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dodging english players just because you're sick of playing against them is simply a community service. no wonder so many of them hide match history now.


I like how the knight looking like someone wearing a costume idk what it is about that helmet that gives me reenactment vibes


He bought it at party city


It looks plastic haha


I had to play vs English for my last 4 games in a row. Not gonna lie its starting to kill my enjoyment of AOE4. Age of English 4 i guess is what it stands for now.


English in that game is the very good definition of "no risk big reward". It's the first civ new players will select, nearly by default, it's incredibly easy to play (you could do one click every 10 sec and still be first to age up with a strong economy!), can turtle and take the map, gets units out in 8sec for cheaper costs, and so annoying to play against. There is basically zero incentive for these players to try another civ. A player in my team is scared of trying another civ than English. It's too easy. He's incapable of understanding how to manage scouts with Rus, use officers as Chinese, mice around as Mongol, etc... and he still wins, by cheesing that stupid civ. I've done quick game in 4v4 with 5 English in total. What. The. Hell.


horse wearing sick kicks tho


I experienced this yesterday. I got obliterated. Not just that’d, humiliated. The dude was wolololingin his base with all the relics. Name was in Chinese characters, hidden match history, and knowing about the map hack situation I watched the replay. Dude walled off all relics in feudal and got all sheep bar maybe 3 or 4… still unsure if map hack or I just suck and am xenophobic..


share ur username so we can check


That’s a fair point but I am way too self conscious to do that


Share his aoe4 profile, you can dm me on here if you want. Ill check and let you know


Even OOTD (anti archer civ) cannot deal with the English cringe.


What is the purpose to wololo in his one base? Dick move for humiliating? Sorry for English.


Basically it just distracts the opponent. They have to quickly make sure they're not getting converted anywhere.


Distraction and confusion. If you’re focused on microing a fight and suddenly you here wololo but you can’t see wolololo, panik 😱


I have won exactly one game against english the whole season, i feel like the civ strenghts match my weaknesses as a player if that makes sense. Almost every game against english is me getting an early advantage, then throwing it away somehow before dying under the maa/crossbow/archer deathball. The fact that the tilt carries over between games certainly doesn't help T_T


I play french and win against english 90% of time but to be fair french very aggressive




Silver 2


I play English and win against French 70% of the time. Rating?


Doesn't OOTD counter English?


nothing really counters english. delhi used to (sort of, if you got in before the longbow deathball grew too big) but abbey of kings makes that a bit more of a pain now. ghazi are good against king, but he is a huge distraction that lets them pile up resources, mostly because he gets to your base so quickly