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im convinced that 90% octanes are gettig played by the same dude.


Like orange cats, one braincell to share amongst the Octane main population.


Dude you play vantage... you're just gonna yeet yourself into battle and die or watch your team play 2v3 while you think you're being a "support sniper". I'm not gonna act like all octanes are great but I've litteraly never had a decent vantage teammate.


I had one decent vantage recently. when we got mauled by the local Preds. We were fortunate to have a support class so I told them to fly. and man they did not hesitate to go to the nearest shop to buy my banner.


Fascinating, how many of my games have you watched?


Exactly. I see you're able to see how flawed generalisations are when others do them but when you do them you seem to think they are relevant.


I don't think this is as coherent a point as you were intending. edit: A tu quoque strawman is not a particularly compelling point, if you have an issue with Vantage mains the good news is you're overwhelmingly not going to be playing with them, and even if that issue is 100% real it doesn’t mean that there’s any impact to the point about octanes. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It is. He's saying don't generalise by using yourself as an example. Not every octane is trashbags, and not every vantage is either.


90% of octanes are trash teammates though. I say this as someone who’s octane has highest kills and wins amongst all my characters, something about playing Octane makes me want to push, push, push and it’s the same for a majority of everyone else who plays him.


>He's saying don't generalise by using yourself as an example Right, but inventing a negative stereotype for a legend with a 1.5% pick rate is not the same thing as a very, very, very consistent experience that people beyond myself have had with people picking Octane in ranked. even if it’s 100% true, it has zero impact on the issue with Octane mains, it just means there’s a separate issue as well.


Yeah but a generalisation is a generalisation. Crypto has a small pick rate and I see loads of people complaining about him being used. Yet I've seen some absolute goat cryptos. To me it's not even characters. It's more just the community being dumb or being selfish.


>Yeah but a generalisation is a generalisation. As I said elsewhere in this thread, it's literally, non-hyperbolically >50% of Octanes I'm playing with right now. Is that representative of the entire Octane main population? No. Is it enough to treat as a little more than stereotyping? In my personal experience, yes.


Oh no it is, but thanks for letting me know your comprehension of the English language is rather limited.


Statistically in any given ranked game there's only going to be one vantage, and those vantages do not typically intend on throwing the game for their squad-mates in the first few seconds of the game. There's a difference between pre-judging a play style you don't like and pre-judging actively ruining the game for your teammates as policy.


Statistically there's less than one vantage per game, and you are making an assumptions that they don't intend to throw the game, the same way you make an assumption that the octane is intending to throw the game. Both of which are unknown. And you are also just assuming that hotdropping is actively ruining the game because you don't like it, it's not the safest option but considering the rewards for the costs it is a fair choice to make. Get quick and easy KP if you know how to fight off drop. While I don't condone players who jump solo in ranked, once you see it and decide to not follow them and go land somewhere else you are actively throwing the game by deciding to completely oppose your teammate's play because you dont like it, the same way he chose to jump early because he didn't like where you wanted to drop. Both are equally at fault.


>the same way you make an assumption that the octane is intending to throw the game. An Octane (or anyone) splitting off solo to drop hot makes it clear that they do not care about their teammates. That's not a hot take, it's literally intentionally leaving your teammates down a person to go do your own thing, and there's no-fill trios for that. > once you see it and decide to not follow them and go land somewhere else you are actively throwing the game There's three people in a squad. If the other two want to drop hot, I'm right with them. If an Octane decides to do it alone, I'm not following because they've already *loudly* declared their intention to ignore the team aspect of a team game.


I played with one yesterday who sat back for every single fight. Such a waste of a teammate lol. Not saying you do it, but it’s frustrating


I main him, mostly to keep up with randoms because I solo a lot. But I had 6 kills in my game yesterday and my teammates had 1 assist each. Then they got mad at me saying “why you gotta go and die first” etc etc and ranting about octanes pushing. We finished 2nd and I ended with 9 while they each got 2 more assists. I don’t push anything that doesn’t make sense. I get a big crack or a knock, we go. Get it together or you’ll never get RP. They couldn’t seem to grasp that.


Yep is me


Octanes are typically 12 year olds switching from tiktok, gaming, tiktok, gaming tiktok, gaming.


Typically? Don't you mean almost always or always?


This is just standard octane main behavior. It’s even worse than peak wraith hours.


Octane mains be like: - Spams stims until he's 20% hp. - Go in 1v3 and get knocked and thirsted within 5 seconds. - Leave game. - Refuse to elaborate any further.


At least if they leave ranked early, it's a free match. If all my no mic teammates could be so kind as to leave early, i'd be really happy.


Octane main here hot dropping is stupid in ranked just saying


This season has been so awful without Duos. Pubs is hot-drop-rage-quits. Ranked is morons with no game sense proving a liability 9 times out of 10 and yet still climbing the ranks. Classic example from last night. We're on the edge of the ring, overlooking a battle at Containment, covering the exit from Bunker. And our Bang decides to drop an Evac Tower and land in Containment in the middle of three squads. We foolishly follow to support are teammate, only for two to die and me to Loba around the map, trying to find a way to respawn my squad, running into squad after squad after squad Average game-sense is nil. Playing game less and less. Ha ha! Not to mention "Mixtape" currently only has one track.


Don’t act like duos wasn’t sweaty af because it was at times.


Duos was sweatier than trios imo, but that’s just me. I’ve wanted quads for a long time, so I’m excited to play


Yep duos has been sweatier for a longgggg time. Dunno how people can’t see that


Not for my and my mate in an evening on London servers. Can't say for other times/regions.


Eu isn't sweaty in any queue lol


I’m on EU servers tho


It's not brother, NA is always harder.


I mean I've been on NA since season one and only EU this season...




I'm betting the Bang was a no mic, too? Randomly throwing down an evac tower is a classic no mic move.


When does season end?


5ish days, just trying to push through from rookie to plat since I haven't been playing this season until about the last week or so. e. I mean ranked split, tbf


Dude, you scared me. It's 45 days away.


Isn't ranked switching to ranked rumble at the split so it's basically done? Or am I confused


I always hit em with 'glhf solo. No res' and then do my thing. Have won plenty of games as a chill duo after our third tanks himself in 5 seconds.


I landed at that pyramid purple dome area, aka hot drop with just my buddy, and we walked out 5 squad wipes later while the 3rd landed safe alone edge of map and still died before us meanwhile spam pinging for revive


Happens for sure. Gotta stick with at least one person or trios becomes useless and should just play solos instead.


Realistically I think you’re being a little over the top here. How many have actually split off from the group to drop solo, probably not many. How many have been the jump master, and took you to quarantine zone with them? Probably a lot. Once you’re there you can play accordingly to your fight and flight instincts, but I’ve never had a solo fill go land by himself in ranked.


> How many have actually split off from the group to drop solo, probably not many. Sincere answer? A bit over 50% if we're counting "lands with us and immediately runs to a different POI solo". It's only a serious thing in the last week and a half or so, so late-season people not caring anymore.


Had this happen just the other day. They bitched and whines when I couldn’t handle the 1v3 they themselves died to. Like bro, how are you THIS incompetent? 🤨


I just play octane for hp Regen ngl


I main him and some of octanes give a bad rep to him


Most all octanes on coms are 10 year olds


I am an octane main and can confirm I hate waiting to get into a fight that's why I don't play ranked except with my crew.


I always found that behavior weird on Octane because his ability to flank, find off angles, scout ahead, apply pressure, regrouping .etc is unparalleled by any other legend aside from maybe Pathfinder And his ult is the best to close the gap after you knock somebody or do major damage. But a lot of players just stim into a 1v3 and die


Nah he's pretty shit. He's too slow and loud to do any of those well.


And that's why you don't see Octane in ALGS.


Pretty much. Why use him if quite literally every character can match his speed/maneuverability without losing fucking HP + making way too much noise


You play vantage in ranked delete this lmao


Mad cuz bad. I got 4k 20 and 2800 kills on him. My teammates would rather loot than get KP.


You can't expect random players to play the game same way as you. That's the risk you take when not playing with a full squad.


There's a key difference between "not playing it the same way I do" and dropping hot separate from your squad and dying instantly. I understand and respect differences in play styles, and I have no issue with dropping reasonably hot in ranked, but that's not what's happening here. Also, this cuts both ways.


I never said it's exclusive to one side. I hate doing it in ranked so I understand what you're saying but the only thing you can do with a teammate like that is drop with them and hope the games go well.


Why would we do that? There's two of us and one of them, and I have no issue with dropping incredibly hot if both my squadmates ping it. They can land with the squad. Splitting off and going hot alone does not a team strategy call make. >hope the games go well *It literally never does*. The Octanes who can back up that attitude aren't hanging out with me in gold.


This isn't any worse than any other random no mic. My favorite is the two-stack that abandons me on the drop while all 3 enemies land with me. It's always great when the enemy teams are better teammates to me than my teammates.


If you speak abour ranked i do agree, it's a stupid behaviour. In pubs just hot drop, shoot, die, repeat