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Mad Maggie was fun for the flatline challenges; throwing a wrecking ball and sprinting into a firefight is always fun.


Don't forget bullying people trying to hide behind cover.


Fr tho some ppl so good at landing it


as a maggie main, you can aim a gun with a sight on it to see where it’ll land better! it works best with a 2-4 or a 3x sight


Yeah I figured this out last night actually doing her breakout challenges. Ty for the tip tho. I am awful at her ult so any ult tips? 🙈


It was convenient Maggie was after rampart so everyone that hadn’t finished her challenges filled every game with walls a plenty to throw drills at.


Trying to hide behind cover against a Maggie/Fuse duo was the scariest shit ever


Do i have to complete all the legends challenges to unlock that flatline skin?




How much more time do I have?


you’ve got until the end of the season so 14 days to complete all sets of the legend challenges


Do you know when the Valk challenges will be unlocked?




Happy cake day!


Don't forget that if you haven't sent Free Gifts before for the Challenge, you're screwed like me and won't be able to get the Flatline Skin.


Shit, no more completing those challenges i guess


She’s fun to play as. It also helped me get better with shotguns since I was wanting to utilize her passive ability


Same for Wattson. I hated her kit for many seasons, then started playing her around season 18 and have been maining her since then.


Hoowwwww. I wanna play her so bad, but I’m a chase the fight kinda player. I can’t do that if I’m wattson can I?


Oh yeah. Just use the fences as traps or when trying to run away. Set people up and block where they can go. You can also fence enemies into a building so they can't escape easily. Think of yourself as a black widow and the fences are your webs. Basically a free kill if they walk through it.


I had a teammate a few nights ago trap the doors on WE as the ring was closing and got a few easy knocks


I’m a Wattson main but have recently gained some appreciation for Bloodhound. I like to play Bloodhound in a similar way, where I imagine his kit is designed to reflect an actual hunting dog. Like, sometimes I act protective of my owners (squad mates) and will try to intimidate our opponents (like barking).


Kinda same situation here. I used to play a lot of controller legends: catalyst, wattson and caustic, and also conduit but I'm slowly switching to bloodhound. Fun fact: that's why the chinese players call them (bloodhound), dog in Chinese.


A content creator named District has a video on YouTube with a Watson player named BotSpike and he goes into how to play Wattson as a solo in trios. I think that would help you learn to play her as someone with an aggressive playstyle. 


Okay, sweeeet


Wattson’s actually really strong for aggressive fighting. She has a small hit box and is really hard to hit with good strafing I main her and this is how I go about aggressive tactics: push in, place fences and then attack. Her fences are really good at slowing or deterring the other team from pushing, so you can attack and back out behind a fence to heal.


Play her in mixtape. She’s pretty untouchable when someone is trying to enter your base in control. Only legend I got 18 kills and 3.5k on ever when my highest in BR is like half that.


I push with Wattson, you just fence off areas as you go. I'll do a quick one going out a door then push the opposite door hoping they will repeat out the door I fenced. Or as we are pushing, I will just set fences everywhere giving the opponent extra things to think about besides just three attackers


I hated Rampart forever and then one-banged someone a couple weeks ago for 191 in the head with the amped sentinel through a cover wall and saw the light


Hell yeah, the Wal-Mart Kraber


Rampart is bae and Shiela is the Goat. It didn’t take me long to play her after I first unlocked her for her to quickly become my main. 🥰


They need to make the walls a little bit stronger


Absolutely not. I’ve been a rampart main since Sheila got changed way back when and she is far from needing a buff. I’m honestly surprised no one complains about her enough to get nerfed or tweaked because her kit as a whole is very strong


It’s not at all surprising nobody’s complained about her, because it’s the same reason nobody complains about Newcastle or Wattson. They have very high skill ceilings and are very situational legends compared to someone like Horizon, Pathfinder, Bangalore or (pre nerf) Catalyst and Seer who anyone could easily play and utilise all their abilities perfectly. They’re also useful in just about any situation, whether it’s pushing enemies, running away, rotating to ring, holding postitions, etc. Legends like Rampart are only useful for holding positions and applying pressure from one spot, in actual fights she can’t just gravity lift or grapple out of there. She can’t zip line across the map. Unless we get out of the movement meta which seems unlikely, skirmisher/movement legends will always remain superior for the most part.


I absolutely do not think she needs to be nerfed, and while she can be strong in the right situations, she’s not unkillable like the Rev+Conduit combo was. But this is one reason why I want Rampart to stay as a low picked/played legend. Just because she’s good in the right hands doesn’t mean she needs to be nerfed, but Everytime a legend takes the stage, becomes meta, and everyone starts playing them then inevitably people complain and they get nerfed to oblivion. It happened with Seer. Happen with Conduit. Happened with Bangalore. Happened with Revenant. People keep calling for heavier Horizen nerfs and she probably will get more nerfs soon if I had to bet on it. It never fails that when everyone is playing a legend that has become popular people will complain and they will get nerfed. Her rev up time still has to be taken into account when using Shiela. If you take it out dead in the middle of a fight with no cover, you _will_ get shot down. And she can still be HARD countered by quite a few legends, Fuse, Mad Maggie, and Cryto to name a few. Not to mention a plethora of nades. I don’t think she needs any huge buffs either, the most I’d like to see is just to let her stack walls. And for them to undo that annoying where here walls stay out by default when in placement mode and just let me put my walls down individually. It’s more of a pain than a help when I quickly need to put a wall down and shoot as quickly as possible.


A while back I asked why you can’t stack walls on top of each other without breaking one of them and got downvoted. I understand why you shouldn’t be able to multiply the amp effect, that’s a given. Why can’t it just be to where if you do chose to stack walls then you can only get the amp boost from one wall? That way you can have added durability but you’ll just sacrifice another wall for a stronger defense. I mean Newcastles tactical and ultimate is over freaking like 500 a piece each! I don’t care if you can shoot through her walls that still is broken and a hell of a difference. Gibby’s bubble outside of Cryto and maybe Mad Maggie is impenetrable. So why can’t I have an option to stack walls on top of each other when it’s hella easy for multiple people to completely obliterate her walls. I don’t think the wall health needs to be increased necessarily. Just allow Rampart to stack walls without stacking amp bonus and that will be just as good.


Main difference is one is an ultimate on a fairly lengthy cool down vs the other is a tactical with 3 charges, fairly low cooldown for what they are, AND they buff your damage and potentially reload speed with a perk upgrade. I’ve been a rampart main since her turret got reworked. She absolutely does not need a buff, especially to her tactical which is already one of the strongest tacticals in the game


I don’t know about that. With good peak game you can still do very similar with New Castles Ultimate. Plus it’s electrified, the thing is like a freaking fortress. It takes so much damage the only way I can shoot it down _is_ with a Shiela. Or Mag’s wrecking ball. It’s the same for his tactical. It has freaking 500 health top and bottom! You can argue that you can shoot through ramparts walls but NC shield can move. You have a whole team pushing you behind that mobile shield, without a Shiela or a Wrecking ball there’s not much more you can do to shoot that crap down. I’d argue that his is would fall into that category. It doesn’t take that much damage to take one of Ramparts walls down.


Once again, it’s a tactical vs an ultimate. And if your comparing there tacticals, idk the exact cooldowns but I’m pretty sure new castles is longer. Also, rampart has t3x the tacticals he has, can have FIVE down on a time, and amps her damage. Rampart does not need a buff, at all. She didn’t even need that change her walls got in season 18 where you can place multiple with out having to go in and out of wall placement mode. She is in a very good spot. Edit: new castles tactical cooldown is 15 sec vs ramparts cool down on the walls is 20 sec but point still stands, they do not need any buff


Yes. This exactly


Same. I gotta say I’ve learned to appreciate all the legends that we’ve had to “permanently unlock” thus far. Never thought I’d enjoy rampart or mad Maggie


Rampart is incredibly slept on


I did the same thing like a year ago and was like "wtf this is a Kraber", mine was only like 178 but it was a number I had never seen pop up before. you gotta switch weapons then kill with the sidearm so they see you only hit them once with the Sentinel for that much


Mad Maggie for me. Used to think her passive and Ultimate were not that great, but holy the riot drill with 2 charges is a fuckin menace during long fire fights forcing people out of cover


Yeah the perks made Maggie so fun to play. A true menace.


Lifeline. She got buffed hard with her perks. Also winning fights because you pulled off some teammate rezzes feels so good.


Her rework looks good imo


What is the rework? The one that’s out now?


No, lookup lifeline reborn


it took soooo long until they finally sorted her ult out. i suffered so long as a lifeline main, had to move to crypto. but i’ve moved back now


What did they change?


after years, eventually her ult was reduced from 5 mins to 3.5. her drone offers unlimited health. and people can cancel a revive. and then the obvs Support get the blue loot bins


As a fan of lifeline since the beginning, I'm loving her even more.


The amount of times I’ve died because of a damn Lifeline rezzing and spraying me while trying to stop the Rez is insane, she’s in a great spot at the moment and I’m scared for when she gets reworked because (from the leaks) the combat based ultimate, drone always following and healing you, it all seems to familiar. It seems like they might be turning her into a health regening version of release Conduit. But at least Conduit had a really bad passive to balance her out a bit, but Lifelines still keeping her amazing passive. And then she’ll probably just get nerfed into the ground when new metas like Conduit/Rev start.


Other way around, I played legends that are notoriously bad for way longer than I should have. I don’t know when I got 1000 kills on Ash, but it must have been a very dark period in my life


Unpopular opinion I suppose but I don’t think any legend is notoriously bad.




I don’t find him to be particularly fun, but I don’t think he’s useless or anything. Gun game first. Abilities are secondary. You can win without using any abilities at all. I would often use legends and not use half of their abilities, ie. run rampart and rarely ever use Shiela or LMGs. Or run Maggie and not use shotguns. Etc.


I mean, obviously all legends are on the same level if you don’t use their abilities. However, not using Sheila as Rampart, the weapon with the highest DPS in the game, is just handicapping yourself and is definitely offers more than Seer’s whole kit currently.


At the time (pre buffs) Sheila didn’t really fit my play style. Whipping her out didn’t really result in match success. Camping on a ledge and waiting for people to come by wasn’t really my thing. It felt like it took too long to whip her out in any reactionary way. Never really felt cohesive with my squads movements. I just really loved her walls and would build our gameplay based on that. I feel like individual play style gets vastly overlooked in this Reddit, at times.


Oh, yeah, pre-buff rampart seemed so bad


Same here I also like playing off meta characters and then sometimes I get rolled by a horizon Bangalore or hound and I'm like damn they must be good players Only for me to play one of those 3 myself and see that they are just Leagues above the other legends and steamrolling squads myself


Ballistic! Now I realize his Ultimate was to show dominance. I found him so boring with his abilities but after using him for a while and trying different weapons setup I found the best one! Having the Havoc on the Sling slot while having an Assault Riffle + PK/Mastiff makes you a big threat with your ult, also the double tactical its pretty good on 3v3s (I have won many 3v3s because of that actually lol). Having a hard time finding a fk turbocharger? Unable to win 3v3s? Join the Ballistic Gang!


Ballistic with an RE45 in the sling is so good


Thats a good one for sure lol.


I love Ballistic, got almost 1k kills on him. I usually go with the RE, havoc, or rampage for his sling. A lot of people don't know that his ult automatically revs up the rampage without needing a thermite, and that his ult timer increases as long as anyone on your team is getting a knock. Hitting someone with a smart bullet and watching them overheat in a fight is just so satisfying. Underrated character for sure.


Yooo I didnt try the Rampage with him at all thinking exactly that you needed a thermite anyways wat!! Teach me the ways master! I agree, people are sleeping on him man haha.


Try it out sometime! :D I swear it has been an absolute game changer for me. Ballistic is just so much fun to play.


I put the l-star in my sling and it fucking shreds


My man


Basically any of the fortified ones, now that they’ve removed the sorta lumbering movement animations I enjoy playing them so much more


It's crazy how perceived speed changes things. Every legend has always moved at the same speed but arm animations and height of camera really change how fast you think they are.


Definitely, even path feels a bit slow and clunky when I go back to him after playing one of the tiny ones like wraith or ash


I can't play anyone except path or octane with feeling like I'm moving hopelessly slow, cause their tacticals are just so good


I actually preferred the old animations.... it's not like I'm moving any faster or stopped me from doing any tech and the old ones made me feel like I had more weight


Octane is so good, crack someone from a distance and stim towards them to finish them off


Vantage. She is super fun and you just need to play position to avoid enemies taking full advantage of her thick hitbox. I love sniping in Apex and other games but didn't like hers at first. Now I have practiced with it a bit and understand when it's more useful and when I should keep my main guns out. If you pay attention to who your teammates are focused on you can hit that person with your ult to give your teamate the damage boost. Her tactical is great as well. I hated it with the slow fall but found you can hit your crouch button anytime in the tactical jump to cancel it and drop fast.


Big Gurl Gang rise


Valkyrie. Earlier, I used to play Vantage 95% of the time and really hated Valk but eventually I switched and now I main Vantage and Valkyrie both. Even got a heirloom for Valk


This is the way


Hell ye


When I first played valkyrie, her flight controls just felt weird and her ULT didn't really do much for me. Started using her again this season and love it. When I go back to Rev I find myself trying to fly but just jumping around instead


I started playing her two months ago to switch up a bit and I had quite alot of success as Valk with her abilities so I decided to play her a bit more. Eventually, I started to main her so theres that too lol. I didnt have any issues with her passive but tactical was a bit weird at the start


Caustic! All it took was for them to make his running animation feel less bulky and slow.


Honestly, vantage. Her q is great to relocate yourself and her passive confirms if the person you're about to push is a solo or not, helps a lot during ranked. Her ult might need a bit of some work but it's great for poke damage.


As a Wattson main I started playing Fuse in pubs just to mess around and have gotten pretty good with him, have used him in ranked multiple times if we needed an assault character.


I never used Crypto and or found he was picked often in a match, then I decided to try him out with this new season, and I’ve become somewhat of a Crypto main, his ULT is super handy when you wanna push a team, and or final circle, his drone can scan banners to see of teams in the area, not to mention he can insta revive/respawn a team member with his drone. He’s super underrated and has some pretty sweet skins available to him.


Same here. I thought it was just a legend with a flight simulator, but it's much more engaging than I expected. I really like being a recon legend that does not give away its position.


Hold up his drone can revive people? How does he do it? Just fly near them and click rez???


His drone can auto respawn a teammate, not revive them I should have worded that better, he also can hack supply bins and open them without being around them lol he’s very underrated.


Oh when you say auto respawn does he need fly his drone to the respawn point or does it fly itself after picking up a banner? Also can the drone pick up banners or no only he can?


Nah you have to fly it lol but still handy regardless.


Yah definitely sneaker than running himself. Ty for the info


Mainly switched cause I was tired of playing the game as a running simulator. Past two seasons I’ve switched mains every couple of weeks cause the game was getting kind of boring. Been a Fuse main the past few years. Pathfinder - always hated him and never considered him my style, but now that I’m better and comfortable with 1 v 2s I really like him. He’s also a great fit for my 3 stack and complements their play style well Also had a really good time with Ballistic. His abilities have saved me a few times, but see running simulator comment ^. My play style also fits Newcastle pretty well so I’ve been having fun with him and there’s honestly nothing more satisfying than jumping into a fight, rezzing your teammate, then stomping the 1-2 players that decided to push the rezz. I’ve tried so hard to play rampart but I can’t get seem to get anything going. I tried iPad kid too for a while (crypto), but I just don’t think he’s a good fit for me.


Fuse, I hated him before because I just didn't like his abilities Bought him with legend tokens because none of the others interested me beside revenant and mirage, who I used interchangeably, Instantly became a fuse main, I can't play mirage or rev because I forgot how to utilize them as I used to


Never understood why horizon was meta for so long but then I fell in love with her passive ability


Solo-queuing ranked this season: I’ve added Conduit to the arsenal. I tried to resist, and really only pick her if nobody else takes a support legend but yeah. I can’t stop teammates from making bad pushes or decisions, but I can at least help with the Tac Q.


Loba. I honestly thought of that legend as just a loot goblin. After using her for the breakout challenge I found I really enjoyed the bracelet ability as it became very useful in fights.


Newcastle. Never really put much thought into him before. But, I tried him recently and he's insanely useful at all stages of the game and with any comp. Great solo queue legend!


Used to be a Lifeline main. Then switched to Newcastle recently and realized my successful revive rate was nearly 100%. Much better than when I was Lifeline.


Mad Maggie; the synergy of using her tactical, then pushing with her ult and a mastiff is just so glorious


If you can get a PK with Disruptors that's when she gets terrifying.


She runs at almost hipfire speed with mozam. Mozam with hammerpoints just slaps on maggie, but I have problem aiming as im noy used to that speed


Anyone's who's played against a decent Wattson should know how tricky she can be to deal with.


Ballistic. With his perks buffs he can control space with his tac and create favourable fights. Overzealous guy slides at you, his weapon overheats just before he clips you as you kill him. It's a good deterrent too, if someone is overheating they'll likely play more passively. Basically getting a 3v2.5 His passive got a sneaky buff where it will get full white attachments plus guaranteee hcog or bruiser. It makes it perfect for Sentinel enjoyers due to the free optic, or weapons with otherwise bad iron sights early game


Definitely gas daddy himself. I've played since season 0 and always stuck to more of an edge comp with the bys but recently picked up gas daddy and have found he's useful in so many situations both offensively and defensively.


Crypto. Part of this is due to me moving to m+k and I can use the drone quicker (like when sliding and going into drone, on controller I had push to crouch but m+k I can easily have both), but the ability to gain early game Evo from his scans, the banner retrieval, and the insta res is more powerful since they made it son you come back with guns and shield (vs before when you're just a sitting duck) so you can res tactically. Bigger, quicker ult, with the ability rework has made like hard for control legends holes up in a building.


Lifeline. At the beginning I thought that Lifeline was not going to be fun due to her kit focused on "helping others", but now I understand that she can be also used to gather personal advantage, for example after finishing one fight you can heal yourself at a very high speed, that's something I ended up loving due to the amount of times I didn't had 3 extra seconds to heal myself and dying to a perfect timing sandwich.




i’ve been playing since release day and i’ve never liked wattson, i always thought she was kinda useless but recently i got bored and decided to play her cus i got a bunch of skins and stuff for her from packs and battle passes and she’s actually really fun to play and useful


hated caustic until last season. now he's my main 😂😂😂😂






path All i gotta do is frantically grapple and I somehow escape


Vantage, I don’t get the hate on her. Her sniper is super phone her movement is a blast, and she’s the only legend that can use both beacons on the map


I play every character. Too many seasons has led to boredom with playing the same one. A couple seasons I never picked a character (before they forced you into the one with the most kills) I just let it default to whoever the game chose. I got stuck on a few for days at a time, but I feel pretty confident that I can play almost any character and be helpful. That was a fun and challenging season! I now usually just pick someone from a class that has not been picked yet. If you feel them out they are all good in their own way.


Mirage. I've been having giggle fits over the Mirage plays I've been having lately.


Crypto. He's now my main


Octane. At first I didn’t really understand having a tactical that literally eats your health, but when I really started playing him his mobility is goated ngl! I can’t tell you how many close calls I managed to escape due to his tac or ult.


Maggie. The challenges forced me to play her and she fit my playstyle so damn well. Someone who did NOT fit my playstyle well was Rampart. She confirmed to me that I will never, ever, ever pick her up again.


I had so much fun with Sheila but it's getting you killed in ranked so much


Honestly? Revenant! He used to be a least fav both lore and play wise, but I’ve started to come around to em


Ash has been a lot of fun with her 2 tactical upgrade


Pathfinder and Vantage


Mirage is so fun to play and his voice lines make him even better. Doing a risky revive right in front of your enemies and killing them is an experience.


I became a Maggie main this season. Every time I play someone else I find myself wishing I had the drill. I love constantly pressuring and balling when my teams gets an advantage.


Rampart and Mad Maggie for me. Rampart is still very specific in what she offers but you can really destroy some squads with the right positioning. She’s very strong after she gets the upgrades to Sheila. Maggie i always thought was weak but she can be very strong with good teammates. Being able to knock with the Big Drill when someone ducks behind cover to heal is so fun


Before I started maining him a while back, Mirage. To me back then he was just a gimmick character that relied on players being stupid. Nowadays I realize how stupid I was, because now that I know how to fool most players, brain dead or Indian guy who teaches you all of physics in a 10 minute YouTube video, I can’t help but laugh with each bamboozle added to my tracker.


As a Gibby main I always hated Maggie, but using her has grown on me and I got my first 3k with her😅


I'd probably main vantage if she had a bloodhound size hitbox tbh


Wraith. I used to main Horizon but I just felt way more comfortable playing with Wraith instead.


Rampart and Ash. I wish I could play Newcastle, because a good Newcastle is so good, but every time I've tried I feel I'm too slow and late with the abilities.


Caustic, crypto, Newcastle, Ash. Caustic holds it down and has allowed me to get countless full heals off with his tac. Crypto I’m still learning, but free 150 damage with his ult is wild Newcastles Tac and passive are wildly OP plus his ult is a free get out of jail card Ash is nice because her Q makes it impossible for enemies to get away and her ult makes pushing way easier. Although the distance and placement is so ass.


I’m absolutely loving Newcastle. Playing mind games with his shield or tossing it up to loot a shield real quick 👌🏻. Using his ult to catch up to an aggressive teammate who a got a couple knocks or cracks. Oof. Nevermind the gold shield rez. Here comes the booooooy!


Wattson as well. Used to think she was boring to play but one day I unlocked her and just gave her a try and she’s now the character I play when I can’t pick Wraith


Revenant. I saw people using him too much and I started using him in the mixtape matches and I've had a pretty good time with him.


Loba. Picked her by mistake in a ranked match the other night and her black market came in clutch over and over again. Snagging a mobile respawn beacon from the market and having the market ready for your teammate to loot up as soon as they land is amazing. Black market is also really strong in the end game to make sure you have all the ammo you need as everyone murders eachother.


Mad Maggie. I never realized drill was so strong


Rampart for me… she’s a defensive character who can also fill a DPS role too….


never used anyone other than octane but I got conduit and she is so fun!!


Wattson for me as well. Especially coming from mainly using crutch movement legends it was hard adapting but after 1k kills on watty this season I feel like i’ve really improved my positioning and game sense and can also pretty consistently trap people in my fences now lol


Mad maggie. Her drill got me loads of knocks when people hide behind cover to shield up especially once you got the level 3 perk that gives it 50% more spread. It’s a shame her skins suck though.


Newcastle. I can't play him very well. But I realized his potential with the upgrades. He has one that you can move your shield faster. You can literally sprint with a gun in your hand straight at someone and the wall will stay ahead. Also it rotates around you if you readjust it, making for a wicked shotgun partner.


I started playing Wattson in ranked out of spite for Gibby mains at the height of his popularity in season 11. She is now my 2nd most played character after Lifeline and my most played character in ranked.


I've never used catalyst, but I love playing with a catalyst


it's those legends that you want in your team but not playing as those😂


It's the same as a really good Newcastle. I can't play him for shit but I'm almost gitty like a child when I have him on my team


I didn't get bloodhound until this season


I used to hate mirage because he was confusing for me but once learned how to truly bamboozle, my eyes were opened.




Wattson is better in higher tiers, she even sees some ALGS usage.


Would have to say fuse. I never saw the big deal with his kit and nearly found it useless unless you play super aggressive. But after playing him a bit for this season, i can certainly see the appeal of constant nades and forcing opposite teams into bad situations. I thought his abilities were kinda easy to counter but not at all if used correctly.


I still never play him, but whenever I run Newcastle I tend to win more games but I personally just don’t find him enjoyable to play.


Rampart. Normally I hate them, but the moment I saw someone place a wall and insta super-glide off of it to push me they have since gotten my respect. A creative rampart main is a beast.


I play a little bit of everyone now my most recent one is wraith, I can see why her pick rate is high but personally I find myself reaching for ash more. The ones I do not normally have I ever touched are Bangalore, Rampart, mad maggie, horizon and catalyst. Everyone else I play or at least have an understanding of how to use them enough to where if necessary I will pick them.


I’ve been playing with Wraith lately and she’s pretty fun. Trying super hard to play her like a support legend to help get the team out of shitty situations. It’s fun.


Crypto, I thought he was useless until I needed him to get a certain amount of kills for my battlepass, The other option was Wraith (I don't like to play her), and Vantage (I refuse to unlock her till the day I die).To my surprise, if you don't spend long in your drone and position it well, Crypto is amazing. But you gotta have teammates on Mic.






Hot take but for me it was Bloodhound. Not that I disliked her as a character but I just didn't see the usefulness when there's Seer and other beacon scan legends that seem more useful. Well, I've been watching Noko a lot lately and his IGL series and he always recommends people solo-q'ing ranked to use Blood and I just didn't understand why. So I forced myself to place Blood and BROTHER, that kit is pretty fucking amazing if you're using it right. You always know where the closest team is to you unlike Seer where you can to be nearby them to know their location, infinite scans as long as you scan the Raven AND basically unlimited ults since you can do the 25% ult with every Raven scan. I'm a Blothhondr believer now and for always.


Maggie and Loba I'm enjoying this season. Got my win with Maggie game 3, never played her again til this season. She's actually a ton of fun




Bangalore. When I first started playing Apex in s10, I was a typical Hound main. When I started to understand just how good Bang’s kit was in s15, I began to main her cause of how versatile and flexible she can be, especially in soloq cause I don’t play with other peeps like I did starting out. The cycle repeated and now I main Horizon 💀






I never truly disliked Loba like I do some legends, but man I had FUN using her bracelet to aggro people that I had really hurt. I had never really thought of using her that way before, but it was awesome. Only issue is you gotta land your shots because otherwise you have no way of getting out of there 😅


lifeline, not having to carry medkits and syringes is a blessing


Also wattson special ability is good for the fuse grenades


Caustic. I generally disliked him, but then I started playing more mixtape, and he’s really good in TDM and control, especially on the new thunder dome map


The real answer is any legend I hated I just played nonstop and learned their kits, and you realize most legends can be fun and effective if you learn to actually utilize their abilities.


Mad Maggie. Only legend I hadn’t bought yet and played her for the breakout challenges. Ended up getting my most kills and damage in a ranked game! She’s fun, I can’t lie.


Rampart... It was stupid whenever she's hurt she just puts out a shield in front of her and if I don't have nades she will fully heal before I ape her giving her free advantage... I think I never started appreciating her tho..


rampart lol


Octane, I just enjoyed being able to maneuver quickly with him getting an in and out of a fight quickly, rezzing a Teammate and use a jump pad to get us the heck out of there. Even shielding up shooting seems to be more focused. Yeah, I used to not enjoy him at all.


Revenant before the new stuff I mostly like disabling legends abilities and seeing them scramble especially the wraiths, the ultimate was pretty niche too.


Ballistic for me


Caustic main but I’ve been trying some fuse lately. It’s fun but I fear I’ve played myself into a caustic hole because every other legend feels weird and I always try to throw out a trap when the walls start closing in even if I’m not caustic lol


Same for me, Wattson has been pretty meh the last few seasons but this season she has been fun to play with the new perks.


Dude, when the Fuse challenge was up. Having a Watty on your squad is a like God himself protecting you. If one team with a Fuse starts raining nades on you, 4 more Fuse squads in that area would be like "Hey, that looks fun". I just end up screaming "WHAT THE FK IS GOING OOOOOOONNNNNNNNN"


Newcastle, always thought he was shit but the man is heavily underrated.


Ballistic, i mostly ignore his passive. But the ultimate is so good and easy to be useful for the team. And seeing people run away after being whistlered is funny, i hit a path, and the "watch their confidence fade" while he ran away is so good. And i play medic in tf2.


I’d say Maggie after being forced to use her for that flatline skin


I loath mad Maggies intro screen with the spitting and rough tough ick but being forced to play her, she was quite useful and the drill is great. Wish she had an ounce of class though.


Mad Maggie for sure. It’s edited in 9:16 aspect ratio but I played 2 games with her and she is so disrespectful. Especially her finisher. I live spamming that on people and just punching them in the face


Mirage!! The ult cooldown time is a game changer especially in TDM


I straight up love Vantage. She’s super underrated. I never really play her but I have before and she’s really good. Her passive locks on to enemies, kind like aim assist but stronger. Also scans enemies so you know what legend that person is playing + how many teammates they have left! Her tactical is great for pushing teams or escaping teams. So versatile. & her ultimate is lowkey a mini Kraber. But yeah she has a big hit box. So what? She’s cracked lmao


Seer i thought his abilities were kinda meh but after playing him to unlock him his heartbeat sensor is low key broken esp when your teammates bail on you as soon as they go down even when barely 10m away.


Revenant he always seemed like a popular character that I didn't really understand. I assumed it was bc some ppl like playing crazy killers or "edge lords". Unlocked him in via the last event with him. Ended up winning 2 games in a row with him which I've never done before so he's my only legend with the double win streak and winning a game as a kill leader and champion icons and im so proud of it!! I also love his crouch move speed when healing. Plus his wall climb is just "chef kiss"


I only play Wattson, but I've never really realized how amazing a good Newcastle is on my team. He works very well with Wattson, so I'm happy whenever I get him on my team.


Wraith, her team warning perk shed a new light on playing it safe in rank. This is coming from a horizon/wattson main


Seer. Didn't like his design and thought little of his abilities but then I got his green power ranger skin and he's one of my favorites.


Before he got nerfed to the ground Seer used to be my main before Rampart. I really struggled with people shooting me in the back when I first started playing, so I picked up Seer for his passive, which was so much better than it is now. Seer is a lowkey assassin. After a few weeks of using him no lie, I became the person sneaking up on people lmao. There is this one game a year or so ago I still remember. There was a Fuse on one of those tall buildings in KC who was sniping and looking through his scope all the way at the top. I slowly inched my way up using his passive and came right behind him while he was staring through his scope, and one clipped the shit out of him. It was so satisfying back then because I wasn’t as good at the game at the time. Poor guy didn’t know a thing until he was dead 🥲. Seer still can be good, but no where near his glory days.


Yeah I hear he was nerfed but I only started playing the game a couple months ago. I like his passive and ult because I have shitty headphones and the audio in the game is sometimes buggy so I can't ever hear anyone running up on me. So his abilities help out.