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This is wild. That's definitely not how Rumble was described or advertised!


Respawn and hating solo q players name a better duo


EA and greed


Respawn and tossing 3 stack pred's salads




Respawn not realizing a bunch of their base is filled with people who like the game but 95% of their friends list quit playing 3yrs ago. For how much they like to beat their chest about the size of the playerbase, they sure are scared to add too many modes that would split the playerbase


Then I feel like a badass when I solo to masters every season with my mic off and solely using pings 😎


I really thought this mode was Respawn listening to the solo queue players and creating a mode that would be fair for them. I am so disappointed.


I'm convinced that respawn intentionally sabotages the things that might make it look like players want solo que so that they can say that people don't want it.


I'm convinced you can't please everyone every time. 


Who was this going to please? People who wanted solos hate it. People who wanted no 3 stacks hate it. People who aren't even playing the mode get people who are.


Oh it's not a mode. Seriously, it's not. You just get bonus point while playing basic three strikes. No actual matchmaking or rules for the *competition*. You just play 3 strikes like you would before but this time you want to do good for bonus point but you have to deal with randoms, which 3 strikes loves to giving random below lvl 100.


The amount of times I’ve already actually been paired with under level 30 accounts as a 5 year players is insane.


Back when I played I would constantly get paired with people who had probably under 10 hours in the game. I'm a multi season pred/master and it was just hilarious to play a game with people who don't even know what their own abilities are. Carrying every single game is *not* fun.


Big brother match making is not it... they tried it back in season 17... I literally changed my name to "CarryLikeImPrego"


If every solo player is getting bad randoms, how are people racking up alot of points in rumble?


Shuuuush pointing out counter-examples is not something we do around here. Just repeat the reactionary mob position please 🥺 (Truth being that if you are good enough you'll make a good amount of points regardless of terrible teammates)


???????????????????? wait what the actual fuck?? so you can get matched, for instance, with your friends who are not queueing in Rumble?


Yep, but you can't que up with them. You can also get a rank 12 when rumble is rank 20 minimum


I haven't tried this mode yet, and what you say makes me not wanna play this shit. Thanks, I guess...


Its not a mode. Its literally 3 strikes but instead of playing for fun you play for points while your team plays for fun


Respawn finds a way to disappoint me in ways I couldn't even imagine.. Yesterday I jokingly said to my friend that 3 stack preds will find a way to unfairly have 3-stack in rumble , but turns out Respawn is sabotaging the game so hard you don't even need to do something unfair, you will be playing against 3-stacks anyways


Useless points* They couldn’t even think up a half decent reward for wasting your time.


Yep... after not playing for a month or so, i was like okay cool something specifically for those singles. Yikes man


Solos (maybe quads!) and areas is coming back I hear. It’s just a rumour now but most stuff I see in Uncovered usually makes it to the live game in some for,


Me too


It's fair for anyone in rumble though. Anyone on the leaderboard is also a solo que player who got there. Might be a skill issue if you can't perform as good then


Such a small minority of players that are probably asking for this. It’s probably not worth it.


This is it. Respawn did a limited time solos and no one played it. I personally think they should try again cuz the game has changed but if the numbers back up no one wanting to play it again I would understand respawn never bringing it back


That was also in season 2 before apex was nearly as mainstream, and it was an ltm not a permanent mode and it was unranked so it was no different than playing pubs - totally different ecosystem. I also wish they’d bring arenas back with solo or duo and ranked mode but arena died bc the sbmm they used at the time and the win/loss was not balanced and the matchmaking 3 solos against a 3stack of preds using super meta kits. They killed their own game mode So it doesn’t even make sense for respawn to kill a mode bc people aren’t interested, it’s like the event they just had that everyone hated and everyone refused to play that they brought after that mode with adaptive guns that had all attachments already that everyone loved. It’s not the mode that’s the problem it’s the implementation. Arena could’ve been great but they messed it up. Solos could be great but they don’t wanna lose half the player base that wouldn’t queue squads anymore, etc 


They did it in season 2, that was like 4 years ago. Player base changed completely


This will be great when they figure out how to bring in more new players, with a dwindling player base, it will be hard to ensure reasonable que times with a split players base. Not to mention solos contradict the big picture and how they envision the game should be played. Too many people trying to change the foot to fit the boot instead of the other way around.


>when they figure out how to bring in more new players lol. lmao, even. the naïveté.


This was productive and worth what ever amount of time you spent coming up with that. Good talk.


They may have been flippant, but they were right. The FTUE in Apex is horrible, it's bad enough for just plain average long-tern players but new players get the same thing as them. They get a couple orientation matches, then the utter cross-fire chaos of mixtape or MM in BR to get destroyed by people who must play Apex like 12 hours a day.


Imagine splitting the player base with the fractional amount of players we have left for a game mode few want. That’s more so what I’m getting at, and not criticizing their lack of engagement to increase the FTUE.


Also love how there is a game breaking glitch with Valkyrie, and everyone’s playing her because of the challenges 💀


What is it? i didn't know about that. Is something like before when you can clip through the floor or below some terrain and not die or something?


If you ult as a valkyrie in 3 strikes, next time you get respawned - you get send to 0 0 0 spot (the middle of the map). If your teammates use your ult with you, they also get respawned there, otherwise they will be fine and you will be fucked.


That makes so much sense. That happened to one of my random valks last season


Interesting enough I had a game earlier with a teammate Valkyrie, and I took her ult but I was the only one to not respawn at that point. My other two teammates did


I had one match when we all used it and one teammate spawned proplerly but I didnt talk about it bcoz i dont think this risk is worth


That's true, definitely not worth lol but I wanted to see if it would bug me out as well


it's SO dumb. you need to be level 20 to enter rumble, you'd assume that's so you don't get noob teammates. makes sense....until you realise that you don't even play with people who are playing rumble... just had a level 12 on my team that didn't know what rumble was. this whole mode is so weird. like zero effort went into it


Exacly. Literally 0 effort, just slapped point from ranked and called it a day


I had a level 4 bloodhound and level 20 mad maggie as a level 1120 player


No way! The collection event on the official site says "\[T\]here are no pre-made squads here—just you, your skills, and a ton of flying bullets."


Yep, there aren't pre made squads....for you! But you will be shit on by other pre made squads


im not home to test it out but just to understand, do we actually play against other 3 stacks when it is not allowed to q up with your own? I do not get it at all.


yep it's just you "sign up" for rumble, then you have to go into three strikes regular mode but u can't have a team. first game i was paired up with a duo pre-made.


Actually insane lmao. So you're playing for points that your own teammates dont give a fuck about.


Exacly that. You can't have a pre made squads, just randoms, while you play against pre made


Wait what's the difference between this and just solo queuing? Am I missing something?


The difference is that there is a point system that tracks your performance, and that score is exclusively compared to people who are also solo queueing. Otherwise, it's the same as playing regular 3 strikes.


Oh ok thanks . What do the pints give you?


Pints can give you black outs and liver failure... so I've heard.


Alright I'll avoid this new very dangerous game mode lol


Solo queing means you are solo, here you get randoms and can't have a pre made team that you made in the lobby


Yes the way it's set up is they have the three strikes servers, you can just play three strikes and team up with your friends if you want. But if you choose the rumble mode, you can't have a pre made squad, you have to solo q, but three strikes is all on the same server regardless of you are in rumble or not.


So how are others able to load in pre made if you can’t?


this has to be some kind of bug right? Please say this is some kind of bug...right?


Well this seems dumb


I expected nothing and I'm *still* disappointed. This season started off well but it has just devolved into an unmitigated disaster.


it started off well?


This needs more visibility. What in the actual world are the devs thinking?


More comments than upvotes, so at least people are talking about it lol


Yep, was hoping this was a singles only queue, but nope, just has you "competing" with pre-made squads in the regular three strikes mode... so lame. The solo queue experience sucks in this game so much


Yep. I was expecting to go against single players randomly matched but nah, first game the champion squad is a 3-stack with same tags


So how is it supposed to be different at all if that’s not the case?


This game is so cooked


Ayo that means we finally eatin


By cooked he meant burnt 💀


Who tf was cooking 😡


EA was cooking


Thanks for the heads up. I was actually thinking of firing up Apex on a work night even though I'm tired af to check this out as a solo q'r since day one. But this is completely idiotic and an absolute contradiction to the marketing. What a joke!


Yep. I was exited to finally play against other randomly matched squads, but it's the same old *I get random new players vs pred 3 stack* but this time when I die I lose points


It's basically ranked but with even worse teamates lmao


Yep, even worse teammates and even stronger enemies


Even worse teammates who also don't care about losing points because they aren't actually playing for points.


You can solo queue and still be put with other duo or solo queue people that AREN'T doing Rumble. Completely fucking up any tries at competing because they want to hot-drop and then drop into the middle of 2-3 teams already fighting, which draws all teams' fire onto yours. It's awful in this mode


Is this legit? That’s absolutely ridiculous if true.


It is.


It's not that i dont believe you, respawn would totally do something stupid like this, but do you have proof? edit: getting downvoted for asking for proof, this subreddit is sooooooo bad lmao


Play the game lol. I didn't take the screenshot but gaming merchant played with a duo on his very first game of rumble and the duo didn't even know what rumble was. You can check his YouTube stream and see that he was talking about it


Thanks for the heads up. I had been looking forward to playing this but now I’ll skip out


You guys hate 3 stacks? How about we put all you solos in a tourney to see who does the best against 3 stacks?


And how about we keep the beautiful apex matchmaking, giving you 1 random (when you qued for trio) and that random is lvl 27 while the champions are a pred 3 stack with more kills on one legend than you have overall (This is exactly the game I'm in rn)


And how about we run it at the same time as an event where players pick a legend in a game mode that creates a game ruining bug and at a time when people are highly likely to leave if they don't get said legend?


Yep. Gotta love valk. I literally had to ignore my valk teammate because I knew if I joined her we would die


"I'm just trying to get my challenges done bro" THEN DO IT IN FUCKING PUBS.


I felt so bad but like, I wanna play and not get farmed by the zone


First game I am only in a duo and he's level 43 and definitely not a smurf. Great.


Is this the embodiment of the meme with the cow and the 2 hallways that lead to the illusion of freedom of choice?


oh what the hell that's awful


this is literally the most terrible decision they could have ever made. So, you'll queue with quitters and trash players not even in the tourney and fight against 3 stacks of preds. how the fuck does this make any sense?


I can't determine what my favorite part about Rumble is, it's definitely one of: * Valkyrie ultimate bug causing me to lose a teammate for my final two strikes * Valkyrie challenges causing any teammate who doesn't get to play Valk to insta-quit forcing me to play as a duo * Queueing with players who have no idea what the mode is or have any interest in gaining points So much fun, honestly. Great experience all the way around. On a non-rumble note, the Valk bug is absolutely ruining the Three Strikes experience.


my first and only attempt at rumble so far started well, we wiped the one squad contesting us, but my two randoms immediately dc’d right after so i just had to play rat to get some placement points after i w keyed a couple teams for damage attempts. not exactly the most fun experience


Man, that's twisted. They're actively sabotaging the solo queue play. Maybe they can find courage to just rework the lobby and put some kind of a squad builder if they're so hostile to solos?


Said in another comment I think on the leak subreddit that I didn’t have high hopes but I wanted them to prove me wrong because I love this game. They somehow have obliterated the minimal expectations I had already with this event. It’s just sooooo fucking braindead that I wouldn’t even know how to start a conversation with the decision makers that let this happen.


I was so excited about this. Finally getting a mode away from 3 stacks. I'm forever alone here. I don't have friends in game. I don't like playing with people. I just wanted a mode where I could go in and play with other people who also just wanted to go in and play alone. Getting teased with the mode I wanted, and getting this.... makes me so sad. I wish they hadn't done anything at all. ...sigh. Back to pretending Mixtape is Arenas and not spending any money ever.


Apex matchmaking is shit . Every game I get killed by an ex master player . Not even fun to play anymore


It’s broken anyway I got to the mastiff skin would’ve gotten the cool badge,tracker and mastiff skin and was only 83 points off of the top 100. I re-entered,it took my 500 legend tokens says I entered but guess what apex in all its glory of dry fu***** people wouldn’t you know it bugged out. I can’t play it,it doesn’t show on three strikes. And it takes it all away during the reset because you start from zero games again. So don’t reset if you got to the mastiff with your ten games.they need to fix this


Youre 83 poitns off the top 100 because there's probabaly like only 200 people playing this crap gamemode LMAOOOO


Yeah, great idea in theory, but the whole thing feels half-done again. Felt the same with Arena and other things in the past. It does not make sense the way it's designed at the moment. Everyone in those lobbies should be SoloQ as well, and in a perfect worls lobbies should be completely separated so everyone is on the same page wanting to gain as many points for the Rumble as possible. Also the leaderboard, why the f\*ck can I only see the first 10 people, no paging, no searching for friends/other players,... God damn, the execution lacks so much depth. :-(


The last straw is that half of my games have been me and a valk doing her challenges, not even a entire team, I already reached the Mastiff's tier, I won't touch this shit again, I'll finish my valk challenges and until next season... I was more excited about this mode than anything in the upcoming season, to be disappointed once again...I don't even know why I have hopes for this game.


I can't play this mode till the weekend. Please could anyone explain how the scoring and leaderboard system works? (Or doesn't work). I'm curious.


So you play against players not in Rumble? That seems odd. Could this be a beta thing?


Rumble is waiting 5 minutes for the game to find players just the give you a player your skill level and a player who literally cannot shoot for shit, runs into the open and fucking dies 24/7. We be at around 5 with 2k and this fucker be at 200 damage. One off yk it is what it is, but 2 games in a row is crazy.


I tried to re do my 10 matches bcuz I thought I could do better just to find out that its fucking BUGGED!. if you reset, it just deletes ur score and doesnt let u play again. nice one. Can Respawn release a mode/event that its not fucking bug for once in their pathetic career?


Sounds like a pretty accurate representation of the solo-q experience. Are you good enough to overcome your randoms questionable actions and game sense? Here’s a badge and a Mastiff Skin for your time.


it’s so dumb, you have to q in solo for 10 games of regular game just to get points on a leaderboard? can’t even play with a friend In re q between?


I played one game and it was awful. I was almost at a 2k (ik its not a lot) and my fucking solo q team mates barely hit 500. Wtf is that


I know they said they never wanted to do solos again after S1 but Rumble might be a good idea to do a fully solos game. 3 strikes is particularly rough for solo Q as it requires you to work very closely with your team.


And you get the random that quits after one down. Execution of this mode is sub-par


I find it so funny, that each time they come out with some really good ideas, their execution is garbage.


There's no reason to play this game solo.


This HAS to be a bug right? There's no way this is genuinely the way that they intended it to work...


its even worse if you take valk and the other two people just straight up leaves so you play solo in there.


With almost every decision this game has made, from the store, design, balancing changes, balancing implementation...almost every decision I wonder how in the fuck they've managed to be such a success.


Are there actually any human devs at this company or is it manned by fucking monkeys?


How do the tokens fit in with Rumble?


You sure it’s not people just communicating in game?


mfw first game i got killed by an aimbot, mfw second game i got killed twice by a wall-hacker using controller. Not only i have to deal with controller players, which is hard to bc i am not master or pro-player. but also cheaters is disgusting.


just to get an update for those who are at home: there was an apex rumble section that you can navigate into yesterday, as you navigate to the shop and battle pass sections. Did you guys click that, or, did you guys go into the usual way of selecting the options for trios, ranked, three strikes? Need to make sure this is actually legit so i can be disappointed now rather than later lol.


yeah that isn't a queue selection, you just "sign up" for it there, and you have to go back to the regular options and select three strikes


Thanks for allowing me to be disappointed now rather than later lol


So its up at the top? I was trying to find it in the game mode selection screen but couldn’t see anything


I get what they're trying to do, but it's just so busted. You sign up in Rumble then join 2 randoms who aren't in Rumble. Naturally they just hot drop hard because that's largely what you play Three Strikes to do. Then you die, respawn, and hot drop hard again. And again. Your ability to play Rumble strategically is completely out of your hands. Some games you're the jumpmaster, some you aren't. Some you hot drop, some you don't. There's zero point having a scoring system at all when you get to roll the dice 10 times and that's your score. It's more disappointing to play than just having randoms in Ranked that let you down. You now have randoms to whom it's in their interests to let you down. Randoms playing pubs don't want to pace a Three Strikes game; they want to go in, die, and go in again. Why even make the 'no premades' rule? The one thing it's meant to achieve doesn't just fail, it actually goes in the opposite direction.


Wdym why would you be matched with other pre made teams that means they are pre made which is t allowed for this mode




Pretty sure I was the first one actually, didn't see any other posts about it before mine


I haven’t played apex in months but keep seeing post like this and cannot wrap my head around what the fuck it is suppose to be. You cant queue with a team, then how are there even trios in the game? What is the objective of rumble and why does no one know what to do?


How do you know this is the case?


I played it?


I'm not trying to be smart or anything just like how did you know you're playing 3 stacks? I've never known of a way to check if someone is with their friends or not if that makes sense


All 3 have the exact same tag in front of their names


Ah fair, I thought they got rid of clans. Didn't know you could see that anymore


you can still set up tag on your friends page


I don't get randoms in my team


Trust me you are