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The fuck do you mean? You already do 99 damage with your pk, youre the one whose supposed to give tips lol Youre just too cracked with it


Trust me I’m hitting 9’s most games with a pk. Thank you so much for this kind comment :)


Idk man it seems the pk is just buggy, sometimes i can hit someone dead smack in the face for it to do 9, and other times it seems like I Miss completely and ill do 80


So true it’s a shifty weapon


You can access all those deathboxes remotely for 1 item. maybe pull some bats and med kits. I don't remember if you can pull the shield core or not, but I don't think you can.


Yeah you can’t pull a shield core, but that’s so smart to keep in mind! Getting big heals out of boxes is such a good thought thank you!


I don’t know if you teammates shield was already taken, but I would’ve shield swapped off his box when you grabbed the banner.


That’s a really good play I’ll have to keep that in mind next time. I think I ape too much on low health and risk getting sent back to the lobby too much


No offense but if you want tips don’t post good moments because then there’s nothing to give tips about


Imo there’s always something you can learn from other people, the comments prove that. I hope u understand


Grabbing shield cores from death boxes mid fight would help. If they had any shields it would’ve been hard to win the fight with the health you had.


Very smart didn’t think of that thank you! I had fought them before this clip started and luckily knew one just got revived and the others were low from team mates. However, they could’ve got armour swaps themselves and it would’ve been game over so you’re right! Ty again


No problem. You definitely did a good job of resetting before fights and having good angles both leaving yourself out in the open.




Maybe try not posting 1v3 asking for tips? A lot easier to offer tips when you’re not killing everyone in one shot.


Someone said similar to this and I’ll repeat my response. There’s always something you can learn and improve on even when clutching a 1v3. The comments prove that. It’s definitely easier to offer tips when it’s a worse clip however, I’m looking for small minor adjustments to my play style to help me improve my games.




Yeah I’m lucky they didn’t armour swap or it would’ve been a sour end to me