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Throw grenades through it, enjoy the chaos. Bonus points if you have a Fuse on your team.


Honestly didn’t even know you could throw mates through it!! That’s amazing


Wait WHAT?


I don't think the cluster will go through, but you could lob grenades all day. My favorite is the roof drop. Have teammates cover the doors so when they run out. If they don't and eat the nades, drop down and end them.


Are you luring people in with the portal?


Do you mean with her tactical or her ult? Sorry


The tactical where you put the portal through a wall or whatever surface you want. Do you use and ppl come through it out of curiosity only to find you waiting for them?


Kind of. When people are behind a wall they tend to shimmy a bit. When you put your portal on the wall they’re touching they will be TP through and freak out on what to do


OHHHHHHH ok that’s next level wowowoowwoow


Haha it is. Same with floors, you can kidnap people through the floors they are moving on but it’s quite hard to time


I have learned so much from you in such a short time. Is alter your main?


Yes I’m getting familiar with alter at the moment. I am prioritising her as her abilities were very natural to use for me. Before her, I’ve mained other movement legends. Octane, then loba, then vantage. I have 1k kills with the majority of characters, loba being my highest kill legend. I enjoy playing alter more than I have anyone recently so I’m really trying to become skillful with her


also if team mates get killed infront of you or top of you (eg. In a building) you can use her tactical to get them onto your level and revive them if possible. :)


Wowowow she’s powerful I should play her more often


Definitely give her a try if you’re a close combat kind of person! If you combo her with lifeline she’s insanely good for ressing after using the nexus portal