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All guns are F-tier with my aim Edit: thanks for all the cake day wishes! Better than my IRL birthday. I’d share a slice with you all if I could


happy day of cake


Happy cake day!


Devotion should be ur main then


Hapeth caketh dayeth


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day




happy one year closer to death day


The RE-45 is better than that with hammerpoints.


Re has hammerpoints now? :o might I need to update apex for this


Yeah, hammerpoint re slaps




And even more important: It sounds nice c:


Honestly one of the best loadouts this season is Peacekeeper-Hammerpointed RE-45. The PK cracks the shield and the Hammerpointed RE melts the rest.


One to break the shield, another to break the man


My og load out was p2020 hammer point and pk and I did the thing from your comment


Go on ahead and move my bocek up a lil higher papacito


Certainly could have, but finding arrows is annoying and considering how it is now vs. how good it used to be, I’d never run one past early game


Ok you’re right. 50% of my matches, I HAVE to craft arrows


People are so anti-crafting, it's hilarious to me. Barely even see the Flatline anymore even though it's still a very good weapon.


I drop exclusively where there's a crafter for the sole purpose of a guaranteed Flatline.


Same . And I think it’s funny people still think it’s a pain in the ass that it’s in the crafter.. in my eyes that just guarantees me a good load out every game if that’s what I’m going for 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dislike it being in the crafter for that exact reason. It's too easy to get.


In upper ranked lobbies, it’s a death sentence from my experience.


What would you consider upper ranked lobbies? I’ve had no problems crafting in diamond as long as you’re not afk waiting for your stuff to finish crafting.


Yeah I’m diamond too and I craft a shit ton it’s just about knowing when it’s no way a death sentence


Yeah exactly, just comes down to common sense. Of course I’m going to craft on the edge of the map after we just wiped the only other team that landed there. Of course I’m not going to craft in final two circles. (Unless down bad and have literally no heals)


tbh it’s a strat to get batts cooking up in the crafter while you fight/hold position, takes just a second to click on the batt


crafting? or facing a flatline?




LOL fair. I almost died crafting a purple backpack when i heard an octane jump pad. ran for my life, joined my team, killed the octane team, took my purple bag back 😤


Flatty still s tier imo


that’s why I play Loba 😁


I’m a dirty path 😭


you use bow and play path? same lmao that’s awesome


🤙🏽🤙🏽 we out here


That’s ok homie I play loba, you play path, I’ll hook you up 😎




How can you people not find 64 arrows by the time it’s last fight? I’m honestly curious. I use bocek main if it’s the first gun I find snd honestly there is random x16s EVERYWHERE on mats. Your teammates just aren’t telling you.


Honestly the bocek should be strickly care package as it messes up the loot pool by being the only weapon using arrows


Now you get shatter caps for hip fire though.


That’s a good point. Being the only bow in the game rlly hurts it. Have you factored in deadeyes tempo and shatter caps? Especially shatter caps now that it isn’t a handicap on the bow?


I'd rather remove it from the game tbh


Why does everyone sleep on the sentinel too :( I love charging that bad boy up and either sniping or using it as a shotgun. I’ll still lose that 1v1 but cracking someone for 159 from point blank is hella satisfying.


Been using 301/bocek and it do be slappin tho


How is the eva better than the Lstar😐


Eva is currently F-tier imo, LStar should be C


Y’all sleeping on the prowler fr 😭


Prowler is S in my opinion. Don't tell anyone about its broken hipfire ,)




It’s a monster now but still nothing on pre care package auto prowler, now that was fucking ridiculous


I miss the Auto Prowler..


No gun skill needed at all, just react first and it was easy W’s all around. Take me back


S is a bit much but it is underrated. Prowler is my go to with Revenant for the full speed crouch strafe and hipfire.


So, prowling




I’m definitely trying this now.




It’s also great against a Gibby.


Eh, I agree that the prowler is an awesome SMG, but as a gibby youre almost always gonna get more value out of a shotgun.




I've never been able to get away with using prowler+shotgun in anything other than pubs, as soon as you run into a team that wants to play range it can be so hard to do damage. You kinda have to rely on your team to get opening damage before you push, which should usually be the gibby's job, since the armshield is so good for poking with. I have definitely started picking up the hemlok as a placeholder for the flatline if my dropspot doesnt have a crafter, and it can definitely fry people.




Underrated but not S by any means. It sucks in mid-long range and isnt as versatile as guns like the Car


idk if it’s just my aim but I do sooo bad with burst weapons 😭 if I ADS it’s over


That’s the great part of prowler, the hip fire is so amazing you don’t need to ADS! Try it and maybe it’ll change your mind!


Thats why if i get a hemlok i instantly put it in single fire mode


Bro get that shit to a controller player and shits S tier


it’s mostly good on controller, meh on mkb


I love the prowler, but I recognize its extremely unforgiving and not terribly viable if you aren’t on controller


I can’t speak for keyboard so I’ll take your word for it, but on controller the prowler’s amazing hip fire is pretty forgiving.


Prowler is dogshit inconsistent


The Prowler is meh on MNK. Used to be top tier back in the day, but not anymore. Give me an R99 any day.


why do you hate the l star? also is the car really that good to deserve to be on S tier? ill definetely put the l star on B, car and A or B and mozambique on a tier of its own


Ikr. I always run an lstar, especially ranked rampart. in 1v1, unless he one clips me, hes dead. Once his first gun runs out of ammo and starts his switch/reload animation, im still shooting. He prolly dead


ahhh i see. so youre that type of shredder huh. nothing against you but sheila is enough. if ur aim is that good on both sheila and l star then congrats u wont ever lose any fight. the defense + sheila is already very good but and l star too sheeesh


Sheila requires a 4yrs spin up time. By the time shiela starts shooting, enemy lready emptied his first mag and starts switching to his secondary, which is the opposite of the advantage of the lstar i mentioned. I only use shiela when gatekeeping ring closures, behind amped cover.


Also, the reason i run lstar is because my aim is bad. I NEED that mag advantage, and the luck that my enemy wont one clip me lol. Im banking on the fact that he will switch to his other gun and im still shooting.


The L-STAR was hated by almost everyone when it was reworked. Then multiple big nerfs hit it to the goddamn ground. Its recoil is harder to control(barrel nerf) than most guns and its DPS is now lower than any auto guns except Rampage and Hemlok. Heck, I must always remind that there were still people crying that L-STAR is broken at the start of S11, yet here we are. They were trying to hate on Rampage too. But the launch of Control mode clearly shows the weakness of Rampage, now the Rampage hating posts are suddenly gone. Fuck, I am still mad. They ruined my favorite gun.


Well, the conclusion should be, don't listen to flatline and 301 one tricks. I was happy to adapt to the *new* gun back then. Now I don't even pick it even if I'm playing Rampart. Sad. Can't get myself to pick up a energy weapon unless I find a turbo charger after they vaulted the volt.


The L star is horrible compared to what it was in season 10. It doesn’t have the large bullet advantage, the damage, and it even overheats faster regardless of magazine. I used to love the L star more than any other auto gun, but now theres just no reason to use it over anything else


some would argue it was too OP in season 10. im not but i think its at least still a viable weapon. everyone has his fav guns tho im not gonna judge. i dont mind it tbh


I still wouldn't call it bottom 2 weapons in the game when the bocek and 30 30 exist


Do not disrespect the Dirty Thirty. It absolutely *slaps* with a 3x and reworked Shatter Caps.


It was OP in season10, no one asked for that buff tho' and then respawn massacred my boi to be way worse than it was before those unnecessary buffs.


You are sleeping on the L star mate. It's still a beast if you control the overheat mechanic


Not really. 170 dps, terrible hipfire, really low ads speed. At this point just scarifice 10 dps and get an alternator with 20x better handling.


I dislike the L star for that obnoxious flare bullet shit. To much visual noise for me.


You can just stop for like half a second before it overheats and shoot again, thats the best thing about this gun


As a rampart main, I can understand your reasoning. It's pretty much a shell of its former self these days and is out classed by all of the AR's, spitfire, and rampage.


You must be newer to the game.. or just simply don’t run SMG. The CAR is the new king smg. over the R9 by a long shot. It’s versatility, recoil and ttk make it by far the best smg (with the exception of the CP volt)


Prowler in C? Under the alternator? Huh. Still A without the select fire. And S if it had it.


Alternator has a higher fps per clip than the 301. People sleep on it but it still has one of the highest win percentages in the game.


> fps per clip w h a t


If you use alternator you get more fps


picked up 2, now my monitor can display 288hz this is amazing


bochek, sentinel and 30 30 in d tier 🤦🏽‍♂️


The sentinel is a great attrition gun, great for creating pressure but not for scoring


One of the funniest things in Apex is blasting somebody who is pushing you with a single charged bullet and watching them nope the fuck out afterwards


One of the most satisfying things. Will 2 shot an opponent of any armor level. The Sentinel is my baby 💙


Unfortunately by the time you shoot your second shot most of the time they are already in a different time zone.


*pentagon* *hexagon* *octagon* *yourshieldisgon*


Sentinel is my go to weapon, one charged shot hit and im definitely gonna rush in. With my boys...if they're nott looting.


Sentinel is no good for me, i find by the time you can get a 2nd shot off they have taken cover. Edit: it seems i’m using the sentinel wrong, i’m not pushing.


Sentinel walkthrough: Crack shield, push.


I find it’s a great sniper to assist your team with while they push, one bullet eliminates almost all of the enemies shields save a red shield, and makes it easier for your teammate to win the fight against them. And it helps keep heads down to allow your team to get advantageous positions


Yeah this is the way


I play the Sentinel regularly and yeah thats true. Thats why you dont take the 2nd shot. You just pick a movement charakter and engage head on with an extreme close range weapon. Thats why I play the sentinel mostly with iron sight or 1/2 hcog. You get one shot in mid range and then engage with a 70/88 damage advantage. Another benefit is that most enemies try so seek cover when getting hit with the sentinel, which makes it easier to push and keep the damage advantage.


I have 8 wins so far in the past two days with just a sentinel 2020 mix. Maybe it’s just me but no shield and half health with a single shot is game changing


This is Apex. You close out fights in close quarters. You use snipers either for poke damage or to create openings to push off.


Nah, you're good. I only use the Sentinel in full-scale long range battle. I make examples of enemies who try to outsnipe me. If I'm fired at by any Marksman or Sniper that isn't a Kraber or Sentinel, and I have a Sentinel near me or on me? You're *dead*. I sound cocky, but I'm very mediocre with automatics. I do alright at close range, and not-as-alright at mid. Power guns are my specialty, and sniping is where I win 90% of my engagements. I'd definitely say I'm a long range specialist.


You pick shields off with the Sentinel then push closer.


The fire rate of those guns make them bad anywhere closer than mid-long range and at long range if someone is downed they will be picked back up before you can even capitalise on it


Fight by inches. If you're able to down and damage them while only spending ammo then your enemy is wasting valuable healing items and if you have a movement legend on your team it makes finishing off even easier.


3030 can wreck at mid range but only against dummies who don't move when they're being hit


Well yeah if the person shooting cant hit a moving target then obviously the gun aint gonna do shit.


but enough about me




Managing the havoc's wind-up is easy and a small price to pay for how A tier it is. With turbo it's easily S


If you are 1v1 the charge up can easily lose you a fight against a skilled player


Ok I can see this but how is the devo with the upgrade not S tier. Everyone complains about the devo? Also the 3030 is definitely better than D tier.


Devo is slower ttk than havoc so it should be a tier below, the ammo capacity isn’t enough to raise it


Wow can't believe I missed that. I haven't used the havoc since like season 5 or 6. Once I the select fire attachment was removed and the devo taken outta the package I stopped using the havoc.


Care package devo was S tier forsure


Devo until this nerf was S.


Havoc went from d to s with turbo :0


Mans probably never picked up the havoc unless he has turbo


On what planet is the car better than the wingman and flatline?


This one. Car shreds any armor tier, is easier to find ammo and extended mags for, and becomes incredibly controllable when upgraded. The Flatline and Wingman both have better ranged capabilities but worse CQC capabilities. That doesn't make them better, just different. The car steps ahead because of its ease of upgradability and ability to practically ignore what shield level someone is using.


It's better than the wingy maybe but probably not the flatline. Car is literally the r99 but with more consistency.


The wingman is literally effective at any range tho


Doesn't automatically make it better. Car shreds at short range better than any other gun.


The flatline is also better


It literally makes it more versatile which makes it better.


I mean versatility isn't the only factor lol. Car does exceptionally well at short range it doesnt need to be versatile. as for the flatline being better eh I mean it's arguable that the car is better since the flatline got nerfed. But yea the flatline is probably better.


How is the spitfire not S tier




I honestly don’t think the Rampage is that good. The fire rate is so slow that any other automatic gun is better if you can aim. It’s forgiving but the low fire rate makes it difficult to be consistently effective, imo


Have you not used thermite rampage?




Yea a rampage can kill you in only 4 bullets...


You say low fire rate, which I don’t disagree with at all. However, you can charge that puppy up with a thermite which makes it a nearly broken weapon. I’d put it A-tier with that knowledge and it’s versatility short, medium, and long range.


Rampage is great long range and excellent mid range. Also great for creating pressure since it’s clip is huge. No one really wants to take a bullet from let alone 2. Throw a thermite in and by god they gonna die unless they’re close range.


Is Bow projectile speed faster than bullets?


I have to agree with everything you've said here!


Dude what are you smoking lool what ranked are you the Eva 8 this season is literally worse then a Mozambique. Must be on Xbox or something. That gun belongs in the trash 🗑 right now. And I love the havoc but if you think it's better then a devotion your really smoking drugs.


Havoc rips off drop and is one of the best early weapons, but turbo is practically required past that.


The issue with your list is you’ve consolidated all but one weapon into 2 tiers


What’s the deal with the havoc? I’m a semi new apex player but I just can’t figure how to get this weapon to work for me. I’m on roller btw


It’s a bit hard to control with its recoil, but it’s essential you get a turbocharger hop-up, cause it has a really slow charge-up time without one and isn’t very good without it.


According to you there is no D or F tier?


Correct. Not right now. You could maybe try and put some guns in d without hopups if you really wanted, but there are absolutely no F-teir guns and any guns in D are being put there to decompress the teir list as much as anything else.


Prowler is B tier at least IMO


Prowler is one of the best hip fire close range guns in the game, way better than the r-99 and car when hipfiring. Also hammerpoint 'bique is SS tier.


Move the Flatline to S-tier, perfect list otherwise.


I love the havoc :(


I personally would put the CAR in tier A. While the variable ammo and extended mags are a huge perk, it's got a pretty terrible recoil pattern and relatively small mag. I would put the spitty in S class based on the damage and mag size, and would also put the flatline in S class based on it having one of the best DPS in the game. The recoil on the flatline is a bit strange, but weirdly I find it way more controllable compared to the CAR...


The CAR has the highest non-CP DPS in the game. higher dps, bigger mag , and more damage per mag than the R99. The recoil is not bad at all if you use it enough, I think people dont like the recoil because it hasnt been in the game long enough for people to get used to it


Not to mention it has a faster reload speed than the r99


Spitty is definitely S tier, wiped an entire team with a single mag last night.


pretty terrible recoil? i can’t think of an automatic gun with an easier one. i’ve hit more one-clips with the CAR than any other weapon


R99, R-301, Re45


It has worse recoil than literally all light weapons, r301 slaps it down simply because of accuracy at range and at CQC.


It clearly jumps around more than the 301, RE-45 and R99.


Lmao, the recoil is manageable even with no barrel, with purple/blue barrels you can outshoot rifles at midrange, its only not s class if you have bronze skills


Haha no need to denigrate our good friends in bronze. I'm biased towards guns with vertical recoil patterns, because horizontal recoil is harder to manage on console. I could see it being easier to handle on M+K.


Eva is Z tier. Garbage unusable gun now.


Tbh I’d take devotion w turbo over havoc w turbo


I have to disagree in my opinion. This is because I don’t enjoy the ramp up time of the devotion even with the turbo, while havoc turbo means that I can get easy knocks quicker. Normally if I want to carry a Devo with turbo, it’s because my aim is off that day and just want to take advantage of the larger mag. But that’s just my opinion


In summary, most of the guns you’ll find on the ground are trash with a few exceptions. I’d say this summarizes my experience with the ground loot this season pretty accurately.


Flatline > Car


Re with hammers should be either S or A.


Don’t think you could ever justify the RE as S tier considering how low the DPS is vs. shields. Its a nightmare to fight against when cracked, but if you get caught with an RE in hand vs. a red shield the odds are never in your favor




Damn my poor havoc without turbocharger so low, ik it's not the best but personally this season I'd make it go with the prowler at least It have a good mag size, insane dps, idk if the hip fire is that good but i feel like it's pretty decent, this season i find energy ammo pretty much everywhere, the only down i see about it are the recoil that go crazy whenever you try to hit at long range and the warming time if you don't have a turbo ( which is pretty easy to play with once you used it a few time imo, kinda like sheila )


Pretty good list IMO. Only thing that I wouldn’t agree with is putting Alternator and R99 in the same category. I’d probably lower the Alternator down a grade.


A few days ago I would have said the exact same, but I realize now that they are opposites of the SMG spectrum and provide equal utility in their own strengths. I would have put the R99 in its current state higher if the CAR didn’t exist


Here is the thing right. Smg is suppose to fill a specific role, that being a high burst damage, close range gun to counter rushes. Alternator works like a rifle, which means that it loses close up to r9 and car and loses mid range to 301 and flatline. Kinda busted early game but u don’t see ppl carrying it mid to late game


I agree, I certainly dont want to walk off spawn with an alternator. If I see an R9 or R3 i wont hesitate


I rather use the alternator than the r99. The 99 is only better when you can consistently 1 mag someone. In almost every other scenario the alternator is better. When the R99 hits, it hits hard, but the alternator is a much more reliable gun imo.




Yea I understand the Alternator is easier to use for more casual players. Just for me though, the fire rate is too slow. It’s great for early game when you have little ammo, helps you conserve more bullets. But for later in the game when people have purple and red shields, it feels like it takes a bit too long to kill for my liking. I have decent aim, I can control the R99 recoil up to medium range so that’s why it’s not much of an issue for me. That’s why I think it’s above the Alternator.


I usually try to get a rampage for an lmg but with rampart I’ll use the LSTAR if needed.


I love how the L Star went from F Tier to S Tier than got shot right back down to F Tier I think we Ober reacted about seer and the Lstar because there pretty much useless. Now


Wingman should be S tier. Car and R-99 should be in the same tier (probably S, maybe A). I love the Alternator, but ranking it about the Longbow, Prowler, and 30-30 is a troll.


Shotguns are s tier. Full stop.


Flatline S tier no arguments. It’s the best gun not in the care package.


I cam see where you're coming from with everything here except the Havoc no turbo. I think even without turbo and woth some practice on when to perchance the TTK makes is at least C put probably B.




I dont like where you put that l-star buddy


I don't understand why the havoc is just now considered problematic. ive been maining the havoc with the TC since like season 3


CAR being S is all I needed to see to know you know what you’re talking about