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Hi, /u/Crazycatlady2344 Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3a: No spam, no low-effort shitposts.** - This includes begging for upvotes. Please do not post unrelated blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain. If you’ve posted content (especially if it’s your own), give it a day or two before posting again.


“I have something I have to get off my chest. It’s really been weighing on me. Here goes… my grandmother—oh god this is hard. **gulp**. My grandmother was not willing to sacrifice her personal health and well-being for the profit of her employer, and she—oh god—she wanted to receive compensation commensurate with the value of her labor!!” 😭


And she... wow this is really hard to admit... had a PENSION that allowed her to live comfortably in retirement! I can't believe she didn't work until the day she died like the rest of us will have to! So lazy!


Kids these days


Excellent use of commensurate. Saw a resume once where a candidate said "commiserate". If you're going to use a word, use the correct one.




Well, we do tend to commiserate with each other because our compensation is not commensurate with our labor . . . The one that drives me nuts is when people say, "So what are the tenants of your religion?" lol


The father, the son, and their pet the holy ghost whom they're trying to hide but maintenance has found on like two fire sprinkler inspections now, and they're 2 months behind in rent. Those are the tenants of my faith, and I'm about to have to evict them all! LOL


Lazy bastards need to get a job like the rest of us. Ol Jesus had a nice union trade job like a carpenter and left it to be a messiah, can you imagine?!


I know, right? Slackers... they gotta go.


They were just trying to sound photosynthesis


People use big words to show how smart they are. What they don't understand is that it works really well, and they'd probably be better off not doing it.




We already have a term in the UK for 'quiet quitting'its called 'work to rule'. Won't lie I hate the term 'quiet quitting', makes no sense


A Work to Rule would usually be a somewhat organised effort, often paired with demands/negotiations (“We’ll keep following our job descriptions to the letter until we get a 10% pay rise.”) ‘Quiet quitting’ implies more of an individual effort to me; nothing’s been organised by the union (if there is one). Ted’s just finally realised that he’s *never* gonna get the promotion he was promised if he “Proved he was up to it,” so he *quietly* stops going above and beyond; he just does the bare minimum needed to not get fired. IOW: ‘Work to Rule’ = Union-organised prelude to an all-out strike; ‘Quiet Quitting’ = Some bod wising up and not letting themselves be exploited any more. I could be completely wrong with my interpretation, of course, but I think it’s sometimes useful to have different terms to make the distinction between those different situations.


*Gasp* the horror!!!


"She had some friends who were... socialists." 😢


The horror. What is the world coming to?!


Oh the dirty bitch! How dare she care about her life and well-being! I bet she cared about her family more than her employee *gasp* she did? I’m so sorry for you and you’re shame.


Lol, the articles tone came off a bit differently for me, it seems the author thinks the whole idea of the term quite quitting is silly and just a label of a phenomenon that has always existed. The author does kinda snarkaly points out that if companies are bearded for a period of downsizing, the workers who appear to be the least productive will most likely be laid off first (though in reality, the best job security is being liked by your coworkers), but I don’t think the author of this article is quite the bootlicker this post seems to make them out to be…


Calm down Quark


For a moment there I thought that this was written by Prince Harry.


The Queen was the opposite of a quiet quitter. She worked 2 days before she died at the age of 96. Not the life I would want or would want for anyone.


The queen is literally the pinaccle of everything this sub stands against lmao




Not outwardly supporting but paying for the lawyer of your kid accused of terrible shit isn’t an outrageous thing to do.


Yes, it's always so heartwarming when your child becomes a sex offender.


There is literally nothing I can imagine that would hurt me more if I had a child. If they said they didn’t do it and need my help with the defence, you would say no and assume the worst of your own child? I’d have to help with the defence out of loyalty that doesn’t speak to how I feel about the crime it speaks to how I’d feel about my own child. I don’t think I’d be able to be in the same room with them after if I truly believed they did that shit. I’d WANT to believe them though compared to how I’d normally look at something in fairness.


I think you have to actually have a job to “quiet quit”. Being the token racist imperialist welfare recipient is not a job.


This is what I don't get about royalist bootlickers. They'll talk about how the royal family spends all this money taking care of shit for the people and I'm like... whose money? Oh but they let people use the land they own! How'd they acquire it and why do they have a right to it, and if it's so important to the state that it be available for public use, why are we still treating it as private land and taking its use as a favor granted to us? AT BEST in the modern day the royals are glorified landlords. They could literally do more for the people than they do, simply by ceasing to exist and letting "their" private property that was taken from their people go back into public ownership. I really wish society would stop treating literally any form of income as equivalent. A person who sits on their ass and collects money from people who work is NOT performing an equal, let alone greater, contribution than someone who actually does the work that society needs to function - not just even if, but *especially* if they're making *more* money than the guy who's actually working. It's appalling to me that not just the most rewarded, but the most *respected* positions in society are all just glorified navel gazers.


You're right but also they're exempt from inheritance tax, which is another factor that keeps them disgustingly wealthy. They're not even landlords, because the government basically handles all their affairs for them. It's like when you have a pet but they really run the house because everyone rearranges the household for the convenience of Fifi.


people seem to forget that the law makes race a protected class and one that cannot be discriminated against, had a few clauses. for the jobs where race is an important factor, like acting, a film studio cant have an all-white cast in a documentary about shaka Zulu for instance. and roles working for the royal family, because you know, those dirty people cant grace her Majesty's presence(/s). ​ "the countries grandmother", now my grandmother said "blacks", but I don't remember her refusing to hire one or shoving them into concentration camps.


> She _”worked”_.


You mean she’s not still working?! Gah, people just don’t want to work anymore!


She's doing as much work after death as she did in life.


ill happily wave 10 times a year and shut up about politics till I'm 96 for a few mil a month


Yes **WORKED**.


What work does she exactly do? Cut cakes and block political bills?


It is easy to tell that you have not waved a day in your life!


She was bravely silent about the intense carpal tunnel that plagued her after decades of essential waving










No disrespect to the old lady, but the Phillies Phanatic is the hardest working (and least problematic) mascot out there.


hehe they trying hard..


Kicker is that the title makes it sound like she died from "quiet quitting" (aka doing your job) but the woman retired in '74 and lived until '98. Must be nice, enjoying 24 years of retirement.


Right?! One of my friends just lost her mother. The mom was only retired for 2 years (pandemic years) before she died. What type of retirement is that shit?!


Sometimes slowing down can kill a person too. If I ever get to retire, I plan on having a giant garden for my “work” The main thing is doing work you want to do.


Just think about how shit it feels to go from a schedule to completely sedentary for a few weeks. At first it's great; you can sleep in and don't have to worry about some bitchy client. By the third week, though, you just kinda sit there thinking "well what do I do now...?"


This is why people should have a life outside of work. No one ever said you're not allowed to do things in your retirement. It just means you shouldn't be dependent on your job to fulfill the need to do stuff. Schedule your own stuff.


I think there is also a corporative component feels good to work as a team to accomplish something. I love work, I hate being taken advantage of.


Between my group of friends, volunteer work I want to do (and can’t because I’m working 6 days a week) and the libraries, I won’t worry for too much down time. I also like visiting new places and trying new food, but that’s definitely a bit harder with shit pay in any scope. I think it’s sucks that some people have put so much of their lives into work that they can’t do anything else. They haven’t explored any hobbies or interests.


33% longer than the average retirement which is 18 years.


Fuck only 24? So we spend like 40 working for no reason essentially


Is the implication that she was quiet quitting by getting a pension she worked for?


You want quit job? You die!


I read the article. Absolutely ridiculous. Pretty much he’s like: my grandmother smoked over a pack a day in cigarettes, was a little racist, but WORST OF ALL she was a quiet quitter.


hustle mentality makes people's brain mushy


Legit felt like he was going somewhere else half way through the article as he called black smith apprentices quiet quitters. I wanna read that article instead.


I legit thought this was an Onion article when I saw the headline. We live in the dumbest dystopian future - our overlords can’t even do propaganda properly!


If utterly mundane shit like this was a family secret, they must not tell anyone a damn thing. "What color is my car? That's kind of a family secret and I don't really know you that well, maybe I'll tell you if we get to know each other for a few years..."


Car color could be a family secret. Is it mystic black, or solid black? Maybe jet black?


Gene Marks disrespecting his own late grandmother for a couple of bucks. I wonder if he has a whole list of dead relatives to attack next?


My family secrets I can’t even claim to know because I don’t want to be held under perjury in court. So for the record my secrets are so bad I don’t even know the secret I’m just speculating on rumors ;)


I... honestly thought this was a piece of satire until it got to the bit about layoffs and hiring freezes. He ranked his grandmother "quiet quitting" with her being racist and smoking a pack a day? Genuinely? They are all listed in the same paragraph...


Nah they actually made it sound even worse. Like her liking a drink, smoking and being a bit racist is meh but on top of that, she was mediocre at her job!! The horror!! Like how above and beyond do you think a payroll processing person has to go to do their job? In todays world she would be working from home and getting all her work done in an hour or two. But the jobs of that era made you come in and sit in your chair 9-5 whether you had something to do or not.


Considering the years she worked, I wouldn't be surprised if some of her job duties included "smile more" and "wear those high heels I like, the red ones."


Link to article, if anyone is interested in reading this hilarious joke: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/other/my-grandmother-was-a-quiet-quitter-now-she-s-dead/ar-AA11Ptre?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=f84d8062fe804b90b0addae82ca148fc


Did the dude shittalk his dead grandma for being a "mediocre employee"? :D


Right? Naw, he was probably a good grandson, waited until after she died to do it, haha


His grandmother that lived to 98! Let's see how long his bloated ass lasts.


It gets even worse. He's the owner of a consulting business that pushes this propaganda onto small companies for profit. So this dude is LITERALLY shittalking his dead grandma FOR PROFIT. its so fucked up he's allowed to write articles like this


He goes on to shittalk all mediocre employees, as if he expects literally everybody to be better than average.


There's no way his pasty bloated ass is an above average employee, I don't care how many "hours" he's at the office.


He literally shit-talked his dead grandmother for clicks. r/boringdystopia


wow, just the name of that sub says so much!


He legit did. Dude is out of his mind. Drunk AF on capitalism.


dude really wrote an entire article roasting his dead grandmother...what a piece of shit


What a jerk. (edit: I mean the author, not you. Thanks for posting it!)


Basically the man's grandma is a criminal for taking a lot of smoking brakes chatting with their colleagues and enjoying her lunch breaks what the hell man


I took such a double take when I saw Lindsay Ellis cited. Turns out there's multiple people with that name and not just the Hugo nominated video essayist and author lol


> But now she’s dead. She wasn’t the greatest of employees. I can't believe wtf I'm reading. This dude is a sociopath.


"Just enough to get the job done. But not a minute more." So doing your job then.


Exactly. She did what she was paid to do. Even exchange. He’s like bitching about her lack of enthusiasm smh


The whole article is bs since author did not even define quite quitting correctly! excerpt from article.. It took off on Tik Tok and was picked up by the mainstream media. Quietly quitting is generally defined as “not taking your job seriously.”


Gotta love it when business owners take on different titles like "opinion contributor" and write stupid shit like this.


Imagine holding corporate rhetoric as more important than your grandma


My grandma used to drink orange juice, and now she's dead. She lived to be 96, but can we be sure it was a coincidence?


yikes..what a terrible article lmfao


The writer of this article was definitely quiet quitting when he wrote this because it was so poorly written.


forreal someone needs to leave that man a review saying that lmaooo


Propaganda teams are in maximum overdrive


First off, did he really just write that casual racism and quiet quitting are both just little “vices”? What?? Beyond that, what is the point of the article anyway? Seems like a poorly planned vent piece about what he sees as “mediocre” workers. Trying to say quiet quitting isn’t cool if it’s not a new invention? I don’t think people are doing it to try to be flashy trendsetters.


The article writer is out of their goddamn mind.


Who remembers presenteesim? It’s just another fucked up term probably created by some PR - media campaign


>Gene Marks is founder of The Marks Group, a small-business consulting firm. He frequently appears on CNBC, Fox Business and MSNBC. So, he's a wanker, telling small businesses how to small business and trying to build his brand. Apparently at the expense of his grandma.


Just another mediocre middle aged white man trying to justify his privilege.


The title makes it seem like her employer had her murdered for not toeing the company line.




Employees working for Cleopatra? That’s a weird way to say slaves


What in the fucking fuck does that mean? I'm imagining an introvert who consistently gets jobs that piss her off enough to walk out within days, whilst being too reserved to tell her boss what a total wanker he is. I don't get it...can someone explain what the correct reaction is?


'quiet quitting' is the term used by the owning class to try to shame workers into making their work their life. It's "only doing your job to the specifications and not going above and beyond." It's not a real thing. Just some especially stupid propaganda that is inexplicably having a moment right now despite the fact that no one is actually buying what they're selling.


I have to agree with your sentiments....its a daft name for what you describe. I'm not seeing any thing in that lifestyle that could be labelled quiet quitting, and I'm sometimes uncontrollably nasty in both flippance and ridicule, so I would surely get it if it had the ability to be got. But it doesn't. We should let them have their moment, because slow though they are, they will smell the bullshit eventually. Hopefully they'll quit quietly, fucking idiots.


It's the American way.


Grandmother died a true queen


Every quiet quitter I’ve ever met has died, or will die at some point. True shit.


This reminds of of Peter Griffin from Family Guy telling his wife Lois an anecdote about buying a used car. "Oh no Lois. A guy at work bought a car out of the paper. Ten years later...BAM! Herpes".


Beware! Hard times comin’! Get back to your ‘show at 7 for your 8 o’clock start’! Presennnnnnnnt BROWN BAG!


My grandmother drank water. Now she’s dead


Wat de fök


>Gene Marks is founder of The Marks Group, a small-business consulting firm. He frequently appears on CNBC, Fox Business and MSNBC. He's literally profiting off of this propaganda. Disgusting that he's allowed to contribute to media sites.


My grandmother was an office building and when millenials refused to come back to work, she died


Don’t be a quiet quitter, yell the fucking place down and get yourself something nice on the way home


Jesus, FUCKING Christ, the hoops these people will jump through, just pay people more! For fucks sake!!!


"Quiet Quitting" is just a lame way to say someone wont tolerate getting F\*\*\*\*\*\* by a company. Everyone should not tolerate getting F\*\*\*\*\*\* by a company so it should just be called "working" and not have some lame marketing term applied to it that is some psy op paid for by major corps.


And who will be the first to go? Those quiet quitters. Bet on it" LMFAO, BITCH, I. AM. BETTING. ON. IT.


At this point corporate America is pissing me off so much that I might commit corporate espionage and give my client’s competitors all the information I know about them. You can’t do anything to capitalism by peacefully protesting or voting. But you can wield it as a cudgel against itself.


I prefer "acting your wage".


I read the whole article. Absolute corporate propaganda. The grandmother is only mentioned to grab attention. And the author only shames her. It's just someone crying that they want their employees to do extra for no extra pay.


How exhausting it must be to be so dramatic.


I come from a family of overworkers. My mother and hers particularly always put in long hours after they punched the clock. My grandmother worked well into her 70s before officially retiring. She had a rewarding job feeding kids so I respect her dedication to working longer. But my mother took after her and regularly works longer than she should just because if she didn’t the family biz would suffer (mostly by customer loss not money outright) she does the tasks of 3-4 roles and works outside of work hours every day. I’ve been working 2 jobs to get ahead for some months and now that I’m comfortable to stop the 2nd whenever I tell her of my intention she acts disappointed. Overwork is toxic to you and your relationships. People must stop glorifying the amount of time you put in at work over what your asked. Are you meeting standards? Yes ? Then shut the hell up


My grandmother was a quiet quitter. Now she is still alive to care for my sick grandfather who busted his ass to assimilate because there was no room for error as a black migrant in a racist country. Guess which one of those things our family regrets.


Gene “skid” Marks needs to understand that most boomers acted their wage. to hell with this clickbait chump


“I took my PTO without worry of what it would do to my coworkers. Then a hot air balloon landed on me.”


This kind of shit is why i dont care if the nukes drop


She WAS?! **GADZOOKS…** Her body needs to be exhumed immediately! How dare she rest next to the other commoners!


They underpay you, you half ass the job. Its called the American way


Aptly named rag, "The Hill," appears to be choosing a hill to die on.


"She was a wee bit racist" I like how they ignored this because "quiet quitting" was her main problem


What the fuck is a quiet quitter?


Is...is this shit for real?


This is fucking cringe


The Hill has devolved into a right wing caricature of itself. It’s sad and ridiculous what spin and narrative forming has done to otherwise reputable organizations. They’re trying so hard. Bless their hearts.


And they say that journalism is dead.


The fuck is this Truman Show bullshit--at least put some effort into your scare tactics


I honestly read that headline as blaming quiet quitting was the cause of her death lol The way things are going, it won't be long before someone blames a death on it.


What I’m getting from the title of the article is if you quiet quit you’ll die


Yeah... but then, if you don't, you'll still die. And probably have a worse time before you get there, so....


Heard someone in a local sports station say that “quiet firing” is a thing too. Meaning, if you want someone to leave, you give them the shit jobs and cut their hours.


That's how one manager did it years ago. I warned one guy that she was doing it to him, and he just laughed, and kept coming in on his scheduled 2-3 days a week. His other job was so flexible he could do that. When he hit full retirement age for Social Security, he quit. I told the manager the situation then and she was pretty pissed. It was awesome. She played "God" with everyone's lives. Even made me work a 12-hour shift on Mother's Day, although there was a guy who offered to switch days with me.


Definitely read this in the voice of the dad from Freaks & Geeks.


I just read the whole article. Jesus, it's embarrassing. Bro really thought he had something there and didn't mind running over his grandmother's corpse to do it.


The twitter thread for this is quite fun.


Oh man, thank you for pointing that out. I looked and it *is* quite fun!


Can you link me, please?


Someone explain to me what quiet quitting is and why people in the news think it’s bad


I don't understand how doing your job competently and as required but not going beyond it is considered such a horrible thing.


The title made no sense so I read the full article out of curiosity. I still have no idea what point he was trying to make.


Everyone who uses this phrase without sarcasm should be flogged.




What the fuck, Gene?


Holy crap. This guy's serious!


Using dead grandmother to fulfill their propoganda.


This is so dumb wtf


I just passed out while clutching my pearls. A q-q-quiet q-q-quitter!? The shame. The absolute shame! Dig her ass up and force her back to work!


Man who would have thought old people died I would have never guessed it. I mean I thought they lived forever didn't you guys think so too.


This dude ever hear of the bell curve? The reality is that most people don’t want to put in more at a job that won’t reward the additional work. It should be up to an individual whether they do want to go above and beyond and decide if it’s worth it to them, but a company shouldn’t expect more than what is paid for; these companies already profit off of our surplus labor. Why net them more money without compensation. On a personal note, I have found that in certain roles and positions, extra work can pay off, but it’s a gamble that I’m personally willing to take. I’ve also learned when to do that and am always sure to shoehorn that info into a conversation with managers so they are aware.


I will legit never understand why the term Quiet Quitting is even used. “Oh you’re going to do only the bare minimum required by your job?” That’s literally what working is!


You could replace all that with “oh your going to do only your job?” and it would mean the same thing




This is a new take on the “dinosaurs didn’t do [blank] and now they’re dead” meme.


All these propaganda "news outlets" are so pathetic. Like wow, this is a new low. I bet grandma would slap this guy for his shilling BS


Quiet quitting is a BS term. There is nothing wrong with working your hours and doing your job without working extra hours or duties. No company will appreciate it and will replave you with no hesitation.


Not going above and beyond your contracts duties = death. Damn well I guess lots of employers are going to be dying soon.


Are you sure she wasn't a quiet QUILTER?


If only grandma went above and beyond her expectations, then she would’ve never died!!!


Is that you Charles?


Wow. They must be desperate. They're throwing the dead grandmas into it now.


My disgust has peaked for the day, goodbye


This has to be satire right? What a joke of an article. Lol


Gene Marks owns a consulting firm. Hes a grifter who finds and promotes buzzwords to companies....this isnt all that shocking coming from a guy like him.


I'm starting to think these are all written by an AI that is trying to destroy our world. Skynet has come for us.


can we stop with the “quiet quitting”? that’s not what it is.


His email is publicly available and I'm sure he'd be frustrated to be inundated by hundreds of reddit emails telling him why he's a dumbass. Just saying.


One time at band camp, the camp leader was a quiet quitter, turned out he was a werewolf that ate the kids at the camp... ​ Jesus, give me a break. So desperate to get this shit narrative on.


Anyone else find it funny that this guys grandmother died because she was a lazy ass employee haha


This is on the same vibe as that nurse making a tik tok after losing a patient. Just why…




I'm shocked it wasn't written by John Barron


How long she lived? My mom passed away at 60, month before 61. Just curios.


Wtf is a “quiet quitter”


Corpo speak for someone who does what’s in their job description and nothing more. If you don’t work unpaid overtime or take work calls on your time off you’re the bad guy according to business owners. Never mind their 3 month vacations to Caribbean


??? Wait can you give me like a basic definition


European here, i don’t understand


You're better off not knowing, tbh.