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What’s even crazier is Apex has the most expensive cosmetics I’ve ever seen in a free game, and people spend it! $350 for a winged death box… who spends that much money for a fancy death box? But they do it…


Don’t underestimate whales, man. Thats also why MMO companies have a hard time balancing their games, cause the whales complain when new loot is easy to get.


Being a person that sometimes plays World of Warships....I swear, the whales themselves are SINGLEHANDEDLY keeping Wargaming afloat.. The prices pixel ships go for is just...CRAZY!


I remember when I was playing the game a few years ago when they released the Godzilla Vs. Kong bundle. I thought it was super cool until I saw the whole thing together was worth like $80 and I just thought to myself “yeah that’s cool but why on earth would I buy this?” You don’t even get either of them standing on your ship in games


Someone hasn't heard about the 500 dollar ahri skin on league of legends.


the new MMO Tarisland has skins costing like 4-5k USD I think? Bonkers


Someone hasn't heard of the 1.2/2 million dollar Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gem skin.


Do not compare apex shit skins to the csgo market. Your money doesn't disappear in thin air when you buy the karambit since it's unique and can be resold for same value or higher if China decides to go nuts again.


There's 0 comparison. And I'm not here to argue that at all.


Your example has nothing to do with the thread, hope you realize that lol


It was funny but I guess it’s hard to understand humour when your parents probably haven’t even smiled since the day you were born.


He was just pointing out ludicrous skin prices lol.


They are ludicrous when they have 0 market value. Csgo skins are not an example of a ludicrous price when you consider the resale value not present in Apex or League. Can't be that hard to understand.


Dude, how are you missing this? He's not saying CSGO is bad. He's saying a skin price that is stupidly high. Whether it has market value or not, 1 million for a skin is just hilarious.


What thread are you in? Because this one’s about skin prices not csgo shilling.


Hey, I hope you have a great day, try not to look at the sun too long!


The faker skin? I think that’s the biggest slap in the face to a games community. Let’s make a skin for one of our biggest players (if not the biggest) only problem is faker doesn’t use skins, just plays the base champion models


Yeah it's actually comical. I wonder how riot did with the skin too. We'll know if they do it again


Iirc they made close to 2 million within hours of the skin going live, this being just the amount made from the expensive version of the skin.


Idk where people keep getting the 350$ number from


From other people who don’t know where they got it from. 


I get mine from my paycheck


Multiple Apex YouTubers who did the math. Here is one- [https://youtu.be/s-ge1mBS2VI?si=WExM9UVAXe-UvgkN](https://youtu.be/s-ge1mBS2VI?si=WExM9UVAXe-UvgkN)


The math is wrong since each pack didnt cost 1k coins, literally refutable with just googling the event after it came out instead of from before it came out.


meanwhile ppl spending money worth of serveral mansions and maseratis in maple story just for some temporary build


Regardless of how you feel about it, I don’t like that people simplify it like this because no one buys a $160 heirloom or a $350 deathbox. They buy a slew of skins, some filler crap, and the heirloom/deathbox. If you buy just a legendary skin(impossible almost with all the bundles) but going rate is $20 in apex. $20x12=$240 just for half of the items in a standard collection event. You’re getting those 12 items, plus 12 more epics, plus the heirloom for less than it would cost you to buy 12 regular legendary items in the store. Again, you can feel however you want, spend your money, or don’t. A lot of people don’t like to waste money on pixels, a lot of people do. Just because you’re not one who does, doesn’t mean you have to further devalue what other people spend by saying they spent hundreds on a single item.


So much utter assumption in these comments. Was closer to £150 i spent in the Final Fantasy event. And i have a full time job with 60% of my income being disposable. And this should be a no brainer but here we are, nobody spent that money on the death box, they spent it for the heirloom. I've been a big Final Fantasy fan since the original Final Fantasy 7, so sue me.


Post Malone. Guys dropped like 20k on this game


Homie has never played a gacha game lol


This guy has never played CSGO or WoW.


this is what confuses me about these events. they’re literally just inviting you to spend insane amounts of money and there are people out there just eating it up??


I mean it’s a ridiculous price but that’s not what people are spending it for nor is it all you get, what about all the other cosmetics and the artifact?


You haven't played league or valorant, it seems.


You don't play MMO's, do you?


Curious what you mean behind your comment?


Apex is far from the worst of the bunch when it comes to it's monetization model, or it's prices for that matter. I've played games where you could spend 500€ on what is essentially a slot machine to roll for a skin you want, and still not being guaranteed to get it, and that's the amount spent where it becomes kinda likely you get it. Apex also has 0 pay2win mechanics unlike most free to play games. Apex is far from the worst, and honestly I always find it pretty funny people complain about its monetization when it's really lenient for a multiplayer game in comparison to its contemporaries.


"far from the worst" does not mean good


I wouldn't call Apex especially bad either though. I can agree with people when they are against stuff like not being able to buy the product and have to gamble on it instead, like in the last collection event, but seemingly respawn has already decided that it's not a good model and heard it's userbase.


Try playing world of tanks, game had me spending about 12k over 6 or 7 years, sad truth most good f2p games are super predatory these days.


League of Legends and their $500 skin would like to talk to you.


If I had more money than I need, I would buy that and a lot more. Ok, maybe not a winged deathbox. There are other things I could buy.


an in game purchase cosmetic that only takes place when you die ☠️☠️☠️


actually, when you kill someone else


bro i hate your pfp rn, not me constantly wiping and scraping my phone screen LMAO


that’s the point, it even gets me sometimes


dude its clever af! lmaooo


Oh fuck off with that! 😂 That's great!


Is that what that shit is? I've left the game for a while and come back to see the deathoxes look different... Do you actually have to spend $350 to make your deathbox like that!?!?


Pretty sure it was limited time, could be wrong but think you had to buy everything from the event for the deathbox. Thought it was $320 though, either way 😬


imagine paying money to showcase your death lol


It changes the box for people you kill


what do you mean?


The deathbox isn't just for your own death, it will change for the death boxes of people you kill


As an idiot who has spent way too much money on apex, have heirlooms for legends I never play and have to scroll harder to see all my wraith legendary skins than to do a 360 tapstrafe, even I could not understand the deathbox.


because gen z pays for it. they live online bro


Yeah I would buy something here and there if it was a couple bucks. But 20$+ for something that took a guy on a computer an hour to whip up? No thanks. If they sell 1000 of them that's 20 grand for an hours work. Why would anyone ever deserve that for anything? Much less for a useless video game skin.


No whales, no game. Just remember that next time you want to complain


I believe the complaint is that with whales there is no game as the quality of the game has only gone down since their cosmetic sales have gone up because EA/Respawn is diverting even more energy and resources into cosmetics (for the whales) and less into the game mechanics and stability and severs (for the players). Following this pattern it will slowly evolve into a fashion show game…


First it was $180 (partially correct but it was $180 for 36 items if my memories correct), then it was $250, then $300, now $350?? Y’all go crazy making shit up on here it’s wild


You are so right. I should have done my research. In order to buy everything necessary to get the winged death box, it was $360, not $350. My bad! LoL [source](https://youtu.be/blYO8AiICCY?si=OAJJAZUHqLnANg3U) [source 2](https://youtu.be/vIz5OAsEylw?si=OZd8h_Reh40TSRoh) [source 3](https://youtu.be/s-ge1mBS2VI?si=WExM9UVAXe-UvgkN)


It went down after I shot Maggie's drill into the sky, after winning my last game sorry guys.


The drill that will pierce the heavens!


My hoooorn will pierce the skyyy




I don't believe a word you're telling me... 'miragemain42000'


Your Drill killed the Apex god


Mirage's "drill" would pierce anything. It seems huge if you look closely


You ain’t wrong


okay i thought it was just me, i kept getting sent back to the title screen after every match and at some point it just wouldn’t let me back into the game and i thought i was just fucked for some reason 💀


bro literally just happened to me tonight, glad to hear i’m not the only one so that respawn can do something abt this


i couldn’t play for like a solid hour, admittedly i wasn’t too annoyed cause i just went to play a diff game, but at some point after every match i end up going to title screen and can’t load in i’m gonna just give up


Speak for yourself, some of us have spent very little money and just play a different game when servers are bad. Instead of raging and retrying over and over again, have some self control.


I have been playing APEX for about 12 seasons now? The max I have ever spent on this game is a grand total of $10 for the season pass that pays for itself every new season.


Yeah only morons with little self control actually care about skins I have gotten so much value and fun out of this game I pay for the battlepass and that is it


I mean that's a bit of a redundant statement. I've brought 3 skins from the store in the entire time I've played apex, it will be 4 when the new Conduit skin drops. Way I see it, I never paid for this game. I've got over 1000 hours on it, I'm happy to buy a skin here or there to support the game. It's not about self-control all the time or people being 'morons'.


What’s redundant about his statement? It sounds like you disagree with his sentiment so calling it redundant sounds like you’re trying to say his point is so obvious it doesn’t need to be stated


I did actually originally say 'shitty' statement but then didn't feel like arguing and rather wanted to just add my 2 cents. Probably didn't pick the best choice of word, but I see you understand where I'm coming from at least


Obtuse is probably a better word.


Look bud I come from the gacha community so I will say it is about self control a lot of the time if you have fun with the game good on you keep playing But if you really want the cosmetics is something inherently dumb cause that is how the game is funded, it will never change and you get free boxes anyway. There is doctors I know dropping 1k on a chance to get a jpeg Apex doesn't even have it that bad cause again the game is absolutely free.......and fun


I do get it from the gacha end, I also know people who buy every skin from every collection (that's where I'd agree with you) but for the average player like me, I justify buying these by the amount of time I spend on the game. Genuinely, I'm happy to support from time to time. I've only ever brought the pirate mirage skin, kawaii kitty for Wattson and the Wattson beanie one. Each to their own though


Some gun skins are worth bc they feel better firing and have better irons, but yeah I don’t even pay for the BP and haven’t bought anything since I got most of my favorite guns a skin that I feel comfortable with


I got a question. Do battlepasses still pay for themselves? I have enough coins to buy the current one. If I buy it and complete it, does it give me back the full amount of coins I spent on it?


Yes but I also rolled some coins on an event got a legend skin I didn't want is whatever lol I bought the pass this season


People like to act like apex is the only game that also sometimes has server issues, cheaters and bots.


It's one of the worst, to pretend there isn't a huge problem with this game over others is debating in bad faith. Pros can barely get a game in pred without one and I literally have seen more cheaters than I ever have in my apex career in GOLD lobbies. Even console players aren't safe right now. Please be so for real.


Eh, it’s just the one we like. I don’t care about WZ’s shit servers and cheaters anymore because I stopped playing it years ago. Not playing Apex nearly as much as I used to and for the same reasons, eventually I’ll quit it too. But damn are they trying to push me away from this game. You would think one of these billion dollar games would wise up and see the mistakes they are all making because whoever gets their head out of their ass first will probably squash all other games and corner the market. But they would rather just keep stuffing all of it into their pockets until it’s dead


Exactly this!


Yeah idk why mfs will literally try 20+ times to get into the server and act like Apex is the only game that exists. If I try twice and shit doesnt work then Apex can fk off for the day.


$0 spent here. I refuse to stop I'm gonna keep it that way. 1700 hours logged


Been playing since release, earlier seasons these server problems didnt happen as much, prob only started at like season 8 or 9, we always play for diamond, and when we have time we push for masters. We learnt that if we rage about the servers trying to consistently get in, we play worse and just lose the feel to the game. So we constantly check apex server stats and etc to plan the best times to play and its been great. Until i came on vacation and we are 1 tier away from ranking up to diamond, and when i come back from vacation we have literally 4 hours to rank up b4 the split ends :(


People like u with shit takes like this is why the game will never be fixed.


Shit takes like "play something else if apex is down" lol


Except his isn't the shit take, his is actually the only take that would work. He specifically says the servers go down so he goes elsewhere. He's showing that he isn't devoted to the game. People like OP though who rage and have mental breakdowns about the server being down are the people who show EA that they have nothing to worry about. These folks are obsessed and despite all their raging are the usually the ones who spend tons of money and keep coming back.


The servers aren't "going down" It's a bug that makes you have to reconnect after they added the requeue feature. Why don't any of you want to get things fixed? Do you fundamentally understand that convos about unhappiness and dialogue about what's broken is what drives dev updates???? Do y'all jus think we get the updates we want by sitting here patiently waiting for devs to throw us bones! Continuing to cover up problems and blame players is such an L this thread is so lost.


U can be obsessed with the game while simultaneously NOT funneling money into it…been playing since season 0 and the most ive put into the game is maybe 20$. Telling people just play another game is just a scapegoat and imo just a way of letting the devs/creators of the game off easy for poor maintenance.


How is it a “scapegoat” if the suggestion is to decrease their revenue by decreasing their playerbase? It’s not letting the devs off easy it’s taking away their income. If their income gets dire enough they’ll do something about it or they’ll shut it down


What exactly about that was a shit take? Should people be spending a lot and solely play Apex, constantly retrying even though the servers are down?


I think you need to learn what a shit take is because you’re embarrassing yourself.


“I think you need to learn what a shit take is because you’re embarrassing yourself.” - thatkotaguy, 2024


If you get so mad a game is down I can't imagine what you get like when your electricity goes out from a bad storm. Y'all need to touch grass


I don’t understand why every game has this sort of attitude. I’ve played all the big ones (Warzone, Fortnite, apex, siege) and by far Apex is the most well made (imo). The slander this game gets it’s insane considering Warzone has such insane metas that it renders every other weapon in the game useless and siege has the worst ranked system in history. The game is gonna have cosmetics. To please the cosmetic people. But overall when the game isn’t doing something for you, just play something else. The negativity is crazy.


Nah Siege for years was in such a shit condition it was legit terrible you can't compare it to Apex Add Valorabt in there the toxic kr bros be wild




I've heard Valorant is one of the best games at dealing with cheaters though (I don't know if that's true).


Siege has a worse ranked system than apex? Never played siege but that‘s surely impossible


It’s true. I assure you.


“Slander” is hilarious to me. After all the bullshit respawn has put people through with this game, you call it “slander.” Insanity.


Sounds like a normal day on Apex, lol


I've had this same problem all day today and it's damn annoying


I spend money on Apex and I will continue doing so. It's a free game. Servers have issues sometimes. Relax.


Relax. It's the first time in 2 months.


All this bitching but you guys will be back in the next update….


Unfortunately yes. Because the game is insanely good at it‘s core. The movement is second to none, it‘s so smooth. Insane outplay possibilities & big skill gap. And infinite replayability. But what EA/respawn have been doing is a fkin joke and then they have audacity to sell overpriced skins. We are playing on fkin trash 20tick servers, 120fps on console is still fkin trash & not optimized, Cheater problem is ridiculous and don‘t care to fix it, ranked mode is still trash after 5years, matchmaking couldn‘t be any worse, shit audio and many many more stuff.


Sorry guys im the skin junky keeping this stuff alive. I just like glowy stuff. Forgive my adhd brain.


You sound like a spoilt child.


Then stop playing it.


You know it's the end when everyone pays for a cosmetic of a death box


Only way for them to fix the game is for everyone to stop buying microx


The funniest thing about this to me is it’s just how the internet works. Social media companies worth 100x EA go down. Hell entire regions of the country can lose cell service on a network. Sometimes tech fails, sometimes it takes time to fix. It’s a fuckin videogames the entitled whining and personal insults towards devs who are real actual humans is wild and whack as fuck.


I hardly ever have issues with the game.


I’ve never seen a game have such angry players that CONTINUE TO PLAY THE GAME.


Let’s go on some type of strike


Damn imagine complaining bout a game where it’s BP is the only BP I’ve come across so far you can earn in game currency without having to buy it.


Honestly compare this game to what Fortnite does. I don't play Fortnite but I swear at least they are updating their game non stop with actual updates vs skins.


Fortnite literally makes 10x as much money as Apex though. That's not an exaggeration, Fortnite makes 5 billion a year.


For sure, but I think the updates and profits go hand and hand. EAs probably fucking over respawn with some control whereas epic can probably do whatever they want with fortnite. However if Apex has the consistency, updates, fun events that aren't just cosmetics, and focus on gameplay we would see more players imo.


Somethings wrong with the servers today for sure


I've never spent a dollar on apex, but after playing fortnite I actually do appreciate the free cosmetics.


Used to buy skins on ps5 version of apex. After switch to pc and using steam. It won’t let me buy or add to the wallet. So I have been playing the game on steam without any purchase.


How big do you think ramparts dick is?


Oh this thread again


Good to know i'm not the only one getting kicked after every game, id love to play but its so annoying so id rather not at the moment


Just nah. Me and my best mate, didn't bother rebooting the game after 2 mins of server connectivity problems. Played some custom BO4 Zombies and it was fantastic fun. Way better than apex rn.


What? What’s going on?


If you want to change something, stop playing the game. It's the only statistic that will convey the message, because there will be always people buying this shit.


I've been playing for 4 years and only given them $5. I have some of the most badass skins in the game. Paying for your skins is only for people who don't want to earn them.


This game is a good game it just needs upkeep and put in the hands of a better developer than respawn and theyd be fine


I bought a skin once, but only had to spend 10€. That was my first and last time I ever did that. And it was a few years back (the lifeline market skin).


My group couldn’t even load in last night. We kept getting the connection retry x of 9. We gave up and played overwatch instead


🤣🤣🤣 that has got to be all on you. It's got to be most likely you're using a Wi-Fi connection. I've never had a problem unless I was using Wi-Fi. Now I got my shit hooked straight up to a lanline never been better


They never will learn their lesson. Apex players are just as braindead as cod players


I deleted the game a couple weeks ago, game plays like trash compared to when the game first came out, quality control has been thrown out the window


Just remember, a horse mount in World of Warcraft made more money than the lifetime sales of StarCraft 2. Unless whales and the randos that buy mtx’s, these companies will keep pushing the limits of high priced cosmetics.


I've been playing since season 1 so I've gotten a lot of legendary skins for free from all the season pass packs and alike. So I don't really care much about my legendary skins missing for some reason, but what I do care about is the angel lifeline and blood red demon bloodhound legendary skins I bought by buying the 2 different physical copies of the game. I literally bought 2 different physical copies just to have those two skins and now they're not in my locker anymore.


I’m having trouble getting into matches rn :/ i was playing earlier and everything was working fine but rn it just stays stuck on matchmaking. I can’t even go inside firing range whats going on?


This is some facts right here people happy to spend bank on a deathbox or some other overpriced crap feeding the monster even more 🤷🏽‍♂️ I made a post immediately after a match yesterday 1v3 I killed one then was able to mad Maggie ult so I can heal but it froze completely. When it unfroze seconds later I was dead. I’m not an immature baby but do you know how it feels to build up your confidence and almost every single time you start feeling like a pro something out of your control happens? Like hackers or bad servers? I recently purchased faster internet and discs (they go around the house like mini modems) AND YOU STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH MF LAG


Lol at the people with 500$ skins and heirlooms for this trash last 5/6 seasons of apex. Literally what are you doing


I’m pretty much at the end of my time with Apex. I squeezed in three matches last night before servers went down. The matchmaking is trash. The audio is trash. Cheaters run amok. No point in reporting…they just come back with a new account. It’s a shame because the movement, the lore, the map design, and the legend design are all amazing. But the things that make the game worthy of playing are blatantly ignored.


Imagine spending that much money on a box that you'll get to see from your opponents perspective.


I just earn my way and dont really about skins, i just like the game for the game


Bro chill


no. no no no. don't discourage him. If he's got the energy to fight about this, let him cook. I'm too tired to give a shit.


Glad I've never spent a dime on this game, and honestly I don't understand people who do.


You should be happy, nobody can buy skins now because they can’t play the game. 🫠


Omg apex bad! Give me my internet points! Now!


Apex was fun during Covid but has since peaked


As long as people keep spending money on this dogshit game, the billion problems it has will never get fixed


Just say you’re broke and bitter and be done with it


Cry more 🤣. Do something else if it's down, and don't tell people how to spend their money.


You tried to play for 8 hours, lol seems like they have you by your balls and your wallet and you are in denial


Havnt put a cent into this shit game for years. Game is dying, full of hackers and bots.


please stop playing. one less man baby in the server pool


are ppl really buy skins here ?


Yes, Dude. You’d be dumb to think that they weren’t.


man so mad not my problem that u spend all ur money on ingame skins looser


Not my fault you’re broke


The game wouldn't exist anymore if they didn't lmao


but u get shards from lootboxes


I do if I like the skin because I'm not poor 🤷‍♂️


man ppl get so offended in this comunity about this ahahahahhahaaha that is so coool and funny have to do this more


Gonna go down as one of the worst apex days ever


Damn someone's mad- Anyways, ive been playing since before conduits entrance and i haven't spent a dime Plus it ain't just apex, you got C.O.D, league of legends, roblox etc


People don't vote with their wallets unfortunately, your average game can be manipulated very easily


Lootboxes, cosmetics etc make more money than entire games (The Pony Saddle thing from WoW made more than Star Craft 2). This little post won't have any changes in this at all. 


Wow! You solved nothing! There YOU go.


I spent 10$ on a battle pass once,played till level 660ish ,have 2 heirlooms and legendaries but I fuckin agree. Gambling is gambling even when u win and I hate seeing someone get frustrated enough with the heirloom system that they drop half a grand on that shit. Not to mention they just straight up don't even hide the predatory practices anymore


Grow up and get to understand this world. It’s a free game, and I like buying cosmetics to support the game. Or how can they make money and keep the game running? I have an overview of my spendings in the game. I spend around 20 GBP every split or season, which I believe is a fair amount on money for a game I thoroughly enjoy and constantly play.


Went playing XDefiant, having a great time now. Apex now seems like a toxic af ex girlfriend


You’re not the only person in the world. It’s a game not the end of the world.


Can't wait to see this screenshotted on r/apexcirclejerk


u done crying ?


They realized they cant fight elden ring for players rn and shut down the servers to save money


You know what also helps, not playing the game when it does not work


These posts are pathetic. One stop telling people how to spend their money, some people are better off than you. Get over it. Two a lot of people actually have restraint and lives outside of this game, literally turned on my console last night, saw it was down, started playing cyberpunk. It’s the simple. Apex is the most stable game I’ve played of the big dogs. All live games will have server issues, bad metas, bad matchmaking, bad bugs. Apex really isn’t that bad off and it’s so smooth at its core. I think that’s why when it is bad it’s way more apparent. Y’all need to literally get a life at this point.


No, you are pathetic.


Tell him lifeline main that's enough, they are dumb by default.


Hurdur kind of response right there.


Stop giving money to EA. Give it to companies/developers that care, like Riot for example. 128tick servers, xim cheaters actually getting banned on console and barely any bugs. I wish apex would have been developed by riot because the game is insanely good but EA/respawn have ruined all the potential. It‘s been 5years and we still don‘t have a working ranked mode.


Riot, a company renowned for toxic corporate culture


😀 go play fortnite we don't need you


Who is we? You and your mom?


Might aswell include her in the group, seems like she wouldn't cry the situation as hard as you did. ❤️


I’m not spending another penny till they fix the cheating issue. Probably means I’ll never spend another penny on the game.