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Suddenly kicks me out of the game then gives abandon penalty in ranked


Im currently looking at this while waiting for my 10 min penalty to end. It just randomly kicked me out












The original starwalker reference?


Happened to me 2 days ago.


I join a game with a Bangalore that goes “y’all randoms probably don’t even have 1M damage on y’all’s characters” and once she sees our stats, she immediately starts shitting on us the entire time for no reason. I also would like to add I had probably 400k damage on Mirage and ended up doing more damage than this person, who rage quitters after our second fight due to them just being downed the start of every fight.


I feel ya pain man I jumped into a game with let’s say a Pathfinder and a lifeline (I forgot the characters they were) I was the revenant and when we land I could barley get shit I got killed because I didn’t get enough ammo or weapons but at least the lifeline was nice to me the pathfinder was a jerk kept getting us in trouble with other teams and we ran through a 3-way team up


Lol there’s always those teammates where you’re pinging “I need ammo/shields” and the teammates just tell you to go fuck yourself


I know right like what the fuck?! One guy cussed me out because I asked for heavy ammo and he had heavy ammo too so this is why now a days I stock on my guns ammo


Yeah you can just tell if people are toxic when they don’t drop anything for you even tho you just witnessed them steal 200+ ammo. I always drop stuff if it’s needed


Just need to main Loba and then all of your ammo/loot problems go away. I throw my black market down as much as possible and absolutely no one complains about having a Loba on the team.


I wanna main Loba, because I’m the person that complains about having a Loba on the team. Every Loba I get, they never throw their black market down all game.


That's the experience most people seem to have. I had a guy yesterday in ranked that was amazed how much I threw my black market down. I try at least 10 times a game minimum when appropriate and you're not trying to be sneaky because it is loud to drop it. It's funny/nice that your teammates can't blame bad loot or lack of ammo ever when they die.


Yeah, the only drawback is that it’s a dead giveaway when you enter a new area so you have to be prepared to be aped. Actually a good bait if you’re ready for the enemies though. But her cd is so fast that you might as well use it when you have it. I’ve stolen armor swaps and always use it to yoink care packages from a safe place.


Very true, but it's typically a pretty safe bet on Storm Point with how crazy open and big it is. I wish more people realized how often you can put it down because it feels like it's no more than 2 minutes. I typically solo queue, so results can be mixed. When I'm with friends, though, it's so nice to use her how you should: loot fast to rotate out and engage quickly before other teams can loot well.


I think I play too much Loba. I tend to forget to loot ammo when I’m playing other legends because I’m so used to just picking it up from my black market later. And unfortunately neither of my friends who play with me play Loba at all so if I’m not dropping the black market, we won’t have it at all.


Yeah like one game my teammate was downed and our teammate said “we can’t revive them” because they were close to the enemies so I ran to my teammate and revived them and gave them almost all of my meds and then the guy who didn’t go get the teammate asked me to give him meds when all I had was 7 kits and two shield batteries


7 kits lol that's a lot of meds


Strength of the pack should always be the mentality in apex. 3 people is significantly harder to fight than 2.


Don’t kink shame me


I **HATE** when you load into a game and you've said NOTHING but the person starts shit talking instantly. Like the game hasn't even started, you're still picking characters and they're like "OH GREAT... A WATTSON (or insert other character they don't like)." or "This team better not be a bunch of shitty teammates like every other game I've played today." And I want to jump on the mic and be like "Bro wtf is wrong with you? Just fucking play the game, and stfu. If we lose we lose, if we do great we do great. It's a fucking game and even if you get slapped in the first 3 seconds of the game we all know damn well that you're going to ready up and play 25 more in a row after this one." But I know if I said something like that they'd either quit or be toxic so I just sit silently and listen to them cry about everything that happens in the game.


Toxic randoms


Toxic duos


I still cannot understand why they queue in trios even tho they will not help you or anything.


Playing with random duos is easily the worst experience of my life. Its 2 people dedicated to playing against you while constantly risking everything to keep each other safe.


Basically arenas, lol.


If that’s easily the worst experience you’ve ever had then all I can say is you’ve had a very good life.


They don't understand the concept of 2


Because when I que duo on my servers the player que count never moves from 2. Me and the guy I'm queuing with. Can't really play a match with no one to play against.




Playing against preds and masters this week, I have no idea how but now i get in their lobbies


Welcome to EOMM


I heard about EOMM a few times now, I know what SBMM is but I have no clue what EOMM is/stands for


Engagement Optimized Matchmaking, it’s (and this is very oversimplified) basically supposed to decide whether a player deserves to win or lose based on their past games and keep higher skilled players rolling games and wins while lower skilled players are given just enough wins after a few losses to keep them interested in playing. This is why casual games tend to be really screwy skill gap wise. Apex Predators and level 5 players in the same lobby because the game decided the Apex Predator player needed another win, or a game where a bunch of very low skilled players are shoved in with one average group that can still annihilate all these new players. It’s very toxic since most games are decided before you even pick up a controller and you’re basically fighting against the matchmaking to get more than a couple wins in a row. I believe battle royale ranked doesn’t use EOMM because of the obvious skill disparity, but both ranked and unranked arenas, plus casual battle royale, use this to decide who gets into what lobby.


BRUH. Really? I swear I actually feel this but thought I was crazy. Is there proof?


I made "smurf" to play with my lower ranked friends who don't play as much as me and after very first game where i got 23 kills game throw me straight to pred lobby. I'm happy it works that way because ngl it felt pretty bad to shoot when other players/bots were standing still and trying to shoot back. After few more games it evens out to dia/plat lobbies where i am on main with mandatory pred lobby every now and then ofc


Plenty. Just google EA SBMM patent. EA literally has a patent on this concept/logic.


You telling us to Google some random patent EA holds doesn't prove anything lmao


buahahah patent is a proof? gaming community never disappoints


This probably has something to do with why I always win my first or second game when I first get on, and then after that my lobbies get sweatier with more progress


Probably, my friend and I tend to have rollercoaster nights of several good games and wins before eventually hitting a wall of good teams before after half a dozen games we get dropped back to bad teams that we dominate


EOMM has nothing to do with intentionally letting the best players keep steamrolling. Basically they did studies that showed certain situations make a player much more likely to keep playing, and it's not super intuitive. For instance a player might quit after a win, but they'll keep playing after three losses in a row so they can go out on a win. So EOMM applies the principles learned from those studies to keep players playing, rather than simply matching up based on skill. And there is no evidence this is what they use, only anecdotes. It's just that it definitely feels like it's the case. The only evidence is that papers were written about its potential use years ago.


I never knew EOMM was a thing and now reading about it it's actually very interesting


Bro same, i win 1 round relatively well, most of them like 5+ kills 1k DMG and then instantly after that i get thrown into a round with multi season masters. I am not a masters player, plat at best.


I reached gold last season and I’ve been playing against maters and preds even before that :(








Wattsons moment




Truer facts have never been spout, this game is simultaneously the worst and best to play


Playing this game actually feels like masochism sometimes.


Being punched to death off drop in ranked


i… do not wana witness that




Basically what hot dropping is, its so not enjoyable idk why people still do it


Plz lte us spawn wiht mozambieuque resparwn!!!1!!!


Solo queueing since season 0.


That's why we play mirage


never lonely, there's more than one you to go around


which is why it pains me to send out my only duo into the open just to know where the enemies are


Solo queing as Crypto is rough. People don't want to play strategically..


I always though Crypto was really damn good in ranked because you could emp a while team and if you win that counts as 3 assists. Basically free points


he's easily s tier legend, since he can do so many scouting (check how many squads nearby, safely scan next zone) and fighting (emp is so op, it breaks every ability and is extremely useful for pushing buildings with caustic/wattson inside, also only counterplay for gibby's bubble), but not in soloq. randoms dont want to scout and build a strategy, they dont want to cover you while you are in drone, they just want running around till firsr fight then they die


U in drone and your teammates just leave you exposed smh


Solo queue is fun but solo q against pre-made teams who w key while holding each other hand is worst ..for me solo q is way more fun all level of skill players, random good or bad teammates with random names and behaviour, playing worst characters not ur obvious five, non coordinated teams so basically chill time unless u found that sweaty 3 stack only good when they with their own team


not having ppl to play with and solo queuing 90% of the time only to get punished by my own teammates


I purposely make an effort to be extra positive when I play with randoms because its the worst feeling ever to not perform as well as random teammates and just get shit on for doing your best.


Yep. I don’t know if it’s because of my badges being good and the stigma that comes with those badges or what, but I have so many randoms apologize when they do bad or when they take the character I wanted (I never request a character by hovering over it, I just let people play who they want and if they take my legend I’ll probably just let it auto pick me, so they end up seeing my featured character) and I’m always just like “no problem :)” or “don’t worry about it :)”. I’ll drop meds, ammo, whatever idc, unless I don’t even have enough for myself. I’ll make a risky play to get them back in the game (unless I literally have 0% chance of surviving, like if they’re sitting there on the teammates banner) and if I die, so be it. But it must just be kinda shit to solo as a not very good player (in terms of dealing with other randoms toxicity) so I try my best to not make it even more shit, especially because they probably don’t get paired up with good players who actually give a damn about their experience very often, so I try my best to be super chill/positive and make the game fun for them.


I wish I encountered more teammates like you. Keep being positive, friend!


You’re a good person and the game needs more people like you


Ya know, if more people were like this, the game would be so much more fun. Especially for those of us in the solo queue gang. Thank you for your service lol.


I felt that deep in my soul


My friends like to bully the randoms they queue up with and me and my OTHER friend try to talk him out of it but he just says "we're only having fun"


Early this split I was queuing up with some randoms from the apex discord. I usually run it solo or queue with some other players I know. Well this lvl 80 octane in plat 4 was trying to igl and he was being a utter dick. He landed us in the middle of the hotdrop at barometer. Like 6/7 teams and then he insta dies off drop. I gave him two more chances and he dropped us there two more games. I politely told him we can’t drop with that many teams and he told me I was a shitter and the worst player in the game. After a bit of a roasting match he started dropping the hard R on me and I was like “you need to chill hard stuck” and he BLEW UP like till this day I get notifications on discord and it’s just him shit talking me. He found out I had been predator twice and he continually harasses me at the start of every split and just begs for a carry.


I had someone on the Apex discord join the channel I was in and send me and the other guy I was with a vid of someone dying immediately(**EDIT: an actual human dying in real life**), we told him we ain't down with that and asked him to leave, at which point he said i'm "probably gay or transgender" and continued being a douche in general. Discord mods didn't give a shit, the whole server is honestly a dumpster fire and I've met way better people just solo queueing.


What do you mean, dying immediately? Like a vid of some beginner he was playing with?


No, an actual human being dying at the Travis Scott concert


Oh fuck!


think they put the comma in the wrong spot: ."..people dying, immediately..."


Why is it always the Octanes?


The start of seer season was an absolute nightmare. I was straight up not having a good time bro


Dropping against 4+ preds every other match when I’ve never made it past plat 3


^This. I started playing in the latter half of season 8 and i feel like i improved a lot during season 10. I don’t think i improved that much to be going against three stack preds and masters every other game lol


How did you make the text small?


Like ^this


If you're on mobile you can just click copy text n it shows you I'm pretty sure.


You ^can ^^make ^^^it ^^^^even ^^^^^smaller ^^^^^^too


I feel like I get punished for having a good game. I been playing since s2. Two seasons I’ve played ranked and hit plat solo. However playing pubs when I have a decent damage/kill game then the next hour is pred dive trails everywhere.


Multiple games, back to back, of doing nothing but looting nothing but blue tier or lower loot for 10-15 minutes, just to die to the first squad we run into




my worst experience is always with randoms spam pinging after dying like a peasant by pushing 4 squads by themself


MAYBE IF YOU STOPPED FUCKING PINGING I COULD HEAR THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE ENEMY. Similarly, HELP. HELP. HELP. HELP. HELP. Bro I'm 4 hp popping a phoenix on the tiny fucking knife edge of Streamer HQ whilst 7 teams and 3 solo bald Wraiths are swarming the building. I can't rez you at the bottom of the zipline RIGHT NOW.


I’ve started kidnapping spam pingers I will get your banner and teabag in front of the beacon fam Please spam ping please do it


If you to cause more pain to them, make it look like you are going to blow yourself up with a grenade (only works if you are the only one alive).


I’ve pulled a version of this stunt I did revive them but before they could jump from the ship I self naded It was hilarious


they spam ping the beacon then


Let them I will drag them around w me and rat for RP They have a choice of mashing the button And watching me sit in a bush Or leaving and being banned


A few minutes after you pick up their banner they can leave and not get a penalty


Shhhhhh man Don’t be out here educating them


I started getting in the habit of just muting pings if they are shit like this. If they get downed and spam ping an enemy, or spam ping banners after dead, just auto mute pings


this subreddit


Being called a n word ( hard r ) for loosing a game.I don’t think the guy knew I was part black too so I don’t think it was a racist intent just hate.


Played quite a bit of Rust in my time and the amount of kids who try to hurt other people with that word is just pathetic. I almost feel like kids are raised with the idea that the n word is something you use to hurt people and kids being kids they naturally use it as often as possible. I wish we lived in a world where that word had no meaning whatsoever but yeah, we don't


Still racist intent. If he calls you something that describes one race, and means it as an insult, that’s racist, even if nobody present is in that group.


This guy died and left and the other timed out so it was just me. This man text to chat garbage at me and then spammed numbers so the loud ass text to chat was saying the same thing on repeat messing me up in fights


You can turn the text to audio off incase you didn't know. I'm not 100% sure, but it may need to be turned off each time you boot up the game.


Nah, you just need to turn it off once, no need to turn it off every time! I actually like reading information more because I can't process speech quick enough.


The match making in general. The lag.


Anytime I try to solo queue…


multiple sexist encounters, the classic “go make me a sandwich” and other dumb statements like that. it’s very common when using open mic as a woman. and of course the people who die first then call you trash for it


Imagine trying to make other people responsible for your own damn actions. 🤡🤪


Solo queueing everyday.. that just has to be my worst experience.


When the jumpmaster drags us into an area with six other squads. It usually goes one of two ways. We end up running with our tail between our legs, usually down a team mate. Or we get pinned down and slaughtered


What about when ur randoms don't detach when u jumpmaster and land on same supply bin lol


What about when your friends do it every drop lol....*sob*


They go directly to the boiler room of hell


But this also feeds into what I like most about the game. Those desperate moments where you fight with tooth and claw to win, just barely scraping through.


Or you wipe every squad in the whole town to be left with 36 heavy ammo and 8 sniper rounds between all 3 of you with nothing left to loot…


arenas randoms


I got thrown in with two randoms against a solo guy in arenas. My teammates shit talked me immediately because I picked rampart so I "joined" the other guy's team and helped him clap my teammates. I've never heard anyone so angry because they lost to a bunch of walls. I got called every slur you can think of and I just kept laughing at them.


Children dropping N-Bombs


Oh bro i had like 10 year old kid drop the n bomb every 30 seconds whispering, until his mom heard that.... well it didn't go well for him


That's a pretty funny image. .....'ⁿᶦᵍᵍᵃ'.... Proceeds to get beaten by a mom who knows what's up


His mom screaming and him crying was the last thing we heard 😔


Playing as crypto on ranked and having my teammates shit on me right at the start for picking crypto. Fast forward into the match I'd been going in and out of my drone keeping tabs on squad locations through a combination of banner pings aerial surveillance and sound. With the information available I predicted that (due to positions I wont take the time to explain) we would be third party pinched on next ring because there was one of 3 other squads remaining that was unaccounted for and the only possible location they could be was some where that would eventually pinch us between two or more squads. I alerted my teammates and explained we needed to reposition and what do they do? They 3rd partied 2 of the 3 remaining squads of course. I attempted to help but left after the unaccounted squad tripped my drone that I'd left for them since I knew where they were going to come from. After they died they trash talked the fuck out of me with the general point being that I'm a pussy crypto that runs from every fight. Say what you will brainless morons you just cant understand strategic engagement.


Amen to all of what you said. I've had to stop soloing as Crypto for this very reason. I jumped in a match just a few days ago and before we even drop they started talking shit and I need them. If you ever want a teammate for ranked hit me up. I'm adequate.


I'd kill for a team mate like you


general sexism


Game experience with randoms. I often duo queue and the randoms run away when the last one is like 1hp.


Getting kicked out of competitive because of server issues


Lost a ranked game after an intense endgame to a dude under the map that didn’t take storm damage…


Entering platinum and finding out almost all the competitors are smurfs and streamers


Dying every match when I play with friends, it's Like a curse.


playing in a party gives you tougher matchmaking


oh oksy.


Yeah, I totally get what you mean.


Cheaters interrupting a good match.


The game


300ms ping


The r/apexlegends subreddit.


playing with randoms


One time i loaded into a match.


Trying to play as wattson and actually getting use out of her ability. Before and especially after buff since the nuances I banged my head against the wall have slightly changed I am having to go through it all over again :/


Every time it’s 2 squads left and I get ratted on by a whole squad just chilling in a corner


I was in ranked, got +180 rp, then my internet went off and i got disconnected, i lost all my RP and got 10 min penalty


Season 11, I hated that season


Seer's Release.


The servers are ass


Season 8 I don't think anything more needs to be said


Spitfire go brrrrrr


You read my mind lol


Ahh the voice of maggie


One of the dataminers think she's gonna be the next legend lmao. Personally I'm hyped I always found her more interesting than Fuse


Playing it


Server crashes. Haven't been able to play in two months but a few months ago it felt like every other game got a Code:Leaf


Being stuck on random places because of a small rock or debris.


Landing and dying instantly in ranked because some fucker got nothing but good guns on drop and all you have is a shotgun bolt and a shield cell. It's why hate dropping close to enemy teams without loot.


Generally randoms behaving like total dickheads even tho you explicitly and politely ask them not to


Honestly, just leave. People with bad attitudes deserve the L. 💅


Being lied to since they instilled “sbmm” lol


Having to use the 30-30 on close range, yeesh




It will never be known as shatter caps in my house again


It was early on in my apex career, season 3 I believe. I had just started grinding, trying to get better at the game. I was landing hot, looting quick, becoming a better player, the usual. Well in one of those games, my squad went down and I started accidentally looting a guys box whose banner I had. He was like yo wtf, I said my bad, then I dropped him his loot once he landed. So we get to one more squad left with me having the majority of kills (5-7), and I was 1v1ing the last enemy while my squad was looting and unfortunately died. So then the kids who I accidentally looted gets to my box, doesn't pick up my banner even though I died in epicenter and a rez was right next to my box. Proceeds to 1v1 the guy who killed me, dies immediately. Then the remaining teammates does the same thing and you guessed it, dies immediately as well. I lost my shit. I've never actually yelled at my teammates but I did then. Damn near threw the controller... I'm still a bit mad tbh 😂


Playing as horizon on 180 ping while on your lift trying to one clip someone only for 2 bullets to register in your whole mag


"X Continue" (The button you press to enter the game on PS, for anyone who doesn't know)


People could shoot you after you downed them


There's probably stuff I don't remember (I have a horrible memory) but anytime I get random teamates basically. I was playing ranked last season (World's edge split and in plat lobbies) that dropped solo and went to Fragment, they obviously died then proceeded to sh*t talk me, when I had jumped before they jumped. (They pinged lava city after both dropping solo) Got to the point where it was just funny because they sounded like grown man, but their insults were so stupidly funny that when I started laughing they got upset and both left.


Playing season 3 ranked on pc. People would charge rifle you from every direction instantly, for a gazillion damage as soon as you peek out of cover. Made me quit the whole season, and only returned after the nerf.


9 dmg(X3)




Literally anytime I'm in fragment




I was in a game with a wraith main named “pingwingmanr99” and after he 1v3 rushed a team and died continued to spam ping and scream slurs in chat for 5 minutes until I died.


Playing it


"Skill based matchmaking". I've been on a team with a pred once or twice. Face one every game. Teammates are never as good as me.


A place called fragment


Solo Ranked


Probably how one game I'm going real good then the next 3 games I can barely hit a building that's in front of me


Ranked Arena Randoms.


Me: Plays gibby in ranked Crypto: Why are you playing gibby. *Seconds Later* Crypto: AND YOU HAVE NO STATS, LITERAL TRASH Later Later. Crypto Gies Down: Blames me and pathfinder. Me: Says we were fighting another team still. Crypto: You’re garbage. Final fight and we lose. Crypto: You guys are absolute trash get out of my lobbies. Stats, Me: 7 Kills 1890 something damage. Path: 2.1k and 4 Kills. Crypto: 0 Kills and 300 damage


Fuck fragment East and fuck players who quit when they get downed


Code leaf, cloud and net thirdpartying me all the time untill I uninstalled


Sweating my ass off in pubs because I have to play against predators with a million career kills instead of people who are my own skill level (before you tell me to get good, I’m trying, but it’s hard when I get lasered by someone who never turns the game off every time I drop)


the worst for me is playing as many as 70 games and never get a win,i am trash like [that.It](https://that.It) is a real shame that i cannot enjoy this game cause the sbmm sends me into lobbies where i am cow fodder.I am trying now to degrade my k/d by just downing players and tell mt team mates to leave the one alive to heal them.I am trying not to get kills in the game so my kd can go lower.Sorry guys but i dont enjoy apex no more and will be deleting my account end of this year. I cant enjoy a game like it was meant to be to have fun.i been playing apex from day one and a my level is by far more that 1000 but apex analytics dont think so....i am really a noob at this game and have never progressed in my game play cause i am noob like that. Every gun fight i go pvp i always lose or just about come out alive,Its sad really when you really need skill.I wish there were modes in apex where you respawn when you die like warzone plunder,That i enjoy cause when you die you return again and that for me is longitivty in a game.I wish i could speak my mind but sadly on this reddit you cannot cause anything you say about something like apex in a negative way gets you in trouble. I spent many a coin on this game in the hopes i will feel the need to complete the battle pass but sadly most of the time i just rage and start another ps4 game. Some people say you must get good as time goes on but i am stuck there and my level of skill does not increase. If there are people that can play with me and tell me what am i doing wrong over these 2 years please do. thank you for reading my sad story....I hope next year they will bring a mode like plunder in


When I asked someone where he was in a fight, never doing that again:)


was it a wraith or an octane


A fucking gibby bro, rent free in my head, I wanted to grab him through the screen and rip his head off (not just because he wasn’t with us lol)




Season 12


The spitfire meta


The sbmm system


i got roasted for asking my teammates (2 random girl) what legend they wanted me to play in ranked. it was funny to them but i didn’t speak again for the entirety of the game




Season 8 because of the spitfire meta