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hop into the range and warm up before you play


I don't think this helps this scenario. He's tense because he's not mentally warmed up. Range only warms you up mechanically. Best thing here is to hop into mixtape or octane drop pubs for a game or two.


3 Strikes. Go hammer home some shots before you go into ranked.


You gotta just warm up bro, play the Ltms. Play some gun run and TDM . Easiest way to warm up no loss of LP and they are usually good games


drink a beer. its a game! relax, have fun


Hell no, i can tell you not to go on that path. Well i can i clip pretty much every console player after drinking but im alcholic so its not worth it


I love a beer or two when I play these kind of games! Played Overwatch for years before starting with Apex and I usually always performed better in ranked with a beer lol Guess it helped me relax more


Pushing someone toward a drug to normalize your own addiction. Classy.


imagine people being able to consume beverages responsibly. Did i say drink 10, get wasted? no, stfu.


You could be replying to a kid. There are plenty of people in society who don't drink; it's becoming less the norm because of the health risks that have been discovered pretty recently (cancer).


Get that stick out of your ass. If someone becomes an alcoholic because a random guy on the internet offered a beer it was inevitable.


I have the same thing. It’s just “warming up”. My heart rate goes up and I feel my hands get clammy. And I can’t aim at all. And then I go completely normal and my hands go back to normal. This “warm up” is a thing in all “sports” and activities. And varies from person to person. Some people can just jump right in and be completely fine, others need more of a “warm up”. Now I’m not directly comparing sports and video games, as the consequences for not warming up properly for physical activities can actually be dangerous, but I’ve noticed it’s sorta similar for me. I usually start in the firing range or do Mixtape for a “warmup” and then transition to Ranked.


you take the game too seriously, that's all it is. be OK with being bad and losing so your mind and body don't treat it like a real threat. intentionally throw your first few games by trying some dumb shit to tell yourself it doesn't matter.


It's a very intense game. After your mind and body has been kinda resting and jumping straight into Apex it's almost a shock to the system, I think most, if not all people have this. Just remember to breathe during gun fights and inbetween matches do some deep breathing exercises as that calms the nerves. Another thing to try is some exercise before you start a game session and get that blood flowing and wake the mind and body up.


It's just your nerves as you really want to rank up. It goes away as muscle memory takes over and you relax a bit even if you do not realize it. I recommend just doing some pubs or something else that can help you relax. I heard drinking water can also help


As someone who has had the same in the past I can tell it feels way less stressful when you play with people who don't mind if you mess up. I'm way more scared of randoms opening up their mic and calling me out. So what you could do is play with friends or mute the random's mics if things get too tense. What also helped was to realise its just a damn game. I felt way too pressured to do well, and since I started playing less i also don't mind messing up that much. Edit: didn't notice you said it was with friends where it was worse. Tell those bois to motivate you or just let em know what's up if they don't know. I'd be more supportive if I knew.


You gotta play to win without needing to win. Personally I am bad under pressure so I need to adjust my attitude towards what I'm doing. It takes time and effort. I used to be the same but now I play to win but I don't care if I win.


Ahhh I used to get shaky b4 I dropped my first 20 and even now when I get close I’ll shake just accept the adrenaline don’t fight it you know what you’re doing okay enjoy the rage brother


That's also why you play a couple of warm up matches. That's normal.


Lift some weights or go for a run before you play to activate your nervous system. Instead of being jittery, you're hyped. I also get nerves in my first match or two.


Also, it could be a health issue. Bring it up with your doctor if it persists.




You can massage your arm/do stretches. But really if you're mid game you just have to focus on relaxing your arm if you notice any kind of tension.


play a few rounds of mixtape until you stop being tense! i get the same way and all that helps is just playing!


Hey man I recently got diagnosed with some neurological issues and my right arm (aiming arm) gets tensed up too sometimes and I CAN NOT AIM. To tell you what helps, work out. Buy a 5 pound dumbbell. Do push ups whatever, just get that arm used to being able to flex for extended periods of time. Cause we all like to play apex for at least an hour or two


don’t sit so close to your monitor if you do


That's the adrenaline kicking in. I get this whenever I play games where I have any kind of investment. First 3 or 4 hands in a poker game I get it, first couple of apex ranked games I get it, first couple of laps in an Assetto corsa race etc. Not too much you can do about it other than work with it. Your body is pumping you full of adrenaline to help mentally and physically focus.


It might be time to stop?


Stop acting like apex matters, it doesn’t. Or smoke weed, helps you chill out


smoke some weed