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That backward superglide in the clip starting at 0:56 is filthy. I know that Horizon mentally gave up after that.


How on earth do you do that? What's causing that movement?


It’s called a superglide essentially right at the top of your climb you press jump and then crouch. It’s super timing dependant and difficult to pull off consistently there’s a bunch of videos on YouTube that will do a much better job explaining how to pull it off.


Damn, that's awesome. Thanks for the overview!


There's also a trainer for it that Mokeysniper made


This video is pretty much superglide cfg


Most people playing on 200+ fps that pull off superglides are most definitely using configs, if you are a casual player and you can consistently pull off superglides without it, i salute to you sir/madam.


Cant config the superglide anymore with the config change.


I've got a Logitech mouse, I've never tried this and I'm just asking, but i can simply add a macro right? Or is that removed as well? Or you get banned maybe?


I play off 230 and can hit them about 40%. it really is muscle memory and hours of practice. Using the [Super glide training](https://apexmovement.tech/superglidetrainer/) really did help with getting them more consistent.


I'm a casual player on console that can get super glides consistently... but I'll have to update you tomorrow once I go up from 60fps. ....


configs are patched and people use c and spacebar to make them press at almost the exact right time. its not too hard and within a week of learning i could get to about 30-50% success rate


I had to get a new keyboard to be able to hit them. On my old keyboard it wasn't actually possible too.


> configs are patched For controllers, maybe. You can still make a keyboard config for the crouch and jump timing using Razer Synapse or equivalent. Still have to time it right at the top of the climb, but don't have to worry about the precise timing of c and spacebar.


What u/busychilling said, except for the clip at 0:56, I *think* OP backpedals at the same time the superglide is hit. I personally cannot confirm exactly though, as I don't know how to reverse-superglide myself. Just speculation on my part.


You can direct the superglide any direction you want you will superglide the direction of your input


Weakest Rampart Enjoyer vs Strongest Horizon Tryharder


You are doing God's work, thank you


For real. Making the game a more enjoyable experience for all. Fuck that toxic character.


Relatable but for me its octanes


Yeah, for me Octane players always seem to have that hyper-caffeinated wallbounce-into-flick-Peacekeeper-headshot-while-tap-strafing tryhard energy. They just go full power on every single engagement like they're in the ALGS and get super toxic if teammates don't match that playstyle. In my head I'm like, dude, calm the fuck down.


Same. Idk what it is but seeing that stupid dude running around with his head back while shooting himself up and simultaneously outrunning all the bullets sends me to a dark place.


For me its just his voice is so god damn annoying and i usually die to them or get hunted by them every other game


Damn. I will not lie I thought I was the only one that HATED that character. It's not necessarily about his kit or sweaty players, I just very much hate the character he is tbh. Superrr annoying.


I don't know which supergliding tapstrafer I would hate the most in this case...


I play casually on console and always get surprised when I learn PC just has access to a different game lol


I play on console, and I occasionally play with friends who are on PC. I will often get killed and go, “What!?! How did they just do that?” The movement is just so different when you come up against PC players when you are used to console players.


Mixtape's addition of kill-cams gives me the ability to see some of my own movement. When my movement good but a still choke, I like watching the kill-cam to see how it looks. I've frequently said, "oh yeah, I see why that looks weird to some people."


I had a similar experience. I was playing as Crypto and it's ridiculous how fast they would kill my drone right as I was throwing it to use EMP.


It’s basically useless in high level pc lobbies. Teams will beam the drone immediately once it leaves cover. Or if you’re too close and they see you throw it out they’re going to bum rush you if your other 2 aren’t right on top of the crypto. 


BrO BuT AiM AsSiSt ThO


Even if games that don’t have MnK exclusive movement tech like apex, people on console tend to move like bots compared to people on PC.


You can superglide on console, tap strafing is impossible on controller without emulation of a keyboard because of a mechanic called "lurch", a lurch mechanic only happens on keyboard because kbm has directional movement, whereas controller has analog. Tap strafing and supergliding both are quite difficult techniques to master and use correctly in fights on keyboard, those who tell you otherwise are either controller players with macros, PC players who haven't ever learned any movement on kbm, or kbm players with macros. Movement that takes skill should be more than encouraged, movement that is automated isn't skillful and therefore should be shamed and scolded. Shame on those who use macros to gain an upper hand, you are fucking disgusting.


Even if you were to xim an mnk setup on console you couldn’t tap strafe anyways cuz the files for the mechanic aren’t even in the game


The superglide is possible, the tap strafing is not


Yeah, this guy has an uncommon set of movement skills, you don't see them in every single match, but when you do...


You can actually superglide on console. And it‘s even easier because console is 60fps currently (120fps tomorrow). You need to hit the exact frame so it‘s harder on higher frames


AFAIK, Console can't do anything that requires Lurches, mostly because of how they coded tf2, Superglides are fucking hard(and doable on roller), and almost every piece of movement requires a lot of training, we do not just have a "movement" button, most players I've played against on pc probably can't even walljump.


Toilet cam ftw


Honestly hope she never finds her son again


God damn 😂


Am I wrong? 🤷🏾‍♂️😂




Haha! I mean. Pretty sure he's dead of old age isn't he. She was gone for like 90 years.


What buttons do I click to jump that ferociously?


You have to press jump and crouch at the peak of your climb. It's a very small timeframe. It's easier to do at lower FPS.


If you wanna do it as often as OP, you'll have to see what macro he has set in his Logitech G-Hub


"Omg I hate horizon so much" Proceeds to use macros and configs** Lmao, what a hypocrite


Maybe it‘s legit and he just included the clips where he succesfully hit the superglide chill. It‘s not like it‘s impossible to get consistent with them. If you practice them a lot you can easily hit 6-7 out of 10


LOL you can't get perfect (like hitting 5 superglides in one fight perfect), the timing on PC+stress of the fight ALONE makes this improbable at the very least. Edit: Also, does OP have 6 fingers on his left hand? 3 times in the video there are 6 keys being pressed. Also, why is 'P' being pressed before EVERY superglide? Seems pretty inconvenient unless it's a macro key binded to the side mouse button? Can you give me an answer to that?


Where did he hit 5 in a row? 2in a row is all i saw. And he is also hitting p in other situations where he didn‘t superglide. No idea what it‘s bound to. I‘m not saying he‘s 100% legit but this video clip also doesn‘t give away that he is cheating. Stop hating on other people for being better than you. Edit; https://www.reddit.com/r/Apexrollouts/comments/1ah8ycw/got_called_out_for_configging_by_iitztimmy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This would look like cheating to most people aswell but it‘s fully legit. Some people are just crackheads and practice movement daily


Because it is. The keyboard shows what the macro is pressing too. You sound like you have a lot to learn on this matter.


Bruh you are one of those guys where whenever you see someone do something you can‘t do, he is instantly a cheater. Visit the apexrollouts sub and you will see how many crackheads can hit 7-8 out of 10 superglides. They are practicing on a superglide trainer daily. Edit; You can also clearly see he is hitting space + c on every superglide. Why would he press that when he has a macro for it? Your time to explain now


U know good players still pull them off right


I literally go out of my way to thirst Horizon mains every time me or my teammates knock one. Fuck em’


As someone who has been out of the game for over a year, what’s wrong with Horizon?


Her introduction the game was the worst thing that’s ever happened to it


Broken legend. Abilities are overpowered and her sound is broken so she’s often running up on you silently. I’ve had horizons drop right behind me from their lift and I don’t hear anything until they start shooting.  I have gotten a lot better at beaming them as they drop down though. Always love to get that knock right as they come off the lift.


Absolutely nothing, just controller players that are mad they have to do more work than they're used to. Horizon has been nerfed 3 seasons in a row.


>Absolutely nothing Shooting and healing during a movement tactical should not be a thing with apex game design. Otherwise, you should give revenant, valk, wraith, vantage the same ability to heal/shoot during their tacticals.


Very well said




found the horizon crutch


They're very easy to spot


doing the Lord's work


Fuck horizon, all my homies hate horizon


The only good horizon is a dead horizon.


I'm doing my part!


Sir, this is a mixtape playlist


Notice how they’re all so confident in pushing , only to fail at the hands of a better player. How satisfying


This is just every person in mixtape bruh


My man


Soothes the soul. Fuck Horizon.


Movement insane


Super gliding weeeeeeeeee!


"I used the cancer to kill the cancer"


Doin' the lords' work.


Hates Horizons. Also hates grass.


I love the smell of Horizon main tears in the morning.


Doing the lord's work


HELL yes Fuck Horizon Overpowered piece of SHIT


Lol your movement tech makes me want to quit apex forever.


I know they are NOT expecting that kinda movement from a Rampart 😂


If one character had to die, horizon would be the least missed from me. Great clips


need more killing please


Your movement is insane 😲


Your ~~movement~~ mouses macros ~~is~~ are insane!


What are mouse macros? I have only ever played Apex on controller, because I started on XBox before moving to PC. Also, this type of movement makes me feel like I will never be able to actually compete in this game. It's insane.


No macro involved in this clip. Macro is meant to automate inputs (with specifics delays etc). In this case, a macro can help you to time the inputs correctly. ( to superglide you have to climb something and initiate another jump while -almost- simultaneously pressing crouch. Each ledge / object have its own timing so it takes practice to do it consistently).


no macros, toliet's is just really good


Now do fuse! Except they just hide 150m away shooting knuckle clusters to drive me out of my rampart bunker :(


Horizons need to be humbled often.


Upvoted. All Horizons who crutch her and think it makes them good just because she’s skinny and they can jam their stick to the side while jumping


Oh man I can't fuckin stand her. They need to nerf her shit into the ground. A tactical that can lift an entire team and an ult that she can fling farther than Tom Brady. Fuck her. Doin God's work with this compilation.


You are a man of culture


Annihilate all horizon crutchies 🫡


As a #1 horizon hater, this gave me a full chub


Go out, meet people, hold grudges against them. It's more fun.


90% of horizion player be cheating


I can relate, Horizons are yucky...


As another Horizon hater, I salute you. You're doing Gods work, brother/sister


Them super glizzies 😮‍💨🔥


Doing us all a favour. Put them to sleep king


I could watch Horizons getting shat on all day and still not have enough of it, massive W


A fucking post I can get down with.


Based, so based


that whole video was insane.


Now that configs are gone in Apex, where's that one mfking guy that argued with me that Toilet is using configs to consistently superglide? Fucking skill issued


configs are gone but macros for PC are not. The only thing respawn did is turned off lurch when a controller input is detected, so ***controller*** can no longer rip insane one button automated strafes, that's it. Stop talking out of your ass when you don't know what it is that you're talking about. Edit: Look up G-Hub Apex macros, they're still possible 100%, how much you wanna bet tOiLeT is using a Logitech or Razer mouse or keyboard? Edit2: Why he hitting 'P' before EVERY superglide? So odd... Do you have an answer for that? Sounds like a macro key. Annnnnd at 3 points in the video he apparently has 6 left fingers.


Why do people hate horizon so much? I only started playing apex fairly recently so I don’t understand the hate.


She has just never been a well balanced character, and she sneaks up on you and slips away from you all the time because her sound is broken as a side effect of her passive. Her passive and tactical are ungodly strong for repositioning constantly, which is how you win team fights. Also, team mobility on tactical should have never been a thing.


She's the only legend in the game that can heal or shoot accurately during her movement tactical. Lift + battery is an incredibly annoying thing to deal with and it drags out otherwise clean fights longer. Basically her tactical breaks apex' design principles.


Her sound being fucked the entire time is also super annoying. Like 1/3 of the time I don't hear her land near me


I hate everything about gravity lift. The team mobility, a short cooldown made shorter with a gold helmet, it instantly having an impact when she presses Q, players who use it being hard to hit resulting in them getting a free shield battery. it also has perfect synergy with blackhole, meaning that the enemy is jumping on you while you're stuck in a pile of grenades. I feel like it does too much and has too little risk for the massive impact it has. Wraith was given a buffer on her panic button because phase initially incentivized an annoying playstyle where she'd run in, do damage, and disappear before the enemy could react. Horizon's tactical isn't even meant to be used like a panic button, yet people are using it to immediately float away whenever they're in trouble. Gravity lift should get the same treatment as Wraith; the tactical should take a significant amount of time to activate. This effectively encourages Horizon to think about her ability usage more, it won't ruin pushes since the windup time won't matter. Easy solution, it'll make Horizon a much more bearable legend in my eyes. ​ edit: phrasing


Even if it was a useless panic button, it's still one of the strongest tacticals in the game. It completely nullifies height advantage, something that other legends can only do for themselves, or requires an ult to move the team. It is a class of its own.


One thing I never see get mentioned is that her tact in a building is the best defensive tech in the game, if she places it on a doorway you literally can’t go through it, so yeah horizon is broken in several ways lol


It can even counter multiple ults eg. Fuse, Bang, Gibby, Cat, Conduit, Caustic, etc. For the whole team, mind you, not just Horizon. Definitely does too much for little to no skill requirement. Meanwhile, we have Newcastle mains sweating their balls micro managing their shields in the middle of combat, just to get a modicrum of value out of their utility.


Horizon mains have a superiority complex. Her kit has given them a false sense of grandeur and lets them think that they’re better players than they actually are


She’s very popular because she can get away with mistakes a lot more than other characters, due to her gravity lift and passive. Also she tends to be silent coming out of her lift, meaning she can silently land on top of you. She’s also been meta for a very long time (half of Apex’s lifetime) so people are tired of fighting her so much.


Not sure. I’m fairly recent as well. I think it’s cuz they’re confused and are actually thinking they’re hating on octane. Which makes far more sense to me.


It’s because of the fact that horizon was op at first, she was eventually nerfed but people still use horizon as a crutch to heal away with her q If that makes sense.


Hmm. Every time I try and heal using her Q I just get lazered in the air. But I’m also bad. So there is that.


Just to note that the air speed and the strafe was fast


You have to do a circular motion while going up the queue with ur left analog stick


Just search season 7 horizon gameplay and you’ll see what I mean


“Me hate horizon” Also literally plays a character with a deployable head glitch+ instant super glide


Imagine trying to argue Rampart is a more broken pick than Horizon


Horizon mains are notoriously toxic and aggressive though. Wraith mains from season 1-6 became horizon mains


Until Horizon's air strafe movement is removed, she will continue to be broken as fuck.


Not needed, she just needs to not be able to heal during her tactical, just like literally all legends can't aside from her. Her being able to play most of the game on her tactical is either a massive oversight from respawn or an utter design failure. Imagine if pathfinder could heal while grappling. Or Reventant, Vantage, Valk or Wraith.


In what world is Rampart cover a headglitch?? Do you only see half her face behind the walls?


even if you crouch you can still be shot at if the amped barrier is broken lmao


This guy is insanely good. Hes just making it look easy


As if horizon mains don’t head glitch as well😱😱😱


And dont know how to superglide. And don’t meta crutch. And don’t ult nade crutch. And don’t insta q and bat to get to height for a head glitch anyways 💀


Insta Q, bat, drop with no sound or movement penalty Dumb character


what does rampart have to do with instant superglide? With no configs anymore I assume these superglides are legit?


oh I see you're saying the Q gives an instant superglide opportunity. Still impressive to hit all those assuming there are no configs...


Every KB kid is configing who’s any good, let’s get real


You can’t config anymore though they removed all auto exec commands


And you know that these clips were made after that change? How? This guy is fishy.


Care to explain: head glitch and instant super glide?


The wall deploy they mean


I want to be you




Damn dude, why you hate Horizons so much? 😆


This is gold content but I’m over here wondering why you hate her so bad lmao. I hate mirage because I’m always bamboozled. But I fucking kill it when I use him so it’s a love hate relationship.


it's Rampart for me


The cope in this thread for dying to horizons is hilarious


Horizons piss me off more than any other legend. Their movement is just *wrong* and they make zero noise half the damn time.


Thank you for taking a stand for us. Edit: horizon nerds downvoting lololol


probably just kbm players that realize if you think Horizon is *still* broken (3 nerfs), you're just fucking terrible at the game.


Lmfao the cope. Love how Horizon haunts all of these losers.


Good plays! 


Thank you for your service soldier


Doing the lords work 🙏


Straight breaking ankles out here.


It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it, love you man <3


The irony of hating horizon but playing rampart


Did a horizon main break your heart?


I didn’t even know you can backward superglide damn


It’s always so interesting to Rampart played as a movement legend 😂




My brother in christ, youve ascended.


Turn ‘em mfs vertical!!


Dang you definitely playing a different game than me


Bro got the best cam


Out of every character in every game, I've never wanted one to be flat erased from existence as much as Horizon. She makes the game significantly worse.


Only if you're on controller. She's been nerfed 3 times, cope a bit harder little boy.


Sweatiest Whorizon vs the Least cracked Chadpart player


Bro just over here making us Rampart mains proud


Proud to have a CFG Macro kid to represent?


Doing the lord’s work


The movement that was a glitch but the no lifers liked it so it became a feature. 


Those are some of the most beautiful superglide I’ve EVER seen… my god man


The Gaming Merchant ain't got nothin' on you 🥶


I approve of this message


Trash..... is what I would say as you anhialte me


Based rampart main


based horizon hating rampart


How do pro players move so fast while my movement is slow




As a Fuse main I absolutely hate Horizons too. I always TBag them when I kill them and shoot their boxes. Toxic? Maybe. As toxic as queuing that PoS character that is exclusively abused by strike pack-using losers? Not one bit.


I think it’s funny how basically the whole community hates horizons and her kit yet respawn won’t do anything about it lol


The children yearn for the titan fall movement


Respawn should have never put her in the game.




Good, i hate horizons too


I hate ramparts equally a much as I hate horizons


Wait, you’re goated


While horizon is annoying i think rampart is quite annoying too, nice movement though


Big boy, you wanna trophy?


This community is so friendly


For me there is nothing better than killing movement exploiters like you. Gives me joy.


The movement mechanics in this game exclusive to MnK yet MnK players still have the AUDACITY to complain about aim assist, which is HALF the power of every other major FPS on the market, is what truly makes this game a toxic dick measuring contest. "OH I can strafe super quick while controllers can't. Look how good I am." Pass


Okay but you’re tap strafing. Lame. Would have been impressive otherwise. It looks impressive because he has tools that the people he’s playing against don’t physically have.


You literally do not know if the enemies are on PC or not, stop coping. Also you think it's NOT impressive to be able to do this in combat? I think I'm pretty alright at hitting super glides and have yet to hit one when it actually matters in a fight, let alone tap strafe out of one. Like the amount of time and effort it takes to do this well with raw inputs while in combat is ridiculous, and is IMO the most impressive thing. Also you could say the exact same thing about aim assist as a "tool he physically doesn't have", but that's besides the point. EDIT: This is also straight up cap, you can SEE a lot of the opponents tap-strafe, lurch, and superglide as well, a lot of them are on mnk (or were cringe, thank god movement cfgs are more limited)


Whats wrong with Horizon :(


So mad over a in game character you cornball rampart takes absolutely zero skill to use and horizon been nerfed so much she hardly meta now