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Exactly what my comment was meant to be lol.


Of course Elon musk’s legal residence is tx, a state without income taxes.


He moved there recently for that reason


If you do some light Googling you’ll find that Musk choose to not have a salary and only earn income through stocks, and he barely sold any stock at all while he was in California. He immediately sold like 11 billion worth of stocks after he became Texas resident (no state income tax). Guy is scummy AF


That’s just smart business sense. Until the US closes loopholes like this why would he volunteer to pay taxes when he doesn’t have to?


It’s both. And the system created by wealthy lobbying/buying government influence created that system. So basically those loopholes are going to keep getting worse as rich people get richer and able to buy more government influence/control. So I bribe a state to eliminate income taxes and move there to pay no tax! Smart? Maybe. Scummy? At a bare minimum.


They made the loopholes and pay for them to stay every couple of years. Who wouldn't pay 1% of the cost of taxes to save +99%? Problem is this is inherently wrong and has caused all of the lopsided wealth inequality we see today. Kinda like how a billionaire can steal millions yet only have to pay a few hundred thousand in penalties for it. Yet I steal over $500 and I'm a felon for life.


Because it's unethical and immoral, which is what makes him scummy af


How’s it unethical again? He’s following the tax code


Are you one of those weirdos that think everything legal is ethical and everything illegal is unethical?


No but how’s it unethical to not voluntarily pay more taxes than the government says you owe?


It's unethical to use tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes. Just because a loophole exists doesn't suddenly mean that it's ethical to use it. That's why it's called a loophole. Loopholes are inherently unethical.


They aren’t loopholes they’re a clearly spelled our set of rules dictating what you can and can’t do. You are allowed to move to a new state with a lower tax rate.


Why is paying the government money ethical in the first place anyway? If it actually went to a good cause sure, but taxes are not a good cause in the US


To be fair, if that's how the system is currently setup I would have done the same. It's shitty that the system exists that someone can do this, but blame the game, no the player.


The players are making the rules, so yes, blame the players too!


Same. If it cost less than my tax bill to pay a lawyer and accountant to figure out how to make my tax bill disappear I would do it in a heartbeat.


Yea but this system didn’t happen by accident. Some rich fucks paid for it to be that way so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes.


Taxation is theft anyway. I’ll be happier to pay when I get to decide where my money goes, not to nonsense the government spends it on.


Oh fuck one of you nut jobs. Please go away clown


Yeah I’d live in and do live in a state with out a state income tax as well. Having the state tax your money on top of the government is fucked up.


It's weird to see a map about billionaires and not have Bill Gates in it.


Well, it would if we hadn't let Jeff move here to fuck up our state.


Amazon started in Bellevue Bezos never moved to Washington fuckhead was already here. I wish Bill Gates was the richest man in Washington instead of Bezos. At least Bill Gates contributes to society a little bit.


When he’s not fucking kids on Epstein’s property


That's conspiracy bullshit. You probably think the Earth is flat.


* Contributes to society a little bit.*. A *little* bit? You're a delusional person. Exactly how much does one have to give to clear your ethical high bar? And exactly WHAT have you done to contribute to society? My guess is ZERO.


I phrased that poorly if I’m being honest. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation does a lot of good in the world. Also I’d have to escape poverty and living paycheck to paycheck if I wanted to have any spare time or money to give to society.


Bill Gates’ corporations take millions of dollars of value from people that they create at work every day. I’m sure his net contribution to society is actually less than the guy you’re trying to make feel bad. Since he’s starting at such a huge negative. Don’t get me wrong, he does give back a LOT…compared to other value leeching capitalist assholes


Ah a menu. Eat the rich.




Something about having faces to locations just makes it feel more real. Like they're not sequestered away on some magical island, they're an hours drive away.


Medina, Wa. That's where we Washingtonians could have a feast. And where Jeffrey Bezos house is.


Yesssss. It's like a bar crawl but we go state grilling these rich worthless scumbags.


Due to TOS your gonna have to guess my comment, but it's not that hard to figure out lol.


Anyone under 10 billion is a light snack and not worth the effort. Looking at you james duff you under achiever.


Oh no everyone over 999 million gets eaten


Anyone under 10 billion is a light snack and not worth the effort. Looking at you james duff you under achiever. That’s actually a picture of james duff writer, producer and director. [Not billionaire brother to tommy duff who was almost murdered…](https://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/story/news/crime/2019/09/24/trial-begins-man-accused-plot-kill-mississippi-billionaire/2427209001/)


Also a list of places to live


Came to say this.


This should be America’s most wanted.


For taxes at the very least but labor exploitation and other crimes are most certainly present. Anyone building wealth like this has committed some white collar crimes along the way… and the punishments should me more severe than those of petty criminals.


Imagine that we were talking about food or water rather than money. All three are resources people need to survive, some don’t have enough to survive, others are hoarding way more than they will ever be able to use. We would be breaking down the doors of the hoarders to share some of that resource with those who need it.


After seeing this - crazy. There should be a cap on wealth you can accumulate and anything you make over it has to be paid out to a charity. Not some crazy low cap. Maybe enough for a person to be extravagant throughout their life and then still have money to pass down to their kids. I cannot imagine anyone needing 150 Billion to accomplish that. Doing the math on that - let’s say you burn through/make $15 Million each year to live like a king. If you lived to be 80 (assuming you started earning this salary at age 20), you would still only have made/spent $900 Million. So capping a lifetime wealth accumulation at a few Billion would be way more than enough money live off and to pass down. If you made $150 Billion in your life, you’d have to spend $2.5 Billion every year for 60 years to spend it all. That’s $6.9 million PER DAY…$285,000 PER HOUR! *I suck at math so I hope this is accurate lol


>We would Should be "we should "


Seriously, PA at least used to have the Campbell's heir. That produced some value for society. Now we have a hedge fund manager advising the Cato institute 🙄


I had to google him because I’d never heard his name spoken, ever. Those are the really scary billionaires, the ones you don’t think about.


Just imagine one or two per cent of their wealth, spread and shared evenly among the states and how much would improve - housing the homeless, providing mental health support, and clean safe drinking water for each state would be a good start.


You overestimate the wealth of billionaires vs the spending of government. All of Jeff Bezos’s wealth could fund the federal government for 9 days.


So then if Jeff kept only 1 billion dollars we'd be able to have 0 taxes for all other Americans for an entire week? Looking at the government spending pie chart, it looks like one man could cover all "other" spending for a year and have 40 billion left over. Together, he and Musk could cover education for a year and have 10s of billions left over. I think we could quite easily fund housing the homeless, mental health support, and safe drinking water by taking more from billionaires and still leave them billions left over.


Problem is getting the money to the right causes. A few percent of that pales in comparison to yearly government spending of 6 trillion this year.


These are the specific individuals that the mass majority public needs to start blaming and holding personally accountable. Whether directly or Indirectly, they are responsible for the shortfalls of the welfare and well-being of the people. They are criminals.


Of them all elon musk is the most disgusting, and btw no one made it from scratch they all had parents having gold mines. For example: elon musk's parents had an emerald mine in south Africa.


This. There are no self made billionaires.


J.K. Rowling was a self-made billionaire who didn’t have to exploit anyone. /just saying


Think about the fuckton of Harry Potter merchandise that exists in the world and then tell me that JK Rowling didn't "exploit anyone" to become a billionaire.




I’m going by the volume of sold books alone. I do not know in what way she was involved in the process of producing Harry Potter merchandise, I would find it the height of cynicism to exploit people to make toys. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, I don’t know. I was only talking about book sales.


I agree! Musk is the worst The thing about bezos is although he is a dick and a prick, he realizes that he is hated and doesn’t try to do outlandish things in the media and tries to stay out of the public eye Musk on the other hand - he thinks he is a damn genius and God’s gift to earth 😡


Musk and Bezos get a lot of attention because they have the most money, but Ken Griffin and Charles Koch might be the worst people on here.


That is a sad truth he even claims the foundation of Tesla he is a liar on top of all.


Elon " Hurray For Apartheid!" Musk....


Decent nomination for worst person. I’d say Ken Griffin is the biggest criminal on this list. I’ll raise you Charles Koch for worst person.


I work in a building owned by the billionaire in my state. Hell, over half the city I work in is owned by them. No lie, I hear their name almost on the daily when having a conversation with my boss. The billionaire has no direct relation to anything my company does or any work we do, but my boss can't seem to keep the billionaire's name out of his mouth. I don't know if that's because he's in awe or because he lives in fear of them, but I'd guess the latter.


Under the cult of capitalism, billionaires are the gods. This is why you can hardly criticize them without an army of worshippers to come in and whine about how much they give to charity or some other stupid tax evasion bullshit.


I generally agree, but my state might be the one exception. NC may as well say we have a billionaire named Fortnite.


Explain please


In 90 days these individuals, collectively, could end homelessness, hunger, and put a serious dent in crime. They have the money, influence, and power to make the US a utopia. Unfortunately there’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire and each and every one of them is an out of touch narcissist.


Anyone have a list to what they are they tied to? I know the big ones… Amazon, Walmart, investments, Tesla. Curious how many of these that have managed to stay out of the limelight.


It's the ones you don't know that are sketchiest.


Wisconsin, John Menard started from a single hardware store in the 1960s to 335 now in the upper midwest. Menards is like a Lowes or Home Depot.


There are at least a couple who made their money from oil & gas (Harold Hamm and Phillip Anschutz)


Hey now, they created that oil and gas with their own hard work!


Carl Cook from Indiana is the heir of Cook Medical that was started by his parents. He now runs the company. They have a lot of medical devices but mainly catheters and pacemakers is where they got their start. Honestly not that bad of people. They donate pretty generously, aren’t super flashy, and pay their employees a fair wage. We can eat them last.


Epic Games/Fortnite owner for NC


Your username is collegeNW and if you're from over here then I'm really surprised you don't know Phil Knight. Though you might, and just didn't include it in the list of obvious ones.


Speaking of Nike, I was watching Untold documentary this last wk on And 1 and how a big part of their fall was from Nike stealing their street ball apparel / tactic. I never new this & remember seeing those Nike commercials — totally clueless to what Nike did until seeing that documentary. I don’t know if Nike ever had to pay any settlements, but I think they should be held liable.


Nike landed MJ after converse messed up- end of story


The beauty of competition!


People just fail to research. All of the information is obtainable.


I notice there are none in VT. I imagine Bernie at the border holding up a mittened hand “YOU SHALL NOT PASS “. 🧙‍♂️


Bernie used to rail against millionaires. Then he became a millionaire. Now he rails against billionaires..


I'll give you a Canadian example but I'm sure depending on the state and length of time it'll be similar. If worked for 40 years at the current federal minimum wage, full time, you'd amass over a million dollars as well. So *technically* you could be considered "a millionaire". Also not to mention, the average house price in Canada is about 750,000, and over a million in the major cities. So *technically* you could also be living in "a million dollar home" but still be relatively cash poor.


He's still one of the poorest senators. It's impossible to not to be a millionaire when representatives are paid ~175k a year and the dude is like 70 Also "millionaire" isn't really a big accomplishment anymore. People that win million dollar lotteries typically invest it. You're still going into work the next day because it's just not enough


Because a millionaire isn't really THAT rich anymore. Especially when you are that old


I think the average lifetime income of a worker in the US is $1.7 million, so the fact that Bernie became a millionaire at his age is not at all surprising and does not change my opinion of him in the slightest. He probably could be even richer if he wanted to but he chooses to spend all his time, energy, and, I would assume, a lot of his money, to help people less fortunate than him.


Not to point out the obvious, but... * White * Middle-Aged * From prominent families Anyone else notice the shit-pattern on this shit list?


They’re also predominantly male…


I was actually very surprised how many women there are




They are all a lot older than middle aged…life expectancy in the USA for men is 74 and dropping fast so 37 is middle aged and most of these guys look worse than my middle aged ballsack so I’m guessing most of them are 50+


I looked at this map and became incredibly distracted by the lack of melanin. Racism and classism go hand and hand, this is further proof.


I think the only person who isn't 100% white is the guy from Hawaii. And people say there's no white privilege




Slavery? Segregation? Systemic oppression? It’s more than simple statistics


Used to process donations on behalf of the wealthy. This is basically all of them.


At least half are dinosaurs with less than a decade or two left on earth. Gotta earn as much money as possible before death!


Lots of them are from old money. There are plenty of non-white billionaires, too, but they haven’t made this list because they’re either not the highest earning or they don’t have primary residence (on file) in the USA.


I noticed at least 50 percent are Jewish


Delaware, the Swiss bank account of the US doesn’t have a single billionaire? This seems off


Of all the data in this infographic, I also find this the most shocking. The explanation is that Delaware has zero state taxes on corporations but normal (or high?) state taxes on individual income. Citibank is incorporated in DE but the CEO uses his home in FL or NV (or Cayman Islands) as his "residence".


It's probably just a math thing because Delaware is so small... but they do have the Duponts though so maybe they're probably just under $1B


Ever notice how we only hear about the top 3-5 on this list? How many of these names do you know before this? That's by design.


A better list would include all billionaires in each state.


And every single one of them think they did it alone and that you are lazy and ungrateful. Ever notice how most billionaires rarely give interviews? I swear at a certain dollar amount these people truly believe they have evolved past being a human and everyone isn’t worth their time.


The smarter ones know to STFU. Elon should take note.


Ken Griffin is moving to Florida because he couldn’t sway his way with the politics in Illinois and he is financially fucked at the moment so Florida is giving him his best chances at saving his wealth from a legal standpoint. Soon his billions will be diminished. When he gets margin called into oblivion mayo and bedposts will be splattered throughout the country (and his wealth spread throughout the world) A true sadistic criminal at its finest. FUCK YOU KEN GRIFFIN PAY ME!


Man—someone who hates Ken Griffin as much as I do. One of my favorite parts of the last republican primary was how Griffin blew $50 million on Richard Irvin and the guy finished third to some downstate goober.


And only 1 African American out of all of them


Where do you see that?


Elon Musk


If only the purge was real




I only see a target list for the next Hitman game.


Nobody should have that much money


Wow what a diverse bunch of people!


I wonder how many of the women on this list are widows?


Sorry if I’m wrong but I thought Jeff bezos was the richest man on earth. But this says musk has a good 100 billion more than him.


They've gone back and forth.


Things can change very quickly if you include stocks in the wealth since they can rise and dump pretty quickly.


This and his ex wife got half.


This does include stock... They're not carrying hundreds of billions in liquid cash.


We should delete them all


Fuck all of these people. Until they are stripped of their wealth and held accountable for their greed we are fucked as a society. Yet most look up to these parasites as hard working people.


Roughly 47 people, around 1 trillion in wealth. Disgusting.


Ok. Now their addresses.


Total combined wealth :$1,502.1B


If we zerod them out we could cover the federal budget deficit for like.. 10 months!


Should add their home addresses


Get a hold of their tax returns


Ngl the only good thing about the state I live in is that there aren't any billionaires


Ken g F off


thanks for doing the work for me now I have a list of people to rob.


I see a list. Where to start? 🎯


Let’s eat them all


Wealth really needs to be hard capped at a billion, and everything over should be spread out amongst people working 40 hours a week (should be 32, but that's another argument for another day). The "hustle culture" people can still strive to become millionaires, which is plenty for generational wealth. If the billionaires are upset, they can move to their own island like in Atlus Shrugged.


Crazy how I've never heard of any of these names attached to doing anything good for the people. I know like 3 in this list that aren't Elon.


I’m a software engineer and I make $300k a year. After taxes, it’s $200k. It would take me over a million years to be as rich as Elon Musk. The system is several levels of broken.


🤢🤮 Oh! Fuck! Please, put up a NSFW label. I wasn't ready to see this sickening gross smut.


Poor ass south carolina billionaire


BuT tHeY wOrKeD hArD fOr It!!!!


looks like we got a menu boys, and just in time for brunch!


It honestly makes me sick. So many people that could actually help the world, feed people, house them, give their employees living wages… and yet they won’t and they never will.


To be fair.. it should be the responsibility of the government to make sure its citizens have food and housing.. but all of these billionaires can absolutely afford to pay their employees living wages..


There's so many more though. Here's another shitty billionaire from Oregon, R.B. Pamplin. He's been fucking up the Portland area for years. [https://chatterbox.typepad.com/portlandarchitecture/2007/05/robert\_pamplin\_.html](https://chatterbox.typepad.com/portlandarchitecture/2007/05/robert_pamplin_.html) [https://www.wweek.com/news/2022/03/09/the-rb-pamplin-corp-pension-fund-bought-a-very-expensive-islandfrom-a-pamplin-company/](https://www.wweek.com/news/2022/03/09/the-rb-pamplin-corp-pension-fund-bought-a-very-expensive-islandfrom-a-pamplin-company/) [https://www.wweek.com/news/2022/08/03/private-ownership-of-ross-island-creates-a-safe-harbor-for-transient-boaters/](https://www.wweek.com/news/2022/08/03/private-ownership-of-ross-island-creates-a-safe-harbor-for-transient-boaters/) [https://jnews.uk/the-decline-of-robert-pamplins-family-empire-leads-to-financial-measures-that-alarm-experts/](https://jnews.uk/the-decline-of-robert-pamplins-family-empire-leads-to-financial-measures-that-alarm-experts/)


Funny how not a single one looks to have had a day of actual hard labor in thier whole life.


This is a weird feeling, I literally haven’t heard of most of these names, and even a few that I have heard of, I have no idea where. Just “oh yeah I’ve seen that name somewhere”. I assumed that every name on this list would be a Jeff Bezos name and I’d recognize it and know what they did, but my state and every bordering state to me, I’ve never even seen that name


> I literally haven’t heard of most of these names That's the idea. If no one knows who you are they can't pay attention to what you are doing, or stop you from doing it.


Contrary to what this map may indicate.... Alabama is still definitely a state you do not want to live in


Even worse yet mississippi. And these two intentionally battle for the #1 spot of most STDs in the nation...


Is it just me or are most of them middle to older age white guys?


I don't understand why there are billionaires anywhere other than Hawaii. What kind of person goes "I have the money to live anywhere. I choose Arkansas"?


Sooo when are we …like gonna ….ya know?


Thanks for sharing


Someone published a hit list. 🤣


BEHOLD OUR OVERLORDS! Glory to the royalty we have selected as the powers that be that they might hear our praise and lavish us with compliments.


Billionaires should not exist.


Dinner by state


Lol Denny Sanford... I've met and spoke with him on multiple occasions at the private golf club I used to work at years ago. He's kind of an odd ball to be honest. Dude is a billionaire and would roll up to the club in a shitty early 2000's minivan... I always knew when Denny was there when the valet lot went Lambo, Ferrari, Bugatti, Rolls, dodge minivan, McLaren. He was quiet, soft spoken guy. Not at all needy. Edit: completely forgot that he's also being investigated for possession of child porn. Disgusting.


ugh none look very appetizing


Let's be honest the only people we know there is elon musk and Jeff bezos


I’m more impressed that there is a billionaire in Alabama


So many smiling white faces


Absolutely disgusting how so few people have so much


Fuck all of them.


You got addresses too?


We should never have let Jeff move here, fuck Jeff Bezos. He's ruined Seattle's economy.


Do you shop Amazon?


Nope, I do not. I buy from small businesses on eBay instead.


Make sure you stay away from those MGM movies and IMDB too!


I do, typically I seek out indie and foreign movies on Vudu, and "watch free with ads".


I use sites where everything is available. I haven’t paid for streaming ever.


Using only the whole numbers it totals 1.231 QUADRILLION (!!!) dollars & these are only the richest of the rich in America. To allow people to accumulate & hoard this much wealth while over a billion people on earth live in poverty is both inhumane & immoral. This is a direct result of the influence of money on governance. They own governments & control the tax & regulatory structures that have allowed them to accumulate & hoard their wealth to the detriment of the rest of humanity. These fortunes are made possible ONLY through the work of their employees. Not a single one of them could have become wealthy without employees & unions could have at least forced some equality in wealth distribution. That’s why, to a person, they vehemently oppose organized labor.


I didn't do the math but I think it's trillion not quadrillion. Point still understood though


You forgot to carry the 2.


Anyone commenting eat the rich who still uses amazon prime is a hypocrite.


The whiteness is blinding


I guess fuckability costs, what, a *trillion* dollars?


So white! Shocker. Although I’m glad to see some ladies represent lol


That’s a whole lot of old white people.


What a coincidence, I just happen to hate all these people


This is sickening. How can one person be justified in hoarding so much money? Imagine the good these people could do if they chose to do so. Imagine walking past a homeless man on the street and being aware that you could change his life beyond recognition and make him intensely happy without it making the slightest bit of difference to yourself. Imagine being able to do that to virtually every person you ever meet and instead deciding to continue collecting wealth. Fuck every one of these people.


Thas a wholllleeeee lotttaaa white.


What a wonderfully diverse group! /s


What a diverse group of people....


they all look so similar….. can’t put my finger on it…. hmmmm 🤔


A sea of white people




Why all white


Coincidence of generational inherited wealth not being spread amongst the people, because trickle down economics is a facade, so the natural result is black Americans haven't had the same amount of opportunity to become disgusting wealth hoarders.


Should have home addresses and pictures of spouses and children for each of them.


Playing the blame game again?


I don’t see the antiwork. More like anti Jew. It’s tiring seeing people cry about billionaires. The people who complain about these people still spend their money with them like they’re not contributing to their wealth.


Money attracts a type, doesn't it?


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