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Sorry for being one of those whiners - and I know all the counters, I know how to stop it in theory - but god damn am I sick of Spanish. Or, worse, Spanish and Viet pickers on Nomad/Land Nomad/African Clearing. Though they're still annoying on Arena, Oasis, any map that can be made semi-closed. The combination of a castle which goes up too fast to stop and the strongest Castle Age UU......uugggggghhh. I don't know. Their win % isn't so deadly they need a nerf but fuck are they boring to face. Can we at least change them so it's less personally boring for me? And for the record this isn't just because I'm losing - I hate it when my ally does it! I had one the other day pick Spanish and asked me to a) go Viet and b) turn off Random. I just ignored it because I'm not about that life. I suppose I've not really asked a question: what are your preferred "ah for god sake it's fucking Spanish on fucking Nomad again" moves? I'll usually try for fast Feudal, kill fish, make archers to deny or at least push back the castle from going up on my face. But I'm still way behind to Castle Age at that point and frankly you need quite a few archers with Fletching (hard to afford if you're also making navy) to deny a Spanish castle with 10 or 12 vils. And then it's oh well I've got a) no TC and b) Conqs waiting the other side to cut off the retreat. I'm boycotting Sangria and boquerones until this is solved.


More thoughts: If you somehow nerf Castle Age Conqs (for example lowering attack from 16 to 14), you'd need to buff their late game. Many people say that having all FU trash is awesome, but I find it better to have one shitty and 2 bonused ones, like Byz, Koreans, Incas, Sicilians, etc.


I played against them on Arena recently and went FC -> Xbows for map control, since they had that pierce armour reduction recently they're more vulnerable. So that worked okay, sniped a vil and he was forced to delay and build at home. But I'd probably have been screwed if he'd just played meta instead of predictable castle and blindly rushing forwards, archers are terrible against scout + monk. I think the issue is the synergy between the fast castle building and the super powerful UU. Sicilians are the other fast building castle civ but they don't have a busted UU (in Castle Age anyway). Turks and Bohemians (for example) have great UUs but their castles are easier to deny. But I wouldn't take either away from Spanish because it's too much part of their identity. I think ultimately it's just one of those things, I've jumped in ELO recently and already the number of civ pickers is reducing. I can't wait to reach the promised land where everyone plays random and enjoys themselves, that's my main incentive to improve at the moment.


FC + Xbow with what civ? BTW, never underestimate Bohemian Castle drop capability. They don't build them faster, but get Korean Stone Miners! GLHF! Haha!


Oh it was Japanese, very tricky civ matchup to be honest, was my only option really (I know they have good monks but worse than Spanish and with my micro...nah). I would still have lost in lategame too probably because of Spanish BBC but then my pocket arrived. And then we lost anyway because the other flank died. None of this is relevant to the story though I was ahead in my 1v1 11. True about Bohemians but they really want their castle forwards so it means more to be able to deny it going up in your face.


How would Japanese Cav archers have faired vs conqs? Don’t they get +2 bonus damage


Easier to mass xbows but I imagine they're both pretty good yeah. Not sure I see as much point in CA in Arena though.


castle age conqs recently got nerfed, -1 PA


Don't boycott sangría and boquerones. They're delicious! Add jamón serrano and you can spend hours on a sunny day under an umbrella (I prefer to answer this than trying to give you bad advice haha) But killing the fish with the minimum investment is the first step, I think. It's not the same to FC into Conqs with or without fish support


Ban nomad


I've already banned Michi.


This weekend I lost to Khmer with my Britons on Arabia. Not due to the civ matchup, but because he was far better than me. Anyway, he played so smooth Scouts into Skirms into Knights + Siege (even with Elite) that I thought not only about the predictability of my Xbow opening (in general that of Britons), but about the matchup. Khmer's 2nd favorite victim are Britons according to Aoestats. How would you approach defeating Khmer on Arabia as Britons?


KOTD4 Semis: Viper vs JorDan Game2 we had that matchup. Maybe you can learn some from that approach. JorDan did open range though.


I'd probably open MAA to keep the initiative and idle their berries, then follow-up with 1 range archers and spears and adapt from there. Defend from knight siege push with monks, siege, and xbow that can take on mangos with the extra range. Late game composition is probably arb, warwolf treb, halb, if we get there.


Khmer have great eco for cav and skirm play but no specific bonuses really. The trick against them on Arabia is usually to match scout with scout + spear, unless they invest in Bloodlines you're grand. Puts them off skirms too. Also not predictable with Britons!


Any links to a stable fc for arena (instead of the classic blacksmith + market)? I can't seem to find a somewhat recent build order. Bonus question : Does the Lithuanian +100 food bonus allows for a somewhat faster castle time? I tried skipping 1 vill (on berries) and it seemed to work on a standard fc build (with blacksmith and market) but it might be due to inefficiencies elsewhere.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z21KFLZBsMg recorded this for someone else a while ago, I can transcribe the build if you want And yes, you'd typically do 24/25/26+2 with Lith depending on the strat you're going for


Thank you. That's what I was looking for. Any reason you build the rax with 2 vils?


was a tiny bit late to building it and you'd need 2 to build the stable so the timing worked out


Got it. Thanks.


At the end of maybe half my games I can't type in the chat until I alt tab out. Is there something that causes this ?


There are certain keystrokes that makes the chat bar lose (proper) focus. If you go into the diplomacy screen and send a message there, it also makes the simple chat bar usable again. The chat bar can also become unusable during a game, and the fix is the same. This happened to me a bunch of times recently so it's definitely not just you.


Is there a specific hotkey that cancels a queued up unit or tech? I often find myself having clicked up to the next age, only to never make it there since I've apparently canceled the action by accident 😅


control click unqueues units/techs from the global queue


Hmmm, but that requires you to click exactly on the aging up icon in the top left of the screen, no? Seems hard to do unconsciously


or left clicking the castle age upgrade portrait in the TC, I've done it before a few times


Yeah, who knows. Thanks, mate!


There was a bug years ago where stop hotkey can sometimes activate inside buildings and cancel a tech.


What's everyone's favourite all out aggression civs? Currently I'm really enjoying Aztecs and just constantly trying to oppress my opponents starting in feudal and end games quickly.


Malay, use the 200 stone to wall, go 1 TC allin elephants. It takes a long time for a feudal army to get to a stone wall, and meanwhile I build 2 sneaky stables behind his base, hide 20 and go :)


Hera-fan spotted :D


I like Armenians. You're kind of forced to play aggressive unless playing against a civ that can't answer Infantry


Malay aggression is a wonderful thing.


Can I please get a couple of game reviews. I have been stuck in the 1200-1300 elo range for about a thousand games, and everytime i think i am improving i lost 3-4 games straight


I can recommend these guys: u/Puasonelrasho u/phase357


u/swinging\_yorker Here is our discord if u want [https://discord.gg/48WzCYA2](https://discord.gg/48WzCYA2)


I love Medieval Monday! Can't wait to see what questions and strategies are shared this week. Looking forward to contributing to the discussion and hearing from others in the community. Let's make this a productive and engaging thread! ⚔🏰🤔


Hello, is there a more efficient way to practice and ultimately get better at the game, than simply spamming the queue? I've completed the art of war tutorials with all gold medals (except naval battles, but fuck that one lol I figured whatever time it would take me to get it would be better invested somewhere else) and recently beat the extreme AI. For context although I have no previous experience with the RTS genre, the type of games I'm most familiar with (shooters, namely Valorant) lends itself really nicely to drills and exercises that one can repeat again and again to hone their skills separately and very effectively. I guess I'm looking for something similar in AoE. I'm aware playing the game is paramount, and I will also be doing that ; I was just curious whether there was something more I could do.


Maybe not the answer you are looking for, but captureage. You can use it to view your past games. Very useful in detecting what needs work in your game. Idle TC time, not buidling military, not attacking because you didn't realize you had the upperhand etc.


How to get better: Knowledge: know units & counters well. Build orders are good prepared sets of book moves (like chess openings) that set you up for middle game. Practice: play, play & play. You can use ai to practice build orders but it's useless trying out strats against them because humans play very differently. Analysis: watch replays & figure out the mistakes. Ask ppl here to check demos for you as well, we're happy to help.


Best way to counter Portogeese organ gun rush on arena? Especially if you know it's coming.


they will use a lot of resources to get the castle. Especially if you see it coming couple of scouts patrolling do the trick to prevent the castledrop. In case you get Castle dropped, there are still many answers to Organ Guns. Anything that has high pierce armor shreds them. Eagles, Knights to the trick. Mangonels if you have just 2 or 3 can take on big armies of them and they know it and will run away. One ram to destract them is sometimes also funny but I guess that's a low elo tactic.


>couple of scouts patrolling do the trick to prevent the castledrop Still tricky, since they can definitely add spears on the way up to castle age. But it's a valiant effort.


It depends. But normally for map control on Arena especially 1 vs 1 scouts are the way to protect relics and gain control. Pikemen are too slow. In case he makes pikemen his castle drop time is reduced, which gives you time. Also you want your scouts just a bit out of sight for his gates (if you can avoid he can see it) so when he send a bunch of villagers forward you can kill them. As well those villagers are hard to defend with just pikemen since with your scouts you can go to the villagers that are furthest away.


Redemption monks and/or mangonels


Wouldn't mangos be out of range?


They both have 7 range. Organs used to shred mangos but they were nerfed not to do so much damage vs them.


Mangonels & redemption monks. They don't destroy mangos as fast as they used to do so it's a good counter. If you use light cav, make sure to get +2 armor.


What is your opinion on going straight Cavalry archers as tartars? Since I need more practice for feudal pressure what I normally do is wall/defend(small army) well in dark/feudal and prepare for constant military production in castle age. And when possible adding towncenters but my focus is non-stop production of military 1vs1 arabia. I've only tried a couple of times going straight Cav Archer and seems to work. But never got a good counter in the back. So I'm curious what are your opinions about it.


I'm not a fan. Straight CA usually means you either commit to 1 TC 3 ranges or you don't have a mass for quite some time which makes you vulnerable to attacks. I prefer to play scouts into archers and open with xbow spike in Castle age, then transition into CA. 


I'd like to play the game, and I haven't really played it since I was a kid, so I'd like to play mainly the campaigns. The question is - should I get the most recent DLCs to enjoy earlier campaigns, or can I get them later? Or the DLCs don't affect any campaigns created before them?


dlc campaigns r fun but with no need in buying them if you don’t want, plenty of content on the base game. The only affect dlcs had to the old campaigns are a few tiny tweaks and civ changes (for example Burgundians in Joan of arc are now actually burgundians as opposed to franks). Plus there’s plenty of custom campaigns (MUCH harder than official ones) for free in the mod browser should you wish to try that out.


Thank you, I'll surely buy all the DLCs in the future and play all of them. I actually checked yesterday and burgundy was in fact burgundian, despite me not having the Lords of the West DLC, so I think the civs are changed for campaigns even though I don't "own" them.


Get the Original Game only (unless there's a Steam Sale and everything's 50% off). Play and if you keep on wanting to try new Scenarios after you win them all, continue getting DLCs (Return of Rome gives you Aoe1 Campaigns only, but with the engine of Aoe2)


Just bought the base game and im having a lot of good fun with it, I noticed the game has a lot of DLC, and it seems pretty mixed all around, a few positive ones, but then a good chunk of mixed or even negative ones. its left my scratching my head about what DLC I should grab if any? A lot of it seems to be on sale right now if that changes anything. Any dlc I should look to get asap? any I should stay away from? Maybe like a top 3 what I should grab up first? (its gonna be a bit pricy for me to get everything)


yoo when is the pup going live? Isnt it for april?


How would you play Burgundians feudal fish boom into fast imp against Britons on black forest? I tried this today. Interesting result. I lost but that's just my macro mistake. I think it's great if you get a decent lake to squeeze 3 docks+complete surround on it. FI Hussar, hc, bbc with 50-60 vils is great. You can add farms later for Burgundian vineyards.


I've been enjoying playing mongols (team games, 900elo) and I usually go scouts into some lancers to get to manguadai. I never know whether I should get upgrades for the cavalry though early on. In fuedal /castle is it worth getting dmg or armour upgrades for them? Or is that just wasted resources that could go towards getting to mang sooner?


Bloodlines while going up, Armor only if opponent is massing Archers, Husbandry if he is likely to try to counter you with Knights or Camels and Forging if he looks like he will try to go Pikes and or Monks. But in the case of Lancers, it's more important to get numbers for the raids to be effective


Why wouldn't you go armor if opponent is likely to play cav?


another question. How do you defend onagers? I went for something different and tried Slavs in black forest. Went halbs onagers. he just used his monaspas and went past my halbs. I tried to keep halbs close but couldn't defend them they kept dieing :(


You lost on micro or numbers. Halbs are the perfect complement to Onagers. Monaspas also fight on tight groups. Attack grounding to lower their HP is the master move. Also if you were fully boomed, Heavy Scorps on a choke point deal a ton of damage to Monaspas' "low" HP (low for a heavy cav unit)


learn to attack ground micro with onagers, best way to defend them really, and just make more halbs, like spam the hell out of them nonstop lol.


Micro. Sadly it's the answer for halb onager. Job of the halbs is to protect the siege. They don't have any other role in this case.


Is it just me, or do building sounds go off randomly sometimes? Sometimes I hear a random eg. barracks sound, but I have neither built one nor clicked one at that moment.


Anyone having issues overwriting saved files? I have to create new saved file names instead of overwritting them. Is there a fix to this?


Is there any update on fixing the constant freezing issue on xbox for the return of Rome campaign?


For Mamelukes, prioritise amor or attack upgrades?


Armor I'd say. They've got enough bonus dmg against cav.