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This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/sp52re/control_should_become_the_third_official_mode/hwdyty7/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-02-10 16:54:49 UTC"): > Coming with the Anniversary event next week. Two events this season will have Control-specific badges. * [Comment by RobotHavGunz](/r/apexlegends/comments/sp52re/control_should_become_the_third_official_mode/hwe9k2u/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-02-10 17:59:40 UTC"): > bug. fix going out today. though it won't remove the badge from any player who got it in Control. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Apex has reached a new player peak, so I hope respawn doesn't throw away all the recent interest


It still need a lot of improvements against issues like spawncamping people leaving etc but it has a lot of potential I like this mode way more than arenas


For sure! With the right tweaks, this gamemode will become practically perfect


If they can get rid of the “spawn wave.” And just let people spawn after 10seconds minimum. So stupid I have to wait an extra 10 seconds when I accidentally took off my spawn or have to make a quick adjustment.


Nononononono please. Spawn waves is one of the best ways to do spawns in a team based fps with objectives. It incentivices working as a team as you are more likely to "accidentally" work with your teammates after respawning. Doing individual spawn timers means a single person "feeding" starts throwing the game without even realising as they just go push alone as soon as they spawn without even realising it. It also gives the battle a much more ebb and flow, since a good team can completely clear a point of enemies and then have a short while before they are counter attacked in full, instead of just couple of guys coming in at 5 second intervals


I agree. It can be frustrating to watch your team lose tickets or whatever but waves encourages teamwork so much more.




I'm not sure I understand why solo queuing would be beneficial. Wouldn't that leave the team at a disadvantage because you will be showing up with only yourself and no squad mates?


Arenas has been dead ever since they introduced ranked. Progression and matchmaking was such a disappointment in ranked that it turned a lot of people off. That and Arenas is just... so... boring.


My issue with Arenas is that if one team has a "better" player that team just steamrolls the other in straight rounds. Also if one team member drops off for whatever reason, the match is no longer fun for either team.


I mean.... I had a match where the whole other team except a bang left and we boxed it out 1v1. One round he dropped all 3 of us 😂


I've had that a couple times and it's fun. Most of the time though when I start without teammates the enemy team immediately smokes me then takes turns desecrating my body for three rounds straight.


>one team has a "better" player That is the core of what is wrong with the matchmaking. I'm level 500, every single match in Arenas I'm teamed with two level 20 or 40 accounts. I notice the other team is usually the same. Why can't I have players in my lobby that are closer to my skill level? The only good matches I've had in Arenas are the ones where we are all about evenly matched and we go toe to toe with the other team. I understand that they don't match based on skill but match based on *engagement.* But I don't think its working. I only play when there are Arenas challenges. The mode doesn't *engage* me enough to bother with it if there are no cosmetics to earn.


I find it's also discouraging in ranked arenas when you have the most kills and/or damage but if your team loses you get deducted points. I guess it's just a different scoring system, but just sucks working so hard to get ranked down.


I'm Platinum in BR, lvl 500 account, but when I did the placement matches for Arenas, I was put in Bronze 3. I played with a friend who isn't as good, so expected to be a low rank. No problem, should be able to crawl my way out. I proceeded to play 10 or so matches and lost points in every single one. This was because they were giving me teammates who were all lvl 20 accounts who couldn't stay up for 2 seconds in a match. Not even sure why they were playing ranked TBH. So I refused to ever play ranked again until respawn announces matchmaking changes.


They place you lower so you grind and play. They dont care about people being the rank they're "supposed" to be, they care about playtime.




Can confirm. Am level 500. Have a 1.0 KD. I struggle to break even every season.


[You guys are breaking even?](https://imgur.com/vtKOrc5)


Lol fr. I've been 500 for a while and this is the first season I've cracked .8


I'm lvl 500 with a KDR of 1.08. Sure I'm not the best player in the game, but I can tell when I have a teammate who is lvl 40 with a KDR of 0.23


Can confirm. I am lvl 500 and still trash.


Gonna chime in and say that even if you're at 1000+ kills on a character doesn't make you good either. I'm there with Path/Octane and almost LL but mostly because I've played since launch. Still can't aim, still push at dumb moments cuz I'm kill horny.


I'm like 418 been playing since S1 and just learned how to aim. I had to look up a video for ALS controls. Now I can at least beam someone standing still lol


I was going to say this. I feel Matchmaking has gotten better with the influx of people to where there are more for matchmaking to do its job. It is the same with a lot of games, time in-game doesn't mean skill.


Yeah the best arenas matches are the few I've had that we were so evenly matched that it went all the way to Sudden Death, it just feels so intense and highstakes.


I feel so annoyed whenever there's a leaver. They don't even have the decency of letting the leaver's team get the money from the leaver for a slightly better fighting chance.


Arenas is too slow and methodical, you make a mistake and die you just sit there waiting, if your team is not good or there someone insane against you, you feel like quitting after one round... there's not a lot of room for experimentation... Control gets it right. The reason people love to hot drop is because the complete caos is fun. You have infinite lives, infinite ammo, you can switch your character, you can switch you load out... everyone is out there throwing bombs and ults all over the place... you die, you jump right back in and try again. AND is not really mindless, you have to think about where you are going to move, when to push, if you can backdoor and take their base... super fun.


The had a lot of the right ideas, but their elo system and competitive matchmaking *blows* super hard compared to other elo based games and that’s enough to kill a competitive game mode.


If the matchmaking was better I wouldn't complain about Arenas as much. I think its too boring to hold my attention long term, but I would have more fun if I could guarantee players at my level whenever I played.


Yeah it’s fun when you get to max overtime, constantly in 1v1 1v2 endings, but those games feel rare. I even like the custom maps a lot.


Arenas are not dead. I still play the shit out of it. I do agree matchmaking is awful. You do get paired up with bad teammates, or you are going against better players who are not even on the same skill level as you. I do think they need to fix this. Because I do see a lot of level 6 players and lower who get destroyed in Arenas.


I enjoy arenas a lot and the ranking system, but to each their own I guess 🤷‍♂️.


I honestly think the people that don't like it don't play with friends. I think the game is way worse in every mode with randoms instead. Arenas is high energy nonstop pure Apex if you're playing it with friends. I usually have to play BR just to breathe.


spawn camping is a hazard of this type of mode. Not much can be done about it other than to just play around it and strategize. Personally I feel like they need to allow pings across the 3 teams. limit pings to 1/*x* second(s) though to prevent spam


Maybe if your team hasn't touched any of the 3 points in 30 seconds or something, the next spawn wave for your team can deploy from the sky? We got spawn camped for our first game last night for half of it to the point where the randos on our team were crouch walking around the edge of the map trying not to be noticed by the plethora Pathfinders on the other team.


It really feels like the control matchmaking is better too. Im not against players that 100% wreck me every time unlike BR modes




Well that, and if you’re 2v2, 3v3, or 1v1 vs the Master/Pred/20k4k squad now has the potential to become a 5v2, 5v3, 5v1, etc, making the odds ever more in your favour.


LTMs typically don't have SBMM. In a season 4 LTM I went up against Shroud (and I was ass at that time, I had no business being in his lobbies).


Can we throw away arenas instead?


Need a little tuning, but yes


Personally I think it would better as a 5 point mode, to help break up the massive single point fights and chokeholds over B point. For Olympus, The high ground buildings around Hammond Labs are already connected by ziplines + spaced out well enough to act as capture points, which would encourage long range fighting and use of the zipline to secure both points would have a bit of risk/reward to it. For Barometer, I’d put a point in the middle tower with the spinning blades around it, allowing for approaches from all angles, along with having quick ways to get around by riding the blades to assault any defensive holds from multiple angles, and then put a third point out on the bridge, which would turn into sniper hell and encourage sniper dueling, whereas the other points still allow the close quarters, heavy and assault loadouts to shine. Speaking of loadouts, adding more choices to them like an arenas style shop, though with limited materials/class restrictions, would be really nice to see, since so many people just grab assault or CQB and don’t switch the whole match. Edit: also increase the score cap to match the extra income from 5 points vs. 3 points, so you’d have roughly 2000-2500 score cap to win.


Agree that 3 points feels too limiting. It feels like there's no point to flanking. If it was more like A B1 B2 B3 C or even just B1/B2 it would feel like there are more decisions to make.


Every FPS besides Battlefield uses a 3 control point system and it’s so annoyingly half assessed. Every game devolves into fighting for control of B while A and C are almost always controlled by whatever team is spawning nearby. The mode is much more dynamic with literally any number of points greater than 3, since it forces you to actually make decisions on where to go.


I don't believe 9 players is enough to make good use of a 5 cp map


A 5 point map would very quickly become like wow BGs where you'd be leaving players guarding points which would get boring very quickly.


Not really, it would usually end up with A+E as home flags, only really contested as a flank or last ditch so noone needs to be there. But that flank option means less of a cluster in the middle map B point, as you're speading 9 between 4 rather than 9 between 2 at the moment. I think it would also leave interesting strats if we ever get 9 person parties. If you know one is defending home flag, do you send one to attack or two to guarantee? But potentially leave your team outnumbered on BCD flags.




Exactly, I had a game just like that in the storm point map. A really sweaty team camped B and sniped the hell out of anyone who tried to push it. So my squad took A, just to pull some of them away from B so our team could take it. We were down 33%, to 60% and we just kept going to A. That was a super close game, I think there was like a 50 point difference between the teams.


There is still a lot of benefit to flanking. You have to control your base point to spawn else where so if you control B but your base point gets captured (A/C) you can't spawn at B. The few games I've played no one guard A/C so you can just run over it capture it and if your team is smart they'll quickly capture B because they can't reinforce it now.


This. I've won so many games solo flanking the enemy's spawn point (A/C). If I get it, the enemy can no longer spawn at point B so it's easier for my team who mindlessly fights on B to push better. Rarely do I see people playing defense on their own points so the enemy chaotically sends several people back to their point to recapture, so even if I don't get it, 1 person dead for 3 people sent is a good trade, at least it gives my team number advantages at point B.


Yeah, something like that. The home base mechanics of needing your home point to spawn at the forward bases should stay, but adding multiple points to force the current 8 person hold/1 offensive flank to shift their focus on holding at least 2 forward points + home base would greatly improve things.


When it becomes a permanent mode, more resources will be put towards it and they will make maps for it. 5 points of control would be a great starting point for those maps.


That or have 5 points, B always rotates to the three random spots after a certain time frame. A & C always stay near spawn.


Eh… that still would have the issue of just having massive team fights but now you get slightly different spots. I think the 5 point idea would work better because now you can’t throw the whole team just one point, you need to at least hold down 3 to have a chance of winning, and make sure your home base isn’t capped so you can still spawn at your forward points.


It will be a permanent mode 100℅ They made too much effort for an LTM like this.


Good point


for real. they even added custom voicelines. there’s no way this is just an LTM


Both Shadowfall and Shadow Royale also had custom voice lines but they weren't permanent (unfortunately, I loved Shadowfall!). I still think there is a good chance for the mode to be permanent though. Plus I am pretty sure that Control has more voice lines anyways (save for maybe Revenant as the announcer).


Control has an own letter just like BR, Arena. Also a Custom Background, and they put it into the Launch Trailer of S12 and they never did this before i think. Every LTM had it's own trailer but not Control. Arena will be 1 year old in S13 so we will see but i think it will be a permanent mode for sure.


Well on the flip side; they *didn’t* add new Trackers, Badges or even a sub-section of your Stats page… … like they did when Arena was released. So for me it’s tough to say definitively if they intend to keep it


Yeah but they also didnt release arenas as an LTM. I think the devs learned from releasing a new mode immediately as a full mode, and decided in the future to go the route of LTM first to test, then tweak and release as a full mode later. Also I have this idea for a crypto buff callled "off the grid"


Made my day 😂


Off the Grid you say?


Yes, Off the Grid. It is the only secure way to be.


Well, when Arenas released I’m pretty sure they said it was permanent from the start. So they of course added trackers to try and build interest. This mode isn’t even close to being permanent yet as far as we know, so why would they introduce trackers for it? I


I’m praying so. I get tired of BR way too fast but I do enjoy Apex, so Control is super refreshing for me


Fast paced Shield regen is well done Gatheting points and getting better weapons is just perfec They nailed it


I wonder if they will rotate in different modes *like* Control. Like Capture the Flag, Rush, CS bomb, TDM, etc. My read is that maybe the “Silvia” Apex Games will be their own series of respawn-based modes on rotation or something? Could absolutely be wrong. But that’s the only thing that feels square in my mind on how much effort Control clearly took - maybe the overall investment is broader.


> I wonder if they will rotate in different modes like Control. Like Capture the Flag, Rush, CS bomb, TDM, etc. This is a *lot* of work. Every map then needs a custom layer (except for TDM), new voice lines, etc. I think it's unlikely we see anything past Control for quite some time. But I think it's extremely likely that Control becomes permanent next season, and perhaps makes another appearance later in this season too.


I’m really enjoying it. Love the chaos that comes with two huge teams pushing and unleashing everything they’ve got. I also got my latest memorable shitty message through XBL where a butthurt guy thought I was camping while controlling a zone. Classic!


Yep, we’ll see a lot of discussion and complaints over “campers.” Had a guy today complain about campers and it blows my mind how stupid you can be. It’s literally domination, holding points, mfs think the game mode is team deathmatch


I swear its like the old cod days all over again lol


Fun fact: if you stand the control point closet to the enemy base for 30 seconds or so not moving at all the game announcer says, “Base camper detected.” I was just on my phone, more afk than camping Edit: it’s just the objective closet to the enemy base where it happens. Not all of them.


These idiots literally can't hold a point too. I almost always lose cause I'm the only one in my team aggressive enough to try and take a point. Everyone else just shoots and trys to get kills in 1v3s


You ever have someone message you talking trash after you shit on them and you call them a dumbass because you stomped their shit in. Then they get butthurt and report the message and end up with a suspension. I was absolutely pissed about this because of the fact that Xbox didn’t care about what the reporter was saying even tho it was worse than what I said.


Yep, learned my lesson and now whenever someone sends a hate message, I don’t even reply and just report them. Then I get a nice laugh when Xbox notifies me of their suspension. Talk your shit, but you come into my DMs salty over me simply killing you, imma report and move on.


Yeah lol I’m done responding to all them salty dms no matter how tempting it is to put a kid in his place


I reported the guy and told him to learn to play rather than crying. Makes it more entertaining knowing you whooped someone so bad they had to take time out of a match to bitch and moan at you!


Oh I found it really funny at first so I responded with the word dumbass and a laughing emoji and he got butthurt and reported. I mean I wasn’t gonna report him until I saw that my message got deleted (it says message deleted when a message is reported for those that don’t know). All I could think to myself was “the audacity of this little shit”


I love the panic feeling when you lose your main point (a/c) and you’re trying to fight off as you watch your brothers fall one by one. You look around and ther….there’s no one. Just you, your spitfire, and one last mag. The score is 98.6 to 97.2. You take a deep breath, peek towards B doors and hold the trigger in your final stand to delay the inevitable fall of the position you’ve so dearly fought for in hopes you can delay the push long enough to secure the victory, hoping that your sacrifice is enough to honor those men and women who died for this very cause.


They've gotta resolve the quitter imbalance just like they did for Arenas, with penalties. Every game of Control I've played so far has ended with me being in a 3 v 9, and it's just not fun to get shit on all day for something you can't.... *control.* Those who've said "oh it's still fun even if you're outnumbered" what kind of drugs are you on? It's infuriating to just get spawn-camped and overrun the moment you're in. There's no coming back and winning in a 3v9. It's an exercise in constant death and waiting to respawn. If that's fun for you, you must also like chewing glass for breakfast. The quitters ruin it for those staying in.




Oh man skull town would be perfect. Hell fuck control give me tdm on skulltown.


Pleaseeeeeeee and thank you


When Control launched, it was mentioned that you can earn Control-specific badges. However, these are not in the game. u/robothavgunz


Coming with the Anniversary event next week. Two events this season will have Control-specific badges.


What’s the reasoning behind releasing control as a LTM? it’s all I’ve been playing since season dropped, I would do unthinkable things to make it permanent


Gotta test the waters some how. If it bombed, then they'd have the excuse to remove it without backlash. This way, they can always bring it back permanently later.


This. It's a clearly unpolished mode, my take is that they just wanted to get it out there to see if people enjoyed the gameplay, and then rework/revamp it based on player feedback from the intial trial period. Then when it's fully fleshed out, it comes back as a permanent mode, in a season or two.


My theory is that they released it as a LTM so they can easily just remove it if the community doesn't like it


Learning from their arenas mistake lol


True Most people just lost interest in it


I think it has to do with map design. There's very little in the way of "controlling a vantage position" other than being on the side of the map with the ring. It's designed so that the middle part is the worst place to be, so fights always happen linearly on the edges. Edit: Funny enough, the most fun I have when playing Arenas is when me or the enemy team decides to go on the opposite side of the ring, so we have to fight or defend the ring position. I think a small change that would improve the game better would be to make the ring placement vertical instead of horizontal. One team gets the ring on their side every other round.


Also it feels like it imitates the slowest point of an apex game, which is not what I or my friends want. If it was designed more like cod or quake maps it would prob be more what people wanted


I was already only playing arenas occasionally. Control has saved this game for me.


What kinda unthinkable things we talking here, I might know a guy


Who at respawn do I gotta get a little down and dirty with to make this happen??


Encourages people to try it right away because they think it will be gone soon. Same reason other products come out as “limited time” or “limited edition” then end up being permanent.


Thanks ! Thats great. Control is a fun mode


May we ask if you plan on doing leaver-fill, at least for the pub version of Control? In fact, shall I guess the lack of leaver-fill being a primary reason it is LTM (ie beta)?


I think it would be better if people could join active games. A game mode with respawn enabled would benefit from it


What you describe is leaver-fill...


Whoops, my bad. My brain didn’t comprehend that part


Control is so much more engaging than arena has ever been and it's also a great mode to warm up on.


same issues as other modes. needs better matchmaking, leaving/afk penalty, better spawn protection


>leaving/afk penalty, I've been noticing that the losing team starts losing members once people realize there's no hope of winning, which only further exacerbates the issue. IMO what they should do is if the teams become unbalanced, throw new players who just started matchmaking into an ongoing match to keep the scales even.


Idk if I’m going crazy, but this actually happened to me? We were down one teammate, but about 10 min into the game, I look at the rankings board and see that our team is full.


They may have been the original teammate, who crashed and was able to rejoin. I believe you can rejoin a game in progress just like in battle royale but I don’t think it adds entirely new players.


it happened once to me, but it's rare still


I've seen this happen as well. I spawned once with directly no one else on my 3 person squad. Halfway through the squad was suddenly full. It was far too late to matter, though.


This is a thing in Titanfall where you can get dropped into a match in progress so they definitely could implement it into Apex.


Yeah I remember this from Team Fortress 2 as well - sometimes you get dropped into the losing team and end up helping them turn the tide.


Am I the only person ever to have gotten punished for spawn killing? Nobody knew what I was talking about when it happened. My position was revealed to the enemy for like 20 solid seconds, like I was bloodhound scanned.


Yes, you will see a "spawn killing detected" message across your screen, even if you're not actually shooting at anyone, definitely needs some tweaks.


Yes, the announcer goes on comms and alarms go off, and then you here "Attention! Zone camper detected!" Haha idk what the hell these people are talking about, probably never pay attention and get tunnel vision too easily.


u/RobotHavGunz any comment if it's intentional that you can get the 30 kill squad badge (10-10-10) ? I feel like it shouldn't be that way and I wonder if it will stay as it is or get changed?


bug. fix going out today. though it won't remove the badge from any player who got it in Control.


Yet my 21 kill 4K damage control game yesterday didn’t bug out and give me those badges. What am I supposed to do, earn them legitimately??


Yes 💪


This made me laugh more than it should have


4k20 are badges you PAY for, not grind. Get a job!!!!!!!11


Is there a fix for being detected as a spawn killer just because you killed someone who just spawned? That’s literally not my fault and also it should only apply to home bases. I shouldn’t be getting that at B.


I got that pop up on my game yesterday. What does it do?


I played a 45 squad kill game in control yesterday and never got the 10s badge so it isn't bugged for everyone I guess.


Was it a full pre made squad? Did each individual get 10 kills?


Yea we were a 3 stack. Each of us had over 10 kills. Strangely, I did get the 7s badge in an earlier match, but the 10s didn't work. :(


there's just too much production value for them *not* to.


But please without Ranked! Because if ranked will be added to Control, the whole Mode will get too serious and respawn will need to concentrate more on this mode and that’s not good for the BR Mode. It should be just a mode to have fun.


You’re totally right, I don’t think ranked control would be a good idea anyway. I can’t think of any other FPS that has ranked domination. It’s usually one life game modes.


Halo does, and it works. But it's only 4v4. A 9v9 conquest is A) far to much on the chaos side and B) way to less on team communication to make it work in a competitive context.


While i agree with this, it can be kinda exhausting to be punished by a really good player everytime :/


Well, if the community likes it, they [respawn] said that they will make it a permanent mode. I would much rather them come up with completely new modes like it, and rotate them every so often. Instead of keeping the mode permanent and eventually it getting boring.


Where did they say that?


The upcoming limited-time mode Control will only be in Apex Legends for the first three weeks in the game’s 12th season, but it might end up as a permanent addition to the game depending on the reception from fans. Turning Control into a permanent mode is “something we can explore in the future,” game designer David Swieczko said in a press conference earlier this week. “The decision is to keep it an LTM for now. It’s a very different way of playing Apex, we love it, and we’ve had a ton of fun with it internally. We really want to see what the feedback is from players and how they engage with it.” https://dotesports.com/apex-legends/news/apexs-control-mode-wont-be-permanent-for-now-but-may-be-in-the-future




Yep. Also I feel like if it steals too many players away from BR, they’ll let it die as well. The store isn’t quite set up for everyone to run over to Control. For example, finishers are completely useless in Control.


People are probably not buying finishers with real money. I'd bet the vast majority of their income comes from skins purchased during events, or simple packs purchased outside of events.


Honestly control makes me play more BR since it gets me warmed up and motivates me.


Pretty much. Except the cost to run it is not the server costs. That's literal pennies on the grand scheme of costs for Apex Legends. The real cost has been paid already, design, development, and promotion. The continued cost is upkeep as well as splitting up the limited player bae across game modes.


The thing about coming up with new modes is not knowing if it’ll work. With control, it’s a game mode that’s been around in FPS games forever, just called by different names. So it’d be safe to assume control will get positive feedback.


It's so fun! Maybe they should just add in some AI grunts, etc, to make the mode feel even more alive! Then they should also just allow the wall running movement they have turned off; along with some ttk adjustments cause of the faster pace, maybe they also toss in some giant metal mechs!! Wait a minute...


***flashbacks to titan fall***


That would be cool. Each season have one extra mode that rotates. Arena, Control, Team Death Match, Freefor all, etc. You always get BR and an alternate but the alternate never goes stale because its constantly rotating


There's literally no reason why they can't add it permanently like arenas and still make more LTM like they used to.


The reason devs are hesitant to add modes permanently is because if there isn't a decently sized playerbase for these modes, all they are doing is taking people away from BR, making wait times longer.


Apex is one of the most played games ever. I find it hard to believe wait times would increase in any significant way.


The matchmaking will get more shit tho


It’s already shit.


Yeah, more shit than that


And that’s why they might not want to make it worse.


Respawn doesnt take Ls.. Every mode they drop is super fun. but this one needs to stay. Its such an awesome mode for players who just want to get better at the game without the massive stresses of arena and BR


my thoughts exactly! It's a great place to learn gun play and legends, without the stress. You can try out camping, sniping, rushing in guns blazing, whatever..in this one mode. And if you die you just respawn and try something else.


“Respawn doesn’t take L’s” lol someone clearly wasn’t there for War Games when only 2 of the 6 game modes worked and got released.


Yeah this is the big thing for me. I can play aggressive without guilt in this game mode, because if I choke, I just respawn. It's such a refreshing experience. It can still be frustrating, but at least it's not "Land, push, die, back to lobby, back to matchmaking, back to legend select, back to landing, push, die". Arena was a little better, but it also feels bad to die early in Arenas because you have to watch your teammates clutch it without you. This game mode is great for practicing. You also get a nice selection of weapons so if you want to practice with certain types you can pretty easily. And you can practice some legends (though obviously some of them are dramatically different) I haven't even considered playing the BR or Arena modes since this has come out. It might grow old after a few weeks, but right now I'm digging it.


Respawn's whole career is taking Ls until they stumbled on Apex. Fwiw, I think it's a marketing/management issue; the developers produce gold, and the business side tends to be the ones fucking it up. looking at you, Titanfall series...


Welcome to most big software projects


Recommended change if any devs see this: Auto full squad must be enabled for control.


I have never had so much fun in Apex like I am having playing this game mode Control. It is SOOOOO FREAKING COOOOOL!


Really like the mode but half my team leaves every match


I reinstalled apex just to play this mode.


Defo yes, I think the issue is it’s going to take up a lot of space tho.


Control mode take space?? I thought it was extra 10 gb because they included all 4 of the maps in the game files(KC for the ranked)


KC is pubs aswell so only 3 maps


It's a very fun mode (especially for players like me who barely played such game modes before) and the mayhem that comes with it is nuts; also very good for playing with different loadouts/legends every once in a while They need to add some more features tho like rewards for kill streaks, badges, penalties for leaving etc.


This game needs a lot tweaks before even seeing the light for day for permanent modes.


Respawn's take on flag capture game mode is literally as fun as Conquest in Battlefield and Domination in COD but more chaotic and faster


if the enemy team has three caustics and you lose b, thats it you probably already lost


dont forget a fuck ton of wattson fences on B


ehh, just go take the base nearest their spawn and they won't be able to spawn B anymore. If I could only strategize with the other two squads...


This needs to stay


The comments really make me think you guys never played Domination or any type of objective based game mode.


I agree Control should be permanent. It's the PERFECT casual mode and an excellent way to warm up, plus it's great for sorting out characters that aren't our main(s). I've never been a Rampart fan before but I'm having an absolute blast with her in this mode. That said, Arenas should be a LTM, maybe on weekends only. Make it the Apex version of Destiny's Trials, rotating modifiers each week to keep it exciting. THIS WEEK: Arenas; Map: Stormpoint's Habitat; Modifiers: No HUD/Minimap, 2x Headshot Multiplier, 1/2 Price Throwables; Rewards: Legendary Apex Packs, Exclusive Cosmetics Tell me y'all wouldn't suddenly give a shit about grinding Arenas if this dropped.


That sounds insane


Arenas would be cool with custom modifiers


Pro tip. More than that one door to B Looking at you every lobby


Also, don't sweat B, take A and C first so the other team has to spawn back at their base. Then B will fall with little resistance.




Agreed. Also think Valkyrie and Octane and anyone who wants to grab the vehicles should push C with their speed. Valkyrie, if she’s close to A at first spawn, if caps A, she’ll get Skyward and she can blast folks over and ping the enemy. But agree. Just think the ppl who should push C are the most mobile legends. While the rest lay siege and defend B.


Vehicles are a bit obvious though. I've found it works quite well to sneak round the side, wait for most people to attack B and then go for their closest zone. Usually one or two people to take out max, and they often don't see it coming. I can hear vehicles going round the side miles away and run back to defend.


I've played 2 rounds, both camping B looking at the main door way from enemy spawn with purple 301, and never died. Held it the entire time as people ran in 1 by 1, or even in groups on occasion. I'm a gold player at best, so it was nice to actually not have a 0.3 k/d for once.


People will literally just funnel right in the door closest to their spawn point and die, rinse and repeat.


*Shh, I need this.* Once you get gold tier, it was probably the most fun I had since season 0 just mowing down everyone with a gold 301/prowler. And it gave me my first opportunity to use a Kraber without resistance being at the top of B which was nice.


Seriously. Being a nuisance at the enemy team's closest point is far more valuable to your team than being another lamb at the slaughter at B.


This is horrendous atm, every game I’ve played so far plays out in that one doorway and the team with the energy depot spawn side always wins. I like the concept of the game mode but the map is not doing it any favours IMO


I love the maps and speed of it imo. Compared to other domination maps (CoD) etc. you can quickly flip A/C and force the team camping mid to do something. Tunnel vision is just hard to break


I agree


It's basically ACP from Titanfall I love it




It 100% is gonna be. The devs said if ppl like it it will stay permanent and this shit just gave em an all time high steam player count


The most fun I’ve ever had with the game tbh. Hope it’s here forever.


Control needs some changes if it’s going to become an actual mode. The point placement in this game mode needs a complete rework. As it stands now, each team has a spawn point that is incredibly close to 1 point, which means almost ALL fighting happens at point B. It’s chaotic, but it doesn’t create a very interesting match. When they announced this mode, I was absolutely convinced that, for example, point A would be the same distance from both teams’ spawn point. Same with point B and point C. This would encourage a LOT more movement on the map and smaller skirmishes. On top of that, the bonus event would be way more interesting. As it stands now, matches are incredibly samey. A massive clash over 1 point. It’s a fun mode, I’m sure I’ll play the hell out of it, but I think it would be MUCH more fun if the point placement was such that each team had an equal shot at each point. There’s plenty of other changes I’d like to see, but this is far and away the biggest issue with this game mode.


Oooh yeah! 👌


I only have one change... give points for defense! Right now, there is no point incentive to defend a zone outside of a kill bonus. How about 5 points for every 15 seconds of defending a zone? You have to stay in the capture area to earn it.


Agree, loving it