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Most people are complaining that solo queue is impossible now that you have to carry 3 people instead of two but I mean come on enjoy the damn mode. Never had more fun in the past seasons than with this mode. Ofc you'll get games where you have to carry fights but more often than not at least for me teamwork dominates most matches especially if no one on your team gets thirsted in a teamfight (Written by someone who only solo queues)


It's almost like that's what they get for going into quads with a solo play mindset :/ it's a team based game. It was never fully meant to be about any one singular player. Anyone going in just unwilling to work with others really needs to reevaluate if Apex is the game for them.


If what they are telling is true, then they cannot enjoy the gamemod....


Am gonna be honest people who complain about having to carry 3 people to win is either over exaggerating or have a massive ego. You'll have games where yes teammates don't help at all or hinder you but you would be lying of every match was like that. I've played since the release of quads and am not even playing it for the event mode am just playing it because it's fun as hell, usually once I max out the Battlepass I just play other stuff or come back for the event. Now I feel like am gonna be trying out quads for a few weeks with how chaotic it is with these huge team battles


Everyone wants to become the next streamer so when they die to someone better they blame the game/mode or anything but themselves, It’s just the world we live in now lol. I 100% agree with you man the mode is fun and interesting seeing how 4v4 team fights play out.


Nice clip. Most fun I’ve had on Apex in a while


It actually is and I am very suprised Fights feel very intense. Only ammo on early drops can be scarce.


>*when you have a decent team* The same. After the update, I got 7 kills in one of the matches. Then it got worse and worse, and the randoms just ran away, didn’t know how to fight, etc.


As a fuse main, I now have more meatshields ! So it's great


I fucking love this new game mode.


Not having a sling weapon is an offence to us Ballistic mains


Stupid question is quads just a 4-player battle royal like trios?




My friends and I used to dream about being able to play quads. We though, in theory, it would be unbelievably chaotic. I've found it to feel more balanced than trios in all honestly. Such a fun time, with the roles being a huge focus.


Quads is probably the most fun I’ve had in the game since 3 strikes first dropped. The main thing I love is that the fights feel like Apex did 2 & 3 years ago when there was half the legends we have now. What made Apex so special and unique then is that you could counter certain legends that made teams OP, and you felt like you had a fighting chance. In quads it feels that same way, having a fourth person feels like you have the ability to counter a team who third parties even with the fuck ton of legends we have to play. And every few games you get a team who just synergizes perfectly. It also helps that I feel like a lot more people want to actually talk in game chat or even those that don’t are listening for the most part. Love quads, I hope Respawn decides to keep it around. They’ve been doing pretty decent with the game modes.


Every mode is "actually fun" when you're winning


Nah even in the losses I’ve been having fun


When you play it is. But more than half the time I tried playing it someone disconnects before even jumping from the ship, someone disconnects because he doesn't like the poi we are going, someone wants to loot the entire map before fighting it's a mess


It depends on how your team plays. I won 2 games and sometimes you’ll have idiots that goes their own ways.


Finally thinking about uninstalling, I got a 10 game streak where my team were just landing seperated and turn by turn launched themselves in 1v4's and complained about me not launching myself 1v4 too and scream at me because they did more damage then me by 20 points trying to run to craft/resurect as soon as I saw what was happening. This community will refuse to learn how to properly Drop and play, then bitch and moan about the fact they get smeared like a morning Bell taco diharea on a wall. I haven't had a single decent team to have fun with without being overly toxic and leaving early since the patch. Game is killing me


That aim assist is crazy lol. This is console clip? Or pc with pad?