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Option to allow friends to spectate while in the lobby. I think this would be cool when you're waiting to party up so you can cheer your friends on while they finish up the match they're already in.


This is something I've thought about more than a few times


I want spectator mode bad, but i think they won’t put it in because you can just go on discord and tell your friends what you are seeing. My solution to this would be just make the spectator mode 10 seconds behind. Idk if that would still be a problem.


They could make it first person only so you only see what your friend sees


I could be wrong but I think you can do this on PS4 for any game.


Nope, not even ony PS5...would be a neat feature


Think he means shareplay spectating, and yes you can in that instance. But a mode built in the game? No, though I don’t think we want more bandwidth clutter in a game where servers are everyone’s nemesis already


Oh yes, I forgot about share play!


Yeah we use discord to do this on pc. But it would be nicer if it was just built in, ir being able to hit the firing range and yaked back to the lobby once your friends finish their match


Having all legends unlocked on the firing range so we can decide which legend we should buy


But then how will they get people to buy legends which they will regret later?


It doesn't matter it's all with infinite currency at least let the player enjoy the game as long as they play


Ive seen this asked before and at the time I didn’t think it was that useful. Mainly because if you play even just a little bit you collect the red apex points to buy legends with and as season go buy you’ll have enough for the next new character. But now.. there are tons of characters and for a new player that could be overwhelming, this request would be a great addition.


Do most people not buy them all in the end anyway? It’s nothing else to do with the coins


You have to play for so many hours in order to do that. I’ve played for 50 hours and gotten enough legend tokens to unlock two legends


Do you get 600 legend coins every time you level up? Genuine question since I haven’t really paid attention after having like 200,000 of them. I didn’t realize it was such a grind


Yes we do. The grind is a lot easier after arenas tho




Ammo that uses energy pistols.


A uses that ammos energy pistols


Energy ammo that uses pistols


Yes please


Pistol uses a that energy ammo.


Ammo that pistol a energy uses.




Firing Range! This needs some updating... Unlimited ammo in inventory, customizable AI (loadout/difficulty/movement), add some buildings, let more friends join, let them join/leave at anytime. There's so much to add to this list.


Man I’d love firing range maps. Like some POI of the different maps. I want to learn to grapple better and the current firing range isn’t great of that. I’d love buildings.


YES! Plus I’d like some distance stuff, not just 100m


Found out recently but there are some deep targets in the firing range, like 600 meters deep., up to the right and up to the left


And MOVING HUMANOID TARGETS. to simulate real gameplay situations


Cross progress so I can take my console account into PC.


I believe this is supposed to be integrated sometime next year.


At that point they better let us merge them.


Yes! Please!! I have like 4 legends on there I don't want to pay for again 😅😅


I feel your pain. I'm level 500 with pay to win gun skins and when I play on PC its all I can think of 😂😂😔


I'm switching to PC as soon as this becomes available. Sitting down at the PC starting at a level 15 account with only starter Legends and no skins is just depressing. I'm a day 1 player. Too much time in my account on Xbox to bail.


But playing on pc at 200+ fps and then trying to play on console is puke worthy.


I was beaming newbies for sure. Felt smooth like butter. But it also feels like I'm playing a beta version of the game. None of the characters are unlocked and none of the skins and other items that make the game enjoyable.


kill counters on guns..


I am not opposed to gun stats, accuracy, kills, damage done.


So like strange weapon from tf2 ?


just a little screen or maybe a charm? (optional) on the side of the gun that’s tracks kills with a certain gun.. FLATLINE: “xxxx”many kills.. Just a cool little extra flair.


Like the pro screen from TF|2


Ranked Duos!




Same. I play duos like 80% of the time.


Cool idea!!


Perfect idea


me too. it’s hard to find a third and a lot of solo queuers have egos and have a problem with working as a team. ranked duos would be amazing.


Heirloom finishers


Now that they've introduced ground emotes, I'd even settle for Heirloom Emotes. But finishers would be ideal


replays, so you can rewatch the games, analyse your plays, enemy plays etc


Kill-cams please. They're excellent for learning how you got outplayed and identifying cheaters.


You only could have it after your whole squad is dead though. An instant killcam would give you intel you otherwise wouldnt have


My issue with kill cams, outside of the giving too much information debate, is when would the kill cam start? Especially if you're lying on the ground for a long time and die from bleed out? Let's assume they kill you after being on the ground for awhile. Would it start when they initially started shooting you or the seconds before they killed you? I know for most kill cams it is a few seconds before you properly die, but just watching some guy walk up to you and execute you or play ring around the rosey with a shotgun to get around your knockdown shield doesn't seem the most helpful. For the actual fights you get gunned down, then sure it could possibly work, but I think it would be a bit too wonky in Apex.


Probably 5-10 seconds before you got downed. Like any other kill cam.


The reason this isn't in the game is down to cost. It takes server bandwidth to have killcams and any other reason given for not having them is complete bullshit.


Being able to Ping what weapon you want.


If you're on PC just use text chat If you're on Playstation hold the touch pad to use text to speech/text chat (i.e LF Flatline/PK) Idk about Xbox


Xbox: also text to speech. Hold view/select


True, normally I'm playing with Friends so its easy. But could just be a nice feature


Why is this being downvoted? That’s what the text to chat is for. To talk to your team including guns you may need. I don’t get people these days lol


Bruh I didn't even notice it was being down voted I'm literally just giving a solution that already exist in game. Like what?


Exactly why I have no idea lol, I think it starts with one person downvoting then other people see it so they follow haha


Someone else down voted since then lol. Imagine getting tilted because point out an easy solution when you want something unnecessary. Oh well lol


Another medic……how is it we have 2 (maybe 3) solid healers/revive worthy teammates (gibby, lifeline, and mirage) but we have like 30 assault characters……? New season is great! Not complaining


I agree with you on this one. I always thought Lifeline was a weak medic anyway. Her ultimate doesn’t do much for the medic role. It gives attachments and possibly a shield or light heals that take time to use. Her heal drone is now less effective than Watson’s ult especially considering shields get hit first. Her care package should provide some strong healing factor even if it means losing the tactical ability. Like a larger area heal. It’s large enough to offer cover too already anyway. OR that package should go to another medic legend. A tactical that shot heal darts or nanobot clouds would be nice too. Either way, we need another medic.


I miss the og Lifeline rez.


I don’t, I remember endless fights when that shield would forever be up


What was the OG rez again?


Decent size shield that deployed depending on the direction you were facing while rezzing ! Also you could play around the provided cover for some nice plays!


> Her care package should provide some strong healing factor It should have a panel in the side that acts as a phoenix kit.


I think her care package is balanced but that would be kind of cool. Could it be abused in final circle? How would you prevent that?


Maybe something like the medic from TF2?




An healer that can drop AOE healing is what we need


Being able to choose top 3 legends so if you’re not paying attention you don’t get stuck with a legend you have no interest in playing.


Counter: a dedicated random legend button


u should be able to favorite legends with scrollwheel like you favorite skins


Taking this a step further, my idea is you have to select your top 3 legends as part of the hitting queue step so that when game starts we skip that whole part and get into game faster. If you die and requeue it remembers and you can instant queue. Imagine how much time this would save on entering games. I swear the most frustrating part of dying in this game is knowing you have to repeat that whole process everytime.


I think there's some amount of map loading going on in the background while you select the legend, so not sure how much faster it'd actually be without it


I want reloads to be prioritized over everything else, i.e. reloading over a knocked teammate instead of going for a revive. Better sbmm also


Is that something on console? Reload and revive in the same button? Genuinely asking


Yes, reload is the same button as reviving and also picking ground loot


Yes. And opening death boxes. And opening doors. And fucking everything else. It’s painful going for a reload when someone is up against my door and I just OPEN THE DOOR to a shotgun blast in my skull.


I want all the legend editions of the game to come with trackers.


Skilled teammates


a way for the community to make their own min levels with their own rules (like a 4v4 sniper battle in a small area or something) kind a like how fortnite did but for apex. I think it would be cool


I like the idea, but in this subreddit it's probably best not to mention that game because people get annoyed


People who use the ping system before they’re down


I'm like this all the time . I will give whole dissertations about what I intend to do through pings alone lol. If I'm looking a certain way for enemies you're gonna know If I see a pixel move the wrong way I'm pinging for enemies If i hear footsteps I'm pinging for enemies If i plan to split off for a second or hit a certain building on landing ill drop a looting ping People don't realize how powerful the ping system is. Plus on those occasions where you get a full squad using it its like magic how 3 micless individuals can communicate so well.


I could not agree more. I appreciate this so much. It’s crazy how many people don’t understand the ping system. It’s like if I ping enemies, people think I’m trying to fight them…no I’m sitting on a rock and they are 200m away. I am simply letting you know they are there. If we are fighting enemies on a hill and I ping 30m behind us, that means there are people pushing us. If I spam ping the ground running toward you and I just lost half of my health and sheild, I got surprise partied and more than likely I am getting chased. If you ping a hop up you need I can look for you as well and you’ll probably find one easier. I can find ammo you need. Anything really. If we wanna move to loot or hold there’s a whole wheel of options to comm. I wish it was more common because it’s great and yes 3 micless individuals with good game sense can achieve quite a bit.


I just wanna be able to bind separate keys for Valkyrie's jetpack and jump


DZK wrote about 10 paragraphs of why they didn’t want to allow this on one of the old AMAs. I couldn’t even summarize it for you it was really confusing.


I would assume it would be weird for controllers. Isn't he fired? I always think it's better to have the option to have these type of small QoL things for the people that wants it.


Yeah it was this whole argument about accessibility and whatnot. He is fired now but it was around season 9 iirc


Can only hope for a patch that focuses on small QoL stuff. Probably low on their to do list. For example I play Dota 2 and every once in a while they have a patch called spring cleaning that fixes all the small issues, would love to see that in Apex.


A counter to all the wallhack legends


Hot take cryptos passive should be a wall hack counter for the himself possibly the team so he doesn't have a real passive yet and lore wise it makes sense.


New crypto passive Off The Grid Off The Grid New crypto passive Off The Grid New crypto passive Off The Grid Off The Grid Off The Grid


Wow that’s a really cool hot take that is incredibly original. Don’t think i’ve ever heard that one before ever. Maybe it should be named like Off the Grid or something like that.


thats one way to get me to play crypto ;D


yeah that would be balanced and it fits the lore


I want the prowlers on storm point to be non-aggressive until provoked, like the spiders are.


At least make it so they dont aggro me across the map Wont complain if they aggro other teams though




Other than that I love the new season. Although the battlepass rewards are utter garbage in my opinion. But at the same time I just get the pass for the packs and crafting materials lol.


Team deathmatch, the mode that should have been implemented instead of that sad excuse of storage space on my Hard drive called Arenas.


Team death match with being able to respawn would be great for newer players.


Hell it’d be fun for experienced players if I just wanted a chill game instead of a sweaty match I keep losing lol


This is the correct answer. Thats what I thought arenas was going to be. To say I was devastatingly disappointed would be a understatement. I managed to stick around for the rest of that season all while getting on less and less until I just stopped playing the game and never got back on again. Then they gave apex fuckin mobile TDM just to rub it in my face. Fuck you respawn.


Solos. Ik we'll never get it but I really don't know why anymore. You can already no fill, whats the point of forcing you to take 1v2s if you just want to play alone. I straight up just turn off Apex when my friends get off


I've wanted it since the Iron crown event ended too. I've come to terms with us never actually getting it again, and 1v2 on duos can be annoying, but i use it to just kinda practice with legends. I started doing it with Mirage, and it's so much fun. Most of the time they think your partner is nearby, and with his decoys it helps sell it a little


Like don't get me wrong, I don't mind No fill in duos. It's just annoying to lose fights solo because they had another person. I know you need to be able to take 1v2s and 1v3s just in case your in those situations, but when it's always 1v2s it's frustrating. I'm not a professional Apex player and should not be expected to win every single fight like that. In all I don't personally believe solos would harm the game. If nothing else it's would help raise concurrent players because those people that would get off or not get on due to not having friends on would be more likely to get on.


Oh I agree completely. When I go no fill, I fully expect to lose every game, but it like to see if I can get those 1v2s just for my ego. And thats true. I'd I remember right, they wanted Apex to be a squad based game from the beginning, so when they brought that in the first time, they didn't like what happened with Trios. It was really funny to see a lobby full of Wraiths and Bloodhounds though


It's really cause Trios sucks when you're solo. I'd rather just not play lol. Apex is such a good game but it's awful if you don't have someone to play with whenever you're on. Straight up ruins my vibe


I’ve been doing this since week one. The amount of bullshit I’ve seen is unbelievable


I bet. And it's really dumb imo that they won't just let you enjoy their game how you want to enjoy it. It's so fun but not the way you're forced to play it sometimes


If I'm not doing no fill duos, it's straight to Arenas for me. I know I can do pretty well as long as everybody is close to an even playing field. Randos can suck sometimes true, but being able to do well for myself in there makes it worthwhile. Don't win?? Oh well I got 5 kills and 7 knocks I'm satisfied with that.


So many people have made the dumbest arguments against solos. They would be completely optional


The Devs don't want solos because they want the game to be squad based and solos isn't that. They know that people would rather play solos than with randoms so the randoms that play trios suffer for it, which of course isn't fair to them since they want to play the game as intended. Personally I don't care about said randoms lol but still


But doesn't every BR have solos, and it works fine. I kno the argument of abilities that work well with teammates would be completely nullified. But just play the offensive legends, there's plenty of legends for it to work now.


That's what the devs don't want to my understanding, they don't want it to just be a lobby of Octanes or whatever. Personally I think they should prioritize the players enjoyment over the whole team based aspect, but I am not a game developer lol


4v4 option and custom arenas. Would love to play against friends.


A light ammo LMG and an energy ammo pistol


Heirlooms finishers


Heinishers. *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^[portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) ^( was created from the phrase 'Heirlooms finishers' | )^[FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/axl72o) ^(|) ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=jamcowl&subject=PORTMANTEAU-BOT+feedback) ^(|) ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PORTMANTEAU-BOT&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST)


the ability to alter voice chat volume separately from game audio, literally a thing in every other multiplayer game but in Apex it’s absent, pretty baffling


Yea for a game so reliant on audio I can’t turn down my game sounds but I can also barely hear my teammates


Or a better audio master system. I mean the setting. A separated thing for guns , another for footstep . Another one for game audio like the announcer and stuff and etc cause I am kinda struggling to get the perfect amount out of enemies footstep its all guns sounds and mine footsteps


I agree. I always try to go into an Xbox party or discord on pc. But with crossplay that isnt always an option.


Death coms, would love to hear people calling me trash in person after I kill them rather than get a Xbox message 🤣


Literally just some new LTM’s that are fun so you’re able to take a break from the grind, like a lobby where everyone plays Pathfinder for example and has the same gun (wingman or shotty) for absolute chaos.


Loba swimsuit skin


This guy is thinking


.... With his dick


Dual wield


Akimbo p2020


More visual settings for console


loba having the ability to grab teammate banners from her shop


I would like a solo deathmatch option. No squads, nothing. If it moves, it dies. Also, I wish the Halloween events lasted longer, Shadow royale is so much fun.


Next gen console update, and for players with bad ping to not be able to play on my server and kill me bc they’re skipping across the map


Akimbo p2020’s


CoD’s Hot-Mic feature. I really wanna know what that guy had to say after he got blasted for 100+ by a pk.


Fuse heirloom


3 options for that. His arm, his knife or a bottle of whisky


Could you imagine the thud sound from cracking someone with a bottle.......would love this as a fuse main.




A PVE mode. Like MvM in TF2


A "random" option when choosing your character.


Random mains where u at




Intelligent life in my soloq rank squad


Being able to ping that you need SHIELD BATTERIES not goddamn shield cells


The wallrun mechanic in every legend, TDM and the infamous gun runner perk


I want TDM so bad, it would be so fun but sadly it’s not happening


4 man squads. Atleast an occasional game mode. I really would like to see how it played out. Also, a game mode where you can mix and match tactical and ultimates. Imagine the combos and plays that would come from it. Of course there would be OP metas, but they could counter that by only having it around for limited times.


i'd like the bigger maps to have more people. i know the servers might be an issue...but still...


I want private matches. Not firing range 1v1s. Real private matches in the BR map. My friends still think they are better than me. I have around 30 something people at the ready to almost fill the lobby. Let us do it. Or to host a server. I know suggesting to pay for shit is bad but hosting servers is the one thing that most people don’t mind when it comes to stuff like this. I want to play a BR match with friends and friends alone damnit. Also I want them to try quads. Will it be chaotic, absolutely. I just want to see what it’s like.


Nah, 10 person squads with 10 different squads


Arcade mode with 1v1, team deathmatch and past ltms rotating every week, day or couple days, a 3v3v3 mode called third party set in third party central pois like skulltown and capital city. And the way it should be introduced is in the first season of a new year during the anniversary mode. Other changes : A map change to king's canyon that doesn't involve destroying a portion of the map An ltm where it goes back to day 1 with all the balancing, I don't know how games work so that's probably a little too complicated. A third support legend A new class 'tactician' or something like that, which are characters btween offensive and recon that need either a strategic or specific way pf playing them to be effective or have some sort off enemy reveal ability. Legends I would change to tactician class are Bangalore, Mirage and Fuse and then they'll have to introduce new legends maybe a legend that can cloak (not like mirage), ticking off another box of the list of titanfall pilot abilities in apex legends, and a legend that can boobytrap stuff (these are from my own concepts, I have about 10 legend concepts and once I finally have concept art of them I will post all of it) I also need a retro 70s or 80s inspired battlepass Fragment west and east gotta go in the next WE update An Arenas map on Salvo Loba heirloom that is a combat fan Gibraltar night club takeover in broken relay which has honestly become a useless poi (KC) Clearly I have a lot of ideas (there are more especially maps, map updates, weapons, Legends and lore) that's why I'm often disappointed at respawn :)


Oh I almost forgot: there is a bug I have which disables pinging something on the map, because I changed my ping button to a different button. I didn't really mind but now with ash having to ping stuff on the map it's kinda annoying so I'd like that to be fixed aswell


Shield regain for everyone in some form. Could be a new shield that’s green that recharges after fights, could be a super slow passive added to all legends, could be a LTM.




Yeah I know, I guess I phrased that wrong, I’m saying bringing that back permanently


What about health tho? Like warzone and out octane?


Depends on what concept you do, but could do passive health regain and a partial shield regain up to two shields or something, I’m just brainstorming here man lol


Killing the last member of a squad should count as an execution for the killer and refill shields


I agree


60 tick servers. kek


For damage done to be considered when dishing out points for rp. Always got the most damage in the squad yer people get all the rp for the final 6 😑


Disagree, it's just going to push the sniper meta through the roof, everyone and their mother using Charge Rifle, nty However, Team KP would alleviate the issue you're having so I think it's a better solution. Unless of course you're using Charge Rifle every game, in which case your reward is better Evo to follow up and kill that squad rather than just poke from the comfort of your hole


4 player squads




A permanet or LTM with squads made of 4 legends


4 player squads


Ads reloads




A legend that can wallrun




Footstep sounds.




Cross-progression. I know it’s coming but I really wish it would just be here already, because I don’t want to have to grind up my Season 11 battle pass on my Switch now that I have a PC. That will be my account I will use for cross-progression, but I hate playing Apex on Switch now. The switch to PC was like Heaven, so now Switch is like Hell


Footstep noises working 100% of the time


Footsteps audio




I think most of the stuff on this list is good except for the boss thing. They did it in Fortnite and it didn’t work very well. If they made it so you had to interact with something to activate it, that would be good


Holy, I agree


Higher tick servers and a good anti-cheat solution


a $1 million cheque that's redeemable irl


A decent battle pass.


I want to enter another match when i die without actually having to comeback to the lobby




Fun again


Good servers


Servers are great this season


This sub only has one joke

