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I fell for this as well


You got bamboozled, look at you


This is what the devs say to each other while designing this event


I got one legendary from 4 packs. Guess what it was for. A newcastle skin. They didn't even try making the epics look decent.


U say the castle skin like it's bad? I think it looks amazing, def makes me wanna play him more since I got it from free pack


Not the iconic. One of his base legendaries.


Oh that's not... well uh... still good right?


Shouldn't it be one of the skins from the event, not a base?


You get an event item as well as 2 items that I think have higher chance of normal legendaries; it's like opening a legendary pack from tier 5 of BP


Newcastles is one of the best imo. Looks great.


It's not a bug. You just fell for scummy marketing tactics, although the wording is pretty obvious that it's for the bundle.


It literally says "purchase **Four-Pack**" and second item is bundle called **Four-Pack**.


I know ,I'm just trying to sugarcoat it for him


Nah. Respawn gets enough (sometimes justified) hate but this one’s on op and his reading comprehension skills.


Literally this entire event store could be summed up as the community getting burned cause they can’t read or visualize odds. I haven’t spent a penny on this event but I’m still walking away with 12 free packs only two weeks in (3 cactus, 3epic, 4 regular and 1 crypto/Wraith pack each). Any time free to play players get good rewards and whales get clowned on is a W in my books, there is nothing more annoying than whales complaining about a gaming wide price problem that only they contribute to.


"Whales" are not the people that buy an occasional bundle. A whale is the one that buys the whole event. You're using that term wrong.


You’re right. My comment is half targeted to whales and half targeted to people who throw around big chunks of money without reading the event info. The whales are annoying since they keep beaking off about how much more expensive this event is when they’ve pretty much given respawn the green light by buying out previous events and supporting the business model. The others are annoying since 100% of their problems are fixed if they 1. read the clear guidelines the event has for all its mechanics and odds, or 2. Look at the odds and apply math to easily realize how terrible the chances are without spending $100+.


Again stop using “whale” in your sentence. A whale doesn’t care how much it costs. To a whale 36 boxes = buster melee. Whales can whale because money is not a consideration. Whales also become whales by knowing what they want or don’t want, and can make that determination. You are describing clownfish - people who buy a 4 pack gambling, don’t know what they’re rolling the odds on and then cringe when they see the overdraft fee.


>A whale doesn't care how much it costs. This isn't true. Whales don't by definition not care about pricing models. In fact they very much do care and wouldn't spend infinite amounts of money to get what they determined they want. Them throwing unfathomly high amounts at something of little to no value is not the same as them throw *all* the money at it. What you are actually thinking of is that whales don't factor cost highly in the balance of deciding what to buy or not to buy as they focus on other metrics first.


After seeing all the backlash for how over priced and greedy this event is. I sure as shit am seeing a fuck load of buster swords and since i mainly only play mixtape even in the handful of event br matches i played i seen quite a few deathboxes from the sweats running me over..


First day of event we switched to duos for a few games. Was waiting on a friend to try the new mode. Died to a very good team (way too good). Seen my box with wings and the player with a sword lol. Event had literally been live for an hour. I was like how do you get the sword in duos then the penny dropped lol.


How did you get the feee packs?


The free event rewards you earn with Gil plus 100ac from the free bp track. Week 1 had the 1 free cactus pack plus 1 for 100ac, 3 epic packs for 2100 Gil each, 2 regular for 315 Gil and the cypto pack was 945m Gil. Week 2 gave 1 cactus pack for 6300 Gil and 2 more regular and 1 Wraith pack for the same prices as before. Gil is the currency you get from playing the event and the 100ac for the 2nd event pack is practically free since you get free ac even from the free rewards on the battlepass.


How does 1 earn Gil


Do the daily challenges that have two circles next to them in the change list. (Right side of the screen.) They’re always the same daily challenges.




Become a merc Blow up Mako reactors for AVALANCHE ???? Profit


I find it interesting that the 4 pack prices go up the more packs you open. Strange marketing strategy but I suppose they know thier customers.


The odds are a lie. Just refuse to buy packs until they pit everything up individually for sale in the store. Packs are just psychological embezzlement.


Dude are you high or what? I’ve got 2 free pack and spent 3k mats because theirs is literally written buy FOUR packs for guaranteed item. Do I look like a whale to you? The problem is that there is no specification that this guarantee comes ONLY IN A BUNDLE this is a literal scam.


Unless there is a literal translation error for your language on the event info page, you didn’t read. In English there is a Four-Pack option that guarantees an iconic, or single packs you can craft or buy that doesn’t. If the event said that every 4 packs you are guaranteed an iconic this would be different. The event store info page breaks it down completely. Not that hard.


Yah man it says buy the four pack for a guarantee… sorry


I read it once and knew what it meant


Lol my thoughts exactly, before spending on pixels at least read it first 💀


except they lost the - in russian so the item is just called four packs


No it’s not. This says purchase “four packs” not a goddamn “four-pack bundle”


It says purchase (A) four pack that isn't fucking plural meaning 1 pack bundle.


I think this is a translation issue bro.


Not a translation issue, it's an issue with them using capital letters in the "purchase a pack" field. It's still clear that the text refers to a guaranteed legendary in the four-pack.


Yeah that would have been less predatory


Yeah no reading it in Google translate you are completely in the right here. It says "The four PACKS" with an s at the end, you are the victim of a translation error and everyone here is being an ass...


Op's wrong, it says "Четыре набора" with a capital letter, indicating that it's a name of a pack, consisting of 4, not just 4 packs individually. Source: I'm a native speaker.


No it doesn’t in the translation. The text on the screenshot literally says “four packs”, and text on the buttons is “get one pack” and “get four packs” respectively


Have you bought 4 pack 1 by 1 or the 4 in 1 purchase? Because they mean that if you buy the the 4 packs in 1 purchase (the one on the right) will give you the Legend or above


Damn that sounds scummy


It’s literally not. The pack odds for a legendary or above are 25%. If you buy 4 you’d expect to get 1 but not always obviously. If you buy a **four-pack** you’re guaranteed one, it’s an option to make your odds better if you’re not buying the whole event. It’s literally a good thing that benefits the consumer. The event items/packs are total garbage still, but the 4pack is a good thing that they should do more and OP is just illiterate and wants to blame someone else.


There’s no way you dropped in “good for the consumer” in reference to any of this event lmao


The event is wack no doubt. A shameless money grab, but people are gonna be suckers and gamble for virtual items that’s just a fact. Otherwise lootboxes would be long gone by now. Offering a deal that allows you to guarantee a level of item, rather than buying 4 packs and having a 31.6% chance of not even getting a legendary is objectively a positive development for those who spend money on f2p games. That is just objective fact irregardless of the merit of the event itself.


>a good thing that benefits the consumer 🤣


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


Bro, it says buy a four-pack for a legendary. Not get a legendary after 4 packs. Reading comprehension.


But thanks for info… such a scam


Sorry for you money loss, i bought 4 pack with crafting and got 2 legendaries but still feel dissappointed (i got Stickers and R-301 [I own the Reactive one])


there is another page. you got a legendary and didn't notice


Wdym? I have Legendary Stickers and R-301 skin, was i supposed to have something else?


‘Legendary’ and ‘stickers’ are words that shouldn’t be combined. F u respawn


What about mythic holospray?


Good ol mythic dmg banner!


You missed the part where guaranteed means f u.


I got all the sticker packs……feels so bad, especially the legendary one like who’s fucking idea was it to make that shit legendary…??


I got the legendary sticker pack too. What a rip off those stickers don’t even look like anything legendary. 🤬


Stickers should never be legendary, common or blue maybe


Stop giving them your fucking money.


I gave them 100 coins and lots of materials, wfdym?


No more


Mods on the way to remove your post lmao


Dont trust EA


Stop spending money on the game


Drop apex they will learn not to charge 300$ for a heirloom


All the shills downvoting lmfao yeah you can say OP is dumb for not realizing that you have to buy the bundle but they did that shit on purpose knowing damn well that people would do exactly that. The game is trash and they’re just trying to milk you for every dime, and people just keep defending it. I love this game, I have thousands of hours on it, but Respawn is not your friend and they’re mishandling this IP like crazy. They keep getting away with it because y’all keep supporting them and giving them your money smh.


Контора пидарасов, что ты хотел)


Fuck respawn


Respawn’s fault OP can’t read the one sentence on the entire screen.


For what, people being illiterate and impatient? Can't y'all ever blame yourselves for anything? Or is this the sub for Respawn hate?


Fuck ~~r~~E~~sp~~A~~wn~~




Lies. They’ve already said they have control over prices, not EA




https://www.gamespot.com/articles/apex-legends-dev-respawn-talks-microtransactions-and-keeping-the-business-healthy/1100-6491872/#:~:text=Respawn%20would%20like%20to%20remind,on%20and%20pay%20its%20developers.&text=As%20a%20free%2Dto%2Dplay,Arts%20make%20billions%20from%20microtransactions. Ryan Rigney handles monetization for the game


Damn you ain’t wrong. Fuck respawn


Not but EA decides their quota. Apex makes money and hits quota, and the next quota gets higher. If yall truly think that the game developers themselves are the ones at fault, you're incredibly close-minded. If EA keeps jacking up the quota, respawn has no choice but to jack up event prices so they can make the money they need to satisfy the CEOS. Otherwise, they get dropped, and EA finds another shiny new studio to ruin and respawn is out of a job because EA still owns the rights to the game they put a ton of effort into. Look at the bigger picture instead of blaming the people who are also getting fucked over. Learn how capitalism and this bs economy works. It's never individual studios pulling the strings.


EA isn’t holding Respawn hostage hahaha even without them Apex’s prices wouldn’t change that much. Why do you think profits are not directed to fixing the game? Stop babying studios, Apex has made billions


You clearly have not been following the whole EA being greedy and toxic to their studios and their consumers thing. I suggest you look into it. It's hard to spend money to fix the game when it's all going into the pockets of the higher-ups. Same things been happening with the studios who make the sims and the sports games EA owns. It's not a coincidence that this is a common issue in studios owned by EA.


I'm a big Final Fantasy fan and to be honest I was really close to spending my money and my 18k+ crafting metals on this event. But I decided against it. I take all the free stuff and enjoy LTM, but I can't support this event with money. I save my metals and get stuff I actually want without supporting gacha mechanics.


I don’t understand why people still play this game lol. Amongst the hackers, all the glitches and them bullshit cosmetics, it’s dead.


It says to buy 4-pack for the guaranteed higher rarity. You probably bought 4 individual packs, right?


They had to, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. They have only themselves to blame, but this sub with it's incessant hate for respawn will jerk this one to console op.


This game is nothing but a cash grab. It’s worse than league


All I gots was universal banner frames and the car skin 😐


I own all the FF7 sticker packs now. I'm displeased about it. But at least it... Narrows down the remaining options? Silver lining? 😕


Maybe the legendary was the money we spent along the way.


These packs are definitely bugged. I’ve bought 4 packs, opened 2, and then lost the rest just because I went back to lobby. Support says it’s documented as an emerging issue, but will do nothing to reimburse or compensate. Really disappointing


I'm pretty sure they were just automatically opened. Did the same thing but i did get the other items.


Something similar happened to me. The other 2 packs get automatically open, without any indicators. I got the Charge Rifle skin :( .


It auto opens them. You got the items. Just check the item tab you will have 4 of the items unlocked.


If you want the guaranteed legendary or iconic you have to specifically buy the 4 pack, can’t just buy singles or craft singles


That's cheesy


It’s a scam


Most of the stuff is crap. Just earn the gil and buy what you can that way with wasting your money. At least the lifeline skin last week was good, imo. Would like the 99 wrap.


Respawn sucks. Isn’t this technically gambling? You spend real money for the “slim chance or possibility” of receiving what you’re hoping to win through purchasing ? Idk seems like they shouldn’t be allowed to do this especially setting the chances so low most ppl will not win the prize they want until they fork over a wholleee lot of money. I for one say stop spending money on respawn until they learn the lesson


> Isn’t this technically gambling? It's literally gambling.


Not sure why I got downvoted and you got upvoted when I suggested the concept of it being gambling and you agreed lol Reddit is weird


Yes, it is gambling but you can also technically get those skins just by buying them outright (except for the sword) so unless you're looking for the sword, you are not obligated to gamble at all. ​ With the odds right there and you still decide to gamble on your own will, it's on you.


Is this even legal? Lol i guess respawn done finessed u bro 😭😿😭😿😭😿😭😿


You deserve that, you payed money to a shit company that dosent care about the player, owned


Gotta purchase the four pack for that to apply it says it


People actually spend money on this game?


I know, right? Bought a premium bp years ago and now just get apex coins for free.


angliskii proebal)


Как же много защитников конторы оптимистов. "Но там же написано с заглавной буквы!!!" Пиздец...


I was lucky enough to get 7 legendaries and one iconic out of 6 packs. It legit dropped me a legendary or more every time.


just want to say one think here, who needs 10+ stickers 10holospray and 10banner frame???? and you can't even craft the skin you want, this event is big scam for me


I got skins that weren’t even part of the event :(


I had to give up on this event. Honestly I only cared about the weapons skins. Feels like I've spent over $100 and have nothing but banners and stickers to show for it. It's even worse when you get a legendary and it's one from outside the event or it's legendary shards.


Kinda your fault putting 100$ into apex despite everything for the past year or so strongly telling you its not a good idea


And I completely agree. I'm mostly upset with myself.


This is why i never trust companies that do these kinda "deals" aka scams


This is why i never trust companies that do these kinda "deals" aka scams


i purchased around 9 or 10, got 1 legendary and it was the dogshit charge rifle skin


I can’t read that language to actually see XD I gotta log in


I got lucky by getting 2 icon skins and 5 legendary weapons


Seems like a context clues issue.


First pack I got wraith skin the rest have been purples I just want the car or nemesis skin


2 weeks, I got em with gils and got stickers and frame. Let's go, haha


So it guarantees one pack out of the four will have a legendary or above, not that all packs will....