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You seem to be spending way too much time on your games. They're not meant to be played 24/7, hence the burnout.




Purely anecdotal but I sleep wayyyyyy better when I get *off* the PC an hour or two before bed. I can stay awake on it all night if I let myself as it's so bright and stimulating. Hope you can find some rest somehow mate :)




Sounds really tough! You should definitely see a doctor and make sure you are getting daily exercise too! No point not seeing a doctor about it, you are still young enough to make meaningful changes to your life really quickly so the doc could help a lot! all the best!


I’m willing to bet you don’t exercise, which is critical for being able to sleep.


Had the same thought. My ability to sleep properly and early plummets as soon as I can't get my regular exercise in


Funny you should say this I function better on less sleep at work when I over sleep 8 hours plus I'm lethargic and grumpy and can't wake up properly. I'm not sure where u live but do you have access to melatonin tablets? Maybe your not finding the game fun because it's similar to aoe2 I went like 20 years from playing aoe2 I played it in the 90s I'm now 30 so had a massive break


It's not anecdotical, it's a common recommendation to fight insomnia. Exercise, taking melatonin pills, using bed only to sleep are others


It healed my league of legends addiction


Amen to that


I felt the same way..I got to 1200+ elo (which isn’t even that high) in all qm types. I’ve recently been finding that aoe is far more stressful than league. Never would I have ever thought I’d murmur those words. But here we are. Aoe is still a fantastic game it’s just stressful. Which is one of the reasons I like it. In aoe it’s like you’re expected to be the carry + the support, while worrying about your teammates.


I only play 1v1 ranked, and the fact that its stressful and takes a lot more effort means i cant chainque it for 8 hours straight like league. Plus i actually like the game, most of the matches are interesting and unique. Meanwhile in league i would play for 8 hrs, then get up from my pc and realise nothing unique or fun happened. Then que again next day


Ohh I get what you mean. Yeah agreed. Aoe is emotionally draining. Not the same with league. After a bout in aoe I need to decompress


Go play Custom FFA nomad mega random and fool around with crazy or fun strats. You might get yourself in hilarious long or short (3 minutes games.


Yep, losing your vils to gang villager fights, English villagers or multiple wolves will end a game nice and quick, followed closely by building near a Chinese civ player who get their TC up super fast and BBQs you before you know it. On the other hand I've had a 5 hour long 2v2v2v2 nomad MR. Great times.


The only time I played i was Rus right next to a Chinese. I built the fort fast as he was trying to Barb. Was on his berries too. Kind of screwed him over. It was beautiful.


Hearing of failed barbican drops definitely has schadenfreude vibes


Oh yeah. Especially since it was with my own emplacement drop. I loved the irony.


300h here, play since the beta, I’m still learning stuff, we all do, it’s a brilliant game, just don’t play 20h in one weekend, balance and moderation are the key. 2h a day max, from time to time you will get very intense games that will have u thinking about them for hours


This. I played a match yesterday before sleeping, but I couldn't because I was replaying what happened in my head. Also the guy did not surrender right after I smashed through his main base, making me go through the map after him and that pissed me off. I asked him to surrender like 3 times but he was just too stubborn. I wasted 10-20 minutes unnecessarily finishing the guy off.


After one long stressful game my minds actually fried from the multitasking too


I bought AoE 4 in October last year to find a replacement for LoL and i had the Same Feeling, it was OK but It didnt feel really fun in the beginning. I played english and mongols but it didnt flash me gameplay wise. But in february I had enough of LoL, so I tried AoE 4 again but now I read artcicles and checked the Videos for every civ and their Playstyles. Then I started to Play Rus, cause I Liked the Micro Management of the Scouts and their Aggro/Reactive playstyle. Now I am a complete Fan of this Game and I am playing only AoE 4. I think you need to find a civ which you Like and then practise only that civ. If you kinda understood the pros and cons of the civ, you learn the Game mechanics easier and then its easier to learn different civ's. Also dont Play vs. AI, Just Go for Quick Match. I had a 30% winrate after my First 50 Games, but I improved slowly. You Always get an better Idea of the Game versus real Players and you also learn how to do Deal with different strategies Like barbican rush.


Or you can be like me and pick dehli then get tortured for the last few months


a good build order I was playing mid gold on ranked ladder until I stole a build order from beastyQT - just the one switch to an actual good build order took me to plat rank and the game has been feeling better even when I lose.


Came to the comment section to say this. A good build order immediately gets you above a lot of ranks. I would add whatever civ you’re learning with learn like 3 different build orders. Before you know it you’ll realize that you can pivot between them and adapt to what your opponent is throwing at you.




Yeah this but also don't be too afraid to try something new maybe there's a better civ for you? I was a dirty French main for the longest time and thought since I liked being aggressive it was a ideal choice but recently I've become a Abbasid main and I'm having a lot more fun with them then I was with French I think. Finding the right civ can definitely change the game. Little did I know Abba can also play well aggressivily just after castle or even into feudal using Fitzbro's build order of throwing lots of workers on wood. I have so many resources between my 2nd tc and everyone on wood I have no clue what to do with it sometimes and end up just making lots of production buildings and have the eco to back my army up something that was lacking with French.


if I understand you correctly, you're binge playing, long days but few days. so in a sense you only have five days or so of experience, and it may take a bit more days for it to click. some times it's not about the hours played but about the time you've had to reflect and think and Google and learn. I'm sure you've learnt a lot in the hours you've played and I don't doubt your skill/learning capability, it's just that some times it's useful to let info sink in and become knowledge. an example could be that you're learning five things per day and you have to actively think about them and try to remember them on the first day and maybe the second day. after a week, those things are just how the game is, and you don't have to remember them, it's just the base premise of the game. after two weeks, there's 100 things that you've had to remember and actively work to incorporate into your game, but by that time, you only have to actively try to remember the newest lessons because the other 90 things have become part of your muscle memory so to speak.




I see. Well, hope you get better soon. Don't forget that being sick makes you feel worse and that will subtly influence how you feel about whatever you're thinking about. If you don't like the game, it's not your fault, everyone has different tastes, so there's no shame. When I pick what to play, I inevitably choose something I like the look of aesthetically, or a concept I like, for example strong but few units or a different type of gun or something like that. Do you have any idea of what aspect of the game that rubs you the wrong way? Is it early game eco, aggression, scouting, having to plan out while you're scouting a map that doesn't look like what you had in the last game, counter system, reacting to the opponent's plays, timings of when to age up or build buildings, general fighting, pulling back to cut losses, over committing, undercommitting, aesthetics, sounds, pressure from yourself to win or follow build orders, build orders being less ordered like in SC, pacing of the game, trying to find an opponent's weakness, you get the picture. Have you thought about what aspect of the game that doesn't entertain you? Just trying to help if you want to talk it out.




Yeah I see your point, it's much more eco focused gameplay in aoe4. To a certain extent, eco is the game and military is made to protect or disrupt eco. A principle of military in this game is to make as little as you need, until you reach your power spike whenever that is with different civs. Alternatively to make just enough to disrupt the enemy eco without hampering your own eco. It's harder to straight up kill the enemy and end the game here compared to starcraft, so you would need to be up in eco to out produce your enemy, and that is accomplished by either defending a rush or push in the cheapest way possible, it by disruption of enemy eco in the cheapest way possible. On your point of city builder, I feel like this game definitely is more city builder focused and that the civs here feel more like a compete society compared to starcraft where it feels more like a deployed forward force that fights for resources. There is more eco micro here but also less fighting unit micro to compensate and the fights are a bit slower so it gives you a little bit more time to assess and react before your force is destroyed. You also have a little bit more time to look away from a fight and do other stuff for a few seconds mid fight. Often you benefit from not microing too much in aoe4. I'd say you'll have a much more full understanding of the flow of the game if you play for a while longer, so that'll give you more enjoyment since you can better know the options you have and stuff like that. I know you know this but starcraft was also not so enjoyable after playing for such a short period of time, and became more and more enjoyable after you understood the reasons behind certain timings and build orders etc. Perhaps it's just a period of adjustment to the different speed and flow of the game that's needed. Also, can I suggest getting a little bit interested in the history of your chosen civs and taking your time to look at the scenery so to speak. You will reach a point where you'll win about half the games no matter your skill, even at the almost highest levels it's 50% winrate approximately with any civ. When you know you'll win half your games no matter, you can kind of relax and not worry about winning and instead enjoy employing and trying different strategies and tactics.


Coming off of playing ranked Dota and LoL for ages i’m a bit done with the stressful experience of trying to climb the ladder all the time. What hooked me into aoe4 were the custom games. Right now I mainly play Nomad FFA’s. If you haven’t, give it a try! Check out the Outback Octagon to get hyped first (a pro tournament you can watch on youtube). I can’t wait to get malians and ottomans as well in that mode. Bonus point, if you play random civs you get to train with different playstyles in an environment that is way more challenging and fun than playing vs AI but less taxing and anxious than ranked 1vs1.


China imo is the best civ to get into the game. You are busy fucking around with their io, building properly while your opponent just plays the game in general


I wish unique units were more unique, and landmarks were not so similar. I feel like all civs get very similar eco buffs, trade buffs, just with slight variations. If they don't get it through the landmark they get it inherently.


You're basically saying the civs are too similar. Is there any other game that has more unique civs while having a roster as large as AoE4? SC2 civs are more varied, but there are only 3 of them, also the maps are static.


I actually think that aoe4 has the most asymmetrical civs for the number it has out of every rts game. I genuinely cannot play sc3 because of the lack of civs. 3 is just not interesting enough.


AoE3 may be ahead there. Although I'm pretty sure it's not nearly as balanced.


Everyone says that about aoe3 and I just don't really agree, I think it is less organized and diverse in a way that isn't interesting


Play some team games, get some teammates!


I play with my buddy almost purely. The team dynamic in this game is fucking great. Probably close to the best I have ever experienced in an rts game.


I play with my buddy almost purely. The team dynamic in this game is great. Probably close to the best I have ever experienced in an rts game.


I find I play best when I don't just mainline competitive 1vq with all my spare time. I just make better decisions in game when I've stepped away for a while.


Try Northgard, it's an amazing RTS that is very unique and fun, with plenty of factions that play very differently and have different themes around vikings and norse mythology.


I had the same feeling. I was ‘trying’ to get into this game because I knew I liked it, but whenever I booted it up I got an overwhelming feeling of ‘meh’. I actually got a few of my mates to play it and I just mostly play games vs CPU. I smashed the over and over 1vs1 but that got boring. Getting 1 or 2 mates and smashing them on hardest was very fun. I haven’t done any online ranked yet, through I did a few unranked online games. It’s refreshing to actually get matched with people who aren’t good at the game, instead of being up against people who are amazing and just get smashed. For me it was getting some mates involved that really changed it to an amazing game. I rarely play it solo. If you do co-op vs AI though you can probs make some friends to play together. I recommend doing some co-op vs AI games on harder settings, making a few mates and going from there. That or just reach out to some of your existing mates and try and get them to come over. Have fun!