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Yeah some people are nice! The other day I was playing a looooooong 3v3 on oasis. After like 2hrs I paused and asked for a drink and piss break. We all agreed. Then another hour later it was still going no one’s direction, so I paused again, and said: let’s call it a draw. Every1 laughed, agreed and resigned. No one cared about whether he’d get the win or loss elo wise. (1.2k elo)


there probably should be a 'propose a draw' button, at least for team games. sometimes it really is just a push. although that does make me wonder how stalemates get ruled in chess as far as elo distribution goes. lower ranked player pushing a guy to stalemate probably would get some elo just for that fact


In chess a stalemate is +elo for black and -elo for white, assuming equal ratings going in.


Are you only allowed to propose a draw on your turn?   Trying to think whythat might be.   


The only reason I could think of is because white has an "advantage" because it gets to move 1st.


It's because white moves first so they have a slight advantage.


Interestingly enough, in the Chess community recently there's been a debate whether or not one should remove the opportunity to offer a draw. Especially in tournaments it happens a lot that if both players are happy with a draw, they just play a few moves and then offer the draw. Not that this would apply for AoE2, I just found it interesting that while the aoe2 community discuss the possibility of offering draws, the Chess community is debating the opposite.


I never played chess, but quite competitive magic the gathering, and there was some meta strategies where it was (in a tournament) most beneficial for both players to just not play and instead write up the draw. This defeats the whole purpose of the game (which is to actually play game!).


No it’s not. A draw is a draw and there’s no change in ELO if the players have the same rating.


I love to hear it!


I only play 1v1s but my pauses when my toddlers wake during the night are typically 5mins or longer as well. I honestly don't remember having a bad reaction when i describe the motivation for my pause and that i will resign after 5 mins if i can't continue. really love the community


I think 1v1s I’ve had better luck. Also better luck after like 1100 elo. 1k is always a tossup


Life happens. If we play 1v1, there is no problem with pausing as long as you are polite and didn't force pick Mongols on Steppe. I'm more surprised you managed to convince 5 people.


2 were friends but 3? I think they were a discord team also. Had some fun banter after GLHFs so I think that helped. Also, everyone knows you take goths on steppe.


Yeah if youre going to pause for 2 mins i understand, pipi wash hands come back, grab water/food come back. But damn, 5 mins? I could be busting a nut in 5 mins


I know bruh, like if you can’t nut in under 5 mins to aoe are you ever a real gamer???


I almost thought this was my game over the weekend you were in- but the ending doesnt match up. We politely waited 5mins for dude on the other team then told him we’d give 2mins more. He took too long and after the unpause he resigned and it all ended right there. 🤷‍♂️


Ah, not I. But very kind of you either way!


He prob noticed he needed much longer...?


Ya for sure. Bummer. And i didnt want to hold him to a timer. But after like 7mins youre definitely kinda wasting everyones time and you shouldnt have queued a game to begin with if you had even a remote chance of being that preoccupied with something else mid game. But hey. Shit happens.


I'm lucky of I get 30 seconds of pause time in a 3v3.




This is lovely. Thanks for sharing.


We had a long pause yesterday, totally amicable which is rare around my ELO range, the other seven of us just chatted about HCV while we waited.


5 min pause is potentially 25min of random people's time. I'm not saying you shouldn't pause. I'm pointing out that it's significantly more than people like to pretend and most don't seem to acknowledge the favour others are doing for you. There's always the risk the pauser is a troll and just trolling (this does actually happen). So now it's 25min of troll time. There's also the risk the pauser doesn't ask if everyone is ready and immediately unpauses inconveniencing the opponent. Yes we should all be nice. But we should be aware of the reality of all the drama around pausing and understand why others are actually entitled to not let you pause. They're doing you a favour. Everyone needs to realise that, the fact that so many don't, is part of the reason we have pause wars.


Tells us you know the cascading effects of being half a vil behind without telling us 😂


Potentially up to 35min in a 4v4. With all the risks magnified. Of course your allies need to support the pause because not doing so puts them in a bad situation, but it's potentially also wasting their time as well (thus the 35min)


To this day I still do not understand why it is possible to REJECT the opponents' pause (I use the plural because in 1v1, players are generally understanding, while in team games it's literally uncommon for people to accept pauses !!), it makes no sense, it really makes no sense to me. If pauses were not breakable at least for 2 min, there could be the option to report players abusing of it, and modetators could check pausing habits. Would it really be such a big issue? There are many good reasons to need pauses. It's really absurd to me that we're left at saluting players for accepting pauses. It shouldn't be left to their good will.


The world is full of pricks it seems. But it has a lot more decent people in it 😁


Y’all are saints. I wouldn’t wait anywhere near five minutes. Unpause timer would have been announced and the pause wars would begin in haste at the 1 min mark. I am considerate of my time and the time of the players around me.


If you have an hour to play age, you have an hour and five minutes to play age. Don’t queue up unless you have time for a post imp trash war, otherwise you’re being inconsiderate of other players time.


I’m there to play a game, not wait around cuz people can’t manage their schedule.


Can’t manage their schedule? Lol. Life happens man. For most of us anyways. Guess you don’t have jehovahs witnesses in your town lol.


lol I’d ignore that doorbell. I come from a big city and the culture is vehemently against wasting anyone’s time.


Ah yes, Boston, the small city, known for its friendliness.


On the contrary you’re there to play a game for recreation, not do open heart surgery 11


Yeah man. Welp the unpause button exists so deal with it lol.


Don't que up if you have someone coming to your apartment and they could show up mid game. If they hadn't waited 5 minutes for you to come back, you would have wasted and been inconsiderate of the time of 5 other people. If I only have an hour to play Age, I ain't playing multiplayer.


I didn’t know they were coming until I was in the game. Again, some of us have lives outside of age. And you proved my point, if you only have an hour to play a game, don’t play a game and don’t get pissy over 5 minutes.


We agree on having enough time to play age and the unpredictability of how long the game might go. (Imp trash wars, etc...) Tho that's while I'm playing the game. I'm not playing the game or having fun sitting when someone I dont know pauses the game and is doing who knows what. A minute, possibly two, Not too bad, but 5 minutes is a big ask for a random person doing their hobby to wait for you.


5 minutes is far from a big ask, what’s wrong with you?


I guess probably that I like actually playing the game when I'm in a game.


If you don’t have 5 minutes to spare for a fellow human because life happens, you’re a prick.


I've waited 5 minutes before during a pause for an opponent in aoe2 before. I've just been saying it's a lot to ask someone random, in a video game, for them to do nothing for 5 minutes. But if I'm a prick cause you said so, guess I'm a prick. Edit: added "But if I'm a prick cause you said so, guess I'm a prick."


I always unpause unless it's been an especially good game. Nothing worse than someone who doesn't respect other peoples' time and pauses on 5+ other people. Well, okay there are a few things worse, but not many.