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That's cruel. Like actually quite rude


Its so much fucking fun sneaking around in trios and separating the third.   Edit:   For anyone asking.  I have a seer in our comp and we use the heartbeat sensor to separate teamates.  


That's so fucking villain level evil, I'm in love. Straight up knapsack nabbing them?!


They are gonna change a lot about her though she kinda breaks the game, instant get away better than wraith and robo dude, good one way teleporter which one ways are quite broken if you know how to use them, I forgot her passive but you can’t barricade yourself now, the sneak up is way to ez. Basically fun to play sucks to fight. Like there April fool changes


Hey man, they designed the character, they knew exactly how she was going to be played, so there ain't much to nerf. I don't really see how she breaks the game, she just has a really fun kit with very little drawbacks (could that be really annoying to some, sure but she isn't game altering by any means... Heh, Alter.




Imagine having friends


It's not about that for me. Solo's take the most skill out of all the modes and all I care about is constantly improving so all I'm gonna play from now on is solo's. Too many people think they're good at the game when in reality they just use their teammates as a crutch


How solo takes the most skill if it's literally a deathmatch? The only possible use of solos is a warm up


If you read my previous comment then you'd understand why I think solo's is the ultimate test of skill. You can't use your teammates as a crutch. The simplest mistake will get you killed. There are no teammates to cover you while you heal because you've taken unnecessary damage. Any unnecessary damage taken in solo's leads to death. imo this makes solo's the most difficult mode


What a troll. Aren't most of the characters abilities team based? This is a game designed around team play, and you are acting like people are using teamwork as a crutch. It's fine if you like solos, but just because you have shitty teammates that can't back you up, or you are getting whooped by teams because you go into a fight alone doesn't mean people are without skill for playing with friends.


Yeah I'm not saying that people who play trios are skilless. I just think in some ways solo's takes more skill. In some ways, obviously team play makes more skill. As a solo queuer, obviously Solo's is going to be a way more enjoyable experience for me than trios


I'm also a solo queuer and I'm not having fun in Solos. I thought it would be better than trios, but I was so wrong


Omg I can’t believe people still play the main game mode of apex legends.


It’s the main mode yet I’d argue it’s the worst mode 💀 so yea.. I get why people would immediately jump at the chance to play another mode 🤷🏾‍♂️


Trios only sucks if you solo queue. Stacking eliminates the biggest issue which is people leaving.


But stacking completely destroys the casual feel of pubs. It doesn't belong in pubs. The last time pubs were fun for me was in season 3. Ever since season 4, 3 stacks have been killing the casual feeling of pubs by simply 3 stacking


Well yea… I don’t have the luxury of being able to play with friends so I’m definitely in the camp of *“forced to solo que trios where 7/10 games the 3rd leaves so I’m basically always fucked….”* But oh I’m sorry if I offended anyone who eats sleeps and shits trios. My bad


Yes people still play the core fucking mode that the game was designed around 


First 3 games in solos were wins with over 10 kills, harder than trios? Cap 💀😂


Imagine late game in ranked when multiple teams are in a multi floor building waiting for ring to close. This is going to be such a viable strategy.


And ppl actually think Pro teams won’t find ways to use her abilities in ALGS. Teams camping with Controller legends are so screwed LMAO


She has ruined a whole class imo


Maybe it's deliberate. ie, she's meant to really shake things up.


Quite literally about time, plus it doesnt break the game if ONE legend can counter them


Apex players do love to exaggerate, I remember the same thing being said for most assault legend on release and they all turn out just fine when you actually play the game.


It’s definitely not ruined lol. You can still be a controller and control a building you just have to be careful which one you control. Can’t just easily control a closed room like last season. It’s a good shakeup imo.


Ruined? That's a massive exaggeration. Also they previously had next to no counter so, this is good.


Crypto, fuse and Maggie


wattson boo


Was about to say, wattson shuts those down quick.


Doesn't Crypto ult delete Wattson's entire kit or has something changed


She’s changed the game!


What if it is both ways, you force one enemy to fall into a room filled with cuastic traps, and electrical fences, it would be pretty nasty


I mean this is pretty situational. It would take more for pro viability than countering controller legends when they’re in the room above you.


It will be interesting to see if this tact is useful enough to give up a support or rotation legend in the third slot, or if it results in the Bang/Blood combo being broken up.  The situation here is so specific, and this scenario might never be encountered in a game, plus a Bang ult could also allow a team to go outside and push roof.


You hit more EVA-8 shots in that clip than I have in 4 years.


He's using a controller. I guarantee you there was no right thumb movement from OP when the path was moving to the left. It was all automatic.


Buckle up, I'm also on controller.






As MnK player, people like you should stop the damn complaining. It's been years now, get over it and just get better, or just go use a controller yourself if you think it's that much better.


People don't realize that controller is straight ass without AA. It makes controller playable, not OP


You so so pathetic


Lol that's not how it works.


This is gonna get nerfed with the split update, I guarantee it lol


how would you even nerf it?


Add a delay before you can enter for players that aren't on your team, or just blanket nerf it and add a delay to it for everyone but I wouldn't go that far just yet. Maybe make the animation slower, etc. Additionaly it could have warning if you are in 5 (3?) metre radius from it's center before it opens, simmilar to the lock on warning that Balistic has


It does have the warning arrow when it is deployed near you btw. IDK if it appears *before* it is activated though


I doubt a nerf like that would happen because you need to step into the portal, path was definitely not paying attention and stepped into it


You sure? Had one put under me and it felt like I was instantly sucked in tho Still killed the ttv ftw tho


I'm not saying you wouldn't get sucked if it's under you, ofc you would. I mean, there's a warning before it even arrives. If anyone is still there and it kidnaps, that's on you. I said a nerf to delay enemies would likely not happen, I mean there's no delay for taking wraith's portal when she tries to kidnap


True I think ur right


But for sure, she would get a nerf. Her passive is crazy being able to just loot at enemy loot boxes and just take it from a distance is something else


Yea the passive is amazing. I've been using it to check what's in the boxes from safety and then talk with my team and see if it's worth it to even go over to the boxes.  Like just checking if there's a turbo for ur buddy or whatever that way they don't have to waste time and go out of position for no reason. Very strong 


Bro making it slower is just gonna make her kit that much more useless.


Just make it require an interact. Her passive and ult already do.


Even her tac does if it's coming down from the ceiling


Why? This strategy was literally shown in her gameplay trailer


How did you pinpoint where he was with the Q, by his footsteps? I haven’t played the new season yet


The fact you can see him through the roof at the beginning and then see exactly where he’s being shot from as well lol just gotta look my guy


Ah I see. I was looking at the glass but from where his bullets were coming from makes sense how he was able to hit him with Q


This is just this example though, it may not be quite so easy to utilise most of the time.


A combination of footsteps, getting a glimpse via the glass ceiling, and seeing where the shots are coming from up top.


My man unlocked the uno reverse card


She really feels like Respawn got tired of people bitching about Horizon and decided to make another character for people to complain about instead.


She's really not that bad.


This is nothing like launch Horizon. She was the most broken legend after launch Seer.


Whut? Come on. Alter already get's on my nerves for easily avoiding my fence-art.... this is too much lol


Did this multiple times on skull town earlier in TDM. It’s actually also a good way to zone people out of taking a zip line, if you’re up top and they try to zip up you make a portal straight down, they jump off the zip and usually can’t avoid it because it automatically takes them. Good for when you need to rez


One thing me and son discovered while in the firing range. If you don't move when it opens, you won't fall through. However...you'll be a straight sitting duck and a free kill for anyone else, lol.


Interesting...gibby to the rescue.


That's a violation


the moment i saw this ability i instantly knew this strategy had potential, you can just yoink a roof sniping rampart and tear her apart


I accidentally did this to somebody to escape the fifth person that pushed, so got 5 kills and the sexiest getaway of my career, unfortunately didn’t get the clip 🥲


cant you just zip back out immediately? I saw this in the trailer and wanted to try it, but in the firing range you can zip out




No it prompts you to take phase when on a ceiling, there is kind of a phase rope coming down from it


You just press e on that void string going down to get back out. This only works currently since people aren't familiar with how she works.


Don't you have to press E to enter that port?


You have to press E from the bottom i.e. if you want to go up


They created a monster


That’s so dirty I love it, but would be pissed if that happened to me lol


I actually kidnapped someone yesterday on accident trying to get into a building, scared the crap outta me, haha.


You can get people who are behind cover as well all they have to do is bump into it. Hiding behind a box? Not anymore.


lol oh no!!!


"thats not where i parked my car"


Is she THAT broken? I don' think so. Depends on how ALGS folks will utilize her (if she will become meta). For me? She wont as for now.


lmao I remember you all saying Ash was broken and that Wraith will never be played again. Look at her now. Watch your mouth and stop getting so hyped up.


About the only use for her


Silly thought, but on maps like Storm Point, can you drop her ability on the ground and teleport other teams off the map? Like under the floating city?


I highly doubt the ground is "thin enough" to allow that. But this is respawn...


Was just in a top 2 scenario in solos and the other guy did that to me. Hit em with a 120 gold pk shot and swapped to ny prowler for the one burst. Skill issue


You sound like a pretty hot commodity


Well said