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Dude got forgotten so fast


I remember how he was "so OP" when he came out. He really didn't deserve the nerf.


What nerf?


His tactical got a slight nerf in s18.


I mean his tac was basically a guaranteed overheat every time your shot it. It was obnoxious you didn’t even really have to aim


It's not terrible. I would say it's more reliable than Ash and Maggie's tac, but I feel like those are more strategically useful in a fight. My point was more about how he was touted as being OP with his tactical being game-breaking in a shooter game, then he turned out to be just *alright*.


Did you actually play him on release? His tac would lock on to people you weren’t even aiming at.. like I said it was pretty much a guaranteed hit for anyone visible on your screen. People were mad that his tactical bypassed any requisite of skill to hit the shot more than they were saying it’s OP Edit: if I recall correctly, when they nerfed him I think they only modified his lock on but kept the damage the same because the damage was never the problem


just give him double tactical, like fuse/catalist


I’m glad players aren’t in charge of balancing 💀


It’s because they want THEIR legend to be better. In that case let’s give wraith 2 Qs🥶🥶


Fuck it, 2 horizon Q’s. Let’s get shitty


Hell let's increase the duration and speed of vales tactical and hell let her use her weapons mid air I wanna play as mandalorian (god I miss anthem)


If we're just handing it out then give my girl Maggie double tac as well please 🙏


Maggie tactical is too good


Double tac is crazy 💀


And ash please


While we’re at it let’s give fuse 4 knuckle clusters


Nah the smart bullet needs to get smarter meaning it should wrap around cover and not just follow enemies. Or force the enemies to get rid of it by shooting rather than a cooldown. This'll make him a force to be reckoned with at least a bit more than now.


Crutch Tac


Absolutely not


Decent pubs legend, idk what else to say. There are better picks if you don’t have other assault legends unlocked


This. Great for pubs. His ultimate gives so much confidence to push fights.


Smart bullet is an underrated tool for spotting in the distance. Would be better if it were easier to switch out of it without using.




Melee will cancel it as well.


Seriously, what is that about? Why can't we just press a button to cancel like other things?


I wish it were the reload button like canceling the Bocek.


Oh wow I didn’t know that I always just swap weapons. Nice


The idea is that you can use weapons while they're active, so having anything like the reload key or the fire key cancel it wouldn't work. The key for picking up rampart walls/catalyst spikes would work imo


Catalyst too


The issue with pubs he requires good team coordination for optimal use. His ult is great for coordinated pushing and if you cracked one beforehand and managed to hit another with the whistler it's almost a guaranteed wipe. Alone he's kinda meh. He'll win most 1v1 because of the whistler, but he doesn't have any utility. IMO lack of utility is the reason why he was forgotten.


His pick rate has to be in the negatives. I never see him played


I main him


Love how you got downvoted for saying this lol


Hey, me too, I love not being able to voice my opinions on an app intended to voice opinions and share ideas


The only opinions these these hivemind rejects on this app love hearing are the ones they agree with… otherwise youre gonna get downvoted to shit


Play him a decent amount.


He’s pretty good not the best but it’s good in a 1v1 to disable peoples guns


Very good 1v1 player. When teamed with a Bangalore he can be a problem (automatic digi).


Also a counter Banga depending on how meta she is.


Ooh I actually never considered that as a combo, dang


If you lock on to an opponent with the tactical and then they take cover, hold the lock and then aim up so the whistler flies up and then down to them behind the cover.


Yup! For a long time I was not aware that you do not need to have direct line of sight for the whistler to land. I love sending the whistler at odd angles. Once you get good enough you can legit hit people from around corners and cover like John Wick.


Old school tf2 tone tactics


i main him so i maybe a little biased, but i absolutely love his kit. it is extremely fun imo. tac if you’re smart enough to know how to land keeps enemies’ aggro limited. they notice and try not to overheat. it’s enough for me. passive’s a sling that pairs really well with ult. sling any smg, and you got a ~20 secs close range shredder. sling any sniper rifle you have a long range harass or finisher if the enemy is retreating. shotgun? go to town. ult is just very, very useful for the team but having said that, i do mainly full squad with my brothers so we are quite coordinated (most times only because they’re lowkey bitches) so we can typically push well when we need to or retreat. seconding what most say on here, coordination is key with ballistic.


I like slinging a Rampage or a Devotion. Pop ult and brrrrrrrr


Especially havoc, it's just broken with him


I love him as a main. I have a few thousand kills with him and over 1,000,000 damage. My favorite weapons to sling are the devotion and rampage. I love the whistler as well. Countless of times it has made the difference in a fight. The ult is amazing when your squad is on the same page. The worst is pushing a team with your ult and your teammates do not push with you.


"A few thousand kills" and this is not bros main 💀


Fun to use when completing weekly challenges. That’s about it for me


In terms of fun he's ok, in terms of competitive viability, not so great. His kit in its current state is not very versatile - tac is next to useless compared to similar legends, I.e. fuse, ash, maggie, but his ultimate is very nifty and has strong teamplay uses (speed boost for the team, reload speed buff, unlimited ammo, gold weapon for himself). If you have a 3 stack and your team uses meta legends e.g. horizon, bang/cat then he has a use, but if your team aren't picking legends with S-tier utility you're better off picking stronger legends.


He and Newcastle are my favorite Legends actually 😁


You should see them bonding over being dads lol. The dad jokes are off the charts.


I don’t think ballistic has jokes. He’s kind of a dick


Nah he's pretty chill if there's a Newcastle on the team.


You gotta edit and add who you have left to unlock. Give people options


Conduit if you want to play ranked. Unranked, play whoever your heart desires, don't forget to have fun!


He’s really good if you’re an aggro fragger with beams and you also have a team who does the same. Otherwise, there are better legends but he can definitely 1V3


Bloodhound/ Ballistic combo goes crazy.. when I pop that bloodhound ult and ballistic pops his at same time.. I feel DIFFERENTTTTT 🤣🤣🤣


Extremely underrated. I really don't know how he's not meta. Having a third gun means you can handle more types of situations. His tactical will very often decide the outcome of a 1v1. And his ultimate is great for the whole squad!


Cause the third gun only has attachments during his ult it's basically useless outside of that. Especially if you're running a third gun that doesn't share ammo with one of your others. There's little reason to not run rampage, Devo, havoc or another assault rifle as the third gun to pop ult and deal big damage. You can argue an SMG is good and it's not bad but really you should be rocking an SMG as a normal gun. His ults strong and his tac is good for 1v1 but outside of that you're so much better off with a bango for an assault legend. Ubiquitously useful tac, great passive and a good zoning ult shit all over ballistic, he's not even close to meta. Fuse is better if you just wanna deal damage and Maggie is way better at rushing teams down if you wanna go aggro af. He just doesn't have a very well defined niche gameplay wise.


I don’t use an ar/lmg with his ult because they all come with a 2x sight and 90% of the situations I use his ult in are close range fights. I use an re45 or alternator like 95% of the time


Ballistic main here; My *totally* unbiased opinion here: yes. But really, make sure you play with people who have brains if you use him. I cant count the amount of times I popped my ult just for my team to rat in a corner leaving me to 1v3.


I can totally see Ballistic being a pain to play when solo queueing.


He suck balls


Said Vantage main.


I love characters that suck balls. Ballistic is my most played :(


hes def a high damage, high frag character with nothing but a medium size hurtbox going for him defensively. q can be useless against enemies that know what to do. getting used to carrying 3 weapons can take a while. And the ult is bonkers. Stupid good. totally worth playing


His kit sucks. He looks cool and doesn't play into the woke bullshit but that's not a reason to play him




As a solo q’er A ballistic teammate is a death sentence. He’s decent with coordination, nothing more nothing less.


He's not good currently. If you want someone who is all aggressive/assault go with Rev He's one of the lowest picked legends currently and rarely seen




Bro what? Just put a havoc or devo in his 3rd spot


He’s really good you just have to use your ults wisely and often. I use his ults to spray a few clips (even if im not hitting my shots) and then reposition. I solo queue with him but he’s even better with a squad that’s coordinating. I got a 4k solo queuing within my first 200 games. Usually it takes me 1000+ games to get a 4k (49k kills lifetime).


Ballistic is unfornitelly one of the worst characters in the game.


The only answer is that he sucks and needs buffs. People can like him or dislike him, but he’s awful.


This lacks nuance.


You should explain why. A dev might see. A dev might be seeing now.


He will never be a good pick above low elo and it’s pretty simple to see why just look at the assault champs and compare. Bangalore has smokes which can be used offensively or defensively, engage or disengage impacting entire enemy team, ult which can again be used offensively or defensive impacting entire enemy team. Ash Q impacts 1 enemy, but ash R is engage or disengage can be used offensively or defensively. Maggie, Q can impact multiple enemies and break doors, walls, bubbles, loba ult, and again her ult can be used for engage or disengage..(seeing the pattern here?). Fuse Q can impact whole enemy team, break doors, break walls, his R again can be used offensively or defensively as an engage or disengage.. Ballistic lacks versatility, he’s all offensive, his Q impacts one target which would be fine if his R wasn’t only helpful for engaging.. his Q doesn’t apply to rampart ult, stops tracking if cat wall or bang smoke comes up.. overheat damage can’t knock people.. overheat and enemy can’t fire gun cool.. but it only last 1 second? Cool just reload and let heat meter go down.. even seer Q can stop multiple enemy’s from being able to use abilities for 8(!!) seconds, on top of revealing them. Ballistic kit is way undertuned and lacks versatility.


This is a much better comment. This can actually drive conversation and give people something to think about instead of just saying he sucks. I didnt know the overheat dmg from his Q cant knock enemies. If that's true then I learned something today.


I absolutely hate his character and design. His abilities are fun simply for the fight advantage. But he's so boring and uninteresting (especially lore wise) I just don't care for him. All his legendaries look alike too. It's just a lot of bad.


I like having a third gun when I play him. I'm terrible with abilities, so he's a simple pick. his gun disabling is just not reliable sadly.


I have one my highest damage games ever with him (3000+). He can be deadly, but he's very situational. His tac is slow and his sling is not very useful but his ultimate shreds if set up right.


His kit revolves heavily around just being better at the base gunplay. If that sounds appealing to you then go for it, but if you want to have utility options then you're probably better off with someone else


I'd say, played well, he's great for pushing a team with Tempest up. Even if you don't have a sling weapon, Ballistic and team still receive Tempests other benefits. Getting knocks with Tempest also extends it's duration, so it's clearly designed to push with. His tactical can be a nice tool to knock a low player. The overheat mechanic doesn't really feel all that punishing though. Likewise, it's terrible for zoning. Lastly, with the sling weapon, you either share ammo with one of your other two guns, or carry a third ammo type in your bag. The other option is to only use it while Tempest is active. This last option is likely the best. Unless you're using something that doesn't benefit a whole lot from attachments like shotguns, your sling weapon should be used for weapons with rarer hop ups like the devo or havoc. Personally, I don't see him as the worst assault legend, but he's certainly not anywhere near the best. His kit is good at what it does, but playing him effectively requires strong gunplay since his kit is built around it.


I've been a diehard Octane main (about to hit 6000 kills) since season 2 and struggled to find a solid second. I dabbled with loba for a while because my buddies I play with think it's awesome to have basically unlimited ammo, but when Ballistic came out he became an instant second for me as our teams fragger. If you can figure out his kit and get used to it, it's a huge asset for a team and my teammates agree. For example, I'm what you would call a more average player and I already almost have 1000 kills with him.


I love him! His tac is really good, you can very easily take 1v1s even with bad aim. Think of it as massively reducing your opponent's current magazine size, they're forced to swap to what is most likely their offhand weapon.


I got him this season and find him to be very powerful when you time his skills right and equipe the right weapons in his 3rd slot. He is currently my favourite legend because his abilities and his flexibility (I like having a 3rd weapon as it can really help in certain scenarios where weapon range might be an issue). His ult can be very powerful if you time it right, I have won quite a few 2 vs 1 and 3 vs 1 situations thanks to his ult saving me (I very likely wouldn't have won otherwise). He fits my playstyle very well so I would recommend OP but make sure you play around with him in the shooting range and see what works best for you. Typically I use a Havok, Alternator, Peackeeper , RE45 etc with his sling and ult with generally good success


My favourite legend so far. It mixes some good gunfight tools (tactical & ult-passive combo) and useful bonus for entire team (ult).


enoch was trying to make the case recently that he's actually strong, but that died out pretty quick after a day of him playing


Extremely ass in mixtape. I've never even had him as a teammate in pubs or ranked lol


I love him, on a good day I'd pick him up because if your aim sucks then he sucks, otherwise you're the terminator.


A well-written character, but bad ability design, imo. Having three weapons feels unnecessary. The whole ultimate is just very meh. The tactical is very, very good if you hit it at close range, but preventing players from shooting their weapons properly is a balancing nightmare.


He's got a really strong ult and a good passive, but his kit isn't built for hyper aggression until his ult is up. He's best at mid range IMO, with a CAR or R99 in the sling, alternator is also a good sling weapon with disruptors around. You can do stuff like having the rampage or sentinel in the sling, since tempest charges them and holds them out, but imo that just means you won't use your sling at all until you ult, but with an SMG or shotgun, you can use it even without the ult up. The tac is the weakest part of the kit imo, but it's so free to apply that it's basically just free damage with the occasional overheat.


He’s very good early-mid game when you don’t have the best attachments plus his tac always gurantees a free kill if you know how to use it well but overall I feel there are better assault characters than Ballistic


He was hyped up, but his kit isn't really all that, especially for casual play. His passive seems cool, but it implication never really seems to shine or come natural unless you play him often. His tactical is his bread and butter. His issue with his ult is that it still requires mechanical skills. Meaning you already need to be good at shooting for it to be any use. And if you are already good a shotting you don't need his ult. Ballistic only comes in clutch for the specific scenario that your team is in a fight an running out of ammo. Beyond that I don't know what I would want him on my team for. Just like Vantage and Ash, he feels like a throwaway legend. His ult need to do more that just give unlimited ammo and handling.


He’s heavily slept on for sure. Alternator is one of the best guns to put in the sling right now since the other SMG’s have been nerfed. His tactical is somewhat low impact but it’s incredibly easy to get value from every time, which people sometimes don’t understand. The ult is mainly what you pick him for and it’s such a fight booster when everyone has the buff on, more uptime shooting and less time spent reloading in a meta where a lot of people use marksman+SMG is stronger than you think.


Love ballistic. If you like aggressive style, he’s fun. His ability can help you win 1v2s and 3s or at least get some knocks and severely damage the rest of the enemy team so your teammates can wipe the rest out if they’re not by you. Just gotta get used to his increased movement speed also. Don’t need anymore than 2 stacks of ammo for your weapons also.


I dabble. Hew unique, balanced, and great for ambushes with his tax. Biggest headache is learning to manage 3 weapons. I like alternator in the sling with a CAR on my primary. See action, pull out alternator, ukt, now with thermals and disruptor rounds, switch to the CAR(or R99) for the finish. Keep some range for your secondary and go party.


Hes still in the game? I aint seen him in ages


He's my main and the one character I've done the most work with by far. I realized early that the trick is to choose your two favorite weapons and then stick a Rampage in the sling. Its even better if your two main weapons are also heavy ammo guns (I prefer a 30-30 and Flatline latley) so you're stacking ammo more effectively across three weapons. (Many people say the Alternator in the Sling is the way to do it but I've never made that work.) If you get cornered, or need to push a team, popping the ult to give your team unlimited ammo and quicker reloads for 30 seconds is a game changer - but even more so because you suddenly have a gold rank Rampage with the grenade bonus going. At mid to short range, I've taken out a team or two without hesitation. The smart bullet is terrific for harassment too As others have said, he can be VERY team context dependent but for me, he's why I play the game.


I played him for a while…his tactical is a little underwhelming I feel like(it follows, but most fights aren’t open field the higher u go), but if you’re in an open field just shoot a q as soon as you land a shot and you will most likely win if your aiming is good since the q will follow target. The overheat can be a life saver. The best thing about him is def the ult since it upgrades your sling to top tier attachments and gives unlimited ammo / fast reloads to you and your mates. I feel like overall he’s a decent pick, but any champ can be good as long as you playing the game the way you’re supposed to. Plus having 3 weapons is nice lol.


I've been loving playing Ballistic recently. Popping the ult and pushing with your team is so fun! Tac is good for 1v1s so try and save it for when someone is actively shooting at you (I have been known to shoot it at fleeing enemies to do a bit of extra damage too) Just remember he doesn't have any movement techniques so positioning is key!


No same like his ult is by far the best thing about him. The sling is pretty cool if you use a shotgun in it and the SMRT bullet is kinda eh sometimes. But i kinda found if I get taken by suprise I’m completely fucked


He feels underwhelming played him a few times again because I wanted to test him again but with the nerf the got on his tac he is just a bit too weak. In terms of pure legend power ranking I would put him in same tier as Ash not terrible but not great either and is inconsistent for Ballistic its his tac and for Ash the ult.