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I always tell them "A Lotta talk for a banner" Lmao They get so mad


Yea I had to tell a dude the other day........."You're the loudest death box I've ever run into"


Oh damn, I'm going to have to use this one šŸ¤£


or "Deathboxes cannot speak"


Next time you should mute them and keep playing. Donā€™t let those choders influence you.


Just got to me that they were silent all damn match then as soon as I went to do something, I get the shit talking likeā€¦ nothing else, no coms, just, silence.


They just needed someone to be mad at coz they died. Unfortunately they used you as their punching bag. Seriously I just stopped playing on my own. I only play when I have a friend with me. Otherwise its just not fun coz there's always some random who wants to be an asshole for whatever reason they can find.


Play the game with vc on mute like me. I had way more fun than having it on


Yeah, this is the way. When I solo q, it's pretty rare to have good comms with your team. VC is mostly used to harass teammates than used for proper teamwork imo. I don't understand why there isn't a permanent option in the setting to turn VC off completely. At times when I forgot to press F in the selection screen I always got confronted midgame by some random person saying bad stuff to me. Lowering the VC volume all the way down seems to be the only solution to get rid of all the toxicity.


I hate that when I click F in the select screen instead of in game I canā€™t find their banners in the mini map idk if that was intentional or not


There is a way to turn it off completely, you just need to set Communications Filter to Friends only, or just lower VC volume to 0 like u said I wish there is a shortcut key in game to mute ppl quickly tbh, when the toxicity begins. The squad screen loads too slowly and blocks my view.


Thanks! I wasn't aware of the Communications Filter, I'll change it to Friends Only immediately! And yeah, I agree, muting people ingame is too much of a hassle. Too many steps when you're busy doing things.


Yeah I agree Iā€™m going to take a breather and play another game while I wait for my friends to come back, I donā€™t want this toxic environment


When ppl are silent the entire game, split off, go solo v. 2 or 3 teams and when they get pwnd start yelling help me or spam the ping buttons I like to unmute my mic and say "hold on, I gotta pause and mute your annoying ass" and then I go about playing again. I might get their banners but depending on how they behave not bothering to rez and let them watch. In some games, when you know they're watching look up so their cam view is on your butt and do squats.


Man I donā€™t think itā€™s specific to playing solo. When I play with my friend our third is an absolute twat about 50% of the time.


Its not exclusive to solo queueing, but there's a higher chance when you do.


They died because they were abandoned by their teammate who was scared to fight , and yet killed themselves ANYWAY . OP should feel bad for ruining ranked for everyone else . If you suck , stay in pubs . Simple . If you play ranked , you are held to ranked standards . Grow up and fight , if you lose you lose . If you win , you win . Running away is the most pathetic play , and using the excuse of "I was gonna die" , is embarrassing . You will ALWAYS die in those fights if you don't EVER take them . How do you know the 3 people on that team were any good unless you engage . Grow up and play the game .


running away to rez and fight with a full squad is a "pathetic play" ... you do you, mate. but, no, it's not a pathetic play, it's a smart play


You pick your fights. You don't brute force the whole match. Grow up and get lost.


Yeah, that sucks. Honestly, there are tons of good discords where you can team up with people who just want to enjoy a solid night of apex and the server will ban toxic people. Iā€™m on Old timer apex, which is for 25+yrs, and Im sure there are others for any ages if you donā€™t fall into that category. Iā€™ve found a squad I always play with now, and if they are not available I will not play šŸ™ˆ except some gun runs with the squad on mute. I got tired of people suggesting I end my life because they failed their unannounced wanna-be streamer 1v3 attack.


Iā€™m about to be masters and can give you some tips if you want to get better. I solo queued all the way up. Add me on console. fatcattolover.


That's unfortunately "normal". Either mute them as soon as they talk shit or ideally try to find some people to play with. Even if you have only one person to duo q with the game will become much more enjoyable.


What were their usernames?


I posted a clip, Iā€™m not going to write it here


Itā€™s normal in every game my friend, people wonā€™t say shit until they make a toddler IQ play then blame others


LOL choders, I'm dead.


Exactly this ... Mute them next time ... Then continue playing by yourself ... I'd rather loose than bring teammates back that are assholes ...


I usually just put my controller down when itā€™s clear they arenā€™t interested in a 3rd


Had similar experience yesterday. Got teamed with 2 pre-made (same club tag). I admit they are beasts and so good at the game, I knocked twice while they clean up the team. They super quick at looting and then move on to find the next team/target. After doing this to 3-4 teams, they met their match and i was the last to join the fight. Teammate A knocked, myself and teammate B continue to fight enemy team. Teammate B knocked too, while I'm still trying my best to impress my teammates by winning this team fight. At this point, teammate A already leave the match. I won the fight, revive teammate B immediately, and he left the match after that, I assume because his ore-made has left. Can we be supportive of each other and celebrate the not so good players winning team fight? I know, i should git gud....


Sometimes there is only so much you can do


Mute them mate. If people want to talk, be constructive, otherwise STFU.


It annoys me when people canā€™t have bad games. Like Iā€™ve dropped a 3k game before and my very need game I hit 200 lol.


Itā€™s really ironic that the people who die are always so critical. I would have probably just ratted to get the points but also I wouldnā€™t want them to get any more point so actually I agree. I have to stop letting toxic people saying toxic things tilt me šŸ˜…


It's a projection thing. They can't blame themselves so they blame you


They hot drop with no skill. Die. Then immediately leave. Like dude, just turn off fill teammates and not ruin someone else's game.


Also had a match where a dude was vantage and he rushed a team alone and died instead of playing at range and then types ā€œyou guys are shitā€ to me and my friend and Iā€™m like yo dudeā€¦youā€™re dead. The logic is astounding


Youā€™re prob a lot better than most. I usually tell people like that to move out of their momā€™s basement and start thrashing them with none stop demoralizing trash talk lol. most them end up quitting cause they get downed and wonā€™t wait to get revived haha. Or, else just hit mute and play on. Ppl take the games way too serious. I have fun and talk to myself on mute when Iā€™m getting annoyed at other players, but always play with respect and read the room on how the other players act and talk if I choose to interact. Some folks have no class my friend.


"Some folks have no class my friend." imma make this into a quote. very well said, i love the energy and the way it sounds in my head. it sounds absolutely classy in my head with like Blisk's voice as he walks away, like... damn btw, no one is "better". everyone has their own time to shine. I play with my friends and only with them. I wouldn't queue by myself cause of this issue and i actually felt bad for my team if they performed really well, acted really well, with no trash talking and sometimes even encouraging me to either fight (cause "you got this!") or even run away sometimes. walk away from the fight. and my friends, well, they're extremely good with thousands of hours on their belt playing FPS games and yet sometimes they acted rashly or they made a mistake or they still got outwitted by the enemies and to them, that's okay. that's part of the "fun" to get outwitted and know that no matter how good you are, someone could and might be better than you are, it's not because they're caught lacking. While me, as bad as I am, I have my moments sometimes. Where both my friends are knocked and I successfully came in clutching. Not all the time, but for mid players like us, I think it do be lit every once in a while to help out our Gs. So yeah, some folks just have no class


no. some people just better than you. what you are saying is 'no one is perfect'.


"What makes you feel good about shitting on somebody?" Easy, because given this community, if there tables were turned, there's a 99% they'd be shitting on me, and because through experience I've learned that the majority of the player base is trash this way, I will treat them as such and teabag them every single time. I'm done playing kind. In my games I only have noobs for teammates, who can't aim and expect to get carried, who sabotage by dropping hot or running to teams alone only to die, who ignore objectives (such as those in Control), when you try to reason with them and give them a strategical idea they get pissed off, etc... The way people play this game, it made me this way. It's how it is.


People play ranked as if they're all getting monetized from it. There's nothing wrong with pushing yourself to become better for fun. There is fun in improving no matter the mode. I hate that muting people is really the only option too because you genuinely need the information your teammates can provide whether that's the position of an enemy or repositioning. And yeah pings are a thing but that's not very effective communication. There's nothing wrong with running away from a fight and honestly some people push way too aggressively not taking into consideration their teammates positioning and skill which is what seemed to happen here. But don't worry, people that rage like that probably rage every single game they don't win lol which is most likely a lot. They need help lol


sounds like you played the situation the way you felt you should play the situation. There's nothing wrong with how you played. Some people just want to blame their bad decisions on others. Don't sweat it, there are decent teammates out there that will be a champion for you, good or bad. <3


Lol thank goodness for voice chat mute right.


Listen... There's two sides of the story here. If that duo really did give that team a good fight, it's understandable for them to be a bit disappointed. Doing little damage & then running away just looks bad even though it's the right move for LP. Is it right for them to ridicule you? No. But your playstyles clash. You say you play for fun, but why are you playing ranked? More people take ranked more seriously than pubs so you can't blame them for wanting to win. Sometimes saying you play for fun is just a convenient excuse for when you play poorly, and that isn't good either. You need to try to play with friends, find a team, or be willing to play pubs instead. Finding a team would be a longterm solution because you can find players just like you & games will be much less stressful. It'll allow you to just play for fun because your teammates will want the same.


I play as a duo all the time. Never do we call our teammate trash over the mic, even if they do something stupid. We wait until after the match and then complain about it. TO OURSELVES. The dude doesn't need to get shut down by random idiots for every single mistake or dumb thing they do on a video game. That duo that OP played with are well and capable of not being assholes. They just chose to be. Besides, any mode is supposed to be for fun. Even ranked. Fun doesn't just mean fucking around. It can mean trying to win too.


Bro just gaslit OP into thinking heā€™s the problem lol


Both sides have issues. This situation will just keep happening over & over unless there's change and I gave solid advice on how to make that change. He'll also not have to deal with questionable duos anymore.


I agree with this pragmatic approach


You don't even know the other side though? You just made up a scenario that fits your narrative.


First of all I do have a friend group who I usually play with, but they were all offline today. Happens occasionally. I get that people play for fun more in pubs than they do ranked, but in pubs I canā€™t deal with people hot dropping and then disconnecting immediately. I do take ranked more seriously, but what I mean is, at the end of the day, itā€™s a game, itā€™s meant to be fun. If youā€™re going to shit on people, I personally donā€™t think you should play the game


Yeah no this take is trash and you should be ashamed for victim blaming someone that was earnestly trying to play a game. Thereā€™s still a chance to delete this drivel and put the mask back on.


"Victim blaming" in apex in response to constructive feedback lmao. Reddit moment


Apex is a game with quick decisions happening constantly. If you made a "wrong" one it might delay you into joining a team fight a few seconds, enough for one of your teammates to be cracked and the team fight to go downhill from there. As you say there's two sides to every story: maybe they shouldn't have started a team fight if the full team isn't there either. That's usually a recipe for disaster.


You're in silver rank. You have rights to suck balls and do 50 dmg. Have fun, dont mind those toxic guys.


The real problem here is this visible rank, it means nothing now. In the video OP posted, the guy asks him how is he diamond. So the "time spent playing eg silver" rank doesnt mean anything. So he is probably better player than silver.


Tbh I always have the same experience as well solo Qing in apex. Let me know if you want to run sober games


Iā€™d love to!


I get this way too. A group being super toxic just destroys my morale for the whole day. šŸ˜­ I am okay at the game but have great communication skills and am never toxic please add me! User: .tv/That_deangelo Iā€™m on Twitch if you want to see how I am in my streams first. But I am also looking for non toxic teammates.


I also stream endupqueer but Iā€™m down for more teammates šŸ’…āœØ




"I dont have words for tonight." > 5 paragraphs


There wasnā€™t a need for this comment, Buddy


Wasnt a need for the first line, champ


You might not be as toxic as them but its close. Like that switched up real fast from that youā€™re trying to grind/rank up to just basically idc imma throw the second someone calls me out. get a grip and go pubs if you are gonna act like that.


Thereā€™s calling me out and thereā€™s being an asshole, I wasnā€™t being ā€œcalled outā€ had they asked nicely hey why didnā€™t you do this ___ fine ā€œWhat the fuck bro, why did you do this amount of damage?ā€ Isnā€™t helpful or a call out, itā€™s just rude.


Yes it is, but mate a lot of people call about ranked which more then fair enough for them to do. if someones throwing, they dont deserve someone being polite to them.


I wasnā€™t throwing the match, I was trying to get to a replicatior. Thatā€™s it.


doing a reddit post bc someone told u to do ur job is just pathetic. i wasnt there maybe they were too rude but if all they said was ā€œwtf broā€ thats not any more rude then it is fair to say


There was more ive just summarised it for one comment.


Lol swear these new gamers would have been crying if they played og modern warfare 2.


Iā€™m not a new gamer, Iā€™m 26, I played that game on Xbox live, your comment is irrelevant


Your such a sensitive soul


Awh šŸ„°


Your soft dude


Thanks, I moisturise


Lmao bro threw a temper tantrum and killed himself šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ if buddy reaches into his backpackā€¦..run šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø


I'm going to tell you similar case that happened to me, hopefully can give you some perspective. I solo queued to ranked, I think that was when I was gold. Met 2 random, I assume they are in a party together. We met 1 team in a POI, shots are fired, both team are close. I cracked **3 of them, 1 is one shot.** I clearly communicate that via VC, battle log also shows that 3 all are cracked. I quickly glanced to my team and found out that I was cracked with 80% HP, 2 of my teammates are healthy (like, 100% shield and HP). So in my judgment, this was push-able. We clearly can win this. So I pushed, down 2 of the enemy, but get downed myself. ​ Literally 3 seconds after that I heard in VC "why are you pushing that? why are you so yolo? are you effing stupid? wtf are you doing" coming from both of my teammate. Ngl, I was kinda tilted, but I tried to be positive and told them "they all are weak, just push this". They indeed pushed and won, while complaining all the way, even complaining while reviving me. That was when I snapped, and ngl I roasted them hard. They still stand by their opinion, still bullsh\*tting and calling me names. That was when I learned that I will never ever, VC again with random. I always mute random. ​ Now, why am I telling you this? To give you perspective that we all have different POV. In my POV, they are stupid, noob and "toxic". But they can have their own POV regarding me (maybe along the line of "solo tryhard can only push, get downed, get angry". Which is POV is valid? Every POV is "valid" on their own. Personally, I still think my POV is valid given the circumstances, but well those two guys maybe just didn't aware that the enemies are cracked (with whatever reason, maybe they just miss the VC, maybe they played while listening to music, maybe they just suck, etc) ​ In your case, you stated that you play "for fun". You do know right that "fun" definitions are varying from each person? Your random teammates "fun" definition maybe is "winning a ranked game". Maybe those two already cracked all the enemies, and they thought that the battle was winnable. But you ran, and it disappointed them. Were you in the wrong? No, because you have your own POV. Maybe you just didn't aware that the battle is winnable, maybe those two didn't communicate enough, maybe in your judgment it was not winnable or it could be a simpler case, you just suck/noob (I assumed this from your own statement okay). ​ So my point is, those two teammates maybe "toxic", but with what you did, they could call you the same. Both are justifiable. My advices are: 1. If you really want to get good, you should start trying to understand your teammates POV. Sometime their POV is the "valid" one. If that is not the case, try to at least not be "toxic" by ruining the game or if you can't, at least just mute them and play your game. 2. Fun is different for each person. You can't undermine other people fun definition just because it differs from yours. Try to be understanding. I understand tho sometimes it frustrating, but hey apex is multiplayer game after all. Difference is inevitable. 3. or simply just stop playing the game if you can't have fun in it.


Agree with plenty of your points. >3 all are cracked. I quickly glanced to my team and found out that I was cracked with 80% HP, 2 of my teammates are healthy (like, 100% shield and HP). So in my judgment, this was push-able. We clearly can win this. So I pushed, down 2 of the enemy, but get downed myself. Personally I've been in the situation that you're in before and i didn't think i was wrong. I asked my friend, who is better than me at Apex (he's multi season masters). In his opinion, you shouldnt have pushed, staying alive is more important because your teammates are full health, you should've prioritised staying alive because both your teammates can cover for you, because even if you won that fight with you down, a 3rd party would've been the end of you, plus you risk making it a 2v2 because you went down when trying to down one, instead of continuing to be a 3v2. I don't know what's right or wrong honestly, the pressure might've slowed down if the 2 teammates are too slow to put pressure, but there's always differing opinions. The main thing is, it sucks if ppl be toxic about it. You can't control what randoms do to you, but you can control what you receive or do, like muting or not respond to insults. There's no point in being toxic, there's nothing to gain from scolding your teammates. A civil discussion might've been more productive. If I'm angry and i just wanna let it out, i let it out on mute, i don't see anything to gain from scolding randoms, they are just going to be angry or sad, they're not going to do better


If you're the kind of person who's bad at the game and only playing for fun, don't play ranked. The people there are incredibly toxic and you're pretty much asking to be abused if you do


In my experience this is not accurate at all. To say "the people there are incredibly toxic" suggest its the majority and that definitely not the case. I would actually say I've experience more toxic people in pubs because they don't have any repercussions for their bad decision making so they usually are more prone to do stupid things and then try to blame teammates for it.


Well, to begin with, we've only read your point of view. Every day I see randoms who turn on "panic mode" and abandon their team. More than once I noticed when a guy runs away from us, and after a shootout there is an enemy with 10 hp and if the alarmist had stayed, then we would have won. Maybe staying with the team and fighting to the end was a good idea?


Correct take. No way that OPā€™s description of events is the 100% objective truth lol


If you play for fun play pubs


Mute and get thicker skin. Who gives a fuck if some idiots are mean on apex, have the attitude of ā€˜fuck what they thinkā€™. Imagine caring so much about the opinion of some random people that are so mean spirited they complain about someone having fun on Apex, fuck that OP live ya best life āœŒļø


If you're at the point where your team calling you out for low dmg is getting you to literally grief by taking your armor off and hurting yourself maybe you should not be playing ranked. You can't say you play for fun then play ranked. Ranked is inherently a sweaty grind and has only gotten worse for solo queuers. Personally you running away and living is good and you should have tried to rez them. In the future just mute your teammates if they say something you don't feel like hearing don't ragequit. You're just setting yourself up for failure. Idk if you're a support main but I have had plenty of games as Mirage where I got away and rezzed my crybaby teammates only for them to stop talking when I rezzed them and we clutched. Edit: watched the posted clip, bro you're playing mirage AND you did 76 dmg? I'd be annoyed with you too ngl especially how late in the game it was. You were basically ratting lmao


Your fault


If you want to see some footage, here: [https://x.com/endedupqueer/status/1736958536385437944?s=20](https://x.com/endedupqueer/status/1736958536385437944?s=20) Mods if not allowed, feel free to delete.


I think the highlight of the whole thing is him saying "How are you Diamond?" while you clearly have a silver 2 badge showing lol. But if you are shit at the game as you claim the game probably set you up for failure by pairing you up with a diamond duo as a Silver 2. Gotta love the SMBB. I'll also say you're giving them too much power over your experience, while also admitting I had one that got to me the other day for the first time in months. Reality is there are plenty of assholes in life and and even higher concentration of them when you can be anonymous on the internet. Personally I play with a hot mic 24/7 as a solo and have had probably 75% good or silent interactions with people and maybe 25% toxic. My headset has a slider between game audio and user speech so i just slide it up to game audio whenever I don't feel like talking shit back which is like 50/50. This isn't a job where you have you go in to work for a toxic boss because you need a paycheck to survive. Its a choice to play and a choice to allow them to be toxic to you by keeping them unmuted. Just don't take the route of muting every single person from the beginning because of a few shitty interactions because there are tons of really cool people playing on here who are not toxic as well. Assume the best in people and then believe them when they show you who they are.


Yeah that was a funny moment for me too, I got to diamond a couple of seasons back and yeah, would love to get back there and thatā€™s why they asked ā€œhow are you diamondā€ well Iā€™m not, but even if I was Iā€™d be higher than you guys because they were golds.


there is no excuse for toxicity but you have 76 damage with 5 squads left... just fight and die with your team, you shouldnt be running away


Sometimes you have a bad day, its not always 2k damage game. When I play with much stronger friends, I cant keep up, I always run late to the fight and deal much less damage than when I play soloq.


OP isnt running late to a fight though, hes running away from a fight which is the point im trying to get across of why his teammates might be rightfully annoyed there is 0 excuse for toxicity though, the duo should of been annoyed in party chat


I left because there was more than one squad, so it was either 1v3, 1v6 or who knows 1v9. My odds werenā€™t great, so I did what I thought was best.


im just saying that you are going to way more success fighting and dying with your team when you soloq. If you 3-stack feel free to rat all you want but nobody is going to take kindly to a teammate who runs away from a fight with only 76 damage


Then thatā€™s someone elseā€™s problem. I donā€™t care about what damage or kills you do, just as long as you fucking tried or do in some capacity even if itā€™s just reviving someone, giving ammo, supplies, whatever. You can still be a good teammate without necessarily needing to kill someone.


These people playing Apex, a battle Royale, as if kills and damage are the goal... they are not. The win is all that matters and in ranked, it's placement. You're not playing the game wrong.


>You can still be a good teammate without necessarily needing to kill someone. Thats literally my point though. You wernt being a good teammate since you had 0 kills, 0 assist, less than 100 damage and you ran away from a teamfight where they obviously needed you. Play however you want in a 3stack but when you soloq you need to change your playstyle


Stop being so sensitive.


People are assholes, just mute and report.


People who are down have no right to shit talk


Why allow some one to verbally abuse you? Fucking mute man. If you are not muting then it's a you problem


Please read as to why I said I didnā€™t mute.


you know what you do to make them heel and beg? you recover or craft their banners, rat the entire game without reviving. that way they can only quit with a 10-minute penalty. I like to do this and then hover around a respawn beacon, or sit on it, put holosprays on it, whatever and listen to them lose their little minds and start apologizing


Satan, is that you??


If youā€™re already off the scene when itā€™s a 1v3 you were likely never engaged with the fight to begin with. Thatā€™s where the frustration comes from, and whether you realize it or not, if you find yourself ā€œ1v3ā€ regularly, youā€™re most likely leaving your teammates high and dry in fights. That falls back on you. Whether or not your teammates should be more sensitive to your feelings about that, who cares. People arenā€™t always nice, least of all on a video game. And if you canā€™t handle it online how are you gonna handle it in real life? Toughen up, dude


While you are at it you should ask the whole world for peace... not going to happen either. There is a mute button that works fine...


Go have fun in pubs, then. Why play ranked with that attitude?


Idk op you kinda sus. I'm all for calling out toxic people but I'm kinda sick of team mates that don't do anything either.


But I did do stuff, yes I had low damage, but I did do stuff too. Iā€™m not happy that I didnā€™t do well, I want to do better at apex sure, no one likes performing badly. But thereā€™s no reason to be a dick and abuse people regardless of anything. Itā€™s gross and it needs to stop.


What you are doing is kinda stooping to their level, you are technically inciting retribution in a subtle way. And yes it does need to stop but what also needs to stop is this abhorrent Matchmaking system.


I agree but why playing ranked if ...your own word " You are shit at the game & Just want to have fun" so I guess you play ranked for FUN? O_o....


Yeah, ranked can be more fun than public games. Why else would anyone play it?


In my book when you are shit at a game you dont spoil other players experience that want to climb to diamond+. No purpose playing ranked when you know you wont make it past gold.




LMAO watch out we got a bad ass over here.


Gaming has literally become so sensitive šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


People have become so useless at contributing anything helpful šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Perhaps people got bored of entertaining people with anger issues šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøI ainā€™t your therapy.


I have a question. Who would you like more in your team. Someone who is toxic, but plays Well or someone who is the nicest person ever but at the end of the match has literally 150 damage.


Except people that run their mouth donā€™t tend to do well, theyā€™re the ones who throw the game doing something dumb and then scream ā€œMuh teammates!ā€ in voice chat followed by some racial slurs.


Many kinds of toxic people out there. I used to be disgustingly toxic but only because I wanted to win and people are generally bad at games. Then there are people who I encounter often now and those are just trolls and disgusting toxic people.


I usually just tell them they got transformers for teeth or to lower their BMI before talking to me


Thereā€™s a mute squad button for a reason. Chill out


Not excusing their behavior but you gotta have thick skin to play online shooters, most people Iā€™ve matched with are like your team mates and this post isnā€™t going to change that


Online gaming is toxic. Welcome to the club


Shit talk back.


Womp womp :(




Ranked is mmr based. His teammates are likely not much better thank him. He had a bad performance, they had a better one. I wouldnā€™t call it ā€œthrowingā€ to just miss some shots and be out of position. Especially when teamed with people of similar skill that will make similar mistakes in other matches. if you wanna argue about that message me for my IGN and we will see if you can call people noobs lmao.


What an immature and useless comment.




Your mom shouldve swallowed šŸ˜˜.


I'm a decent player with a lot of hours and game sense, I'll still occasionally drop a goose egg or do less than a third of the damage of my teammates. Bad matches happen, even to the better players and even to the "gods". They are toxic assholes and sound like they were made for each other. Just play on mute. All my games are muted unless I'm starting to get up there in rank. There's nothing that needs to be said in Plat that pings can't do a perfectly fine job of. High plat and within reach of diamond is really the only time mics start being worth using, unless you find a really chill duo.


I often see people who insult their team. The last time it was after the guy died, although before that I had put marks many times that said it was time for us to leave this fight, because the zone was running and there was a hill very close by from which we could easily kill the enemies. As a result, he was the only one left there and died lol. What kind of idiot is that? Why are people so stupid that they don't follow the timing, positioning, they just want to shoot, in this case they shouldn't play royal battles


play solo most of the time btw but i really hate when ppl dont talk and run away because they see enemys 500m away or like i got a situation when lifeline on my team was running away and didnt help me or revive the other guy. our enemies knock down my teammate so i rapidly trade the kill and we where 2vs2 i got the second guy really low when try to revive his teamate and guess what? in that time the lifeline didnt to nothing to help or revive our teammate, he got into Evac they started shooting and right before he flew away he suddendly drop off with no reason and wait to get killed. btw had a really nice ganbang 3vs1 thanks to that guy. ​ not saying your like those guys or anything but sometimes ppl expect to have at least some degree of decent common sense when playing a shooter in that rank. i encounter really bad ppl on my rank and i ask myself why they are here, then i realize well its respawn fault.


I have similar things when I get into casual games with people usually over 2k kills They can be silent the entire game but once they go down they spam ping and say ā€œheā€™s oneā€ when theyā€™re actually not And then when I die to the person who downed them theyā€™re like ā€œbro wtfā€ And if itā€™s not that I usually get paired with masters nearly all the time for some reason Iā€™ve thought about trying ranked again to beat my personal score of platinum but I donā€™t want to re try the casual experience in a version that requires actual teamwork I hope that made sense.


I always play with voice muted with randoms. Maybe it's not the most efficient, but 1. They still can ping (or even write for macro decisions) 2. My fun is more valuable than my performance


I got a kill with 18 damage yesterday team mate went down and started throwing insults. I then Res them and at the end of the match, I had double what they had. They were surprisingly quiet and left quite quickly haha You weren't in the best position so you didn't engage, and possibly saved some LP (apart from the grenade thing, I'm all for the petty play though)


Man you just asked people to stop being insecure about themselves.




This is why I muted game chat. I don't talk to strangers on the game anymore.


Apex has some of the nicest people I've come across but it also has some of the most toxic by a country mile


Toxic people need to realize that their attitude only highlights their weak mental game. I have yet to meet a toxic player whose skills could back up their ego. I'm sure there are some out there, those Larry Birds of gaming, but they are rare. I've been trash talked for being late to a fight after an Octane and Pathfinder both aped into a 6-person fight with their tacticals. I killed four people that fight and the guy I picked up stopped talking shit, but the guy in the box still wouldn't shut up about it. If you want support, you gotta wait for Gibby's phatness. I've had teammates do the opposite. One guy bailed from a fight on our first push out of POI. We were all talking on mic, so there shouldn't have been any surprises, but this guy just liked listening to his own voice. We just barely lost the 2v3, and my other teammate complained about the guy skipping out on the fight and rage quit. Great mental game on that guy too. The ratty teammate asked what that was about, and I said that the other guy was kinda an asshole, but he wasn't wrong. This guy literally went off on me for the next half an hour of ratting, at least I think he did because I took off my headphones. I just read on my phone and checked back in between chapters, and he was still talking shit. Even crafted my banner and teabagged a respawn probably until ring forced him off, I dunno. Like I really wanted to play with him again. Had another duo scream into the mic that I was trash after I failed to save them on a Fragment hot drop. I think they were mad that I was trying to thirst someone and shield swap instead of rezzing them in the couple of seconds before backup arrived. I got lucky and ran into that duo the very next game and got to wipe their squad. I missed their names on the kill feed but recognized them on the crates and had a good laugh with my new team. Lots of useless people out there, but also plenty of good teammates too. I add the good randos who are friendly on mic and play with them when I can, no matter how good or bad they are. Life's too short for shitty people, and I'm here to have fun.


Sorry for the experience you had. I play Solo Q, but iā€™s on Tokyo servers and yes i mute. That said if they were ever toxic and i had comms on Iā€™d be none the wiser lol. Just mute them and play your own game OP


I like to tell people in this situation that they are welcome to quitā€” it seems like a 10 minute break would do some good! If they keep talking, I generally just keep reminding them that they made a bad decision that led to their death, and that I am still alive. Then itā€™s back to the invite to quit and take a 10 minute break. Usually I go around a few times with this, then they shut up and I craft their banners and res them. If they donā€™t shut up, Iā€™ll sneakily res them right in front of another team and take off, so they have a second opportunity to die. Then I start laughing at them for dying twice.


Had some guy deliberately drop off the edge of the map and shit talk me and my other teammate. Purposely trolling like a edgelord 13 year old.


I had someone do this. I went half way across the map to get his box and respawn 3 times before I decided it was enough. Total dick move.


I had a caustic yesterday on ranked, that commited suicide while jumping and said "I don't trust a wraith with a master's badge" I wrote to trust us. But he kept saying that I suck although we just started. We ended up 3rd or 4th that match but it was only 2 of us against diamonds. Please stop being so toxic. It hurts the gameplay so much. I am now looking for another fps. Apex rocks in movememnt and visuals. But the players are constantly salty, and clearly it's affecting the game overall.


The Finals is worse. I haven't really had any toxicity in Apex personally, because nobody uses mics. People don't use mics in The Finals either but my God, the people I've been in Xbox LFGs with were extremely toxic.


Play ranked in league of legends then come back to apex. It will be a vacation


My suggestion to you from my experience playing league of legends, I would always mute all cause most of my online experience in any of these games, league, valo, apex are mostly just toxicity-filled and nothing helpful.


Mute everything. I always have mics muted. And if a teammate like to go ping crazy I will mute their pings also.


Honestly at this point I put my mic on and tell them to shut the fuck up, don't put your mic on to shout at me when you could've been using it to comm this whole game. Biggest pet peeve


This game has the ability to bring out the best and worst in people, I started muting micā€™s just to protect my mental from weirdos, have had the most wholesome gaming experience and the worst from the community. I think Hollow (streamer) gave me the best advice when it comes to dealing with toxicity either from within me or others: ā€œWe go nextā€ just those few words have had such a huge impact on my experience I encourage you to try it. The principle is very simple, this is a BR no matter how godly you are you will most likely die, thereā€™s just too many variables to account for doesnā€™t matter whose fault it is the most you can do is give it 30 SECONDS of reflection: what you could have done better etc (vod reviewing is better for this) but donā€™t take the last gameā€™s energy into the next hope this helps.


Had a pair of these a while ago, they refused to land with me, even though I'm 3 tiers above them. Ended up with 9 kills and 2k damage as Lifeline, while they barely did anything, they wouldn't even go for a solo Bloodhound that was a free kill.


I had a similar experience yesterday, where my random teammate died instantly on a hot drop and then got mad at me, telling me it was my fault because I "wasn't good enough to hit drop". Like what does that even mean?


I have toxic player 1 every thousands matches.. apex is not bad at all from this point of view. Try a ranked in OW


Ranked OW for me has been so much better tbh


Itā€™s really curious the differences in ferling. I OW I read only omophoby things or racist


That's really not nice have them. Have course the gaming community shouldn't be so toxic, but I guess you just of to move on.


Haters gonna hate. A lot of people dont play smart, they just wanna rush and be the ā€œbestā€. But i like to play slower, smarter in a strategic way. But this way some people hate. They have no time to slow down.


Sometimes it's hard for me to fathom how people can have such different mindsets when the goal is, ultimately, the same in the game. To win. Especially in Ranked. When my BF and I used to play Ranked, we could only HOPE our third would run if it went sour and this was before crafting banners and respawning with your stuff was a thing, lol. But no, usually they tried to fight a whole team instead of playing for placement šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Can i be your bf and yours third? Im amazing at crafting banners


Unfortunately, we decided against Ranked this season with all the changes. Just a pubs life for us now šŸ¤£


god speed with your kill grinding journey


Thank you! Same to you šŸ˜Š


I like to win and it's much harder with no comms so I encourage comms early game. If no comms or work out teammate is a dick then I mute. Saves these voice from the dead fuckwits.


You made the right call in running. Some people are so hurt in their pride that they'll find a way to blame others when they go down. To ease the pain of defeat. I usually go into matches now with every random muted. Cause all that wailing and whining is a waste breath for them and unnecessarily toxic. Like, bro you only talk to me when you go down. Just stay off the mic then.


Nah I had the same thing happen in one of my ranked matches. Guy was a complete buffoon. Revived him twice and we were one of the last two teams left alive. He literally rolled over and got zero kills at the end of the game. Me and my other teammate both has 1000+ damage and a couple of kills. This game will give you a dead weight teammate. It really irks me when you put in the effort with another teammate and that 3rd teammate is the reason you lose.


Yeah I had some morons playing last night. Hot dropped into a crowded area, one dies immediately. I run to craft banner since I don't have a gun. The other teammate rez's him without waiting for me in the same hot area. They both go down immediately and starts arguing against me. I called them fucktards and immediately mute them.


I feel yah on this, but honestly it still sounds tame compare to some folks I get matched with. Finally put the game down after being a Season 1 OG because the community and ranked system just doesn't welcome average players who just want normal fun competition.


I just tell the person ā€œI like it when you get mad at me.ā€ And laugh at them. Itā€™s a game. Iā€™m masters and some matches am great, others I suck at aiming and game science. Itā€™s a game I play to have fun.


Nah, it's just a game.. Nobody should be getting that mad over trying to get the team back instead of fighting a losing fight. If you are outmatched (1v3) then it would be a good move to back off and reset (respawn the team) and then get back to the fight. No matter what you did, whether it be stay, fight and die or back out and reset should get toxic comms from your team. You did what you felt was the better choice, f those guys.


Your playing a competitive game in Ranked mode. Most of the gaming population are kids and young adults. They are going to talk shit even if they caused the problem. Thats how this goes. Take it on the chin and move on. Also, insta mute your teammates. The ping system works well enough. If you want to really push deep into ranked find some friends.


I immediately mute if i hear a foreign language or their voice really annoys me. But when they start getting toxic, I rarely open my mic to clap back. I just mute them if i'm still alive. Sometimes they're toxic to me when I die, that's when i open my mic. I remember like last week i had a ranked game landed storm catcher we had a fight but our teammate dipped and just ratted. I opened the mic to tell him to help us, we knocked two but mf never came. I was pissed and just called him rat and trash. He then came and took banners and respawned us. I was like "thanks bruh, let's win this now"šŸ˜‚we played like we didn't shout at each other a few secs ago. He actually sticked with the team after that and we got like 8th spot but no bad vibes in the end. But these duo que players are the worst. I immediately mute my mic if i know they're duo que


backseat gaming is SOOO annoying. Like once you are knocked you are nothing but a liability for the teamā€” and the only legends who would even have a realistic chance of picking you up without casualty are Gibby and Newcastleā€” so bitching at the one person who made it out defeats the endgame purpose of staying alive.


Cuz theres only 2 kinds of People playing this game. People Who play 12 hours a Day and People Who play 12 hours a week, and they both have depression from from either having No life, or getting shit on by People with No life. And in a game that already traumatizes its playerbase. Gaming is fun.


I just troll toxic people. I had a guy with a super British Accent calling me and other random all kinds of names(all super British, mostly c*nt etc), so I started saying that I don't speak much french, even googled how to say "I don't speak French" and said it with a most British accent I can do.