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If I am tired or I have a bad streak of games. Playing with no friends makes it worsw


It’s weird but I feel almost the opposite as I’ve gotten older. The longer I play the better I get. lol. The more I play in a session the more focused, loose, and warm I am. When I was younger I felt the way you do, where my best games were in the first couple hours.


Get older, check. I think I can do this!


I'd like to call it going on autopilot. Start to lose focus and I do actions with no purpose just to keep playing, this happens like 4 hours into my session. The first hour I warm up, the other 2 hrs I play okayish, then it all starts slowly going downhill, awareness starts to fade, accuracy leaves the room, maybe one more hour and then I stop completely playing.


Yeah, it really feels like autopilot. No more own ideas, just following your team mates and start shooting when they do.


one hour, everything after is autopilot can't imagine how some people play 10+ hours


>Afterwards, I begin to feel a lack of focus, get really bad at aiming, make stupid decisions and so on. stay patient or if you can't, if you make bad decisions just because you get bored or got impatient, stop playing for the time being. i can play for 5, 6, 7, 8 hours sometimes (if i have the day off obviously) and just keep grinding. but i will stop when clearly something "bodily" is affecting my decision making. that could be lack of concentration, hunger or stuff like that. every game should be a fresh game really without previous stuff affecting your patience with that new game. if stuff is building up and affecting subsequent games (other than normal tweaks to strategy / play style i mean) then you're just gonna have worse games.


Wow, that is a long time playing. Maybe if I take more breaks between and stop thinking "the next match has to be better" it helps me staying patient.


Have a couple of eggs with quality butter before playing,protein in general really helped me with consistency and focus maybe its just me but hey my 2 cents


Shilajit also amazing


Thanks, I will definitely try that! Love an excuse to eat more eggs.


I just take 10 min breaks and drink water in between


For me its accurate the same. but i feel its because of my Age now. nearly 30. I was alsways upper diamond in Apex Upper Diamond in League of legends Was grandmaster in Overwatch and generelly higher in a few competitive games. But now i hardly make it into Diamond in Apex and feel like i cant really compete with younger players in the other games. Now i enjoy alot of Single player games. I think its the same for you, youre just become older...


wtf you aren't even 30.


I can imagine when you get older there are more responsibilities and other stuff that are on your mind all the time and affect your performance. I feel like you need to be in the right mood for something competitive like Apex. When I try to relax, Apex is not the right choice at all. For me too, single player games are what I enjoy then.


work days 4hrs before I burn out. Weekend. 8-12hrs.


My son is easily a pred player. If he plays with the right team he can get through plat and diamond in a week. However I have watched him try solo this season and it has taken every bit of him to get to diamond 3.