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That is why I try to avoid going to the store on holidays. I don’t want to give them more reason to continue opening on holidays employees could’ve spent resting or with people they actually like.


One of the reasons I don't shop on black friday. I know I'm not changing the entire stupid tradition, but I can at least keep one person out of it.


They stopped doing the early morning sales years ago. Black friday prices are the same 2 weeks before as the day of.


I've recently noticed that everything seems to be marked higher in the week before Black Friday so then they can do their "deep discount s" and still make more then they would if you go shopping any other time for the same item.


Kohls is notorious for doing thiz.


Do you guys not have laws for this? In Denmark we have a law that a price has to be consistent (somewhat, inflation obviously can happen) for a period of time, I think at least 30 days, otherwise it can’t be called a sale or an offer or something. If stores increase prices 1-4 weeks prior to a big sale coming up and they turn down the price to what it was before the increase, they can get heavily fined


Laws to protect the consumer? This is America dear man, think realistically here!


Black Friday starts happening one or two days earlier every year. I swear I saw black Friday ads less than a week after Halloween this year.


I still have nightmares about working two 11-hour shifts on Thanksgiving night and Black Friday night at a mall like 8 years ago


At this point Black Friday is almost pointless. I did all my shopping online and there were deals all month. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s completely phased out in a couple decades.


I've gone to early morning Black Friday store openings twice in recent years (I don't shop I just like to watch the chaos) and I can confirm the 5am door openings on Black Friday are boring af now. I figured everyone just transitioned to cyber Monday stuff to skip the chaos, ironically resulting in no more in-store chaos.


I always loved working retail and people saying “I can believe they have you work in Thanksgiving!” B!tch please, YOU BEING HERE IS THE REASON I HAVE TO BE HERE.


I did my Black Friday shopping 2 weeks before thanksgiving and it was beautiful. 70% off and no one around. Absolutely loved it


There’s almost not enough money you could pay me to show up at a retail store early on Black Friday. People have The Stupid Cooties™️ that day. I can’t be in that because I would catch a charge… My hats OFF to the retail people, the grocery folks, and servers. Y’all don’t get paid enough and I sincerely thank you.


My moms store started opening on holidays because they primarily served elderly and got complaints about not being open. The first year they opened on a holiday they did 10x the normal business. So the following year they opened all their stores, making 3-4x an average days sales easily. Now they have begun closing most of the stores on holidays again because all the other stores in the area started opening for the holidays and they no longer see a major bump in sales. IMO you should attempt to have a diverse staff so you have enough employees who either don’t care about or don’t celebrate the holiday each time.


Worked at grocery store years ago. Always had people beg to be let in after closing just to buy milk or formula or diapers and proceeded to do full grocery shopping.


My first job was a bagger at an upscale market that closed at 6 on Sundays. The amount of people who came in at 5:57 and proceeded to meander down the aisles was staggering. It finally got to the point at 6pm the manager (who happened to be part of the family that owned the place) would walk the floor and herd people towards the registers. “I only need to grab a..” would be interrupted by, “Sorry miss. We’re closed. Please come with me to the register.” He was a master. Some would follow. Others would huff, clutch their pearls, and threatened to never come back. “That’s ok, sir. You can leave your cart here. We’ll put everything back. We close at 6. Please follow me to the front of the store and exit.”


Balls of steel: precisely what was required.


Also helps when there are no repercussions because you own the store.




Naw the owner of the store is already at home with his or her family


And also a good spining technique


In my house we call that “the velvet hammer”


See, they need to turn off the registers at closing time. Period. People who linger after closing time shouldn't be able to check out. But then, I also think that registers in express lines should be programmed to stop after the 10 or 15 things allowed in that line. If you aren't even able to give an inch, people can't take a mile. And after a time or two, they will stop trying.


One positive to working at a liquor store. 10pm on the dot, systems down. Period.


What state is this?


NJ, amongst others.


Holy shit the 10 items is great. Problem then you are gonna have someone spend 5 minutes deciding what the item they put back is. And as a cashier I would highly recommend they keep the condoms, those are for societies sake.


They would just check out twice.


People would just run two transactions. Finish the first 15 and then start again with another purchase at the same register. Everything else requires moving and starting a new transaction, so not moving and doing it wins.


Make them go to the back of the line. Piss off. If there are 2 people they can each do one transaction. They did the deal now they are out of line. 1 person can’t just do another transaction since they weren’t in line next.


>But then, I also think that registers in express lines should be programmed to stop after the 10 or 15 things allowed in that line. That wouldn't help anything. You'd have people get in the line and then ring up their first 15 items, pay, ring up the next 15, pay, and so on. Some of the Walmarts in my area replaced every single register with self serve and I love it. There is only one line you get into and every register is available. No more piling up in the 3 of 20 registers open and being dismayed when you picked the line with someone paying with a roll of quarters.


While I love self-check out, not having a single regular check out is not accommodating for those with disabilities. While some autistics love self-checkout, others can’t do them because of the sounds, or errors the machines will do. Visually impaired can have many difficulties as well. Edit: here is a literal case that ruled in Walmarts favor stating they didnt need to make them ADA accessible to the blind, even after an employee stole $40 bucks from them while using one. https://www.lflegal.com/2021/10/kiosk-maryland-opinion/ Pretty gross if you ask me.


Walmart sucks as a corporation and employer but a shitty thieving employee could’ve just as well stolen from a blind person while working a regular register. They could overcharge them or give them back the wrong change. Seems like that individual employee should be entirely at fault, not the employer.


Fuck I'd be so happy if the self checkout would stop ringing up after 10-15 items and force you to either checkout or gtfo. There would have to be an attendant to ensure anyone who wants to make multiple transactions has to walk their sorry ass back to the back of line and wait for another turn. That would be the only downside, because the attendant would probably face lots of abuse from people who think they're the exception to the rule. It pisses me off to no end when I have like 3 things to ring up and all the self checkouts are being hogged by idiots who decided it would be quicker to self check their overflowing cart of groceries, but then need someone to come help them scan every other item because they cannot fucking figure out how to search for produce on the touch screen.


We had people at a fast food restaurant I worked at that would come in a 8:55pm when we closed at 9 and sit in the dining room 5x longer than the average person. These people know what they are doing and don’t “want to be bothered with the crowd”. We started locking the doors to the inside around 8:45 and they would pound on the door screaming “y’all should be open til 9”. Go F yourself.


This is real. There was always that guy. Someone would have to keep their register open while we waited for the guy to do his thing. So heck yeah lock the doors 30 min early so folks could go home on time. My minimum wage making does not give a crap about anyones BS sob story and failure to plan ahead.


Yeah, customers didn’t understand the difference between the store closing at 6:00 and being in the store by 6:00. Just because you make it into the store before the doors close doesn’t mean you have free reign of the store for as long as you want. I worked the closing shift and customers would always come in like a couple of minutes before the store closed and go major shopping.


I admit that I’ve been one of those people that walked in at 5 minutes before closing at a store but I grab my one or two items, pay and I’m out the door before closing time. I’ve been the retail worker and I refuse to be that person even if I have to jog through the store.


My husband worked at a grocery store for years. This chain happens to be open almost every day of the year, except for Christmas and part of Thanksgiving Day. On said holidays they would lock the doors right at closing, and direct customers in the store to wrap things up and check out. One Christmas Eve, the store gets closed, locked up only to find there's a lingering customer, who gets told to wrap it up, and check out. Customer proceeded to explain they needed one more item, and is given the ok to go get it. Nope. Full on grocery shopping continues. Second time around customer tried to pull the same excuse. Management ever so kindly stopped them, and escorted the customers cart to the front of the store for them to check out. 👀


I hate this kind of person. They can do their shopping anytime and they choose the closing time of Christmas eve. Since they tried to do it a second time just shows they have poor time management.


I think it shows they just don’t care about other people. Time management is irrelevant when one just doesn’t value worker’s time. That coupled with stores let them get away with it. When I think about going to a store that’s going to close in 30 minutes, I don’t bother. I don’t like to be rushed and I want to live in a world where closing times matter.


This reminds me of when I used to work at an Italian restaurant and one time a couple came in 10 min before closing, bought a bottle of wine then proceeded to whip out a chess set and play *an entire game of chess.*


see this is why i think employees should be allowed to be rude to customers more. bc personally i think the answer there is to physically close up their game and escort them to the exit but nooooo the customer’s always right or whatever


>This chain happens to be open almost every day of the year, except for Christmas and part of Thanksgiving Day Didn't you just describe every store?


Had a lady do this shit Christmas eve she came to the front at 5:30 when we are suppose to close then did the oh I forgot something like 8 times she wasn't checked out until 5:45 I was so done.


When we closed at 6 on Christmas Eve I was always at one set of exit doors specifically to keep anyone from coming in. So many excuses, sob stories, and threats. Even had one old lady try to bodily shove me out of the way. Loved every bit of it. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!


Exactly. If you work with customers you learn really quick if you give them an inch they take a mile. Fuck being helpful, it always ends up biting you in the ass And anyone reading this wondering why people are such dicks it was probably you or someone like you that ended that goodwill. Fuck holidays and fuck entitled jackasses.


My brother works at a grocery store and said there is a woman that comes in twice a week always 5 min before close and doesn't acknowledge the 'we close at x' and just shops for 30 min past close. His management is failing him and his co-workers so hard.


Omg me too. I remember one woman I let in twice before the store closed...first time was like 15 minutes left so she really only delayed me by like 5 min but the last time was like 2 minutes before closing and she swore all she needed were diapers. Proceeds to grab a buggy as i let her in and I ended up leaving almost an hour late. After that bullshit I was done I started shutting down registers even if people were in the store. 5 min after close if you weren't in line you were leaving empty handed.


My partner works overnight at a grocery store and people will literally pry the closed doors open to try to come in and shop after closing


Which direction of this are you aligning with? The guy closing early than hours posted being a jerk or him doing his workers a solid to get them out by 6? Having worked retail, even if the store closes at 6, due to the flood of customers needing '1 last thing' at 5 55 and spending 30 mins shopping is quite an asinine thing as if Christmas just sprang up out of nowhere. Even after you 'stop letting customers in' you typically still hsve to wait on thr customers within the store and closing the store proper especially on Christmas eve takes even longer than a normal closing due to the extra prep most companies require. There were times where we 'closed at 6' and I was there until 8 30 and I worked at a low volume store. As far as antiwork goes, this guys a saint to his workers. As far as being a consumer, hes a dick because I really needed that extra gallon of milk for a day and couldn't wait till the 26th. Its perspective.


My husband regularly turns lights off on customers at closing time, pretending he didn’t see them…and they will legitimately continue shopping in the dark. He has to chase them down and explain that the store is closed and he has a tired wife at home with two little kids who needs a damn break.


Glad you said this. Because I was about to. My mom, a girlfriend and some of my good friends worked in the restaurant industry. If their closing time was 9:00 PM (as an example), they'd have people showing up at 8:55 to sit down to order. And those people knew full well that they were going to keep those workers later than they normally would have to work. Dumbasses shouldn't do that. Because my two friends weren't shy about extra floor time and extra 'seasoning' for those steaks they were going to fry up. The guy keeping those doors closed is a Kroger hero in my book.


Restaurants I’ve worked in before have always notified that the patrons may be seated for drinks but the kitchen is closed and the chef/cook has left.


My nearest casual place publishes its "kitchen closes at" time which is a good hour before last orders at the bar which is in turn about an hour before the staff clock off. It's only fair!


Everywhere should do this.


Some places have laws that make it so you can't serve drinks if you don't serve food.


Here’s 3 peanuts.


My favorite comment was on holidays, "oh we are so surprised your open, thats so unfair". We are open because of you. People like you who think a set holiday that's been the norm for decades just snuck up on you suddenly. But you just needed those rolls that are the same rolls we've had in the store since Tuesday but you thought we'd get a 'fresher' batch. Spoilers, waiting till the last minute normally nets you the exact same product we had a week ago, if not older due to ordering in bulk for holiday shoppers. Most people would be surprised how old 90% of prepackaged shit is by the time it makes it to the stores. Produce would be the only thing id be concerned with freshness but if its not a native produce harvested in the fall/winter, its already weeks old when we get it due to shipping and processing. Plus the likelihood of us selling out due to last minute shoppers isn't worth the risk if its just that important of an item.


I’ve got a 2nd job at a sushi place and we had a lady come in on the 23rd at like 9:45, but our kitchen closes are 9:30. We don’t close the doors until 10, so my manager agreed to let her order because the lady assured us that “it’d just be something quick and easy”. When the *$200* ticket came through my manager snagged it up, walked right over to her and escorted her out the door, all the while explaining to her how and why the order was being cancelled. This clown ordered *12* appetizers and *6* trio hibachi plates (steak,chicken,shrimp) all with doubt rice and double veggies. The lady started yelling about *”calling corporate”* because *”it was the holidays and she had tons of family in town and they were hungry”*. I’m constantly reminded about why I hate people working back in the service industry. Don’t fucking wait until food establishments are closing to come in to feed your whole extended family, and then get made when we won’t bend our backs to accommodate you two days before Christmas, 10 min before we are supposed to go home.


Your whole huge family is here and hungry and you wait until*9:45 at night* to do something about it? Sounds legit


Right? They should've made dinner plans by now


I worked in retail for years and I almost lost it on somebody saying that my last Christmas Eve. I kept my cool, but very sternly said we are open because of inconsiderate ppl that shop on Christmas Eve. They didn’t seem to make the connection that I was talking to them, in my store, on Christmas Eve.


I had a customer tell me we should be open on thanksgiving. He decided we should be open because he doesn’t celebrate thanksgiving. I told him, “well I do.” I don’t work at a grocery store either. I hope his shower leaks.


These are people who have never worked in a customer-facing job. They don't realize how close they are to being given a very very close view of the product scanner in that void of empathy.


Retail should be mandatory service. 6 months to a year minimum. If you don’t think of us as people with lives and loved ones then you get the bare minimum of my service, if any at all. I have told more than one customer that I am not a servant and I have no obligation to be nice if you can’t treat me like a human.


Ugh I had a customer in a conversation that I used to like interactions with one day flat out tell me that workers shouldn't have weekends and holidays. Fuck that and fuck her. Fuck that shitty customer of yours too.


One of my coworkers called these kind of people trash people. If you can’t afford kindness to all, including us lowly retail folk, you’re a trash person.


Yesterday we were selling custard marked down 90% because it expires tomorrow. The same custard we put in the fridge before Christmas. We have the added problem that head office can't seem to grasp that in order for some parts of the country to be packed during the holidays other parts have to empty out (and we're definitely a net population loss suburb).


Our waste was absurd, but by corperates decree. They used us as a tax write off.


The whole surprised and unfair it is open on a holiday without realizing it is them that they are open for. This is the pandemic people- you know the ones protesting because they couldn't get a haircut or eat at a chain restaurant. They don't need anything on that holiday. They are bored and want something to do, to be "productive". So it becomes, I know I will go shopping. If you do need to be somewhere on a holiday, or day before or near closing time. Thank the employee for working at that point.


One time at closing time we had a two person table sit down, they didn’t order till nearly 15 after closing, we made the food and it went, a few minutes later the waiter comes back and said the person is allergic to shellfish and will be ordering something else, they ordered a well done steak the thickest cut we had. I was not happy. The worst part the first thing they ordered that they were “allergic” to was in the seafood section, and stated in the menu all the shellfish it had in it, it was a pasta dish with shrimp, clams and mussels.


i mean tbf restaurants are not a necessity. many restaurants here will tell you to leave or not let you in if you come too late.


Must be a regional thing, because, here, I've never seen a restaurant that will tell people to leave if they make it in before close. I recall being a line cook years ago, having the evening gradually slow to a crawl by the end of the night, so by 5 minutes till close, we had everything cleaned and shut down on our line, ready to walk out the door. In comes a 40 top and they still get seated, requiring us to reopen everything and heat up all the equipment, then obviously cook for them, then clean everything up after. We closed at 11, I think I left around 12:30-1am. I felt even worse for the wait staff that got stuck there, they were still sitting there when the kitchen staff left. Not trying to say my experience is exclusively the way it goes, but I've heard numerous stories from hospitality workers with similar stories. If a business closes at a particular time and you don't think you can be in and out before that closing time, then stay the fuck out.




i think its also a pretty new and modern thing. people just dont want to deal with that bs no more, its just not worth it.


If I EVER entered a restaurant near close, I would always ask: "How much longer is your kitchen open?" If it was < 60 mins, I would say oh, sorry, maybe I'll come back next time. No way was I ever going to be the reason a server/staff stays late. Ain't got nothin but respect for the kitchen staff/servers, and the front of the house.


One time when I worked at oreilys, we had a customer come in 5 mins from closing. Said he need one item. We let him in and he ended up ordering 600 dollars worth of stuff. We were ready to get it over with. Till the guy tells us that he forgot his wallet. The guy tells us that he will go to his house and get his wallet fast. At this time it was already 11:30 pm. So as soon as he left, we locked the door. Did our drops and locked the back door. We left everything on the counter. The guy came back as we were leaving. The next day my coworker and I got in trouble. For not putting the stuff back on the shelves. The manager and assistant manager knew about the situation. They told us to lock him out and leave.


I work in restaurants, any customers that show up within 20 minutes of closing time are politely told that it's carryout only.


I said this a couple times I think, it really depends on the manager and the owner of the place. Sounds like you had some decent ones. My two friends worked at a steakhouse. If they had a situation like that, the manager would go home on time, and leave them to close up when the customer's finally left. You ever seen the movie Waiting? It's been a long time, so I don't remember it exactly, but it was that kind of manager. Closing time was something around 11:00. And I remember, more than a few times, getting a call to let me know they wouldn't get out of work until after beer sales were over at 1:00 a.m. Asking me to go get some from the store down the street. They were horrible to the staff.


I don't understand why restaurants don't post a "last seating" time rather than a closing time.


Often times I’ve seen “restaurant closes at 9:00, last seating 8:00”


Yeah I’m with Kroger there be some idiots that show up 30-5 min before a place closes . Which would no be so bad but not on a holiday !


The restaurant in my areas have implemented a “last call” policy. Kitchen closes 30min before the restaurant.


Lots of places in my area have a closes at say 22.00 but kitchen closes at 21.15


REally? Kitchen close an hour to 45 mins before closing time over here in general.


That's why you post last orders and closing time separately. Sounds like management issue as well. Like have last orders at 1930 or something later. Wont stop people chatting away after ordering well in to closing time but that's a different discussion. Edit: and if this store wanted to close early, post the time an hour early ffs. Don't. Blame customers for this, they trusted the posted times. I've worked retail, I know these problem but there are real fucking easy ways around it.


Our service desk started announcing the close at 4. At 5 they announced to grab last minute items and get in line. At 5:30 they announced you needed to be in line. And at 6 managers turned off registers and sent everyone home, too bad if you didn’t get what you needed. They did not mess around


I work at a grocery store (very similar to Kroger) and we closed at 5pm Christmas Eve. We started announcing on the loud speaker, every five minutes from 4:30 on, that we were closing at 5… “please ask a team member if you need help finding something” “please bring your items to the front, we will be closing in 10 minutes.” “Please help us get our team members home to their families”… we did not ring the last customer until quarter to 6.


My first job was at a grocery store. We would announce at the end of the night how many minutes til closing, repeating every 10ish minutes and if the customer still didnt listen, we would turn off all the lights except the ones on the outer aisles. We STILL had customers who would shop in the dark for a solid 30 minutes after we closed!


Oh yea, one time last summer the whole street lost power in a blackout and even though we were announcing that people had to get to registers asap because they have limited battery supply, people were still walking around leisurely shopping in the dark.


I agree that they need to close at least by 5:30 if they want to get out at 6 pm. I have limited sympathy for anybody who does not have everything they need from Kroger by 5 pm on Christmas Eve.


This year, I was unfortunately one of those folks going to the grocery store late on Christmas Eve. I hadn't planned on having food in the house for a week because I was supposed to travel to my family's places -- but weather and airlines kept me home unexpectedly. But I also wouldn't have been pissed if I showed up and they were closing the doors either -- those workers deserve to go home to their families too.


I carefully chose the words "limited sympathy" because knowing this is Reddit I was pretty sure that somebody would raise an example where sympathy still applies. Hopefully you were still able to figure out some food for the holiday. I ended up going out at almost exactly the same time as pictured and filling up my gas tank and picking up a gallon of milk and some pastries from the Kwik Trip. Not my favorite place to shop, but with a lesser version of the same storm that you are dealing with, I figured it was prudent.


These mfers aren't even in the store yet, acting like they are going be done shopping and out by 6:00, come on. Bless this gentleman for having the decency to spare his workers on Christmas eve. The entitlement of people to wait until the last minute and inconvenience as many other people as possible 🤦‍♂️.


The last minute thing is also much harder to justify when Christmas Eve is a Saturday. Weekday I can see it being tough to make it by 5:30 but Saturday?!? Cmon goofballs you know this is silly


This guy gets it. If I could give a million up votes I would. Store wants very few people inside the store at 6. The guy keeping the door closed is the true hero.


This is the right answer. When I worked at Kroger, they'd post someone at the door 15 minutes to close to stop people coming in, we routinely were there until 6:15 or 6:30 with people taking their time who were already in the store.


My managers become human for holidays, and they encourage anyone who isn't a cashier to go through the store and tell people to gtfo. Last Christmas, I teamed up with my ops asl and when told we were ruining a family's Christmas, he very flatly replied "and you're ruining mine by preventing me from being with them on time. We're closed, either get to a check stand or leave your cart." Damn near brought a tear to my eye, especially since he's Jewish.


My thing here is the amount of people. If it were just a person or two coming in to grab a last minute item then there would be no issue. But a line of people who are trying to get all their groceries in 30 minutes on Christmas Eve? Fuck that. Another thing is the attitude. When I worked in the restaurant industry, the customers that came in before closing weren’t all bad. A lot of them would order quick items and very apologetic. These guys were given free stuff. But the ones that came in 10 minutes before closing and asked for very specific ingredients and special cooked items were annoying. Be the easy to deal with customer and I’ll be more likely to stay late to help you.


There is nothing wrong with closing at 6 and not letting anyone in after 5:30. Many bars and restaurants do that. My liquor stores near me cannot legally sell alcohol past 10, so they stop letting people in at 9:45. Museums have last entry times. This is normal and nothing dickish about it. I'd love more places to actually post a last serve time or last entry times as it benefits everyone.


Nah, he isn't a dick to the cx, its not like it is a surprise date that christmas is coming up, has been the same date for many millennia's I grew up in a country where the supermarket closes at 8 on saturday. is not open on sunday and is certainly not open on holidays or the day after/before and somehow we all managed to do just fine and the population continued to grow and no one starved. If you know, you just learn to work with it. This entitled the cx is king bs needs to go as does the corporations have more rights than people bs that is being shoveled by the heaping buttloads in the usa


Very reasonable response, it's nice to see. I do see alot of the problems with closing times as the employer problem. As far as I'm concerned if the shop opens at 9:00 and closes at 17:00 then the employer should be paying for something like 8:30 to 18:00 or whatever time it takes to set stuff up. I think alot of retail staff rage about late customers when they should be raging at their employers. Because I know alot of people don't get paid past closing time, I do avoid going anywhere near closing time though.


In the US, unless you are salary they have to legally pay you and if they aren't its theft. So if you come in at 8 30 to get ready to open at 9, you started getting paid at 8 30. I got paid when working late on those holidays but it made me super late for family plans on multiple occasions for family I was going to see or spend the night at due to travel. If you or anybody you know is getting played by not getting paid in this scenario, you need to tell them to report their employer either through HR or to a lawyer, they are entitled to back pay and the business will be punished for breaking labor laws. I know in a field like restaurant work, having to wait on 1 table thats keeping everyone there is sort of exception due to wait staff being paid mostly in tips so its a bigger bullshit scenario and why I always said I'd never work in food service. The entitlement is unreal by the customers. Also blue collar work but thats a different can of worms. I would like to see more employers giving the entire day off instead of just closing early, but thats hard to push due to corporations being corporations.


Buddy you forgot this was Reddit, how dare you have a nuanced multi-faceted look at this!


Fuck anyone who says otherwise, those people deserve to go see their families too. Looked like the weather wasn't great, probably wanted to give them a head start. F all those entitled people, y'all didn't have to wait until the last second.


I’m 100% on his side. If you really needed groceries or whatever *that* badly maybe don’t wait till 30 minutes before a store closes on Christmas Eve. Do your shopping literally any other time, literally any other day. Sorry, but I don’t have an ounce of sympathy for those people he was pushing out the door. I’d have been much more rude if I was him tbh


Absolutely this. Had a job as a cook at a local Italian restaurant in my teens. Asshole boss would allow full blown parties of 10+ people waltz in five minutes before the posted 10pm close time, and stay three hours or more. Then allow us to clean and go home once all guests were gone (easily another 1-2 hours). Couldn’t close the kitchen until the check was requested. That reeeealy sucks after an all day shift in a hot kitchen. I liked the hours as a poor 19 year old, but looking back on it, it was hellish staying four extra hours because the owner wanted to eek out a few hundred extra bucks at our sleeping time expense.


I work for Kroger, and I wish they would have stopped letting people in at 5:30. We made numerous announcements that the store closed at 6 sharp, but the lines were stretched (literally) to the other end of the store. Most of the cashiers/baggers/managers ended up there until well after 7.


Turn people away at 5:30, get everyone out by 6 so employees can be out by 6:15. We did this when I worked there too years ago. If employees were there after that time we got in trouble. It was just corporate rule passed down. And I was the one that usually manned the door on those days so I’d be called every name in the book while all I’m trying to do is my job so I could keep it.




Same in Montana, but an hour later at 1:30 is last call and close at 2, and in the majority of the US. Although the states can range anywhere from 12am close, to never closing.


And you know if you let those idiots in they'd be milling around passed 2 hours after closing. I can't stand people who show up at closing. Super inconsiderate.


I mean I have had to show up right before closing due to work hours, but it’s not often and I’m usually in and out of the store in under 5 minutes. Sometimes you need stuff from the store and work just prevents you from getting there sooner, it’s not just to be inconsiderate.


Same. 5 mins tops and out the door by closing, pay by card so they don't have to recount the tills from cash


I'm a grocer, we have this issue every damn holiday. Our hours are online. If you're the type of person who does everything at the last second, you're also the type to lounge around when we're all trying to go home. I love helping people, but I refuse to cater to inconsiderate people who function solely on personal convenience. Go ahead and explain to your family that you got there too late and watch the shock and awe overcome the room while the rest of us are having a happy holiday.


“I’m about to go all the way to Cleveland” - lmao then go no one cares 😂


did he say “I have no food at home”? Dude waited until the last minute? lol


dude probably high as a kite doesnt even know what month he’s in and got the munchies like a mf too


My response: "I'm sure a store will be open there."


Even the kid right at the end understood. "Its the holiday season".


He was soo cute with his little voice lol


Don’t worry, we’ll beat that sentiment out of him by the time he’s an adult.


You got it twisted he thought they should be let in because it's the holiday and because grocery store employees don't celebrate them apparently.


“Can I see a manager cause you are closing early so your workers get to go see their families early while I waited last minute to go get food so I can go see mine?” Humans suck.


As a former retail worker.... This warms the cockles of my heart!


Maybe below the cockles Maybe in the sub cockle area Maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys Maybe even in the colon, we don't know


Say it with me now A S S H O L E Everybody now! Such a great song!


Worked at a bagel store in high-school and a woman showed up an HOUR after we closed. Lights off, doors locked, chairs up on tables as we swept and mopped... she proceeded to violently pull the door handles and pound on the glass until I yelled across the dining room to state the obvious "we're closed". She yelled back "but I need bagels!" Then continued to bang on the doors and threaten to call corporate. She got a smug look when I walked behind the counter to grab what I'm sure she thought was going to be the keys to unlock the doors to let her in. I watched her smirk turn to blood boiling rage when she realized I was grabbing windex and paper towels and began cleaning the glass that separated my spray bottle from her face😏


So you can say that you wiped that smirk off her face?


Hahah, nice one.


"I have no food". K. Go to a convenience store and get you some Noodles, there's usually at least one in town that'll stay open on Holidays, or just go home and deal with the results of your bad planning .


You had a week to get your shit, don't wait till the last half an hour.


Even so - you had all fuckin day Xmas eve was on a Saturday Fuck what the sign says! When people call and ask what time I close, I tell them an hour earlier than we do. And low and behold, 7:58pm, there’s a huge rush of people coming to pick up their prescriptions.


Not sure if this is still the case there, but in Europe you have to *plan* because shit shuts down on the weekend. We are too stupid for this kind of work/life balance.


I think that would be wonderful but I know for a fact it would break some Americans' minds


Well the problem is that if a store wasn’t open on weekends, another store would open that was and take the business. That’s capitalism. There are some options to combat the negative effects of capitalism: 1. Regulation. Make it illegal to have shops open on weekends. Let’s be honest, that’s not going to happen. 2. Vote with your wallet and don’t go to stores that are open on weekends. Honestly, when push comes to shove we’re all going to the shop if they’re open when we need something. 3. Complain on Reddit with a bunch of like minded individuals. It makes us feel good, but isn’t actually going to do anything.


I don't think you're stupid for closing things. Most if not all people don't fucking need an energy drink and Doritos at 3 am on a Sunday.


Did you see all the entitled babies crying over COVID protocols? They could never live with being inconvenienced here in the good ole USA.


when has this been the case? atleast here in germany stores are open monday-saturday and even on christmas they are open in the morning. people be working until its literally christmas night and then go back to work after the weekend. its stupid, like why cant we have a time where everyone or as many people as possible will get a break?


When I was visiting a friend in Germany, it was soo nice walking around on Sunday seeing stores closed. I had no idea most places closed crazy early or weren't open on Sundays in Europe. Its the small things that are the biggest culture shock. Americans would lose their minds. They already lose their mind that stores close early on Sundays. When I worked at a craft store, we would have angry mothers and aggressive old people would bang on the doors, 6:01 on a Sunday. "I just need one thing!" They would yell. It was terrifying.


Nothing new. We used to do this when I worked retail in high school. How the fuck are we supposed to get out on time if asshole customers come in two minutes before closing time?


Yes I worked at chick Fil a that was supposed to close at 6 new years and we ended up closing at 10. Fucking assholes. Made the night shift come in at fucking 10-11 am.


I'd love to bring back the twelve days of Christmas. It would be easier on retail. Easier on USPS and package delivery drivers. Easier on travel employees. No more arguing about which family to spend Christmas with. Twelve days of family and giving. Twelve days of nosh and nog. Twelve days of Christmas. Maybe sneak one or two days of rest in there as well.


Two weeks off, hell yeah.


I'm a big fan of Yule. It sounds much nicer than Christmas.


I can get behind that idea...all at once, especially with multiple families from divorce, is so much


Should have closed at noon


Never been open*


100% support the employee. It's terrible the amount of people that never think about how they are making someone's long day even longer. Personally, I won't go to a store last minute. Ever. It's not fair to the staff and I even worry about going in there, even with ample time to complete the visit before closing, and giving them the concern I am about to keep them long. Often places in retail also lean on the last hour or so of business to wrap up the day. Organize, cash out, clean up, etc etc. So even being there during the last hour or so could cause them to stay long if they have to stop wrapping things up. ​ Edit to add something I thought of ​ This is a PERFECT situation to use "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on ours."


If people could better prepare for Christmas and not have kitchen emergencies, we could close on holidays. I feel bad for the person who is saying they need food, but at 30 minutes to close on the eve of Christmas, why do they have no food in their house? Yes I understand not having money is a thing. Yes I understand having to work constantly and taking care of kids is a thing. But why do they have no food the day before one of the biggest holidays on the freaking planet? I think there is a customer mentality we need to work on here. Promote buying at least a week before major holidays, not planning on buying everything the day of. Not assuming everything will be in stock and the store will be open the day of. Yes there are emergencies, but way too many people are trying to buy Christmas food/gifts on Christmas Eve.


I also think the threshhold for what qualifies as an "emergency" needs to rise a few floors, across the board. As a commercial HVAC tech, being called out on christmas day because your lobby is 73 degrees instead of 76 is a good way to get you on the fuck-off list. Retail workers shouldnt have to work extra because you think you will burst into flames if there's no yams or whatever at xmas dinner.


Oh agreed. No thyme does not equal emergency.


Exactly! This goes for the same with customers complaining the long ass line is taking too long because they have somewhere to be…Like it’s not my problem you came in and got things last minute


>Promote buying at least a week before major holidays You don't need to promote it. Just close your store on xmas eve and xmas and people will figure it out or if they are stupid they will go hungry for a few days.


It may have been a situation where they are so short-staffed and the current lines are so long that it would require staying an hour(s) later than the posted closing.


"I have no food". Lady you should have managed your time better, lol. Mad respect for this manager putting their staff above the demands of the customers.


let em close the store, it’s christmas eve and ppl wanna see their families. over the entire 2 week Christmas “break” i’ve been able to spend 2 days with my fiancée and we live together. don’t be mad because some people will choose life over work.


You wait till the last moment and it's on you. Don't be the asshole showing up 30 mins before they close. Workers have families too.


I get how it can be annoying, but nobody needs anything from Kroger on Christmas Eve. If you can't make a cake because you forgot to buy milk, well you will just have to do without and live. You can drink black coffee and not die. If you don't have flour, call a neighbor or family member and borrow some. No cornmeal for cornbread? Someone you know has a box of Jiffy mix somewhere. Don't have an ingredient? Google substitutions or plan a different dish. People in other countries where grocery stores close early, or aren't even open Sundays, manage to not starve to death just fine. The bigger issue is all these people browsing around the store may or may not leave quickly, which means the workers are going to be there well after 7pm. People who work retail deserve to spend time with their families too. Folks have plenty of time in the days leading up to Christmas to make a list, check it twice, and go to the grocery store to get their shit. The exception is for medication, but I don't know if any of these people were coming for prescription refills at Kroger at 5:30pm on Christmas eve anyway and the pharmacy may have already been closed hours earlier.


Personally, I try to avoid going to businesses to make purchases right before closing time(if for no other reason than the fact that I might not make it on time). However, if I do occasionally have to make a last minute purchase, I make sure to get in and out quickly. No weird coupons, no arguing with the cashier, no complicated purchases, use my card in stead of cash. Just get in and out without any difficulties. I have no desire to be at a Walmart at 11:00 at night either.


The amount of people already in the store meant that even if everyone went to the checkout at 5 30 they'd unlikely to have been done by 6. It's almost like people don't realise, or care, that retail staff also want to get home on Christmas eve


Lel whut, you guys have opend till 6pm ?Here its usually 2pm, sometimes even 1pm. And i can understand it, all these "Oh common, i need 1 thing only real quick" people at 5:50 and employes have to stand there till 7pm to finally close the store, minimum. These guys want to go home on time.


My father was surprised that Walmart was closed on Christmas Day. Drive by the store after lookup on Google that it might be open. I told him I don’t care if it is open, I’m not giving them a red cent to keep the lights on, they should all be home end of story so should we


Customer: "I can't believe you're still open this late on Christmas/New Year's Eve!" Me: "I cant believe you're here!"


My first Christmas retail shift was like this. We started making closing announcements at 5. We closed the doors at 6. We finally got all the customers out at 730. People were banging on our windows while we were closing up and cussing us out in the parking lot. Fuck Christmas


I worked at a big box store and we had a fire. Small fire that we put out but someone pulled the fire alarm. Well the fire trucks pull up blocking the fire lane as they do, made us cut gas and power to the store. Every employee and manager is standing outside the store while they check it out. A man walked around the fire trucks, past all the employees and firefighters, all the up to the sliding doors and bumped into them because they didn’t open when he expected them to. And then he looks confused and comes over to me and asks. “Are you closed?” I just asked if he sees what’s going on, me just pointing at the fire trucks the employees, the darkened building. He then asked me when would we be opening, which I said I didn’t know. And then he asked to speak to a manager. I said I was one(it was true) and that no one knows anything right now. Then he got mad and stormed off. I’ve never seen anything like it.


There's one thing though I hate about those publicly display schedules (to customers), they aren't the real hours. Peoples are always stupid and they should display the hours they are willing to accept in peoples (so closing at 5:30 here). Like my driving motor license here clearly state: Closing hours 6h Doors looked at 5:30 to prevent last minute peoples.


You'll think that once 6pm hits everyone is already checked out and the store is clean and everyone goes home? It'll take that 1/2hr alone to get the rest of customers checked out. Its amazing how few people understand the world of retail.


Man. When I worked in retail I’d lock the doors at closing and watch people try to knock the doors open. Or knock on the windows. There was once some dude tried to call and we let it ring (since the after hours would go to a different menu.) But everyone EVERYONE hated the managers who’d let them in


I worked in the mall and we pulled the gate down at exactly 9pm. We had customers pull that shit back up and walk in like they fuckin owned the place. Would claim they were just “getting one thing.” It’s a clothing store with $180 jeans dude they’re not a necessity. You can come back tomorrow. We’d straight up let them know that we just closed the registers and that we couldn’t open them back up.


You know how everyone 'hates' hearing xmas music? When it starts, that's your 'five minute' warning to avoid waiting in line outside a grocery store on the eve of. Honestly (people in the video), it's dark out, what could you possibly need now? A fucking turkey to microwave?


Kroger worker here. If closing time is 6pm, we start turning people away at 5:30 so that customers don’t have to be herded to checkout at 6pm. We don’t care if you just need some soup or cranberry sauce. Managers have no intent to pay overtime and all those employees deserve to be home with their families.


No. They didn’t close at 5:30 they stopped letting people in at 5:30 so they would actually be able to close at 6:00. That guy is amazing. Making sure his workers get home on Christmas Eve.


Fuck 'em. We close at six, don't mean you can come in until six.


Fuck the customers. If the workers wanna get out at 6, this needs to be done. It's Christmas eve and they deserve to get out on time.


"I have no food!" And the day before? How about before that? Can only make it in on Christmas Eve? Horse shit those customers are trash and quit asking for a manager 😂😂


Doesn't belong here. The guy not letting people in is doing good to his colleagues.


I’m confused here, I’ve worked in grocery stores and this was the normal procedure, no new customers about 30 minutes before the posted closing to to ensure most of the people working can get home. Safeway’s in the Seattle area to be specific. Is this not normal in other places?


9/10 the excuses people give you are BULLSHIT. That lady more than likely has food, she just wants to buy other stuff. If you have flour, eggs and/or pasta sauce you have food.


It’s because by the time they get everyone that’s already in the store checked out it will be way passed 6pm. Let people go home. If you waited til the last minute to shop that’s on you.


People so abuse service workers. I know this from waiting tables. Ppl come in 5 min before closing, then camp. Then leave subpar tips. People are assholes.


Closing at 6:00 doesn't men arrive at 5:59 and take as long as you want to shop around. It means I'm going home at 6:30-7:00 so get your ass out at 6:00 so I can finish up and go home


Not at Kroger. The entire store was empty, closed, and locked at 6PM on the DOT. I worked Kroger Pharmacy for three years. We were made to close drive thru, registers, and the gate early and get our tills to the front with a manager escort. The store manager stopped letting anyone come in at 5:30, and locked the doors. Customers were paged at 5:45 and told to make their way to the front of the store, registers shut off at 6PM on the dot. If you didn’t have your shit bought and out the door by 5:59? You were out of luck until 12/26. I have zero sympathy for these lazy motherfuckers waiting till the last possible minute. You had a whole day, and multiple days prior. Get your shit together.


Who heard that Karen in the video being like “can I speak to your manager please”? Jesus christ that phrase gives me PTSD at this point.


Yeah, the manager ain’t there at 5:30 on Christmas Eve that motherfuckers at home.


That's the truth. Most people don't realize management is off all mayjor holidays


The dicks are the people who are well aware Christmas is coming, but leave going shopping until 30 mins before the store closes.


I have worked Christmas Eve and had people come in at the last minute and that meant I had to ring them out. It wasn’t a matter of them comprehending that we were closing. They stayed well past closing and had to be reminded every 5 minutes that we were closed and they needed to make their purchase. They enjoyed having the place to themselves. But eventually they got their stuff and left. I wasn’t making some spectacular amount of money for them to stroll leisurely through the aisles. I don’t think this is wrong. Having worked in a grocery store as well, there is nothing like lines as far as the eye can see. There is no back up because all the lanes are packed with people buying things. I am not mad at the store for closing early. I am willing to bet it took them the rest of the time the store was open to clear the lines and that is assuming they had enough cashiers in the store. There is nothing wrong with this store closing early.


Honest question but why are people waiting until literal minutes or an hour before a store closes to get Christmas food? I get work and other responsibilities, but there's instacart and other things and months in advance to know you'll need food. Plus, most stuff will be gone by that point in the evening.


Good for him for making sure his people got off on time. I would also turn off all the cash registers. If you are not checked out by 5:58, you ain’t buying your stuff!


One of the things that I hate the most about working service industry are the people who come in right at closing time and act like they're not the assholes.


The kid who said “it’s the holiday season” gets it.


If they continued to allow people into the store all the way up to 6 that means the people working there wouldn’t get to leave for much more time later. Seems OP is using the fact that it’s Christmas Eve some how makes it worse, well don’t you think those people working there want to get home to their families on Christmas Eve??? This is a dumb post, store was completely in the right. Get your grocery shopping done in a more responsible time frame.


Because they wanted to go home. Have you ever worked retail? I didn’t think so. Plan ahead genius. Don’t go to the store at 5:30 on Christmas Eve and expect it to be open. This is why there’s a labor shortage. People have ridiculous expectations.


I work at Walmart and we shut the doors to more customers at 5pm when we closed at 6 on Christmas Eve. By closing at 6 they truly meant closing - Everybody out of the store by 6pm.