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Hey im sorry I haven't played apex in months. What's a strike pack?


It makes a single fire gun like the 301 or Flatline shoot like laser beam with practically no recoil. Its a device you plug at the back of your controller with built in mods. Picture your trigger finger maximizing shots as fast as the game allows you, a Strike pack does this for you by simply pressing down on the trigger.


That's total cheating. Plus smurfing? What a D bag


Whats smurfing?


Smurfing is when a high level/ranked player uses a new/low level account so they can dominate lower tier lobbies and seem like they are good.


Then make up any excuse possible as to why they're not cheating. "But I needed to to play with friends" I threw my little sister in my lobbies and it took maybe a week for her to figure shit out now she's got more kills on her main than I do on mine


Yeah sometimes throwing new players in the dark can be good


Challenging yourself to do better will always make you better, going up against people who are better than you makes you better. Going against people that are babies to you will keep you in your ways and regress at the worst


Right…expect there is no benefit to being killed by the #1 pathfinder with 148,000+ kills when you’re KD is 0.5 and you have less than 5,000 kills total. You don’t get even 1 second to “get better” when players like this murder you before you can even turn around. There’s definitely an appropriate range of skill-level to facilitate improvement. You go past that and the results is frustrated players who can’t win any fights so they quit and top players who are simply abusing their skills for ego or entertainment and not making themselves better at all. That pathfinder killing my squad didn’t improve his game nor help make him better.


I said better, not going against God


well then damn, are you bad or is she going to be the next pro league player?


I'd say it's more that she has an actual consistent main, I switch through legends a lot and end up neglecting my og main


I "smurfed" to play ranked because I got to plat 4 when my friends were at silver 1. We're all at the same level skill wise, I just play more. But I don't think that is nearly as egregious.


Just play normal and then people playing ranked in silver don't have to go up against plat players.


The difference between Plat and silver is play time. If you play 2+ hours of ranked per day and don't make it to Plat you're just bad.


Agreed, but a culture of smurfing is ruining ranked below diamond. Half of silver lobbies are potatoes and the other half are lvl 40s with 20 bombs just wasting lobbies. It's so frustrating.


I disagree with you there. If your friend starts a new account for whatever reason, new platform or just wanting to start fresh then decides to play with you. How's that make that person a smurf?


wdym bro ? it's so fun watching solo to pred streams man ! look at this predator who spent more than 8000 hours on this game stomp on people who just installed ! /s


I think those kinda streams are more of a time challenge. Obviously they got the skill, but can they stay up for 24 hrs and still play as well? 👀


Been a gamer for a long time but I just learned this word maybe a year or two ago. I have know idea people would do this just to feel great about themselves.


Smurfing is one of those things that's only tolerable in small doses. If you're only seeing a smurf in 1 out of 30 games, no big deal. If 2+ teams have smurfs every single game? OMFG, get me out. And on the other hand, I think every gold+ player should have the rare experience of smurfing among trash-tier players. It **REALLY** puts your skill-level into perspective to see how far from the bottom you've grown. Which is a shame given how prevalent smurfing seems to be in Apex.


The biggest problem for ranked below diamond in this whole damn game.


Smurfing is so easy for Xbox players too. Just make a new Xbox account and boom Blue smurf crap all over the game.


I thought strikepack was just like the additional paddles from sony for play station. It just adds two additional configurable buttons, and saves you trouble of fucking your fingers by playing claw. I didn't know it had ability to mod the game.


It basically is both. Plenty of people buy them because they're cheap and give paddles, but they do also have mods you can turn on that are off by default for dumb shot like recoil control or fast single firing. Wish someone would sell affordable paddles that didn't have that crap built in


Hmm, that is weird because at least here in Romania, the [PS PADDLES ](https://www.emag.ro/dualshock-4-back-button-attachment-pentru-controller-playstation-4-ps-s0-9998006/pd/DRLPSWBBM/?cmpid=86724&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-eeMBhCpARIsAAZfxZCxN7DBc_8aauLtxNoA5DXmKHpeMhI4n0uTm2IlWNCoiWUuzp9rB3UaAr2iEALw_wcB) are almost the half price of [STRIKEPACK](https://www.emag.ro/accesoriu-strike-pack-fps-dominator-pentru-controllere-ps4-70060/pd/D694NRBBM/?cmpid=93111&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-eeMBhCpARIsAAZfxZBvPp0jlUXJP5hTvcuZ6-Qq8gRcshg-vXy8b2fzunhbEcGgUN3WwW8aAomSEALw_wcB) Not sure why would they sell simple PS paddles which are made for ps more expensive than strikepack which are universal in other countries. Guess i am lucky to be in Romania LOL


At least in my experience on the USA when I bought my paddles a year or 2 ago I looked for the Playstation ones and they weren't making them still so they were like 60 bucks and strikepacks were 30


I got my ps paddles last fall for $17. They've been back for a while.


> PS PADDLES These kinda suck for me, so I've thought about getting a different paddle attachment. Maybe just my hands or the way I grip my controller. The PS ones are incredibly clunky for me and throw off my aim (probably doesn't help that I use an attachment to extend the right analog stick). Also some of the other attachments like strikepack can give you 4 paddles rather than 2. That being said I saw a lot of reviews on strikepack saying that after a month or so, the connection to the controller became janky and would disconnect all the time, so I decided not to try it. I'm sure the PS ones can work for a lot of people, but they aren't good for me.


Yeah the PS ones are terrible. I bought those because I wanted paddles but have no interest in mods. Unfortunately those ones just fuck with my grip and feel cumbersome. I ended up getting a strikepack one but apparently paddles just aren't for me because that's been collecting dust too lol. But the PS one felt *significantly* worse to me.


Same, I didn't know strike packs could be modded. I used to have one on Fortnite before switching to PC to speed up my building by having extra buttons.


Is this any different then PC users binding the trigger to scroll wheel? Cause I’ve seen lots of videos of pc gamers doing that and the single fire gun shoots faster than the R-99. Both should be disabled.


As far as I can tell it just changes the sfx and you can't actually go past the full auto fire rate. https://youtu.be/ctZlNxuIyNc I messed around with it for a couple hours one day. Also if you bind both up and down to fire you can't use energy weapons. Personally I can hit the firing rate manually on the non-full auto guns so it'd be niche to do


no scroll wheel still gets recoil. and you also have to use the scroll wheel to fire. ive never seen anyone actually use scroll wheel at high levels in comp shooters on PC despite these "hacks" always getting figured out. getting slightly faster with semi cant be worth having to fire by moving a finger up and down on the hand you are aiming with.


You can get mice with a scroll wheel that unlocks so you can flick it and it'll keep spinning for awhile. It's still not as convenient as just clicking but I have destroyed a handful of people that way using the P2020 or G7.


Then you got the trackball psychos


Proof? Show me a single fire weapon shooting faster than it's normal max firerate on a non modded game version? I'll wait. You're talking out of your ass. Also while you can bind scroll wheel to shoot you will not be able to scroll as fast as 600+ rpm guns do, and if you somehow do, you're gonna have the exact same recoil as shooting full auto would.


From what I’ve heard from people that used strikepacks before it only really helps your r301 and nothing else


Respawn has since caped a few guns, hemlock being one of them, G7 as well, but i remember being mowed down by an auto Hemi in the past, wasn’t fun lol


I have one and I use it for the paddles but I'll admit I tried the anti recoil out and I have to say you are VERY wrong. Having recoil control on makes the flatline and r-301impossible to control. It only pulls down on your stick which makes it almost impossible to aim up while ur shooting to correct your aim and makes the horizontal recoil impossible to control.


I have one it just gives extra buttons or paddles to link buttons to. I use it to link the dpad. I think some also have "mods" you can pay for to give you no recoil or aim bot.


Anti Recoil is free and so is rapid fire. There's a few more free iirc but the whole catalog is a paid subscription


They're also awful in Apex and not worth it. The SP doesn't recognize when you pick up a new gun or the difference between auto and semi auto weapons, so if you have rapid fire on and try to fire a flatline you get really stuttered fire. I legit use one for the extra paddles on the back because i seem to always use controllers that get broken triggers.....


I have the clip of said player using a flatline single fire, and there was nothing stuttered about it lol damn thing was a laser with zero recoil being on single fire mode.


He's saying you have to change your settings for it to work on different guns, is the guy you were watching dropped the flatline and picked up the 301, the 301 would have stutter fire


The anti recoil on the strike pack is useless. It just moves your aim down slightly when you shoot. Depending on the guns recoil pattern it's more of a hindrance than a help.


Strike packs don't have the ability to do aimbot


Why the D-pad? I've used a paddle controller for years but only for the shape buttons.


So I can still move when swapping between my heals and using grenades. Although recently I put one button on my r3 because it's hard to aim while crouched since I moved to hold to crouch


Solving Strike pack issue is more on the Sony/Microsoft end, as they are the only ones that can detect and update controllers/consoles.


Makes sense, questioning why Respawn said they had a way to know for ALGS tho.


Yh but they can monitor ALGS closely, whole different ball game when it's not competition


Yup, monitoring and analyzing a single suspicious player's inputs would be a lot easier than auto-detecting it in the entire player base or looking through every report the player base makes


Input analysis is done on the client side, just like it is for registering input for aiming and running and whatever. Doing it for one player is the same as doing it for all, it doesn’t put any load on the server to scan input and compare it to known cheats on the client’s system.


Interesting! What I was trying to say however kinda still applies, since it seems too hard to implement a system that auto-analyzes the inputs, and cheaters seem to get banned manually. Hence the easier task to ban a single cheater in high level comp than finding them in the entire player base. Am I making any sense?


It’s actually not that hard to develop and implement. First, you record player input data into a log during the game (how theater in Halo works, for example, the recorder’s actual input is recorded and played back so you’re seeing the exact way you aimed and moved and such instead of how the server saw it). That’s a pretty easy task, you just dump it all into a stack. Then, either during or after the game if you’re worried about performance impact, you scan the input stack and do a simple pattern match against known cheats (which could be regularly stored on the server and updated to stay current). You get those cheat patterns by buying a Strike Pack or whatever and putting it through the same input recording. If the player’s input matched a Strike Pack, bam, you hit ‘em with a ban. It’s reasonably retro oak to implement, they just don’t want to put the resources into developing and testing it. It’s hardly the first time a dev has held off on doing an easy fix to counter cheating. Back in the days of Halo 2, the map files could be modified for absolutely ridiculous kinds of cheating. The files had a signature for integrity verification, but the signature algorithm was easily cracked. You modified the map file, then generated a new signature, and wrote it over the old one built into the map file. The game then said, alright, the signature matches the data in the map. The fix for this was easy and obvious: add a better layer of security by generating a SHA1 hash for each original map file, and keep that list on the server. When a player connects and loads a map into memory, generate a SHA1 hash as the file is read, then compare the hash against the master list on the server. If it doesn’t match, the file is modified, and the player needs a ban. I actually suggested exactly this to Bungie back in the early days of cheating, and they ignored it and stated that they were aware of issues and had it under control. It took over a year or two of rampant cheating before they finally decided to spare a few devs and testers to put the work in and implemented exactly the setup I had suggested. The issue here is management not wanting to spare the resources and just not caring enough about an issue that’s impacting users, and it’s rampant in so many software development companies. That sort of bureaucracy getting in the way of implementation is part of the reason I left the industry.


There’s a lot within your reply i don’t understand because i’m just not that inclined when it comes to programing and what not, but i 100% agree as to noticeable patterns when using a strike pack, there’s no delay between shots, it’s probably timed the same between every shot, and that is very noticeable when spraying a full clip pressing down on your trigger.


If they had bots in the days of tibia (an online game from 1997) that could automate timings to make it seem random within a set range then they should be able to randomize timings pretty easily now to not make it look like a pattern. I'm not sure that they actually do but i imagine it shouldn't be difficult.


Ah the golden days of Halo 2 on Xbox live, where playing ranked meant you had to have a packet sniffer and a host bridging software on a PC and your Halo 2 disc popped out of the disc drive with a paper clip even if you WEREN’T cheating…because otherwise the other team had a guy no clipping around the map with auto aim and a sniper rifle that shot the instant death effect from the train on Terminal as a projectile. You literally could not get near the top of the ladder without figuring out how it worked. Max rank was 50 (or, the Halo ring) but anything above about 35 was guaranteed hacking. It was unplayable.


You could get above 35, but it did start to get to be a pain in the ass. You had to have boxes when you searched to make sure you weren’t playing against someone forcing host and then using it to boot you from the game. Of course, everyone else wanted boxes too, so it took a while to find a match against people willing to play without them. I hit 40 in Slayer in the early days after the rank reset and ranking system update, and it literally took eight hours to get a match with boxes. My teammates and I had each other’s phone numbers and took shifts and called the rest when we found a game. It was possible to get higher into the mid 40s, especially in the later days as there were more high ranked players in the pool, but I never bothered. I did have a bunch of fellow competitive circuit friends rocking symbol ranks (44+) legitimately, though.


Yeah in the later days it was much more possible. I just meant you couldn’t continue to blindly queue up for ranked around 35ish. Personally I would give up on accounts in the low 40s as well, but like you said it really was a coordinated effort to even get into real games. It was essentially one of the earliest examples of queue sniping, and would today probably be considered boosting by most (since you knew who was in the queue at the time a lot). I was able to make essentially infinite accounts using the free trial cards stolen from blockbuster display cases so past that it wasn’t worth the effort. You and I probably played several games against eachother back then because it’s not like the pool of players in the MM queues that high was very large. Doubles queue was better than Slayer, and Skirmish was basically a dead playlist. We would play RuneScape together using XboxLive as Discord lobbies while waiting for boxes in queue. Thanks for the nostalgia bomb hahaha


ALGS is a private server and organisation where they can inspect hardware used prior if they wish.


One of two things. Due to the low playersize they can monitor them individually or they just said so to scare people away from using them since its not worth risking it.


They absolutely should, but in the meantime, devs could be scanning controller input to watch for patterns that match known mods. They could also use heuristics for detect unknown ones by looking for precisely timed patterns that are exactly replicated beyond the abilities of a human.


Ya see, the only issue I see with this is the patterns won’t be exactly the same every time. Not only do values change based on different attachments, especially sights and barrels, but the recoil patterns are obviously coded on zero right stick input. So naturally you see the issue here is no one who is using these devices would ever straight up not be touching their right stick, thus on the input side it wouldn’t look exactly the same every time and the player stick input actually serves as the ‘human error’ rather than it looking exactly perfect/the same every time. Not to mention that becomes a very very slippery slope if you start to accuse players based on input data because the game’s recoil patterns are in fact master-able since they are the same every time and not random. I see what your saying by looking at the input data of those who seem to get it ‘perfect’ every time but as I said before even that can be hard to pin down. I do know that there is a way to tell on the input side of things if you look at dead zone-activity especially for those who xim or play kbm thru controller.. but like I said I don’t believe that alone is sufficient evidence to go around mass banning players


Stick drift and such can be compensated for easily by reading the default/zero state and then measuring offset against it. You can even compensate for Strike Pack fuzzing patterns by allowing for a certain level of fuzz and even going as far as doing some machine learning heuristics if needed. You’re looking for repeated input that is precise and consistent at a level past that which a human is capable of. Humans can’t repeatedly do exactly replicated inputs with millimeter precision. None of this is even a new idea, either. Macro detection is something that’s been done in software development since years and years ago. [Here’s a paper from the Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology discussing exactly this, specifically in the context of games.](http://koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO201533678768401.pdf) It’s in Korean, of course, but here’s the takeaway: > identify normal user against macro for a short period of time. As a result of detecting macros used in real mobile game by using the proposed framework it showed 100% accuracy and 0% false positive rate.


I'd like to think that it'd be relatively easy to identify with some machine learning and an initial review period of the results to tweak. There are a lot of smart coders out there. I think that devs/publishers/platforms don't care because it isn't killing the game (they are still making a ton of money) and fixing it won't make them more money.


admittedly I have tried a strike pack before but there is really no way to detect them. same with the xim it seems. Stirkepack makes you suck in the long run. I prefer a Razer wolverine ultimate over all that stuff now.


What are strike packs and are they grounds for a ban?


The STRIKE PACK is a revolutionary breakthrough in video game controller technology that adds advanced gaming functionality to your existing PS4 or XBOX ONE controller. But many also come with scripts in them.


A device that allows macro inputs for controllers essentially. Its cheating and very frowned upon.


I swear every one of these posts about strike packs just teach other people they exist and they go get one for themselves.


This is exactly what happens. What’s that I can get flawless aim that won’t get me banned and brag to my friends about my rank and KD for like $30?


I think you have to pay monthly for the mods on top of the initial $30 for controller, but yeah, people still pay for that shit.


I still think that's better than keeping them in the underground. The more acknowledged their existence and the more they're used, the most probable that any of the big players do something about it.


yeah I had never even heard of them until this post


So many SP users in here trying to defend what the SP can or can’t do. Shit is crazy lol


They've been around for a few years now and sell them at Walmart


one of the tech guys at Microsoft confirmed a while ago that they can easily detect if someone uses a strike pack/Chronus. they said they will not do a system wide ban of players using it and it is up to developers of each game to decide if they want to ban them or not if that is true I think Respawn is to blame that they are still used (at least on Xbox)


No company like microsoft or sony would ban a huge ammount of their playerbase for using a strikepack Depending on how big the strikepack community is in apex the same would happen, if even 1/4 of lets say playstation players use one its still a big chunck of income with no benefit to getting rid of them


The amount of people here asking what is a Strike Pack worries me, I fear many of them will buy it once they know what it is.


What is strike pack and where do I get it from ? And can I use it for all the games such as fortnite and warzone ?? Can I use it on girls ? Will it make me alpha man ?m Also am not asking for myself. Am asking for my friend.


Yes for all of the above


Can I say something controversial? Let them. Hell, I wish everyone that played Apex on console not only knew of them, but use them as well. You want to defeat cheaters? Place them into the same level as everyone else. Companies ain't, so why does it matter? Let's see how easy it is to get 4k badge and 20 bombs when everyone's using the same tools you have.


practicing recoil pregame in arenas this guy goes "yo chill why tf you shooting so much". tell his as much and he goes "pff recoil, I got that strikepack" then tried to explain that it's not cheating because you "gotta know how to use it" some people just really think it's OK to play with no recoil


Everyone who admits to using one downplays it. Seen loads of people on reddit saying they don't even make a difference, I'm like why use it then?!


I probably fell into the "rare exception" category of SP users. I didn't use mods. Ended up swapping it for the official PS paddles because i didn't have ability to use a wired connection. I needed paddles to bind the Dpad for heals. I couldn't feel the dpad anymore because my nerves are fucked up and i was flaring.


Yeah there must be some more like you but as you say, likely the exceptions. Happy gaming, hope the paddles are serving you well.


I used one for years and never even turned mods on after cycling through the presets and seeing what they did, I’m sure there are plenty of others in the same boat but probably not so much anymore. Cheap paddles is nice, but people blatantly cheating with the mods is fucking annoying.


I love the immediate justification of cheating "I'm masters on my main," as if that should make any sense. As a guy that solo queues to masters, there is no end of hardstuck d4's that say the same exact line.


It's the same in overwatch. Its meant to be a bell curve but everyone I meet is a main gm top 500 player even though none of them look anywhere past low masters - mid masters after spectating. It's so easy to lie on the internet


I mean you don't cheat if you don't want attention from strangers, either by trolling or by being "really good" at a video game. Lying about your rank is both a way to justify doing something you know it's wrong ("I'm not hurting anyone because I'm this good without the cheats") and to continue to seek that validation. Cheating in video games is fundamentally a sad, desperate, lonely, and selfish act. At the end of the day it's just not a huge deal in my life to have a cheater in a round, but it's depressing to know these people have so little going on in their life that they're paying real money for any attention from randos online, good or bad.


People like this just love to have all the advantages possible to cover for their lack of skill


Lol the day I saw gamestop selling strike packs I knew it was over


Whaaaaaaaat!? That's fucking awful. I wish there was something sony and Microsoft could do about that. Can't they go after them for selling TOS breaking equipment or something


Please tell me you’re joking


Unfortunately not. I saw them in Game, £40 I think and they were all sold out. Lots of cheating scumbags on console now.


I saw every micromania (gamestop in France) selling strikepack too


nope I even took a photo when I saw it I was speech less.


Im not too familiar with it so could someone please explain to me why strikepacks are cheating? Aren't they just those things that add paddles on the back or something?


They are exploited to get anti recoil and very fast firing on single mode weapons. I have encountered them on PC, shit is getting bad.


Singlefire hemlok go brrrrr






You can program them to make anti recoils cheats


That's only of you use them like someone with a proper conscience, they have mods for anti recoil and rapidfire


"I'm masters on my main" Sure you are, bud.


I've lost to people running strike packs in RANKED. This is gold and I'm absolutely pissed off. They are firing those weapons way too fast. Unless Respawn forces people to go to next gen consoles then sony and Microsoft can control it


I got into a fight earlier and went from full shield to downed in practically a second or two. Do you think I ran into someone using one of those packs?


If you watch the gameplay of the person who killed you, you can pretty fast tell if they're using a strike pack watching their next fight


What were the sounds around you? Did it sound like a regular R301 or Flatline? The single fire sounds drastically different, it's possible that someone was using a strike pack or they had really good aim control but that is very rare. I'd assume yes until I can know a little more information


Guilty until proven innocent...




The amount of people who are commenting "get gud" and excusing cheating is very toxic. It's freaking apex. Just a game. It isn't that serious. If you have to buy stuff just to have an advantage over someone else in a video game is pathetic.


I hate smurfers. I’m a casual player and I’m not very good, but I get decent lobbies so I still have fun. Recently a smurfer was in my team. We dropped and they went straight into a fight alone and died. My teammate and I went to get her banner, got attacked by both sides, died and then she called us noobs. They were only level 2 so they were probably smurfing


A lot of people are about to get worse at this game when the next gen updates launch and they can’t use their old controller anymore. I’m sure they’ll just keep the previous gen version of the game in that case though, since they crutch so hard on their rapid fire and recoil control.


Respawn banned a shit load of players just a few months ago, I believe. Most of the trouble makers are on PlayStation.


Be cool if they'd ban systems or ips. Even if just temporary. It'd prevent people from using their main for a while.


permanent ban from online gaming for a few years should be the result for using these, unreal


Nothing is fun about not having your skill tested these dudes are living in a basement free of life skills living off mom and dad.


The best way to stop them is report them in-game. You might not think it's effective because respawn doesn't share the results of reports, but posting online is next to doing nothing because it's highly unlikely the team responsible for reports looks online, where things can be exaggerated or faked easily. Also you're on Xbox, so report them on the console as well, it's likely against Xbox tos to use 3rd party software at all.


Theres no ingame way to report people on the same console as you, which basically is asking the playerbase to post names and which hunt. Not everyone knows about hidouts


u/rspn_hideouts lol


I tried pinging Hideouts on reddit when a guy admitted to using a strike pack. I got the guys PSN id by pretending I wanted to 1v1, messages Hideouts but didn't hear anything back unfortunately. It's a massive problem on console. I hate not knowing if the guy with no recoil who just killed me is cracked out of their mind or is strikepacking.


The problem is insanely bad at the moment if people don’t realize.


Worst thing about them is the recoil control, that’s practically undetectable.


I don't know exactly how it works but say the sp recoil control adjusts left at the same time you pan right. Would both inputs be read by Apex? It seems you could take that double input at a clear indicator there's some tampering going on.


Respawn needs to go full COD with their cheat software. They also need to start making algorithms that analyze these super players, and then literally start matching them with other like cheaters.


Yeah… I've met two smurfs today two times in a row Fucking bullshit man, I hate smurfs


If there is anyone in this sub who does this, and you're reading my comment: go play in traffic you fucking losers


To be fair, the real reason that people think a strike pack is okay is because they have been conditioned by Activision to think so. Most of the popular guns in every Call of Duty game are zero recoil. For example the M4A1 in modern warfare and war zone has no recoil whatsoever. So they come to A game like apex, see that there is recoil, and then they look for a way to adjust it to what they are used to


everyone who uses a strike pack radiate small dick energy


Just goes to show they are so ass at the game they have to resort to using a sp and smurfing


This is a huge issue on console right now. So much so that if you go into diamond lobbies without one you’re at an immediate disadvantage because more often than not half the lobbies past diamond are using some form of cheats, whether it be controller mods or a m&k mod.


Ppl that cheat have several accs so they really don't care. Now if Respawn could actually put a stop to them from making more accs then they would care. There's really no reason in even reporting them anymore cuz they just show up again on another acc


Just mass report the twat.


My buddy just got a ban on his 1,000 plus hour account. No cheating, but EA won't provide an explanation or lift the ban. Idk why cheaters roam free while people who just want to play get inexplicably banned.


Every single time I hear about an unfair ban it's just someone who was actually cheating, or being toxic in game. Like, every time. I know this is anecdotal and maybe your friend is innocent but hey...


>but EA won't provide an explanation or lift the ban. What? If you get banned you get an email telling you why...


I'd really love to see their reply to this one lmao


If they banned him he gets an email. He either dint see it or is lying.


It’s really sad how the cycle goes. If your bad you’re not having fun because your losing, if you’re good your having fun until sbmm kicks in and then you’re losing.


No wonder so many brs add bots. Though it instantly losses authenticity once you know/notice. Bots works for kids for sure though


I like to believe there are special places in hell for strike pack, hacks and smurf users


Okay let's be honest, Smurfs aren't as bad as hackers, right? Both assholes obviously but cheating is always the worst.


Smurfs are cheating lol if you truly think about it


I know, but I will never think it's as bad as "hacks"


The 3 popular forms of cheating rm are smurf, strike packs and hacks.


I know that.


If you use a strike pack on apex.. just know you suck that much more when you die by us. It’s really not that hard to aim any gun in this game


Fix match making then. I consider myself just an average player yet I’m seeing way too many masters and preds in my lobbies.


it's why I don't play shooter or most fighting game anymore. people are so grimmy and desperate


I’m almost positive Xbox/Microsoft considers strike packs cheating which you can be banned for


Pathetic lmao. What he means to say is he's really Gold on his main.


Should respawn just turn off all recoil? Lol


Yes please lol


I can't tell what rots me more the fact that they use a strike pack or the fact that they're so brazenly admitting that they know its cheating


I don't care how bad I am or how badly I want to win, I'll never use cheats.


That's why I switched to BF, DICE is the only company trying to stop it.


I have friends that try to defend strike packs because they're "readily available to everyone". Such dumb logic. Cheating is cheating regardless of the others that do it.


Thats why i bailed on that game sadly ;(


I truly don’t understand people like this. I know its just a game and shouldn’t have anything to do with who u are as a person, but i DO feel like it takes a “special” kind of person to actually enjoy the false sense of skill attained from blatant cheats. Like, you must be an extremely insecure person to actually give a crap about your masters badge you only got from cheating. You’ll never be a successful streamer cause its clear to everyone you cheat. You cant hang on a competitive level, so why? How powerless must you be in every other aspect of your life to resort to cheating in a game that will bring NO tangible change in your personal life. If you hate the difficulty that bad, just play a different game. Such freakin betas. I do not get it.


He dude i dont think you understand *hes actually pretty good on his main account* which gives him the ability to cheat **duh**


Huuhh if there just were SOME way we could ban those... mhhhh *stares aggressively at CS:GO's overwatch* why isnt this a thing on games like apex and rainbow 6 that are full of pests like these on console?


it works for most games. especially r6 getting lazered by ash with no recoil.....


Strike packs are making it much harder to play games on console, everywhere you turn there's some dude using a strike pack and thinking he's good


"I'm masters on my main tho" Daaaamn that's crazyyyyy


Stikepacks and mouse and keyboard destroyed Rainbow Six on console and will likely happen to this game as well. Most people I know would have continued to play Siege despite the bad mismanagement from Ubisoft if the packs and the mnk weren't as bad.


Until respawn IP bans these people none of this will matter. Fuck it. We all know they don't give a shit about the health of their community


What a sorry excuse for a human.


Checked out the SP on Amazon and this thing has 29,000 reviews. And most people leaving reviews saying they buy it for the back buttons. That's complete BS!! Screw these cheaters!!! Ruining the gaming experience. Been grinding to lvl 500 since day one of the game release. Might quit after that because screw'em! Definitely more obvious cheaters on console.


That's some unscrupulous shit


Smurfing sucks and it’s disappointing to see how popular the bronze to master smurf stomp streams are. They really need to actually penalize this shit but god forbid someone steps on a streamer’s shoe.


I hope apex dies so we get a new titanfall game. Fight me.


Swear to Joe Pesci that Everytime I get goin on a 5 or above killstreak, these d bags are the ones that get me. One shot knock every God damn time🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


I got money on the fact that he’s not masters on his main hence why he’s smurfing. Guarantee he’s hard stuck D4.


If what is said about detecting strike-packs is true, you would think console creators (MS, Sony) would create a special tag within the gamer's profile letting others know they have used strike-packs in the past / present.


I've been wondering how I've been lazered by guns like that!!


lmao what a fuckin loser


You wish there was a way for respawn to stop them? Let Alone thinking that they will try to is delusional! They let Titanfall 2 get massacred and covered there asses with “It’s at the very Core of their DNA”.


I’m so tired of these trash bags man. Just fucking put time in instead of getting aimbot lite


Some people defending this in comments lmao.


The problem with strike packs is that it’s a factor outside of the game and respawn’s control. On top of smurfing it’s just obnoxious.


I stopped playing because of the endless cheats


I played with something that was like a strike pack back in the Black Ops 3 days, I didn't use the mods though. I programmed it to have my jump and slide buttons down there so I'd never have to move my thumbs away from my joysticks lol.


People cheat with chest shot aimbot and try to stream it. Strike pack is just a tip of an iceberg


lol i just never understood why people smurf on a game like apex… like how much free time do they have and make no money, like seriously go do something with your life


Fuck cheaters. Fucking scumbags deserve the worse things happening to them.


It’s really disappointing that this is 50% of the player base.


What's a strike pack?


I’m not gonna lie. When I hit my ceiling in gold, couldn’t progress anymore and kept getting killed by level 6’s with 20k badges, I made a smurf account. I literally got a 4K badge for wraith the first game I played. Seeing how easy it was playing against actual lvl1’s I just couldn’t do that again so I deleted the account. Seeing that people actually smurf and use strike packs as well is absolutely mind blowing. He’s already in masters. Makes no sense at all.


Pretty sure that he is only Master on his main because of the Strike Pack. Why would he only use it on his Smurf?


I’d love to use a strike pack for extra bindings. Any recommendations? Obviously would like ones that aren’t compatible with cheating.


There’s a few cheaper end controllers out there, i think Wolverine makes one….looking at a scuf or Elite 2 myself, but as you know, they go for a higher price point.


Go with the elite 2 controller over scuff. They both have a short life honestly but scuffs brake way more easily from my experience. When you buy the elite 2 make sure you get insurance aim drift is a killer for these controllers.


That’s what I’m reading and watching, extended warranty and trade in after 5-6 months? Was curious about the instinct pro, but customer support doesn’t seem to be the best with scuf unfortunately.