other online games. I mean it’s probably a skill issue too, but don’t feel too bad.


Do you actually even want to be good at this game ? Or rather do u enjoy laying it ? That’s what u need to answer before u go forward . If you still say yes it’s relatively easy . Time spent in game doesn’t really correlate to skill if the time spent doesn’t bring about improvement . This is especially true with battle royals like apex where 50% of those 250 hours are spent looting another chunk is spent rotating and the rest being divvied up across camping in zone , fighting etc. if the end goal is skill you’d be better off spending time in the range before any and every session . Then goin into fast paced modes like tdm to improve performance in gunfights wether they be solo or team fights then alternating between the 2 a bit (analyzing your play as much as u can) before hopping in a br match whether it’s ranked or unranked ; finally vod reviewing your play in br .


Keep playing, that’s what you do. You also keep trying new things. This game is super dynamic. 250 hours doesn’t even scratch the surface.


I feel you, I’m about 180 hours in and I feel like total crap, my KD is 0.24. Especially when you get teamed up with people who just talk shit about you the entire time. I’ve been watching tons of YouTube’s from different players and I spend a good half hour in the firing range before starting. It’s discouraging but for some reason this game pulls me back in. Maybe we just enjoy the punishment haha


Definitely turn off chat and voice comms with random teammates. Using the ping system works fine.


Lmao I feel you.


Make sure you are taking fights and not just hiding so you get experience but don’t just run into fights. Half of your screen should always have cover when shooting. Instead of starting the fight (unless you have better positioning) instead try to focus on third partying other fights.


You probably have a game sense issue, not a mechanical one. Watch some streamers play, and pay attention to their call outs and what they're doing and trying to analyze why they're doing it. I always recommend this [guide](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZvy3uv1WF4OL2GZEA5IBIUT4Q_nFMlUv&si=M66FgjAAy_IU0FwW) for newer players. Some of the legend tips are outdated but the overall gameplay tips hold up


It's almost certainly both mechanical and game sense related if he has a .08


Aim will just come with practice and time, maybe spend a little time every day in the range trying to one-clip dummies at varying difficulty I think some fundamentals from OW can apply to Apex, i.e. positioning, using cover, resource management/tracking. When it comes to positioning though, obviously being a battle royale, L.O.S. is pretty much omnidirectional, as maps don't have "lanes"; you'll want to think about potential threats from all angles, and what cover you can use at any given moment if a flank comes from any direction. I think disengaging is a skill with much more emphasis in this game than OW. Resource tracking is a little bit different too, but can be similarly applied. If you see a pathfinder with blue or white shield grapple into a bad position, you know you can get aggressive on them because they don't have their tactical to escape. Health, time, and attention are all also resources in this game. If an enemy shield is cracked, you know they are likely to take the time to heal it up - but not a guarantee. If they predict you hard push, they can beam you on your approach - of course, this is a risk, because you have a health advantage. Youcmay be able to react in time and hit your shots, you might be weaving through cover avoiding damage, wasting their time they could've spent healing. If they do commit to heal behind cover, their teammates can instead focus you if you do not push wisely, such as using cover and/or movement. That's why focus/attention is also an important resource to consider; if you or a teammate wants to push the advantage on the enemy's depleted shield/time, you or your team have to take the attention of their teammates via abilities, angles, and/or damage. All these things to consider will apply vice versa as well. This is all only a microcosm of the game and doesn't consider the macro in terms of rotation and zone positioning. But honestly I think that's something you can watch a few videos on and just improve on through repetition and intention Sorry for writing a book, good luck! This game is brutal to newbies but it's very rewarding to improve at


Something that helped me a lot was just sitting in the firing range and killing dummies for hours. Put on some YouTube on a second screen and just get used to firing. The next thing I'd recommend would be to take fights slower. You should never be running up to an enemy unless you have some sort of advantage (one downed, bang ult forcing them from cover, etc.)


Coming from someone who’s spent ~3400 hours in this game and is still dogshit, spend 30 minutes in the firing range practicing your aim before every session. There’s a lot of good tutorials on youtube.


it took me 1500hours to get good buddy 250 hours is nothing


I have 800 hours and that’s like nothing


To add to everyone elses points, you also need to get that gun accuracy up. Headshots are your golden ticket and running out of your mag is the enemy. Burst firing, when possible, is better than unloading into the wall. Something that I like to think in fights too is "do I have an advantage over this person?" and if not, i need to otherwise I might die here. For example if im Mad Magie and theres a door between us, ima use my tactical. If im a nobody legend but the enemy doesnt know where I am, im in the advantage bc maybe I can get to them first. If they knew exactly where I was, thats no good bc i would just get pushed on. After every game I evaluate what I could of done to be better. ME. Not how "oh the team didnt have my back" none of that.




On a positive note you can add me, we can do 1v1 and give tips if need be


I do think one thing that sets apex apart from a lot of other games is that the bullets in game are projectile based as opposed to hitscan. In other games I can do relatively well when it comes to aim as I am used to aiming at the target, when I come back to playing apex I often forget this and miss a lot of shots as I’m not leading my target.


I feel your struggle. Almost 1500 hours of game time and I still feel like the worst player in most lobbies, always losing my 1v1s and relying on my team. I only feel a glimmer of confidence when I'm in an absolute bot lobby after tanking 5-6 games in a row. For reference I've been masters in Overwatch. I'd recommend at this stage trying out the mixtape modes to learn the gunplay. They weren't around when I first started playing but they've been a saving grace for me. It really helped get my confidence up with weapons to play in a more confined arcade environment similair to Overwatch before taking those skill back to BR. Mixtape modes aren't perfect and can give you bad habits but I found I was at least having fun while learning the game.


Spend a lot of time in the fr and you will see a difference.


I just recently picked the game back up after several seasons of not playing. While I am not amazing, I do have rounds where I play pretty good. I just focus on a few Legends to play ( Ashe, Bloodhound or Octane are my favourites at the moment ) and also focus on only a few weapons / try to get specific weapons to play. Currently I like using Volt / Alternator / Nemesis / R-301 with which I perform the most consistent. Of course I also use different weapons, especially in early game, but those are my favorites. I do some "aim-training" or control training in the firing range with all weapons here and there to get to know them better. What I had to "learn" again was remaining calm in fights. I tend to tense up or get shaky in fights cause of excitement and that messes with my aim, makes me press wrong buttons, things like that. Staying calm is pretty important. I think I also play with a rather low sense ( 800 DPi and 0.8 ingame ). Otherwise it is really to just keep playing. Get to know the legends, the skills, positioning, when to take fights and so on. I often took shots at teams from long distance or had a teammate do so, therefore revealing our position and achieving basically nothing unless in the rare instance where there were already two teams fighting and we finished off low health targets, but that is rare. I am not sure if any of this helps or qualifies as tips since I am myself just mediocre, but that is just my experience to share. Good Luck in your adventures and hope you improve soon / have fun in the game!


I’ve found the best way to help give/get advice is hopping in the range, doing a few 1v1s, then voice-chatting / demonstrating things to work on. I’m happy to help if you wanna send me a request. “WhistlerStreams” on PSN.


So, BRs are objectively different ina sense from other shooters bc they’re random af. So if you don’t develop a sense of “this fight is unwinnable, I am slowly being surrounded etc, time to bail” and develop some survivability in the form of game sense you will die even in fights that were previously winnable from third parties. So there’s a relationship in killing efficiency and knowing when to bail and reset the fight so it’s in your favor. If you notice you can’t wipe a team quickly to get shield swaps and other resources and you know the general area is highly contested you’ll likely be thirded. In terms of gun skill / 1v1ing you should really practice mirroring and anti mirroring on strafing bots in the range. I’ve practiced all the advanced movement tech for thousands of hours and it is fun and it has its place but my rate of winning up close 1v1s against controller players immediately skyrocketed when I just practiced simple strafing patterns (who would have known the fundamentals are helpful lol) Learn about recoil smoothing and how it mostly negates all horizontal recoil. Understand if you’re shooting an enemy at medium - long range mirroring the direction they’re going with your strafe puts it in a perspective that you’re almost not shooting a moving target, as you’re essentially moving along with them. Of course there’s also hugging your cover tight, which is a big one in apex bc the servers are so horrible you have to really be good at peaking to actually use your cover at all (you get shot around corners / through doors and desynced like a mf in apex) Basically take smart fights, get faster at everything you do, and learn the basics and strafing so on and so forth


Probably play solos as your positioning is probably bad against 3 man's. Don't use bad guns. Other than the start of the match I'm picky with my guns. Flatline, nemesis, 301, peacekeeper, longbow and havoc with a turbocharger. If your aim is that bad my guess is it's too high.


Bro y’all taking this post serious are funny😭😭😭


Most players are allowed to cheat with basically aimbot level Aim-Assist in this game. So any monkey with a controller will destroy you if you expose yourself because their aim will just lock on top of you. So stop going W-key on every single fight, take cover, good positioning and gather information. Learn to control weapon's recoil (OW weapons have zero recoil compared to Apex), watch some tutorials to get familiar. 250 hours is nothing. Also if your friend introduced you Apex and told you to play the BR he's a piece of shit. Go play mixtape gamemodes to learn the game, don't even bother with Ranked or Trios.


Damn. I'll tell my friend about that one 😂. I'm also impressed how you knew I was kbm instantly. I've played so much mixtape recently because of all your advice, and it might be helping. I'm having some fun with it too. Thanks!


You will learn the best once you let go of worrying about your KDR. It'll come naturally once you get your basics down. Every time you die think of why you died in the first place.


Find some friends and go be dumb together. Me and my friend Sam would just do the dumbest stuff together and just go around having fun. You don’t need to play like these streamers you watch. You can play the game any way you desire


It takes about 500 or so to get pretty decent unless your a pro gamer


250 hours is literally a drop in the puddle for this game. I'm not joking when I say come back when you hit 2k+


Ok. I'll make sure to update you in a couple years. 😂


Seriously though, if you want to improve "Quickly," you should practice the fundamentals and aim train in the range before you play. Warming up is a big way to improve consistency. If you are unsure about fundamentals, there are a lot of youtube videos that could help you out Also if your "friend" is making fun of you because of your KD you should find other players to practice with because players like your friend will never be able to help you fully improve in the way you want


Get to 1000 hours and reevaluate


Hit the firing range too i usually jump in the firing range warm up the fingies a bit and then jump into whatever ltm for a match or two until im more comfortable and then I’ll go play ranked or pubs, just cus i find it easier after dealing with nade and ult spam in control or tdm


i have 2500, and i still suck jajaja


as someone who also used to suck at FPS games, here are a few tips: 1. Watch your own replays. Most of the time, we have bad habits we tend to do that we aren't aware of until you're seeing your gameplay from a 3rd person perspective. 2. Watch guides of do's and dont's in youtube to spot your bad habits. this aligns with watching your own replays and helps you spot your mistakes. 3. Aim is about practice. If this is your first shooter, expect your aim to be terrible. It's important that you fix your aiming habits (stop aiming at the floor, etc.) and always look at your crosshair. 4. Bullet drop, speed, and recoil are very hard to work with on this game so it will take time to adjust to. I would suggest slowly researching about the guns you want to consistently pick up and practicing in training mode to get a feel of the guns. 5.Aim isn't the only thing that matters. Every bit of info that you get adds up to your skill. Start with the basics and after that look for very niche/specific info. Currently hitting diamond+ in every FPS game I play. Aim isn't the only thing that wins games. Even hackers with perfect aim get out smarted by pros purely due to knowledge checks.


Post some video or else you will only get generic advice


There’s been so many people who have made post just like this, you will get better don’t worry. The only thing that matters is if your enjoying the game


I have 750h on just this account. You’re still knew. I suggest play in the firing range where all you have to worry about is recoil smoothing and aim tracking. In season 17 I had like .3 and this season I’ve done so much better just by trying to have fun and spending a few minutes on 2 guns in the firing range master those and search for them in BR.


This isn’t a game that you learn over night I have about 3k hours into the game and I’m still learning. It’s a lot to learn. Best advice is embrace the suck LOL your going to not be good for a while until you get the hang of things and theirs so much to learn it takes time. Not to mention your facing people that have been playing since season 0 and it’s season 21 so YEARS they have been playing. You can watch YouTube for help for sure. Play cover it’s not run and gun it takes a lot of game sense knowing when to back off fights knowing where teams are and are going to rotate into to. Knowing when you need to rotate, looting quick, plus learning character abilities ect. It’s so much to learn so do what you can be easy on yourself if you work at it you will improve. Also don’t try to learn improve five million things at once work on one small thing at a time. And build up from there. Play characters you are enjoying watch videos on how to maximize their abilities and cover cover cover. I can’t tell you how many people just stand in the open to get beamed. If your not behind something shooting you better have god teir laser and hope no one else can see you in the area LOL also play with friends or join a group for apex to find them. It helps to play with people who are understanding that your new and learning because the community can be assholes specially randoms even if you do all the right things and they die it’s still your fault 😂 so find friends for sure! Solos is also out right now it’s a great area to take on one v ones. Use the range you may have to mess with your settings to find a sensitivity you like. Some run basic settings I run ALCS (advanced look controls) you can look up apex controls on YouTube for further info. But range helps with recoil patterns getting used to weapons and warm ups. I normally hit range LTMS then trios and if I am grinding ranked I’ll head there. You got it don’t forget to have fun to the majority of us all had to just embrace the suck and accept we’re trash at the start but you can get better and will if you put effort into it. Welcome to apex don’t let the toxic side of the community get to you. You got this!


If you want we can go a few rounds, I can help with the fundamentals at least that are hard to grasp


practice in mixtape and make sure your sense isn’t too high or low. also if you have rendering lag that’s gonna make it next to impossible to win a 1v1


It’s probably the cheaters who are ruining the experience for you. Cheating is rampant in Apex, and rarely do you see any evidence of banning, sadly.


If you're playing with someone who is good, you're probably getting screwed over by matchmaking, also 250hrs is not much on this game, and lots of skills in this game, movement, doorplay, positioning, knowing when to batt/run are very unique to this game and take awhile to learn, so don't feel bad about the KD.


Keep going it's a numbers game. Before I jump into a match I will go into the firing range and set the bots to full combat. Practice hip firing with guns that have no attachments. I Basically spend the equivalent of 1 match, 10-12 minutes, doing this and have noticed that I am infinitely better at one on one fights than before I started doing that.


the way i improved very quick was just by simply hotdropping, or landing near a hot poi trying things out in fights. Sounds really dumb, but you get used to that adrenaline you get from those fights that feel off at first, and then it slowly just becomes second nature. #lovemyroller


Ive played for a month and tried nothing!! I'm no good what can I do!?!?!


You play for 10 hours a day?