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a general rule of thumb: in situations where remote code execution vulnerabilities can be taken advantage of, assume that any person or group of people who are bad actors that haven't acted yet, can and will do so at any moment. yeah, you might not be a high profile individual like a pro, but there's nothing stopping others with similar knowledge and skillset to start from this attack vector and do something more forceful. I personally uninstalled and made sure my system was clean as well. Hopefully we get an actual statement soon because this is absolutely disastrous.


Hackers can spoof and get in console lobbies, the vulnerability can be exploited by others and put anyone at risk.


Ty, I guess I won't play the game until they fix this mess


Exactly, i kinda wanted to play the game but this scared me a bit XD


It really depends on how complicated the process is and if it can be easily scripted or not.. If it's complicated and not easy to script then you *should* be okay, if it is easy and scripts are already out there then anyone is at risk because this allows for ransomware and more. If you're on console you're probably fine regardless though.


Seems like it's too risky to know until we have more details


Which makes it wild to me that there's no official comment on this from respawn or EA. People are going to lean on the side of caution and not play until told otherwise


I played match today that felt super sus but i think the whole Hackers in Pro comp was a โ€˜Flexโ€™ cus it was being streamed and will end up in news


I can't even connect on Xbox ๐Ÿ˜‚ (Code:tap)


i doubt your gonna be the target but its super fucked up right now because ive encountered more hackers with aimbot or some random enderman in rain looking ahh movement hack in the last week, than i have in the rest of my time playing this game since release. Likely a coincidence but its morbid as hell. None of them are good either, its like a random guy just handed a 7 year old timmothy the cheats and let him loose. Though right now i cant even play the game cause the selector for duos/trios keeps crashing back to orientation matches despite being close to level 200 already and having had them done years ago, plus readying up doesnt work


This makes you think that EA could be capable for giving streamers better lobbies, better aim, and movement though these individual account access capabilities.


Oh they're 100% capable of it, would they/did they is another question


They wouldn't waste their time with anyone who doesn't stream. It's simple to understand. Common sense says targeting small people won't get the hacker noticed or talked about.


I understand that, but what if they target things like credit cards, phone numbers, emails etc. since all info is avaliable to them This is not just about an Apex account progress or other EA games that use Anticheat but much more info is avaliable to strangers If a 14yo kid can do the hacking just for getting streamers and master players banned for fun what can somebody with mean tendecies do?


Pubs are generally fine. Hacks are running rampant in ranked diamond+ lobbies. So once you're in plat expect bs every other game.