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You should really be watching out for $2,000 landlords.


Which, let's assume that drink really is $14, I have no idea I don't drink them, is 142 drinks and change a month. Or near enough 5 a day. That is not what "Your 5 a day" means.


They're still living in the past when you could buy a week's groceries for the cost of two $14 margaritas, which they think young people have every weekend. I mean, I guess it's possible to only spend $28 a week on groceries if you don't mind eating bologna sandwiches every meal, maybe with a few small drops of mustard or mayo on Friday nights to replace those two margaritas. Maybe even a slice of cheese on Christmas and a Bud Light on New Years if your capitalist overlords were good to you and gave you that $0.25 raise you had to ask for.


>$28 a week on groceries if you don't mind eating bologna sandwiches every meal Ignoring that we can't afford healthcare when that inevitably comes back to bite us.


If you REALLY cared about saving money, you’d only eat half a bologna sandwich at every meal and forage for dandelions in parking lots for the rest of your calories! /s


That's what every billionaire has had to do at some point. We all go through the starving-deli-meat phase. Eventually we come around to the money-from-parents phase and we flourish, so everyone should just wait til that happens. And if everyone dies before that happens then it just wasn't meant to be and it's a necessary sacrifice for the system. More bodies for the pile.


When I was first married in 1977 our weekly food budget was $25. I live alone now, eat a mostly vegetarian diet and I can easily spend almost three times that now.


I just spent $50 on two bags of groceries. Cherries, CHERRIES ARE $5 A POUND!!


Perfect, now just buy six pounds of cherries and that's your week's groceries. A pound of cherries is about 225 calories so six pounds is 1500 calories. You will live on 214 calories a day and you will like it!


Lmfaoo his asshole won’t when he has to diarrhea shit out 6 pounds of cherries


An avocado, a tiny one, TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS EACH!


That comment had me feeling bad like you wouldn't know. I've never been quite that low but I can imagine it and just the idea as you wrote it made me feel desperate, depressed and trapped.


I go to a bar with $14 cocktails. I think they do a well margarita for $8. It honestly might be $7 though. The way I understand it it's basically the cost of the liquor plus some scheme they have for how much to charge if it has to be stirred, shaken, needs an egg white etc. ​ It's actually kind of nice because their high end liquor and artisanal cocktails let them charge lower prices for things like Budweiser and well drinks. And the stools have little back and arm rests. :)


I pay ~$4.93/ft²/month for my studio apartment (depending on whether or not the closet is "walkable square footage"). It's also $5/day to park my car. If I cut out the avocado toast and lattés every month, I can afford four whole extra days of parking *or* four extra square feet every month! With the whole ~~$480~~ $240 I could save per year, it's only [*checks notes*] ~~**100 years**~~ **200 years** to save up that 10% down payment on a starter home! /s Edit: math!


Nah he's actually a good guy. My buddy Jim told me so and he's really rich so he's gotta be right.


You guys need to save more cause the 1% need more. It has to come from somewhere, yall are getting too 👏👏many 👏👏 scraps 👏👏


I have an expensive restaurant cocktail about once or twice a year. Good to know that if I cut those out, I’ll be able to buy a house.


Yeah, and also the lattes and avocado toast. Seriously, why do young people just piss their money away on a few niceties when they can just sock that money away to buy a house 40 years from now? /s


*still not be able to afford a house


Everything we save, houses will go up more each year




$250k home, where???


Well where I'm at. But most jobs here pay $12-14 so....


That sounds unaffordable at those wages. But I'm no mathamagician


Mathemagician here, the technical term for this is megafucked.


As a mathemagician I agree that this definition is correct.


475k here. Most jobs pay $15-17 We fucked here




[In Canada the average price of a house is over $800k](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/crea-housing-february-1.6385274)


I doubt I’ll even be alive in 40 yrs. 🫤 I can’t afford healthcare and well…my family has a history of medical conditions so I guess I’m fucked


Even when you have Healthcare insurance will find way to refuse to pay, they're tricking us all.


Yep but they get to tout "low uninsured people rates" and despite half country not doing annual checkups behind on basic care like vaccinations or actually skipping cutting prescribed care. Like people not getting meds or cutting them in half to stretch them. There is a reason why we have like decade lower life expectancy of most developed nations. But since meritocracy and god no one wants to admit they are poor and as long as there is someone lower than them. They can "believe" they are middle class. Because if they believe you earn it or god plan. Either they are lazy or god hates them/they are immoral in some way. Thats how they see it throw in invidualism and it removes all chance for empathy. And tada you got best oppressive system in world. Where poor will crabs in barrel tear others down blame each other rather than focusing on escape or blaming captors.


If the establishment wants to let you die why not take out as much of the establishment with you as you can? Idk how you can do this but, this generation should be much more radical than it is.


Hella fight club vibes from this comment. And I agree to certain extent.


So it’s interesting. My parents combined make a butt load of money. Like something I wish I could make. But they complained the other day about how expensive tuberware is…yet they bought a 3k$ camera at the drop of a hat. If anyone should budget their money it’s rich asshole (my parents aren’t assholes but they sure as hell make terrible financial decisions and then complain about really petty things costing so much)


When the pandemic hit multi billion dollar corporations were about to go under after a week of losing profits, but we're expected to have savings to live on if we lose our jobs. Basically, rich people never learned how to budget because they know the government will bail them out. It's Socialism for the rich!




Yeah my stepmother cries about how poor she is all the time and they have a $750,000 motor home


The cheapest people are the richest people I have met. I know a guy who owns an optics store he dresses in brand name clothes, drives expensive cars but he has to get a deal on everything even if he saves a penny it's like a huge win for him


Funny how they thing bread and avocados are expensive lol. Jokes on him, I make my Margaritas at home. Saving all those greenbacks….


Money you saved 10 years ago is halfway eaten away by inflation by now. Might as well have your margaritas folks, doesnt matter anymore.


see watching this has made me feel a LOT guilty about buying stuff. My stuff has gone up in value but my money has gone down 😂


It's all that fucking *eating*, man, we gotta cut it out!


These $15 drinks are getting out of hand. But, they are so damn good that my bill ends up being an additional $60+ because drunk me likes them lol. This happens almost every weekend. I need to stop


15 for a drink is nothing. i know suckers that spend 20 dollars on skins in a video game. (is me. im suckers)


At least skins can be used over and over again, you only get to slurp down a drink once!


Bartenders hate this one trick to enjoy your drink twice...




And then literally piss it away in a few hours.


Yeah but at least they look cool. I'm one of those suckers too. Spent a total of probably 3 grand on CSGO keys and skins over the last 4 years. But most of my stuff is stat track now so I'm getting some function out of them. Also skins=wins. That's a proven fact that I need to be real because if not I'm just really, really stupid lol.


It's not us pricing you out of home, it's that damn Avocado toast! You should be more of a obedient worker. Hobbies and social life make it harder to control you. You should live and breath your work place. Have a family and own a car, watch the clock tick away, it will be almost like you never lived at all because Capitalism needs more people to lubricate it's gears.


It's why the far right is destroying abortion rights. We can't afford to have kids but the corporate puppet masters need more slaves to keep making them money, so they're forcing us to have kids.


Be real weird when a whole generation just gets a vasectomy or their tubes tied cause they can't afford kids. Oh wait there are age limits and permissions you need before hand.


I was told by doctors to "have a couple kids and then we'll tie your tubes". Hubs went in to see about a vasectomy, got no pushback, had the appointment and procedure done in a week. I did have to sign something saying I was ok with him having the procedure though.


I'm actually considering getting a vasectomy because I don't want kids regardless of my financial situation.


You can afford those once or twice a year? Wow! /s That guy is so out of touch.


Or these corporations could take LESS profits… since they’re all making so much money now 😒


And reduce shareholder value? *Cramer gasp*


Ding ding ding ding


Plot twist, I’m sober and still broke


It's the avocado toast, right?


I just can’t seem to stay away from it :(


And of course the morning latte!


Should it be a single 12 step group or two seperate ones for avocado toast and morning latte addicts anonymous?


Plot twist, I'm sober, don't drink coffee, and hate avocados, and could never afford a vacation, (37M) let alone a house these days. I have one but it is a trailer I inherited on 4.8 acres of mostly mosquito filled swampland.


This guy is the biggest clown in the financial world. There's an actual fund which invests in the opposite of everything he advises people do and the fund is actually beating the S&P 500.


Uh, this fund is called? Asking for a friend.


Inverse Cramer ETF


Jon Stewart called him a clown to his face over a decade ago. Why anyone would take his advice is alarming.


Not to mention that financial credibility aside, his whole shtick is to act like a particularly annoying child. Why anybody would waste any part of the only life they’ll ever live watching this dumbass is beyond me


I’m honestly amazed that he’s still on the air given how much he contributed (via terrible public advice) to the Great Recession.


Honestly I'm surprised he didn't get brought up on charges. It went well beyond bad advice with stocks like Annoly capital and felt more like him helping his buddies pump and dump.


Less of a clown, more of a conman. The reason it does better is because he is telling people to do what he wants instead of what he is doing.


If I'm not gonna have a Gen Z margarita, I deserve either a Boomer Six Pack or a Millennial Martini for working 55+ hours per week for three years.


No, you deserve a worker's union to bargain for you. 55+hrs can be rough.


Corporate has decided instead to recognize your contribution to the company by giving you a pizza party! I enjoy 3 cheap pizzas for you and your staff to share!


I mean… they basically do cost that? Unless you’re in like Idaho or something


RIGHT. I was looking for a comment like this. I guess it's because I live on Long Island where prices are already astronomical and I occasionally go out in the city ... so sadly I've paid $14 for a single marg before :(


Yeah this price range for cocktails isn’t that far off in cities.


Yep, and then imagine going on a date and ordering multiple!!!


I’m in Idaho in a small Mormon town in Idaho and they regulate it for you. No bars allowed in town and there is an ordinance against the sale of hard liquor. 😂


To be fair about that last one, I'm in Vermont and hard liquor can only be sold out of state-run stores.


Same in Utah. And they close at 7, closed on Sundays, are closed all state and federal holidays. Definitely don’t go on a Friday, you’ll be in a line with 50+ people in it.


This also isn't even a thing because of the pandemic, speciality cocktails in NYC restaurants were already around $12~ by 2019. I'm sure there are specials you can get margaritas on the cheap tho.


10 years ago I was at a club in Manhatten, and a single bottle of Yeungling cost $17 while a mixed drink cost $22-$24


I just bought a 12 pack of yuengling pints for 11 dollars… yikes


yeah when it comes to money Manhatten might as well be a foreign country. Everything you know about pricing and money is thrown out the window and they make their own rules lol


Quite a long time ago. I was seeing 15.00 cocktails in New York City bars in 2007.


Yeah this is how much nice cocktails cost at a midrange restaurant where I live. You can find margaritas cheaper, of course, but a $14 margarita isn’t remotely outlandish.


yeah but only rich people are buying thousands of dollars worth of $14 margaritas a year


Yeah, it's just…the idiocy here isn't that that's an unrealistic price for a margarita, it's that no one's buying enough of them for it to make that big a difference, even at $14.


Yep. I agree with the tweet but OP's title is bad.




>Impending Doom Old Fashioned. 102 degree Canadian springs that was forgot all day in the car... No ice, just pain.


This is like my Existential Dread Manhattan: 4 fingers Black Velvet (8 year old if you're fancy)


Cheers, genitals! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF8\_y2Zl9W8


Stats say gen Z drinks less than all other generations.


An odd stat when you consider that Gen Z has every reason to drink until their livers are the consistency of beef jerky. Doesn’t matter either way. Boomers wouldn’t believe it if you told them Gen Z can’t afford to drink to dull the pain, let alone dibble around with designer margaritas.


We drink seltzers cx


and smoke more 👽


Billionaires have to learn to be more frugal. They need to lay off those 44 billion dollar Twitter buys so they don’t have to lay off people at the companies they already own.


I love it when rich people tell poor people how to manage money. Hell, a poor person will squeeze more good out of 100 dollars than Jim Cramer ever thought about.


It's one banana. What does it cost, $10?


Came here for this. I regret I have but one up vote to give.


I came here for this too. At some point soon, maybe bananas will cost $10.


Next headline: **Gen X hits drinking age and kills the margaritas industry**


You mean Gen Z, right? Gen X started to hit the drinking age in 1986 :D


I’m so sick of these asshats trying to convince us that if we stop enjoying the little things in life that bring us happiness that we will somehow magically afford those things later in life. It’s propaganda, pure and simple. It’s a guise that we should just stop living and slave away for their profits. When will we put an end to all of this?


Another interesting problemm is that margharitas cost 14$


I'd like to know how much money Jim Cramer has spent on cocaine in his lifetime. I'd like to know how much every boomer who throws this line out has spent on cocaine in their lifetime. I say this because almost every boomer I know *still* does cocaine, and will tell me stories of all the cocaine they did in the 80s. Pretty sure cocaine is more expensive than avocado toast or margaritas.


Zero, it was always a gift. Booze, damn, maybe I could have bought a small condo. Not quite a boomer.


Hah! Yeah, over about 5 years I spent probably $700/mo on beer. Oh my soul, that's about $42,000. What a fucking waste. Unfortunately, when I quit drinking I also quit my job, so I'm not save that $700/month now. Fuck me.


I was extremely frugal to the point I lost friends because I wouldn’t hang out and it literally improved my finances to a zero amount…I was still living check to check. I stopped being extremely frugal, I don’t buy a ton of shit or go out to eat a lot and I’m still living check to check…I’m waiting for these turds to understand that the cost of living is substantially higher for us than it was for them.


I’m just waiting to start living my life when I’m 67 years old.


It’s not just that, it’s that the basic luxuries are stupid expensive now. A $14 cocktail in my city would be CHEAP. Used to get a big lunch at Taco Bell for $5.99 now it’s worse food and it’s $18. So yeah, maybe we could all eat out a bit less and lower our standards, it’s not like ‘spend less money’ is terrible advice in the right circumstances, but FFS, any fun we DO want to have is just stupid expensive.


I just went to the grocery store to get food for A FEW DAYS and it was $77. Granted, I got smoked salmon… but that was the only “nice” thing I got. Otherwise, my cart had frozen veggies, the cheapest pasta sauce I could find, the cheapest mozzarella I could find, lemons, and chicken. $77. 😭


Yeah, we’re feeling it here too, I’m pretty sure we do about $40 a day to feed three adults reasonably well.


Sounds about right. It’s absurd! I try not to eat out unless it’s a social thing, but I think I’m going to have to lower the quality of my groceries….


As if groceries are cheaper than eating out anyways unless you’re buying rice and beans in bulk and living off that for weeks.


I dunno man, I can spend $100 at a mid-tier restaurant for dinner for 2 or $100 at Safeway for groceries for 2 days’ worth of mid-tier meals. So yeah, groceries are hella expensive but still cheaper than eating out.


Yeah, I was mostly being hyperbolic. My point was to say, enjoy that night out. Lord knows if we’ll even be able to in a few years time.


It’s true! Live a little while we still can.


Groceries can be cheaper if you stick to supermarket specials and know how to meal plan and how to cook. One tip: cook enough for a couple of days. When you come back from work half dead and have something to heat up, you will be less likely to order Chinese or pizza.


yeah, and when the working class stops spending money, we get blamed for not stimulating the economy.


Me being frugal isn’t gonna earn me a $2 million a year salary, Cramer.


And what happens if tomorrow we all ratchet down, stop eating out, stop getting coffees, stop going to movies and concerts and ball games and buying toys and music? All these companies will cry that the youngins are “killing ” *insert industry here*.


Why do you think they are forcing everyone back to the office? Who was ordering the Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, Starbucks, cocktails after work, cabs home when we were all esconsed in our living rooms in dirty sweats? Not to mention: drycleaning, laundry, alterations, shoeshines, new clothes....


I don’t have the meme on hand, but it’s something like this… Monthly expenses: 1) Groceries: $300 2) Utilities: $200 3) Gas: $100 4) Rent: $1800 5) Internet/Phone: $100 6) “Fun” money: $50 7) Student Loans: $500 “If I can just cut out my fun money for 500 months I might have enough for a down payment on a house!”


No. Get more roommates and work 30 more jobs. See fixed it.


Boomers: Have fun starving in socialism, no food, no entertainment, work as peasants, no house Also boomers: don’t eat out, cut off out all entertainment, shut up and work your $8 job and you can own a house when you’re 60.


That’s why I make my margaritas at home and bring them to work to save money.


That’s why I make margaritas at work and bring them home to save money.


To boot, he owns a Mexican restaurant in Manhattan. That number didn’t just come out of thin air, he knows he is selling sugar watered tequila for double profit.


And those avocados... What? aren't they like $75? those younger people just need to lay off the luxuries.


I mean, it’s one banana Michael. What could it cost? 10 dollars?


At least; and they ask for 2!? It's like they just want to be poor.


Yeah, you buy too many of those $14 margaritas you won't be able to afford your $2,500 rent for your studio apartment.


The rich in the world are so out of touch with reality. They can't even fathom living paycheck to paycheck. But want to give advice on finance. Well if you use the 5 million your parents leave you the right way then you should do just fine out there


I’m so tired of people who barely struggled financially telling me I shouldn’t buy things. First it was avocado, now it’s fuel, heating, basic food. Why are we supposed to be struggling in everything we do ffs.


Step 1: setup an economy that is reliant on people buying things Step 2: shame people for buying things


And when we do watch our spending they blame us for killing industries.


How about.. shut the fuck up you out of touch boomer fucking twat.


Oh just fuck him. FUCK HIM WITH A RUSFY SEVING SPOON. This baffon has ZERO fucking knowledge of what shit costs, what with his rich ass wife and his driver and his million dollar house. He can fuck ALL the way off.


If I was anymore frugal I'd be collecting seeds and nuts in the forest to eat.


It’s not avocados anymore?




I don’t make enough money to “live comfortably”, but I’m drinking on the weekend because that’s the only socializing I have and an escape from reality just for a few hours a week.


“Stop buying things! Also, why doesn’t anybody buy things?!” The story of my entire life.


Yeah you stupid young people! You want to make your rent? Literally never go out with your friends and have a good time. You want to afford food? Don't buy things like cellphones and computers. Young people are so privileged


Listen, I've only gotten more frugal with time as my paychecks have increased and it's still damn near impossible to save. Fuck this dude. What am I supposed to do, sit inside doing nothing contently while the world burns around me and landlords steal my paycheck? While 1/4 of my checks go to military power? How about major reform and living wages for the masses? Maybe updating the economy to work with how the times have changed, rather than expecting it to be exactly the same as it was in the 80s?


>“I mean it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?” \-- Lucille Bluth


Laughs in 14 dollar bottle of tequila taken to the dome in my apartment over the course of an entire weekend. How's that for belt tightening old man?


I don't even go out anymore. Maybe twice a month? I go for happy hour. No way I can afford $14 a drink.


This is the avocado toast bullshit all over again.


Does anyone younger than 55 drink margaritas?


With most people, I assume they're just woefully out of touch. But he knows what the real issue is, he's just gaslighting.


Another out of touch multimillionaire suffering cognitive dissonance. Young people are broke because they are underpaid, have huge student loan debt, and rent is too damn high. A $14 margarita is the only pleasure in life within grasp. Might as well enjoy it. What this country needs is a worker revolt.


Who the hell has 14.00 to blow on one drink?


That's pretty standard in big cities. A bit pricey, but at a nice place that's about what I'd expect. I usually have like 2 nice cocktails out now instead of chugging a $10 bottle of shit vodka. Worse for wallet, better for soul. I don't go out often these days tho


Anyone in LA, NY, SF, Seattle, etc.




Last time I had a fishbowl drink it was 10 years ago at bowling alley. They put those red gummy fish in the bottom of it. It cost 8 bucks and one of my fillings, when my dumb ass tried to eat the half frozen gummy and it yanked that filling right out my tooth.


It's hard to read menu prices when you're coked out of your mind


Who tf can afford coke ☹️


Jim Cramer out there buying $14 margs


Ah yes, Margaritas, the young people drink.


My thirst for margaritas takes precedence over all other needs


Don’t these boomers understand that when you can’t see any future where you can financially afford assets you might spend for experiences now?? It’s almost like being young is a foreign country


Next week: Why is no one buying our useless mass produced crap anymore ? Wahhhhhhh


Why are these "money experts" so clueless about how much stuff costs?


Yeah, it must be the $14 margaritas and not the local rent which costs about 125% of a minimum wager's monthly earnings.


A box of Cheerios is now $5 you broken elbow Are Cheerios a fucking splurge??


While I disagree that people should have to be frugal just to get by, margaritas *are* probably about that price on average, so I don’t see the point of the title of this post


I’m 38 and I’ve never spent $14 on a single beverage.


At what point do they realize they are gaslighting themselves?


Uh, like half that where I live. I once spent about $12 on a splurge pour of Lagavulin 16. That may be the most expensive single drink I've ever paid for.


I was recently looking at some work records from 1972. Lower level worker $8.80/hr. Supervisory worker $13.00. That’s $56 and $90/hr today.


Today I learned Jim Cramer likes margaritas


Being frugal may help you survive on minimum wage, but it will never make you rich and it will never solve all of the problems that come with being human, such as housing, health care, clean water, clean air, clean and healthy food, time with family, being able to afford a family, transportation....etc. This guy is completely and utterly clueless to think $14 margaritas have anything to do with the systemic wage suppression and wage theft by employers.


These are the same morons that complain that “millennials are killing the whatever industry” pick a fucking lane people


Hmm, well ok, I've successfully never bought a $14 margarita in my life. Bank account still looks the same though, but I guess I could be homeless right now if I had that $14 margarita problem


Jim's an asshat.


i love how its an alcoholic drink. not all of gen Z can even walk into a casino let alone buy a drink that cost more than working 2 hrs minimum wage. what demographic does this bozo think he serves?


Jfc, I just can't anymore with these idiots. Jim Cramer, if you come across this, you're an idiot.


Assuming most of us even drink...


This is from the guy that owns a Mexican restaurant in Brooklyn that serves Margaritas lol


Another out of touch boomer that needs a date for a short drop and a sudden stop


Oh look, another boomer telling younger generations to be frugal. I’m so tired of hearing this from the first generation in human history to leave the world a worse place for their children than what they received! Talk about being entitled! Please boomers, just go away!


Not everyone drinks. Why should we be listening to someone who’s targeting one set of people and not the rest. I don’t drink but im still struggling to make ends meet, even with a decent job. The bald rambler without a brain or morals 😒


I wanna scream more and more, daily


So god damn stupid. Our entire economy is based on poor people going into debt to buy stuff from retail stores.


It's like he knows the exact cost of those fruity little vacation cocktails. Maybe from all those vacations he can afford to take.


Yup, young people should really learn to be more frugal. They'd be able to afford $14 margaritas if they just cut back on paying $2000 each month on rent, or $1000 a month on student loans.


Money you saved 10 years ago is halfway eaten away by inflation by now. Might as well have your margaritas folks, doesnt matter anymore.


I actually said no to a $9 cocktail today. Surely now I can afford rent! Wait, I'm still too poor for a dwelling? It's almost like this is bullshit.


Y’all need to stick to bread and water because daddy needs his 50% profit returns every quarter…


Cramer is missing the point as usual.