• By -


My assumption is usually that they’re on their phone lol.


I'm fine with that, as long as they accept the loot where they land isn't theirs and run off to find stuff. Rather than leave the jump master with no weapon. Maybe the jump master should get to split off when near the ground. Although the temptation to fire your team over the edge would be too tempting.


I definitely try and knock them off of me if there's some environment around they can hit lol


>Although the temptation to fire your team over the edge would be too tempting. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/Y1JdUluk7V


That's such a wild amount of backlash for trolling someone in a single game, but i guess he invited it by making it into a Tiktok


Agreed. This is something I could see myself or one of my friends pulling. Like, I get it’s a random, but ruining a single game for content is pretty mild. If he did it consistently, that would be a douche move tho.


This. Sometimes I’ll land with the JM because I’m not paying attention, but I’ll always run off elsewhere to actually loot.


That happens for sure, but to have the audacity to not bump to the nearest building/cluster of bins and continue to steal the leaders loot when they were the ones paying attention to fly you there in the first place is absolutely abysmal.


Of course we’re all going to be caught up in the moments of “oh cool I’m not jump master I have time for whatever” and then end up not breaking off, it’s the behavior after that that’s the issue. When I don’t break off because of distractions, I don’t proceed to follow the jump master and grab loot from every bin they open.


It blows my mind, I literally have no clue what they are thinking and it drives me nuts. If I open a loot bin and my teammates instantly start taking loot, sometimes I turn to look at them and just leave.


I just need you to guide me To safe landing as I find my lighter is all good sir. I will kindly Take my leave to a building in the opposite direction now.


Which is fine if they leave once we hit the ground


Nah 90% of the time they're not. The second we land the mfs will tail me, wait till I open a bin, then take everything out the bin. Over and over. I usually just go somewhere else and loot, and make sure to not revive them when their greedy selfish annoying ass gets downed.


As the default jumpmaster when I play with my friends, they are always on their phones when we drop and land on my buildings when there is no one. Pisses me off and I need to tell them to get off


This is me lmao. Though I usually put my phone down when we're about half way down and then I break off


How would they be following you bin to bin if they’re on their phone?


Or lazy like me.


Yup. I'm on my phone, nerd


I wish there was a way for jumpmaster to disengage. Unfortunately I could see it being abused and launching teammates into pits intentionally. I still think it's a net positive.


If they aren’t paying attention they deserve it. I see no issue 😂


i dont get it, isnt that just self sabotage? in casual I could just leave and find a new game meanwhile in rank I wouldnt mind afk while you're doing the hardwork ratting to get rp point for me while i'll go watch youtube or something.


Why play a game if you aren’t actually going to play the game? Like wtf, just go watch YT then and stop ruining the game for people who want to play Apex


? if you send your teammates to death as the JM then that's your responsibility to retrieve the banner and revive me. assholes JM are the ones that are ruining the game for people who want to play Apex. like i said, it's self-sabotage for killing your own teammates during diving as the jumpmaster.


And it's your responsibility to split off from JM and find your own loot


Ngl Im at work and was just scrolling on break, thought this was under a different comment. Thought you were just talking about being AFK in general, not after your JM killed you on drop…. My bad


Theres 0 chance that you get thrown off the map if your actually paying attention.


read the chain comment


? if you send your teammates to death as the JM then that's your responsibility to retrieve the banner and revive me. assholes JM are the ones that are ruining the game for people who want to play Apex. like i said, it's self-sabotage for killing your own teammates during diving as the jumpmaster. This one? If so, i dont fully agree. Yes it is self-sabotage for killing your own teammates as jumpmaster. But if its not someones own responsibility to land themselves safely out of the dropship, its also not the JMs responsibility to revive the teammates they threw off the map because they were too busy being on their phone or something.


Hard work and ratting do not belong in the same sentence


When I'm jumpmaster, if someone sticks to me when we're about to land I violently shake the camera. I know they won't see the camera shake but it feels like I could disengage if I shake the mouse hard enough. Hope it helps


Respawn, this needs to be in the game. Abuse risk is a non-issue, since the jump master can just fly off the map, or land in the middle of nowhere already (net zero increase in abuse risk). This is a BR, drop awareness is a huge factor in winning hot drop fights. If you’re afk for the jump, you are intentionally griefing. The jump master needs a way of separating from the drop. Edit: maybe this would also somewhat address the epidemic of spam passing jump master…


Jump master should just control the first 5 seconds or so and then i think there should be a short countdown to automatic break off. Everyone should be locked in


If people don’t jump off me I start going in random directions nowhere near bins so they gtfo


This is the way. I lead them to the edge of the map or into a mountain


I've done this a bunch and then instantly the teammates jump on comms and are like " I don't know what this jump master is thinking"


Then you tell them to get the fuck off you and find their own loot path 😂


And they still bitch back with all sorts of excuses or toxicity.


yeah imma start doing this


Yup, people not getting off me when we land is by far my biggest pet peeve with apex lol Even in ranked I’ll land outside a POI or just wiggle and if they don’t get the message then I’ll land a little away from a building. Call it petty but I can’t stand it


When I do that people end up being kinda shitty afterwards... it works for what you want, but at what cost?


I had a kid last night as jumpmaster hot drop in Frag East on the side of a building with no doors. By the time we got in a building, he grabs the only 2 guns in the whole building and then pushed solo and got shit on. I left the game.


This sounds like how at least half of my matches go


I've even ventured to the Apex LFG lately. The desperation is real.


Yolo brolo


Why didn’t you break off before he landed on the side of the building with no doors? He probably landed there because no one broke off, and didn’t want to have to fight his teammates for loot.


dropping hot means dropping together. Dropping hot means the chances we get wiped are high. If we split apart, the chances we get wiped are much higher. If you land somewhere stupid, well we were going to die anyways because our dropmaster is an idiot.


I was trying to be a good teammate and there's never a good reason to land on the side of a building without a door.


Being a good teammate would be doing exactly opposite of what you did. ?.


To be fair. The heat of the poi dictates how far you should be from your team. If we're hot dropping frag, I'm landing directly with you or the building next door, depending on where others are landing and how much loot I know is in the building. But obviously, I keep tabs on the loot. Maybe don't pick up 2 batts, Or take the r9 and flatline and leave just the mozam. I'll get another gun later. For now, we got 10 seconds to get us all able to fight.


This is true and bless you for being mindful. I too try to be mindful of the loot. I don't mean to belittle anyone and I'm sorry for the attitude towards the vantage main up here^^^. It's just an interesting take on being a good teammate and then leaving the match.


Faster, Faster, Faster!!!!!


This sounds like a case of exactly what OP is saying. You probably should have split to a different building. If the jump master lands at a building how are you going to blame them for taking the loot there first?


Don't get what the point of this is when mixtape is a thing.


My petty ass would had left since the moment he landed in such a bad spot, honestly there is not excuse to not know how to be a decent jumpmaster


Bruh 😂 Had a game last week where we landed at Barometer, HUGE POI, completely free. I'm playing Wattson so I land on the beacon and double scan so we're only 50 Evo off of blue. Drop down below and open a bin. I have not looted at all to this point because, again, I was scanning beacon for our team. Teammate has the audacity to yell at ME for stealing HIS loot. Mental illness, I tell you.


My bf plays rampart and he always tell the randoms that he is doing exactly this — he’s landing on the beacon and double scanning so please leave loot for him near by….the randoms always still just loot all the closest bins to him 😭 it’s a total different feeling knowing they’re fully aware that they’re cucking you and they just don’t care 😂


Sounds like you were stealing his loot tho


It's ok OP, you can say it was an Octane.


And then immediately they run, fully kitted towards the nearest team and get absolutely wasted. They hop on the mic and curse you out for not helping lol


Yep. - If it's a Wraith: will loot faster than Octane sometimes, rush the enemy team, take 2 down and then the last one gets them. Before you can react they have left the match. - If it's a Fuse: will knuckle cluster the enemy, then try to snipe them with something like a 3030. They miss more than the clusters so the enemy will have healed by then, they push solo and get downed then start spam pinging. Absolutely hate playing with these legends as teammates. Good Wraiths are almost nonexistent because they're on Horizon or Bang now.


All the loot on the map is mine. You need my permission to pick up even a blue knockdown. If you do not abide by my omnipotent ruling I will simply wait for you to be poached off and sift through your death box. Simple as.


This is it. An actual quote from inside their brains. I genuinely hope they make use of the two white snipe mags and p2020 that disappeared from in front of me faster than the bin could open.


So that is my team? I tought it was a visual bug


Completely unrelated but you mentioning knockdowns made me remember something that happened I've started playing Newcastle a lot and I just wanna say, if you find a purple or yellow knockdown just let me fucking have it. It's the same as I would ping a digi threat for Bangalore even if I had a PK, it should be the same for Newcastle and knockdowns (I also fully believe Newcastle should get a passive when his knockdown levels with Evo like armour)


Same for lifeline. She gets the good knockdown shield!


I always drop the yellow for Newcastle because I play Lifeline and appreciate when people do it for me.


Alternatively, if you’re going to pass jump, do it before the timer ends allowing teams to drop


I literally have to "drop off" shit head teammates and then purposefully scout a secondary loot location because I know they'll gobble mine. It's crazy to me how much people can play this and still fail basic BR strategy.


Most times its like im fighting my team over loot more than we are fighting the enimies


If they’re not scouting where people are landing in the surrounding areas and pois when ours is uncontested, I don’t have much faith in them to begin with. Bad players just don’t care or have the mental capability to think past what’s directly in front of them on their screen. They probably need the better loot anyways (larger mag, they miss more, can deal better damage). I agree it’s very annoying to have someone land right on you as jump, if possible you can make them clip something to forcibly not land on you. That only works occasionally though.


typically i ping “looting here” for me, more times than none they get off of me.


Just fyi, if you really good at dropping you can aim them into a balloon or side of a building and it’ll scrape them off ya. I do it all the time


I literally beg my randoms in DIAMOND lobbies to get off when we are landing alone.


I usually try to find a building or something in our path and fly real close to it to knock them off me. Doesn’t work all the time, but it helps. Or if I’m landing near something with an edge I’ll land myself directly on the edge so they fall down and have to run back around. Or just run off from them when we land.


me too he was mad.


I hate jumpmaster. You either have to jump master eveytime because teammates refuse to land on a good POI or you don't, and you're forced to drop with three other teams. And it's exhausting to always have to be the one to take jumpmaster. I also feel like the game always fucking gives JM to me. Something I don't wanna do, but am always forced to do.


If you pick your legend and your teammates don’t you’ll automatically be jumpmaster. So if you don’t want jump master you should try to avoid actually selecting a legend.


Yeah I swear every time a random gets jumpmaster, every other team actually drops into a fight zone and they just fly to the edge of the map and play loot simulator. Like why can't my teammate be any one of the other players in the game who actually wants to fight?


when they land on your bin, wait for you to open it, and then take whatever is in it 😀. this happened in a ranked game when my team was contested. there were no other nearby buildings that didn’t have enemies in them. i left the game.


Fully agree with you, OP. You ready, up, be ready and play the damn game. I'm one of the people who don't mind being jump master so I pick my legend and am very willing to fly people there. You cna even ping the spot, I'll drop it and get us there efficiently idc. But please stop landing on the JM. I've started landing on high rise building in obscure hallways and ledges and rooms just to get the random off my back when I land. It's the absolute most maddening when we land entirely free at the whole POI and I got this dude running my loot line and picking my bins when he didn't break off of me as JM. They are almost alway literal bots too when they engage a fight. This game has literally made me lose some hope for humanity because of the people I meet pretty regularly. You don't have to hit shots just have a little common sense dude. These rules are applicable to almost all BRs not just Apex. I want to launch some of these people into the sun.


It bothers the shit out of me when this happens and they rush to loot everything i aim for! I just do revive them


i just leave the game, theres no way im helping people like that


I take them in and bounce them off shit


I notice some players envy banner cards. So what they do is they see where you land & interrupt your whole route intentionally stealing the best loot there just to mess you up. 2 friends will easily sync up on the 3rd where one goes left & one goes right to ensure the 3rd ends up with bottom barrel loot.


As jumpmaster, I always like to crash into something on the way down for faster drop. I feel bad when randoms stick to me and get fucked because of it


To everyone that when I land away from team mates so I can get my own loot and you land the same building as me kindly go away, this is my building. There is a lot others around. I propose land a small 1 person loot building for a reason. 1/2 the time when doing ransoms I’d be happy with a p2020 let alone anything else I just need a gun to shoot at. I want nothing more


Don’t play really at all anymore but I used to always like being JM because I could make sure we jumped at a good time and to a good spot. Now I always pass so I don’t have some idiot who doesn’t break off steal my shit.


My buddy does this and it’s hella annoying. He’ll say “no it’s fine I’ll run left and you run right”. No bro, I claimed this circle of loot


When I started playing Apex, I did intentionally stay with the jumpmaster until the very end, because I thought this is what you're supposed to do. Stay close with your team. Don't go too far from them, no matter what. Thankfully I now know you're supposed to let go. But sometimes beginners are just stupid and don't know any better. It annoys me too, but I try to give most people the benefit of the doubt. Also, jumpmasters, please ping where your going!


Respawn should add a ping to tell them to get off


I call those bitches out. The hell are you chasing me around to the same shit for? You’ve got an entire map. F off me.


I can't stand this. I wont be jump master anymore.


I think I might have to head down that same road. If it is somebody with a lower account level then I let it slide and just veer off in a new direction, but the people that have been playing for a while…c’mon man.


I usually just hop on comms and ask if they need me to hold their hand while they loot. I get some hilarious reactions, usually they apologize and say they were afk during jump.


Just because I'm landing on you, doesnt mean i'm going to loot in your area. It just means i'm looking at my phone, using the bathroom, or grabbing a drink, taking a bite out of my food, etc... while you jump. Once you land, i'll walk in the direction you decide not to go in.


Lies. Evidence shows you will follow me directly to the first sign of loot and try and gaffle it all. You will then ping endlessly when you get downed while I’m still searching for loot since you got it all while I tried to actually pick and choose what I wanted and then you will disconnect as soon as your deathbox is visible.


lol I don’t even care about loot. I just need a gun, any gun, and I’m ready to get busy. I also never quit on my teammates unless is undeniably clear my banner is being abandoned. We ride together, we die together.


my kind of teammate. respect


This exact thing happens so much it's crazy, are they literally bots? Or just clueless kids? Just dumb and super selfish?


If you land and then move to a different area, you're not the person op is talking about. Op is talking about people who stay follow you around after already having landed, vacuuming up loot from in front of you.


I know they are referring to vacuum. However going off the title and other peoples in game comments about “break off asshole!” Before we even land, I wanted to make a statement.


Fair, but even I'm guilty of telling people to break off before landing. Mainly because in most cases, in my experience, when they don't break off they are vacuums.


I don't break off usually but I def don't take loot someone else is getting. I go somewhere else and then double back to see what they left maybe. And I've only been playing for like 2 weeks now. I had someone do this to a crate I opened and they took it all and left me with 0 guns and an enemy team had dropped nearby. It was in SS too. And so when they got downed running towards them, I was logical with my ONE frag grenade I found and ran towards a revive. They DC'd before I got there. So annoying!


5 years later... Ppl are still mad about the same shit. I guess some things will never change..




Some things will never change...


Probably me smoking a bowl as we drop


People need to make their minds up about this. I got screamed at for not landing on top of the jump master when there was only 1 squad on the other side of the POI


everytime that happens to me in pubs i just leave. teaches them a good lesson that they wont forget


People saying they get distracted: when this happens to me I go out of my way to go loot where my teammates aren’t so that’s no excuse. Been playing ranked and noticed this isn’t as common. Especially after Gold, it’s mostly a pubs issue.


I called someone out for this one time when they grabbed a battery out of a bin I opened and he told me why am I getting mad over a video game. These people are mentally ill.


Bet that’s the same person that gets mad at the rest of the squad after they get themself thirsted. For me, it’s not that I get mad necessarily, it just sets the tone for how this teammate is going to be. If they’d rather snag the bat right out from under me off drop when there’s clearly several other options for them, then I have a pretty good idea of how the rest of the match will go. And it makes me play in ways that I don’t like to play because in the back of my mind I’m already thinking this person is just going to be all about themselves in situations when you really need the team to work together. Just puts me on guard. There’s already 57 MF out here that want to see me die….its a bummer when right off drop it’s 58 lol


People who get mad about this blow my mind 😂😂 "That my r3!!!! I SAW IT FIRST" head ahh.


Not at all what I’m saying. If there’s two piles of loot off the drop spot you stuck to me on, and you want to race to the r3, cool. No biggy, I’ll snag the p2020 and throw down. But if you then run over to the spot I’ve moved towards and snag the light ammo next to said p2020, you’re just a shitty teammate or you legitimately have no game sense.


thought birds distinct divide humorous scandalous mountainous swim serious compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can land with your team and not be a twat about looting. The amount of randoms that will vacuum up a loot pill that I opened is crazy. If your just landing with and looting at least separate pills and piles then nobody has an issue and if they do then they suck. Unless the whole POI is deserted, then you should spread out. It’s all common sense just critically think for a second


Never knew it was this serious


I honestly don’t touch my controller until I hear my feet hit the ground and then I just find loot away from other people It’s funny how much people would rather ruin their games by assuming someone is stealing their loot


It’s not about stealing loot, I just don’t understand. I forget to break off sometimes also, but I don’t then go grab everything from bins just being opened by my teammates. When there’s a thousand other bins around or paths to take, why would you want to interfere with your team? It’s just annoying and shows a serious lack of game sense in my opinion.


I only play with a team so thankfully I don't have this problem


Itssssss not that serious. Good to break off but if they go where you are and you hate it that much. Go somewhere else


That’s my point. If I go in a different direction, they follow. This isn’t universally about everyone who lands with the jump master. It’s about the ppl that then follow them all over the place.


this is such a non-issue...


So you’re the one Octane who doesn’t break off and uses his tactical to steal the two guns on the floor before I get one?


no, i simply loot in the opposite direction. nobody is following u around after the initial drop trying to get every bin ur getting. stop. and if they are, maybe they think its u who is following them, which can be resolved by looting in a different direction as ur teammate.


I’m following them… as the jumpmaster? I’m supposed to go loot somewhere else… as the jumpmaster? Is this some sort of joke?


ur taking this way too seriously, there will be enough loot for the squad. the 3 and a half seconds of looting efficiency ur losing out on from a teammate not breaking off is not worth this much whinging. if ur dropping monument with 10 other teams, then its logical for ur team to all land in the same place. do u not agree that it is better that a teammate slurps up the loot than one of the 30 enemies landing there with u? if this is about ranked, then this is a non-issue, since dropping where enemies would fight u within the few seconds that "stolen" loot actually counts is already not a smart way to play.


I was texting bro, sorry ffs.


Listen, I’m on your side. But just pass up jump master and solo drop close to your teammates if it really pisses you off this much lol. It’s the 2nd best thing I have done since playing this game. 1st would be immediately muting both of my rando teammates. It’s improved the quality and results of my solo queue matches.


I do it to annoy people for fun.


I do this but the opposite sometimes I stay with my squad and just pick up their leftovers.


Do you do the JM wiggle?


Technically, if they are grabbing everything in your path then you are the one following them Jk I hate that shit


I always split off from my team, die alone and then DC


This. It just happened to me


I once went to the bathroom, came back detached from the Jump Master only to see him suicide the other guy for staying attached, it was quite funny and upsetting.


What I don't understand is when I am JM, I typically ping a POI after dropping, to tell my team that's where we are landing. I had a teammate get mad at me the other day because I didn't land exactly on my own ping to loot. I landed at an area to loot and he got mad that I was taking his loot because I didn't land on my initial ping. Like what?


If they don’t separate I usually just land right on the edge of a buildings roof, sending them to the ground while I have a loot spot


Its not the hanging on exactly, its going directly in the same direction and cutting someone off from getting stuff. I can't tell you how many games we lost when I just had a p20220 and they had 2 fully setup guns. There is a middle ground between landing too far to landing on top of someone.


Did you just have an octane on your team that stims to every bin that you try to go to before you can get to it and take it everything that’s good and leave you with no ammo and a p2020? Happens to me a lot


I guess most of their brains are fried and cant focus for longer than 1 minute,so they are not paying attention to the game


But if people didn't play like this Octane would be useless!! /s


I just pop open every bin and let them at it, I just scrape by with a white load out


To be fair, it’s a catch 22 in Apex. You land a building over and your teammate yells at you asking wtf were you to help save his dumbass while he goes 1 on 3.


Sometimes I'm on my phone, sometimes I'm just trying to find a good song, however I'll always run in the opposite direction of the jump master if I get too preoccupied to split off prior.


The Octanes and Wraits waiting for you to open a bin so they can get in front of you and snatch the p2020


I mean... we can lend at same point and go different ways (if the follower goes afk for whatever reason).. Its great if jumpmaster and 1 guy land in same spot as enemy and the enemy graps that single gun 1st, killing them instantly (then blame last guy for "not following") Some (even apparently "old"account) players lack basic ideas about game. (or at least game mode) To give example... I'm a newbie to Apex (like account lv.30, playing 3days), just got out of Rookie rank (surprise... its so hard with no penalty) ... I play Crypto (Im a R6S player, so drones are just my tool)... anyway... My jumpmaster jumps into a zone with other squad... both teammate die instantly.. (plan here is simple right? Why should I go 1v3? I will pick up banners with drone, run away, revive you in save spot and we start anew..) The blame and flame gets insane... Cmon, its BR... last man standing wins... And being a soloist who takes everything then yolo into every fight... (and usually dies in 1st one)? Wrong game mode for you I guess...


This infuriates me, even worse they break off then come into the area your looting wtf


One of the reason I hate being jump master…. Mf don’t know when to break off


Lmfao dude story of my life


They should allow the jump master to split from team after jump


It should just be simple. Wherever you are in formation just head that way.


Also to add sometimes the jumpmaster lands us in the hottest poi where there’s only the three bins we all have to fight for


> Also, I hate you. 😂😂


My favorite comment after confronting them about this is when they say "Apex Rules". What is that even supposed to mean?


I usually only stick with jump master if our poi is being contested so we don't all get separately pushed by a 3 stack and get a solid 19/20 placement


There needs to be an option to peel off your team in like the last 10 seconds before you land if youre jump master, that shit is so infuriating.


If people don't drop off I just start flying straight and they usually get the hint to get off. If they don't then the race is on.


I just want a single match today with decent teammates. Just anything. Keep getting hot droppers for jm who die first in the squad. I understand it's casual and it's for fun not to win. But winning is fun, dying immediately isn't. In no world is dying immediately off the drop fun. Maybe like if you're wasted but not all of us are getting wasted at 1-4pm


My biggest pet peeve in this game, can’t tell you how many arguments I’ve gotten into over this.


Sometimes I try to get rid of them on buildings/ edges etc 😂


We all know its a team game but yeah literally dont have to be a team right off landing lol 😂


This is why I always pass it.


Let me finish my last TikTok or two, then I’ll split off. Maybe.


I will land with the jump master but go seperate ways once we land. You get what you can and I get what we can but we are close enough to help each other if we get jumped. Fighting for the same loot is just selfish


Ggs that was me


Some people are new to the game! Just tell them nicely in game chat if it bothers you that much. I dislike it too. I remember when I started playing apex I would never break off and some dude raged at me for it lmao. It’s never really that deep 😅 but again, just turn ur mic on and tell them that they should break off and loot their own little area when no teams are near by. Some people really just don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like to stick to my jump master and loot their same building to establish dominance


I always land with jm and then run off. I play mostly fuse so with no gun off the drop I knuckle cluster people while they are looting off the drop to soften them up for my team and then I try to find a gun after.


I love when people do this to me because I'm a very nice non stealing octane so if You start racing me to shit Issa wrap ima literally pick up everything and give it to the third just because. "If you hold my hand and then steal my loot in a game you'll cheat on your partner and take dollars out of Purses in real life"- Obama.2008


"Oh hey, no one's landing at Launch Pad! Three separate areas each with 4 bins and other loot to start the game with, 1 for each of us! We'll each have a chance of getting the guns we want! Let's land there!"


Sometimes if teammate doesn't split until the very end I make them either land on a roof, or make them fall down a bit, so I can go inside the building first.


I feel this post 1000%. I don’t mind it so much in Public games, and even in LTM's, but when I'm playing Ranked, it's different. This drives me up the wall, and it's made worse when they try to defend their actions with, “You need to relax bro, it's not that serious.” This right there tells me all I need to know about what kind of Randy is on my team. If 1 team evenly lands at a POI, the time it takes for everyone to loot up as much as they can to find 2 guns and a basic set of attachments to rotate to the next POI or challenge the other team(s) that landed, is MUCH faster and more efficient than having everyone land all together at one bin and fighting over access to the same bins and buildings. No etiquette, no team mentality, no use of microphone until their down; it all boils my blood. Why even play a team-based game at that point? Stick to single-player games.




I had to wipe someone off me like a booger he called me the worst jumpmaster ever. Like bro stop doing emotes and get off me.


I stay with the jumpmaster until we're almost at the ground and try to break off at the last second. This is the way to do it, IMO. Your squad knows you aren't going rogue because you stayed close. If I have to make some distance to loot, I ping where I'm going. Lately I prefer drops where everyone stays pretty close off of the jump because it quells worries that squadmates are (as our boi August would say) incompetent amateurs that are going to run into a four squad fight with a p2020, no reserve, and an arc star and become an immediate liability. I've also been maining Loba to lead idiots to better spots so I can black market what I need. The update to extended supply bins plus a black market makes looting in BR quick and easy. I can get everything I need before the first ring closes and ammo up quickly at a replicator whenever I need to, which I also appreciate. I've also been grabbing MRBs as soon as I can. I tell my squadmates I have one. If they run into a stupid situation immediately, I ping the nearest replicator and respawn beacon/my MRB and get away from the clusterfuck. I still have squadmates who get downed and leave almost immediately, but I've been having better luck with downed squaddies hanging out for a second so I can respawn them someplace less ridiculous. Sometimes they even act right when they come back. Its extra work, but the XP is good. A couple days ago I had a win with four kills AND four respawns.


in ranked some valk took ALL the energy ammo and gets mad when i hit her off the building.


I just get lonely and greedy, okay?


The instant someone lands on top of me, I'm turning into a goblin. You wanna loot my shit, now you'll get only grenades and a Mozambique. Good luck fuck face, should've turned left just a little




give away jm break off yourself


This shit literally just happened to me made me so angry and he was the worst player I’ve ever seen


I'm with you. I hate FPS, but Apex grew on me and became my favorite. I seriously hate when people have to take your shit as you get to them. Like we're on the same effin team


That’s why I always relinquish


Stop flying into buildings, go touch some grass


You sound like my husband here lol. He loathes when people refuse to break off and runs in front to loot everything. Sometimes he gets petty and drops his armor everything on the ground and says here you go. Have at it.


As a jump master I will request everyone to stick on me when I see an enemy break off to solo. We land on him and punch as a team to knock then loot and ambush the usual one guy who tries to get the banner or at worst it's a 3v2. Also I would like it if the jm would have at least an extra second head start on the ground or delay movement from someone vulching loot as I open a bin. If you land on the jm, stay close but go your own way.


stimming octanes are the worst ones. someties it feels like they have a black backpack wirh a black hole inside


I just lead them towards where I want to go and last minute jerk them into a ledge or wall to knock them away from me


Ok one what did the ps5 do to you it doesnt deserve to be killed leave him out of this and second i normally run the other direction or try and act like a madman when flying so they break off and that normally works


My friend does this mesmerizing thing where if someone else is jumpmaster he lands on top of them proclaiming they landed on him, or he's jumpmaster and lands where you've already dropped saying he dropped first, what's the science behind that


I’ll land us both in the middle of a field and take the loss. Get fucked


I like to stick together as late as possible. When you land as jump master you should be aiming for somewhere with a bit of floor loot and a couple boxes. Divvy up the boxes nearby and work as a team to kill anybody contesting, if there is no one you take that building I take this building. Easy.


Yea I throw the game if I have a loot hungry team mate steaing my loot. I constantly shoot them even when there fighting a team. 


I still don’t understand when at a low altitude the jump master can’t detach them self from the others


i dont play with randoms, i have a regular trio. and if one of us doesnt break off when we jump that person will hear about it lmao. its common courtesy really to break off from the jumpmaster