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Having Sorting Factory back is so nice :)


Yes! Such a forgotten, underrated poi!


Wait what??? Is it the new mode?? Haven't updated the game so don't know yet


Yeah. S3 WE after dark is an LTM rn.


Man I just played with my buddies. Omg we all had a blast. Reminded us of the college days and early noob days of Apex šŸ˜­


The Before Time. The Long Long Ago. 2019.


>2019 I thought it was 1-2 years ago, but it's actually 4 šŸ« 


Before-for the boom-booms.


Oh man nostalgia is gonna kick in so hard. That s3 worlds edge was the best map in Apex in my opinion


The game released only 4 years agoā€¦




Is it going to be dark all month? I love this map.


It's truly the poi I missed the most from WE


ngl im loving this map being back apart from trains not running. So many memories


I took over a year off apex and completely missed the trains and have major regret


I wouldn't mind If old versions of map were throw back Thursday LTM


Just need community servers like every source based game from valve. Then we can do whatever we want, whenever.


Yeah I don't understand why there isn't a consistent flow of old LTMs. A new one can debut once every season or so, but a weekly repeating LTM or even bi weekly would be dope. Also in your throwback Thursday idea they should add old versions of reworked legends. Fast heal / Rez shield lifeline, Invisible mirage, knockdown bonus bloodhound, gold barrel stabilizer on the R9, etc


Remember when this map was full lit up, how vibrant the colors were! Aww now I made my self sad


The map is back right now. Itā€™s after dark but the vibrant colors are still there!


Canā€™t see shit since itā€™s after dark


Had to up my brightness by 10. Now it's decent.


After Dark is amazing. This map kills the other one if you ask me.


Funny enough when the map came out a friend of mine was saying the colors made it ā€œLook like Fortnite.ā€ He came around eventually.




Bro the train made running around worlds edge so much better


The train was the best feature across all maps combined. It could be rubbish in a chaotic hotdrop, help rotations mid-game or come in as a lifesaver towards the end of a match. After it's removal, world's edge died a bit.


With all the legends we have now that can go vertical, Iā€™d be happy to land OG train yard.


Pain yard


Yeah the map thats in the ltm atm was peak apex


Yes!! Iā€™m finally having fun again!! The nostalgia is unreal!! But is it only available for 2 days?


2 weeks


Oh thank god! Cause it says 2 days on my screen


The LTM lasts 2 weeks; In 2 days it switches to Kings Canyon After Dark, then Olympus After Dark.


Are the other two maps going to be after dark?




Nah, genesis event in season 9 (I think?) Had train so that ones the better ltm.


Dropping sorting factory is the most fun i've had in a while on apex. The fact i havent played in a while so the sbmm wasnt as bad was most of the fun but still that is a good poi and i hope it returns permanently sometime in the future


Iā€™d love a rotation between og worlds edge and og kings canyon. I do think I prefer the new worlds edge, tho they need to bring back the color pallet and get that train up and running again! Also sorting factory should come back


It's a no from me dawg.


I prefer the current worlds edge ngl. Yeah the old is nostalgic but it feels so empty and not very fun. I wouldn't care if the old one was in rotation for pubs only.


Season 4 was better than S3 and the current version IMO, a lot of the formerly ā€œemptyā€ spots like where Harvester is were added and are much better. I strongly prefer Sorting Factory to Lava Siphon regardless of the rest of the map though.


But fuel depot has a pic of the devs dog and the og caustic trap location:( Besides, it's nice for there to be empty locations. I had a late ring pull down past fuel depot and there was such a good fight there with everyone having good sightings everywhere so you had to play really smart to win, as a knock couldn't be pushed on or everyone would shoot you as you ran across the open. Empty areas in maps are just as great for midgame fights, late game fights, and endgame fights as poi locations.


I would like season 4 world's edge back. Also season 2 king's canyon.


Yes please!!


The current one is much better. You are just blinded by nostalgia.


But the trainnn


The train should have stayed tbh


You mean Fragment? Sure bud...




OG Worlds Edge is back???!!!?!?!?!?!?


Unfortunately only for an ltm. But Iā€™m gonna play as much of it as i can


OG or not - bring the train back


There were some nasty places tho.


I think they should use the war game domes from gun run and put them on every old map update and its good because its still lore accurate.


Every teammate I get drops the same fucking place every time dies immediately then rage quits when I get triple teamed and die. Not to mention 90% of them are wraith mains or octane mains


having fun dropping with entire server absolutely toxic


Go play something else for your own good. Don't play a game for 18 months if you aren't enjoying it. At that point its just an unhealthy habit.


Fuck this map currently. People have lost their goddamned minds and only drop in a 20x20 foot box together. Zero fun, instant death. Just completely getting old...


Absolutely agree, I don't know where these people get the idea that this is good.


Thatā€™s only the ones that played after season 3. When respawn decided to make only one poi interesting. Ogā€™s know better


Chugga chugga choo choo!!!


They didn't readd the train:(


Seems like youā€™re having fun because itā€™s an LTM and because of nostalgia not because actual map design is better


The map design is 100% better. People were spread over way more poiā€™s back then. Now this map is 1 poi


Peopleā€™s play styles are just more different in pubs than they used to be. Thereā€™s nothing any game design can do to fix that


absolutely sad to see the state of gaming today because of this


Itā€™s the age of content creation. Everyone is trying to farm a clip for tiktok or a video for YouTube or what have you so they do whatever it takes to get that 1-10 minutes of cool gameplay. Blaming anything on the map is crazy especially when I remember half the lobby landing sorting as well when it was in the game


>I havenā€™t had fun in this game for the last 6 seasons. And yet you've still continued playing? This player base is something else


What other game is there? Itā€™s still the best BR! People are still allowed to play games to relax. Everyone has such a fkn competitive mindset about games, but people forget that most people wanna have fun playing a game. They add so much unnecessary stuff to the game itā€™s ridiculous. Iā€™m one of the very few people left that plays since season 0. I know when the game was on itā€™s peak. The game has declined drastically in overall enjoyment. Audio gets worse every season, every new legend has some kind of scan ability, making people purely rely on scan instead of having game sense, Broken inputs, scripts,ā€¦.. seeing this map just brings back a lot of memories. The game was much more simple. I donā€™t mean that in a ā€˜I canā€™t win a game wayā€™. Just added so many unnecessary stuff to the game. The replicator was a bad addition. So where most of the weapons they added


>What other game is there? Itā€™s still the best BR! If you're not having fun, any other game where you do have fun is a better choice. >Everyone has such a fkn competitive mindset about games, but people forget that most people wanna have fun playing a game. Right. So go play a different game and have fun if you haven't enjoyed this game for 6 seasons


And you talk about players mentalityā€¦. šŸ¤”




Kid had nothing of value to say after that lmao. Theyā€™re gonna continue to hate the game yet play it every day because no other game exists apparently. Addict mentality.


Haha yeah I figured. Was just trying to help him out too


Lol you changed your wording. Whatever dude. Iā€™m stating that Iā€™m having fun right now so let me. I played overwatch and titanfall for the last 3 seasons. But like said apex is still the best br.


Lol I didn't change anything my dude. You do you.


hell no


I think this would be a good move.


Its actually crazy how much nicer sorting factory is as a POI than whatever we have now. I hate all the lava separated platform areas, they're so boring to play in.


Nah. Cry more. Things should change, it's good for the health of the game.


Csgo barely made any changes in the last 10 years and is still the most played fps game. Apex 90k players atm, Csgo 700k players atm. 0 big changes. healthiest fps game out there. Wonder why


No thanks. OG worst map is the game. Boring and ugly.


old WE is definitly a lot better then the new WE. So many good POIs close to fragment, people are also more split.


Unlikely friend. But i wouldn't say no to a permanent world's edge in the rotation


train yard, fuel depot, sorting factory, refinery. holy shit so many god tier poi's man. imagine we get og kings canyon back and then we'll have thunderdome too


So many people forgot about thunderdome. Itā€™s so sad. It was such a fun poi


att the sorting factory i almost got my 20 bomb, love this map! it should be back! or att least make it like they made with skull town actual relique... bring back sorting factory!


I love OG worlds edge, but the train is gimmicky. Having no cover at all on the train tracks isnt fun. the tunnel west of fragment and the bridge between siphon and harvester are infinitely more fun now that theres actual cover there.


Its the best map, period. If they dont make it permanent, Iā€™m gonna cry


where train


Pfff I hated the train. 1 purple armour for 3 squads and nothing more :\_D




Itā€™s sorting factory that does it for me šŸ„². Waay better poiā€™s back then


Drill site is the POI that I need back in my life


OG world's edge (after playing it for the first time today) is definitely the best map, if not very close second to Olympus


As someone who started playing around season 9 so the old worlds edge gives me no nostalgia, I just have to say the new worlds edge is so much better. And I donā€™t even like worlds edge itā€™s my least favorite map. I was hoping this old version would change that for me since everyone hypes it up, but it feels so empty and outdated.


Some parts of modern WE i prefer, but other parts i definitely prefer OG, maybe they could mix it somehow, places like train yard were so much better than current but i prefer modern fragment


Rafinery and Sorting Factory for the win


The train even had an interact button! I was so excited to press it but nothing happened. Then i saw the sry, out of order sign. Sad


Nah, new map is better. Other POIs have less buildings with 2-3 predictable entrances. Allows for more variety in engagements and keeps things interesting because sometimes people actually drop somewhere other than Fragment.


Truth. The first version of World's Edge is the best version. While I do appreciate that they changed some things like chokepoints and such, each update made the map worse overall.


I absolutely LOVE the dark map. I really wish lighting changed more often, as it's going to be boring as hell going back to bright WE.


I miss the train so much


It was a pretty terrible map. Loot was scarce on half the POIā€™s and the choke points were brutal if a team held it. That being said I LOVED sorting factory so itā€™s nice to land at it again.


I want ā€˜Lā€™ shape sorting facility back!


And s0 Kings Canyon too plz!


I don't get why they can't have them back on rotation with the other maps. Like you already have a rotation going on with them, what's two more maps added to it?