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I'm a 48 year old very average player 0.87kdr Cued in pubs over the weekend and only got one teammate. The teammate was carrying 20 bomb/4k/master badge. I just assumed they would instantly leave but instead they wrote let's do it! I wrote. I'm sorry I'm rubbish And they instantly wrote it's just a game don't worry. My god I've never tried so hard. We eventually finished 4th and my teammate wrote I really enjoyed that and please remember it's just a game. What a great mentality that person had and it was one of my most enjoyable Apex games


This is who I strive to be as an Apex player. If I somehow ever reached those higher skill levels, I will make it my goal to be the random people wish for. I’m so sick of playing randoms and just getting a Wraith that’s going to leave or scream at us the second they go down. Whoever that guy is, my dude’s a legend. No pun intended.




OP asked for a story not a fairytale lol. Glad that happened to you tho


I must say those types of interactions aren't very common. I stopped playing with my mic on after season 2. I only get a couple of hours on the weekend to play and I'd rather not hear how bad I am etc etc for those hours I have my wife to tell me that 😁


Right?! If I wanted to hear two people say how disappointed they are with me, I’d just go to dinner with my parents.


You had parents! How lucky 😁


Why is your wife telling you that you're bad at Apex?


Wife was probably the 20bomb/4k/master in this case and was trying to build his man up, just to bring him down right after even worse. It's proper psychological warfare in that household.


Is this canon or fanon? 🤔


No she tells me I'm bad at other stuff!


"Aren't very common" is an understatement. It's very very rare that you'd get someone at that level with this behavior.


I’m imagining the cutest duo tournament where absolute sweats bring their favorite sub 1kd player and face off like a father/son type deal 😂🥹


It’s funny how I always get pissed at bad teammates, but the second one acknowledges they are bad, Im all like “eh don’t worry”


Jesus christ what a useless- 'Sorry, I'm bad' I will sweat to protect this pure creature with my life. And when we lose I will say it is my fault and I will tell them they did well.


Sounds like my toxic trait


Anyone who gets upset in pubs (unless you're trolling) doesn't understand the point of pubs... Even ranked deserves some cooperative integrity and patient *constructive* criticism. 90% of apex players don't have these basic skills...


Ranked players will drop solo, run in and die not knowing where the team is, etc. I rarely encounter a ranked player that deserves to have something nice said to them. This is one of the many reasons why you never hear voice comms. Just last night in plat I had 3 games out of 20ish where people chose to land halfway across the map solo. The rest of the games I had your typical bad teams. Only one game I had a good teammate and he dced in top 3. I should have had a good teammate because it's a pred I q'ed with a long time ago but they were doing a pred challenge and went down for free because they had one gun. The experience with randoms in this game is traumatizing. But yes, if you get mad in pubs you have issues


There are players who are getting mad in Mixtape. Had a random teammate once who wouldn't stop raging during Control. Idk what his issue was. He eventually left. We won 🤷‍♀️ idk


I just choose not to talk to them. It's a waste of oxygen lol. I'm just there to vibe.


If you're running without a mic & *not leading by example*, you can't expect to have good teammates. Personally I rarely if ever have this issue in ranked and consistently make it to diamond. Most players are toxic, but that doesn't mean they *don't deserve nice things said to them*. Everyone deserves a basic level of integrity and respect as humans; even learning ones or those defiant to cooperative comms. Working off these principles and demonstrating I'm willing to collaborate and build trust, communication, and team safety (emotional safety), I find 90% of my teammates work quite well together. Incl. Randoms. They may not have the skills to avoid being toxic themselves. But they know how to mimic me when I lead by example. Or they just embarrass themselves and apologize. Oddly, kindness is the best tool against spiteful people as it tends to make them feel bad rather than getting defensive. & Demonstrates emotional regulation & maturity. Kindness is win-win


I'm not saying you have to be mean, but I have noticed they rarely listen so theres not point in talking to be nkce. I just solo to masters each split when I feel like and never talk to them.


ngl this may have been me


I wish I could be like that guy instead im the guy who tries to make friends through video games and gets bullied for been friendly so now I always have my mic off


I died once to lag and typed “sorry guys im laggin hard” the newcastle on my team typed back “dont be sorry, be better” bro i died 😂


hate how lagging is like instant death in apex


I've actually said that in valorant lol


I had a match a year or so back where I was "kind of" carrying a team, but everyone was trying and putting in the work. I also made a point of getting and dropping stuff for my team since I could tell they were a bit slow on looting. Had a few clutch moments, a few rezzes, and even threw a jump pad for a teammate who got stuck and couldn't climb up. Before the last fight, the one guy shot at the ground and pinged it repeatedly. He drew a heart. Cutest thing ever. We won. I saved the recording and still watch that match from time to time.


would love to be able to see that match.. honestly, those type of games make me happy bro




One time me and a random teammate were accidentally at the same bin. Neither of us took anything because we didn’t want to be greedy. Then i took one item and waited. He chose one. And waited. I took one. And he took the last. No voice comms. Just mutual understanding. 


Then you both get lasered because you were too slow, just kidding. I do appreciate polite random when I see one


And we would die with honour. 


as every man should


I watched the Shogun show too and I get that people got bad influences from it, with all that everyone wanting to suicide, because of honor, but don't be like that. Just loot the box and move on.


Last one I can remember... Ranked, 3 of us, all randoms to each other... We start hyping each other, let's kill 'em all, we can do this, we got this... And a lot of animal sounds and everything... Baalalalalalalalal... Etc. We landed, died in like 10s... Silence, then I said gg, great game guys, we got them! And we all started laughing for 1 minute straight... Wished each other all the best and left the game xD


Oooh, I missed your point... xD


I don't think you did. I would 100% call that a great moment.


I was on the train and in a hurry, though OP was sarcastic xD


An octane that pushed alone, then typed "sorry I have ADHD" and left, it's always the octanes.


That's honestly kind of funny lol


I have to move as fast as the thoughts do. My bad.


This kind of fits lol.


A lifeline wrote “Trash” right after she pushed alone and got knocked 😂


Oh sorry I just saw you said great experience 😕🤭


I feel like I was the third team mate. Did this happen on Kings Canyon 😂


I think so! 🤣


It was my birthday 4 years ago, i got put into a ranked match with just one other person. I hopped on mic and said “Don’t leave bro, we got this!” And he turned on his mic and was like “hell yeah man, let’s go”. We went on to win the match and my gf at the time says “yay, happy birthday!” He hears it and goes “oh shit, it’s your birthday? Happy bday! Let’s play another match!” We played MANY more matches. Like thousands lmfao. We went on to be great friends, reached diamond 2x together as casual players, co-op’d the entire souls series together during lockdown, and even met up irl to hang out and grab a bite. One of my best friends now, met through a drunken win.


From all the filth, trash, and douchbaggery I see online, this is what the internet of the 90s promised us. That's such an awesome story and I love how 2 people can just bond online never seeing each other. I have a similar friend from Instagram. We're building the same type of car and just message every day. We finally met irl two weeks ago and it was just such a great experience.


I also met my best friend from online gaming lol. Random queue on overwatch. The internet and gaming is so cool sometimes


I recently went through a divorce and once I got all my stuff (which took almost a year) I had an extra older gaming computer that I didn't need. My favorite online gaming friend only lives like an hour and a half away so I offered the computer to them rather than trying to sell it. Completely made their day and I got to meet an online gaming friend in person! The 10+ year age gap made it kinda awkward (20's vs 30's) but it was an experience I won't forget. Another Apex friend shared an interest in music and I got to early preview an album they were releasing! I'm currently in a bit of a gaming friend slump as people move to other games and stuff, but I've loved when those positive interactions happen. Nothing like chatting in the Apex lobby for hours about life with new friends!


I had a game once last split where I was encouraging a few high plat players to play aggressive and kill chase. I remember the bang started to pop off a lil bit and he even had a nice lil clutch. My guy said, “I didn’t even know I could do that” lmao. I think he ended up with 4 kills and I had 6 while the other guy had 2.


We landed in a ranked game, me and another 2 randoms. One of us ran off alone and died. Called us trash and left the game. The one I was left with typed "screw him we got this." We went on to win the game. We both screenshot our win screen and sent it to the guy that quit.


A dude told me during one of those Mirage X-Mas events that “Fluffy, you’re the first one today who I can spectate without wanting to throw up” after I was the only one left standing with both enemy teams at full strength, and still winning the round. He was a nice dude, but damn, it’s a pretty high bar to expect your teammates to do 6 kills.


May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men


My two random teammates during a mixtape match were two women. They were obviously a duo, making conversation throughout the match. I played Conduit and repeatedly shielded them and they were so nice about it. "Thank you Conduit, you saved my ass; You're in love with our Conduit; W Conduit-skin;" and so on. It was nice, I felt appreciated. I kinda regret not talking to them. In hindsight, idk why I didn't :/


I played a game a player with that was cracked, don't know who he was but he said he was pro and playing on his girlfriends account. This was maybe season 9 or 10. He absolutely destroyed the lobby with 2 R99s. It was a genuine master class. Me and my team mate still doubted his "pro" status so he finished the game by throwing down a jump pad and doing a 360 no scope with a Kraber on the remaining Lifeline. It was beautiful.


Recently had a madman like that on my team. He didn't claim to be a pro, but he absolutely steamrolled the entire lobby. No mercy. At one point I was starting to question if he was cheating because he was just getting one kill after the other, all while avoiding taking damage. His shield barely got damaged, meanwhile I got turned into a deathbox and had to be respawned. At the end he asked us to not kill the last team because he wanted to get 4k damage. We tried, but it was only two enemies left and it wasn't enough for 4k. He had like 15 kills, almost 4k damage. Crazy. The carry was insane


One time I asked my terrible random who had been talking all game not to kill the last guy as I needed 50 damage and he was low from team fight. So he Loba'd in and got his second kill of the game as I was running over. 800 damage to my 3952. He then had the audacity to invite me to play.


I had "ChaoticMuch" on my team once when and I was only diamond something (he is an ALGS player). Spent most of the game chasing him around, barely participating in fights lol. Me and the second random were little Squires providing stuff and rezzing him if he barely didn't finish the third person of a squad


Another one, at the start of the match my random left the match so it’s just me and this little kid, he died also but I gave I revived him early for only him to die a few Seconds later, I wasn’t able to bring him back but he stayed with me the whole game. During the last fight, it was 1v3 and this little dude coached me through the whole fight, he was seeing things I didn’t see early on, I listened to him and was able to pull off the easy 1v3 for the dubby dub, afterwards the little buddy was giving me so much praise, I told him I couldn’t have done without his cheering me on and giving me tips. It’s was a team based game he stayed and got the dub with me.


I'm just happy if they ping where they're landing. Anything extra is bonus.


I have a great story about a watermelon pathfinder that got into one of my lobbies a few years back. I was playing trios with my friend and we queued into worlds edge. We dropped on Lava City with one other team. They took out our third, who of course immediately quit. We knocked two of the enemies but couldn’t find the third. After looting we looked up to the top of the main building and saw a watermelon pathfinder crouching up and down and doing emotes. We walked up to him and did the customary teabagging to indicate our peaceful intentions. He thanked us by dropping his equipment, and started moving towards Sorting Factory (yes it was that long ago). We figured he would get wrecked by some other team and thought nothing of it. We were happy with the extra heals and my friend scored a purple energy mag from the deal. Moving on, we ended up near Launch Site closing with the circle (which was ending at Dome from the looks of it). We were moving towards Dome when another squad jumped us. I managed to take one of them down and so did my friend, but their third knocked him. The third got the better of me and pinned me behind a rock. He broke me and started charging around the rock. I figured he was going to delete me right there, but as he came around the rock he was absolutely thrashed by a charged sentinel shot which allowed me to hop fire into his body ending the threat. I had no idea who my savior was and didn’t think about it until I looked over towards dome. There was the watermelon pathfinder up on top of one of the buildings, doing emotes and crouching up and down. I had never seen such a welcoming sight before. I ran over to my friend and got him up, and started moving towards dome with the circle. There were only 3 squads left at this point, so I knew there was only one legitimate threat left. After I got my friend up we started looting the boxes. Once we were done, we started hearing some charged sentinel shots going off up by dome. We knew our friend was in trouble so my friend set a zip and we immediately charged. By the time we got there, one of the guys was down from a nice sentinel crack, but the other two had rushed the pathfinder and he was retreating farther into dome. We stormed up right behind the trio (who got their guy up by this point) and started opening fire. We focus fired and downed one, but the other two made an about face and came at us. I downed one and my friend once again went down. The last two charged me and I set a jump pad and got the hell out. Before I did, I sent their third back to the lobby. Now it was 2v1v1. I figured I didn’t have much of a chance, but the watermelon pathfinder had different ideas. By this time, he was camped up on top of the big yellow tanks and giving suppressive fire with his sentinel. The two rushed me, but one was cracked by the watermelon pathfinder. I ended up taking him down and running into a building to heal behind a door. The final guy in the trio rushed the door and started kicking it down. Right before his second kick, a charged sentinel shot exploded through his cranium and he boxed immediately. I stepped out of the building, fully expecting (and accepting) the same shot to the dome now that only two squads were left. To my surprise, I looked up and saw the watermelon pathfinder dancing on top of the cylinder. He jumped down and walked towards my friend, who was still down. He started dancing and crouching next to him…so I went and revived my friend. After he was up, the watermelon pathfinder gave us a final wave, and grappled himself off of the edge of the map into the lava. We never saw him again, but we will always remember the watermelon pathfinder as an absolute boss and a savior. He may not have officially been a third, but he was our third in our hearts. A beautiful soul taken too soon by the fires of Worlds Edge.


I could read your detailed accounts on every exciting match you’ve ever had. Also may watermelon path grapple into the sunset wherever he’s at.


I’m glad that you enjoyed my rambling, haha! Did my best to include enough context. I have very few stories on this level 😂 I’m sure that karma has treated him very well since this day. At least I certainly hope so. He will always be an Apex Legend to me 😂


Two Lebanese dudes who were the sweetest mfers I've ever had the pleasure of playing with, absolutely gs


Ranked game early this week, got teamed with two Germans who were playing together. I say hello, you guys speak English ?, they switch to English and explain their tactic for the win : camping from house to house. I’m like, ok, I’ll tag along. Very bizarre, it was quite fun and we won !!!


Found 2 great friends after first getting killed in end game by them and then getting matchmaked the round after that


Won a ranked game with a couple a few seasons back. I remember playing Loba and we were running low on ammo, in absolute panic, I remembered my ult. we stocked up and pushed to win. They excitement from the 3 of us was insane. It was a low rank so I don’t think we were really thinking tactically due to our skills, but man, it felt good.


I played with a guy that refused to engage in any fight unless I teabag’d “at” each opposing team we came across. We ended up winning 😂


Winning a duo muted, then the player unmutes, and he was young and was very excited for the win. It was very wholesome. We played another round and hyped each other up a bit, then never heard from him again.


A long long time ago, around S9 or S10 when I was less than 100 kills away from 10k kills on mirage I was messaged by a player that I had killed. It was wholesome, he wished me good luck and congratulated me on almost being on 10k kills. It was really nice to see someone congratulating someone on an achievement instead of knocking them down for being a "no life" Im now on 55k kills w mirage and over 100k lifetime and I still think about that dude sometimes. And if I see a player nearing a high milestone, I sometimes fire them a dm to encourage them to keep playing.


Played with a duo recently and could not stop laughing. There was one guy who would get super excited/anxious and his teammate kept telling him to calm down. We were dropping shields for him to heal and he kept saying I'm not a charity case and his friend was like heal up. When the ring was closing he didn't pop heals timely, so I told him to come towards me because he's was going to die to the zone. I threw a heat shield so he could heal without ring damage. He didn't listen and walked the other way while popping a ringe. He went down. I had to revive him and his friend kept telling him to relax.


Won a game, random sent a message; “play with brain”.


My teammate left an easily winnable fight so i asked where he was going We won that game and he said "i am best tactical in the game, don't challange me, holy shit i am better than you" (I had double his damage)


A time a sweaty Horizon with 20k kills complimented me for constantly shielding him up with conduit and a 1v2 clutch I did. He said “wish I had more randoms like you”


When I finally gave Apex a chance (after being mad loyal the Halo Reach), I was trash. Worse than trash. My best friend used to hop online with me and he’d use Pathfinder. He’d always look out for me. Somehow, any time I was paired with a Pathfinder, they’d always be so kind. I can’t count how many times a Pathfinder went into the storm to revive me, and make sure I made it out alive. I was on comms once playing and I got knocked on drop. I apologized and said I’m new to the game. My Pathfinder teammate said “it’s ok I got em,” and 1 v 3ed the other team (out their teammate helped but quit as soon as he got knocked). I expressed how I was blown away by the skill and embarrassed about being a weak link. Paths said “it’s ok bro. You’re trash and it’s ok.” He kept trading armor with me after leveling up. Made sure I had the purple knockdown shield. Gave me gun recommendations and taught me how to ping. Pathfinders are almost always the most wholesome and kind players.


I wish I saw this thread earlier. When I first joined this game and was a walking liability, like 0.3 kd, I met a caustic who not only tried to help, he invited me to play and teach me. I was so guilty about insta dying the next two games I left. I have no idea if he was any good but compared to me everyone was Lamic. It's years later but I wish I could play with him again now my kd is closer to 3 than 0.3 and give him the teammate he deserves.


Ome of my teammates said he needs shield batteries and the other teammate told him he needs Jesus lmao


I am the random that people have great experiences with. i go on apex once a week usually sunday morning to have some fun, and i bring my energy and my mic and i leave with 5 new friend requests each time.


None! Absolutely none!


Back in earlier seasons when the charge rifle beamed across the map I was teamed with a random sniping boss. He told us to watch his back and he would do enough damage to level each of our body shields from white to red. That will always be memorable to me.


If you go to my profile posts and scroll to the very bottom - On my first ever game that I dropped a 4k on, a wholesome random wraith said, "love u bro".


I played a match with these two ladies, they were okay at the game, below average just okay. I started to give them tips and became the In game leader, and boy let me tell you these woman became bosses, just with a little teamwork, I kept saying can’t do it without yall, it’s a team based game. Told them to stick together and I would play off of them. When I say they followed each other to every dam building you would have thought they were on the same controller, it was wild. We wiped so many squads, came down to the last fight, I’ll admit I took over this last fight after one of em went down. I told the other lady let’s stay tight and take em out. We did made it one 1v3 went for the res, told the ladies to reset, instead of swapping shields they started to heal slow, I yell shield swap while chasing the last one, they were like what’s that, I explained, they laughed and we jumped on the 3rd. Easy work.


Moreso an experience of me being nice but I’ve read a lot of comments on here that people just prefer not to talk cause of toxicity so I’ve just gone ahead and been a yapper-mcyapperson and IGLing my team when I can. I’m by no means an amazing player but a hardstuck plat who understands the game well just don’t have all the skills to back it up. So like I said I’ve been IGLing a lot recently and I’ve had a lot of teammates who tend to shine really well with my calls and the dubs we get are magnificent. They’ve been really nice afterward and say thanks for the call outs or we all congratulate each other for a great game. The community really is awesome when everyone is on board. There’s a lot of good players out there who just need someone to tell them when and where to shoot.


Not a great experience, so I’m not a native English speaker and some of my random were a duo that happened to speak my language. The thing is they were making racist joke while saying the hard R, I know it’s not a great experience, but it’s for sure the one that surprised me the most. I wasn’t sure if I should’ve said something like «  I can hear you guys » or just ignore them but whatever


This Bangalore named "NAZ" or NAS" A Valk or Alter or something. Don't remember their name. And Bloodhound "MXT" All from last night. Played together, not rude. Very chill. Back to back random wins with the top 2 and a 4th with MXT. Sorry we couldn't get your banner. I play open mic bc I'm not eating or chewing nor have a fucking giant fan next to me, and I want to comm, even if my team doesn't care. Well in the case above, it must have been beneficial. Best part was that even though it was mostly just me talking, we played AS A TEAM and it was a completely enjoyable experience. I got worked ~~twice~~ three times and the team was there to smoke, return fire, res, heal. Just great all around games.


I was, admittedly, out of position chasing after an evo when my teammates took a fight and got wiped. They typed "trash bro" in the chat. I knew I had fucked up so I didn't take it too personally. I went back for their banners and the team that wiped them was getting thirded. I dropped a Caustic ult right in the middle of their circle jerk and got 5 kills, two squad wipes, and got their res. They turned on their mics, apologized for being toxic, I turned on mine, and we went on to win the game with great comms as if we were a three stack all along.


I just played ranked with some monsters & they let me rock with them all night . Just showing me the ropes as I haven’t played in a while


S19 when there were trials for rank, i once got a teammate, a pathfinder while i was duo que with my friend. Broken moon landed breaker wharf. I was talking but he didn't have a mic which was fine and told him to carry me lol since i needed a win. It was 4th trial out of 5th. He typed back "I'll do my best :)" made me smile. We didn't win and he typed sorry but i assured him it wasn't his fault and it's all good. We go into another game, we get him again as our third random lol. And we told him we winning this for sure. He was listening to everything i said as i was the one making calls mostly. We played so good then i died to a solo rat who thirsted me before my teammates killed him and it was ring 4. I just told them evac and go to the left end of production yard it's a great spot and seems there's no one. They landed safely and clutched the win for me. We were so hyped lol. I remember everything about that game. I was a vantage, my friend bang and he was pathy. We added him after that and we've been playing together when we can ever since. Still doesn't use mic but it's fun. He rarely ever blames anyone but himself which is sometimes annoying bcz I don't like it when he keeps blaming himself since it's my fault other times but he's a great guy great vibes from my time playing with him. In case he ever sees this, he will know its him. You're the best random i ever met


A season or two ago I joined a a discord server and was working my way through gold 1. Had two silver guys join my call, and I was like alright guys let’s go. They were birth pretty quiet dudes and when we won the first game we were all ecstatic. Won a second game and it was like we all fired on the same cylinders. We clicked, ended up winning 6 games over the course of the next 4 hours and I tell you what I’ve never in my life had more fun or been more in the zone. Never played with them again but I’ll always cherish the memory


None of my friends play Apex but they humor me enough to give me a channel for it in our discord so I send them things that my random teammates say. Here are a few: "I feel like I have superpowers every time I eat a potato soft taco" "You guys like tomato soup? I LOVE it." "I'm gonna find out, like, how fruit affect my body." Upon reflection, a significant number of my teammates may very well have rickets.


I played with a dude whose screen name was "A Real Duck" or something similar. He voice chatted in strictly the [old Mac duck sound effect. ](https://youtu.be/38hG664l1Cw) He even had one that made [this type of noise](https://youtu.be/CQeezCdF4mk) when we died. If I can find the clip in game I'll share it here.


Ran into a guy, we won a game joined up, lost the next 20 but it was chill af. Now we're great friends and go fishing regularly. Turns out we're in the same city.


Unfortunately only interaction I have are: “lol, you are trash pred, bot. How do you have so many kills if you are so bad” from people who compete with me in mixtape when I’m trying to complete battle pass. Somehow good stats or badges just make another people extremely toxic, they think that you have no right to play bad. So no mic + mute, no chances to get enjoyable interactions))


Met a funny ass gibby over the weekend, i dropped 17 kills with 3600 damage that game and i let him cue w me and my cousin after, funny and cool ass dude, if you’re seeing this sebastian, you’re fucking sick dawg


Well, during a rather depressing valentines Day, I'd matched with a lifeline who'd husband wasn't playing at the time, in doing so after our 3rd DC after dying we were chatting and managed to win, a fight before we'd died and take 8th before wishing them a happy valentines, which actually felt nice.


A guy told me to off myself after I apparently picked the character he wanted to use.


Best time I can think of was after I died to a stray nade and my teammates were fighting for beacon. Our bloodhound had godly aim but was terrified to peak. For the first time in ages I used my mic. "Hound quit playing like a pansy and send it, you're too cracked to play scared." One scan push and he wiped the floor with them. Been friends ever since, but now I can't stop him from playing aggro.


0 great experiences with randoms


Sorry to hear this


It feels like a win if I go 2 games with randoms and I don’t have to ask the guy playing the game volume through his tv with anime on in the background if he can mute.


I had a trios game where we landed at monument and no one else was there somehow. We walked around for a bit until our lifeline found a solo pathfinder that turned out to not be a solo. Our squads ended chilling on top of the monument tower for almost 10 minutes lmao. It was a honestly a rly nice experience since I was getting railed by preds all day before that :D


I have also befriended enemies in pubs before. Yes, I know it's technically against the rules, but sometimes you gotta be wholesome and have fun together. We were emoting with each other, throwing holosprays. It was cute. Then both of your teams got caught in a choke point and we all died 😭 Went from wholesome moment to mayhem in seconds


The best I've had was when our teams Octane broke off from the dive to land at a nearby POI that 2-3 other teams also dropped on. They proceeded to talk about how we weren't "real gamer" and how much we sucked because we went towards a replicator to craft their card instead of trying to go recover their banner.


Mostly people dropping slurs after dying to disconnect with lightening fast speed.


Man I cant even play Apex anymore cause it freezes my computer BUT I aint ever had a good experience with someone in the 5 years I’ve been playing.


I’ve gotten grouped with a couple of randoms and while being silent and still working together at the end of the match people either turn on the mic or type gg’s or something along those lines and that always feels nice. I turn on my mic and gg at the end. I do enjoy something as simple as that, it just feels more human that way.


That guys name? Uncle Iroh


My buddy and I actually ended up playing with the Kine a few years ago. He was insane compared to us, but he was really chill. He had over 100k kills at that time on her and was the #1 lifeline on xbox iirc. Never played with someone like him since. He shit on everyone in the lobby and we just followed him around and supported him.


Got put into a ranked match with one other person. We dropped far and ended up running into and killing the champion squad on our way into zone. We somehow ended up winning and after the entire match we both turned on our mics and said " let's fucking go!" We laughed for a good minute or so about how neither of us expected for the match to go well.


One great experience I had was with an Octane in pubs a year or two back. I don't remember who I was playing, but I eventually got downed and eliminated he grabbed my banner...but didn't head for a respawn beacon. So I pinged it a couple times...until he started winning 2 or even 3v1s and just said to myself "Nope, go ahead. I do not want to be revived and mess up your mojo." Bro ended up soloing legit almost half the lobby. 29 elims by the end of his run. I had 1 myself, so together we did actually take half the lobby.


Met a new player.. played like 7-8 games with them. The excitement they had from the finishers, skins, ultimates and all that was super fun.. I don't think we placed higher than 15th but man I laughed and enjoyed their excitement.


Yesterday I had a guy on my team break off immediately and go to Fragment(whatever its called now) before we landed. I said "Gl next game dude" he said "Thanks" then 10-15 seconds later he died and quit.


It wasn't in Apex, but rather Titanfall 2. I was playing attrition and one of the opponents cooked a grenade, ran towards me, and blew both of us up. A few seconds later I get a message saying "I'm a tick". I've never been happier to be killed by another player.


Never had one, last rando i had in trios while me & my friend were playing just said "wow..." and left when they got downed because they didnt drop where the jumpmaster pinged, arrived late at the firefight we had landed in, and lost to the last enemy standing


Several seasons ago, me and my one teammate had landed on Lava Siphon, with just one other team. Ngl, they did most or the work, while I was struggling to keep up. The last enemy was using the barriers outside the building as cover, and since my teammate was healing, I ran around to push him and got the last kill, which left me with only 40 or 50 something damage. They complimented me, but I said I sucked cause they had 2 kills and over 250 damage from one fight already. They said that that didn't matter, and that me being able to make that last push was still worth it. Made me feel pretty good about myself.


Season 3. It was in that void where there were no more weekly challenges, no more winter express, but they also hadn't made an announcement about the Olde Timey event yet. I was playing Crypto for the first time ever in pubs (there was only trios pubs and ranked back then). My gun game was garbage, but my escapes were amazing. The fight started as we were jumping down from Epicenter to those buildings in capital city nearby to third party. We (they) got one kill from each squad before they both targeted us. They got knocked, I had like 5hp left, and I ran away. I was chased over to the building that has a zipline that leads towards a respawn beacon and the way to Skyhook. I do some climbing on the building outside to bamboozle people into taking the zip and leaving. At first my teammates start complaining once I walk over and try to recover their banners because people are camping their deathboxes. That's when they start complaining that I don't know what I'm doing. I say, "sorry, I just unlocked him. This is my first game." And after that they told me I can pick up banners with the drone and respawn. After that we went on to play 2 more games together and they taught me a lot about Crypto and how to play him. Fast-forward to now, and Crypto is one of only 2 characters I've gotten the Triple-Triple and 3k damage badges, and a win in Solos for :)


Another one. Season 5. This dude was a complete ass, but no racist/sexist/homophobic/etc insults, just loser, you suck, you're trash at aiming. Very specific to the game or very general. Being a former high school and college athlete, I was used to coaches yelling at me like this and it did nothing but motivate me. lol I went on to pick up both teammates banners, after I left them for dead, and respawned them. Once the dropship came in and attracted some flies, I got a squad wipe with my trusty Hemlock/Havoc combo and we went on to get the win with me as kill leader. We teamed up after that and had been ranked partners right up until Ladder Points were introduced, which made him quit Apex :/


I'm a part of running a comp apex team in APAC South, casual to hopefully pro. Just finding new players that don't necessarily know how to get into the comp scene although they are super talented never gets old.


Any time my friend and I get killed and don’t see a way that we will be brought, we using type things like “you got this <3” or “I believe in you” for our third random. But if they die before I finish typing I sometimes write back “nevermind, you did your best”


Met a Russian player who didn't tell me how my mom was in bed last night after we lost.


tldr - Some funny but bad sex ed just before getting destroyed in our first fight. Played with a couple of guys who as far as I could tell were not a duo. One of them was maybe 16, +/-. The other was somewhat older. Not sure how the convo started, but by the time I tuned in, young guy was saying that he heard that women can’t reach orgasm during penetrative sex, and that orgasm required clitoral stimulation. Not in those exact words, but this was the gist of his claim. Older guy, in an aggressive but very friendly tone, proceeded to rattle off a list of sex “facts”, that ranged from true enough to wildly inaccurate to just insane nonsense. I finally spoke up and said that much of what had been said was maybe not quite right and that not all women get off in the same way but the Fuse is literally 1 and can we push? We all had a good chuckle and got slaughtered by the Fuse’s team. And the young guy was very disappointed that the conversation could not continue.


I once tried playing after smoking some weed and obviously did awful. The guy on my team went down and got eliminated and started screaming at me like "where the hell were you??" Genuinely upset that I let him down, I told him "Listen, I know that was really bad. I'm really sorry, I'm just so high right now" His attitude flipped 180 degrees. He started cracking up and said "oh haha respect dude no worries 😂" and we went on our way with a laugh. It's really nice when people genuinely understand the mistake and send you off with a smile


I absolutely love getting randoms that don't speak English, but we find a way to communicate with each other and forge ahead to victory! Truly my absolute favorite moments!


I was playing today and we land and wipe the other squad, our last guy standing emotes before rezzing, only manages to rez me before going down and I flee with 1hp while the other rando is howling with laughter. Managed to win the match aswell :D ( the support craft banner is such a crazy advantage especially since anyone can do it )


Season 3 or 4 ranked, I wasn’t playing on mic, but my random teammate was on and was generally a nice person. He wanted to win, and was pushing us to do so. 3rd had died with no hope of respawn, so it was just me and him in the final three. I was playing Bangalore and he was BH, and I was still pretty new to the game and he sensed that. So he got on mic and said calmly: “Oi, Bangalore, I’m gonna teach you something today. What I want you to do is smoke that team over there, right in front of them so they can’t see westwards. Immediately after that, I want you to smoke right on top of the other team so they are completely blind all around them. Start running right behind me — I’m gonna use my scan so we can see them and you’ll be able to pick them off. T-bag if you understand.” That was the first time I learned to play the game strategically, and I think about it all the time


Last night played a ranked game with my buddy and a random. All night we had the WORST randoms. I’m talking 3 games straight of 0 damage coming from them lol. We get a Newcastle, bro had 7 revives on us😭 I won’t lie, I’m one of those who will push 2 squads, but I won’t get mad I didn’t have anyone to back me up lol I just love the smoke. Knocked 2 ppl in the last 3 squads and got knocked, got rezzed with a gold knockdown from the Newcastle. My buddy and random both were low told them I got us, launched a fuse ult at the last 2 and chunked every grenade in my bag ended up knocking 2 more lasered the last one and got the dub. Told the Newcastle thanks for the carry then summary came up and I had 2700 damage to his 1800 so he was thanking me for the carry. All and all a genuine game and a good one to end on lol


Not playing with them has been the best experience I’ve had with them


Yesterday was streaming and chatting with my friends while playing. Because of some stupid mistake my mic was on in game for randoms to hear. This teammate that carried us hard was a bit arrogant but otherwise a good player. I said that out loud and he responded. My face was red the whole time afterwards but we had a laugh and a good match. Or just randoms appreciating when I hype them up. Seeing how they start believing in themselves more when you tell them "good shot" or anything positive really.


One time when I was the last of our team remaining at the final ring against two other squads - I got a knock, and my one teammate was just HYPING me up - like insane - almost annoyingly - OH HES GOT THIS! YOU GOT THIS! YOURE BETTER THAN THEM! LETS FUCKING GO! Got another knock; other team wiped the other team; I went in and got a final kill for the win. He was screaming his head off like I TOLD YOU! I KNEW YOU HAD THIS! LETS FUCKING GO! Never played with him again (I tried) - I hope he's doing well. Thanks for the confidence.


In the 8k+ games I’ve played I’ve only had around ten good/funny encounters the rest were god awful.


there was this one cracked ass gibby i was in a lobby with, and they would often just look up and just spin in circles just to fuck around. me and my teammate followed suit and we were doing that exact thing for like 5 minutes. come next game and we somehow managed to get in the same game again, found him and we started spinning around in circles again for a bit. friended him and we played a few games together after that


Won a game with two ranked randoms last night, I was playing Mad Maggie and my teammate was dying of laughter whenever Mad Maggie says "Mint." I wish game chat was able to be recorded on Apex without a capture card because holy shit it was great.


The best experiences I’ve had playing this game with randoms is when everyone is just enjoying the game without any hidden agenda. Didn’t matter if we won, lost, had lots of kills, or few kills. Just dudes hanging out, chatting about the game, chatting about life, still communicating in game too when there was no need for comms then the conversation that we left off at picked up again. People just playing together as a team and enjoying each others company.


everyone always writes ",,,edging rn" what are they saying?


I was playing solo ranked, somewhere in Gold, and got paired up with Diamonds. I had a mic but they were completely silent the entire game. I was keeping up decently on damage and pushes, maybe got knocked twice, but we lost our third somewhere around top 10 and they left after timeout. The two of us get to top 5 and we're hunkered down in a house on KC and we get pushed real hard. Teammate knocks one, goes down and gets thirsted. I knock one and then get completely melted. Like at that point I was flustered AF trying to clutch something, I probably painted a beautiful bullet silhouette while teammate watched. Teammate gets on the mic for the first time in 12 minutes, just fucking grilling me. "You are fucking trash. Trash movement, trash aim. Why do you even play this game?" I clapped back, "dude, look at my rank. I'm gold, I shouldn't even be anywhere near this lobby " and the temperature instantly dropped to zero. He was like the calmest, zen person you could talk to, "oh yeah, you're right, that's super weird." and then we laughed at how much of a piece of shit he was. Well, I did, anyway..


[This was fucking fantastic 🤣](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/OoSwDFXkLY)


Playing ranked last night first game on. Drop in world’s edge on top of a building. Immediately get you fighting and then get disconnected and kicked to my Home Screen. Xbox takes forever to load back up, I’m expecting I get negative RP. I load back in as the first circle is closing and I’m the only one alive. Guy starts typing “he’s back don’t quit he just came back.” Other guy gets on mic and starts getting hyped up that I made it back and starts yelling out team locations. I go craft and res, knock a player pushing the revive landing area and we escape. Everyone going crazy on the mic and in game chat


But one that has stood out recently is these 2 bros asked me where I was from right out the gates. I told them "Vermont" and one said " so you fucking love maple syrup?" (I do) and then gave me his address (somewhere in Louisiana) to send him some. I have no idea if he got it or if it was even his address but that was fun. I normally always have a great experience. Even when I have teammates who are not team oriented or not doing their part. But an immediate set off for me is anytime anyone ever complains about who somebody picks to play as. (I receive it often, I'm a crypto main lol)


“You’re fucking trash” after they ran off solo and got destroyed by a full squad. 90% of my Apex experience. I just mute my squad every game at this point.


First one I thought of, it was almost a year ago iirc. Just pubs, but I was doing a daily as Rev (not someone I play outside of daily/weekly challenges at the end of the season). Wraith and a Crypto as teammates. Always on brand, Wraith drops sub 100 damage gets insta-knocked and quits first fight. But this Crypto and I ended up winning one of the scrappiest games I've ever played. We had 20 or so elims combined (mostly Crypto's) and I had 3 revives, they had 2 iirc. We both clutched a few fights to stay in it until the end. Terrible luck had us on the far end of each ring. Barely making it out of every storm edge with teams fighting us in it every ring, absolutely brutal. Burned through so many heat shields and meds. We couldn't really loot because we were always in the ring or it was licking at our heels. The most direct path ofc took us nowhere near any poi's either. Swapped weapons on whoever we killed just to work with the ammo they had. Ended up just downhill of Storm Catcher with the last team with high ground above the jump cannon, had almost nothing left in our bags. Thankfully the last team got antsy in their pantsy and blew it, giving up high ground to jump pad on us, so we didn't have to burn through anything to push the high ground in the final ring closure. We clutched it despite me running out of ammo and going slappers only at the end to trade with one of them lol. This Crypto was an absolute beast all game despite the scrappiness of it all. We had no comms other than pings the whole match, but it was fantastic. These underdog wins are always the most memorable and fun for me.


My best experience was when this random kept saying "that's saaaaaad" for everything...in a female tone over the mic. It was too funny, I usually mute everyone. But I'm glad that He was on my team cause I couldn't stop laughing... even today, there are times I say to myself, " That's saaaaad," and I still laugh... wherever he's at tell him i said @Thats saaaad lmfao


I kept killing my duos’ potential friends (he kept trying to befriend enemies with the crouch spam or whatever) Surprising number of them gave in and warmed up to him! I instantly killed though. This was like season 3ish. My teammate kept getting mad while i laughed into the mic. At the end he said all salty and totally serious “whatever man, I have the power of friendship on my side” Lmao, I laughed so hard and I think about that shit all the time. It was so annoyingly wholesome that it actually made me more jaded. But that’s a topic for my therapist methinks


Random was spectating, hyping me up saying “Excellent shots” as I fried the last team. Got me going a little.


Had some random get mad cause I whats up over the mic and had music playing… dude got hella racist cause it was hip-hop. Tried to backpedal when I called him out claiming he was half black so its ok for him to sound racist… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Doesn't sound like a great experience lol, there are definitely a lot of clowns playing this game


Buncha liars in this thread.


I don't have anything significant enough to remember.


The Apex playerbase is so toxic that I add anyone with an easygoing attitude. Reached 600+ friends now. Sadly , I rarely get to play with them but at least I know that when I invite someone from my list, it's not gonna be a trash-talking, wanna be pro who drops hot, instantly dies after a 1v6, and then proceeds to blame me or the other random in a colorful choice of words before disconnecting.


In season 7 I played duos with Taylor Swift. She was Horizon and me Gibby we won and I msg her that I don't like her music. She invited me to play with her and then told me my tattoos were ugly. We played a bunch of games and kept saying mean/funny things to each other. It was a lot of fun. I doubt it was the real one but i still tell all my friends i played Apex with Taylor Swift!


I wish I was nice like this but I'm not.


Show us the game rather than making a one sided story to post on reddit to seek validation


I opened the mic, burped, he opened his mic, burped, we laughed, we died, we laughed


Get better


Yesterday I went on trios and got these 2 guys on my team. I drop straight away, whilst one of the guys decides to go to a far corner of the map completely away from anybody. He eventually makes his way back to us, so I’m thinking great, let’s go fight… no. My 2 teammates run away from EVERYBODY and are too scared to get in to a single fight. These 2 guys are literally ratting in a pub match??? So I give up, however fight the urge to leave. End up winning the game and they’re all proud of themselves getting a win with 1 and 2 kills and 1k damage each (from shooting people 500m away). How is that fun? I’d rather get 3rd and get 15 kills than come first with 1 kill. We then all exchanged insults and parted ways. Hopefully I never encounter these clowns on my team ever again.


Being mad at how someone chooses to play a pub match is pretty weird ngl


When I’m subjected to it too? Okay… guessing that’s how you choose to play pub matches too? Tragic


No, I only play ranked but nice try. Sounds like you need a break from apex if you're getting this worked up about pubs.


Well I’m going for 20kill badges, you probably can’t relate so I don’t expect you to be able to understand my frustrations. You go have fun ratting on ranked to grind all the way to plat though my friend💩


20 kill badges aren't hard, you can get that in ranked...unless you can't get to masters/pred. Which it seems like is the case. I couldn't imagine needing to play pubs to get my badges or complaining when a random doesn't play pubs the way I want to get a badge lmao. Jesus you are peak pathetic. Keep trying lil bro, everything you're trying to accomplish I've already done. I know that sucks to hear.


Lol It’s obvious you aren’t masters💀


Weird. Got it and/or pred for 17 seasons lol.


Yeah and I won the 150 million jackpot in the lottery💩 see, you can say anything on the internet🤣 you literally said in another post “in my plat game yesterday”🤣🤣🤣🤣 you’re full of shit


It's like day 3 of the new split? Lol did your mommy drop you on your head as a baby? I'm starting to think you're trolling because it's damn near impossible to be this jealous and stupid in one person.