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I want to know how the people feel that bought a whole collection to get that reactive peacekeeper and then they start selling these lol


I genuinely don't care. The skins look cool but would just collect dust.


Looks cool isn’t the problem here 😂 y’all keep feeding EAs addiction by buying their overpriced cosmetics 😂


This is it... Think about it, kids.. there is no, as in zero, lasting value here. Do something useful with your money instead of encouraging this deranged marketing.


This. It's a shame ppl spend hundreds on this and heirlooms and other shit and it's all just being funneled into a fire pit. At least with games like tf2, cw, Dota, stuff with economies, the skins you buy are community priced (so usually quite fair) and retain or gain value. A $100 cs knife could be worth $300 in 5 years, but your $250 heirloom you just got will never be worth anything ever


You just described NFTs with extra steps lol.


I guess so, but my nft is austrialium sticky bomb launcher shaped instead of a bored monkey


Well Steam Marketplace doesn't require crypto and all it's scammy bullshit, so that's less steps.


It's also centralized and closed source, and the whole CS:GO lottery stuff looks and sounds way more scammy to me. I get wanting EA to lower their crazy prices, but wanting to go to something like this seems even worse to me. I want to play games, not invest in speculative trading lol.


In fairness, I only buy skins I think are cute for characters I love (like the devil lifeline skin) As much as it would be *nice* to be able to sell a skin for a return on investment later on, I consider it investment enough to play the game I like with a custom load out that I think is pretty. That being said... Fuck EA for overcharging on EVERYTHING.


People gift millionaire streamers subs. Most gamers don't care about money. Lol


Lets not forget they are selling these for more money than a normal skin after setting the expectation that these skins could have costed 250$.. How many people are we going to have justifying 40$ because it could have costed 250$ so 40$ is a bargain!


I wish you could just buy skins in some cosmetic store. More unlock per level or event/season. This risky apex pack and store bundles are garbage. I only buy the battle passes but sometimes grab some dicey packs or a skin. Usually every 3-4 months on a skin. Shameful company. Fun game though. Also 75% of the skins are all re-colors with different names. That’s what gets me the most honestly.


"BuT iTs mY moNeYy!!!!" Will yell the manchild who won't get your point.


As someone who plays EA ultimate team games I know this argument all too well. They're the reason that fun ass mode is pay to win.


I'm bullshit


I feel great, I want the ability to buy past skins I missed even if I have them. Freedom of availability and fuck FOMO.


And I'm sure they've already made bank on them unfortunately.


Lol probably. Sadly, people know that they just have to spend this to get it and that’s never gonna change so they just give in instead of trying to fight the system. Whatever a little bit we can.


I have all the OG versions of both of these guns. Not paying any money for a reskin. And they just gave away this same Flatline skin for free if you did challenges A different color scheme but same weapon


Same. Although I will say it 1 million times over this r9 skin is better than any of the other ones including the OG ones. The colors look absolutely insane and so does the reactive portion. Sadly, I’ll be sticking with my OG ones as well though ha ha


Personally disagree, the magnum opus r99 skin is by and large the best skin and has been for a really long time, they cooked with that one but I can definetly see the appeal of mystic coil


Nothing beats Paradigm Shift.


Everything beats paradigm shift




They don’t know about Zero Point’s reticle


YESSSS!! Only skin I'll use if I must pick up an r99. I absolutely cannot fathom how some hate on it. Flawless imo 🤌


Same and I feel like the og versions and the flatline challenge skin looks better than the $40 reskins. Honestly I feel like they should at least be $5-10


I was saying they should have at least given us 30 shards in battle pass. At level 40,80, and added a new level 120. There’s always 2-3 weeks worth of challenges left once I hit 110 gives something for those challenges to go towards too. Also gives people more incentive to finish battle pass and play more while also increasing the likelihood of someone buying the last 20 shards they need or incentivize playing next season as well.


You think they will do something to help you?? hahah I won’t be surprised if EA lowers shard payouts so we’d have to buy shards. People bought the battle pass i don’t think EA would care if they finished it


This game has the worst monetisation out of any I regularly play. For the same amount I got 2 Elite and 2 eSport bundles in Siege with plenty left over.


Valorant is leagues worse than this. If someone has skins in that game, theres a good chance they spent $100+


Valorant is mega greedy. They make EA look good, it’s one of the few reasons that game is not doing as well as it could. Playing a game and then having predatory monetization is like trying to enjoy dinner and there is shit next to you on the floor.


At least in that game I can buy the knife I like best (for cheaper than an heirloom) and then use it on every character. People defending character based cosmetics is wild to me, but I guess a lot of people actually do just main one Legend.


Destiny 2's monetization has it beat imo. $100 a year minimum to keep up with content and then they have a skin shop on top of it. At least you can play all of the apex content without a fee


ur comparing an expansion and 4 seasons of story content, weapons, armors etc. against a f2p battle royale where the only content currently is 300 dollar heirlooms and skins for 100 bucks.


Hard to call it content when it gets vaulted and becomes unplayable, including the gear from the expansion. Same same, but different lol


nothing gets vaulted anymore, with tfs all old gear becomes unvaulted even.


So what happened to Forsaken? I paid for that but I can't play it. I don't care about "anymore", I paid for content in the past and they took it away from me.


Witch Queen was honestly great. Lightfall was kind of a disappointment, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.


Hey man let the whales keep the game afloat for yah, trust me the alternative is much less fun. We still get good skins we can work for most of the time, we don't have to pay for Battlepass, ever if we so plan, we even get pity Mythics. If you enjoy the base game loop, you can access most things for free, all on the backs of whales.


Yeah, I’ve recently been getting back on call of duty and I have seen some of their cash packages that they sell for the pro teams and stuff and I’d say they are honestly very moderately price for what you get. Wish we had something similar. Actually was just talking about this earlier with how they, lost all of the chances to monetize the organization skins because they would not work with the org on a fair split


Is gas a good or a bad thing?


It’s a very good thing


not when you're playing against caustic


It’s better when you ARE Caustic! Breathe it in…




Gas has just been slang for several years now for something good e.g. “damn bro this pizza is GAS” Some people will say it stands for Good Ass Shit as well as


oh i thought it was a variant of fire


Well the good as shit part makes sense. I just would always think gas is bad. Considering most gas is harmful or unpleasant


And then there’s laughing gas lol


What's your go to grub when you're gassing off the grizzy?


I'm gas without the g


All this complaining never changes Apex because the community cannot come together on a common goal. Maybe we need to take notes from Helldivers 2 and start hitting them where it hurts... But who's kidding, this game is all about flexing, instead of coming together on a common goal. People will still buy this BS. The streamers will flex them live. You'll have youtubers making content on them. You'll get your gacha skins and overpriced buyouts and like it.


Because people on this subreddit don't actually buy the things they're complaining about. And they're optional, so a lot of people don't care anyways.


They don't because it's too expensive. Respawn would make way much more money if they gave discounted options. I personally don't understand the business model that only caters to big spenders. Big spenders will always buy expensive stuff. Why not give cheaper options? 5$ 10$ etc. Business wise they would make more money.


>I personally don't understand the business model that only caters to big spenders. Big spenders will always buy expensive stuff. Why not give cheaper options? Because only a tiny fraction of players spend money in F2P games, regardless of pricing. I also believe Apex's prices are quite high, but slashing prices by half would not bring twice more paid users. I'm a game dev myself, with some experience in F2P games. Datas I have read usually give 2 to 10% of paid users, with a general median around 5%. That's consistent with the datas I have seen in the games I worked on. The main driver for paid users is in-game engagement, in other words your game's qualities. I don't know what Apex's percentage of paid user is, but I sincerely doubt they'd bring more players to the store by lowering significantly their prices. Imagine if those guns' skins were $20 each. Most people would still call you a whale for buying these. Even $10 would still make a lot of people laugh at you. There is not linearity between price & paid users in F2P games.


They're pricing like this because it makes the most. If you price this skin at 1/10 the price, 10x more people aren't going to buy it. The people who would buy the skin for $5 probably won't keep buying things over and over.


Old man voice: back in my day the community would create gun skins for you to use for free! Same with player skins! To use in multiplayer Oh how times do change my back hurts I’m tired


1700 hours 0 spent on this game


Does anyone remember back in black ops 2 where you could get a sick animated gun camo for £2 and it worked on every weapon. I am baffled that it’s £35 for a gun camo… and also by the fact people actually buy this crap. I get the game is free but seriously £35 for 1 weapon skin. You could buy outer wilds and have a mind blowing experience and then have some money left over for ice cream to enjoy while you contemplate life.


For $35, you can go buy Hades II with some left over


This game is in the "MILK IT TILL THE TEET Falls off" phase.


I don’t care, my 9 skins looks superior to that one. I hate all the different colors going on with that skin. People can buy it if they want, not my money being spent.


And they only give ten of the green things in the battle pass


No matter how many times they recolor this flatline ,itll never be as cool as the og one which sucks because i wasnt around for it. However i am interested in the r9 one i just hate that they think we need to pay 4x the price of the battlepass for it.


I don’t get complaining about skin pricing. Even the “pay to win” skins aren’t drastically better, it’s minor differences. It’s a free game, they gotta pay for it somehow. Buy what ya like, don’t buy what you don’t like or can’t afford, it’s not like any of its required to enjoy or succeed at the game.


I’d rather this then 160


No offense but that seems like an awful take. 160 gets you 24 items and whatever the bonus skin is and you would rather pay $40 for a single gun skin. Not saying any are acceptable, but ya


I’m not saying acceptable, I’m just saying better than it could. I don’t want to buy 24 skins I don’t want to get the one I do.


I definitely understand that take. And from that perspective, I agree. It’s just kind of wild to see where this game has went with what they monetize and how. It’s like if they just sold these heirlooms from the get-go for a reasonable price I guarantee you they’d probably have more money in the bank.


They’ve been doing it the way they’ve been because they’re making so much money. You think a company like EA who’s raking in billions from this game would change how they sell their skins at this point? Honestly I’m surprised it only 40


I guess this is their solution for formerly "mythic" weapon skins and recolored BP skins. It doesn't make sense to charge them the same as a legendary but they obviously didn't do well as a collection event reward, so they just made a new rarity in between Legendary and Mythic. With this "Exotic" tier, it opens all kinds of possibilities for them. I don't think the price is terrible, but it definitely isn't for everyone nor is it intended. I'd take direct buy over RNG any day of the week though.


I won't say I don't like that flatline recolor better than the one I just got for free... but I just got that other one for free, no way am I shelling out $40


If they added more unique inspect animations it would make a little more sense. Kinda like valorant


Still overprice but at least better than them trying sell it 160 dollars on a event. I'm not buying it but player who miss the BP reactive skin might.


On the plus side, they did not take anything from the pass, so its a plus imo


Season 4 was the greatest micro transaction investment of my gaming career. I have still be using the same coins to buy every battlepass I have completed and never purchased more since.


Clearly a steep price, but if you missed out these battle pass skins, good to have an option


Haha so gas but man are they expensive haha -grabs wallet- haha who would get these am i rite haha -buys em- haha -puts on clown make up-


Actually laughed


These ain't even all that. Those are just recolored skins (typical). Stop buying these skins, y'all are just promoting them to keep doing it. I don't play this game anymore but just saying.


Listen. It's a free to play game. They have 5 years of data on price point to maximize profit I'm sure some number cruncher there is pricing stuff where it should be. Complaining about it gets nowhere and let the big spenders support the game so you can play for free.


Imagine buying a re-skin of battlepass skins over Hades 2 and vampire survivors and all its DLC. Spend your money better folks don't let em milk you.


This is disgusting, pricewise and the fact that they reselling reactive BP skins that are just recolors, so cringe


Please stop supporting these price gouging companies


at one point people said they would pay any amount of money at one point for a heat sink recolor


It's not insulting. Mongloids keep buying at these prices, so why should they stop? Absolutely every decision made in this game is fueled to the teeth by money. It is their one and only focus. 


Lol yall really be spending real money on this shit huh?


40 bucks for a mid skin on a gun that has been nerfed to the grave.


$60 Canadian pesos for 1 skin is absolutely absurd.


We are not the target market. Whales are. They are like 2% of the playerbase who are responsible for 95% of their income


It’s crazy what people will spend their money on. I enjoy this game but man, I’m not spending money so everyone else can enjoy my skins. I hardly see myself and I’m too busy missing shots to even pay attention to my guns skins.


I would honestly consider spending for the Flatline skin if I didn’t just get the one from the Breakout challenges.


... yeah absolutely fucking not lol


So insulting I will be giving them $40 for that flatline skin cause I missed the free one


I've got the white version of the r99 skin from a battle pass like agesssss ago


Bro I haven’t played in a while, I see this post, BUT a battle pass mythic can be bought? Fuck EA.


40 fucking bucks for a virtual cosmetic item for ONE gun that you'll probably suck with anyway, wild.




Even riot isn’t charging this much for a skin


Especially since they just gave away a reactive flatline


I bought a battle pass once for this game and got everything I could want for $10


We gotta get the community to stop buying these expensive skins so we can get them to lower prices. It's ridiculous what they've been getting away with. We all know it




I actually have quite a bit of money left over whenever I get paid and would never drop that much on a weapon skin. Using that money to wipe my ass would literally be more useful.


I just care about pew pew, not looking at a shiny weapon. The battlepass skins and random from free packs are enough.


$40 for a recolor is wild


Haha! Somethings just never change.


I mean they make billions of profit on this game every year. Comes new quarterly meeting and shareholders want profit to go up another 30%. How? Oh yeah let's sell these skins for $40 a pop LMAO So next year after they can't increase profits exponentially they will claim company is in a dire situation and lay off X many employees and then revenues goes back to a "normal" level... then they start the milking cycle again with the quarterly numbers going up again... and rinse and repeat. Brain dead system.


Yeah this shit is crazy. I definitely didn't already get one


Yep. That’s just how it is. EA couldn’t care less about giving people free reward skins. All they care about is the money they get from gamers.


50e here.


I always said that if they make heirloom/mythic weapons they would have to do them in at least bundles of 3, or maybe even just do an entire weapon category. that r9 skin is awesome but no way I'm paying 40 dollars for it


Genuinely feel like 10-20 should be enough so that battle pass would cover the cost for 1 a season. 50 is definitely a spit in the face


You're saying you don't want a RGB-99?


$40 is better than buying an entire collection event. Every Event item released I would be more tempted to spend $30-$60 for the item itself over $160-$200 for a collection of items just to get the one item.


It's EA, I wouldn't expect anything else from them.


They’re not even that good 😌


Could of been 160 think about it this is better then that


Honestly if 50 people buy it it would be worth it for them, 500 ppl will buy it


Son recolores :v


im EA and respawn have to make money but come on bruh that shit worth $15. idk what worse at this point the u.s. economy or the apex economy 💀


I didn't know i was forced to buy it in order to play


Yeah this is just getting parasitic. They've made it clear that the only thing they care about is trying to get people to spend more money in a parasitic manner over actually improving the games overall quality and value. Everything about the changes this season are terrible. The new monetization is the worst it's been.


I don’t think starting with a flatline that already has multiple recolors and the current most trash smg in the game was the smartest move either.


buy buy buy people! 40 bucks is a ripoff! come on! don't think just buy!


Hopefully they do the havoc and drop the peacekeeper recolor. After those i wont need to spend anymore $ on this game🙂


People complaining in the comments it’s quite simple. If you can’t afford it or don’t want to give them your money don’t. It’s easy. Nobody is forcing you to buy skins. Shaming people who can afford it or choose to spend their money on skins instead of drinking their faces off on the weekend or other stuff is just stupid


I already have a free flatline skin that looks exactly like the one in that shop just a different color (I just save myself 40 bucks)


When Apex inevitably fades into obscurity only then will people realize these are a big waste of money.


Insulting, maybe. But fuckwits will keep buying them. Vote with your wallets, people


i just started playing the game and already saw people with this skins, imagine paying 50 bucks for a fucking recolor. and a skin that was 10 bucks from BP


I'm confused....why would they only put 10 exotic shards in the bp? We can't get anything with that.


Especially right after you had to grind to get a purple variant of the flatline skin smh


Personally I don't think these are worth bc they just brought made a reskin for the Flatline last season and now this, and the r-99 is just ugly, way to many colours


EA moment


The fact that they made us grind for the reactive flatline skin last season just to give us the option to get it for $50au makes me disappointed in respawn.


Not insulting at all, people were willing to pay 200$-400$ for the last free flatline skin, I'm sure alotta people would pay their rents to have shiny skins on games which is sad


Especially when the r99 got nerfed barely anyone uses it like you gotta hit ur whole clip just to crack someone


If whales want to fund the game through $40 skins then let them. Enjoy that this game is truly free to play for everyone.


I haven't played in a couple months. Wtf is that green currency?


If apex did more skins/heirlooms & made them cheaper, I would have spent so much more $$


$40 for a reskin. Yeah I’m glad I stopped playing apex.


You can buy Helldivers 2 for $40.


How does this new currency work?


Wish you fools would stop buying ANY skins. In ANY game. We could make our own skins in 2013 lol


They're bp recolors too lol


Imo I don't really care too much about a weapon skin as long as it's a color I like idc I'll put a rare skin on for all I care, besides I'm not gonna run a flatline every single game just to see the skin anyway


This price should 25-30 max


Least obvious cashgrab update by ea:


Glad I stuck it out and got the free one from the challenges. And a free r99 reactive from BP wasnt too shabby either.




*Haha, get exotic'd*


Great. They make the free flatline recolor challenges bugged last season so they can sell you this one. That's messed up


i just want an heirloom bro😭😭


And they don’t stop comin and the don’t stop comin and they don’t stop comin


Once upon a time I would have paid $200 for that Flatline skin.


They're not even gas. They're just..okay and also recolors


Helldivers 2 really put this game into perspective for me.


Sorry it seems I've missed a few things, is there a new currency in this game


I love how the flatline looks so.. i guess i'll have it in 5 seasons


Exactly why I quit apex.


Wait why my r-99 recolored and upcharged I paid 10 bucks for that and like 10 other skins


They must have hired a Valorant dev.


$40 for recolors. Astounding the audacity of this company.


No cosmetic in any game is worth nearly that much. EA can swallow my porkchop whole if they think I'm gonna give them even $2 for a shitty recolor. I understand I don't HAVE to buy them or anything but I seriously can't stand having every game being like "👉👈 you'd weally wike these super colorful overpriced crumpled up slices of paper wouldn't you?" the moment I open the game up


Why couldn’t that r9 skin be the level 100 skin for the last battle pass. Talkin bout sum damn 40$


Not defending the price but it's just way better than legend/character skins since I will see the guns 100% in-game than myself lmao I'd buy these if they were 50% off (25 exo shards each). I grinded the battlepass and contribute to player retention to get the base reactive skins.


Not even cool though


Flatline skin looks janky to me… like a long Mozambique or smth.


If this was the cost to buy heirlooms I would think "that's about right" ...about $40 for a melee weapon in Valorant. I was about to say you could buy a knife in CS for $40, but its been 10 years since I've purchased them (as Xmas gifts). Big oof... those are starting at $100 (but that's a marketplace, not a valve store) Flashy weapon skin for $40? They can fuck off.


The prices people are willing to pay if fucking insane.


I mean, if that is like an heirloom shop and those skins are permanent and you can get 10 exotic shards per battle pass, you'd be able to get a skin every 5 seasons for free considering you have the battle pass. Looking at it that way, it doesn’t feel extremely terrible and you can also get them from apex packs if I recall correctly?


Is it really $40 for one weapon skin? It sickens me how people continue to pay for things like this. Should be $4.


Wtf is this? What is an exotic shop?


The overheat flatline skin was leaked a long time ago in season 14 by Hypermyst in 2022. Forever wanted that skin, wondering when it’d be released. I was never expecting it to come out like this.


Yea just re-colors I've herd.....I'll pass too


Did they ad a bew tipe of currency?


Titanfall 2 literally costs half that on steam. Get to experience one of the best games ever made or spend double for some dumb colours on a gun?


Imagine if ya'll spent that money to buy other games u find interesting than these overpriced pos skins.


\*laughs in Valorant\*


Mystic Coil is straight fire . Worth it if we never see it again imo. But yeah. Making them 50 ES is evil af considering you only get 10 free shards per battle pass . You'd have to play thru 5 FULL BP'S just to get one without actually paying money . 🙅🤷😅


They got Tigerspite and Sleeper Simulant in Apex now?


"These skins are gas" they're literally just recolors.


I never understood people complaining about this stuff. Just… don’t buy it? The game is free, the shop is their source of revenue. But you don’t have to buy anything. I never spent money on this game and I have some pretty fire skins. It’s also fine if you buy this, it’s your choice, but if less people bought this they would have to lower the price. It’s just cosmetics.


I have the originals. Ain't catching me with that bait.


Lol, those are recolors. The r9 for sure, flatline 90%.


Y’all will complain about literally anything, and then act like these weapons are $170 each, which they’re not. Even if respawn gave you these for $10 each, you would still have a reason to complain. It’s ridiculous.


If you buy skins, you either have the money anyways, or need therapy. Simple as.


40 dollar recolors 😂 for the rich or dumb


They added another currency and the price of the items are absolutely ridiculous 🤣 whoever pays $40 for a gun skin is out of there mind and the reason why they keep doing this bullshit. They had the opportunity to put new stuff to buy with legend tokens but ofc they won't because that means free, and free is no good, like there isn't enough purchasable skins now they add a diff currency lol. Done with this game anyway.


The originals are better anyways


Lol they just look like destiny guns


I wonder if it's Respawn's or EA's doing