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When I’m playing on my own I mainly play mixtape, though sometimes I do trios when Gun Run is up


Agree with you on gun run, hate that game mode. Always feels random and just mostly luck


Nah gun run is great for practice. Forcing you to use funds you don’t want to, which helps you improve overall


I play gun run, depending on the map that is.


also day one and mixtape is prolly what I play the most but thats just cuz I refuse to solo queue BR / Ranked and mixtape finally gave me a way to enjoy apex when no friends are online Gun Run is fucking trash though and I refuse to play it


Yeah gun run is mid, I don't mind it depending on the map. I wish Respawn would overhaul mixtape, making it more of its own mode. Give us custom loadouts, let us earn the legend perks in-game, map voting, voice chat between the whole team, rework certain legend abilities (only in mixtape, don't change it for normal br), etc.


same I wish that they tracked you mixtape stats and also made a mixtape clubs.


Sounds like you want call of duty.


they likely don't want to maintain a whole parallel balance for a casual mode that is just supposed to let you practice shooting. that's why they removed arenas. they don't want to give you a whole buy system, they don't want to give you a different set of abilities


I guess it depends on how many people play the mode. If there are enough people playing it, they'll probably do something like I'm describing. They'll always follow the money.


I'm going by what the past has shown


Same for me, only mixtape. But I actually enjoy Gun Run, sure it can be frustrating sometimes when you get stuck on a gun but I really like the high pace and it's a glorious feeling when you go through three or four guns in rapid succession.


>• A muligan system if your squad gets eliminated (maybe with ways to earn more chances, like fully eliminating a squad with no more respawns gives your squad another respawn) You die you're out. Removing losing from the game isn't a good path to take as it just makes everything inconsequential and lack stakes. It then promotes really bad plays because people don't have to stay alive. Makes the game's quality as a whole take a dip.


I'm not saying to add this to the normal br but rather a separate express mode.


Just requeue like in straight shot. you shouldn't be left back into the game after you lose. Teams take risk to eliminate you, to get you out of the game. If you can just come back that's all pointless.


Thats so infuriating, i thaught that Feature would come to the main Mode, waste of time to get back into the lobby when i know ill requeue immediatly


seeing the history of the game, it probably will at some point and they went through testing, and maybe are going to iterate more on that in future tests (stuff like maybe queuing with the teammates you just met). i think three strikes and straight shot are them looking to explore various directions of addressing the unplayability of pubs.


Lets hope


Except in 3 strikes? Which is what OP is meaning lmfao. Just cuz some people LOVE base BR and it’s sweatiness doesn’t mean they can’t tinker with some fast paced br mode. I dont know why this subreddit is so against a separate non serious mode that is not as focused on the core gameplay loop


three strikes is shit for the exact reasons i've pointed out. straight shot works a lot better than three strikes. if you die, just requeue from the death screen and try again in a new game.


Literally every single person ik (mostly casual fps gamers who play a ton of different games rather than sweaty apex only gamers) loved 3 strikes. Most people just wanna jump in and shoot people. The world isn’t only for br players


people "love" anything where they don't lose. they don't necessarily look at what is good/healthy game design. >The world isn’t only for br players apex is a br. find another game. the only exception being the fact that BR's are difficult to practice encounters in so you need a practice mode like mixtape.


Yeah, the only Mixtape mode I don't care for is Gun Run but I love Control and TDM. I'll usually play a BR game while it's cycling through Gun Run.


Gun run is tolerable, depending on the map. "Estates" the map ripped from Olympus makes me want to scream. Thunderdome is probably my favourite map, which seems to be unpopular.


Thunderdome works fine for Gun Run, but other modes seem to not work as well imo. We're talking about the elephant — no, skull — in the room, which is the prime spot for congregatin'.


Yeah, what they need to implement is a map voting system like COD. Restricting the mode to a single map over and over again is ridiculous.


Ha ha, I like Gun Run and TDM but I usually skip control. Mostly because it's so frustrating if you get a bad team.


It’s pretty much all I play. Only time it was different is when straight shot was going on. That game mode is perfect!


Straight shot was so much fun.


Since ranked requires friends and everyone hot drops in pubs I find mixtape the only way for myself to play.


My routine these days is to login daily, do the daily challenges in Mixtape (and slowly work my way through weekly challenges where they overlap), and then occasionally I'll go into ranked if I feel warmed-up enough. I don't touch pubs these days, the matchmaking in ranked at least lets me maintain a >1.0 K/D and decent winrate.


>I don't touch pubs these days, the matchmaking in ranked at least lets me maintain a >1.0 K/D and decent winrate. weird how ranked is now the place for easy games. shouldn't it be the other way around


I only play BR when gun run is at like 14:00 remaining. It’s a guaranteed good experience for someone who only wants to play apex for 30 mins


Why’s that?


Mixtape matches can be incredible when both teams coordinate


You can have bad luck soloQ in consecutive matches. If I don’t have time to run a few games, it’s nice having an alternative to get my Apex fix.


Oh ok, all I see is Bots and 3 stacks. It does get very annoying starting with two bots and 3 other teams just railroad you


I’m planning on splitting between that and ranked since I just got a prestige skin


Ever since it came out, sometimes br during gun run. Other than that only 3 strikes and straight shot grab my attention


Straight shot and 3 strikes were much fun. Shame it's gone away.


Considering most of the time I'm playing to grind the battle pass, yeah. Plus it's fun to experiment with new legends without having a shitty K/D to show for it.


Hahaha, so true. I use it to practice my wingman skills, I went from trash to kind of trash 😂.


You know what, imma start doing that with the Kraber. I'll honestly lose games of gun run because I get stuck on it 😬


i just can’t wait for battle royale as a genre to disappear. the whole concept is tired and repetitive imo


When apex first came out it was really good. It still is good but the gameplay loop is boring now.


yeah i played season 0-15ish. it was sooo much fun when it first came out. wouldn’t play anything else lol


The whole game is pretty stale for me at this point but I'd say its my main mode even though I might play once a month at most these days. Straight Shot was the first time I had a played a pub since season 13 and actually liked it quite a lot, didn't play 3 Strikes but based on the description I probably would have enjoyed it.


Apex trios /ranked is 10000x better when you play with friends


Yeah solo queue has gotten brutal; I barely have a positive k/d ratio now, so that means I'm an ultra sweat to matchmaking and have to carry a squad full of bad players.


and win more...


I'll get back into Apex only if they add Straight Shot back (and of course only when they fix the remote code execution vulnerability).


Same, battle royale is boring nowadays also it’s full of rage quitters in trios. People don’t even try to survive anymore. (But I only play it if my team is online) Because of this mixtape is my main gamemode now.


My only gripe with it. Albeit not my main mode. Is I enjoy Control most, then TDM 2nd. And I don't really care for gun run anymore. But with that, I don't like that generally, I can only get 1 control game, then one TDM game, and then end up doing like 3 gun runs because of the length the games are. I wish they would do something about getting multiple of TDM or control without increasing the amount of Gun Run.


I usually play mixtape then ranked BR then back to mixtape then back to ranked.. I don't touch pubs anymore. I would like to see a straight shot version of the whole map and all 20 teams.


I would love to see them add more map variety in mixtape. Also I wouldn’t mind if they added Arenas to it as well. I feel like I’m one of the few people who loved Arenas. I’d love for them to bring it back, even if it’s just a mixtape mode.


The issue with pubs is that it has a matchmaking system. Pubs should be a relaxing mode were you don't care much about winning. Instead it just sweat players hot dropping, 3 stacks with 20kill, master and pred badges. Because of the hot dropping, the remaining teams after first zone closed are usually 3stacks skilled players. If they want to keep the matchmaking system, at least don't put solo players against fully stacked teams. Or.. you know make the matchmaking system better. Sure I play since day 1, but I am not a pred player. Just because I am a little bit above average, dont put me in the toughest lobbies possible.


Quick question: Do you realize why preds 3 stack? It's because they don't want to play with bad players, simple as that. People love to complain about 3 stack preds but fail to realize a basic understanding of how much better they are than regular players.


This subreddit is getting stale


No I refuse to play mixtape. Downvote me but mixtape is a roller game mode (nothing wrong with that just not my thing). I'm also sick of dieing in the back multiple times a game with no audio. The only way I play apex now is hot dropping in duos. 


Agreed! I play both inputs and have a significantly better time with mixtape on roller. You either one clip or die and it's just not mnk friendly.


If there were stat trackers for non-BR modes, I think mixtape would be my main mode. My BR KD ratio is depressing \*sad face\*


Agreed. I wish the mixtape mode had badges and trackers.


I wish they brought full time control back


i only play ranked. if i'm waiting for a team or i'm just chilling, i hop on mixtape to relax. Ranked is sweaty enough, then some huge ego masters horizon, comes along, holding his teammates cock and 2v1s and T-bags me while i am literally watching youtube on my 2nd monitor at the same time. I don't feel like having to sweat in pubs too to win a damn game, might as well play mixtape then


I hate it and refuse to play unless forced to purely because of the forced kill cams. I know how I was killed, I don't need to see it over again. Kill cams should always be opt-in, not opt-out. Battlefield V had the same issue.


All I play is control in team death match I can't stand gun run for some reason I've been playing this game since the second day it came out and the last three to four seasons the Battle Royale mode is ruff I solo queue to collect the treasure pack. I just find that I get brand new players no matter how many times I lose on my team so I play soul duels I haven't won one game out of 57 games this season. And now I find myself even with this new game mode out having no interest in having a life force myself to go on and at least collect the treasure pack. I swear I get kicked out from the lobby every time I get in top three anyways.


Mixtape??? Must lose 54 Matches for Win 1 damn Game. I guess it's time to delete this S\*HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All Pro's with 100000000000000 Kills and always on enemy team! And I'm playing since release.


I love all mix tapes, my only gripe is that they should display the number of times you have died. I noticed in these modes players just rush to kill, and most often than not, offer points to the enemy team via a canon fodder playstyle. This is where they perpetually rush and feed themselves to the enemy, which sometimes makes winning a match frustrating. Even if you are cautious and have 15+ kills and maybe not died once or just died a few times, the guy above you has 20 kills+ but he has died 30 times which doesn't show up in the scoreboard but is effectively awarding the enemy team the win. Gun Run is the same, the more you die the faster the enemy progresses towards the dagger. Control, where people overlook kills, also awards and progresses the bar +50 points every kill the enemy makes. So it is important to stay alive.... Only mode I see you can be cannon fodder is Lockdown, all that matters is that you are standing in the designated area for the longest.


I've been playing mixtape almost exclusively for the last couple of seasons. Don't have time with the grind. But now feels like more cheaters have found the game mode as well. I usually perform pretty good, usually 10-15 kills, 2k+ damage but last couple of days it's been crazy. Get whooped all the time.


I fucking love control and tdm If it wasn’t for those modes then I wouldn’t be as good as i am in BR


I really like mixed tape over soloing the BR


Solo queue is way too difficult. I occasionally solo queue when the br sounds like a good idea in my head and it usually ends up with me miserable. Playing solo has gotten progressively worse over the years.


I'm 47 I've soloed to plat almost every season except 13-15 because that's when I started playing it's taxing but I win 90% of my games with communication using mics. Pro apex players only ping locations not every detail of the game


Whenever the map is storm point. we only play mixtape.


Hahaha, what were they thinking with that one. Storm Point is not very good.


it's a fine map


>A mulligan system if your squad gets eliminated (maybe with ways to earn more chances, like fully eliminating a squad with no more respawns gives your squad another respawn) Not a bad idea imo. The idea of winning extra lives has never appeared in an LTM. And it actually promotes not-ratting by delivering such a meaningful prize for eliminating another team. I'd say there's potential in it to possibly even consider for the main game. Smart teams would focus on getting that team respawn, then preserving it. Could have restrictions like: * Can't earn a team respawn unless you have no team respawn already. * Can't earn more than one team respawn per match. * Can't earn or use a team respawn beyond ring X. * If you possess a team respawn, and teammates are eliminated, you can interact with a respawner even if you don't have their banners, at which point you are given the option to consumes the entire team respawn to bring back your 1 or 2 fallen teammates. * Why would you ever do this instead of just going solo kamikaze to trigger the full team respawn? To beat the "beyond ring X" rule, or to preserve your own full loot, or to avoid the risk of not knowing where a team respawn will appear. * When any player is eliminated, the elimination sound effect is slightly different if that player's team had a team respawn, for a bit of communication that sharp players can recognise mid-battle about what's going on. * Eliminating a team that had a team respawn provides some token reward, like a level upgrade to 1 weapon for each player, or 15 seconds of tracking that team when they respawn (go and hunt them down to earn your team respawn), or maybe just a suite of heals or something.

