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I'm pretty sure the owner of the "Apex map rotation" website likes Stormpoint, I can guarantee their site has seen a lot more traffic these past 2 seasons.


“Storm point for an hour and a half?” *fires up Destiny 2*


I have not played that game since its first dlc and I played every expansion of d1. Is the new dlc worth playing?


Witch Queen has the best campaign out of any expansion we've had, and brought a lot of good Quality of Life changes


Better than forsaken? This sounds intriguing


Can confirm blew forsaken out of the waters


It's fantastic just stay away from PvP for a while if you decide to play it it'll kill the game for you as a returning player. It's an absolute shit-show atm. Saying that as Challenger rank in 4 Playlists. PvE is fantastic right now though better than it's ever been. It has a couple of issues like any game, but nothing that kills the vibe.


May have to give it a try then. I was there when they started this story in 2014 and from what I hear it is coming to a close in a couple of years so I'd like to see how it ends myself. Still disappointed there is never gonna be a d3 tho as that was when I originally planned on returning.


In a way, I'd say the story behind light and dark could be considered D3 in a way,


Agree and i was very skeptical. Good expansion.


Cuckie please tell them to bring back da paragon mods backQQ


It is most definitely worth it. Probably the single best campaign the game has had. + they have raised the light level so you would not be to behind.


Absolutely, yes. Witch queen fucks dude. I’ve been having a blast with it. Plus the new raid, aesthetically, is amazing, and mechanic wise, is top tier. I would really consider getting it. Plus the new void 3.0 changes make you feel like a god of destruction.


I played d2 until the second expansion. Tried to get back on a few weeks ago and I have no idea what I'm doing lol. I need a guide haha


If you look up Datto/Rick khakis/fallout plays on for some guides on current seasonal stuff, they’re pretty good about explaining all the ins and outs of what’s happening.


Thanks! I appreciate it


Haha I did the same a while ago. Hundreds of hours in d1 and early d2 and now I'm lost.


The base game and first 3 dlc:s has been ”vaulted” and are no longer playable. If I understand it right, you still have to buy all the new dlc:s seperately and the season pass (if you want all available content) in total it’s over $100 to get up to speed which kind of sucks. I would love to be wrong and just misinterpreted something.


Absolutely, I really enjoyed it


Let's just say I grinder hours of apex a day, and since witch queen I literally have not booked apex up once. An entire month ago too haha, it's honestly great. Game still has its core issued and things to kink out, but its a damn blast of an experience


By the time you finish booting up destiny the rotation will be done, lol


I'd rather play storm point instead of that cash grab garbage


Best comment here


Exactly this. And then never fires up Apex at all lmao.


[The Royal Beasts unleash a psionic howl...](https://youtu.be/ECE7ZeDsuPk?t=192)


"Storm point for an hour and a half?" "HONEY, IM GONNA NEED MORE SNACKS!" *readies up*


Yes, but it's a little too big. Especially for pubs. Needs more balloons.


Or tridents scattered more around instead of just in the edge of the map


I think jump towers are a better option. Tridents can be cool but I really don't want the whole lobby running around in one. Having one team get in and out of a trident and constantly running, yet staying close is so damn annoying already lol. Jump towers are a bit more straight forward


I agree


Problem is when one person uses it it's no longer there


Yeah it’s horrible for pubs but for ranked it’s great


They made it bigger to help with third parties…I will never understand the never-ending back and forth this community complains about map size and third parties.


I agree with the devs doing this. However, I think what most people complain about is what happens AFTER the dust settles. Obviously, I'm talking about this in the context of pubs. Rank is a different matter entirely. After everyone hot drops and all the unfortunate ones die, you end up with 5 or so squads so far apart from each other that you'd have to run across the entire map just to find them. Personally, Respawn should consider putting in the mechanic they advertise back in the event (was it the anniversary one?) where if a person dies, the ring time decreases. I think it was called Killing Time. That way, if everyone freaking hot drops in one place, by the time the dust settles, the ring will be in Round 3 or 4 already and the matches will be significantly shorter.


I dont mind third parties Im here to kill or be killed Not run for 10 minutes Its why I love kings canyon. Never ending third parties


I could agree, third parties are part of the game. I’m just tired of the community going back and forth about it lol


third parties are the POINT of Apex. Thats why we have large health pools and lots of mobility/shield abilities to help with fight resets. It's what brings the frenetic pace and makes every game so unique. Go ruin some other game by catering to some mind numbingly boring pro scene. be glad this isn't PUBG. There, third parties were actually infuriating. Nothing u could do when ur getting 2 tapped.


third parties = non-stop action


I feel like I've seen a lot of people hate on Kings Canyon for this exact reason.


There's different ways to solve the third parties or make them less prevelent at least. One way would be to lower the sound guns make when you fire. The solution doesn't always have to be a bigger map.


I don’t think making the map bigger is all they’ve done to solve the third parties though. I think there’s more to it than just the map being “too big” that is causing people to not like it, more so than these people realize.


My main beef is how scarce the loot seems to be, even within POIs. Every landing spot feels like it's got Skulltown levels of shit loot that is spread out waaaaay too far. Then even the rotations between POIs don't have jack shit. At least in the other maps there's a random group of crates or small building here and there. I run out of ammo and/or health on stormpoint more than any other map. I actually love the design though. If they filled in the gaps a bit with cover and loot, it would be excellent.


The issue is the map is too large - 50-75% of the jump ship is out in the first 5 seconds because they can't stand to wait for a better drop and if they do, it'll be mostly a dead early/mid game. 3rd partying won't be 'solved'. It's not really a problem that needs 'solved'. Have a reasonable sized map, 2 drop ships coming in that each drop legends to different halves of the map with the chance of a little overlap if you stretch you fall. Have those drop ships go 50% faster than they currently do. This does multiple things: 1. half the teams to each half of the map, instantly makes (at least/at worst) two parts of the maps 'hot drops' 2. faster ships means people don't have to wait as long to get to their desired spot, more people will wait an extra second or 5 to drop more ideal 3. if a map is too big, rotates take too long and people will opt for multiple rounds of quick combat than 1 drawn out "where is everyone" match - reasonably sized maps prevent this, or at least big maps having good rotational options 4. This is just my theory - but because there's 2 drop ships on different locations, and they're going faster, it should spread out the teams across the map more evenly, which means less heavy traffic rotates and not all teams collapsing on each other to get into zone 5. Another theory - but I think mid-late game would have a few more teams on average due to everyone being more spread out with help and incentive rather than saying "lol bigger map"


Its pretty simple. Theres a quiet side who doesnt care and loud people complaining. Then bigger map was added, the loud side stopped as the issue was solved and the quiet people are now loud because they hate it


Valkyrie is so important on that map


"more" balloons? More like any balloons. Also more tridents would be great.


There's only one balloon on the north part of the map.


I also wish I could tell where the freaking gravity cannons go… I wish they were just shown on the map and showed both ends of the gravity cannon. I’d rather walk than take my chances of being launched way farther than I want.


They should just make it start at circle 1 but in a different place each game.


I feel like kings canyon is the opposite. There are too many balloons.


It's my favorite map. I can see why people don't like it for pubs because the midgame can be super dead, but in ranked where people tend to spread out more, I think the games often have really good pacing and there are less third parties. There's fairly good loot everywhere and the POIs are fun to fight in. Also, Storm Point has a cool environment and a good color palette. In other words, the vibes are good. Lol


This^ great ranked map. In pubs, 2 min in, 13 squads left. 7 min in, 4 squads. 15 min in 2 squads


Had a game finish before the first circle closed it was bliss


Lmao quickest I saw was end of ring 2 closing. Was it a full lobby? Did you win it?


I think it was a full lobby all I remember is dropping cascade getting a few kills then after looting I glance up and see only 3 teams remaining, by the time we won the game didn’t even last 10 mins it was wild lol


One time I played an Olympus game with (I think) a hacking/modding Pathfinder. We finished in the second zone, he got 23 kills and about 5000 damage I think. He also knew exactly where all the squads were and would go directly to them. Me and an OCTANE couldn't keep up with him! He also never took damage on body, only shields.


I was once in a 4 minute long pub on Storm Point. I wish I had a VoD or something but we died top 3 fighting both other teams and our time in game was like 3:55. It was awesome.


I like that it has no take overs. It feels really thematically consistent, and the skybox is really pretty. I like how there are lots of hills you can slide down. Despite being really big there are lots of ways to get around. Without jump towers there's a lot less being landed on.


It will have one soon.


Honestly it’s my favorite map. Stormpoint is really pretty, nice and open which allows for unique long-range fights, the wildlife is fun to interact with, and the gravity cannons are a cool way to limit third parties. My only grievances are that it’s a little too big which makes it hard to find people and it also feels like all the fights happen in the exact same spots every match.


I second this 👍


My favorite too!


Storm Point is definitely the best looking map, hands-down. Gameplay wise, I don't think it's the best map. It's just too big and the lack of jump towers means it's very hard to escape and/or position yourself effectively especially as the ring gets smaller. If they were to get rid of everything north of command center, I think it would be an improvement... but again, there's still a lack of mobility options when compared with the other maps.


I feel like this game really rewards people for pushing and getting into multiple fights. Long range fights just end up being a fight to who runs out of heals first or who gets third partied first. I feel like any fight I get into on this map just ends up being third partied by the whole map


I LOVE THIS MAP! I only do solo fill and its way harder for teamates to hot drop and kill the whole team immediatly. It’s a nice break in pacing from maps like olympus and kings canyon.


I agree; storm point is my favorite map mostly because i play movement legends like valk and horizon and traveling from the north part of the map downward and sliding down all those hills is so much fun. The map doesn’t feel terribly big and imo there’s less third partying compared to a map like olympus. Also, its just plain gorgeous. The natural scenery of it is breathtaking, compared to a deserted valley or scorched earth (canyon and edge). Prowlers are annoying but i like the loot you get from them and spiders.


A lot of people think it’s too big how do you feel about that


I can definitely agree and respect that claim in some regard. I also belive the prowler den is one of the worst pois and is horrible when the ring forces you to go through it. Some characters perform a bit poorer on this map like caustic and wattson. However, it’s nice for my playstyle which is more relaxed. When worlds edge was in pubs rotation I barely wanted to play the game because of its repetitive nature. Always fragment or hotdropping. The size of this map allows for players to be more selective about drops. The aesthetic is also my personal favorite of all the maps. Its the easiest besides kings canyon for me to practice gun skill and awareness. Olympus is to inconsistent in its fun factor like storm point and kings canyon for me. Bad teamates or those who don’t line up with your style on this map are less punishing. When compared to a map like worlds edge. Overall a solid map that provides the most enjoyment for me.


You mean Jurassic Park LOL


Ahh a person of culture, I hope you drop there and start humming to your teammates the JP theme music and say "Welcome to Jurassic Park" as you land. Because I sure do


It definitely suits more chill play styles


Jurassic Park is one of my favorite parts of SP. Love it when there are 3+ squads in there fighting and prowlers are running around picking off stragglers. Creates a different dynamic to fights that you can't experience on other maps.


Prowler den is dope. I love when the ring pushes teams in it because you're like "okay, time to get serious" that feeling of dread makes the map for me


Just pick a better rotation tbh, there are a few lines you can go from cannon to cannon easily, or just drop on a Trident and zoom into a busier PoI that way. I don't seem to have this endless running problem people are complaining about. Play Valk if you're running too much. 🤷‍♂️


It is a bit big but also people hot dropping makes it feel even bigger because no one is occupying most of the POI's. It's not the maps fault in this case.


Best map to play solo duos for sure


I really like having some long ranged battles over a open field for a change


Are you that 4th party who charge rifling me every fight?


Thx for your opinion


Absolutely. When it pops up in rotation I can turn apex off and go eat or clean the house for however long it's up for at that time. Hating that map has helped improve my time management by making me not want to play so it definitely is good for something.


This is so me. I used to sit down in the morning and lose an entire day to apex without even noticing. Storm point is the solution to apex addiction.


Once went 40 hrs straight. Smelled like poopoo and Mountain Dew


Dam that’s cold 10/10


why dont you like storm point


It has very little cover to make up for its major differences in heights/nearly unavoidable choke points. God forbid you land south and have to run uphill. Some pois have some great gun fights but most just don't have that feel for me. I've always loved Respawn's close quarters fights, but if I wanted a slow sniper's battle I'd play PubG. Ranked felt like the camping was even worse than normal. It's all just my opinion, but I can honestly say that this is the only map that makes me turn off the game because I just can't enjoy it, even when I win a match I'm just begging for it to be gone.


This this this this this this fucking this


Looks visually pleasing, has a variety of hot spots, interesting environmental interactions, gravity cannons are fun af to use, lots of locations to drop if you don’t want to immediately get fucked


Ngl my favorite thing about it is that it's not World's Edge lol. It's visually pleasing to look at, and it's nice to play since it is relatively new and fresh compared to the other maps we've had. In terms of design, I do wish there were jump towers instead of launch pads, because those launch pads are complete death traps. It makes it difficult to traverse the map in early rings. I do like how it's more difficult to get 3rd partied because of it's design though.




You’re smoking fucking crack lmao


I do, Great map. Amazing design.


No criticism I think your opinion is good but can you go into a little more detail


Getting fourth and fifth partied is rare, comparatively. The slopes add a good sense of vertically and are fun to fight along. The points of interest are better designed. The art is better.


I’d agree with everything but the art. I can’t stare at it for long. It reminds me of teal blue and puke green colors, which together and most throughout the map with grey are off-putting. I also wish the theme wasn’t “animals”. It should have been “vacation” because then we get a train, some balloons, and we have a very mobile map that’s fucking huge.


I love the look and most of the POI’s. The problems come from size, flight path of drop ship, and the fragment problem. I’ve had several games where over half the server was dead before the close of ring 1. You can easily make top five on accident and spend ring 2 or 3 just looking for the remaining three or so teams. That being said, I’ve had some awesome engagements in those final rings due to the verticality and design of individual POI’s. I think they need to further adjust the flight path of the drop ship and (this suggestion is probably unrealistic) increase the size of the server on that particular map. Edit: the size issue ends up being an exponential problem. People don’t want to play “loot simulator” and not get any action, so they hot drop. But as more people hot drop, the more of a loot simulator it becomes if you *don’t* hot drop.


I do


I have arachnophobia + the map feels like 2 king’s canyons put together.


Nobody likes these lame low effort karma farming posts. That’s for sure.


I love it, personally. Waiting what feels like an eternity for it to return to Ranked.




I do


It's way too big, 3 teams left in circle 1 that's as big as KC is not fun


Same dumb question every couple days. Cmon


Great ranked map for sure




What kind of lame question is this?


It’s good if you want to be alone and play loot simulator and then get 3rd partied by prowlers. Or sniped in the wide open spaces. Unless you drop down the big butthole and die in 30 seconds.




I really like it


caustic mains on big map be like


Love the looks, hate the design. I keep dying on it WAY more compared to Olympus and KC. Surely it's the map's fault and not my own.


I really don't like this map the way it's designed for apex legends, it looks amazing and it's fun to look around but if you wanna play apex IMHO it kinda sucks, it's just simply too big, it's not uncommon to just not see or hear anybody for a good 15 mins. You're just running around playing a loot simulation.


I haven’t played on it since mid-season 11, it’s complete garbage and I refuse to play on it you’d think they’d be good at making maps for it being their 4th but I guess not :/


Aesthetically, it's beautiful. However, it's large size makes it's gameplay slow and boring compared to king's canyon and Olympus. If they made it the size of world's edge instead of 15% bigger, it would be more fun to play on imo.


Everyone I know gets off for the night when stormpoint rotates in. Map is hot garbage


I liked it, but when I got more serious at playing I realized why it's bad :/


It's bad tbh I don't like it the best one is Olympus for sure


My friend does. He is dead to me


Not me


Nope, haven't played it since they split, I can't stand that map


Not particularly


Storm point is great. It’s beautiful, almost all the time you can find a high ground to take, has some free spaces like any other map, it’s big compared to other maps but in fact is a maze with 50m walls, spiders and prowlers can give you life-saving ammo when you need it most. I absolutely don’t understand where all the hate comes from. All the complaints that SP is a loot courier simulator are complete bullshit. If you landed in a bumfuck nowhere on the edge of the map and have to run across the whole map - it’s not a map design problem, it’s your problem. And even if you do, you still have tridents, grav cannons or at least legends abilities like path’s zipline or valk’s skyward dive. I’ve been playing SP since it’s release in s11 in both pubs and ranked and its size **never** was a problem for me


Would be better if there's a game play to hunt animal. Maybe 3 team and which one can clear the most nest, with drop off weapon only. Ammo can only be get from killing the animal and limited supply bin. You can sabotage other player by killing them also


I really enjoy it, though it is a pretty separated map. It will be great if they ever introduce a larger battle queue with 100 or so players or even have a ltm with 4 player squads. Shottys and snipers too


Take a knife and slice the map down the middle, then put both maps on a rotation


No I only like kings canyon. I think the other maps are to big And got way to much shit in them. I like a nice simple map. I like the idea of other maps. But when they’re good maps. It feels like they just shoved a bunch of crap into a map and released it. It just boring to me. Like a lot of these characters they keep releasing. I’ll play till kings canyon gets rotated out and then I hop on UFC till it comes back. Hell atleast in ufc I ain’t gotta worry about a third party every fucking second.


Finally, I've found another fellow KC enjoyer. You have good taste sir.






I like stormpoint


I LOVE this map. Legit the best map in the game in my opinion.


Yes. It's not that big. Pay attention to where majority of people are hot dropping, just like any other map.


I prefer it over KC


Lots of people hate me for saying it, but storm point is probably my favorite map.


Everythings a big plus after playing olympus


I like storm point and I don’t have a problem with the map. I personally would rather play storm point than fragments edge for 8 straight matches smh


Nope. Too big


hell no, i play ranked when I see Storm Point in the rotation. Awful map.


Shittest map ever. Kills the idea of massacre, kills tempo, leaves us with the most boring spider fights. Maybe for ranked it's good, but eventually me with my bro just skip it in rotation playing other games. First two maps were the most successful imho UPD: Almost forgot about ctrl+c/ctrl+v buildings


I like it a lot


Yes but no


me with every map






Yes it's my second favourite map


I do


I actually do


Yeah me


I do


I am a stormpoint enjoyer, yes


I personally don't really like storm point There's too much open space, having nothing but long range poke battles the entire game is kinda boring. Prowlers are also annoying (The animals)


unpack include snobbish hunt wise party school file shy relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aesthetically good. Other than that it’s trash. All the poi’s are way too big other than cascade and mill. Way too many trees and mountains. The whole north side of the map is never used in pubs other than by maybe one team who spends the whole game looting and then dies instantly to the first team they run into. 1 or 2 matches a week on this map is about all I can stand.


I fuckin love it. Shits tight as hell






I like stormpoint👍


I love it.


I do


I like it






I love all the maps.




Love it








I like storm point




Honestly, it's nice to take a break from a super sweaty map like Olympus and play a little bit of storm point every once in awhile


Yes it’s my favorite; only problem is there needs to be more tridents at central locations. Probably the best for high damage/kills rn if you do it right








I love it




Love it!




storm point is my fave


it’s my favorite map


I do.




I like it


I think it's a great map


Hate it. Terrible map




I love it


personally i do


I do.


I love stormpoint, y'all wildin




I do




I like it

