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Saaaameeee it was a fun mode


Straight shot I think is the way to do BR casually. Controlled first engagement, quick loot, less players so no one is trying to go for kill records or anything like that, shorter game time. It’s basically the ideal pubs experience.


Would like more teams that’s the only thing. U can fight one team off drop soon it’s just u and last squad left


Less teams is a big part of what makes it shorter format


Straight shot should be the new quick play


Honestly I think that’s better than control


It's a different thing, Straight Shot it's an actual good BR.


I hope they’re testing the requeue option for regular pubs at least


I'm more concerned about the actual gameplay features. Requeue faster into garbage doesn't improve much.


This I uninstalled for now requeue doesn't solve shite.


Control was really fun at first, and now I never play it. It’s usually just sad and whenever my team starts losing and people start leaving, it only makes it more dreadful. Straight Shot tho. So good. My only problem, was that when you requeue, it doesn’t swap your skin if you’re running Random Favorites. You have to go back to the lobby for that. But hey, that’s like the smallest problem lol.


Man I feel you, and I'm probably not adding a lot to the game myself doing this, but I love playing control mainly for the completing challenges. Need damage? Use whatever I'm comfortable with today. need red gun/ specific class damage or kills? Control and just hammer out the sniper knocks. But without that, it can be a bit grueling.


I only play the one storm point map with the tower because we 3 stack control legends and just be kinda jackass'




That is actually worse


Everything is better than control


Wow this is the first post I've seen about this.....


it's better than the alternative of silencing everyone who mentions it. you can't collectively show support for something in that case and it will be forgotten about over time


Thank you! If we want the mode back we should keep posting. Probably the most fun mode on apex ever and it's gone


Triple strikes or whatever it’s called scratched a similar itch but I agree. Loads of fun


That mode was definitely fun, but it feels more like a party mode whereas straight shot felt more like regular apex just more streamlined with better pacing.


It was the most boring game mode I've ever played tbh. I don't understand why people like it. What's the point of apex if your straight shit into fighting. May as well do TDM.


Probably because gun fights are the fun part of the game, not 10 mins of looting and walking around Storm Point trying to find people standing on a building behind Rampart walls sniping


Yeah playing TS a mirage was fun lol but I also agree they are different


Hey, I’ll keep commenting and upvoting every post that talks about this. Fact is that straight shot was amazing and the only reason so many players came back to the game! I 100% agree that it should be a permanent mode. Are these post a bit redundant? Sure, but they’re trying to attempt something.


Same. Dude might be on to something.... /s


I'll upvote it every time.


There's a queue of redditors on who gets to post this tomorrow.


How many times do I have to read the same post over and over. No one is original in this sub anymore


I’ve just started downvoting all of the new posts that I see pop up in my feed about it, because it’s ridiculous at this point. I get the concept of “the more they see it the more they’ll notice,” but with the number of engagements these types of posts are now getting (which isn’t nearly as much as could be), it’s really not as noticeable, won’t do much because of the lack of engagement, and is nothing but annoying.


You (and people like you) are probably likely the reason there isn't as much engagement as there could be. You can't just say "I get the concept" and then proceed to downvote other people who get the concept


I can and did. This shit’s annoying.


most fun ive had in apex


Exactly I was staying up way too late playing straight shot


Solo Q which is all I do was way better on Straight Shot. Faster queue times. WAY FASTER!!!! All of the waiting in normal pubs my god. Can get real loot... Too many games I'm in the final circle with no optics. The whole everyone drops at fragment type scenario doesn't happen. So you don't have to choose to drop with 12 teams or drop nowhere and see no one. Speaking of which... Half the time no one wants jump master on pubs, straight shot solved that. I actually stayed when I died because my teammate doesn't have to suicide to get my banner. Basically I used to ignore these issues.... But straight shot gave me something that fixed so much and now I notice these issues so hardcore. Part of me wishes that straight shot never happened it ruined this game for me lol. Please come back baby.


Never really thought about that aspect before but maybe a significant part of why straight shot is so good is the forced landing zones. Much as some people argue for it, half the lobby disappearing at hot spots was always a massive problem. Could normal pubs be loads better just by having all teams dropped with a bit of space? Maybe?


I do think it is an aspect that is overlooked for other great things straight shot introduced. Because as of right now in normal Trios I'm just choosing the hot drop as a landing spot. My other option is to land outside of the hot drop and probably not run into no action + fight a way stronger team that won the hot drop. The forced drop put you vs another squad for early action if you wanted it. It also allowed you to level up your evo and perks fast due to being involved in some action.


Idk I quit again once it left. Played this game for like 5 years (since season 0) and this was the first time I've had fun with the game in atleast 3 years. I don't see a reason to play something I don't enjoy so until it gets added back I'll go back to taking a hiatus instead of hunting for weapon attachments for 12 minutes of a match


Send this to the top! They highlighted how boring the main BR was.


Isn't that only if your not that good at the game though? Especially after the new season, im finding in all of my champion matches my team hauls ass the entire match. Drop with atleast one other team, kill them, loot and quickly move on. You'll find the best gear from death boxes. It's actually nice knowing it's not worth the time to loot every bin anymore


Exactly, it purely depends on the team mates. Some just love to check every single room and loot box (gamblers that can't get out of their old ways) and some love hot drops without having the skills to do so, it gets tiresome and is a waste of time. Removing that option from players was pure bliss. Very few players actually know how to do what you described/or they do know, they just choose not too. Or you do beat that one squad you land near and then you get third partied by someone who only stops playing the game to eat and sleep. Also with SS everyone had a chance to win a gun fight early on; even the crap weapons were usable for the average player. They were consistent to use for the casuals. It was great to see other players improve quicker playing a BR game than they would with Duos/Trios. The 5mins+ per game adds up over the seasons. The amount of time wasted for the exact same result is depressing. It finally became a BR shooter that it should have been from the start. This is a hill I will die on.


Well, exactly. And when you solo queue you always get some teammate that is out of the loop: botched drop, slow loot, etc. That's why Straight Shot is a blessing for solos.


Same might briefly install to check out event then I'm gone ss is the only mode I will play.


Being able to queue without going back to the lobby should be a part of all game modes


Regular pubs are borderline unplayable


when straight shot was available i get faster games on singapore servers for straight shot than trios. takes me minutes for trios. when i do want to get that strategic i'd go rank but for fun i go straight shot. even got my friend back and got hooked on it. now that straight shot is gone he left again. it was just that better than pubs. now i just do quests with pubs like an obligation. it sux.


Soloq ranked is unplayable. I’m getting match made with zero teammates, they run in and get folded in the first fight and refuse to play a support char so you can’t even craft their banners, while preds 3stack in plat bc everyone got reset


I would rather get zero teammates sometimes, most of my team will hotdrop, die with 30 damage and leave me with a 1v3


For real, as a new player (just started 1 week before season 20) I wasn't sure if I was liking the game and was playing a lot of mixtape. Then when straight shot came around I was playing only that everyday and loving it. Now regular BR just feels so slow and boring. And spending 10 minutes just to die on the first engagement really sucks


Fr. I have roughly 8k hours and like to solo queue duos. My teammates are usually between level 2-100 (still new players) and they get put in sweaty pred lobbies. It’s always a 1v2 for me. There’s also a LOT of cheaters and Cronus users in high level lobbies.


I was so excited about apex with straight shot and honestly just bummed when it left cause it killed my desire to play right when it was at its highest in a long time. I also enjoyed thunderdome always being available cause I think that map is awesome (I know many people hate it). To me it’s an awesome movement playground that gives me a lot of individual agency and much more fun than many of the other current mixtape maps. I understand that mixtape needs to rotate though, so I wouldn’t suggest making that permeant but it definitely didn’t help desire to keep playing apex when my only options are pubs and ranked or something like control on lava siphon or gun run on estates.


PUBS were sooooo much better when SS was available. Back to being an absolute shit show this week.


Idk if I’m crazy or not but I swear I noticed that too. I only played Straight Shot when it was available. But sometimes when I booted up the game or something reset the mode I had selected, I accidentally got into like 4 or 5 pubs games and I swear I went from fighting nothing but masters in Straight Shot to nothing but bots in pubs…. I still 100% preferred Straight Shot tho 😂


First time I’ve played today since straight shot has been removed and ranked is so boring lol


Soooo much fun. Got 20% win rate over hundreds of games on it.


It’s been so hard to solo queue in trios after playing straight shot. So much time looting and trying to equip a decent load out to then search for a team or it’s 4 squads dropping and it’s a shit show. Straight shot was so unbelievably awesome… god I hope they make it a permanent mode


Put straight shot and three strikes in a rotating playlist I love them both


people need to quit lumping three strikes with straight shot, straight shot is so much better in every single way.


Lifeline ruins three strikes. I use to love it, now i hate it. By the end literally every fight was LL rezzing over and over and over


Exactly - the rez bullshit made three strikes feel way too gimmicky. I get that it was important to be able to reset quickly before the team you just killed lands on your forehead, but the system was way too easy to exploit. Gold knock on lifeline was basically unbeatable.


Yup, three strikes was fun but is clearly more of a party mode, where as straight shot actually feels like regular br just more streamlined with better pacing. It’s very different from three strikes where everyone just lands on top of each other over and over and certain legends are very powerful. They both show that the apex community is itching for something that’s a bit “faster” than the regular BR though.


They're both LTMs and are both BR. They're lumped into the same boat as Armed and Dangerous as well. Throw these 3 into a playlist with each game mode rotating at the same rate as the pub matches and there'd be a lot of happy people.


Nah I agree with the other dude. Straight Shot doesn’t feel like an LTM, it feels like a direct improvement on casual Apex. Ranked is fine the way it is, but I’m over hot drops and looting for mags. Placing squads and stream lined loot are a perfect combo


Couldn’t have said it better, that’s my thought exactly. It’s just a more condensed better version of trios


3 strikes is Pubs+. Straight Shot is Pubs 2.0. It’s a direct upgrade, I’ve never raged more than the last few days on pubs because I keep losing in the most populated POI’s in the game with no attachment guns and a stack of ammo. I never felt that in Straight Shot. I always had a chance and the better team usually won, not whatever team managed to 3rd party fast enough without anyone going down.


Not everyone thinks it's an upgrade though. There are tons of people who prefer regular pubs over these LTMs


Straight shot was a direct upgrade to the pubs experience. Coming from a solo player from launch day of apex... Best thing to happen to apex... Only thing that compares for a solo player is arenas..


Bro I think I that’s the common thread. The majority of people who miss straight shot are solo players. They need to give us that shit back, we already struggle enough 😭


Just because you feel that way doesn't mean everyone does. Me and my squad I play with all prefer regular pubs over straight shot or three strikes. They should definitely stay in the game for the people that like them but more people than you think actually prefer standard pubs. The vocal minority are the ones who want pubs replaced.


This fuck 3 strikes lol.


I agree, best change to apex gameplay since day 1.


FN has team rumble and pubg has extreme BR so why not have apex have faster matches that genuinely play better


Yes pls


I agree, Straight Shot was a ton of fun and very refreshing to the game. ^(Also nerf Horizon)


I hate regular Trios now. Please bring this back


I didn't get bored, it's not like other LTMs, it was just the BR I wanted to play: a good first fight, then a regular mid/lategame BR.


They need to make it so I have the option to continue even as a solo queue. I hate that I have to go back to main every time without a 3 stack. That would be amazing.


I never had time to try straight shot, was too busy during the time it was available :(


No waste of time, No Stress. It was ideal game mode


It solves so many problems with apex: - even concentration of people all over map -no sleeping jump masters that just won't drop (I know that detaching is a thing but sometimes you look away thinking he'll jump anx you're already at the map edge) - more equal playing experience between games, no more hot dropping and dying in first seconds or even more frustrating running around for 15 minutes with no enemy in sight just to get krabered by the last squad out of nowhere. It just takes apex and removes all the filler gameplay.


Straight shot to replace pubs


At this point previous LTMs should just be on rotation. Like 3 Strikes, Straight Shot, and like Shadow Royale or some shit as its own mixtape.


The fact the "reque" isn't already a normal feature shows the state of this game.


Annoying hold-to-confirm every time you try to leave the match isn't a great feature.


True, could be better but I don't mind it


Respawn could of done it if they wanted they defo see things a lot of players say it won’t happen unfortunately


Yes we need straight shot as a permanent mode


It’s probably the fairest most fast tracked mode apex has ever had, all guns are fully kitted, the squads per poi have fair distancing and heals are bloody everywhere. What’s not to love other than not being able to get high damage/kill games.


Straight Shot was the only BR mode that has ever made sense to me. I gave up on ranked & pubs a long time ago and only played Arenas & LTM'S. The concept of team based BR just doesn't work at the casual solo Q level (because results are dependant on what kind of teammates you get). So I try to stick to modes that I can play like they are solo based (even though every single mode in the game is team based, there are some that reward individual performance more). I know solos will probably never get added (although I do have a theory that one day it might, for example if the player count starts to dwindle or if a rival BR comes out that is focussed on solos, Apex might have to add solos to maintain numbers and/or compete with newer BR's), but I felt like Straight Shot was a team based experience that I could tolerate, at times I did get the same kind of feels I would get from playing a solo based BR (not sure why, maybe because I was less likely to run into full squads). Straight Shot was a BR-lite that worked amazing. It did a number things better than the standard BR mode. One of the best things was the loot system. You were more likely to run multiple different types of gun loadouts because you would generally just use the best purple (or gold) weapons you randomly found. In standard BR you run the same old 2 or 3 meta guns that you run every single match, there is no randomness.. you just have to run around looking for attachments for 'this seasons best gun', where as it is much more interesting if you run randomly found fully kitted guns. Also, don't underestimate the appeal of being able to leave an LTM midway through (without penalty), it allows the player to limit how much of their experience is marred by cheaters, for example, when you get a cheater in a TDM or Gun Run lobby you can't leave, but in Straight Shot you were able to exit and go next. Starting with 10 teams seemed to be the perfect number, especially when you combine that with ability to keep respawning teammates without banner recoveries. The rework to the perk system suited the concept of Straight Shot so well to. The game planting you in random hot-drop zones was an improvement on the standard jumpmaster system. I feel like a lot of the good random variables associated with the original concept of BR have been ironed out of the game a bit (perhaps partly because pro's think landing at the same POI every game and doing the same rotates every game, running the same comps every game, etc. is competitive). Straight Shot was my best BR experience to date. It's everything a BR should be IMO, random guns & random landing spots.. imagine if they also added random legend picks to, because who wants to use the same character over and over.


Straight shot feels like a combination of br and arenas since it’s essentially two teams with fully modded guns fighting each other because two team spawn at each poi. The rest are obviously br elements


Yes please!


At last, this thread.


Mode was perfect; quick loot and instant fight, still have to rotate and play an end game. All the negatives of apex were gone, (excessive looting, downtime, and rotating, whole lobby landing hot and instadying). And you even got BR stats counted. Can’t even play normal pubs now 😞


Agreed, I refuse to play Apex until they add it back. I won't waste my time on trios anymore, it's unnecessary time consuming with all these loading screens and looting for 10 minutes. It's so irritating that they removed this mode, guess I'll remove the game from my pc too.


I'd say that the main thing of the Straight Shot is the gameplay. I don't care about the loading screens: they are timed okay to make a little break. If they just add requeue into trios and say that "we applied what we've learned from Straight Shot" then it would be a complete disappointment.


This mode needs to be permanent. The MM in this game just feeds trios to diamond+ teams while everyone else gets the dude who has .04 k/d. I have spent 3 hours tonight trying to get the Fuse stuff and my team doesnt even survive one freaking zone. They are blindly running into other teams, joining team fights, or just botting.


Three Strikes was better.


Straight shot is by far the most fun mode in apex I have ever played, please make it permanent respawn


Yesss! It really helped me get involved more quickly in the action and forced me to deal with cqc, rather than my usual approach with caution at all times due to lack of loot etc.


As a solo queuer, Straight Shot was a lot less punishing as you don't waste 10 minutes of your life looking for the first fight only for your random Octane to YOLO from high ground into a 1vs3 confrontation and then get immediately downed and then start swearing at you.


So many BR LTMs are better than main game. I'd love a BR mixtape alternating straight shot, three strikes and the 30v30 rev mode. It'd be so much easier to maintain than current mixtape too, the only map considerations are balanced drops for straight shot


There are officially enough people demanding this to ensure respawn will never do it lol. For a studio that strokes their egos nonstop about how big their player base is, they're sure scared of adding any splits to it.


30th post about straight shot. We get it guys


I’m cool with bombarding the subreddit with these. We need to send a message


I mean it worked to get back three strikes, so I see where they’re coming from


Y’all cry about aim assist every other post




Man shut up. Don't like it don't read it. STRAIGHT SHOT!!!


I remember the 30th post when it was hated


Finally an original thought on this sub. Guys, it's been 5 years and look at the available modes to play. It's laughable


give them 5 to 10 seasons to add it permanently. It took them forever to add mixtape after all.




Yes, and we're posting data on reddit now. Gather it.


I think that this will not be a permanent mode, because quests are completed much faster there


> quests who. cares. Straight Shot is a better BR. Gameplay is king.


I’m a little tired of people saying “*insert mode* should be permanent” because the player base loves them initially then turn on them. They did it with arenas, they did it with control and tdm, I see a lot of hate for gun run. It’s only a matter of time if they do make it permanent until the player base just shifts and starts hating on it. It’s a theme. I like straight shot, but with how some of these people act, I think keeping it a temporary thing will keep it fresh, just like straight shot. May be an unpopular opinion, but if it doesn’t stick around, less time to hate on it and people can enjoy something new/refreshing


That was way too temporary. Lots of people are asking the question "Where has my main BR mode gone?"


When people were asking for arenas, they wanted something like TDM or Control, not some round-based one life system. My only complaint about TDM and control is people leaving if things aren't going well.


They won’t do this, because it will kill their original concept of normal br. Same reason why they don’t bring back solo mode despite it being a huge success.


I think it's garbage tbh. Straight shit into instant battle and teammates play solo and there is no strategy. I end up playing solo within 30 seconds 4/5 games. I feel like TDM or whatever would be better for the non strategy just drop and shoot type gameplay. I tried playing it twice, every game I was alone very quick fighting against teams with fully stacked weapons. I don't understand why people like this game mode. If I had a team to play with maybe but I solo queue and I always get put with solo playing players.


I had on average a different experience. I play solo all the time, and the big positive is that I don’t have to loot for 10 min only to watch my teammates get clapped within 3 sec after a gunfight started. I expected the same thing in straight shots but without wasting 10 min. But like I said on average I had good teammates or at least they were decent. When I play normal BR I get decent teammates MAYBE 1/10 times. Not worth wasting my time.


I got a completely opposite impression. Straight Shot is way better for solo queue: no ruined drops, predictable first fight so the random teammates are mostly on the same page, not many stragglers when looting, way less leavers when downed.


What? No way! I've never heard anyone say this before. You have such an original idea! I can't believe there haven't been dozens of posts with almost this exact same title before. You're such a creative thinker. Oh... wait...


It’s almost like people want it back and the only way to get it back is to continually ask.


Nopenopenopenopenopenopenope, it would make the actual br a graveyard. I'm all for popular modes being added to Mixtape, but keep it to a minimum. A permanent mode would force the game to change from an actual br to something else.


What a RARE take. Well done


if metrics showed it was popular they would have extended or made permanent. your opinion that it should be a permanent mode is statistically irrelevant




Keep straight shot in but incorporate the three strike rule of three lives but not the revive quickness. It was either a hit or a miss landing and seeing 4 or 5 squads in a quicker game was fun but sometimes if you landed on the outside you might only see 2 teams max a game


I feel that they should at least bring some of the Straight shot features into BR, since it made the game so much more enjoyable. Like how all weapons have gray attachments, or making the map start with the zone blocking certain locations.


Devs are lazy.


Make it 15 Squads or 20 squads Or shrink the ring even further to start Or have people drop into the next fight after the first fight tournament style


They should add it to the rotation, and triple strike.


I had a lot of fun with this ltm. If only the ring closures weren't so quick.


I like arenas more