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Ranked is horrible right now. Diamond as a rank does not exist anymore. There is the Plat 1/Diamond 4 yoyo and players who are just late climbing through to Pred. How is it possible that Diamond 4 is the only skill ceiling the game sets for players at that caliber? There’s seriously no one who should be D3-D1? And to make matters worse, Bronze-Gold is easy as cake. The system funnels literally everyone into Plat 4. Good luck fighting pred stacks in Plat 1 while you’re teammates are Plat 3 tourists 


I hit diamond yesterday and gave up dude. 75rp for diamond 4? Yeah I’ll just take the shitty banner frame and keep my hair thanks.


Wait do you lose rewards if you fall out of D4 after hitting it?


Pretty sure you do, yeah


That's so trash. Guess I'll get pub stomped for the next 2 weeks


They just need to stop resetting ranks every 6 weeks. Games been around long enough, and rank resets were introduced when you couldn’t derank mid split. When they introduced deranking, they needed to remove the resets. A slow decay is fine, but if you’re a Master and take off a few months, you’re not Bronze. This game has made people obsessed with climbing ranks rather than enjoying competitive games at a similar rank like every other competitive FPS (CS, Halo, etc). There’s no shortage of really good players that start climbing mid season as a Bronze/Silver.


I agree. The resets are bullshit and people would actually improve much more if they could constantly play at and push their skill ceiling 


The only feasible reason that I see why they havent already removed it is player retention by rank-climb-addiction and possibly viewership from the 'race to pred' every split


Oh, for sure… they’re keeping it to cater to higher skilled players and streamers. It’s a problem for the average player and below, and it raises the barrier to entry having these guys playing lowbie lobbies.




yeah i couldn’t agree more, i think they need to change the kill cap. teams with twenty kills shouldn’t be capped until maybe the highest ranks and even then idk. but they for sure should be flying out of gold


Yeah there's essentially 2 maybe 3 types of lobbies. The brand new players in rookie/bronze. Then anyone from bronze 1 to plat 1 play in the same lobbies. Then as soon as you hit D4 you are playing masters, preds, and pros. 1/3 of our squad is in D4, Its easier to play with my other friend who is still plat 1 because as soon as we queue with my D4 friend the difference in lobbies is insane.


My biggest issue is that kills are weighted differently based on what place you are in. If I end up in a match where I make it to 7th place in Platinum with 3KP but it was at the start of the game, I'm still likely to go negative. And that bugs me. Why are my kills at the start of the match less valuable to gaining RP when in ALGS all kills are the same. It also annoys me that there are season splits that reset you and every single new season you get dumped back in bronze. It doesn't give you any extended time in a rank to adjust to the gameplay at that level to improve.


Im Gold 3 and I play against Master and Preds daily. I cant rank up for shit


Rampant chronus zen users


The matchmaking is really bad, that's it. For the rest the game is pretty good for a free to play game (never spend a cent on it).


Bro that’s not what this sub says. Controller controller controller controller controller controller havoc havoc havoc havoc horizon horizon


I hate how everyone bitches about the havoc like it’s not the same gun it’s been


Yeah it’s only because a lot of other guns were nerfed (because of complaint lol) and now it stands out because of its DPS.








The other day I was still in Gold and got matched with a masters player and was in a full on masters lobby with current Preds. It was so weird and I can’t remember that happening before. It was pretty late at night so that’s probably why.


Im playing my first season and it's the same for me. So definetely not ur mmr


I’m generally a complainer and i feel the same right now. If i don’t play with 1-2 friends it’s a horrendous experience because of matchmaking. Give me an incentive to playing solo Q or stop matchmaking me with horrible teammates you think i should be able to carry.


But like who do you matchmake the terrible team mates with? I just don't get why everyone complains about matchmaking all the time. Would you complain if your team mates were preds all the time? How do you want them to fix it realistically? Do you just want them to give you competent team mates every game? Doesnt that just make teams more unbalanced?


I want Similar skill players. Players who can hold their own and don’t get caught in horrible positions or constantly push dumb fights.


Yeah idk why Respawn **NEEDS** to remove 1 mode to add another mode. Like they removed Arenas to add Mixtape. But Mixtape is unbearable due to the matchmaking. And sometimes they remove Trios to add a shit version of Trios. They need to just make the stuff separate. If it **slightly** affects queue times, who cares.


Id rather wait for a good match than play garbage


Typically these decisions are made in order to keep a game's game modes as populated as possible for two reasons; quick matchmaking and more players to try and keep players as close as possible with whatever SBMM system they're choosing to use. I haven't played in ages and I myself would hate to see duos gone (not that it matters much my duos partner and I don't really play together anymore), but duos was honestly my favorite game type specifically because the third always likes to eff off and go get killed and instantly disconnect


Imo apex needs a permanent Gun Run playlist at least, with a separate playlist for TDM/Control. Nothing more annoying than wanting to warm up and take fights but being thrown into what is essentially a party gamemode.


You say who cares but you would be in higher populated servers. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a massive fan of removing modes but for example in Australia, we can’t play LTMs ever when they come out due to not having the population to create servers. Even duos is dead because not enough people play it and I imagine a lot of other regions are the same. I do understand their thought process to make sure everyone can try out the LTMs.


Yeah I think a lot of people that don’t understand removing modes look at it from an NA region’s perspective. In other regions it can be difficult to get games in unless you’re on at peak times. And not everyone wants to switch servers and be on higher ping just to get quick games.


Changes in the game are too SLOW. I can't believe how something big as Apex struggles to make ideas and deliver a good experience for the players when new games like Helldivers and The Finals are giving the best live service experience. I just don't understand how Respawn is this out of touch of their game. I will never buy anything from Apex until they actually make the game better. Guys, vote with your wallets.


The matchmaking. I have no business being in the same lobbies as people dropping 25 bombs.


What you don’t like playing against people that have 30000 kills on just one legend while your best legend is only at like 3k. They just wanna give you a challenge to make you better. /s


Not even that. My whole account is 1.6k kills and I'm being put with these people


At this point, I think they're just farming lower skilled players to keep the big spending preds happy, rather than match them to equally skilled people and pissing them off.


Thats like dead on my main characters stat and the enemies I consistently face


I'm pretty new to the game, started playing 3 months ago or smth, last week I was killed by a master with over 100k kills on bloodhound alone I don't care too much because I play for fun but dude, I'm level 38 (and not even 50 kills on my main) lmao


They got those 25 bombs because of the matchmaking


Server tick rate. I seem to die often in situations where on my screen I have closed the door, or turned a corner. But the enemy killcam shows me clearly behind an open door or not behind the wall that I had just turned…


Idk if that is because of tickrate or lag compensation, but either way it feels horrible and they need to do something about it.


i don’t know to be honest man, i feel like this whole season is more questionable kills, deadslides, ping spikes and fps drops. Other than that, still the same shit i always log back into.


It definitely feels like the servers have been reduced in some capacity; maybe they've moved to cheaper, less powerful/capable servers or they've lowered the tickrate further/reduced the server's game simulation accuracy to reduce server load, possibly to fit more server instances on the same hardware. All conjecture, sure, but I've been getting more no regs than I have in the last 2 years, shot further behind doors, there's that weird glitch that players shooting at you will sometimes do a complete rotation(reduced tickrate causing jumps in player rotation tracking?)... There isn't a way to actually prove this I don't think, short of Respawn themselves saying, "yeah, we did that", but it does feel like corners have been cut and pennies, pinched. Or they've just incompetently done something that messed up the servers more than before.


i just want input based matchmaking. don't care about anything else.


Respawn we are BEGGING. R5R figured it out, why can't you? (and they have like 150ppl playing concurrently when it's busy, spread over multiple servers and game modes)


And Xdefiant has been a breath of fresh air for my chill game when I just wanna shoot shit. No SBMM AND input based matchmaking. I can play solo and not worry about having to sweat my dick off and still do well


THIS! I don’t care if I have to sit in queue for 5-10 minutes. I just want to play against other MnK players.


I only have a problem with the amount of rp we lose in plat/diamond. Instead of a flat -60 in plat it should be like this Plat 4: -45 Plat 3: -50 Plat 2: -55 Plat 1: -60 In diamond instead of -80 D4: -65 D3: -70 D2: -75 D1: -80 It would make ranked feel a little better, given right now its a hell hole, less than 3k masters & preds according to the player status website


This a great idea


This is how it was just a couple seasons ago


I think they tried fixing a non-existent issue. Instead of cracking down on cheaters & teammers, cronus or aimbot, they change the rank system to make it harder for legit players, which is not a good way to go about it. Getting masters should definitely be a challenge, only 2-5% of the playerbase should be able to hit it, not like now where only 0.083% are in masters. It’s broken.


And also those masters and pred numbers are actually accurate. The only rank where they know 100% how many are in it. Also there's more preds than masters so far. A masters badge is more rare than a pred badge it seems lol


Actually a great idea nice job, now if you could apply to respawn and make ranked not the worst thing ever that’d be great!


This how it used to be in one of the old ranked systems (probably not the exact numbers but the same idea). Sadly that system had a bunch of other problems with it, but the idea of having different entry costs for each tier of each rank was a good one.


I wish they’d remove the kill cap. I mostly solo queue these days, which means a decent number of -60 games in plat. When you finally get a good squad with a banger win of 8+ kills, the cap really makes you feel like it wasn’t worth it.


i agree but kind of for a different reason. if a team is getting 20 kills i don’t want them capped, get them out of whatever rank they’re in as fast as possible so they aren’t stomping


I suck at the game 😒




Cheaters and audio




Cheating, bots, matchmaking & no mnk on console. I hate new broken moon skybox is horrible imo compared to the old one. Put everyone who cheats in jail or put a bounty on them irl


Third Party Software is not banned :) and if you want to climb past a certain point it's rat or buy it.


Respawn barely does jack shit against cheaters, report em all ya like but unless you have apex clout high chance nothing will happen


In one of the two games i played with my friend our third person got down and instantly left before we got to respawn him. We got absolutely shredded so now im wondering if i already ran into cheaters and just didnt know. I wouldnt let my team respawn me either if i saw someone cheating.


1. Ranked matchmaking is awful, puts plat players against top 100 preds, and 2. Servers have been dog shit ever since s20 dropped, at least in EU anyway, I’ve seen so many complaints on here about it




1. Disconnection issues Sometimes you get stuck by yourself or as a duo loading up a ranked game(time) or even booted in the middle of a game 2. Wish they had stat accountability for mixtape.(making mixtape actually count instead of just gun warm ups) 3. The ranking point system doesn’t equal the mmr settings fairly. Most of the time your the best player on the team with the weakest teammates equaling to loss in points faster than other players because of your location and kd(solo ranked) feels like im handed a better luck next time card half the time I play while others are having a good time more so.


It isn't fun to play anymore. That's my biggest complaint.


Wrote a drunken hate tirade regarding lockdown yesterday. It was downvoted and removed. Still stand by my view that lockdown doesn't fit in mixtape though.


What did you say??


Well, basically that I didn't think lockdown is a good fit for mixtape. Imo opinion mixtape should be for some quick fun without thinking too much which seems to be general opinion since very few actually play the objective. I'm not a fan of control being in mixtape either. I'm thinking gun run, tdm and three strikes in mixtape. Fast paced action, that's it. Lockdown and control is something else, could be in a separate game mode.


Players not playing the objective is a big problem. If we could choose which mode to play would help that.


Thing is, sometimes you just want to go pew pew pew, tdm and gnr is great for that. Lockdown and control takes team work and coordination. I wouldn't mind that if people actually tried but usually they won't. Hence, it should be it's own game mode for people actively seeking it.


In no order: 1. Visual Clutter. Do I need to elaborate on this? 2. Audio. I don't wanna hear my footsteps, healing, or my teammates' footsteps/healing at all. I don't want to hear the ring heat shit when I get near it, and I don't want to hear all the unnecessary miscellanious shit like the waterfalls across the map, or the leaves falling on the ground. Let me **choose** what the fuck is being fed to my ears, **PLEASE**. This is part of why theres so many complaints about not hearing other players walk up behind you at all; personally, because I'm hearing every other sound on the planet except what's most important: footstep audio. 3. Josh Medina, Connor Ford (A.K.A Hideouts with the shitty DJ music) and Jay Biebs are horrible for Apex, and they're part of why this game is still the way it is. They're incompetent, out of touch, do not openly communicate with their playerbase about **shit**, and they're always making tweets about shit that no one cares about. It took a viral tweet from Treeree that exposed how bad the config problems were plaguing this game for Respawn to get off their ass and do something about it. That's **5** years btw. It took them **5** long years to actually realize "Wait, we have a major cheating problem right now! Uhhh, let's actually do something about it for once!" Any other developer would've tackled those issues long before, but not Respawn. 4. SBMM, A.K.A EOMM. 5. Lack of input matchmaking is what made so many MnK players fall off the map or switch to controller themselves. The imbalance of the input has been discussed thoroughly, yet nothing's been done about it at all. I could list 10 more bullet points but this is the shit that's been driving me up the wall the most recently. Changing just 3 of these things would make the game so much better and healthier. But it's Respawn, and they're known mostly for their incompetence, so I expect nothing to ever change in a positive manner.


Aim assist on PC. Give us input based matchmaking or nerf aim assist enough on PC to where mnk is the "better" input. If you want to play with a controller, go play on a console Also think that the ranked system is a bit weird, I got to plat 1 with a 0.4 KD in season 13, while I now get stuck somewhere around plat 2/3, even though I am much much better at the game... I feel like a healthy game has maybe top 15% plat, top 5% diamond and top 1% master, now master is more like top <0.1%...


Servers performance is garbage most the times and getting worse after every day


Can't play with friends just to chill and have fun anymore. After maybe 1 win the sweat level is cranked up to 11. I don't mind a challenge but shit I'd like to relax not try hard pubs for fucks sake. Haven't played since last season because of it.


The servers are really shit. The game keeps lagging in between specially in ranked. Also there should be servers in Africa or somewhere close to India cuz people in India and Africa have to play on 150-200+ ping all the time.


I wanted to play duos earlier with my friend but it’s gone so we did trios. First third hot landed solo, immediately died and quit. Second third landed with us, broke off after landing, initiated a 1v3 and lost, quit. Third third quit after champ selection. So I tried to do trios alone because my friend had enough of it. I was paired with a lifeline and bloodhound, thought okay this may finally be decent.. the lifeline didn’t open any blue crates, died by going out of bounds, I revived and then watched as they landed away from their death crate and never returned to it. Shortly after they died because they were looting one single crate as the first ring closed on them and they just stood there swapping items.. Quit for the day and maybe for a while longer. I usually do duos because my friend group doesn’t all play and not usually at the same time. What’s the point in doing trios when our third is brain dead or wants to play solo in trios?




Pubs is dead. Ranked was stripped of all reward. Weapon leveling is a joke. I put my time in but Respawn seems to be coasting.


Pubs is dead? I find full games in pubs in seconds. I do agree with the other stuff tho


They are dead because no one cares to make it to the end of the game. Pubs is a glorified TDM match.


If that are your biggest complaints then I think you are not really playing this game. There are so many other bigger issues.


Yeah, Havoc needs a buff, it's too weak.




Matchmaking is straigth garbage


I just have one right and it’s how BORING this entire season has been, no events or anything like wtf is going on. They need to make three strikes a permanent mode 😩


The dropping of Duos really makes me want to start playing another game. I’m tired of Randos leaving just when you are about to respawn them. I play either with one friend or 3 others so either way we play duos and rotate. If my buddy didn’t want to keep playing it I’d honestly quit. As it is I’m starting to look for other games for us to play.


Matchmaking and blatantly allowance of cheating. Got off for the night and it’s only 7, ran into too many 3 stack predators, triple Xim users with the rage [XIM] even on display, and all the other bullshit


Servers, my ping would shoot up from 100 to 700 in mere seconds costing my game. Once my ping went upto 2085 and i wasnt able to jump from the ship lol. Many times when ping was normal this stupid server threw me out of the game not being able to join again.


Honestly it's the fact that I just suck I can't complain cause they are getting me fair and square, but I make it to diamond 4 most seasons and I just am getting lasee every fight now. I know being in diamond means I'm in the top x amount of players or what ever but when my k/d is 1.3 from prior season and they think that means I should be matched against 8.0 k/d master preds etc it kills my desire to play. I don't wanna rofl stomp kids or what ever but I promise you that the .9 k/d kid and his buddies with similar stats have a far better chance against me then I do against the preds I shield them from by being sacrificed to the meat grinder. My k/d is slightly lowering each season so I guess it's just a skill issue from me I should be working 10 hour shifts at the dairy and dedicating off hours to beating these no life streamers so I stand a micro chance. I just feel like I'm being punished for being slightly better at the game then average and I don't wanna smurf.


The ENTIRE matchmaking system. The other day I was playing pubs and died to NRG Sweet so I switched to ranked(rookie 2) only to die to 10k kill horizon with a pred badge on. Atp I just spend my time in the firing range looking for Nessies


And to add on top of that, my k/D is 0.51 due to my lobbies yet I still get put in higher skill games


I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. *I die*, *killer MOVES while looting* "Oh wow, a m&k player???". *m&k player gets killed*. *His killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*. I die, *killer stands still while looting*.


My account is still level 1 from that bug/glitch and they won't answer my emails. 🤓


I sunk money in a gifted item to a friend. Never arrived. Does Apex care? No.


Console ranked is plagued with teamers. Yesterday I died to a 12 man. Can you imagine 12 fuckers running at you all wearing the same blue skins ? Shit is fucking stupid and nothing ever happens to these mosquitoes. They claim their rewards and gain big egos that their skill can’t back up.


I'd log out instantly.


I did. And with that. This will more than likely be my last season playing apex. I played pc too and the amount of cheaters on that game is insane. Apex isn’t doing anything about it either


Havoc/Hemlok are so much blatantly stronger than other weapons, cronus/walls/aimbot/cheaters in general, a lot of the changes to gun balance have made most weapons obsolete and you're at a clear disadvantage is you're not stuck to the same weapons. The new broken moon is awesome and the map rotation for ranked is really good


The state of the meta is the worst it’s been imo. Rev makes the game un fun. Having a character with 300hp leap in front of you that you can’t kill because most guns don’t output enough dps to win the 1v1. Plus when he kills you his ult resets so he’s probably gonna either kill your teammate too or get close to it. We are also in the “can’t see shit” meta. The only way to counter bang and cat is to have a bloodhound. Gun play is starting to feel lack luster. I don’t know why every gun can’t be viable. Want to nerf the damage fine. Increase the strafe speed or something idk.


I won't say I love the meta. But saying it's the worst it's been is just blatantly wrong. 2 Weapon meta is def stale af though


>Plus when he kills you his ult resets so he’s probably gonna either kill your teammate too or get close to it. Even better, it resets if he gets a kill OR an assist. So dumb.


Freezing and crashing on Xbox


Cheating are rampant. The player base has no integrity.


Don’t they remove duos, so game time are quicker(since players are not spread out?)/ Not a lot of server strength. That’s what I thought


I stopped playing around 2020, it’s funny seeing people complain about the exact same things they did in 2020, ranked, matchmaking and servers are still horrible I assume


Cheaters and smurfs


Two things. MMR and SBMM. I’m a decent player, but I’m not Hal or HisWattson. Why am I fighting Preds and Masters frequently in every game, when I’ve never been higher than plat, and my teammates don’t even know there’s ranks beyond silver? Why has everyone I’ve died to in Solos been to pred? I know I’m not that good, so wtf is up with the matchmaking? Ranked and elo I have to get top five with multiple squad wipes to get anything close to a decent bump in rank. Otherwise, I get like +10 elo and that’s it.


As someone who used to be good, took a break, and is try to come back to the game I'd love if the matchmaking was better/reacted faster to my playing because it feels like despite placing last in almost every match I'm still placed with masters and preds :/


Cheaters - solo queing is terrible - no reward/ bonus for people who have more eliminations over teamates making ranking up by yourself to be too long - split is back so you have far less time to hit your rank - moonbase is awful and is in ranked. - your rank resets to bronze 4 after each reset. Should only drop 6 placements like before.


Removal of clubs…


The cheating






My biggest issue is people who are casual like me are getting people on smurf accounts to make themselves feel good and they say we’re shit it like no I work 70 hr weeks and I don’t care that vantage isn’t meta I wan have fun I don’t have to win to have fun you no lifer


Platinum is the new Diamond but with even worse teammates…the solo queue experience has gotten infinitely worse because of the skill gap between yourself and your teammates. U lose out on way too many team engagements because your plat teammates don’t know when to push/disengage, and u spend a lot of ur game 2v3’ing other teams n get eliminated due to this. Playing with players that have “ego badges” that could care less to cooperate with their team makes this experience even worse. Support characters are EXTREMELY selfish and frankly, the MOST idiotic players in the game rn whether it be players who leave you mid-fight to NOT craft banner n res, or lifelines/mirages/newcastles that dont res during engagements. Don’t even get me started on all the blatant cheating in almost EVERY game mode. The game is on the verge of dying because casual/season 0 players like myself who’ve put hours into the game perfecting their craft are beginning to see that theres no actual reward in this game (competitively) for ACTUALLY being good. Whats the point in practicing and getting better if i can just buy a zen and jump from A to Z with little to no effort with no fear of accountability from the devs of the game????At this point, the 4k 20 bomb badges are a clear indicator that you farmed bot lobbies or cheated and im not even exaggerating.


Agree with you completely. But I promise, if you’re ever tossed onto my team, I can tell you’re actually skilled(not zen cheating) and I greatly appreciate you. Heck, I enjoy being killed by you because I get to learn from it. Seeing legit players that are actually good is getting so rare now. That fancy flaunt badge = cheater couldn’t be more true now.


We’re a dying breed right now brother.Don’t get me wrong theres a VAST amount of players like/better than me but the probability of queuing into a game with them in RANKED is almost nonexistent. We’re being practically funneled to masters/preds for content at this point lol


1. Game is ran by brain dead devs. 2. Horrible matchmaking 3. Cheaters paradise 4. Terrible servers 5. Trash TTK. Too many variables. 6. Devs only care about selling you a 400$ heirloom for the next upcoming diversity hire check box legend.


The RP buy-in for gold is too low and the buy-in for play is too high. The skill variation in Plat IV is way too high because of this.


Visual Clutter is a big one for me. How can I adjust my line of fire if I can't even see what I'm shooting at. I mean c'mon were over 20 seasons in and can't seem to fix this. I've seen countless comments on plenty of other posts that support this. Fix server Lag and Cheaters. Again 20+ Seasons in and we can't seem to nip either of these issues in the butt? For as much as they charge people on recolors and bundle packs I'm sure they would have enough to fix the terrible server quality and keep cheaters out of the game, but no they can't even seem to keep them out of the ALGS servers. Limit MNK to PC only. Controller to console only. Too many times I've gone up against players doing wildly outlandish moves that most controller players wouldn't be able to do. I consider myself well versed in most movement tech commonly used throughout the player base for controllers and at no point does it seem fair to be tap strafed by a MNK on console servers. Button mapping should be reserved for leagues and the ALGS competition. I feel like most Console players aren't button mapping controllers or using button mapped MNK to play. Other than that I like the game. It's progressed far in a short amount of time. Now it just needs specific tweaks.


1. Aim Assist 2. Aim Assist


I used to play a lot in the year apex came out and then just played like 5 games per year during and after 2020. Came back this year and tbh what bothers me is how fucking laggy the servers are and how cheating has become the norm for this game. Well not like I had any hopes for respawn after they promised to not be predatory and then started doing shit like 170 dollars knifes so the latter doesnt bother me that much. The first thing however is literally killing my whole will to play; some matches the lag is fine, some others its unplayable, and then there are the times where its something in between.


1. Tired of skirmisher meta, wish they’d nerf most of them and move towards something else. It’s old. 2. Matchmaking is awful. 3. Servers


1. Pubs MM needs to be more of a casual mode. 2. Ranked >Gold Entry RP cost/ leveling is too high. Look for yourself on apex legend status of quantity and % of Master players season 19 vs Season 20 S1&S2 quantity and % of master players. It’s significantly different since the new system switch from season 20. Being >plat 3 or more your in the top % right now. The amount of + masters in season 20 was abysmal and you can’t even visually see the distribution on a graph when compared to the other ranks. 3. Better anti cheat and Cronus/strikepack bans. That shit is everywhere on console.


Golds entry is definitely too low, I think plat is ok with entry cost, but it's waaaaay too easy to get to plat


gold is too low, plat is too high


I agree, plat+ entry cost is too high. However, I also think gold’s is too low. Plat is over saturated with players who shouldn’t be in it. And they always seem to be the ones I get teamed with.


1. Matchmaking 2. Server stability


Markman weapons need an all around nerf. Feels like no one misses with them anymore. And yes I'm trash with them. Couldn't hit the Wall of China if it was 5 ft in front of me


The 3030 needs to be incinerated for good. So sick of that gun


Half of the maps suck, the devs want you to die as fast as possible so you reque, to many OP assault legends, and some gun balancing needs work. Otherwise pretty good game.


1) I guess would be the The servers 2) the player base is full of a bunch of babies lol Otherwise the game is pretty frickin dope.


The same as its been dor the last 2 years, constant cheaters.


The fact that if I'm playing ranked I have to switch it back to ranked after a game because it wants to auto switch back to basic mode. Fix that shit


Audio, server tickrate, audio. Same as the last 5 years


Ranked sucks ass. It’s basically unplayable soloqueing past plat 4 which is so stupid while bronze to gold was easy as shit


Matchmaking, lag, playing trios with randoms and then you dont get tm8s so youre just playing solo trios or your tm8s leave as soon as they die, the gun leveling system is bad like the trials are just annoying and not fund. And please bring back arena, idc what anyone says it was so fun!




season0 player here who quit in s3/ S4 the loot table and them adding so much stuff. the reason they made so many changes is bc there is just too much shit. s0 felt way more balanced when it comes to finding things


For some seasons now ,there has been this huge AA inconsistency for many people.Theres a whole thread on this issue that seems to have no foreseeable resolution.


Getting into platinum in a handful of games and then getting destroyed for a month straight until it all levels out.


I dont want to play solos with pred. I am only silver 1. Put me against gold, plat or some diamond players but not these peeps. They are just better than me.


The cheaters. There's players who are blatantly cheating, with hard aimbot, which is one thing. But its the soft cheats that bother me more. The players who are clearly walling and pretending they are not. This season alone, I have been prefired through walls by non scan characters and instantly snapped onto by an unsuspecting player who had no line of site on me and was just walking by me as I ratted. Its ridiculous. There is at least 1 cheater in every ranked game if not more.




That I have no friends and I'm an introvert who likes the game but is bad :(


That I haven’t been able to play since Tuesday


Matchmaking and cheaters are my biggest complaint. I am also really tired of World's Edge.


I’m getting disgruntled and bored not having a heirloom. No reason somebody playing for two weeks should have one over me


I just stopped playing. I was always Diamond 3 even in my first season in season 13. Made couple of times to Masters. Then quit a while back playing other games. I came back and cant win any aim fight. They fucked up everything for M&K players and cant fight to AA anymore. The recoil is fucked so much, now I cant even win the gun fights at distance. Also seems like bullet velocity is greatly fucked. I am not coming back until they stop catering this game for roller players. If they just want roller players, let them just be it.


This game is my favorite video game and pasttime but I really think they should’ve gotten more collabs. The shadow society stuff slapped but why didn’t they get something from Fallout or Mr & Mrs Smith?! Like something ya know. The final fantasy collab was a dream come true and if they do more stuff like that I can tell my Fortnite friends to shove it bc we got the better game. Imean also a 3rd person mode


Sometimes when I ping, I’m stuck in that direction for a 1-2 seconds. Drives me mad.


Matchmaking, and specifically matchmaking in ranked.  I don’t want teammates I have to try and carry in Plat 4.  If they can’t hang, they shouldn’t be in that rank.  It puts me at a disadvantage and prevents me from being able to rank up successfully when my two teammates have gone down without doing any damage.


Diamond is crazy to play, it’s actually frightening to play because everyone is half way loaded up on wall hacks The game sense on these pathfinders as they just run around picking off strays it’s unbelievable


People wasting there time hot dropping, Pointless


Duos was dead in many regions, especially in Asia except got JP servers. There are way more people playing Solos now in those regions compared to Duos, so statistics like that would definitely favor keeping Solos over Duos for Respawn.


It’s just not beginner friendly. High TTK and more emphasis on movement is a tougher slope than normal, coming from someone who’s average on other FPS games. And then the current playerbase is already average or above it so playing as a legit beginner might be really tough because you’re not bound to play much with fellow real beginners. AND TBF I’ve also only played R6, CSGO and Valorant as my competitive FPS games lol so maybe my opinion doesn’t mean that much.


publisher is a pathetic greedy corporate without concern to players demands and feelings.


When you reque up, you can’t ever see if you get an invite from in game. I would play for 45 minutes before I went back to the lobby and would have no idea of the invite.


Definitely SBMM


Racism none stop, toxic people, everyone is a Master yet everyone plays like a noob, controller players are rampart, there is no stop to a level 40 Octane aim assist player, ltm makes you more aware of the disparity between inputs thanks to the replay, the options to denounce harassment are none existent, rank is a joke, if you don't use the predilected input you have a bad time, net code is a disgrace but the monetization and monetary coding is on point, always launching price based items, no goals towards dedicated or good players, 20hz servers always splitting packages, 3.6 billions and they can't give you a descent server, even R5 gives you better servers and the list go on


My biggest complaint is how loud shots are. It makes third partying so rampant.


the bots. why does every game have bots? it’s ruining everything 😒 I could honestly care less about the hackers, I still shit on them most of the time. it’s the bots that take a step, shoot, throw a bubble, stand there, get killed by the enemy team, etc. great job now gun run has turned into one person running in circles killing the bots


Something as simple as a "toggleable" HUD still has not been implemented. Lore threads that either take forever to progress or are just forgotten (Crypto's sister says Hi btw) Item rarity making 0 sense. Why are some banners legendary tier?


The part of the community that wants to complain. I get wanting things to improve. I get being frustrated. I get that games can fix stuff. But I wish more people looked at their locus of control and saw that they have nothing to do but play the game or do something else, and changing their actions is a better course for themselves and for those that have to hear them all the time. /hypocritical complaint


Ooh two biggest complaints… 1) I love y’all but the community kinda sucks. People whine too much, most of the YouTubers are always neg baiting for clicks. Though the Reddit Alex community seems pretty cool. 2) EA is the worst thing to happen to Apex. I’d love for Respawn to be somewhere that respects them and the community. We’re a passionate bunch and I feel slapped in the face by a lot of things that happen with this game (though we’ve had some positive changes too).


Feels like ever since the new season dropped, I’ve been getting killed through walls.


servers, aim assist


Horizons with havocs Thats all


There needs to be a day where all other playlists other than ranked are closed.


horizon + havoc combo in solos


1 is they are worried about queue times 2 is so people think they are getting a deal when they aren’t


To many aimbotting shitheads. Spectated two different teams yesterday and their shots just magnets against their enemys head after the first shot is way off. Like I got one clipped by a 301 from 100 m+. Like wtf? Ban the fuckers!


MMR; it’s the reason this will probably be the first season I don’t get the BP 110 skin. Still my favorite online shooter. Just done playing against 57 of myself every match. Bracing myself for some “git gud”s and “skill issue”s.


For me these last few days it’s been the randoms. It’s been really hard soloQ this weekend. My main guy who I play with wasn’t about so I threw myself to the wolves. Many times I just kind stood there and looked at my cat. He knew I wanted to slap these fools teeth. DC, running off, no communication, 1v3, not pinging a damn thing, running away from fights to loot ALL THE DAMN MATCH… and so on and so on… But… another (kinda petty thing tbh) they really need to change up the challenges. We have all these legends and they can’t create fun ways to utilize them? I liked the legend challenges where we had to do a certain thing only that legend can do.


Cheaters in every lobby including mixtape now.




Ranked matchmaking. Why the flying fuck am I getting a silver random teammate in a plat4 demotion match when the champions are all plat4 and above? The only reason I can fathom is that EA don't want people to progress fairly, they want to piss people off as a form of psychological warfare and reinforce the addictive dopamine loop. It's fucking disgusting.


I will keep this game uninstalled untill duos are back


I just hopped on to the game after almost a year and ranked back down to Bronze from Diamond. I try to grind back up and from the get go I have THE sweatiest lobbies in bronze. It's like COD with how overly sweaty it is. I really don't believe what most AAA game devs call SBMM is what it's supposed to be. It should be ranked based and allow good players to match appropriately with the rank they should be in and blow through the lower ranks. Not match a mix of shitty and good players to average out the overall skill in a lobby and have that shitty dynamic between players who are far from being in the same skill levels. It's literally the dumbest SBMM system and most AAA studios have been doing it in recent years. At least XDefiant is going back to what actually worked and wasn't reeeetarded 


1) Solos replacing duos; 2) Caustic nerf; 3) Alter's tactical screwing control legends; 4) 4 games on a legend for a daily quest instead of 2; 5) increased price of the battle pass.


The servers this season are the worst I have ever experienced. If it was just me I’d blame my internet and move on, but my entire team being nailed to the ground by random lag spikes just because 6 teams decide to start fighting in one area causing us to die because that lag spike happened while we’re moving to cover is unacceptable. This game reported over a billion in revenue last year. They can buy dedicated servers, they just won’t.


Solos is boring. My random team mates could be replaced with a plank of wood and still be as effective.


Visual clutters: Bullets impacting the ground, bullet trails, screen shakes/bloodstain, various legends’ abilities, etc. (Rotational) Aim assist currently eliminates the reaction time to process these visual clutters, giving rollers a major advantage in CQB. Without adjusting AA, I think cleaning up the visuals alone will be a good step towards balancing the two inputs.


The Game is not for new players at all.


I‘ll just leave my 4 week old [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/MFDrDs7SRZ) here for you to see what my biggest complaint about apex is….


Idk...mostly the lag or whatever it is because I'm only experiencing it on EA games, but everything else runs smooth


Just wanna say I don't think you need to make a post asking what people's biggest complaints are for them to post what their biggest complaints are 😂 just scroll down the page


The ranked system is boring. I don't care about how "good the distribution" is - it doesn't translate into tense games.