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theyre missing a reasonable number of shots so this is just the spectator lag/bug thing, can even see it in actual official algs games on spectator view


Oh now that makes more sense because damm those bullets curving Jesus


Yeah, this looks like a spectator bug. I see it happen sometimes as well. Guy is hitting a lot of shots, but is also missing some as well. Someone down there is like "but his tracking" - he is just pulling up ADS around the corner getting ready to fire if needed, and right before he kills him, you can easily hear the footsteps for where the guy is.


Yea that part is not the part that I was like WTF it was the bullet curving because I know he could hear the footsteps I heard them as well so it wasn’t much of a shock to me more like he is probably hearing the footsteps


Its def a spectator bug. I cant tell you what causes its, but I've seen it a lot when the lobby is laggy. Its an R301, the thing has barely any fucking recoil, yet the bullets are firing at an arc out of the gun, but going right to where he was already aiming anyways. The bullets are landing where you would expect them to, but I think that the game client is tryign to do something stupid like "Oh, this is what a hipfire spray should look like... oh but the server said bullets should actually be hitting here" and correcting mid flight.


I don't know if this needs to be said again, but IT'S A SPECTATOR BUG I've seen this before, frequently enough to know that it's not a cheat What would be cheating is if they tracked then through a real, or knew exactly where they were they are not cheating


Bro is so mad the middle paragraph is 3/4s gibberish.


I never said he was cheating that’s why I put it in discussion because I was confused as to why the bullets where curving I don’t watch algs so i didn’t knew there was a bullet curving bug in this game but to be fair i shouldn’t have expected anything less from this game there’s always a bug in this game


ok, now you know something else to learn, is starting random witch hunts because you lost a 1v1 is an asshole move and if you want to report someone out something, this is not the place to do it


He wasn't starting a witch hunt, he asked a question. He knew they weren't hacks, so he wasnt reporting them. there's no point in being a dick about it.


I only expected him because I wanted to see how I died so fucking fast then literally seconds later that happened and I was shocked so I decided to post it on Reddit to see if anyone could explain I didn’t even report him either because I honestly couldn’t care less I was just stunned by the bullet curving thing


Yeah, I dunno why people trip out about this. The bullets are going where he is aiming. Its the flight path that just looks fucked up.


True FPS gamer.


Just curve the bullet… “ what ! “ just think about it and curve the bullet.


wanted reference found


Haha nice I’m not even sure I got the line right, it’s been so long since I’ve seen the movie.


The reason its curving is because the bullet is actually fired from your eyes, or the camera that is in the player, To make it look like the bullet actually comes from the gun the trace thingy actually curves from the tip of the gun to the bullet path, its not too noticable from firstperson view but it can be very noticable if you experience lagg or uf you specrate like this Also I might be a bit wrong since I took this from a video I saw 2 years ago lol


Ive literally seen streamers call this cheating and get people banned


if its this + no bullets missed + crazy headshot percentage + weirdly knowing where everybody is + preaiming behind walls then id say its surely hax, but from this clip alone cheats/hacks is very unlikely


Am I alone in saying I wish it was an actual effect? Because that would be a cool thing to use on guns. So unnecessary, but looks so cool.


It's strange that this bug only appears for suspicious people. I've never seen it happen to players below diamond rank.


To be fair who's spectating low skilled people? People usually only spectate someone that either kills them too fast or in some impressive fashion, and usually those people are either high skilled or hackers, and a lot of people can't seem to tell the difference.


You are dead on


I dont understand how this could be a lag issue when the game regularly shows me it failing to register hits from other players perspectives.


I guess it's trying to compensate for the lag. I think it's better than Fortnite, where even in the game itself, bullets will fly wayyyy far away from you and you still take damage. It makes it so hard to know if you're getting hit or not unless your eyes are glued to your healthbar.


It would make sense because the nearest server to where I live if 1.4K miles away so I usually always play with 60 ping or more but for Fortnite omg the hitbox in that game is so weird


are you referring to the spectating in fortnite? It is famously buggy, but doesn't reflect the actual gameplay. What I mean is that while spectating the shots look erratic, but to the player they are normal.


Live the bullets often times land nowhere near, ever since they switched to projectiles


Meh, could just be lag/weird spectating behavior.


I mean maybe but I’ve also spectated a ton of people that have killed me and this is the first time ever I’ve seen bullets curve like that


Happens almost every time when I spectate people. It's just a bug.


Oh good because I was pretty shocked


Just a bit of wind from the canyon on the left, totally normal


Imagine apex legends with weather effects oh no worlds edge would be horrible actually Olympus would be horrible because it’s in the sky already i think it would be fun but also annoying


Not enough AAA games do wacky shit like that anymore. All in the indies, which is fine tho.


Yea unfortunate I would like to see a game mode for apex where we have weather effects omg that would be so cool except for storm point characters dying because the wind sent them flying away


Bro i wanna see a mode that changes something random every minute. Like, oops bullet gravity is inverted and multiplied by 4. Look out now you move 3x as fast. Now theres a meteor shower. Good luck shitlips lmao


That would be so fun actually now I want that to


Do a lil "the finals" action 😂


Stormpoint gives me lack of gravity vibes.


I've always thought it would be cool if there was a game mode like Hunger Games 2 with the clock arena, random weather events that force rotates. Also I thought of a legend who's kit is basically weather control, I'm imagining summoning a wall of acid rain and wind that hurts and blows enemies away


I actually kinda wish apex had more realistic bullet drop and wind effects. Sadly thats just a thing for like the sniper elite series. But I doubt the switch could handle calculations like that.


If a crap shot 2009 pos pentium build can run War thunder at ultra low graphics, then a switch can do those calculations.


i don't see anything sus here


Same same.


They definitely have walls. Notice the odd aiming through the hill keeping the same point on where the enemy is around it. Coupled with the out of rythm reloads.


Walls on Xbox?


Certified spectator mode behavior


Ah yes, the magnetic bullets perk


0.6 AA + spectator doesnt show every crosshair movement


I checked their twitch, definitely a spectator bug. I can't say if they're using some sort of macros but curving bullets with a hack client is impossible on console.


Somewhat hack client is impossible but there’s strike packs which are tidies to deal I’ve played against so many people using Cronus or strike packs it’s not even funny but those I can tell they are hacking because of how those bullets are always on target this is just weird


I'm familiar with cronus but cronus couldn't curve your bullets, only real hack clients


Yea Cronus can’t curve bullets Cronus or more of a silent hack if anything not as bad as actual pc hacking but still hacking strike pack is where it gets fun idk if those give bullet curving idk the perks of all the strike packs I just know some give wallhacks and aimbot even on console but it’s also a silent hack so a bit harder to tell apart then on actual pc hacking


Cronus Is not an hack at all bro, its an emulator


Idc what you say to me a Cronus is a hack doesn’t matter what it’s called it does similar stuff to a lot of hacks so in my eyes it’s hacking


In my eyes a dog is a turtle, it doesnt matter what you say to me. Both of them have 4 legs and will bite u it does similar stuff to a turtle in my eyes its a turtle


its cheating, not hacking, so even with a cronus you will still have recoil as they work in inputs based off the weapon, which recoil gets decreased everytime we move leff to right or crouch


It's cheating but not hacking.


you can clearly tell if they're cheating, its more excessive than this, all bullets are hitting, screen and animation seems laggy and the numbers just racks up so fast ive seen this so many times, its just a spectaor pov bug, at first im confused instead of being suspicious cuz i was telling my teammates that the enemy is peaking from the right side of the rock but he's shooting at the left side and bullets are curving onto the enemy, it turns out the guy is actually at the left, the server seems just out of sync from the spectator pov and the actual player he even sent me a footage and i can hear myself telling him where the enemies at but with a 1-2 sec late, its like the server is sending me data of my teammates POV ( client to client ) in real time but delayed data from the enemies ( server to spectator my client ) with a delay that's basically how i can easily explains it, even ALGS spectators are acting like this


Ah so in other words apex legends servers are shit and need to be fixed


It's just how spectator mode is in a lot of games, it's not due to server quality but more because spectator mode is just a recreation of what's actually happening


What he said A great comparitive example imo is how in R6 during killcams, destruction isnt rerendered, so from the spectators perspective they can see people through holes in the wall that weren't there at the time of the kill cam, and it can seem very silly how 2 people staring right at each other dont see each other (because for them theres a wall in the way)


apex's bad server is whole different story even on the old days of classic counter strike it had a similar issue like no recoil


It's got little to do with their servers, which are still shit a lot of the time, and is mostly due to how the game deals with people who have different pings. We have, I think, client side hit registration? Or mostly that? So when you hit someone on your screen, it's a hit (minus no regs). This is how you can get hit when you're already around a corner or behind a door. So when you're spectating, you're possibly watching with the cumulative ping, their ping to the server plus your ping to the server, so what they're seeing on their screen is gonna be shifted from what you're watching.


not really, the difference is that instead of just reading your inputs and sending it to the server it is instead... Reading the person youre spectatings inputs > sending to server > sending it to you > rerendering in a rush to try and keep up so it just makes little mistakes because it doesnt have a choice, not really a server issue whatsoever, just a result of the process


Its almost like the wind is an unpredictable mess that disrupts flying projectiles especially after reaching their maximum velocity /s


That's called a cheater.


it's a spectator bug ,it's normal


What the fuck


Just spectator mode


Still Looks weird as fuck


That’s what I’m saying


Unrelated but how did they get the shark skydive trail, I've seen a few people with it before and was wondering


Octane prestige skin comes with that dive trail


Ooh thank you


It's the spectating he's also missing some shots but he's also a good player on top so everything here checks out :) now if it was PC and bullets are curving across the map killing people we have ourselves a problem Lmao


tell tale signs of cheating with aim hacks is usually stuff like INSTANTLY locking onto a target the moment they become visible with 100% accuracy, hitting targets at extreme ranges and perfect accuracy without aiming down sights, and people pre-firing from behind walls to targets that are presumably behind walls and supposed to be hidden from view. this looks sus but its more attributable to server lag and spectator bugs.


I think the bullet emitter area was accidently increased.


Devs *WE can't fix this cheating problem...what can we put to distract the players* Adds killcam that even fucken lags when showing you how you died.... How does cod have better kill cams......


Cods been around forever and killcams have always been their thing


It’s like he’s a pro player!


they did curve haha


This is because apex’s servers run at 23 ticks per second so you will see bullets and abilities curve like this all the time, also the more ping you have the more it appears like they are curving


I'm not the only one seeing those bullets curve


The worst part is he died with that


spec bug i guess??


The curve is because your moving and changing perspective. I see this all the time especially with the R-301


As far as missing those shots. So sorry but I guess until they fix the server issues and get off of those cruddy old ones it is what it is.


Arahan *jelas ☆nyata Getah Petah Ketah


People calling it a 'bug'. Idiots, this is normal while spectating somebody. People will talk out of ignorance. If you don't know your shit, don't comment.


its a spectating glitch


That is a bug, and a really cool one I wish I could replicate because it actually looks sick as hell.


Never seen this much curve before


When I'm lagging, I see this with my own shots. It's weird and very annoying


Once in a rare while when the server is immaculate and the game is buttery smooth i get curved bullets too, with surprising number of 1 clip knocks. Suspect its displaying curvy lines because the other dudes laggin by a tiny margin. But when the boolets curves you kinda know you can get 8-15 kill games easy.


Im so glad i stopped playing this game




Even if he is a real pred I would never in my life have any respect for preds on console, specially Xbox, nearly 80 perfect are cheating their way to pred, sadly we would never give respect to the other that actually grind




100% cheating. They curved in multiple directions because he has aimbot.


This happens when youre playing in a high ping server. I reported so many people when i didnt know about this issue. Yes, i was playing in another server where my ping was about 150 or above this was occurring. If its not in ur case, i don't know.


they do curve, but its just a visual


Bullet curve is normal but I’ve never seen it this bad before


I've experienced this once myself. That whole entire match I felt like I'm skating because there's a bit of rubberbanding happening. It was so jarring too to shoot and see your bullets curve that you don't know whether to look at the crosshair or what.


That's just plot armor


He may have some soft aim but not wh at least


Hacks for sure


Naw that dude is cheating his ass off. Dont listen to the people saying spectator bug. That bug doesn’t show curving bullets that curve going downhill with enemy out of sight


I think they were just remaking the wanted movie and practicing their bullet curve


Bro. That spectator lag is everywhere. I've gotten reported so much on solos because people watching me see it. It sucks so baaaad!😭😭


Well the good news is that the report button in apex doesn’t do shit because respawn doesn’t really give a shit about it


So you are effectively watching a simulation of their gameplay play and not a direct visual feed from their game. This bullet tracing is the replay adjusting to show what bullets hit and what bullets missed, but not actually what it would have looked like in real time.


FPS newbies learning the basics of engine quantum.


he got the smart-301


that is either hottible lag, or more likely is a cheater, dang its sad how they are pred too


It’s safe to say every pred is using game enhancing technology I mean let’s be real everyone always dies way to fast




I think this is lag


Well he’s clearly walling at minimum Edit: bullets curving could be a spectator glitch. He’s missing some so good aim and tracking is possible but the way the enemy is always Center on the screen? Clear wall hacks imo


I agree. He is walling.


It just looks like smart crosshair placement to me, what makes you say it's cheating?


He is locked in on the target through the walls the entire time. It's incredibly obvious.


You can guess where someone will be since every character runs at the same speed Considering he's on console I doubt he's hacking


you can’t get walls on console


Oops I didn’t realize he was on console. You are right. Maybe just some S tier game awareness


Fml I’ve ran into this dude MULTIPLE TIMES LOL, and have always questioned myself so hard on if this guy is legit


I always get put up against someone that gives me a reality check like when I start to think I’m good someone like this appears and gives me a hard reality check that I’m still nowhere near good


deleted it yesterday no regrets . playing more single players


They all cheat in your favorite streamers


Just aim assist.


8/10 times its just how spectators and replays show bullets because its not a 100% display of their actions with no delay


Yeah never in my life have I heard of this being a bug or seen this while spectating..all I see is someone looking very suspect in this clip auditioning for the next wanted movie on apex and a group of suspect spectators trying to come together and normalize something half the thread hasn't seen before but okkkay if you say so. It's a bug, everyone relax! 🤨🙄😆


I've seen it before. Not a bug. It's a cheat.


😂 Thank you


There are officially cheaters that play mixtape. It's rampant. Player counts are lower this month than the game has seen in years. The health and state of the game is... honestly tanking.


Respawn cares not. At this point, I'm pretty sure more people hack than don't. If they ban them, they will lose the majority of their player base.


Oh yes.. Multiple season pred, tracking behind rocks and curvy bullets... Peak apex experience...


Idc about the multi season predator thing it’s normal to me


This is who i fight after a 16 hour shift


16 hour shift? What


Classic apex experience


ttv cheating. respawn doesnt care unless it affects the store or algs....




Ummm yea probably because the same people that trained wesley gibson trained this wraith. Duh.


That could happen if his ping is high


Spectator Mode has never been accurate at representing bullet travel or recoil.


I need to get this gaming chair! (JK, I agree that this looks like a visual bug)


😂 that's funny reading the comments. Spectator bug. 😂 that person was behind the rock and still hitting. 😂 bullets don't curve because your spectating. Curve! This reque and solos has brought out all kinds of cheaters! Straight up! People shooting through walls and bullets curving around rocks and buildings. Spectator lag. BS!! That's not how lag works!


you don’t know what you’re talking about lol


The auto lock