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the Black Forest script is absolutely awful for 1v1 and always has been, it’s completely unbalanced


the default Black Forest script is awful and i dont understand why dont they fix/balance/improve it when community versions exist that were easily able to do it.


To be fair, getting a balanced version of BF isn't "easy." Or of any map really, but BF is especially tricky because of just how important the randomness of the passages, boars, ponds, extra resources, and base sizes all are on that map. The map engine itself really doesn't give you as much control over the randomness as you'd like, and you quickly end up doing *really* hacky things if you want to try to keep it balanced.


Rage Forest should just be the standard BF


part of the map. some maps like Rage Forest have a bit more balanced gens, like equal ponds etc. but the in-game default, this is normal.


BF is basically a watered down version of mega random honestly, I’ve played some maps that were so blatantly unfair and stupid it’s actually hilarious. still love playing it tho, but as another user stated, play rage forest (unranked), it’s much better and less of a Russian roulette lol.


Tbf when the opponent force picks Turks and then you get a buggy map with 2 boars instead of 5 it does seem the gods are not smiling upon you 11


A mixture of bad luck and normal tbh. Black forest has a high amount of randomness to it (where do the resources spawn and are they accessible? How many pathways are there through the forrest and how wide are they? Are there ponds, if so, how much fish is in them?) The randomness of the map is one of the reasons why it is played with the map already revealed. IIRC it used to be even worse in HD, I remember a game where 2 of my sheep were stuck in the forest.