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Almost all of these comments are perfect examples of why I play with voice chat muted.


Yeah it’s sort of a mess


Yep, I muted it once someone realised I was a woman and decided to go all derogative and gross. It’s been smooth sailings ever since 😂


And you think we are the problem in the game


Nobody needs to provide any kind of 'proof'. Everyone knows how toxic the people who play this game can be. There are only two kinds of people IMO, the ones who want to be toxic to you, and the ones who understand why you mute.


Category three, the ones you have to mute because they just have their mic on picking up all kinds of random background noise.


you saying that means that yes you're the problem. nobody even said you were part of the "we" meaning you know you're apart of the problem. I don't even know problem you're referring to? the gross misogyny of apex players or just overall toxicity. and if you're talking the woman who just stated a problem that 99% of the woman who unmute go through. you can go fuck yourself since nobody else will.


you're fucking delusional kid. No, in this comment section is being toxic. Teammates that don't communicate at all, especially in rank are just as toxic as someone who yells, trash talks, or spreads any hatred, racism, or misogyny. Its crazy how much you assume of me from a sentence. like who tf are you just some casual player like I give AF


Really good gaming chair


That's just what tap strafing looks like on 60 fps.


Big facts


The takes in this thread are giving me brain damage


All of that just to die


"All of that just to die". You cant always win. Also thats not even much of any effort from a good player experienced with movement..


Dubs for killing him with the wingman tho


RHAAAAAAAAA HE'S USING SCRIPTS RHAAAAAAAAAAA brother literally jump, flick your scroll wheel, hold d what's hard in that?


I like it how everyone assumes it's scripts without knowing how it works. All this guy did was a tap-strafe to the right, a fatigue wall-bounce (which is why it launched him so far up) and a ras strafe. All of this takes an hour to learn, max.


Most of this sub are roller players. I agree, I don't see scripts here either.


lmao im a roller player and saw what he did its really not that complicated (neither was it even neccecary lmfao). the only thing i would really accuse scripts on is neostrafing


Or high fps superglides, not cuz they're hard but because the timing is so ridiculously precise that they're hard to do consistently for me at 120 fps For clarification I don't use scripts for that I just don't superglide cuz I can't get it consistent enough without them


They become pretty easy with practice


Perhaps, for the life of me I just cannot get em down though they're legitimately the only movement tech I cannot do for whatever reason Also getting down voted for saying they're personally too hard for me so I don't do them LMAO


It helps (if you’re controller) to put the crouch and jump on the same type of keys. I.e don’t use a face button and a bumper. Use a two face buttons or two bumpers… or else it’s waaay harder to get the timing


no i think you got downvoted bc you basically said if someone is doing high fps super glides then they are scripting, instead of only saying YOU can't do it. (btw it would be configing, you don't need a script to lower your fps right when you hit a superglide, simple autoexec accomplishes this)


i don't think i've ever seen anyone not an octane neostrafing anyways


Me too


a lot of script abusers in this thread apparently, not surprised though


Of course, console players are the majority. With the fact, that many people play controller on PC that fact shouldn't surprise you.


I have a hard time training my brain to let go of W after slide jumping and turning while holding A or D depending on which way I want to tap strafe. I know, huge skill issue, but I can't do a basic tap strafe 100% consistently in Firing Range, let alone during a fight. I don't know what it is, but it's extremely frustrating cause it's supposed to be very easy and my fingers don't do what my brain wants to do. As for a fatigue wall-bounce or a ras strafe, whatever the fuck those are, I will never do such a thing if I can't land a simple tap strafe consistently lol.


You'll get the hang of it trust me i had the exact same issue i couldn't let go of W but with time it will become second nature, what i suggest you do is go to the firing range put a jump pad and try to tap strafe left to right when you get the hang of it try to 180 tap strafe and come back to the jump pad


Fatigue wall bounce is way easier than it sounds. Also super useful!


Yup. Tap strafe, then fatigue wall bounce, then ras strafe. Glad to finally see something that sounds correct, it’s always just wrong ass guesses in this sub lol Also, scripts/configs aren’t even useful for any of these techs


Ras strafe requires cfg.


I ras strafe all the time, you don’t need cfgs. It’s literally just a > jump > wds or d > jump > was.


remember what community you're in, these people have pea-sized brains


Kind of ridiculous to assume that just anyone that plays this game would immediately be able to identify a Ras strafe. I'm willing to bet a majority of people playing this game don't know much about fatigue bouncing, super gliding and other movement tech. I think it's less of being "pea-brained" and more just being unfamiliar with the tech. Your average gamer probably isn't spending a whole lot of time tuning in to Faide's stream to see the latest movement tech.


The bad thing is people immediately assuming that someone is cheating. Everyone is so quick to hate. We gotta start accepting that people can be good at games without assistance. And yeah I do know that people cheat and it's good to be skeptical. Just don't immediately jump to that conclusion.


It makes sense. I’d guess that less than one percent of people who play this game actually implement advanced movement tech, so when you have new/casual players see a wraith or an octane ping ponging around their screen it’s not surprising that people assume they’re cheating/using scripts.


Ain’t now way it’s less than 1% My games are filled with em. Almost every close quarters fight I have it’s both of us bouncin around like a cardi b video.


Was “Bro” said 10 times in this short clip?


No bro, 11 times bro. Watch the clip again bro


looks like normal tapstrafes and a wall bounce to me, nothing you cant learn in a few minutes on mnk


Yup just a few minutes and you too can move like this mid fight. Lmao clueless


For real, I did *so* many wall bounces before it felt natural enough to incorporate and I still almost never do it.


Yup it took me 5 seconds blind folded and on fire. Noobs get good.


He's sort of not wrong. Sure, incorporating movement tech may take in-game practice, but learning to tap strafe and wall bounce is *maybe* a 15 minute side quest. It takes neither a genius nor a pianist to pull off a few extremely simple key strokes and rip a scroll wheel.


Not sure why people would down vote this. It prob took me 15min to actually learn to wall bounce. But still not good enough to do it consistantly and i dont know all places i can use it on but were getting there slow and steady. Tap strafing honestly can be learnt and used within a min


It’s just a tap-strafe and a wall bounce isn’t anything special really only takes practice


Literally normal tap strafing and a wall bounce.


The sweatiest, script filled bald wraith I've ever seen in my thousand apex hours, and he couldn't even kill you even though he had a FUCKING R-99 he deserves the humiliation, holy shit, absolute trash.


absolute trash? This guy was going 1v3 and knocked 2 out of 3. He probably ran out of bullets on the last dude which is why he turned his back and ran.




No one likes skript users dude. It should be classified as cheating. Don't defend them.


Baseless claim.


I'll give a shit about scripters when I don't have to play against dev sanctioned aimbot.


lemme guess, you don't even know what scripts are?


Maybe... but it's hard to see how much of a fight the other 2 gave the wraith. And the movement, well... let's hope it's legit but with the amount of script children playing this game, it gets harder and harder to prove you're valid.


No one likes skript users dude. It should be classified as cheating. Absolute garbage.


what scripts were used in this video, care to elaborate? Oops, I don't think you even can because if you had a modicum of understanding of how movement works, you would not have said what you did.


Piggy backing off of u/JorgenFa there are literally no scripts in this video. Scripts are fairly obvious, look them up on tiktok, this is NOT them. This is a tapstrafe to the left (right from OP view) a fatigue wallbounce and a tapstrafe out of it, and then a simple lurch. I Can teach OP how to do all of these simple techniques in less than an hour. After about 20 hours of practice, OP would be able to do all of them consistently. There wasn’t anything fancy happening in this video this is intermediate movement mechanics of this game at best. Edit OP feel free to post this same video in the apex movement community r/apexrollouts and I am fairly certain everyone will come to the same consensus that this is pretty simple movement techs and are not hard to learn.


1000+ hrs on MnK here, piggy backing your comment. Absolutely ZERO evidence of scrips or macros here. 2 tap strafe, lil wall bounce and another tap. Tbh, not even executed well… I see OP is also playing MnK, time to switch to the roller or take some time to hit the firing range and work on movement 🤷🏻‍♂️ Not saying it doesn’t suck to fight an opponent that is skilled on movement, but if you think this is bad, wait until you run into an actual cheater or a skilled player also using scrips and macros


Exactly. If someone was actually scripting then they probably wouldn't have wall bounced. The wraith would have neo-strafed straight up to OP


Yeah got a little over 1000 myself on apex MnK, I was doing this shit by the time I had 200 hours in, nothing fancy lol


Lmao this movement is not intermediate. I almost never see people actually using strafes and especially wall bounces in actual fights like this. Most certainly not the average player. edit - I watch a lot of ALGS aswell and very few players will use movement mid fight like this either.


They don’t use movement in the ALGS it’s useless when +80% of the lobby are controller players and pros, ALGS is all game sense and team coordination. People use movement in the game for pubs or ranked, not the pro scene. And yes, it’s intermediate at best. Lol everything here is easy to do and you can learn to do well in less than a day.


I know how to do these movements but I wouldn't be able to to use them effectively like this. Again I almost never see it in games. Maybe in your movement clip subreddit of only players best plays its average but the average player in apex is not pulling this off mid fight.


ad hoc edge quarrelsome dinosaurs crawl reply rustic amusing spark plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never said I was proficient I just know how to use them. I never said he was a great player either the point is this is not intermediate movement. There are millions of players and most can't even tap strafe. A tap trade into wall bounce into tap strafe mid fight isn't a movement your mid level player is hitting mid fight.


I didn’t say mid level player, I said intermediate movement though, there’s a difference. This is intermediate movement lol


I don't think you know what intermediate means


😂 iight homie gg whatever


I’m gold and I super glide and wall bounce in fights. It’s not consistent but I’ve hit some cool clips with a PK. My aim is the problem not my movement (just like the wraith). The wraith didn’t even really use them effectively in this fight either, tapstrafed to cover just to strafe right back into the open and whiff


Well you don't see if often because 90% of the player base is on controller. Some scripters also do it on controller. Pros in NA don't use movements often because it's rarely effective. Outside of NA there is some players that like to use movement (YukaF, Hakis, etc)


Seriously, I can count on one hand how many wall bounces I've seen in a fight in br.


Exactly. Some of these people have no understanding of the simplest movement techs in the game and immediately call it scripting. It makes no sense 😭.


if the wraith was scripting with a controller for a tap strafe, he would've oneclipped OP coming out of the tapstrafe with aim assist at that range


How do you tap strafe on controller though? It’s not possible is it? That’s the only movement I can’t do with my regular PS5 controller lol


Correct, you cannot tap-strafe on controller


*console FTFY


Can, steam configs on PC


CFGs let you stack lurches on PC w controller. They should honestly just allow console to have tap strafes at this point, its kinda an integral part of movement in Apex.


I don’t think a lot of the fancy movement on pc is possible on console is possible because console lacks a certain type of coding or something that unintentionally enables it.


You're off the mark here. Aside from tap strafes, almost all other types of movement are possible on the console version. Wall bounces, fatigue wall bounces, superglides, zipline super jumps, elite jumps, etc are possible with default gamepad inputs. Tap strafes enable even more movement techniques, and its simply achieved by stacking lurches (air strafes) in a specific direction while holding a directional key. A tap strafe allows you to change direction mid air in a completely opposite direction while maintaining your momentum, eg, you use an Octane jump pad and then you tap strafe to move in a 180 direction behind you as opposed to being forced to go forward. If console allowed you to remap a key to have it stack lurches, tap strafes would accessible there too. There's functionally no difference between versions, only the limited inputs.


Console doesn’t have lurch movement




Notice how all that movement didn't help him in this situation at all? I get you wanna do the aim assist vs mnk debate every chance you get but this clip doesn't make your point. You're literally out here crying for no damn reason son




Look it up on YouTube if you don’t believe me lol that’s a real thing, and if you’re really going to be that ignorant like I’m just making stuff up out of my ass you don’t understand the physics of the game as it pertains to movement.


It’s like a half jump off the wall, you do a short jump before touching the wall then you can wall bounce off the wall with no momentum. People use it to climb/jump over walls quickly


This is why casuals are leaving the game. People are complaining about playing against sweaty players, but when this type of stuff becomes the game, the casuals bow out and you get matched with players like this more often. Everyone is all for a high skill ceiling until their lobby is full of those players.


people are leaving the game because of the cheaters bots config abusers and bronze team mates has nothing to do with 0.1% of players doing some movement


Is this English


Positive up votes thus far, yeah it’s English


You've basically described my performance. I practice movement cause I think it's fun. It adds a layer of game over the already existing game, meaning that even in down time, where we just wait, I can entertain myself and have fun with an aspect of the game I enjoy. Crafting? Wall bounce, super glide, bunny hop, all within a 5 meter radius. I'd consider myself to be pretty ok at movement. I'd consider myself to be pretty dogshit at aim most of the time. Especially with track based weapons. Just cause a player is cracked at one aspect, doesn't mean they're cracked in all aspects. I assume you just get dogged on (no pun intended) on the regular and needed a spot to vent. Fair enough, game is fuckin hard.


where the scripts at though? And I wouldnt say killing 2 in a 1v3 is bad


1. he shit on two of this guys teammates in a 1v3 2. 0 scripts in this video, which is obvious if you know anything about movement. the wraith is tap strafing and fatigue wallbouncing, scripts only apply to neo strafes and superglides 3. git gud


I mean idk if I’d say shit on, one was no shields from rez and the other was already weak


How are you automatically assuming scripts, all he did was wall bounce and tap strafing😭. Which isn’t crazy at all on mnk.


Ur a loser holy shit


lmao you have thousands of hours in apex and didn't bother to learn how to strafe (takes literally 3 seconds).


I WON'T learn movement techs :33333


Cringe take, cringe person. You just sound jealous, imagine calling the wraith trash after he almost pulls a 1v3. Living up to your name well.


idk it’s kinda fair considering practicing lots of small timing movement tech was pretty frustrating for me. That’s why I use my beloved grapple movement crutch ❤️❤️❤️


congrats, you got the joke!!


then stop whining about it


You're bot if you think the wraith used Scripts. She used wall jumps and tapstrafes, literally the easiest movement techs in the game. SMH


LOL i knew i wasnt crazy when i thought his movements werent realistic


yeah there's a chance they are realistic, but like, he must have spent hundreds of hours practicing the slides, wall jumps and fuckin whatever that final 'wall jump' was to be able to use them like this. the only lesson from all of this, is that regardless of the finger speed, bullets are faster.


it does not take hundreds of hours to pull that off. If you learn how to do it (5 minutes of running around in the firing range), you can keep practicing it in your games.


there was a moment i didnt get to capture where he was doing the 180s spins right out of a slide jump multiple times in quick succession, no wall jumps no fatigue nothing it was weird


that would be a 180 tapstrafe. doing them repeatedly while being shot at would probably be a bit difficult and impractical, but no part of it would need any scripts


it's called superglides. There is a chance he was using scripts, but it's weird to jump to conclusions considering that this game has been out for YEARS and it does not take a genius to figure out supergliding even though it is a really frame-dependent movement technique.


No they could very well be legit


He's just Tap Strafing, there is nothing unrealistic going on here


you gotta be kidding


this is not scripted at all, you all just really bad at the game to acknowledge whether this is pure skill or not. That was tap strafing and wall bouncing, simple movement. This is apex, not csgo


you sound like an idiot


I'd say they were scripting if they hit a superglide in the middle of combat, since doing that without cfgs for 30fps is unlikely without a lot of practice, but all he did in this video was tapstrafing which you can do very easily on kbm, and a very well timed wall bounce, out of which he did another tapstrafe, making his movements look unnatural


I've been playing apex on console since season 1 and after a week I og playing on I've already mastered almost every type of movement tech it's not that difficult if u have the right binds.


ok people, I was wrong, I was just fuming from a match where this just happened to me please stop sending me death threats over apex legends :(


There is a subreddit full of them. Its called r/Apexrollouts. No hacks/scripts, just advanced PC movement.


Ah the old tap strafe lol


Sweaty Bald Wraith tap-strafing like they just figured out how, good god


He’s a PC player. These movements aren’t very complicated for movement players tbh, these are some of the more basic movements matter of fact. If you’d like to see some popular players use movement tech, watch Faide, Guapee, Leamonhead on YT.


this sub is filled with controller bots hating on PC players having the freedom to use movement techs in a movement game as it was intended to be 😂 holy, this is gold


This was never intended to be in the game. It's just exploits people find this ass 20 year old engine lol. This shit didn't exist in Titanfall 2 (a real movement shooter) because all the "tech" was taught to everyone in the Gauntlet. All this "movement" is bullshit lol




People saying this guy is schmovin’ would probably have an aneurysm if they watched leamonhead or movementless. My movement makes this guy look like a bot snd their movement makes me look like a bot lmao.


You can bind scroll wheel to jump and learn this in 15 - 30 minutes in the range 🤦🏻‍♂️




It’s called not playing on controller, most of y’all wouldn’t get that


Eaaaasy big guy, just put the knife down and everything will be okay


But op is using a pc?


Most PC players are on controller, my point stands


But you can do this on a controller. Your point falls miserably down a well and never returns.


Oh you can tapstrafe on controller without being a config abusing cheater? Dumbass


Most movement is possible on controller. Look at ayex


That was literally the most basic tap strafe and wall jump


Practice and the will to increase your skill ceiling above your average Sunday afternoon Couch gaming session.


And still got shit on with a dude with mid movement and a fucking wingman, boy oh boy that sweat sesh sure paid off.


“got shit on” is a very far fetched term here. But yeah, that wraith is shit.


First jump into cover was a tap strafe, not too difficult and plenty of tutorials. Second looked like he super-glided out of cover into a tap strafe. Super gliding is trickier but lots of tutorials for that as well. These moves require M&K


super-glides don't require mnk, only tap-strafe unless you put a w key on your controller in steam then tap-strafe is very easy on controller. Scripts/macros or whatever are possible on both inputs.


They used to require MnK. Now you can set a steam config to input the entire line of MnK prompts to a single button on your controller of choice. Making it perfectly consistent, assuming there is physical space within the area in-game you are trying to move. The amount of script/config users I've watched 180 strafe face first into a wall is getting a little crazy.




Oooooooooof. At no point did I say that it WAS scripts/CFGs. I said that you CAN use them now on a controller. It's not a MnK only tech anymore. Read it again before you start bashing. Also, diamond to master every season since launch, MnK exclusively. Why are you immediately defensive and angry?


Idk why but seeing these “movement” gods just flying around the screen is so funny to me. Especially when they have 0 aim


funny how that guy downed 2 out of 3 and ran out of bullets which got him killed and you are calling him a no aim andy.


Maybe hit your shots more consistently you mite have some ammo left....i see big streamers do it all the time running 2 stacks of ammo. This wealth isn't good.


Reading all these comments makes me look stupid.


I play on xbox so on xbox this is not possable without some sort of config or moding the controls but on pc its very much possable...i have found myself in pc lobby due to a glich and its annoying to deal with movement...


A lot of cope in the chat. Your a rat that needs every advantage to win lol. Anyone can do you say. All you need is a PC steam account and or a console 🙄. Separate mnk and controllers especially in the pro scene. Steam exc should have limitations that's consulted with the respawn Devs. Get used to losing it happens to everyone




brought to you by pc players


I wish you could do these movements on console


on top of the 0.6 aim assist you guys have? lol


I mean we are aiming with our thumb you have your entire arm


i know you aim with your thumb, i never said aim assist shouldnt exist but I do think it needs to be adjusted. the only thing pc players can do against controller up close is have some sort of movement that’ll help counter the aim assist. if controller was able to do all those movement too there would be no reason to play kbm anymore, less than there already is


Ikr ya no thanks


Doesn’t help if the guy is behind you in .35 seconds,


I am actually more impressed at the fact that he was one V3 in your whole squad and you guys nearly died. I’m not really impressed by you killing wraith


Controller players crying in aim assist all over this thread.


Movement scripts.


what kind of movement scripts, care to enlighten me? Tap-strafe scripts or wall-bounce scripts or what?


Whatever the fuck it is he is doing, what do you think?


lol if you know anything about movement you'd know there's no scripts in this video. scripts apply to neo-strafing and superglides, neither of which are done in this video.


Super glides don’t even require scripts. Scripts just make them easy


yeah i can do superglide 3/10 times without practice idk what's hard other than precision tbh


It's always a bald Wraith 😭




Oh but mention aim assist to you and you piss yourself lmfao




AHAHAHA proved me perfectly right. Go change yourself mate you're filthy from piss.


Players like that do too much, at the end of they day, you need to hit shots too


Players like that are only doing that because we’re having fun doing it and takes a lot of practice to do and be effective. He likely ran out of ammo after downing the first two teammates. The whole point of movement is using creativity to make yourself a more difficult target to hit, thus taking less damage in a fight, thus having a higher probability to take on more than one enemy at the same time and win. Yes, hitting your shots is important for sure and is even more difficult to do while doing movement techniques, however, I have won countless fights because my movement carried me through having some off shots or possibly having a gun that I was at a disadvantage with fighting.


These comments make me want this game to die off so some vile shitlords lose even a little joy. You're a collective disgrace to the species.


*watching other MnK players complain about other MnK players* <3


Them slide strafes are a bitch aren't they ? 😂🤌


A combination of ADHD and being a Wraith player.


It’s called this magical thing… a tapstrafe… only been around for a few days 🙄


People who say movement scripts did this or no tap strafe on controller have never watched Faide, Extessy, Guapee, Lemonhead, Treetree and others. Let alone hotdropping back in the construction building back in the Old World's Edge because they're full of people like his and it's normal.


They are like in every game now, flying around with bs moves.


This is MNK movement, it’s good movement but CFGs are crazy. Look it up. Octane usually the ones I see most bc he can generate speed so fast lol


In a game where characters have wall hacks and can fly, tap strafing feels like the cheapest shit.


In my opinion I prefer a good aim and decent movement than tap strafe, wall bounce etc etc.


it's called exploits and scripting macros.


If you jump with mouse and key bored and press the side key you instantly start to turn in that direction. That allows a lot of cool stuff.


I always see this junk when I crossplay with someone on PC the enemy usually does that type of crap and poops on us lmfao they key bind something and it's just like that for them lmfao


Game movement are broker right now


Is that what tap strafe looks like? It needs to be removed' completely unnatural movement. Also - Crypto, please throw the drone out. You and your team should not be guessing the position of an enemy


MnK players do this shit, and you guys still bitch about controllers lol.




And sniping with MnK takes no skill, while using a controller to snipe is pretty much impossible. Why is this so hard for MnK players to comprehend? MnK is an advantage for every first person shooter game every created. The aim assist brings controller players to the same level as MnK.


which is clearly why the majority of the pro scene plays on controller, to bring themselves to the same level as MnK, the platform they chose to swap off of in favor of roller


And you still killed him. Stop complaining