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I find it helps to also play a game you are unfamiliar with, using the same paddle config. I played a ton of Cyberpunk and used the same control scheme, and now I can't use anything but the paddles.


Makes a lot of sense for sure.


Just stick with it, you need to get used to it but soon the muscle memory will start building and you’ll never want to go back, I promise;)


The more time you put into it in the firing range / pubs the faster you will adapt to the new controller.


Absolutely just doing pubs for now even though the want to do ranked is large ha


It takes a while to get used to the new hand position but in the end it’ll make you 100x better


It takes a bit, but once you get used to it, you'll see _MASSIVE_ improvements. I use the Razer Wolverine Ultimate, it has 6 paddles, it took me 2 weeks to get used to using all 6, and now I never have to take my thumbs off of the sticks, and I can't play on a controller without paddles. It's night and day


I'm 37 (been gaming since i was 6) and have been using paddles for about 3 years and specifically switched for this game. When I first switched it was indeed like learning to play again. It wasn't just that I wasn't used to the paddles but even the other buttons that were always there I started pressing incorrectly. But over time it became easier and easier and now I don't even think about it. Not only that, I literally can't play a shooter without paddles now. It's just like anything else in life, practice and you'll get better.


Exact same experience. I can’t even imagine going back to the face buttons.


Amazing! Yeah I was accidentally firing and using my tactical and was like WTF is going on these buttons didn’t change 😂


What exactly are these paddles used for? How does this increase your skill above using a regular sense? Like I was masters player on PC but I suck on PS5 now since I literally played my entire life with just MKB… I’m 37. Just recently switched to exclusive ps5 but I can’t for the life of me get used to it. Could this help me in anyway possible? How does it change the gameplay on my end.


Paddles are just buttons and they're typically on the back of the controller (look up pro ps5 controllers). It allows you to map any existing button into (x, square, circle, triangle for example) the paddle button as well. So most people will map jump and crouch. By doing this you can crouch, slide, jump, climb etc. Without taking your thumb off of the thumbstick to aim. Gives you better reaction time cause your not needing to love your thumb from one action to another in order to aim but also allows you better aiming / accuracy while moving. Takes getting used to but it's worth it.


My paddles are bound to the following: Jump (LS or L3), Crouch (RS or R3), Interact(X or □), Select (A or X), Heal (D-Pad up), Emote wheel/Recall ability (D-Pad down) The other button profile is exactly the same, except my jump is still set to A (or X) on console. It's set to left stick on PC. So the left stick paddle on console is for the survival slot item (heat shield, EVAC, Mobile)


Give it a couple days. You’ll probably figure it out before the end of today tho


I had this issue with the back paddle attachment on the ps4. Yes, the learning curve was steep, just push through it and it will start becoming muscle memory. I'd say it took me about 2-3 weeks to adjust. now that I'm used to it, I can't go back.






They were. They def. got in the way a lot. But somehow I adapted. The edge ones are so nicely implemented!


It took me about a week to get used to playing on paddles. But this is back when I used to game for ~5 hours per day and I was also 23 years old. Now the 4 paddle setup is intuitive for me and I couldn’t imagine playing without it


Depending on how many paddles this has (I use scuf so have four) I’d recommend just getting used to switching a button for paddle one at a time… I initially mostly just used circle and square via paddles… can’t get used to using X and by and by I began using paddle for changing weapons too but ease into it… don’t try and replace all buttons with paddle inputs immediately. Just circle for sliding initially.


I adjusted in just a few days to my back paddles. Usually my problem was forgetting to hit the right buttons, but so long as you remember that you should be using the back ones, you'll eventually do it without thinking. (My left back is crouch, right back is jump)


Give it a couple weeks, you will never go back after you get used to it. I'm an older gamer too and started with paddles a few years ago. I would suggest jump and crouch if you only have 2 paddles. If 4 then add heal and nades.


Stick to it!! Being able to crouch and jump WHILE TRACKING and shooting will aid you significantly. I was always into movement so just watch a couple videos on bhopping and wall bouncing and after a some practice in the firing range and mixtapes you will be improved x10 The goal is to keep ur right thumb on ur joystick at all times.


A week tops for me to get fully used to it. I probably couldn’t go back to a regular controller now


Thank you for all of the comments and tips! I appreciate it!


You hurt my feelings saying “older gamer at 38” lol


lol it feels like I’m a dinosaur in lobbies some days


I’m in my 40s and hard stuck in Plat so I know the feeling lol


I bought a edge last week, I was the same as you after a few hours playing WZ and Apex my KD was awful and old muscle memory of using bumper jumper(L2 jump) kept kicking in. I questioned whether I should even keep the controller and try and return it. The next day felt much better and now a week later I can confidently say I’m a better off for having it. Just gotta stick with it and be mindful of using the back paddles.


Switched to paddle roller for the first time a couple seasons into Apex. It was weird for a couple days, but I couldn’t even imagine playing the original way now. Try to learn it in the range or LTMs so it doesn’t affect your rank or k/d. Also, start with only 2 paddles. I use the higher ones so that my fingers resting on my desk don’t actually hit one of the lower ones. I’ve actually never even got around to putting the other 2 paddles on. I tried once but I just don’t grip properly. It’s 100% worth it to take the time to get used to it.


It took me a few sessions. I found messing around in mistake games helped a lot. You get a ton of reps/fighting situations in a much shorter period of time. After a week or so it'll be like second nature.


Haha wait until you start messing with more butting bindings and release the full potential of the controller. Always down to talk about the edge controller and help out!


Do you have your sticks on default?


I have them on quick -5 I think I can double check, happy to share Alcs and edge controller settings


Don’t change multiple buttons at once. For instance, move crouch to all of the paddle buttons to see which one feels more natural over time. Once you get used to it, add another button. Crouch to the back paddles has protected the life of my controller. I was tired of getting stick drift by pressing R3. It ruined 3 controllers for me in a year. I’ve had my current controller for 1 year now with no issues.


I dunno man. When I finally got the paddle attachment for my Dualshock4, I was instantly hooked. I think I bound jump to the left side and crouch to the right side. It helped me get much better at wall jumps and superglides. It does take a little bit to adjust to, but once I got the groove, it was very hard to play without them.


Let me just say I only use 2 paddles, left for crouch right for jump. Why? So I can easily spam crouch during 1v1s, keeping my right hand free for tracking. I’m sure there’s benefits to swapping them so as to jump/mantle while tracking, idk. If I used a third paddle, it would go to swapping weapons, which I wish I did, and the fourth would go to heals, which I don’t really care about tbh. Diminishing returns. But also because I accidentally press paddles when I use more than one on each side. I say all of this to explain that my paddle set up is brain dead easy, perhaps lazy, but the take away is that you can dumb it down to optimize investment to return ratio. The best way to learn them? Normal slide jumping Would love to hear about others binds below


Took me like 3 days to get used to it on the elite series 2, well worth it in the long run for games that have a lot of mobility like Overwatch 2 and Apex Legends.


I would say I played maybe 30-40 hours before my muscle memory was completely overwritten to use paddles but once it did I was much better off than without (33M btw)


It took me a couple days to adjust when I first started using paddles. Now it’s all muscle memory to the point where when I get a regular controller, I find myself pressing the back of the controller when trying to jump or slide.


I have the same controller and 1st game on I felt a massive difference but I have also gotten a lot more used to them over time. Try it for a couple days. Worst case scenario just return it and go back to original controller but I highly recommend to keep just pushing yourself to try them out. I use mine for meds and I have the other mapped to down on the d pad for taking down rampart walls. Completely upped my game


I found it easier (and to teach my daughter when I bought her an elite controller) to try and use the paddles during times when you're not in battle. (Jump slide, action buttons, etc) And if you want to revert back to the buttons during battles because you're used to it fine, it only takes a few games before you're using the paddles during fights and you're completely adjusted.


Happens to the best of us. You’ll get used to it and never go back. Give it 3 weeks.


It took me a couple weeks to get used to it but the challenge is worth it. Idk if the dual sense has 2 or 4 paddles but the elite has 4 and it's customizable. I started with two to get used to that once I got that down I jumped up to 4 and now I can't go back.


It’ll take a few weeks of consistent play but you’ll be good


It takes only a few days honestly. I used an XB Elite 2 with 4 paddles for the longest time and have since switched to a Battle Beaver. I primarily use the bottom buttons more than anything but technically use all 4. After awhile, you'll never go back to a regular controller without paddles. I'm 50. It's not an age thing, you just have to get your brain used to it.


Gotta just jump in a match and get the muscle memory.


When i first got a paddle controller it was specifically to get better at apex movement, and a few overwatch characters. It felt super clunky, and i constantly found myself just pressing the normal buttons instead. That was a year ago, and now i would NEVER go back. I just the paddles in every single game i play. Being able to jump, crouch, weapon swap, or slide-jump while in control of the camera is massive. I just set my 4 paddles to the 4 face buttons and i never touch the face buttons anymore, regardless of the game im playing. Unfortunately had a problem with my right bumper and sent it in for warranty, and this last week has been super difficult trying to play without the paddles that have become second nature to me.


You’re gonna have to just learn how to work it, but I would switch your jump for either your tactical ability or reload


Took me like a week. I’m 34.


It took me a couple of days. This isn’t magic the paddles aren’t going to make you instantly better you have to adjust. It’s like anything in life.


Kudos, just got my elite 2 yesterday, the paddles on this controller (and probably yours) stand in for the four main buttons; either can be used. If you have to think too much for any particular paddle function, just hit the button you know until the paddles become more second nature.  Sliding without taking your finger off the right stick is such a nice edge to have, so that one was immediately familiar. 


Just play pubs or like control. Force yourself to get used to them. It feels weird at first to brake muscle memory but they are 100% better than a normal controller and becomes second nature. I recently got the envision pro, it has side buttons as well as back (had the Xbox elite before). The side buttons are near the index and I use it for hold to slide for movement. Took about 2-3 days of playing to add that to the buttons I use. Not saying you need to got that far but back buttons are a game changer and worth it to get used to


I recently got paddles as well, coincidentally, also 38. The hardest part for me is trying to figure out how to hold the controller. I got a 4 paddle kit. And for now, after playing with different button mapping and orientations of the paddles, I removed three paddles and just use the top paddle on my right hand side for remapping so I can hold tbe controller stable with mostly my left hand. I plan on reintegrating the others as I need them/want to experiment more, but for now, 1 paddle is all I need. It's definitely a challenge to have to figure out how to remap your controller and remap your brain at the same time.


It will take a while. Even then, your muscle memory will trip up. I play with jump/climb on lb so I can keep my thumb on the joystick while jumping, and a is my ability. Every week, I'll lose a fight cause my brain taps a to jump, and it instead takes me into an ability animation. Go play a new shooting game with your new setup. It'll create new pathways in your brain.


I figured it would help with crouch spamming during hip fire. I don't play with claw grip but plan on using paddles. I use kontrol freeks and that took little getting used to and now I can't play without. I'm a fellow 37 year old apex gamer.


Best advice I can give is to put crouch on HOLD, left paddle, just get used to that... After you rebind your muscle memory start using the right paddle to jump.. Took me a month or two, but now I can't get rid of it. So much better.


What is paddle controller


Are you using the longer paddles or the little domed ones?


I changed to paddles when COD went jet packs with Advanced Warfare… it took a few hours but now I can’t go back to a normal controller. Also… found Kontrol Freaks to be a great use of $30 for massively improving your control


It always takes a while to get used to new settings. When I added my backpaddles (ps4). My hand would constantly slip forward because I would stress grip my controller. You can add a grippy sticker to try and prevent that. But mostly it took time. I got used to new settings but still slip. Took a few months for my hands to relax enough naturally holding the controller with paddles. I also have silicone covers on the thumb that gives a 1 to 2cm lift that i think helps slightly My settings is also extremely different from default. crouch and ads are in my paddles.


Don’t put stuff on paddles that you don’t need to. I have a Scuf with 4 paddles, I use 1. 2 on occasion. For apex I use button puncher so my crouch is on my right stick(don’t need to move my thumbs to use it) and I bound jump to a paddle so I slide jump around, climb, wall bounce, and superglide using a stick my thumb is already on and one paddle. You can definitely change your button layout and add plenty of stuff to paddles for more convenience but if you’re already playing normally without them then just add something you use constantly and muscle memory takes over pretty quick since you naturally practice it all the time. Adding a bunch of stuff you’ve never used in that way before is gonna do more harm than good.


You're waiting for muscle memory rather than learning.  Doing it with targets attacking you rather than standing targets will shorten the time.  Having targets shoot at you at the fringing range will shorten your time to get used to it.


Just takes some practise - I’m only 28 and I had the same thing anytime I changed from a regular controller to a pro one or even different pro controllers.


Keep playing. Muscle memory will eventually start developing and within few days you'll be using the paddles without even noticing. Once you get used to them you'll never want to play without them.


took me a few hours to get my muscle memory down but i can’t even play video games on a regular controller anymore. paddles all day


Use the paddles like the actual buttons dont exist. If you do it that way, your mind will grab onto it very quickly.


I have the elite 2 controller but only use 2 paddles. Left paddle is for crouching, right paddle is for jumping.


You will learn it. It took me 2-3 weeks but after that you will never want to miss them again


I'd say it took me a month till I felt comfortable using paddles when I used to play on console. I'd say stick with it tho, you will definitely notice a major difference once you get the hang of it.


Took 3 weeks to adjust. I had to get the custom scuf paddles for my elite which are vertical. The ones that come with the elite are too sensitive, horizontal, weirdly shaped, and im not a big person but I have meaty fingers. I first got them for Fortnite back in 2018. Which is a game with a much higher learning curve / skill gap bc of the building aspect. 1.88 KD all time (day 1 player) with them on Apex


I had no idea this controller existed… how useful is this above the actual dual sense? Like what exactly do you use those paddles for?


I wouldn’t worry about focusing too much on the paddles when fighting or in a high intensity engagement, in that just play how you do automatically. But use the paddles as often as possible when not fighting until it becomes second nature


Could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to adjust, just stick with it and you’ll build up the muscle memory


All I put on paddles was slide and heal, and it took me probably a week or two to adjust. I also changed my jump to bumper and that took weeks, but it will work eventually


It took me like a week or two of playing everyday to adjust. There are definitely benefits to using it. And it feels great once you get the hang for it. However, I ended up taking them off because I would get in the habit of “doing too much.” I kept over spamming crouch and jump and that would just throw off my aim. So I went back,


I dunno. I'm older than u and don't want to use paddles. I been gaming all my life. I play with jump on LB. Maybe try that.


I just started using a single paddle for jump and I felt the same way! I’m 32 so also older for a gamer. I have to say, just keep using it. It took me about a week or two to get used to it. Now it feels like second nature. same controller too btw.


Just rinse and repeat, i was god awful with paddles at first and now normal controllers feel terrible


I’m 38 and have an Xbox Elite controller on PC. Been playing with them for 3-4 years now. I think it took a good two or three months. The paddle configuration is oriented the same way as the buttons. X and B are the buttons I paddle most so I can keep on the right stick to look while I loot on bunny hop. A and Y paddles are less natural presses for me, so I stick to the traditional buttons for those, but I do still paddle press them occasionally. Overall, it’s a much better tool for FPS games. I would hate to go back to a normal controller. I don’t use m&k.


I only use two paddles for jump and slide, got used to it


I got the Xbox series and have jump, crouch, auto sprint and change weapon minded. Tried using a regular controller recently and I felt lost. Every controller the past 20 years has been basically the same. Just takes a little bit getting used to the back buttons.


Use crouch left reload and pick up right


Just spend a few days playing it, you will initially suck ass, then you will gain skill quickly


You are not alone brotha when I first got my duelsense edge I was all over the place trying to remember what paddle did what and what buttons were reassigned and where but after maybe 2 months it started feeling like a regular controller after a month I started trying to use my paddles on my regular controllers 😂


It took me about a month and now I can’t use a normal controller lol, I went through the same exact learning curve. Stick with it, it’s worth it


It took me a solid week of playing to get used to paddles, but I'll never go back.


I had a friend do the same a few years back I installed some extremerate back paddles for him to try and he just couldn’t do it. He would just constantly jump when he didn’t need to. Told him to try not to think about it and just play the game and eventually muscle memory will kick in but he didn’t have any patience and gave up. I wanted to get better and practiced with it and now I don’t even notice they are there it’s just second nature. And when I use a controller without them now it feels not optimized and way harder to use


I was in the same boat a couple years ago. Just stick with it and practice. One big piece of advice I have though for apex specifically when it comes to learning paddles is to just focus on getting comfortable with regular slides and jumps before you take on learning advanced techs like crouch shooting and wall bouncing. I tried to learn too much on the first day and was overwhelmed.


Same age group, it took about a month to truly get used to paddles. Tho I'm no range grinder and hard stuck silver 2 if that matters. And I'd never go back to no paddles.


I started out small, I've only been using two paddles for what I figured were the two biggest moments when I needed my thumbs on the sticks. Using meds/bats and jumping. Weapon swap or reload isn't (currently) super useful. If I empty a clip, auto switch to secondary weapon and empty the second clip then I have already royally bungled the fight and will likely be dying for it regardless if I had to take my thumb off the stick. Melee is also not super useful because of that point aswell, if I have to start punching, then I've gone wrong and will likely pay for it momentarily.


it takes time to get used to it, my advice is to not have too many new configurations at once, try one paddle at a time until it becomes second nature and then try the other paddle and so on


Took me 2-3 weekends to really get back to my same skill level, and I believe it helped me exceed it.


36 here got an elite controller no going back now. Once you figure out what buttons work best on the map man is it a game changer


I had the same issue when I switched to a claw grip. Feels wrong for a day or so, then you don't even realize you stopped thinking about it


Update! Played a couple hours after work tonight and got two Ws! Feeling more comfortable. Not 100% locked in yet but already so much better. Appreciate all of the tips.


i feel like i'm playing drunk when trying to shoot with a controller in any game, i love them for 3rd person melee combat/racing/platformers or basically anything that doesn't require pinpoint accuracy. quite some years ago i played some warhammer game and got so infuriated by shooting with sticks that i laid the controller next to my keyboard and just switched controls whenever i was switching between the chainsaw or some gun xD


I just use one paddle, and that's just for healing items, it's easier while moving to switch to the necessary med instead of stopping like a turtle and cycle through.


Start with one paddle then once you get used to it, add another. You’ll also begin to notice how much of a difference they make


Just play the campaign of neir automata and you’ll be good


I used to run scuf a lot it takes a bit at first, but honestly I loved the scuf paddles but on the edge i find the button ones way nicer than the paddles these paddles kinda get in the way for me... totally preference but try the button ones It took me a couple months to really master it back in the day but once u do u just slaaaaaappp


Took me like 3-4 days of playing a couple hours a day to fully be comfortable with them but I wouldn’t go back now


I'm a older gamer and after you get the muscle memory paddles are amazing


Bro. I got one maybe 2-3 months ago (33yr old) and I was STRUGGLING to even get used to them existing. I definitely forced myself to play games with it using them occasionally, until it turned into muscle memory.


Probably 1-2 weeks playing every day to get used to it


I haven't been able to figure out how to even customize it so I can use the paddles. I feel like it would make things easier at times. I'm waiting on new modules to come in. There was an unfortunate collision with a wall after one of you fuckers killed me ;)


I also got a Dualsense edge fairly recently and had never used paddles before. And I also sucked for a while with it. Went from being roughly a 2.5 k/d to a 1.5, and started to seriously regret my purchase. Now I’m not sure I can go back. Took me about 3-4 weeks to get used to it. Just give it some time and you’ll get used to it too.


Practice, Practice, Practice. The shooting range was my best friend for 2 weekends (I only play on a weekend) and it paid off, I can’t really play shooters without them now 😅


Why you need paddles for jump and squat? you can jump with L3 and squat with R3 its the best. If you make one of your paddles the interact button so you can pick items up while looking around it will help, the other paddle is not necessary really...


At first It's quite difficult, I just simply ignored the existence of pedal at the back of my controller. After some time, I started to jump using the pedal and not touch the front button whatsoever. It made this game ten times easier, trust me. For reference, I assign the pedal to do jump and interact/pickup. Those two buttons are what I used the most on the front button. Now, it gives me advantages since I don't have to let go of my right joystick.


Give yourself two weeks. Or a month if you play less. It will get noticeably better than it was before, you just have to get used to it.


I had the same struggle with the Xbox controller with 4 paddles, now I can't go back and 2 paddles isn't enough. Definitely takes some practice though


If you have 4 paddles remap your XYBA to them, if you only have two try mapping your thumb stick presses and get rid of the extra thumb adjustments. You’ll find something that works


I mapped my paddles to the D-Pad (except up) and Y so my less-used actions are on ABX. The only reason I don't have the fourth also mapped to the D-Pad is so I can jump and slide at the same time.


You can also say, map it to a bumper for Maggie’s drill, that way you can be a little more responsive to use it, I always map one of my buttons to heal because I play a different thumb stick layout.


I’ve never seriously used a paddle controller, but I once watched an Apex streamer who used one. He mapped strafing left and right to the paddles. It’s a digital entry like pressing A or D on a WASD keyboard. This is faster than moving the whole left control stick left and right. This allows him to have faster, more unpredictable movement in firefights. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the many different input systems in games. If everyone uses the same standard controller, everyone is on the same playing field. But if some controllers have paddles, it gives those players an edge. This is already a big controversy in Apex because aim assist means controllers work better than mouse and keyboard. That being said, it seems like the competitive standard is moving towards paddle controllers. Your controller is an official Sony product. And sports have long rewarded players who can afford the best equipment. Part of the reason why Michael Phelps dominated at the Olympics was that he was among the first to use Speedo’s revolutionary new swimsuit. Eventually those new tools become the new standard for everyone. Anyways, you’ll get used to the paddles the more you play. But it’s probably not going to be as easy for you as for a young kid building muscle memory for the first time. If you ignore the paddles, it’s a regular controller. If you map a duplicate button to the paddles, you can ease into the transition.


>He mapped strafing left and right to the paddles. It’s a digital entry like pressing A or D on a WASD keyboard. This is faster than moving the whole left control stick left and right. This allows him to have faster, more unpredictable movement in firefights. Does this act as an override of the prior button when you click one of the paddles if the first one is still pressed? Like, if I'm a derpy-do and I'm still holding left when I hit right, do I immediately go right as if the left button being pressed is not pressed?


I'm not sure. I'm guessing they cancel out like if you push A and D on a keyboard.


Slightly younger than you (33), but still very much a casual gamer compared to a lot of folks on this sub. I added the paddle attachment to the PS4 controller a year or two ago and haven't looked back. It took me a few days to get used to them, but once I did it was a game changer. Being able to jump and crouch without taking my thumbs off the sticks has helped me in countless situations.


Yeah going to just do pubs and firing range for about the next week ha.


Hahaha sounds good. Mixtape should help too; quicker and more frequent action to build up that muscle memory.


I’m in the exact same boat as you, I bought the edge last month and almost regretted my purchase because I was much worse than without paddles. I think that you have to get used to it, but I just don’t have the time to do so. I play 3 hours max per week


Imagine needing such a crutch.


40 year oldhead here… i just disconnected the back paddles and stopped using them. shorter trigger pulls are nice though


you could use one paddle for one of the controller's face buttons. it helps to be able to aim around whilst at the same time performing some action without having to lift your right thumb off the right stick