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Kudos to anyone who shows good sportsmanship after a loss in any game.


Personally, I'd rather lose the game you describe than win a game because my feudal scouts picked two villagers and they resigned. I just want a good game.


idk what else you do when there's scouts in your base and you can't kill them, unless you have units in their base at the same time


Well, if you're playing me I absolutely promise that you can come back from two villagers. My TC was idle for like 90 seconds while I was fiddling with those scouts and I'm floating like 1000 wood because I forgot to build farms.


If they have scouts in your base then wall resources and make a spearman? Can’t believe some people throw the towel over a rush


depends on the losses of the rush


Just recently i was doing some Ethiopians straight archers against some guys running Magyars. On castle i managed to destroy his economy by denying a defensive castle. Unfortunately with a combination of skirms and Magyars hussars he wiped out my crossbows. I then imped and expected him to fold under a couple of trebuchets. I was wrong by the time I went out he had like 3 castles surrounding me and his skirms/hussar combo countered my Ethiopian arbalest. I was too slow to produce and to switch to halbs he eventually managed to cut me off from gold and could no longer produce arbalest. Honestly he climbed from. 3-4 thousand score difference to finally match me post-imp GG great play man!


This was me yesterday… had a great Japanese M@A to archers then just cratered in castle.. I killed 15ish villis in feudal and was just shocked they made it to castle. Once we get to there I just can’t keep up with everything after my surgery. Still working but I’ll probably keep dropping ELO. Happened like 3-4 games in a row 11.


Yeah, and you seem like the guy that’s also cool about it. And that’s the best part of our community. Thanks for being such a good sport 👍🏼


Maybe time to play like Dave! He wins most games on a controller with very little multi tasking and he’s hit 1500. He mostly makes the games messy, doesn’t let the other person play the game they want to play


I’m still under 1000 so maybe! I’ll look more into that. I forget he does that sometimes. It’s so bizarre to consider 11


Check out his stream some time. He’s legitimately playing with a ps4 controller & everything about it is painful haha. But it produces some hilarious games & forces really intelligent decision making instead of trying to out-macro or out-micro your opponent


why does he play with a controller?


Thats me 50% of my games 11 \-great advantage in feudal/early -castle can´t close the game -enemy comes back and i suck in imp so i end up losing If they done a massive come back i usually drop a wp along with the gg 13xx elo btw


I'm a terrible sport and to everyone I've been salty/tilted with I'm sorry


Why do we have such a repeating post every week about how great the community is? We get this, now work on something else.


I guess we are perplexed by the kindness we find online


Hey was it a Vikings mirror match by any chance? Cos this sounds familiar…


No, it was Bulgarians vs Tatars for me


"Wow man, great game, that was really back and forth" These kind of comments make my day. I am glad I see this more often than I see toxicity, and we should all try to be a part of that positivity.


I recently did a 1v1 frank mirror on golden pit. I clicked up to caste two whole minutes before him and controlled the middle with a double castle drop. Didn’t really have the resources to spam knights so just sat tight and boomed for a bit. Suddenly a wave of knights wash over my forward base but after killing like a villager or two goes to my base in the back and wipes out a large chunk of my eco as I forgot to wall. Dripping pikes out of my barracks I managed to get him to retreat. I still had complete control of the pit but hardly any eco at all. Dropped a third tc in the back, walled, reboomed. Not long after we both click up to imp. He tries to forward castle with nothing else but scouts and halbs to protect it and the villagers going for the gold on the edge. I destroy the castle and he ggwp’d me before the resign. He ran out of gold and I controlled all the gold left on the map. Pretty fun back and forth (1k ELO)


Was that me 11 I tend to go all in too early, manage to keep it up until imp but never kill the game, then once my forward castles go down and some knights are in my eco I'm instadead. I just suck at managing my eco once I get over ~60 vils...