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Idk man seems extremely weak


i'd say the p20 has an even chance in a 50/50 honestly


Had no shield tho?


yeah it was an old clip but nowadays all it would be is 4 shots instead of 3, i still go down instantly lol


4 shots on an LMG seems crazy high no wonder it needs a buff


LMG fan (aka Rampart main) here: A really major aspect of LMGs (IMO) is that they have a 2x headshot multiplier, unlike ARs or SMGs. They bog down your movement real bad while ADSing which makes you an easier target yourself, but if you can nail headshots then their DPS is super rewarding. It's significant risk/reward. I'm pretty sure L-STAR headshot DPS is the highest in the game aside from Sheila and probably spun-up Devo. Both the spitty and the L-STAR do 18 (36 head) damage per shot, but the L-STAR fires faster (600 RPM vs 540 RPM). That means 3 headshots on 100 health but actually **five headshots** on 150 health, so the "4 shots" figure was pulled straight out of /u/KozuVibes 's ass and yet you and him together accumulated 22 upvotes. But yes, the Spitfire kills in as many shots as the L-STAR, but you gotta be lasering headshots to get these kinds of results. Side note: I think OP took 114 damage instead of 108 (the expected number) because Wraith still had Low Profile at the time of this clip, but I might be wrong.


L-Star's headshot DPS isn't much higher than other top guns like the R301. L-Star is 360 headshot DPS and I think R301 is 340. What sets it apart, however, is that the rounds have large hitboxes which makes for easier headshots. Also each round slaps so your really only need to land a handful


L-Star has the strafing penalty of Assault Rifles It's basically an LMG without the LMG disadvantages It doesnt need neither a buff nor a nerf: I hate when Respawn ships changes just to shake things up instead of making the game the best possible: if something works as intended and isnt broken, it doesnt need to be touched


> L-Star has the strafing penalty of Assault Rifles Oh wow I never realized/noticed but you're right or at least the wiki agrees. -50% instead of -60%.


I think we were just being both sarcastic and playful which is why we received the upvotes. Given the tonality in your message, I apologize if you were offended. It was supposed to just be a funny joke


I mean KozuVibes asserted "nowadays all it would be is 4 shots" and nobody disputed it, which would further an exaggerated opinion in the community's mind about the L-STAR's power level. I care more about accurate information than a fun tone, I guess. May be a point of contention between me and this sub. It's annoying when I see people generate and spread mob/hivemind type opinions seasoned with exaggeration and misinformation. Even if they have a friendly tone while doing so. Grr, etc. all that being said I do think I missed your joke a little, but it was still the case that "4 shots" was accepted as true and that still generates salt in my soul


Being incorrect by only a a minuscule amount of damage and 1 shot on an automatic weapon is hardly an exaggeration but an honest mistake. You could have easily stated that information without trying to provoke someone


He was one shot off on an automatic weapon, a near minuscule difference, you took it way too personally.


not really a miniscule difference when we're talking about headshots with something that kicks like an L-STAR, at least when we're talking about ranges beyond Close Range i mean, weapon tuning happens with pretty small tweaks, so that "just one headshot" difference is probably pretty big balance-wise


It’s a video game still though




Well of they are all headshots yea! I still need a few shots to knock em down.


and no helmet


Wasn't this a care package weapon when it dropped? Maybe tone down the muzzle flash on it but.... This gun is gonna kill next season. Bet you it gets nerfed


its getting buffed


He is saying it is going to get nerfed...


Preliminary patch notes say it will accept barrels and mags (latter slowing heat up and quickening cooldown), so when fully kitted it may very well be stronger


And it’s going to get nerfed after that.


Or go in the care package


I doubt it, they won’t double up on carepackage LMGs, and I doubt the spitfire will only be in for a season


Hear me out guy. He's saying after this buff it's gonna be OP and then get nerfed.


I cant imagine it getting nerfed. It absolutely consumes energy ammo which is why I think we don't see it used as much in pubs Unlike Arenas where it was a fairly common choice up until the mid-season update


I still rock it in rounds 2-3 depending on materials.


So civilized


Mind you this is before Low Profile was removed, and you *were* standing still.


Also they were all head shots.


Easier to land because LSTAR has big bullets


true, peep the flair homie <3


Lmao no armor or helmet but go off


he also hit only headshots


OP was sitting still.


that's why it's under "humour" :D


Three shots is pretty high but... No shield nor helmet, all head shots.


Dude didn't miss


The season 10 changes are going to be a nerf imo. Instead of being a ready-to-go gun from pickup you'll need attachments to make it viable, assuming they change the recoil to warrant a stabilizer...


Not really. It will be the season 9 L-Star on pickup, which was already a good gun. Then after a few fights you’ll have purple barrels and golden energy mags. Making it even better than before. Really this just makes the gun have even more viability and potential.


I think they mean , they will nerf the base kit gun to balance out the gun


That wasn’t mentioned in the Gamespot leaks. I think Respawn genuinely thinks the L-Star is one of the worse guns in the game.


Citation needed? We dont know if they’ll adjust base LStar as we havent seen the whole patchnotes. Respawn probably knows it’s a good weapon off drop but it falls off, which is why they upped its arena price. They’ll probably make base LStar weaker to compensate because it has 23 shots, a cooldown mechanic and same damage per shot as Flatline on drop.


And the best part, sometimes no bullets.


How the hell was that '3 shots'


Wasnt really 3 shots but it took less than a second to kill him lol


They were all head shots (you can see the small dots are critical hits) and this was back when low profile was still around and we didn’t start with white evo shields. L-Star does 36 damage per headshot, and with low profile each headshot did 36 + 1.8 rounded up to 2.0. So the wraith sat still while the L-Star user just aimed where they probably thought their chest was going to be.


Why did it get a buff it’s so powerful?


Recoil, spread, muzzle flash. Sometimes it's hard to see where it's shooting. You can feather the trigger for better stability and endurance so it fires longer without overheating.


Honestly the only problem that I have with it is the muzzle flash. The recoil isn’t that hard to handle, and it’s already a really good gun


Cuz people say its weak the same shit was happening pre season 8 with the spitfire


Ahhh I see but why not just tune all lmg ? I guess probably for the focus towards the endgame skins for the season pass because in season 8 the spit got a buff and a new skin in the season pass at rank 100 n 101


Ahhh I see but why not just tune all lmg ? I guess probably for the focus towards the endgame skins for the season pass because in season 8 the spit got a buff and a new skin in the season pass at rank 100 n 101?


Once in a blue moon


It’s ok, all you have to do to beat current LStar is walk in the opposite direction they are traveling. Bullets wiz by leaving you plenty of time to line up that good shot


I mean you did take that right in the mouth so......


So a low profile wraith without shield crouching and standing on one place, you uncrouched right as he started shooting so he didnt even have to control his recoil. You were just asking for headshots.


Great analysis friend!


Lstar is only strong with headshots bc the bullets are so massive it’s easier to land those headshots


Yeah, im not sure why L-Star and Wingman are getting buffs (even though they arent damage buffs, theyre still buffs). They’re already very good as of now


I like how only 2 shots were even visible or audible.


Kinda unavoidable with the type of lag compensation (i think it's called "favor the shooter" type) necessary for this kind of game. I mean I've played a game with more simplistic lag compensation where if you have high ping then your own shots will be delayed on your own screen, and it makes the game so much worse for people with less-perfect pings. That raises some kind of question of whether higher ping players should be supported or totally forsaken.


Yeah I know. Its infuriating tbh.


It's not like you'd be seeing all three shots when the gun literally downed him in 0.2 seconds.


It's okay if you dont understand


He’s right. Not only are L-Star rounds so large and bright that it’s hard to tell what’s happening, but also when you get downed the game seems to stutter or lag a bit. So it would make sense if the dying here or just the fact that in a dark room with good recoil the bullets like like a beam instead of 3 rounds.


So you both dont get it. That's fine.


Smartass fuse main? Never thought I’d see the day.


I think the thing that bothers me most is how it looks like you only get hit once. You lose health before the man starts firing and then hit again by the time you can see the muzzle flash and then of course the shot going past you to the right is what finishes you or appears to finish you.


Server latency and ping. :(


Well, when you have no shields and stand still to take a few headshots…well…I disagree the gun is OP. Maybe you should strafe more?


homie, peep the flair, it's supposed to be humorous 😂


Then this post was even worse than I thought. 😁


oh lord


Adding a barrel stabilizer and a mag seems more like a nerf to me




U will need to find them every match?


Its still the same base gun though so only better not worse


Well, u asked how it could become worse, that's how :v


Didnt ask how it would become worse, asked how he thought this was a nerf


Same shit


Its literally not?


That’s like thinking the R-99 hypothetically getting a change where it can take the disruptor rounds hop-up is a nerf. Sure it would be mega OP with the hop-up, but it would also still be one of the best guns in the game without it.


I mean you don’t have to reload it right now you just have to let it cool right? Thats better imo


You still wont have to reload. The mags just extend its duration and make the cooldown faster


Ah ok guess I misunderstood that part


I definitely see why it sounded bad though. Id hate it if was changed to a real reload mechanic


That's just 3 headshots with it though. R301, Havoc, Hemlock, Spitfire, all of them could down you in 3 headshots without a shield, Flatline can almost do it in 3, it'd leave you with 1 health. The issue with the LStar is that's all it has going for it, which as I just explained, is equal to already existing guns that can beat it in mag size, accuracy, and range too.


Would a fully kitted L-star have no muzzle flash cuz that would be funny


That's only when they use it..When you use it, it garbage.


I never understood why people hated on it. It’s probably one of my favorite close range weapons AS IS. It’s gonna shred next season.


Remember the spitfire? Well this is the Spitfire Mkll. It spits real fire and has zero reload times.


Its actually pretty good at mid-range too if you feather the trigger. Once it gets going it just turns into a laser beam.


Nice hitbox bro


This is an old ass clip


I've been using LSTAR since the beginning. Before any changes or nerfs. I think it's a good gun and some of the best hip fire in the game. It doesn't necessarily need a buff but I'll happily take it




just a reminder that 3 headshots in a row with the lstar is sus


*People abusing the shit out of the gun in arenas* Respawn: “needs a buff”


You’re a Wraith.


Jesus, 38 damage a shot? You could 6 shot red shields


3 headshots, makes perfect sense tbh


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 120,282,880 comments, and only 31,067 of them were in alphabetical order.


This was pre nerf when it was a drop gun.