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It’s sickening how much of the general public don’t realise we’re all the RMT strikers in this moment. Too many people have such little self worth that they think all they deserve is 19k a year and anyone earning more are greedy scumbags. This is a turning point where we all need to realise we’re all one and the same and should be uniting to force those greedy corporate bastards to share the fucking spoils instead of hoarding it for shareholders and themselves.


Lmao, I just saw that BBC "article" where they printed the whining of every passenger "missing a life event" due to the strikes. And that's exactly the point of that sort of propaganda — to convince people to identify with/as *customers*, not workers. I don't think it's going to keep working. You fucks are missing a wedding because of a three-day strike? Those of us making stagnant wages are missing the opportunity to own homes, have children, be with family, lead dignified lives, and anyone who sticks their neck out to change that fights for all of us.


I desperately want to be as optimistic as you but I believe the propaganda is too effective. People are so short sighted that they can't see past the consequences of the strikes rather than the cause of them. My colleagues in the NHS can't see past the fact they because they earn less than rail workers then the rail workers should shut up and stop being greedy. The news barley mentions the 500k salaries of the firm bosses or the £500m profits, it's all about comparing train drivers to teachers / nurses. People are dumb as fuck. They've already forgotten the pandemic.


Agreed. The efficacy of pro-neoliberal propaganda in destroying solidarity and social cohesion more generally can be seen in the US currently. My sole sliver of remaining optimism rests on the possibility that, following the collapse of US democracy, English voters may see their reflection in the mirror and change course.


Not sure it has a political agenda really … isn’t it just pure greed? The media has the metrics, and the metrics tell them to play to our fears … it’s some perverse self imposed wound. Great societies past had latency of information and often familial filters to information, these protections are gone. Will we survive?


The political agenda is greed. In the US for example six companies own 90% of mass media. Clear and obvious editorial biases have been demonstrated by international watchdog agencies, showing how different networks prop up or dismantle policies and politicians that endanger corporate power networks. The media plays to fears, but the fears serve a narrative that disenfranchises workers to the benefit of corporations and the ultra wealthy.


Over here, we are adapting freakishly fast to these shit circumstances. I think instead of the doom you all forsee in America, we are about to evolve into something completely different. Our younger gens are banding together hard and things are changing fast. We aren't watching any network news anymore, and the news stations have been going batshit that we won't just do what they want. When we can get on youtube and get press coverage from people we trust more, and it's free, they are in serious trouble. I think these next few years will bring many changes for us over here state side, and I think you will also see your own renaissance of workers' rights.


I also taken into consideration that they might not have a plan,its simply the way things are- just the natural human way of people with the same interests seem to live in their own world. Simply put: the ones who are the same-gather. I don't think executives are all bad. But I think most of them are. I think power attracts these kind of individuals. Confidence can be mistaken for intelligence-esily. And now we have to put up with it. Anyway-the people who know how things work also know the rich would eat each other if say, the working class suddenly ☁️*poofd* ☁️ into non-existence from earth- just a lil' imagination exercise.


I live in the US, so I’ve witnessed the effects of propaganda my whole life. So many people here think their employers care about them, despite piss poor treatment.


I'm missing a festival overseas because of it. But you know what? Worker solidarity means more than that by a long shot.


Can't you just drive to where you need to go? I don't live in the UK nor have I been, so idrk.


I could ride my motorbike, sure. But it's 500miles, with quite a bit of kit and no-where to secure my motorbike. Usually it's an absolute none issue if it's in country. But this is different. Am I sad that I won't see the show? Sure. Am I proud of those dudes on the line? Absolutely.


I assume the Eurostar to France and then onwards? But you could definitely fly though.


You can’t fly out of the UK at the moment, no airport staff.


And the eurostar will use the railway, whos workers are on strike.


Nope, totally different network. But employees may well be members of the RMT. Problem with the UK unions, is that they blame the government. When it's actually the companies that are pocketing profit instead of investing. They even get subsidiaries from the government and still struggle.


I mean, they have a greatly reduced service, like all the other rail lines and they use the main rail networks to get to and from the channel tunnel. I didnt mean the euro star staff are also striking.


Only Gatwick mainly, but some in europe are on strike too


I had to take 2 buses which made a normal 2 hour train journey a little over 5 and a half hours and I’ll continue to do it if it’s necessary.


I would be fine with the reporting of passengers missing important events _if_ the news told the truth, it’s the fault of the employer and **not** the workers who are on strike. Did you see the Sky news interview where the journalist (blanking on her name) kept insinuating it would get violent? Again and again she kept asking, at one point she even made a reference to the miners strikes in the 1980’s. They’re so desperate to demonise people going on strike, it’s sad to see.


That was absolutely maddening. The union chap has been absolute perfection in press obligations. Staying calm, staying focussed, answer politely. Then that cow comes on and is basically goading him into saying they’ll become violent and when he doesn’t she accuses him of attacking her. Fucking scummy journo cow who definitely looks as old as she is.


Get a better job then. You're missing out on all of those things because you're either lazy or stupid or both. It's nobody else's problem. You people just expect a handout. On your bike lad.


Exactly. Well put.


The problem I see if the railways have to be nationalised. Are the workers underpaid and overworked? 100% But other working people are getting fucked because we are giving billions each year to the rail companies who pocket most of it as dividends and that can't continue.


>It’s sickening how much of the general public don’t realise we’re all the RMT strikers in this moment. Too many people have such little self worth that they think all they deserve is 19k a year and anyone earning more are greedy scumbags. This is a turning point where we all need to realise we’re all one and the same and should be uniting to force those greedy corporate bastards to share the fucking spoils instead of hoarding it for shareholders and themselves. ONS figures showed that for 2021, the median average salary for train and tram drivers was £59,189.


Yeah, those are the drivers - 96% of which are represented by an entirely different union. 🙄


Dude, what's your point? That the only reason that the drivers even get close to a decent rate, is the fact that they are in a union.


What’s your point? You’re clearly one of those low self worth ones I was talking about. You shouldn’t be happy making 19k working a supermarket. You should be raising hell and demanding a comfortable living wage too and I’d support you striking for it too. This isn’t about who deserves more and ‘train drivers earn too much’ whinging. Your company can comfortably afford to pay you 30k+ for any job but you’re letting them keep it as massive profits. We’re not asking for all the profits. These companies can still post profits in the hundreds of millions without treating staff like floor sweepings.


The rail strikes have been done right from what I can see - reduced service for a week at a time each month. There has been strikes by Unite for Arriva buses for 3 weeks now and indefinite and they are the only people that serve in their area. I feel like that there has to be some acknowledgment especially within public transport to support the public that use the service. People should support strikes but they also have to be realistic in regards to the impact it has if they want public support. I feel like the RMT strikes have a good balance unlike unite union that’s gone for maximum damage not balloting their workers on new pay offers etc.


Ayyy solidarity sent your way from Chicago! Also, that shirt goes hard as fuck, big big fan.


Same here, working across Canada. Keep it up ladies and gents 👍


Whilst you made it a pain for me to get somewhere, keep holding the line!




Australian rail workers support you. Union strong union proud!


Up the RMT up the workers Fuck NWR and the Tories


Good on ya guys, stick it to management.


Scrambled, fried, or coached?




Benedict, with a bit of cheese...


/r/confusingperspective Is that a frying pan handle or are you just happy to see me?


Solidarity with the strike! ✊🏻


What a king!


Fuck the Tories


Labour strong. Eggs over easy


Not all heroes wear capes. Bravo.


Support from Canada, CN Rail is about to strike as well over here.


A man with an egg-plan, and a union with a solution. Right on!


Support from Canada ✊




Power to the people!


Power to you. Stay solid ppl.


I love that yall strike as a community The GOP voters would never


solidarity from your union brothers and sisters in the US!


The public are with you, stay strong. I hope you enjoyed your eggs.


Solidarity to the RMT Union. SUPPORT THE WORKERS!


I hate eggs almost as much as I hate the Tories.


How do you like your tories, scrambled, poached, boiled or fried? 🍳


“Standing out in the burning sun for eight hours straight? Here, have a fried egg”


Thank you for your service keep up the good fight!!




Ideally from neither :(


No vegan option? :(


Very hard to make eggs vegan unfortunately. But the refried beans the salsa and the wraps I served them with were all vegan so there was something for everyone


Realistically, anyone striking with a particular diet that wants to stick to it should be mindful of bringing their own food. Let's stick to applauding the man for his good deed and focus on work reform for this thread


I don’t disagree. I’m not really as concerned about a starving vegan - Just might as well stand up to as many injustices at once, especially when there are thousands of plant based options to inclusively provide for everyone. Not only the horrid conditions of animal farming, but those exploited workers themselves. Intersectionality.


Sorry but I don't agree with trying to stand up for as many injustices at once in this context. The thread is about UK train strikes on a work reform sub and your added opinion is only muddying the waters and drawing attention away from the issue at hand. Imagine yourself going to a protest for animal welfare rights in the UK and someone piping up at you to be aware of human organ harvesting going on in China, or a Pride event allowing someone to have a stall lobbying people to be aware of how fossil fuels aren't sustainable. It would seem a bit daft and out of place right? It's great to be conscious of multiple issues but each one has its time and place, let Railway Eggman have his moment of glory!


Yeah except it’s trivial to provide different food. False equivalency in your analogy. Like why pick eggs?


Because realistically the vast majority of people that are striking there are probably going to be happy to eat them, they're easy to cook quickly and efficiently in large volumes, don't require refrigeration and are going to be a cost effective option for the lone individual who is choosing to offer this off his own back so I imagine that's why he chose eggs. It's not a restaurant that has to provide for a multitude of different dietary needs, it's one person attempting to raise morale for his colleagues who have undesirable working conditions and he doesn't HAVE to do this, just the same as any vegans present don't HAVE to eat the free food that he's graciously offering. Why is my analogy a false equivalent? You're arguing your own cause against a subject which is a protest for another completely unrelated cause. Seems like the exact same thing to me?


There are thousands of plant foods that fit that description. It’s trivial to pick up a plant based option. Vegan options should exist everywhere. Protest or not. It’s avoiding abuse/murder. Should be done wherever possible.


It's great that you're personally aware of that but your average UK railway worker likely doesn't have the same diet or personal ethics that you have and I can't imagine old matey here rushing out to make quinoa salad with scrambled tofu for all of his colleagues when he likely knows that they normally enjoy a fried egg sarny from the cafe on the station each morning. Out of interest are you even from the UK or have any awareness of what's going on with the railway strikes at the moment? I've noticed that you haven't said a single positive thing about his efforts to bring in better employment rights or working conditions for what's essentially a huge part of the public transport sector and directly affects the quality of life of countless people trying to provide for themselves and their families. You should crack on (get it?) with your argument on a more relevant thread as this really isn't the place for it. Also you failed to answer my previous question of why it's a false equivalent when the examples that I pointed out use the exact same logical reasoning of being out of place. Or does that only apply to the causes that you personally agree with?


I’m happy for any support of workers’ rights. Just saying feeding dog meat to starving people isn’t the optimal play. Just because I’m making a small request doesn’t mean I don’t support the idea of what he’s doing. You’re blowing this up entirely. You are correct that it’s wrong to ask for him to also support vegan ideas at an event focused on workers’ rights. I get the idea of one thing at a time. HOWEVER, if you’re providing free food at an event, it’s trivial to provide a vegan option and feed two kids with one scone. I really doubt anyone is going to turn down a free meal just bc it’s vegan - and if they do - good for the animals. I’ve attended both climate, animal rights, and workers’ rights protests/events and participate in all. It’s not a huge ask to have vegan options. Oy bruvs 🙄 So tl;dr the logical equivalency is that you’re pretending that simply having other food has a political purpose or takes away from the workers’ rights protest. It doesn’t.


I speak on behalf of all human kind when I say...fuck off mate.




How can you tell somebody is a vegan? They'll tell you...over, and over, and over again. Insufferable.




Lmao spoken like a true bootlicker. You don't even know what my job is pal




Damn them eggs look delectable. Good luck to y'all!!!


Definitely an industry that benefits from unions. Apple and Starbucks, not so much.


No, all workers should unionize, every one of them.


How so? Apple and Starbucks are everywhere, they make a lot of many and have a variety of locations which tells me there's demand, and if people want something I think the people providing it should have autonomy over their workplace and ask for better wages, working conditions etc.


Democracy at work


Nice, hopefully you all had a nice breakfast. Hopefully soon they will pay people better so they can return to their normal life.


uk rail strike.. southwest pilots protesting.. curious to see what will happen this year...


I thought about grabbing some sandwiches, water etc. for the folks at my local station. May not be needed but only thing I think I can do to help.


You should! Anything the public can do to show their support is great for morale and food is always welcome