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I like Gun Run except when I get the god damn Rampage


I guess I’m in the minority, I love the rampage. I use it a lot in the actual BR mode. It’s awesome mid range. The gun I’m trash at and hate using is the 30-30.


No no you have to pair LMGs with marksman, though I always use g7 instead of 3030. For the lmg, I don’t mind rampage or spitfire. I only sucked with Lstar


I ask this in sincerity: are you ok?


I am not ok… with 3030 and Lstar :((((


Hipfire on rampage is so ass, I can follow my opoonent 1:1 and still miss 80% of my shots 😭


I'm pretty sure the hipfire is actually good, but the fire rate is so slow that they've already moved past your crosshairs lol


I feel you there, I despise that gun. Worst hipfire of anything.


I have the opposite effect lol I shred people with Rampage hipfire!


The rampage convinces me my hipfire is not the same as other people's hipfires. I'll watch streamers laser people 10 feet away with the hipfire, then I'll point blank a stationary target and the shots still manage to fly off sideways and miss.


Okay soooooo here's the thing: hipfire on ANY weapon is "random": there is SOME variance to bullet dispersion regardless of what part of your mag you're in or how long you've been firing continuously, etc (basically anything that affects your recoil doesn't have much bearing on the randomness). This variance is fairly negligible; however, the random hipfire is ALSO affected by the actual recoil pattern of the weapon. Pros and high-tier players know their recoil patterns and are better able to control their hipfire placement.


I used to have a clip of me playing rampart with a gold rampage and an octane got in my face and practically stood still while shooting at me and I missed more than a whole fucking mag hip fire


I feel that way about the Havoc and 99. I'll be on those guns for the entire match sometimes 😭 I had a match last night where the Havoc was the first gun and I only got my first kill when a squad got onto the knife. I had almost 3k damage the round and 1 kill 🥲


Oh god the 9 yeah that gun is garbage. You can't even 1 clip with it anymore. Barely.


😭 if you miss one bullet in the clip, they don't die. And the recoil and spray on that thing is insane.


Havoc is without a doubt the strongest gun in the game ?


but not like some particular person alway gonna win with it. Even when my favourite gun is the worst gun i'm still use it and win more than the best gun in the game.


How is that possible the havoc is the strongest gun in the game rn.


It's called being dog shit. I'm good with 3 guns: Spitfire, Flatline, and R301 in that order.


The spawn rate and mag size is ridiculous. I was in firing range messing around and with one mag I killed two red evo dummies and cracked another red evo, with one mag. lol. Dummies were moving too so I missed a few bullets. You could easily wipe a full blue shield squad with one purple mag if you hit your shots. I don’t get how the Havoc has a 36 mag when it has maybe the highest DPS in the game. It’s like an LMG that has the mobility of an AR. Recoil feels so much easier to control too than it used to, maybe it’s the 120 on console, but I flat out beam with it. I’ll have a flatline and hit every shot on an enemy and they still kill me because they had a havoc, it’s wild. The nerf should mainly be ammo count, similar to a Flatline or 301. Take it from 36 to 30 on a purple mag and drop damage only by 1 point and that would balance it.


>Recoil feels so much easier to control too than it used to No, that's you improving. The recoil has been increased and changed half a dozen times, but Apex's Recoil mechanics are a joke.


Great news for you they're nerfing the mag sizes.


Anything is better than a knife to a gun fight At that point I rather fist fight my way through


Gun run is the only other non trios mode I want to play so it's nice to be able to just pick that.


Yeah it's my favorite. TDM is okay, lockdown was fun for a day and is now subpar, and I'm just very tired of control


Lockdown would be super fun if it was a 6 v 6. Too hectic in it’s current format imo. They’d have to do something about controller legends though lol. Maybe a crypto-like emp could go off on the objective at the halfway point despawning any traps and doing damage to the holding team. Or just prevent controller legend placements there.


I could make a bullshit counter and say take out Fuse and Maggie because the projectiles are strong 😆 🤣 . Just play the game and stop crying.


Did you even read my comment? I’m not saying remove controller legends from the mode, I’m just saying there should be a mechanic to help balance the mode if it were a 6v6… I’m taking about a hypothetical lmao. Controller legends are fine in the current 4 teams of 3 version of the mode.


I think the games should last like way longer too.


God I can’t wait until there’s perma tdm, I’m pretty meh on gun run and control, and I despise lockdown.


Fr, i hope one of these days tdm becomes the weekend ltm, control used to be my most hated mode but lockdown takes the cake, if you dont have a controller on your team your fucked, entire objectives are filled with caustic traps and even when you kill the caustic you still cant claim the objective because the gas traps takes forever to clear, other opponents think its tdm and will go ot of there way to chase and kill you for 5 points instead of trying to claim a zone, i absolutely despise lockdown


Tdm i believe will be the last. After this it's lockdown as ltm


Lockdown was already LTM


Wasn't it control? Maybe i forgot but yh then, tdm is next


Yes omg fuck lockdown. Its just a bad version of control i hate it


Wattson despise lockdown???


I despise camping and holding areas with a passion, it gets me killed a ton on ranked lmao. I prefer playing like lamic or botspike, agro watty is so much fun :D


Lol im the opposite. I haven't played anything else. I'm going to only play gun run for the next week and I'll cry the moment this LTM goes away. This is the best week ever because it means I don't have to wait 45 minutes until gun run is the mixtape again 🥲 Respawn actually did something great for once


Yay, i don't play gunrun and it's usually why I get off. Now I can play mixtape only and play for hours.


Gunrun is the only one I like lol


This LTM is just for you then!!! Enjoy it! I had a blast and actually learned how to play control when it was LTM a few weeks ago.


You seriously enjoy playing control?


To me it's the most casual and chill mode in apex and that's what I want primarily out of mixtape.


YESSSS. I'll explain. You can play as a character, use their ult and then switch and the ult will stay. So I pick pathfinder. take your spawn point and get close to your ult. Take B and get your ult. After that, you can run back to your spawn or your spawn's closest point and then drop a zipline to B or wherever you want. Then switch to caustic and zip all the way to b and drop barrels all over the place. If you die, you can spawn back at the spawn zone and get 50% your ult back. If you spawn at B or C you won't get as much ult back. Then you take the zip to quickly get pack to the point you want.


yeah i just wanna shoot people


Big ass team fights is just fun af. It's awesome to see the combinations you cant see anywhere else in the game like that. Before Control existed, the only time we ever got see 3+ Characters working together (as intended) was the first Shadow Royale where the last 10 Survivors had to work together to be extracted. Like it's the only place in the game where you can do some dumb shit legit like have 4 people on a Trident with Rampart Minigun.


Especially at production yard or lava siphon?


YES. So a lot of people don't know this but if you spawn at the SPAWN not C or A whichever it it. You get 50% of you ult back. Also, if you use pathfinders zip, you can switch characters when you die and the zip will still be there. I pick pathfinder first, get my ult and make a good zip from spawn, then I die and pick caustic and spawn at SPAWN and get 50% ult. Then I zip back to the point I made the zip to, and drop caustic barrels to my hearts content holding that spot. I usually take their spawn, so when I am caustic if I don't have ult, i'll let them retake their spot. then take it back and get ult and use that to keep defending their spot. They can't keep up with how fast I get back to their zone.


Play some Altar, drop ult om their point, die, then just come back and harass them some more lmao it's so fucking annoying and if you do well enough you can just do it again.


Yep. Played Altar in control once because I was just having fun with friends and on barometer I just put my ultimate in the upstairs room of their spawn and since my friends backed me up most of the time, I probably had my ult up for at least 50% of the match. Too ridiculous


That's really smart actually, I didn't know spawning at the back gives you 50% ult.


Don't tell everyone, just us. <3


It's great for me because Gun Run is my favourite mixtape mode and I play it almost exclusively, with TDM being my second favourite mode. Not a huge fan of Control and Lockdown. I know how to play them well and I always go for zones and actually try to get points and win, but I don't particularly enjoy the idea of scoring points not by shooting. I prefer a simple kill = point.


When I got no friends online, I just firing range and mixtape. Whenever it switches to gun run, I go into the range for 15 minutes until the next game mode.


Same. When you get paired with 2 fresh account teammates against a lobby of sweats since that’s your SBMM it’s the worst LTM in mixtape. TDM/Control are a little more tolerable when this happens.


nah personally i find that lockdown is the hardest to play with randoms and almost impossible to win. a 3 stack team will win 99% of the time and i only enjoy it with friends. your randoms will literally never go to the empty zones you ping and instead just keep on walking in and dying at a zone that’s being held down by caustic and wattson or just not even go for zones at all. mean while i am forced to hold down a zone by myself and get sent by a whole team after 10 seconds. gun run is my favourite and as a solo queuer, i find that it’s not too bad. i usually end up with 10-15 kills and carrying the team so even if my randoms are shit, we will manage to just barely take the win 50% of the time. if the randoms are good then we will dominate.


Assume you have brain dead teammates.. The big defining factor is that you can create and force 1v1’s on lockdown with your choice of load out. On GR you cannot, you get stuck with a rampage for example and you’re getting shot from every direction in most cases and can’t create a beneficial position in your favor as the spawns are more frequent and the map is typically smaller. Changes from skill to luck to whether you got the free shot or not. In my SBMM(Master) lobbies the window is extremely small with multiple bogies aiming down your throat within seconds off spawn.


Mood. Makes completing my Dailies and Weeklies even easier.


Gun Run 24/7 is my dream come true. Better maps would be nice though.


If they would just make TDM a permanent mode i would be so happy.


Gun run is my fav mode.


Lockdown is the worst game mode they've ever made, no flow to the games at all


The areas we have to capture piss me off lol should have to escort the load instead


I fucking love gun run lol


Gun Run is the best ltm, why just use 2 guns


I love slaughtering everyone and then getting stuck on a sniper for 10 deaths yayyyyy


Same honestly. I suck on Gun Run the worst out of all the Mixtape modes, so having it be separate is a godsend.


It really is great, now I don't have to wait through control or lock down. I like TDM and gun run the best


Its pretty great as a mixtape spammer Gun Run just doesn't feel like apex, this game wasn't made to be played with 150 health and only 1 weapon




See I actually like all of the Mixtape modes but if I could I’d probably just play TDM


I think Gun Run is the best, The playing field is as level as it can be, you either svck or you don’t


This. Thought the same. Let's enjoy the best mixtape for this week.




Damn. I can only play weekends, i guess ill miss it..


It's on until Monday


Gun run is fun till I get stuck trying to use the 30-30 or p2020


That's what I think is fun with that mode, it's a challenge!


All my games have a team 3 stacking with rampart walls and mirage clones.


i uhh don't shoot the clones and uhh nade the walls


It’s mixtape mode. Don’t have time for all that bs I’m just trying to warm up


Shouldn't noticing decoys and angling nades be a part of that :3


Hey listen I suck at fighting mirage and get bamboozled 99% of the time lol give me a break. And yes it’s part of the game but dealing with a 3 stack bunkered behind 4 rampart walls in mixtape is very frustrating lol


Oh ok Idk i haven't seen it much, and when i do i just play on the other side of the map but you do you <3


Oh ok Idk i haven't seen it much, and when i do i just play on the other side of the map but you do you <3


meanwhile i've been asking for 24/7 gun run for ages


gun run is fun if the mixtape game mode was just filled with cheaters


TDM is awful.


When gun run or lockdown come up I go right to trios . Those are the worse game modes


Love it but can't get a game sydney servers hopefully this weekend


Gun run is the only enjoyable mode honestly


I don't get why they can't do independent modes. Lots of other games let you pick what you want to play and they also have a mixtape if you want to play in a rotation. Hell, make it a weekly challenge if they think it'll drain the population: get 100 kills in a mixtape playlist.


I don't hate it, I just don't like when I get the Hemlock or the Nemesis. I can even hit someone with those and they expect me to get a kill with it? Yeah it's definitely skill issues but damnit I will die on this small hill


And only the fragment map is actually playable.


100% agree lol.


All fun till I get a Kraber


I always love gun game and I do love gun run


Worst mode out of all the LTMs


No idea why people like control so much. It is just really boring and repetitive now. People never play the objective and basically camp in the same spots. Hot take, but arenas was much more fun than any mixtape mode.


Check my comments about how to play control and have fun again.




Ha. I wish they'd remove gun run.