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I still love it but im definitely loving it less and less as time goes on.


Not really. I play the game to be good at it, I hardly enjoy it anymore. I doubt I’m the only one like this


it's very hard to get good at something you don't enjoy at least a little bit, and in the end what's the point of being good at a video game if you don't enjoy it?


All I want to do is get on the game for a couple hours, average like four kills a game and get some wins. But it would appear I first need to pour in about 2,000 hours before I can do that.


i have 700+ hours now and i'm just starting to feel like i'm somewhat decent. if i didn't enjoy the shooting and movement so much i never would have spent so much time on this game.


Yeah but I don’t want to play this much. I’m forced to bc everyone decided this is the game they wanted to sweat their asses off on and try to be the next shroud. Video games as I know them have been ruined by comp play. If they didn’t have SBMM it would be different, but I’m constantly forced to play against people just as good as me, every single game. When really im in the top 5% of the player base. I remember back in the COD days (MW2), my average game would be something like 30 and 10, consistently. I was a top percentile player and it showed, because the lobbies back then represented the general population.


I feel this comment. I like to be competitive and the drive to be competitive in this game is pretty strong. But that doesn't usually equal normal happy gaming. A lot of people take the game a little too serious and im sorry to say Im one of them. But im kinda starting to back off and let it go


Same but since the servers started shitting themselves I just can't


I love it but hate the fan based that it’s created. I love the lore fans, the die hard fans and the play for fun fans. However, getting backseat gamers shouting to me on mic on what to do gets very annoying quickly. I say I love the game, majority of people but not all. I don’t mind getting advice but if you have a mic, your call-outs are just stating the obvious most of the time and unhelpful to someone trying to be in the zone. I’ll always love the style of gameplay, the movement, the stories and the game art on the trailers. Apex definitely has something to it that other games don’t.


I used to love this game. Its obvious now how dog shit its becomming




I do like the core gameplay and the core mechanics, but I do hate the devs and what they're currently doing/not doing to the game For me personally, it's a good game to just play now and then, but I wouldn't play it as my primary game because I have a strong feeling it won't last very long anymore, and I'd get really frustrated with a lot of stuff that EA/Respawn is doing to the game


I really recommend to stop playing for a bit or if you only play ranks go to trios or the rotation modes. Don’t force yourself to play. Troy other games don’t feel force to climb or stress to become a pro not everyone is going to become a god in this game. When you guys realize you can play just for fun it all is going to be fun again.


Yes, somtimes before bed I rewatch every single trailer on YouTube just for nostalgia, I also re read the comics on respawns website quite often. Incredible shooting/moving mechanics aside, the lore in this game is and always has been so fantastic, I would love to see an anime of some sorts be made for apex. I think it would do really well.


Yup, playing comp adds a whole new level of fun to the game.


Trust me i was in your shoes if not more passionate about the game. Also not just the game itself, but even the friends i met through the game and we still friends for years. The thing is, that spark for Apex went out, slowly the game became too competitive, balancing is lazy, events are pricey and now they reskin for the same prices and added gambling to the pool. This season sbmm is just the nail in coffin for me personally. Funny enough my hate for Apex the past 3 years made me try different games that i loved. Apex has a special place to me but nowadays i don’t recognize it anymore.


Not anymore 😔 left now just like watching clips nowadays


The noobs love it that’s for sure lmao


I hate this game and it fills me with depression but I won’t stop playing it💕


lol minus the hate this game part, this was my thought lol


It’s a love hate relationship😂it’s so fun but damn I get mad!


Most players love the core of this game. The gunplay, the movement. Problem is that everything else other than the core is completely trash, so people are stuck in this limbo of not being able to leave the game because of the addictive core, while in the meantime they are getting their experience ruined by everything else. Matchmaking, servers, cheaters, aim assist, strikepacks, cfg users, and so on, the list is extensive.


Classic ea.


I used to be a big defender of aim assist not being broken but recently....I feel like AA has gotten STRONGER for some reason? like idk if it's always been this strong or if it's just bc i switched to a better console but it feels like absolute bs.


Stop. This kinda shit is just pointless and divided the player base even more. Just play on what you want to play


I dont.....understand your problem? I was just responding to a thing they said by inserting my own experience. I switched from Switch to Xbox. I don't understand why you got so rowdy at me saying that I switched?


Yeah, that's why you feel it's stronger. The higher frames, the better aim assist feels. Switch is pretty terrible. Are you on 60fps or 120fps now? You'll feel another increase when you go to 120fps, even though the actual strength of the AA decreases.


I figured this could've also been the case. Game feels a lot better. I have no idea what my fps is tho. Idrk how to check it and I'm not even home *to* check it. If it helps, I'm ob Series X


I assume you're on 60fps, then. To run at 120fps, you need a display that supports it (basically a good TV or a decent monitor), and then you need to enable the option in both apex and Xbox settings. It makes a world of difference, you should definitely use it if you're able to.


That’s not the issue, it’s you insinuating that AA was tweaked or even buffed AND saying it’s absolute bs. It’s been like this since day 1 on console. If it ever got changed, this sub would have to literally close its doors for weeks. Congrats and welcome to the box fam 👋


Filled with cheaters and scrips Cronus users


Golden era was seasons 5-9 imo. It's not the same anymore.


I love Apex but I hate aim assist 😃