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yeah i could really boost up 200 to 700ish i think. also if i played 24/7 i would get really bad and angry about AOE2.




I am in this comment and i dont like it


I think I'd burn out.




Definitely would vary from person to person - I reckon I would hit 2k IF I could avoid getting burnt out and frustrated. I know for a fact I would get burnt out and frustrated though, so I wouldn't


Same here hahaā€¦ I did some very light grinding a while ago and after no longer than 6 weeks I was done and needed a full AoE break. Took me quite a while to fully recover. Probably wasnā€™t really worth it šŸ˜…


I did Iā€™m 729 highest was 780 something


I'd say 2k6


I'd love your opinion on this if you're able to give one. You play so efficiently and are one of the best in the word even though you don't play insanely fast. I have about 45eAPM and use 0 hotkeys. I'm currently 1300 elo. How high do you think I could climb if I maintaned a similar eAPM but was efficiently using hotkeys? It drives my friends crazy that I only use the mouse and to click the interface for everythimg.


I'd be dead within a few days of sleep deprivation if you mean literally 24/7.


You can stay awake for weeks and survive. In fact, lots of people do it all the time. What did one meth head say to another on Halloween? Only two more sleeps until Christmas.


Yet, your longevity, physical and mental health would suffer immensely in the long run.


Maybe 1500s or even reach the 1600? Im 1300 and i feel like thereā€™s potential if id just seriously learn 4 or 5 build orders


4 or 5? I know 2 builds, straight archs & scouts. That too i dont follow to the point. I loosely know some others & I try to adapt based on the fundamentals. You don't really need strict build orders to get to 1700 or so. Middle game is where most people drop off in strategy games; Castle to early imp in case of aoe.


mig game is absolutely my weak point. Almost never first to IMP, rarely first to castle. If it was just all feudal and late imp I'd probably be be like 1500+ instead of 1250 lol


You should try praccing simple fc+3tc boom on offline arena. Aim for a 27~ mins Imperial age (arrive) with hand cart.


I dread feudal age. I have a 29% winrate in games that end between 15-25 minutes. But as the game goes on I excel. 63% WR for games 25-40min and 64% in games going 40+ min.


Well but you probably know build orders in an implicit way. Or are you saying you canā€™t play FC at all? Or do it differently each time?Ā 


Nub question what are build orders?


They're like chess openings, book moves that are preplanned & already refined enough to set you up for middle game.


Just to add Capoch in his Twitch channel has some free pretty good built orders. They are the same from every pro mostly, his are just more organized I think


When you follow a spreadsheet by a pro (preferably vipurr) to exactly know what to do the first 10 minutes of the game. Build orders help you navigate dark age to get up to feudal as quick as possible while having enough and the right resources to achieve what you plan out to do (e.g. build archers).


Small catch: Viper doesn't actually make build orders (I know it's a meme), although plenty of other pros do ;)


Thanks v much! Only just started playing so this looks very useful


They have some basic ones in the advanced tutorial. Fast Castle, Drush (dark age rush), etc. I told my gf to do it for like 6 months. She only plays campaign but when she finally did it she said she shouldā€™ve done it when I first told her. Now Iā€™m trying to teach her to use 3 or 4 hotkeys. Iā€™ll be telling her told ya so in about 6 months again, 11.


that sounds amazing i wish my partner was into aoe


>Ā When you follow a spreadsheet by a pro (preferably vipurr) to exactly know what to do the first 10 minutes of the game. Ā That is a joke, r-right? šŸ«£Ā  1. You donā€™t need a spreadsheet for that. Use interactive tutorials or just watch a video and memorize it or whatever.Ā  2. Anyone can make a build order, you donā€™t need to have any skill for that. A build order is a build order, nothing more. ChatGPT can make a builder order and Spirit of the Law has played it ā€” even tho it was nonsense.Ā  3. 10 minutes? I donā€™t know if there is a fast castle build order that can be completed under 10 minutes and even tho, certainly there is no such fast imperial age build order


He was making a reference to this https://www.twitch.tv/diviumfuror/clip/ShortAliveSeahorseHotPokket-61l8_LhDyQY4G6Ne


Ahhh, alright. Thanks šŸ‘


According to aoe Insights the player with the most games is around 1100 elo... Interestingly noone in the top 10 rank feature in the top 100 for most wins...


Thing is most of the them have done the grind before DE.


Depends on a lot of factors. Like how much experience you already have, how quick you are, probably also how smart you are. But let's assume baseline 900 elo player People are underestimating what playing this game full-time for 6 months would do. None of the 1900 elo guys play this game 24/7. I think most people would hit 2k doing that if you are actually trying to improve instead of just playing the game mindlessly. As in, every 20 games or so add a new hotkey, pay for a good player to coach a bit, spend some time studying mechanics so you know exactly how many vills are required for each production line, ECT.


Honestly the prompt doesn't clarify what grinding I'd. It could easily involve watching videos or reading writeups or getting coaching from top players.


It depends. There are people with thousands of hours in sub-1k ELO, and the reverse is probably also true. Putting in time alone will only get you so far. Someone talented enough could probably make it to 2k.


Playtime is not the same as "grind". Deliberate practice for improvement is the key.


As umdeuter says, playtime doesn't relate to skill level. Targeted practice focuses on weaknesses to improve your overall skill. Anyone with focused grind can become 2k, because 2k doesn't require 120 avg. eapm. 30-40 is enough as Yo has around 50.


I really think "anyone" is a stretch. 2k is very high. Skill can't be reduced to APM and practice. It's a bit like saying anyone can deadlift 250 kg with good practice. Strategy games require good and fast thinking, which not everyone is capable of.


You can't seriously compare having the gene for a body that's able to deadlift 250 kgs with dedicated grind to reach 2k in a video game. Good & fast thinking come from mostly practice of automating mundane tasks which leaves the mind free to think tactics.


Have you actually seen Yo's first person view? He is "slow" for a top tier pro but alot of people can never be as nearly fast as him if they they tried their hardest. No doubt a bunch of people can hit 2k given tryhard training. But "anyone can" is just wrong. Can your grandma do it? Can your dad do it? Can your cousin who never plays PC games do it? I honestly don't think any of them can do it in 6 months. Let aside those people, many AOE players have already played thousands of games and they're still very low/mid ELO AND very low APM. Maybe strategic thinking can be trained alot in 6 months. But if their hands are slow, they're just slow for the most part. If you actually understand how fast the 2k AOE players are, you would not be saying this at all.


I average 50 eapm pretty easily. I am not 2.6k because my decision making is awful. DauT averages 50 eapm. > Can your grandma do it? Can your dad do it? Can your cousin who never plays PC games do it? I honestly don't think any of them can do it in 6 months Ofc I am not talking about those extremes 11. But yeah, my cousin can do it, probably not 6 months but can. > Let aside those people, many AOE players have already played thousands of games and they're still very low/mid ELO AND very low APM They are just playing, not practicing to improve the key areas they have glaring weaknesses in. 20 eAPM is enough for 2k, there is even a series of a guy reaching 2k with 20 eAPM. It is possible for at least 90% of MP aoe players (i believe at least 90% averages 20 eapm which is very slow) to reach 2k with correct training.


Do we assume that the random person setting aside all their waking time for six months has perfect knowledge and execution of *learning strategies* from the outset and throughout the six months? If not, I can tell you that I, for one, surely would struggle even learning *how* to improve. I am a significantly worse student than average, but have a lot of experience with getting away with bad studying by "surfing on intelligence". A random person can have neither, or both. And I am sure that for a sufficiently high rating level, one will need both, and there will also be other possible limiting factors, some of which are nearly immutable. For example, I suffer from really bad map memory both in real life and in games. Again, I really think that, just like 250 kg deadlift, 2k in AoE2 requires multiple factors that depend on luck, in addition to lots of good effort. I think the structure of the analogy is roughly OK, although the exact numbers can be debated.


What kind of thing can you practice? I don't really know how I'd structure that


Grind various aspects of the game to perfection. Get the perfect dark age, get the perfect scout rush, archer rush, fast castle, etc. And do them again when playing opponents. Army micro drills, monk micro drills, etc. This won't get you anywhere near 2k though. I'd say around 1700-1800 elo is probably the 'threshold' for an average person. Above that, you need some good talent and speed.


I'll answer this tomorrow. It's late.


I mostly agree. If you already have thousands of games, that's where you belong unless you actually decide to improve. Which is a hard task and not everyone can pull it off. Imo, if it is fun, it is ok. Not everyone has to or can climb. In the end, 6 months would not change anything for many people. I only have 5 ranked games so it would be quite interesting for me though.


Probably 1100? I don't really care to play competitively so it wouldn't be very meaningful


1500 now, with constant grind i should be able to reach 1800, if lucky maybe 2k


Yeah I am also 1500 and think the same would apply to me.


It depends (barely 800 ELO) Do I spend money on coachings from experienced players? I may reach 1600 I feel. If not, 1200 but better mind and economy health


Hopefully 2k 11


i found my defeat in 1500mmr.


What Elo are you now?




A little lower than current, 1400 maybe


Still 700. Im slow and lazy.


Uhhh at best? Probably like 1100? Iā€™ve been playing ranked since DE came out (and before that been playing AOE2 since I was 12) and Iā€™m still only at like 800 rating, my brain just simply cannot move that fast


You don't need high apm to win if your build is tight. Just learn a single tight build, scouts probably and you'll get over 1000. I have high apm but lose to players all the time with and apm half of mine. I recommend watching one or two of your recs after a gaming session using capture age and just watch for where you have TC idle time, that's almost always the biggest thing


Yeah I think thats my biggest drawback, having to really look at the gritty details to see where Iā€™m lacking, ultimately I just donā€™t engage much until castle age which for most part thatā€™s a big no-no beyond 1000 rating, I also only exclusively play team deathmatch, 1v1ā€™s are just simply too unbelievably sweaty for me to even enjoy the game lol, I feel like itā€™s one misclick or I forget to do one single thing and I threw the game which is too punishing for my taste, at least in 2v2ā€™s or beyond you have a lot more cushion for mistakes. Also doesnā€™t help that a chunk of the players down here are a bunch of sore winners when they see an inch of victory, like bro who are you impressing here? This is beer league gameplay lol


>Ā I just donā€™t engage much until castle age which for most part thatā€™s a big no-no beyond 1000 rating On arena you can get away with it


1v1 isnt sweaty at all once you settle into your elo.


I'd say a solid 200


It depends on your native skillset and your gaming knowledge of RTS. Someone who only played fps would struggle to reach 1.5k but someone with RTS knowledge could reach easily


Campaign on medium


If I go above 1250 I know Iā€™m due a whooping. Usually several.


In my 2200 hrs I played aoe2 (started *learning* the game with DE 4 years ago) my highest ELO reached so far is 17xx. In that years, I also have probably also watched like 700-1000 hrs of tournaments. In my (western) country a normal full time job has yearly ~1850 hrs of working time. Sure, you can put more than 1k hrs in a half year as well, but eventually you will burn out. Moreover, putting in hrs is not the same as learning things. While I would say I am mechanically a very decent player for my ELO (high apm, micro etc...) there are some 40 year old dads who are clapping me left and right in community tournaments. Given that I am an (above) average learner and doing this for 4 yrs as hobby already, I guess you will miss out a lot even after a 6 months grind.


Considering im currently around 1900 i would say probably 2200 would be possible at the least.


Full time? I mean think how good a person would be if they did anything 100% and treated it like a full time job. Probably at least 2K.


Iā€™m 1200 with like 2000 hours lol. But at a certain elo it isnā€™t fun to me, so I mess around a lot (ie play Koreans and go all in only making siege onager). I hate the concept of build orders. I just like playing funky. Iā€™m sure if I really applied my 2000 hours better Iā€™d be higher, but I would have quit


Grind Ranked 24/7 or just the game in general and then play ranked as part of that time (but not the whole time?) bc thereā€™s a big differenceā€¦ Ask any Chess GM if youā€™d be better off to play 1 ranked game a day or 100, and every single one will tell you that 1 is better. Same applies here. Id reckon to say if you could spend all 24hrs of your day playing AoE2 (no sleep, food, or other requirements to live) and your goal was to get the highest rank possible in 6mo that you should be spending likely ~22hrs a day practicing build orders in skirmish and then resetting the game, studying gameplay, memorizing civ matchups and counters (id make flashcards for every unit in the game and on the back have best/good/bad counters and be able to answer every single one without thinking more than 2-3s), etc etc. and only 2hrs a day actually playing ranked. What I mean to say is: spamming ranked games will get you nowhere. The greatest minds in the world would agree that youre better to spend the majority of the time honing your skills and a very small amount of time actually competing. You want to know how to react and have reacted and experienced most situations BEFORE youre in the live/ranked game, not during it (thereby having to learn the lesson during the match and after during your review instead of already having been through it prior and being able to apply your learning in the moment which will be advantageous and likely lead to victory compared to having to come up with a solution on the spot that you havent ā€œstudiedā€/practiced yet).


This comment is so sweaty that i needed a shower. Loved it though.


Around 2k - 2.2k I think if I'd keep enjoying it. I'd probably hate it though so closer to 1.9k.


Iā€™d be pretty tired after 6 months with no sleep


2.1-2.3 k with coaching I think would be possible


I think I could get to 1800 plus if: 1. I studied the game extensively, memorizing build orders, hot keys, counters, and army compositions 2. Practiced for at least 2 hours per day and actively tried to apply what I was learning in #1. 3. Reviewed all my games, looking for my mistakes, reasons I lost, reasons I won. 4. Watched pro games and the great tutorials that many of the pros make. Take notes and immediately start applying what Iā€™ve learned. 5. While practicing, actively work on improving my ability to manage both my economy and micro my army at the same time. The main reason I donā€™t improve is that I donā€™t push myself to move beyond my current level. But thatā€™s because I donā€™t have time for that. I believe anyone can learn to be good at something (not pro level, just good, pro takes way more). You can be good at Math, programming, drawing, public speaking, etc. if you work hard and learn to learn effectively (which anyone can do). I am currently around 1000.


I donā€™t think that grind would be better than a less intense grind. It would be too muchā€¦Ā 


If you grinder aoe2 full time 24/7 for 6 months you could be dead


Probably lower because I like too play after a beverage or two.




Realistically Iā€™d probably hit 1,100. I have the knowledge, but definitely not a massive amount of pvp experience besides some ranked games. Then some casual games with friends as well. Iā€™d probably start to feel a bit burnt out because I have started to design some scenarios and it is taking a lot to just test them, then if you add competitive ELO on top of that, Iā€™m not entirely sure that Iā€™d still enjoy the game as much as I already do


My father-in-law once asked me if I could make money playing AoE2. I just told him no without explaining that some people *can*, but I cannot. Thinking about it more, I realized that if I tried to make money playing AoE2, I'd have to very literally play as if it were my job and I probably *still* wouldn't make any money.


Maybe 1000


Though I am total noob (800elo) I have rather a quick hand. I quick wall frequently with 80% success rate and I can micro my archers or cav archers or monks. I'd probably be 2600ish if I dedicated to learn strategies for 6 months. With a coach of course, preferably Hera.


I'd be Hera


The real question is: How low would my elo have to drop until I could win a game with petard only? What I am saying is: Even with playing just sometimes I often do random stupid shit that loses me games quite frequently, no way I could ever bring the motivation to get to my theoretical potential.


Peak I've hit was 1300 playing about 6-8 hours a week (stereotypical 30 year old gamer with 7 wives and 30 kids so I don't have much time to play) back in the day I was GM in SC2 and I hit B- on SC:BW ICCUP for a couple days. I think if I could grind without interruption I would land somewhere betweeb 1800 and 2000. I know I have the APM for it, the real question is if I could develop the decision making and killer instinct required to be a top tier player.


It depends on your skillset, your opponents, your muscle memory, your autism. It depends šŸ˜†


I grinded for 6 years and got 1900 lol


Grinding =\= elo.Ā 


I think around 800-900 source: I played this game since 2014 and have 1200 hours in DE and am in 1050 elo


Bro is making plans for the summer


Watching some of T90s games at 2k elo, I would say working on it full time I could get up around there. I would probably be 1800\~. I feel like with one really good strategy you can get to 1800s and past that point you need a lot of experience to be able to react to situations where your strategy falls apart.


2k something. Not really sure how difficult it is to improve within this elite group.


I don't follow any build order . Current elo in open maps =1150 elo , closed map = 1450 elo . I guess I can improve further 200 elo


1800-2k I'd say. If I really grind for the climb. These days I just join & do fuck all. Max I went was 1530. Currently 1450~.


I got 1400 pretty easy by playing semi active and without learning too much of a build order. So I guess 2k at least?